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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #195 on: September 06, 2018, 05:22:54 pm »
Hey guys,
The fact that my HSC exams are coming up is slowly sinking in. I haven't done a lot of practice essays but I did do a practice short answer for Society & Culture. I'm aiming to rewrite my Trial essays and short answers but I'm still feeling the after effects of Trials even though there are three weeks left this term. I realised that even though Trials went for 2 weeks and 1 day, that took up a significant portion of the term. And then when we include Graduation Mass, Graduation Assembly, Year 12 Brunch and Formal, that's taken up another week of school.

Anyway, we're still slowly getting back Trial marks. To be honest, my ranks aren't as bad as I thought. My marks, well, could be better, but my teachers essentially dedicated a full on double-period assembly explaining how our marks will be moderated. I would find it useful if my English teacher didn't tell us already, but in the assembly, they used previous students' marks (unnamed of course) to actually prove what they were saying. This is why I'm emphasising more on rank than mark because ranks matter.

At the moment, my ranks are:
English: 5/53
Math: 11/30-something
Physics: 4/14
Modern: 1/19
HIX: 1/4
SAC: 3/20-something
SOR: Unknown

At this point, I'll take any rank that's at least in the Top 10, but my math rank isn't too bad.

I'm also in the process of convincing my History Extension teachers to send my Major Work to the HTA History Extension Prize. My teacher is reluctant to send it because she finds it pointless. Okay backstory: last year, it was the first time she sent something to the HTA competition- two entries in fact. But none of them won the competition. When HSC marks and everything came out, one of the students who had their essay sent to the competition got a state rank. Because of that, my teacher doesn't really believe that there is any point in sending Major Works to the competition. At the moment, she said she will talk to the other HIX teacher (who was on maternity leave but is now back at school) and may consider it. I'm just concerned that the due date is next Friday- by due date, it means that my project needs to arrive at the HTA place by next Friday and I need to do some refining. I've just figured how to do end notes so I need to make a few changes.

On another note, I'm in the process of finishing off applications for uni scholarships. Just finished my UNSW scholarship applications (tbh I used my previous responses to answer a good percentage of them) and because of that, I used them for my Western Sydney Uni Leadership Scholarship application. I just need to scan some supporting documents.

Also, I got called up for another interview! I applied for Early Entry at UOW and they just emailed me that I need to book an interview. I'm a bit anxious because this is a good thing but now I'm wondering if I've applied for too many scholarships- is there even such thing as applying for too many scholarships? I'm not even sure if UOW is in my UAC preferences. Do I need to change it now and put in UOW as one of my preferences? How in the world am I gonna decide when I've been aiming for UNSW all this time?

Anyways, see you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #196 on: September 06, 2018, 05:57:05 pm »
Congrats on those ranks -- awesome positions to be in the lead-up to the HSC!!

And congrats on that UOW interview as well!! There's no such thing as too many scholarships; think of it as broadening your horizons lol (and increasing opportunities for saving money on education hahaha). I think with the UOW early entry scheme you need to put them at the top of your preferences -- at least that's what I had to do. Even though you are set on UNSW, it doesn't hurt to apply for another uni. You'll decide when the time comes, and your gut will tell you the right thing.

All the best!
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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #197 on: September 12, 2018, 01:06:16 pm »
Hey guys,
Graduation is coming up soon and that's kinda freaking me out even more. I've barely done studying during the past few weeks- it's been difficult for me to get into it because I'm still feeling the after-effects of Trials. I finished my Modern notes and I'm almost done with my SAC notes because we're still going through content. To be honest, we're not gonna finish Modern on time because we've only looked at the Battle of Stalingrad. We're so far behind my teacher's making us come back to school after formal. To be honest, I don't mind- I'm just stressed I haven't done any past papers.

I've also finished a good bunch of my scholarship applications. I've finished my Co-op, UNSW general questions, WSU Global Leadership application and USyd Women in Engineering scholarship- I just need to scan my documents. But I need to find a photo of myself taken in the last 12 months for Co-op and that's been proven difficult to find -_- I'm also a bit annoyed that FEAS hasn't opened yet. I've spoke to 2 ambassadors and they keep saying: "FEAS applications will open at ____."

