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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2018, 12:41:30 pm »
So it turns out I haven't learnt anything... on Thursday I stayed up until 4 am finishing an assignment on Sayyid Qutb (SORI Islamic personality) and studying for my general math exam. I think I'll do decently in my SOR task, for some weird reason I do really well in tasks that I stay up really early doing... does that happen to anyone else? As for genny maths, I think I nailed the exam *internal monologue: If you do say so yourself, toot your own horn* I counted up 5 marks that I think I will probably definitely lose and 10 that are a maybe... so hopefully I'm correct in saying I'll get upwards of 85%...? moving on

I've been extremely busy the last few weeks with my sport, school work, organising school events etc. So so much has been happening. I'm so behind on all my school work by WEEKS!! My new plan fell through because just so much has been happening. I get home and nap because I'm that exhausted then stay up all hours of the morning trying to get the stuff done that I need to for the next day that I should've done in the time I was napping... are you still following?  ;D

> I have stuck to some of the new plan, I have been making good use of my class time, most importantly biology... the subject that you absolutely DO NOT want to fall behind on but I am a month behind so that's great.

> I haven't been making good use of my study periods because my teachers organise the meetings for our school events in them so I don't get the study I get to listen to teachers crap on about the same thing for 1 hour twice a week.

> As I am behind I'm struggling to organise homework goals because I like to catch up rather than move with the class. I'm one of those people that have to do things in sequential order, so I need to do A then B then C. But if I'm still catching up on A and the class is doing B, I won't listen and I'll continue to catch up on A. Not sure if that made any sense but oh well, so that section isn't going all too well either.

> Going to bed by 11 was a long shot... moving on

> On my weekends I have been doing a good amount of study and catch up, although I am lacking the motivation to just sit down and pump out the work I'm slowly but surely progressing. As for past papers, I have only completed mathematics past papers because I was studying for an exam. I really need to keep handing in English past papers though, It's a subject that I lack in a lot... Does anyone have tips on how to write more succinct responses for short answer and how to write faster in essays?

Anyways that's about all from me for now

Breakdown count: Still 24 :D

Hscya later,
Britt 8)
HSC 2018
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2018, 06:02:08 pm »

Long time no talk all, I will make this a quick update with the haps over the last month I've been super duper duper busy!

Okay so, I sat an English exam on the 3rd of July. I ran out of time and only wrote an introduction and a body paragraph in the exam. Obviously, this wasn't good so I freaked out and called my mum and cried ... she told me to get over myself (lmao relatable) 'it's only English' she says. I end up getting the task back thinking its a solid 7/20 but ended up getting 12/20 which I was really surprised about. AND!! I got 5/10 for my essay section (first was the short answer) and I only wrote an intro and BP1, so cheerin'

Next, the Same day I did my Eng exam I got my genny math mark back, got 49/60 (82%) and I cried about it (obvi) because I was already upset from English. So yea, that was fun. Following math, 2 days later I sat my business exam which I had the question to so I wrote a response the night before and memorised it the day of the exam. I ended up getting 18/25 because I had to hand in a bibliography, I'm okay with that mark but would've liked to have done better.

I spent the whole holidays completely sick but I went to 10 lectures over the whole thing, week 1 I spent at WSU Penrith and Campbelltown where I had English, pdhpe, business bio and I did a uni experience day at ACU North Sydney (I want to do physio there!!). The second week I spent at ATARNotes Sor, English, bio, math, business and PDHPE. Gonna take this time to say THANK YOU! to ATAR notes and all my awesome lecturers. You were absolutely amazing as always, I've been to the headstart, half yearlies and trials lectures (I think I've been to 16 now) and they are so so helpful and I'm so so grateful for what you guys do!!

In trials prep for next week starting Monday 6/8.

To do list:
1. START AND FINISH Biology Blueprint of Life notes
2. Finish PDHPE FAP FQ2 and FQ3
3. START AND FINISH PDHPE Improving performance
4. Write 2nd English creative
5. Write out English quotes into data grids (Invictus, Run Lola Run, Fault in our stars, Wilfred Owen, Away)
6. Cry

So lots of stuff. Lots of tears have been shed in the last month;

Breakdown Count: 29 :'(

HSCya later,
Britt 8)
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2018, 08:46:42 pm »
I spent the whole holidays completely sick but I went to 10 lectures over the whole thing, week 1 I spent at WSU Penrith and Campbelltown where I had English, pdhpe, business bio and I did a uni experience day at ACU North Sydney (I want to do physio there!!). The second week I spent at ATARNotes Sor, English, bio, math, business and PDHPE. Gonna take this time to say THANK YOU! to ATAR notes and all my awesome lecturers. You were absolutely amazing as always, I've been to the headstart, half yearlies and trials lectures (I think I've been to 16 now) and they are so so helpful and I'm so so grateful for what you guys do!!

<33333 thanks so so much for coming Britt! We really appreciate the support and glad we've been helpful! ;D that experience day sounds amazing as well!

