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Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« on: October 23, 2017, 06:27:07 pm »
Primary school, high school, uni. Whatever you like. No names needed.

For me:

EDIT: Writing this post made me really appreciate the fact that I've had some amazing teachers. I've had heaps I haven't found as effective, too, but that will always be the case. This thread is dedicated to the good ones - no need for any negativity.

Uni Linguistics lecturer/tutor:
She single-handedly developed my passion for Linguistics. Was later my Honours supervisor. I've spoken about her elsewhere, but she's just the best. Very kind, not in the slightest bit patronising despite her clearly incredible knowledge in the field. Never heard a single bad word about her.

Year 7-11 VCD and Art teacher:
Just a freakin' brilliant human being. I simply can't imagine him angry. At all. Like, I'm sure he gets inwardly pissed, but his manner is so consistently calm, and I really appreciated that. I think everybody else did, too, because he was one of those people you just simply couldn't dislike. Even the students who usually misbehaved in class basically never did, because disappointing him was much worse than making other teachers angry.

Anyway, he was actually an artist by trade who then became a teacher. Had two kids, was very patient. His artwork is amazing - like, ludicrously good, particularly in person.

I'm really thankful for him, because he fostered by interest in design and visual communication. Legend.

Year 12 EngLang teacher:
Was nervous going into the year because I'd never had him before. He ended up being one of my favourites, though. Loved his sense of humour - very, very dry. He could connect with students really well, no matter the type of student. Very adaptable in that sense.

I liked him because I think he understood me and the way I learnt best. Was always up for a chat outside of class, and made a lot of time for me in the lead-up to exams haha.

Year 12 HHD teacher:
Had her for Science in younger high school years and was neither here nor there (due to my interest or lack thereof, and probably also class dynamics). But in Year 12, the connection was much, much stronger (I was actively paying attention for one lol), and you could tell she was doing everything humanly possible to help us do well.

HHD study scores at my school were always, always the best out of any subject - and usually by a considerable distance.

Year 12 BusMan teacher:
Did Business in Year 11, so was thankful to get a good one here.

Generally cool dude. Young, very relatable. Super passionate about what he was doing - always volunteered to take on more stuff that would help out his students. Organised classes before school, brought us breakfast. A great man.

Year 7-11 English/EngLang teacher:
She read my 12-year-old poetry and didn't laugh. Speaks volumes haha.

In fact, she encouraged me to keep writing. And like, genuine encouragement - clearly genuine. She pushed me when needed, but also listened when needed. She was also in charge of our accelerated program or whatever, so she was definitely my first teacher contact to go to for the first few years of high school.

Have subsequently caught up with her after Year 12 for coffee and donuts. Passionate about helping students.

Grade 4 teacher:
It was her first year out, so I was in her very first grade.

In hindsight, golly, she put in a lot of effort. Was my favourite primary school teacher. Fun.

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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 08:04:34 pm »
Best teachers ever for me:

Grade 3: I had this AWESOME teacher in grade 3 that was so down to earth. She even used to let us organize a day where she would sit down and we would be the teacher, I still remember they were called 'wacky Wednesdays'. Obviously we still had to do math and English, but other then that the entire day was ours to plan and have fun!!!1

Grade 5: I had a science teacher that so super good at teaching the content, she was one of those teachers that made us seat in a circle and do interactive activities to learn the content. Boy, she was no bore. I still remember the medulla oblongata and its function till this very day!!

Year 7: Humanities teacher. REALLY hated this subject going into high school but she kinda made me love it, cause this may sound weird but she has a REALLY good voice for explaining boring things. She was also very hilarious when other students mucked up in class [she would make them stand on one leg for about 10 minutes]

Year 12: Further Math andis unbelive and  English Teacher. My further math teacher is so strict its almost funny. He pronounces this one word that make the whole class crack up- expect we can't make any noise cause he'll get angry at us!. Honestly, I'm doing well at FM cause of him. My English teacher is literally me second mother. Every time she see's me stressing, she goes 'who cares its Just an ATAR, she makes it sound like its no big deal'. She shares her Lunch with me and even offered me chewy in class [ she realized this and pretended she didn't know the rules lol]

MY beautiful mum  ;D

Don't know if this counts, but she was there for me in primary school, secondary school and everything in between. She taught me everything I know in regards to how to live life successfully, she taught me how to block haters and how to deal with everything in general. I absolutely adore my mum and the way she makes my feel better is unbelievable. She supported me  for 18 years and is still not sick of it, she tells me the same things over and over again. I don't know how I could've made it without her. She's beautiful. I remember she told me once that if I get an ATAR of 95 she wouldn't be pleased with me but if I got an ATAR of 50 she would be over the moon- that strategy worked surprisingly well actually. Another time, She stayed up till 3 a.m in the morning with me watching gold digger pranks so that I would feel better!!! How sweet of her. Love her to the moon and back!

