Ah I forgot to specify that! But yes, for China
Ok, so, I don't have any specific amazing resources about the experiences of social groups, which is more a result of how things were done and what questions focused on when I did Revs, really. But, I do have some stuff - mainly just evidence that should give you something to go off, and you can then form your arguments from there. It's just basically copying and pasting what I have written, so might not make *that* much sense, sorry haha.
My summary of China should be able to help you out with connecting the significance of the events for the groups, hopefully.
Just as an aside, the whole interesting thing about China was that Mao focused on peasants - if you look at Russia, they focused on the proletariat/workers.
For all of these groups - consider the CCP's policy towards that
specific group, and the group's reaction.
1949-1953: Agrarian Reform Law, Fanshen, Speak Bitterness, First Five Year Plan (move to collectivism), PLA brought rural regions under control
1953-1958: Little Leap, the Question of Agricultural Cooperation, 97% of peasants in cooperatives by December 1956, Steel Promise, Second Five Year Plan
1959-1961: Henan, Great Leap Forward, Politburo approval of communes, lob cogs pls* (this is a mnemonic my class used to remember what happened in People's Communes, will provide what it stands for at the bottom of this spoiler), Wuhan Plenum, Liu Shaoqi scaling back the Great Leap Forward, the Three Bad Years, Lushan Plenum (reinforcing Lysenkoist farming, etc.)
1962-1965: 7000 Cadres Conference (able to farm small plots again, etc.), Learn from Lei Feng/PLA/Dazhai
1966-1976: 3-in-1 revolutionary committees - PLA had a role, 16 points, etc.
* lob cogs pls = Lysenkoist experimentation, organisation using military structures, backyard steel production, communal kitchens, organisation using military structures (repeated purely to make the mnemonic), good news reporting stations, schooling, public welfare / food / healthcare, local defence, small industry
1949-1953: First Five Year Plan (focus on heavy industry, manufacturing), move to socialism and collectivism, mass line (workers used as communist cadres)
1953-1958: Nationalisation of industries, Second Five Year Plan, National Economic Planning conference, Steel Promise
1959-1961: People's Communes (Mao believed this would end the three great differences - between city and country, workers and peasants, and mental and manual labourer), steel production - key part of communes
1962:1965: Liu's work units, private gardens & small markets permitted, work output rewarded with bonuses, heavy industrial production increase of 17% (1963-1965), learn from Daqing (in industry)
1966-1976: 3-in-1 revolutionary committees (workers involved), 16 Points
1949-1953: Thought Reform, Struggle Sessions
1953-1958: Hundred Flowers Campaign, Anti Rightist Campaign
1959-1961: Famine/the Three Bad Years
1962:1965: Socialist Education Movement, Hai Rui Dismissed From Office
1966-1976: Red Guards (attacked intellectual elitists, bourgeoisie), 16 Points, desctruction of the 4 Olds, 'Up to the Mountains, Down to the Countryside' (young intellectuals had to go to the countryside)
The wealthy/bourgeoisie
1949-1953: Establishment of PRC, Wu Fan, mass line (targeted wealthy/bourgeoisie)
1953-1958: Hundred Flowers Campaign, Anti Rightist Campaign
1959-1961: Famine/the Three Bad Years
1966-1976: May 16 Circular (pushed Mao's agenda to remove bourgeoisie elements of society), 16 Points, destruction of the 4 Olds