Fingers crossed your breakdown count stays below 30! Stay positive, let us know if we can help - We believe in you ;D


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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2018, 02:45:33 pm »
Fingers crossed your breakdown count stays below 30! Stay positive, let us know if we can help - We believe in you ;D

Thank you so much Jamon! and so far so good on the breakdowns !!  ;D
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2018, 02:54:05 pm »
Alright. So, a little bit of stress is settling in as I'm going through all of my English stuff. I'm trying to memorise quotes and write essays and creatives (decided to write a new one). I haven't really focused on English Paper 2 as of yet but I think I will move onto that by 4.00 so I can prep my quotes and such for each text and a few common concepts that link to the rubric then go back to paper one. WOW, paper one so much stress. I didn't think I'd come this far, thought I'd drop out by now but hey, here we are happy days.

I think the biggest challenge I'll face with these English papers is the timing. I'm a pretty slow writer and it takes ages for me to think about what I'm going to write. It was only on Friday that I actually 'finished' (had a fairly good shot at every question) short answer in 40 minutes. Anyways, enough procrastinating from me. Catcha on the flip side. (Probably update after paper 1)

Breakdown Count: 29 ;)

HSCya later,
Britt 8)
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2018, 09:22:44 pm »
Good luck tomorrow!! Bet you’ll smash it - Remember you’ve got planning time at the start so you won’t need to think everything on the fly! You’ve got this


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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2018, 03:02:39 pm »
So that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, I ended up finishing every question. I'm not 100% on how much of it was quality content though but whatever.

I started with my essay because hardly any of my prepared quotes and concepts fit the ugly ass question 'Discoveries are *don't remember* and they challenge perceptions and expectations or something like that, To what extent does this blah blah prescribed blah one other related text blah blah.
So that's basically how the question appeared on the paper  :) and I was like  :o WHat PaRt oF the DaMn SyLlAbuS DiD tHaT coME FrOm ?????? I was like oh heeeeeelllll Nah. But I ended up writing 5 pages. The plan was to write my essay like Intro, prescribed, related, prescribed, related, conclusion. like I have done. for the last. 6 formal/informal tasks on discovery i have done. but no my brain farted and was liek hey lets just Intro, integrate prescribed/related, integrate: prescribed related, 3 sentence conclusion. I was like ... @ brain I'm sorry wot? It was like yo that's some good ish I was like whatever fam now we're gonna do the short answer

The short answer was relatively fine, the guy that kills butterflies and the uncle that dies alone before 50 and the other one about the idea what it was actually, I didn't really understand it so yeah. Finished that in 40 minutes, think I did pretty poorly but my teacher has to mark 6 pages of absolute crap so that's good for her. Then I worked on my creative which I wrote yesterday after having the idea for ages, it was very detached and unedited but hey, it worked with the stimulus which I can't remember because it was the first thing I read and I was like heck yes that fits my story completely I can just memory dump everything, which is what I did.

The funniest thing is that I have an Instagram meme page and it's going off with everyone sending memes and commenting and discussing the page and it's so hard to concentrate on tomorrows paper but I'm going to turn off my phone and just work work work to get everything sorted for tomorrow.

Not sure if I still have people reading up to here but yay no tears from English paper 1

Breakdown Count: 29  ;D

HSCya Later,
HSC 2018
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2018, 03:03:20 pm »
HSCya Later,

Forgot my glasses  8)
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #38 on: August 06, 2018, 03:57:32 pm »
Congrats on getting the first exam done, I must say that was a very entertaining post to read thanks a bunch for that!!! Ahaha. Good luck on the next exam!! I'm sure you'll smash it!!!
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2018, 05:11:17 pm »
Congrats on getting the first exam done, I must say that was a very entertaining post to read thanks a bunch for that!!! Ahaha. Good luck on the next exam!! I'm sure you'll smash it!!!

Hey, thanks so much!! If you're also doing trials and hsc atm congrats to you too and good luck on the next one also. I usually try and make my posts more legitimate and sophisticated but that up there ^^ is generally how my brain works and I wanted to do a quick review so there it is in all its glory lol
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2018, 08:12:14 pm »
Hey, thanks so much!! If you're also doing trials and hsc atm congrats to you too and good luck on the next one also. I usually try and make my posts more legitimate and sophisticated but that up there ^^ is generally how my brain works and I wanted to do a quick review so there it is in all its glory lol
Ahahaha, no it's all good. It's great to be able to express yourself with no limitations. So don't worry about!!
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #41 on: August 12, 2018, 11:45:55 am »
So I completely forgot to update I'm so so sorry so here it is in short and in all weirdness.

I thought I was going to do so much worse than I actually did in the eng paper 2. In the reading time, I looked at all the questions and I was liek ??? am I meant to write about discovery again because these damn questions come straight from the discovery rubric. But then I was like well, it is what it is, may as well attempt to plan a response in my head for reading time (didn't work out well at all). Once reading time was over I spent 10 minutes writing a plan for each essay (3/4 minutes each plan) and then I decided to start on the Mod B essay which is Wilfred Owen. I ended up brain farting again (bloody brain) and I wrote yet another. Integrated paragraph. Before I could catch myself, and then when I did I was like wtfrickkkkk r u  doing brain!!! And my brain was like "SHEE WASSN'T READDDDYYYYYYYY" so that was a bummer. I stopped writing that essay about 3 sentences into the second integrated -.- body paragraph and moved onto Mod A Distinctively Visual.