<3 you Mum!!  ;) ;)
2017: TT, Psychology, Further, English, BusMan

2018 : Nursing [Clinical leadership] /midwifery @ Deakin

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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2017, 08:12:49 pm »
You know, writing this made me realise that I appreciate a great deal of my teachers for a great deal of their qualities. There are plenty who were perhaps not my favourite, but I still liked them and enjoyed their classes a lot. I only included some high school teachers, because I need to think a bit more about the other teachers I have had or currently have that I really appreciate having.

3/4 Methods teacher
Had my methods teacher in year 11 and 12. Still feel bad that I wasn't amazing at methods and didn't put in as much effort as I should have. Genuinely my favourite teacher I've ever had. Such a kind and patient person, and firmly believed in everyone's abilities. I joked incessantly about how much I sucked at maths, and every single time he refuted it, and said that he believed in me, and I'd do just fine, etc. My friends and I often randomly just talk about how much we miss having him teach us haha.
Also had a lot of math/dad jokes, which were great (in a groan inducing way). He also always made himself available to answer questions, would regularly sit through lunch times with you if you needed help with questions, would happily explain a concept to you 100 times until you understood it.
I also loved him because he genuinely just loved teaching people maths. You could see it in the way he taught. Now, in uni, I really wish I put more effort into his class to show how much I appreciated that.
My admiration of him was also reinforced recently when I ran into him at an event and he spent a few minutes gushing about how proud he was for me getting into physio and how proud he was of my hard work and results. Was a good self-esteem boost haha.

3/4 Bio teacher
I admired my Bio teacher (also year level coordinator) for different reasons. She is the kindest soul and genuinely cared about every single one of her student's wellbeing. She helped me deal with a lot of stuff during year 12 and gave me a lot of advice. Gave incredibly good hugs. But yeah, absolutely loved that you could see how much she genuinely cared about everyone.
In class, she also picked up ways to help me learn better and feel more engaged before I even considered that I needed something else myself, which I really appreciated.

3/4 Revs (& English) teacher
Fantastically dry and sarcastic sense of humour. We had our disagreements, but overall, we got along famously, and I worked really hard for him. Taught me for my two most successful subjects, and he put in a lot of effort to help guide me to success (particularly for history). He understood my writing, he knew exactly how I worked and learned best for Revs and English, and he knew how to give me ideas.


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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2017, 08:08:37 pm »
As school is finishing I feel like I’m realising more and more how much I really appreciate my teachers and all of my classes and I’m going to miss some of them. These teachers I still really want to be able to meet up and talk to after the HSC and school.

Some of my  favourites (just over the last few years) are:

PC teacher/roll call (Years 11-12):
While she isn’t a class teacher she was always there in the mornings for us and is incredibly friendly and great to talk to. She genuinely wanted to know each of us. We had these welfare periods every fortnight with our PC group and she would bring food and we would all talk about different topics. Our PC class (around 10 girls) were all fairly close by the end of the year as well.

Ancient (Year 11/12):
Always was able to tell our class really interesting stories and jokes that were mostly relevant to the content. We had a quote book of funny out of context quotes said from him and everyone else in the class. He is really friendly and passionate and we have a really close class which is nice as everybody wants to do well (not even in a competitive way). He made us an ancient themed escape room at the end of term which would’ve taken him so much time but it was really fun. My class is meeting up a weekend after HSC to have a BBQ and board game afternoon.