We had a school career expo yesterday and a whole bunch of universities and other colleges came. It was cool because they had UNSW, USyd, UTS, UOW, Macquarie Uni and WSU- those were the universities I had questions for. Most of the time, I asked about their scholarship applications because I'd rather ask someone face-to-face about scholarships rather than call people- to be honest, I get anxious when I have to call someone. Anyway, I collected a whole bunch of undergrad books even though I already have them at home. Anyway, I kinda wished the UNSW Co-op representative read my application but at the same time it's probably a bit unfair because based off her name tag, she kinda looks like she has a higher position in the scholarships/co-op section. A lot of the ambassadors were able to answer my question but there were a few that they weren't sure with. Like with UTS, they're still not sure when they'll get back to me with Women in Engineering and it's been 2 months since my interview- it would be great if they could actually update me. The last time I contacted UTS was via email and they said they're still "processing my application" because there was a lot of applicants. The UNSW ambassador wasn't also able to answer my question on FEAS. There was actually a chemical engineering student and when I asked her about FEAS and how FEAS ambassadors at Open Day said applications "will open next week", she said she doesn't know but if they promised it would be open next week then honestly it's quite disorganised of them to not have everything prepared. It was nice that she was honest about that but also annoying that UNSW is a bit disorganised with FEAS.

On another note, I'm still tossing around as to whether I should go to UNSW Engineering Girls Day Out. The cool thing about the day is that you do lab tours and stuff but the engineering fields they offer are a lot of "obscure." They're not offering things like civil or mechanical or electrical engineering, it's like aerospace and humanitarian engineering. I really wanna go but my mum is reluctant to let me go because I've done a lot of UNSW stuff and gone to Open Days numerous times so she thinks I "already know enough on UNSW." I don't know, I can't really decide -_-

Anyways, see you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #198 on: September 12, 2018, 03:30:09 pm »
Hey guys,
Graduation is coming up soon and that's kinda freaking me out even more. I've barely done studying during the past few weeks- it's been difficult for me to get into it because I'm still feeling the after-effects of Trials. I finished my Modern notes and I'm almost done with my SAC notes because we're still going through content. To be honest, we're not gonna finish Modern on time because we've only looked at the Battle of Stalingrad. We're so far behind my teacher's making us come back to school after formal. To be honest, I don't mind- I'm just stressed I haven't done any past papers.
Amen to this!
I've just started my stuydying again after trials and its honestly very erratic. It's also stressing because we're FINISHING OUR HSC for good and that brings a whole host of feelings itself!
I really need to get on top of my notes. Our modern teacher left huge gaps in our options so i have to teach myself half the stuff again and we also haven't done past papers. We just watch documentaries and have banter.

Hope all is well, Adam
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"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire"

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #199 on: September 12, 2018, 04:02:24 pm »
I really need to get on top of my notes. Our modern teacher left huge gaps in our options so i have to teach myself half the stuff again and we also haven't done past papers. We just watch documentaries and have banter.
We're the opposite- since we're so behind in Modern, my teacher is like "usually I'd show you a clip but we don't have time" so we're rushing through the content and my teacher is bombarding us with sheets we need to read ourselves. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can retain any information because it's really overwhelming.
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #200 on: September 20, 2018, 08:40:51 pm »
Hey guys,
Today was my final day of classes. It feels a bit weird. A lot of people were crying and taking photos but I think I'm more in denial over the fact that my HSC is coming in a month. I'm too stressed to do proper studying, which is stressing me out because I need to actually study. I've done some past papers and practice essay plans but I haven't been timing myself. I feel like I'm not in exam mode when I time myself in my room, which is even worse because I start stressing if I don't know how to do a question and then start crying and then I don't want to study anymore.

