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Author Topic: Cartographer? Do you work with Archaeologist? -zofro's journal on GeoSpat Sci  (Read 18103 times)

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2017, 12:13:47 pm »
It's just a coincidence...  ;)
Is it also a coincidence that you and katie gave me the same response ... hmmm... I smell a conspiracy  8)
Blink twice Jess, if you being held hostage by the other mods :P
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2017, 09:05:26 pm »
Monday 11/06/2017 (The “typical, average, boring university grind” day)
I came to university early today to get some work done, but feel extremely exhausted for some reason. As I tried to finish my physical geography practical and began finishing work on ArcGIS (I should get some screen captures of work I have done).
I attended my lecture for physical geography, where I just slept for 15 minutes straight sometime during it, arghh I have watch it again later. My lecturer mumbles a lot… which means poor audio quality… oh well. I then attended his office to get some feedback on my test I didn’t do well and ended up getting a few bonus marks. Hey, I’m a university student, I see freebies I’m taking them. That’s why you have a good relationship with your professors XD.

I then attended my physical modelling lecture and realised how behind in work I am in it. I guess I’ll have to work hard on it tomorrow and Wednesday.
I then joined me and my friend to finish the physical geography practical and I went to get my program manager to release the data regarding the actions taken by the SSCC representatives. They did but, then I need to request permission to see it…. Sigh one step at time.
Also, I have developed a weird habit of needing to play music to write these journal entries for whatever reason. Does anyone else have any weird habits/rituals they do before/during/after a task? Another example is taking everything out of my pocket and wrist, when doing a public speech. I can’t explain a logical reason besides I feel weird if I don’t do it. 
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2017, 08:58:41 pm »
Wednesday 13/09/2017 (“Sharing is caring”, right?)
I “love” 8:30am practicals for Physical Geography. I got my desert practical back and was disappointed by the minor mistakes I made on it. I can only learn and channel my rage into finishing the last practical I was handed today on climate change.

I then worked with other people in my program on Introduction to Physical Modelling Topic 6. We mainly just shit-talked each other on not doing Topic 6 and I learnt about their thoughts on the program so far.

I also attended my career’s department workshops on setting financial goals, career planning and networking. I didn’t learn to much from career planning workshop, but the networking and financial goals were useful to me.

I then attended my Physical Modelling practical on Topic 6 and ended up finishing all the coding, which surprised me since it was noted to be quite difficult by both the tutors and lecturer. But with the help of my classmates I pulled through, also my 10/10 streak has ended at Topic 5 (I got 9/10 :( ), oh well can’t win them all.

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2017, 06:19:19 pm »
Sunday 17/09/17 (University work doesn’t mix with home and getting a job blues)
So, I have been a little behind in my journal, sorry, university>journal in terms of my priority.
I really need to go to a library or something out of my house to do university work because it is extremely difficult to muster the effort to do it. I only just finished my report first draft and it is due this Friday and haven’t finished my map editing for Wednesday. If I don’t finish that, I’ll have to do even more work… :/ sigh…. I need a more deadline driven semester honestly.
I have also attempted to make my resume, but just don’t ever complete it nor be satisfied with it. This is due to the fact I get majorly upset over having no work experience and struggling to write something that isn’t generic. As of now, I’ll hand in what I’ve done and get some advice from university’s career service. But even then, I’m scared for the eventual roasting from them :(. Ahhhh, I love reaping the mistakes I made in high school. I mean what can you write about high school besides your ATAR?
. Did you do any clubs? No
. Did you get any awards? No
. Did you do any leadership positions like student council? No 
Don’t be high-school me, it is a hard life .
^This is the section about graduates worrying about jobs expect I’m a first-year with no work experience at all. Zilch, nothing, I also welcome any advice and opportunities people have for me.

I enjoyed the guest speaker I had for my Spatial Science Fundamentals lecture. She works for the Australia Post now, but worked on making maps for the Royal Commission for the inquest into Black Saturday, while she worked under CFA and I learnt some interesting things about the MFB. She is someone I would love to have a chat with. But first I need to get some experience in the industry and an excuse to contact her.