Music (Year 9-12)
I had two different music teachers throughout years 9-12 but they were both really supportive, passionate and friendly. One of them also used to conduct the school band and got me into playing at the school concert and made it really enjoyable (even though our band only had about 10 people and rehearsed at 8am). They both made music really fun and interesting and helped me improve both on the clarinet and with the theory.
Class of 2017 (Year 12): Advanced English, General Maths, Legal Studies, Music 1, Ancient History, History Extension, Hospitality
2018-2022: B Music/B Education (Secondary) [UNSW]


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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2017, 09:03:16 pm »
A select few of my favourite teachers:

Physics: years 10-12
I'm sure that this teacher would get out his beating stick if I didn't mention him. Great guy, who really cares about his students. He also had a bit of a fan club last year, courtesy of one of my classmates- was genuinely fun. He built rapport with our class (and apparently our class only) with his alter ego rap guy V-Diddy <3, and that was great- he even brought out this persona at the final assembly, which was quite the highlight! ;D

Chemistry: year 11
I still have her stoichiometry song stuck in my head! She was fun, and made learning fun- songs, games, memes, fun facts- you get the picture. Was a really memorable year of chemistry, was really upset when she left for the UK halfway through last year </3

Methods and Specialist: years 11 and 12
He was a strictish sorta teacher, but I loved that he not only taught the content, but engaged us... by using kitkats as incentive. We threw him his first ever class party (in his 20+ years of teaching)- with his favourite takeaway: fish and chips. I think we nearly made him cry when we did that, but here's the tumblr blog we kept of his quotes through year 11. :)
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
2020: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Honours) Read my uni journey here!


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Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2017, 11:18:07 pm »
I've had a few pretty good teachers over the years, but my English teacher this year was incredible in seriously every way you could imagine. I remember I was really fucking depressed to be in her Advanced class because all my friends were in the other classes, so I literally dreaded going to it everytime. Plus, I hadn't ever had her before—AND I HAD HER FOR ENGLISH EXTENSION ASWELL. The Advanced lessons seemed to drag on forever, and I remember I was especially sad because I used to enjoy English so much when my two close friends were with me. That aside though, she was actually a RIDICULOUSLY GOOD teacher; she was really engaging in the way she taught and always initiated intriguing class discussions. I grew to love it, and I ended up treasuring going to English dearly. I could always count on it to lift me up if I was having a particularly bad day because she just radiated good vibes. In addition, her feedback on my essay drafts were always so comprehensive and elaborate; she invested so much time into ensuring that we achieved he best marks possible. Anyways, so I was going through some mad shit (I kid you not, it was probably one of the TOUGHEST prolonged periods of my life) and I couldn't help but sleep in class. I was always exhausted as hell because this "mad shit" turned me into an insomniac, it was just so SO difficult to get through the night with all this going on. I remember one time we were watching a film that we were studying and I leaned my head on the table and fell asleep. She walked over, woke me up and sat next to me, then said "this isn't the first time you've fallen asleep in class. Why are you so tired?" I answered generically with 1am like it wasn't anything bad, but she encouraged me to sleep earlier anyway. I didn't think much of it, but after that pulling me aside after class on several occasions to talk, one time she was basically friendlily interrogating me for 20 mins straight. She asked me about my daily routine and my parents and everything and my answers were unintentionally depressing lol (cos thats just my life) and I think she got a bit concerned, because she warned me that she'd be checking up on me every now and then. Then, I started to get nervous around her incase she discovered something and it literally gave me so much anxiety to be around her. My sleeping habits continued in her classes, then a month or so later she pulled me aside once again much more assertively after I literally couldnt keep my eyes open in English, my fatigue had gotten that bad. At this point, I knew she suspected something so I just said I couldnt sleep and she asked why and I just said I was "worried". Long story short, she got it out of me and it was unquestionably the most vulnerable position I've ever been in in my entire life. I couldn't even look at her in the eye when I opened up to her because I was literally cringing at myself say it. I can't express how difficult that was. Like I was in disbelief that this was actually my life, that it was me. I avoided eye contact with her because it would've made me cry. I think I was in denial, in retrospect. She was so comforting and non judgemental about it, and she asked if it was okay for her to seek some help for me. I didn't know what she meant so I just said sure without thinking about it, and literally the next English period I get pulled out to the counsellor. Anyways, she gave me these mental health support cards and brochures and encouraged me to talk to her when I needed it; said she was always there for me. It was so kind of her, because she didn't just say it; but she acted on it. She went on maternity leave though unfortunately, so I don't have her going into the HSC but the day she left, I wrote her a 1000 word letter expressing my gratitude for her altruism. She took it, gave me a hug and told me to take care of myself, but man was it so hard to see her go. I literally thought I'd never see her again, but she sent me a long email a week later replying to my letter and it was so heartwarming to read her response. She encouraged me to seek help and persevere through the academic challenges, and it just meant so much to me. It was something I really needed in that dark time. I printed it out, and I still read it periodically when I'm having a bad day. I actually saw her in school last month with her baby, and I realised how much I genuinely missed her. Her baby is the luckiest one alive. That teacher's persistence in supporting me, even though it was probably inconvenient and exhausting for her, really kept me going in those days. It was nice to have someone care for me like that, when everyone else had no idea about the mad complexities of my life. No teacher will ever compare to the greatness she possesses. To this day, she is the only one to know of my darkest secrets. I hope to see her again soon.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 11:22:37 pm by Lumenoria »
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)