DV wasn't that hard, my prescribed text is Run Lola Run and my related is 'Invictus' a poem by William Earnest Henry. I managed to write an Intro, body paragraph prescribed, BP related, BP Prescribed before I moved onto Mod C Exploring Transitions, which is my best module because I really enjoyed the text, The Story of Tom Brennan. But it occurred to me during my reading time. I hadn't actually prepared a related text. So I defaulted to my related for discovery (the fault in our stars) which actually worked pretty decently. I finished that in 35 minutes and I had 5 minutes to spare so I wrote a quick body for module A and a 1 line conclusion then I went and did as much as I could on Wilfred Owen so it was all a bit rushed but I'm pretty happy with what I produced for how much I prepared.

On Thursday, I had my genny math exam. That was pretty decent, I know I definitely lost around 5 marks but I think I'm looking around the 80% mark for it. I was so stupid wth my timing in the exam though. The CSSA exam is 2.5 hours and the countdown clock on my watch only goes up to 90 minutes, so I set it and forgot that I needed to add another hour onto it when it went off. But I was looking at it and freaking out thinking I had like 10 minutes of the exam left and I hadn't finished 3/4 of the booklet. So I was freaking out and doing the thing everyone does in the last 5 minutes of an exam where you rapidly flip through all the papers shitting yourself so you can complete questions you know to maximise your marks. Yeah so I was doing all that and stressing out and disturbing all the poor people around me and I'm all like 'why isn't our teacher telling us we have one minute to go?! What is happening?!' and my countdown clock started buzzing and I was about to cry and I looked up at the screen in the hall. IT WAS 10.00AM. OUR EXAM FINISHED AT 11!! I HAD A WHOLE ASS HOUR LEFT OF THIS DAMN EXAM. So I calmed myself down, reset my watched and finished the paper in the next half an hour lel. After I bloody stressed myself out so much!!

After that exam, I chillaxed a little and planned to study over the weekend but that got ruined. My foot (I have no idea how) decided to get inflamed and I woke up Friday morning and couldn't walk so I hobbled to a GP, he told me to get an ultrasound, so I did that, then I got told I needed crutches and the pain has just been so bad I can't concentrate on my study, Ugh!! So Now, I'm off to cram in 4 subjects in about 12 hours.

Breakdown count: 29! ;)

HSCya later,
Britt 8)
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2018, 06:25:44 pm »
Yesterday: SOR

I actually found the exam a lot easier than I thought (seems to be a trend) I'm happy with what I got down onto the paper, I managed to finish multiple choice and short answer in 10 minutes (I start MC in my head at the end of reading time and work out the answers) and that left me with an hour and 20 minutes to do the rest of the exam. I ended up choosing Christianity for section 2 and Islam for section 3 because I wasn't confident enough to write about the Islam section in Section 2. Hoping for good marks there.

I also got my marks back for my task on Sayyid Qutb and got overall 27/30 which was so good!! I'm so so happy with it!!

Today: Business Studies

I honestly thought I was going to do really terrible in business and I probably still will but I built it up a lot in my head that I was going to do so poorly I'd cry. Which I didn't! Yay for no tears!

A lot of my exam was modified because my class haven't finished HR so like 15 questions were changed. I wrote 11 pages for my business report. Apologies in advance to my teacher it's complete and utter bs and further apologies for when you read my essay because that's even worse than my report.

Tomorrow I have PDHPE so tonight I'm going to finish all my notes for it and hope for the best in tomorrows exam because I am going to die.

HSCya Later,
Britt 8)
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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #43 on: August 16, 2018, 07:35:20 pm »
The short answer was relatively fine, the guy that kills butterflies and the uncle that dies alone before 50 and the other one about the idea what it was actually

WHAT. That boy kills the butterflies?!?!? Omg I interpreted that sooo wrong. I think the non-fiction one was about a kid on one of those whirly spinners in the playground (that's literally the worst description of it ever) who suddenly realises that (at the age of like 5) he's going to die eventually and we're all doomed. Enjoyable read.

Btw, I love reading your hsc journal omg! It's one of the best ones

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Re: So this is gonna be interesting...
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2018, 06:02:05 pm »
WHAT. That boy kills the butterflies?!?!? Omg, I interpreted that sooo wrong. I think the non-fiction one was about a kid on one of those whirly spinners in the playground (that's literally the worst description of it ever) who suddenly realises that (at the age of like 5) he's going to die eventually and we're all doomed. Enjoyable read.

Btw, I love reading your hsc journal omg! It's one of the best ones

Heya dcesaona,

Yes, the boy blows on the butterfly and because he made it 'hatch' prematurely he killed the poor thing 'and it dropped as solid as stone' or something like that. And I had no idea about the non-fiction one oml if it was about playgrounds, I am so entirely screwed!

Thank you so much for reading my entries, I'm glad they've been entertaining :)

Britt 8)
HSC 2018
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