Apart from that, I got an early offer from Macquarie Uni for the Global Leadership Program. I've accepted the offer but then I realised I needed a Tax File Number for my HECS. I'm so lost with the enrolment stuff so I'm just going with it- I feel like an adult -_- Since I'm aiming for UNSW, I may defer it but we'll see. I've also registered to go to the GLEP Orientation Session, which happens to occur after formal. I'm glad I get to sleep in after formal but I'm too lazy to leave my house since I need to catch a train at around 3pm.

This is gonna be a short update because I'm a bit tired, even though I barely did anything today.

Anyways, see you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #201 on: September 24, 2018, 07:07:49 pm »
Hey guys,
I've officially graduated today! Kinda. Still gotta do my HSC exams of course but I just had my graduation mass. To be honest, I had no clue what was happening. So I got 2 academic medals since I cam first in History Extension and Modern History, but then I got some certificates for being 3rd in SAC and some consistent effort awards in English, Physics, Maths and a perfect attendance award. But then I got called up again for the Reuben F Scarf Award- anyone have any idea what in the world this is?? I didn't know this existed, nor was I expecting this award so I'm not sure what this means or what to do with it. It says that if you fill out the claim form you can get a cheque but it says to give it before 30th June- am I still allowed to claim this? I'm so confused.

After graduation, I spent a good 2 hours taking photos with my friends and then suddenly get dragged into other photos with people I don't talk to as often. But then my friend's mum decided that we should go take a photo in front of the 2018 class balloons and dragged in my year coordinators, assistant principal and principal, which was kinda embarrassing- and she's not even my mum lmao. My mum and I kinda got dragged to eat dinner with two of my friends and their parents. My friend and I shared a steak. Even though it was 350 grams and we split it in half, we were both full lol. Apart from that, we were just talking about tomorrow because we might stop by at Lindt Cafe because the food at the place is gonna be bad -_- It's almost a tradition to be fed bad food whenever the school organises something.

Anyway, I'm gonna go and binge watch Youtube videos lmao.

See you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

2019: Aerospace Engineering (Hons)  @ UNSW


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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #202 on: September 24, 2018, 07:28:45 pm »
Yay congrats on graduating!! With that award thing, I reckon you should ask your school about it -- or if there's contact numbers on the claim form, maybe the people there? Claim it if you can lol extra money doesn't hurt

Hope you have a great week - don't study too hard, celebrate a little!
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #203 on: September 24, 2018, 08:09:12 pm »
Hey guys,
I've officially graduated today! Kinda. Still gotta do my HSC exams of course but I just had my graduation mass. To be honest, I had no clue what was happening. So I got 2 academic medals since I cam first in History Extension and Modern History, but then I got some certificates for being 3rd in SAC and some consistent effort awards in English, Physics, Maths and a perfect attendance award. But then I got called up again for the Reuben F Scarf Award- anyone have any idea what in the world this is?? I didn't know this existed, nor was I expecting this award so I'm not sure what this means or what to do with it. It says that if you fill out the claim form you can get a cheque but it says to give it before 30th June- am I still allowed to claim this? I'm so confused.

After graduation, I spent a good 2 hours taking photos with my friends and then suddenly get dragged into other photos with people I don't talk to as often. But then my friend's mum decided that we should go take a photo in front of the 2018 class balloons and dragged in my year coordinators, assistant principal and principal, which was kinda embarrassing- and she's not even my mum lmao. My mum and I kinda got dragged to eat dinner with two of my friends and their parents. My friend and I shared a steak. Even though it was 350 grams and we split it in half, we were both full lol. Apart from that, we were just talking about tomorrow because we might stop by at Lindt Cafe because the food at the place is gonna be bad -_- It's almost a tradition to be fed bad food whenever the school organises something.

Anyway, I'm gonna go and binge watch Youtube videos lmao.

See you soon!

- Olivia

Hey Olivia!

We had the Reuben F Scarf Award at my school too and basically it's an award that they give to the student they think has improved greatly in terms of grades and have shown a consistent performance throughout the year. My friend got this same award last year. In that case- well done on getting this amazing award!!