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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2017, 12:46:24 pm »
I had to have a little think about this one.
I have many great teachers. But to pick the "best" or "favourite" out of them is always a difficult process for me.
Alas here are my results, the university one will increase or stay the same depending on what happens in university.

Geography: Year 11-12
Reason why
What a legend. We were the first class he had at out school and we all knew we would love him. He dropped two pieces of information that would forever cement himself for a good roast by us. Lawn Bowls and Essendon. It was great. He took it all in his stride of course and used to love complaining about how the old gents would try to trashtalk him, when he was playing lawn bowls. He is like in his 30s. But he also was able to engage the class with the content we were learning as well. He also took a lot of the antics we did as a bit of fun like the time we go the best student to hide in a closest and try to scare him. He responded with "*Points at troublemakers* them and them doing it. But I can't believe you did it. I thought you would be the most sensible one". There was a time when one of us got his phone number, his address and tried to add him on Facebook and he was like "you guys have a serious obession problem". But I secertly think he enjoyed all the attention and he also was kind enough to accompany the whole class out for dinner at Tacobell, which I sadly couldn't attend because of assessment for other subjects. But damn, just writing this reminds me of all the good times I had with that class. He would always dub us the "Vintage Class" as well so I suspect he enjoyed it just as much as we did. 
Even after I didn't have Geography 11-12 with him, i still went to him for advice and ultimately was one of the influences for me taking the university course I am. Oh and I've been asked to do a talk about my degree and how it relates to the study design for his Year 10 Geography class next year.

English: Year 11 & Co-ordinator: Year 12
Reason why
I came out of English Year 10 being completely over it. I didn't enjoy English anymore, the motivation & discipline to do well in it was in the bin and I had no desire to fix it either. Everyone raved how this English teacher was one of the best at our school and that he would be able to revamp my passion for English. I naturally scoffed at such remarks and came in with the mindset of lets just go for 70% and accept it. Well of course, that didn't happen or else this wouldn't be here. This teacher was able to singlehandly not only jumpstart my passion for English, but elevate it in such a way that has stuck with me forever. He would always constantly push me to get higher grades, to never accept the current level I was at and to always improve, improve and improve. To never stop looking for feedback and to never ever give up. It also helped that he had such a great enthunsiam for the play Macbeth because lets be real, plays are meant to read with real passion and not boredom. I didn't connect with him as much on a personal level till the following year, but he has changed the way I view English as a subject and also pushed my now extensive reading habit I have fostered. During Year 12, I went through a lot of personal issues and he really helped support me and always seek to understand what I was going through. He never judged me and always gave his fullest respect to me as an individual. I still contact him from time to time and we have a level of respect between each other that allows us to talk openly about many issues that usually wouldn't be possible amongst students & teachers. Oh I also loved his response to when I apologise for swearing at a speech I was making to the future Year 12s. "Its alright. It is what makes you".