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2017, 08:17:44 pm »
Tuesday 19/09/17 (Plagiarism tribunals make people cry)
I’m so grateful my 1st year coordinator “loves” me or she would kick my ass for seeing so many times today.
I saw her like 5 times today and I don’t have class today. I think I’m on a stalker list on RMIT now….

I end up getting my first draft roasted by lecturer so that was fun, I only have till Thursday to finish it. Welp. There goes 20% for Spatial Information Science Fundamentals out the window.

We also discussed at length about plagiarism tribunals and how she is quite lenient compared to other university and what it means for your own work & how to protect yourself against someone doing it to you.

I didn’t manage to get much progress on fixing my report due to “distractions”, I can’t stand too many people in my study room and talking incessantly loud. I need to invest in some soundproof headphones (I’m taking suggestions for these).

So to make up for lack of progress, I ended up creating an excel master-list of companies that I would/could work for and links to their career page, undergraduate programs and graduates/final year program at their companies.
I hope this will save me looking for companies to work with in the future and serve as my hub for mass-sending applications for companies when I graduate especially.
I would highly recommend doing this as well for one on industry connections/network, as it is hard to remember who is who and useful for advice and of course “networking” for you to “improve” getting a job for their company or some other company 
This is what I do instead of looking for a job, network for one. I mean that 70% statistic is going to bear fruit eventually. Right?

Also, my left Ctrl button is starting to not work well like it isn’t as responsive as other buttons on my laptop’s keyboard. I hope it lasts till I get a job to buy a new one or have enough to replace the button itself.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 09:28:45 am by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2017, 05:44:42 pm »
Friday 29/09/17 (How do you pronounce insanipi? Also, Brownies)
 Wow… what a day. I’m beat.
What I will say about the ATARNotes Victoria Meetup was it was better then the NSW one :P.
I think insanipi has the group photo of most of us that came.

But the day started with me showing my “terrible” sports skills in kicking a footy with Joseph, Brenden and “Jack” :P.  After a while, I join Babushka 818, “jack”, insanipi, PhoenixxFire, Joesph and Shadow for a game of UNO. Babushka818 was less than amused with the Skips and Reverses played in that game.

Then the brownies came out and that was great like they were really, really, really good. Go and message Babushka about it, they will tell you how awesome they were. Anyway, we then all talked collectively amongst each other. Where two groups were made, the “mod” group comprising of Brenden, Joseph and K888 & the “other” group with me, shadow, insanipi, phoenix and “jack”. Many silent were had and were filled with brenden’s out of context dialogue like “sentient”, “morality” and many more wonderful one liners I have forgotten.

Fast-forwarding, eventually heid, Alter and Spectroscopy joined and went to the “mod” group, which slowly got larger and larger because mostly everyone that came was a mod…
I then played a Timberrr; I didn’t actually have Jenga. Which sucks, but it was still playable and during that time “Jack” brought out the “juicee fruit” which was apple flavoured:P.

A plethora of discussions happened and at some point miniturtle and appleandbee as well as Calebark. Eventually the larger “mod” group consumed the smaller second group into one large group. Where we heard about Brenden convincing calebark to take up jiu-jitsu, going to the gym and the “fuck school” I misheard, which was actually “fuck. That’s cool”.

We then left due to the rain bucketing down. But yeah, that is the moments from the ATARNotes meetup, I’m sure I lost a lot of details out such as what the mods were secretly doing on their ‘group’ chat and in general other stuff.
I only wish I talked to more people, but what can I say the “mods” are intimidating… :/
I also apologize if I got people mixed up or forgot to add people, I’m only human.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 06:23:50 pm by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2017, 08:33:41 pm »
Sunday 01/10/17 (“If you don’t have any inspiration left, you’re as good as dead”.)
That quote sums up the process behind my assignment for Applied Geospatial Techniques. I still don’t get how the proposal’s map for AGT is meant to be better than the sporting precinct one I did for Cartography 1. I think my lecturer and tutors are just crazy because I hate my map, it looks ugly, pathetic and downright terrible. I’m still unsure what layout I want, I need to type the text for the proposal and vegetation, fix my symbols and their size, do the typography on the map itself, do a scale bar on the locator map and picking colours that look appealing but doesn’t take away from making the proposed development the visual focus.