Congratulations on graduating as well!! Be sure to relax and study smart. I know you will absolutely smash your HSC exams Olivia!!! Good luck ;D
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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #204 on: September 26, 2018, 11:37:40 pm »
Hey guys,
I'm so exhausted. Formal was last night. It was pretty fun. I had my hair and makeup booked at 11am yesterday but I didn't anticipate having my hair and makeup done in 3 hours (and this was done at the same place). It was a bit difficult to eat lunch with liquid lipstick because I was paranoid that it would crumble. The MUA used a Stila Liquid Lipstick, which actually smelt nice (like the Nyx Butter Glosses) and I was hoping that it would be comfortable to wear but it felt dry so I had to use my nude lip gloss to make it a bit more comfortable. I looked up a couple of reviews for Stila Liquid Lipsticks and there were some who said it was very drying -_- I knew Stila had great products, especially with their eyeliners and liquid eyeshadows but their lipsticks weren't that good. This is my second bad experience with liquid lipsticks- the first time with Nyx Lip Lingerie.

Anyway, we drove to the city since my formal was in Darling Harbour. I can never get over how expensive parking is in the city. It was $25 between 5pm-11pm but Formal finished at 11pm so it was $50 -_- Anyway, I met my friends in front of Lindt Cafe and took a number of photos with my friends. It was funny how whenever a couple of parents would take photos of us, other parents would encourage other people to join in, even though we don't really interact with them.

The food was mediocre. For entree I had chicken schnitzel with salad and croutons- the chicken was alright but I was so put off with the knife and fork. Apart from steaks, I can never get used to eating with a knife and fork. I struggled trying to figure out a system on how to use those utensils, especially when trying to cut up the massive chunk of lettuce on my plate. For main we had sirloin steak, baked potatoes and vegetables. The main was alright as well but the steak was quite tough- probably well done, and I prefer my steaks medium. The baked potatoes was actually good- slightly crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. As for dessert, well, it was too sweet. I'm not a sweet tooth and the lemon meringue was too sweet. I didn't finish it anyway because they gave out dessert when everyone was on the dance floor.

A lot of us were loitering on the balcony and taking photos. I wish I took more photos but I had a couple of people ask to take a photo with me, which was a bit awkward because I don't like being in photos (since I was wearing false lashes, I don't think you could even see my eyes lmao). I took my shoes off pretty early on in the evening, even though my heels aren't really heels- they're like 5cm in height, which isn't too bad in comparison to the boots/wedged sneakers that I've worn. I also lost my phone halfway throughout the night. My phone was in my pocket but I think I was dancing too much that it fell out of my pocket. My friend called my phone (which was on vibrate) but I managed to find it on the dance floor. I felt so out of shape after dancing for like 2 hours because my legs grew tired so I would sit down with my friend for a bit until I heard a song that I liked. I mean, when Earth, Wind, Fire's September came on and Shakira's Hips Don't Lie came on, I'm not missing out on those songs so I went to my friends on the dance floor and danced with them (more like jumping around and singing rather than dancing lol).

Anyway, my mum was pretty pissed that I didn't leave the venue early because we finished at 11pm and we didn't want to arrive at home at like 1am. Part of it was because I didn't want to miss out on anything at the end and part of it was because my right foot started cramping, probably because I was jumping around too much. My friend had to massage the cramp out and I had to wait until my foot was a bit better. So I was walking out bare foot and as I stepped onto the escalators I dropped my phone. Me being dumb, decided to run up the escalators and trip on the escalators. I managed to reach the top of the escalators and grab my phone. By the time I met my mum, my left foot started cramping and my mum pointed out that my foot was bleeding. I couldn't walk so we had to sit there for a while to stop my foot from cramping wipe off the blood (and I was bleeding intensely) and use my bandaid to stop the blood. I was half limping to the car park because I just wanted to go home.