Uni Lecturer: Cartography 1 & Co-ordinator: Year 1
Reason why
"What is your purpose"? and "Who are your users" . If you listened to any Cartography lecture that was her two favourite lines/catchphrase/advice when you took her subject. She isn't wrong about it either. She has without a doubt has been one of the most engaging teacher I have had the pleasure with interacting with it. You can just tell the passion she has about Cartography and the spatial industry. I absoutely love speaking and interacting with her, she has never not left me smiling after talking to her (Which is a rare & hard feat to accomplish). I love the fact that she doesn't belittle us or doesn't go out of her way to mention how she has done x,y,z,a,b,c. She only mentions part of her long and great working career, if it is relevant. I love how she also cares about her students a lot, she understands the things we go through and is quite lenitent on marking as well as extensions on work. I also enjoy that I can seamlessly talk to her about university related matters and also personal matters as well. I will hopefully try and get her to be my research supervisor for my 4th Year Honours Project, but even if I don't. She will be one of the few teachers I will keep in constant contact with.

Jack of all trades, master of none.
Hence why i'm in all these different threads and boards.


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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2017, 11:10:10 pm »
The entire English teaching cohort at my old school - they managed to drag a kid failing year 10 English to get a mid-40s score in year 12. Always willing to sit down and mark essays for you despite the massive workload they had with a 150 student cohort.


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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2020, 09:01:54 am »
Bump! Think this could be a really interesting topic to revive. :)

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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2020, 11:08:09 am »
Bump! Think this could be a really interesting topic to revive. :)

Cool topic! :D

I feel like my HSC English teacher is one of the best teachers I've had. Not only is it because they are always willing to mark the many drafts that I give them and provide really good feedback, but they are also an enthusiastic teacher as well, which heightened my experience with enjoying the subject.

Coolmate 8)
🤯HSC 2020:🤯
🔥Advanced Maths🔥 - 📚Advanced English📚 - ☄️Physics☄️ - ✌Biology✌ - 🙏SOR 1🙏 - 👨‍💻IPT👨‍💻

🎓University 2021 - 2025:
Bachelor of Science (Biology) / Bachelor of Information Technology (Cyber Security)

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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2020, 11:31:41 am »
My Year 11 Chem teacher was great. She always had funny anecdotes to share, made class engaging but most importantly had this very caring/motherly sort of aura around her. There was like zero hesitation to ask her any question. If it wasn't for her then I didn't think I would have found an appreciation for VCE Chem.

And she was also pretty firm so it wasn't like class was a total riot, but it wasn't a graveyard either.
2020-24: Monash Uni MBBS (Bonded)

I don't really go on here anymore. Feel free to DM though

I have no idea about the UCAT percentile required to get an interview/accepted into medicine. Mine was the first year that they used the UCAT. Just try and maximise your ATAR and take care of yourself.

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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2020, 12:12:08 pm »
In my brief semester of uni a while back, things fell apart towards the end of the semester, and I notified my lecturers of my depression diagnosis.  One of my lecturers asked me to stay back after our tute that finished at 6, and chatted to me till 7:15.  She listened, explained all the support options I could access, and told me that I'd shown talent and she'd love me to stick out the course if I could, and she'd support me.  She later called my parents several times when I was in hospital to sort everything out.

Even though I did drop out and I'm not resuming at her uni and she wouldn't remember me anyway, I wish she could know how often I remember that.

I actually think I'm going to email her and tell her.  Heather, I hope your Monash email address is still valid.
VCE (2014): HHD, Bio, English, T&T, Methods

Uni (2021-24): Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash Clayton

Work: PCA in residential aged care

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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2020, 02:47:36 pm »
I'd shown talent
'Course you did :)

My Year 8 Geography teacher was great - while I was still adjusting to learning back at an actual school again (having been homeschooled grade 6 (=2hrs English/Maths, then nothing) and DECV year 7 (=almost nothing) ) she managed to get me to learn a year's worth of content enough to pass the exam, in one term. Same teacher was great with supporting our class all the way up to year 12. Same teacher is VCE Coordinator, has called to ask how things were going, supported me through dropping Chemistry, has talked to me a lot about options etc. Fairest and most unbiased teacher I know. Wish I had her for HHD which she'd just stopped teaching the year before. Heidi, I guess you know who I'm talking about - wouldn't you say she deserves it? (if you see this of course)
VCE 20
HHD MM Revs (F/R) Eng T&T
Uni 21-24: BNursing/BMidwifery @ Deakin
HNN122 (double)
I hope I don't fail....
Listens to Amira Willighagen and Alma Deutscher and a little Marjolein Acke
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For Narnia and for Aslan!