Arghhh, art isn’t my thing and unlike Carto 1, I don’t have a nice timeframe to get this all sorted. 

I got my Topic 11 work done for Physical Modelling and began writing my Physical Geography assignment, which is due this week. So that is something, I also went for a run to keep the pressure on Nick :P.

So yeah, I’m really wishing I had exams for all my courses instead of these major assignments. The pressure is on and I think I’m at the point of calm before the storm.

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2017, 08:47:43 pm »
Thursday 05/10/17 (Why is the sport club part of LINK and general club part of RUSU?) .
I’m grateful I went to the committee workshop on student leadership today not because of the workshop content. I didn’t learn anything new, but rather the discussion at the end of the session with different club committee members.

It was a very interesting discussion, in terms of the issues faced by the different clubs, support, workshops set for improving committee/executive members of clubs among the topics discussed. I hope next year and in future that clubs at RMIT get more support and training for roles like treasurer and secretary. Do I need to create excel budgets for a treasurer, how do I conduct minutes as a secretary for meetings and many more questions that I’m thinking of before the Annual General Meeting for my club in a week or two.  But I look forward to seeing the changes made by RMIT in supporting clubs as being a committee member of the club has shown me things that would help clubs greatly.

I hope to be the treasurer for the club next year, as I feel that being well-versed with financial stuff like invoices, applying for grants, scholarships, etc. I hope to build a steady reserve for the club next year and potentially have a massive budget surplus for the upcoming years. If all the senior members leave, I’ll go for the president role of my club. I’ll be one of the younger presidents, but I have a ton of great ideas for the club and have the most time to dedicate to learn about the position because we all know how clubs can live or die under presidents. 

Also Matlab takes a long time to download… I blame the NBN for this. 
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2017, 09:59:56 pm »
Saturday 07/10/17 (Everyone has lazy days)
Today has been a lazy day per usual if I try to do any study at home.
I really should've gone to university today as I can't go tomorrow due to some external factors. Argh... I wanted to finish my map as well, dang it.

To keep in line with this theme of the entry, I will now end it because I'm too lazy to write anymore XD.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 11:47:00 am by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2017, 09:18:10 pm »
Monday 09/07/2017 (Why do I bother studying for the test again?)
Sigh, looks like I’m going to have to take Credit or even a Pass for my Physical Geography class. So I buggered my first test because I thought it wouldn’t be too difficult [It was alright, but I didn’t study so that was fun.]

I then studied yesterday and a bit today. I didn't know everything, but I’m like I’m certain the things I'm shaky won’t come up like defining a Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate.
I’m feeling a little nervous, but think I can do well to rescue my grades to a Distinction at least, get the test. I read the cover page. I shit you not, Question 1: Define Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate and provide the numerical measure . Well that goes my dreams of recovering this course’s grade.
In the end, I did alright, but the test was asking me stuff I was weak at. You win some and you lose some.

To make matter worse, I also messed up my last quiz for Physical Modelling and got 8/10 instead of 10/10 because my friend forgot what answers he picked for the multiple choice. Even though they finished before me and I told them to screenshot it as they will forget it.  Of course, they don’t trust me and then bam they forget.
Happy thoughts in need.
Here is my breakdown for this week in case your curious, how bad of a week in work you can get a week before SWOTVAC.
-5 minute ‘no powerpoint’ oral presentation with folio on Thursday

-Test on Spatial Information Science on Friday

-Making a map using spatial data from government website by Friday [Note: Getting data from these sites can be a pain in the ass, in terms of waiting hours for them to deliver it to you.
2nd Note: You hope that they have the same settings as other data or you must spend hours getting them to be the same.
3rd Note: If the data is too large, the program used to run it gets really laggy, non-responsive and will then crash and there is nothing you can do about it. Oh did I mention that saving can also cause it to crash as well].