So this morning when I checked my foot again, I think the source of the blood came from when I tripped on the escalators, the edge of those stairs dug into the skin in between my toes. My mum thought it was because of the "heels" but I had to keep reminding her that I tripped on the escalators since I wasn't bleeding when I was with my friends. Anyway, I've got some bruises on my knees and shin but the bruises are even worse near the balls of my feet. Usually, bruises are a light purple colour but mine are quite dark. My legs are also quite sore, which doesn't help because I went to the Macquarie Uni GLEP Orientation Session.

I mentioned in my previous post about being offered an early entry at Macquarie Uni through the Global Leadership Program. So I went to Macquarie Uni for that and I wasn't prepared to socialise. To be honest, I struggle talking to new people face to face- to people I'm familiar with, I'm cool with. It's not that I don't like talking to people, I get exhausted really easy. With social events where I'm required to talk (career expos, Open Days, volunteering), I mentally prepare myself to talk to new people- you know, get myself to talk with a bit more enthusiasm, try to be welcoming. Today was just not my day. They really encouraged us to talk to the people next to us but I was too tired to talk to anyone. My legs are very sore from last night, I arrived home at about 12.30am and I was just exhausted from talking to people in my year group that I usually don't talk to. So yeah, the presentation was quite useful but I wasn't feeling it today.

Speaking of which, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I've already accepted my offer at Macquarie Uni (I just need my Tax File Number to enrol to my classes) but I also have an Early Admission Interview at UOW. To be honest, I'm not sure if I should still go to the interview. At the moment, I'm leaning more towards Macquarie Uni because I want to spend the holidays studying for the HSC and I don't think it's guaranteed that I would get an Early Admission. I also think that if I don't get the ATAR I need then I'd need to consider alternative pathways to UOW whereas with Macquarie Uni, I've already got my Student ID. At the same time, I've been applying to a lot of scholarships and early entry offers and I don't want to miss out on opportunity. Should I just cancel my interview?

Anyways, I'm very tired so I'm heading to bed.

See you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #205 on: September 27, 2018, 05:30:31 pm »
Omg that sounds so hectic but glad you had fun! My formal is on the day of my last exam ughhh!! That means I finish the exam at 2 and then have 2 hours to do hair and makeup to get to the photo venue with my friends! I think I might miss it, but it's okay I guess.

I've got an early entry interview to UOW too! Tbh I'm going to go just so I have a backup if I need it. It will give me peace of mind knowing that it's there if I do get it, even though it's certainly not my first choice. I just want to keep my options open. I also think if you did go you'd get interview experience out of it I guess? Not a bad opportunity. The interview only takes about 30 minutes so you'd still have time that day to study for the HSC if that's what you're worried about.
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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #206 on: September 27, 2018, 06:05:09 pm »
I've got an early entry interview to UOW too! Tbh I'm going to go just so I have a backup if I need it. It will give me peace of mind knowing that it's there if I do get it, even though it's certainly not my first choice. I just want to keep my options open. I also think if you did go you'd get interview experience out of it I guess? Not a bad opportunity. The interview only takes about 30 minutes so you'd still have time that day to study for the HSC if that's what you're worried about.
It's more like, I already accepted my offer at Macquarie Uni so why would I need to go all the way to UOW. It's really inconvenient for me to drive for about 1 hour down there and do an interview where I'm not guaranteed a place at UOW. And as for interview experience, this would be my second interview with a university (my first one being UTS). Idk, I'll see if I'm gonna cancel it or not.
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #207 on: September 28, 2018, 04:09:29 pm »
Hey guys,
I had to go back to school today lmao. We haven't finished going through the content for Modern so we had to finish it. We finished earlier than expected so I spoke to the career adviser about my early entry offers. I was in a bit of a dilemma whether I should cancel my interview with UOW. My career adviser agreed with my rationale: considering how I'm already enrolled to Macquarie Uni, there wasn't any point driving down to Wollongong for 1 hour and do a 15 minute interview. I need to send them an email saying that I would like to decline my interview.