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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2020, 03:42:04 pm »
Thinking about my reply to this thread has made me realise how fortunate I am to have had so many excellent teachers in my time at school.

Year 3 Teacher
I cannot put in words how encouraging and nice this man was to everyone in the class. He managed to incentivize us to always strive to be better and that our actions could affect others, no small feat considering we were quite rowdy 7 and 8 year olds. He genuinely put so much effort into every single student to an extent that I have never seen before or since.

Year 7 and 10/11 Biology Teacher
First of all, I don't think I've ever seen a single person more passionate about biology. She actually loved the subject and put so much effort into getting us to learn more about it as long as we showed even the slightest bit of interest. In Year 11, she showed us Year 12/13 level material because she thought that the Year 11 curriculum was too basic in some areas and she wanted us to actually understand Biology, not just pass tests. She also genuinely never stopped believing in us. The fondest memory I have of her is from Year 10. I was really depressed that year and it showed in my grades. Previously Biology was my favorite subject and now I found myself literally failing it. While some other teachers might have given up on me or just gotten mad, she kept paying attention to me and encouraging me to try my best even if that 'best' wasn't great. I got 90% in my end of year test and she wrote in my report [lightly paraphrased]: "Ritosno has shown that they CAN achieve highly in Biology! I'm proud of them," and that was so motivating to me.

Year 9-11 Social Studies Teacher
Full disclosure: I came into Year 9 social studies pretty immature and annoying, especially with my political views (very influenced by conservative parents and being a know-it-all). This guy made me think differently, from different perspectives, in a way that I didn't know was... acceptable, I suppose. He got me to read outside of class and challenged my views (and everyone else's), just to make us think in a different way and to get us to make our own decisions for ourselves. I'm very grateful that I had a teacher who taught social studies not just by the book (indeed I would be surprised if he did anything by the book in the class), but rather as a way to challenge how we thought about social issues and the world in general.

Year 12/13 TOK (IB core thing) Teacher
He was the kind of teacher who would give you so much support and encouragement as long as you put in effort in his class. If you participated in class and actually gave assignments a good go, he'd be amazing. If you were just trying to coast by, he'd be very harsh. He also once corrected my French homework when I did it in his class lol. Also he was very open to talking about non-school related stuff as long as you had finished your work.

Year 12/13 English Teacher
Nicest teacher I've ever had. She cared about her students on a personal level, like if we had any personal problems that were manifesting in class she'd make sure to talk to us about it and make sure we were okay. She's also the only teacher who's classroom I've cried in (oops) but she was very lovely about it. Also great at teaching English of course, but I'll always remember how genuinely NICE she was, like wow, I never expected that from a teacher.

Special Mention: Teacher who didn't actually teach me but was pretty dope anyway
Supervisor for an out of school thing who didn't have any obligation whatsoever to humour me coming up and asking him stuff, considering I wasn't in his class, but did so anyway. Also encouraged his students to experience the world and not just take other peoples' word blindly.
2020: IB Diploma Program (37/95.45) | HL: Biology, Chemistry, Economics | SL: English Language and Literature, Mathematics, French B

2021: Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy)


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Re: Describe the best teachers you've ever had
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2020, 04:32:10 pm »
My Year 8/10 science teacher (who was also my sister's Year 10 science teacher hehe) would probably be the best teacher I've had. She was very engaging, gave us a lot of homework but it was enough to make sure we understood the content, had the best email response rate (the longest email thread I've had with her was 131 emails) and was willing to stay back after school to help with homework.

In uni, I'll probably say my mechanics lecturer (who I had in first and second year mechanics). He's clearly passionate in engineering and always listened to the students' feedback, especially when we did online learning. We always used Teams and the channels were very easy to navigate. He even made a machine-learning algorithm where if a student had a question, the student could tag the question bot and the question bot will automatically tag the student's tutors. Once the question is resolved, it gets saved into a Q&A bank. He always have gave us opportunity to earn easy, extra marks and provided us a lot of practice questions. He also made sure that the tutorials were well-structured and the tutors could teach the content. At the end of the term, he would have a chart showing which areas each student did and didn't do well in (shared privately of course) and adjusted our study packs accordingly.
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

2019: Aerospace Engineering (Hons)  @ UNSW