-Finish my last topic exercise for Physical modelling by Friday

-Go to my club’s Annual General Meeting on Friday to get elected on the committee and potentially get people to vote for me to be on the executive committee

Yeah… it probably isn’t too bad in hindsight, but I haven’t reached hindsight yet. So I’ll continue to go back to suffering, freaking out internally, preparing for my presentation and hating how I sound and many more negative feeling things. It will be a fun week for me :D
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2017, 11:48:45 am »
Wednesday Thursday 19/10/17 (SWOTVAC Week is Boring as hell, which mean lots of procrastination=hitting the refresh button on ATARNotes)
Been a while since I posted because I have been studying for my only "one" exam called Introduction to Physical Modelling.
I detest doing this exam and don't want to fail it. I'll actually lose it, if I have to repeat Matlab again....  :-\ :'(

In other news, I find this little gem here. It took me a while to figure out what had been altered in the image. But was dismayed by the comments on dismissing the importance of the distortion. Some people don't get how hard map making is and the attention to detail of picking which projection to use on a map.

P.S: If you think that map projection looks terrible, look up Homolosine (Goode's) Projection map or a Transverse Cyclindrical projection map.
If you want a good "mindfuck", This is always fun to figure out
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 06:24:19 pm by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2017, 06:40:52 pm »
Friday 20/10/17 (Honours or not. That is the question?)
As we all know a Honours degree requires one to do a research project.

I just went to the presentation for them this year.
It is 3 years away and i'm already worried on what to do for it.
Maybe I should do something do with space because of the space agency opening in Australia.

Shout out to the student that did one on car crashes. I love the joke about putting themselves in an actual car crash for the simulation :P. Who then proceed to show a slide of a car crashing into a boat with the caption "Dad's car".  :o
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2017, 08:03:54 pm »
Surely there's no rush re: Honours. Exciting, though!

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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2017, 04:12:56 pm »
Monday, 23/10/17. The End
I just finished my one and only exam for my last semester of Year 1. I think i did I alright on it, I admit some of the questions caught me by the wayside so I'm unsure if I got a distinction for it. I actually don't know if I got any Distinctions or High Distinctions this semester at all. I'll wait and see when my results come out.

But I'm not too upset over it, I mean I spent a lot more time doing out of class activities like working with my club, dealing with my parents coming back overseas and of course helping/shit-posting on here.

I'll most likely reflect how I find this year, when I know my overall results. As for what I plan to do on the break and beyond. I'm going to enjoy my overseas trip.

My thoughts on me being on ATARNotes
I'll also think about if I'll still hang around on ATARNotes. To put it bluntly, I didn't get a "high" ATAR or a 40+ study score and a change of study design. This means I can't contribute a lot. After reading the responses from Joseph41 and AngelWings as well as spending my break reflecting on this. I'm going to becoming less active and lurk till next year. I'll still update my guide, my journal and the economic news. I still doubt the values of these posts to the community especially my journal. I'll have look in my posting history sometime next year to make a more informed decision on what I will do with ATARNotes.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 03:35:12 pm by zofromuxo »
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Re: Is that like building and desigining rockets? -zofromuxo's journal
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2017, 05:04:13 pm »
Congrats on surviving the year, zofromuxo! I'm sure you'll do well.

I'll also think about if I'll still hang around on ATARNotes. To put it bluntly, I didn't get a "high" ATAR or a 40+ study score and a change of study design. This means I can't contribute a lot.
That's the beauty of AN. Even though there's a lot of high ATAR/ 40+ SS students on here, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't/ shouldn't contribute and you're never obliged to answer a post either. If you're unsure, nobody judges you for saying "I'm not so sure, but..." and you've put your heart into answering the ones you definitely can contribute to! The fact that you're doing this journal means something to this community. Don't feel like it means you can't contribute due to your previous marks. It doesn't have any effect on your credibility.
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