Speaking of which, I'm officially a student at Macquarie Uni! I had to call them to help me enrol without my Tax File Number since I still haven't got it. I just need to remember to let them know to change the settings and add my Tax File Number. However, I need to keep in mind the steps on deferring. Since Macquarie Uni is 4th on my UAC preferences, I'm still keeping my options open (UNSW is my first preference). But Macquarie Uni is a good backup. And because of this, I decided not to apply for the WSU Global Leaders Program. They insisted on me providing a certified copy of my Year 11 report, even though I offered scanning the original copy of my report (which kinda confuses me because isn't the original version better?).

On another note, I got notified of my outcome for my UTS Women in Engineering scholarship. I was unsuccessful for getting the scholarship. Not sure how I feel. Didn't think I would get it to be honest- this is me looking back, and I kinda realise that the interviewer got kinda bored overtime (she started off enthusiastic and then got bored- maybe that was an indication of something?). Not sure. Anyway, I could always apply for UNSW or USyd Women in Engineering scholarships.

Anyway, I should go back to studying (even though my Society & Culture teacher suggested to me today to take a break and get back into studying on Monday. She's such a mum to me).

See you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #208 on: October 22, 2018, 10:22:02 pm »
Hey guys,
It's been a while since I've updated here. So two exams are down, 6 more to go. At this point, I just want my exams to be done and over. I keep reminding myself that after exams, I get 3 months of holiday and I get to waste my money to skincare and makeup. A lot of teachers say that 'time will go really quickly' but this exam period is going really slowly. I want to get math done and over. I'm hoping at least a Band 5 in math (yes I've lowered my standards)- hopefully a Band 5 in a subject can still help me get at least a 93 ATAR for engineering.

At this point, my room and desk is a mess. I have loose leaf papers scattered all over my desk and books scattered near my bookshelf. I really wanna clean it up but a lot of them are loose leaf sheets for math. I can't wait for math to be over so I can throw away all of my past papers- seriously though, these math papers take up so much room. Even though I want math done and over, I'm also scared that I'm gonna make silly mistakes. I made a lot of silly mistakes in Trials so I'm hoping that I don't make the same mistake this week. Math and physics are also the only subjects where I break down, cry and get panic attacks so there's another con. I feel like once my math exam is over, I'm just gonna run to the office, pick up my phone and leave because I know a lot of people will be like "Hey what did you get for question ___" or "How did you work out question ___"- that will make me even more anxious just listening to people talk about the exam. And then I'm gonna have to prepare for History Extension afterwards -_- It's not like I don't like History Extension- I just never feel prepared for History Extension. I know Susie said that I shouldn't ever feel fully prepared for History Extension but it makes me really anxious.

And then I'm dreading next Monday because of Modern and SAC on the same day. I don't feel prepared for Modern or SAC. Mostly the Conflict in Europe section in Modern, and I need to memorise statistics for SAC (also haven't done a lot of past papers for SAC). But after next Monday, I would have 2 more exams left, which is what's keeping me from going insane now. When SOR's done, I'm just gonna curl up in a ball and sob from the built up stress- I already broke down and cried after Paper 1 because I didn't understand the poem and was stressed over the creative and essay.

Anyway, I'm gonna go back and study.

See you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

2019: Aerospace Engineering (Hons)  @ UNSW


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Re: HSC Journey- From Prelims to HSC
« Reply #209 on: November 06, 2018, 02:09:50 pm »
Hey guys,
So this is it- today was my last exam and I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. I'm glad that my exams are done and over but I also feel like NESA wanted to throw all of under the bus this year. Supposedly they're doing this to justify why they're changing the syllabus? I don't know, that's a rumour going around my school at the moment. I still feel a bit salty over everything and I feel like I could've done more. But at this rate, I'll probably forget about school and wait for my ATAR.

At the moment, I'm planning to fix up my body clock because it's been screwed over by stress and exams. But I'll also be working out a lot more. My waist is really sore from sitting down for way too long and I've been stress-eating from pre-Trials to now and I feel really out of shape -_- But I'll also be going out a lot and travelling for the next few months, so there's something to look forward to.

It feels strange to think that this marks the end of my HSC journey.

Anyways, see you soon!

- Olivia
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

2019: Aerospace Engineering (Hons)  @ UNSW