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Author Topic: 🎉 ATAR Notes Honour Board - Hall of Fame, MVPs and Members of the Month 🎉  (Read 59533 times)

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Re: The ATAR Notes Hall of Fame || Inductees 19-22 Announced 🎉🎉🎉
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2018, 10:37:22 am »
I think we're in a great position when we can list users like this who definitely wouldn't look out of place in the Hall of Fame, directly after 22 members have been named. ;D ATAR Notes really does benefit from a whole range of contributions.

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: The ATAR Notes Hall of Fame || Inductees 19-22 Announced 🎉🎉🎉
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2018, 11:08:25 am »
apart from the "obvious" ones e.g. future hon mods,
Just a super quick list







Genuinely excellent list.

Also brightsky
✌️just do what makes you happy ✌️


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Re: The ATAR Notes Hall of Fame || Inductees 19-22 Announced 🎉🎉🎉
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2018, 07:14:36 pm »
yes definitely brightsky!


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Re: The ATAR Notes Hall of Fame || Inductees 19-22 Announced 🎉🎉🎉
« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2018, 09:49:27 pm »
I'm hoping Cosine and Sine.
Sine is such an active helper these days and it was really amazing following Cosine's VCE progress


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I have merged the HoF thread with this one so that we now have all of our awards documented in one place. :)

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Phy124 is our 14th inductee into the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame.

Six years of activity, almost 1,500 posts and just under 500 respect. Very impressive, and that's what Phy124 holds. They were most prominent in the VCE Methods forum, which houses more than a quarter of Phy124's total posts, but were also prominent in the Monash University and Victorian Education Discussion boards.

Phy124 was a National Moderator for about two years, which is a long time to be looking after the forums in such a capacity. They transitioned into an Honorary Moderator role in October 2015 - richly deserved.

A quick shout-out to Phy124's most recent post, which can be found here, demonstrates the sort of energy and positive vibes they promoted. ;)

So, please join me in welcoming our 14th Hall of Fame inductee: Phy124.

Mathematical Methods | Physics | Chemistry | English | Business Management

Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) @ Monash University

Transport Modeller @ Arup


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(Image removed from quote.)

Great to see you around. Congrats on your induction. ;)

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Our newest Hall of Fame inductee, and 23rd overall, should come as no great surprise. elysepopplewell recently transitioned into an Honorary Moderator role after filling a National Moderator position for several years.

Elyse joined the forums in mid-2015, and was a founding member of the ATAR Notes NSW community. Since that post, she has contributed more than 3,000 posts, which puts her in the top 30 most prolific posters in the history of ATAR Notes. Like jakesilove and jamonwindeyer, her influence in the formative years of the New South Wales community was absolutely immense, and she continues to contribute in a deeply meaningful way today.

Through her endeavours both online and in the offline ATAR Notes community, elysepopplewell has been and continues to be a role model. She's written a number of our publications, and delivered many, many (outstanding) lectures to HSC students. ATAR Notes would not be in as strong a position as it is today without Elyse, her passion, her intelligence, or her kindness.

Please join me in congratulating our latest inductee into the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame, elysepopplewell.

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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And so concludes induction of our 22 inaugural ATAR Notes Hall of Fame members. The opening post has been updated.
HoF index.
Inductee #01: Eriny (February - March 2018)
Inductee #02: EvangelionZeta (February - March 2018)
Inductee #03: Fyrefly (February - March 2018)
Inductee #04: Gloamglozer (February - March 2018)
Inductee #05: Mao (February - March 2018)
Inductee #06: Russ (February - March 2018)
Inductee #07: shinny (February - March 2018)
Inductee #08: TrueTears (February - March 2018)
Inductee #09: pi (February - March 2018)
Inductee #10: taiga (February - March 2018)
Inductee #11: thushan (February - March 2018)
Inductee #12: b^3 (February - March 2018)
Inductee #13: lasercookie (February - March 2018)
Inductee #14: Phy124 (February - March 2018)
Inductee #15: alondouek (February - March 2018)
Inductee #16: charmanderp (February - March 2018)
Inductee #17: slothpomba (February - March 2018)
Inductee #18: jakesilove (February - March 2018)
Inductee #19: Aaron (February - March 2018)
Inductee #20: keltingmeith (February - March 2018)
Inductee #21: enwiabe (February - March 2018)
Inductee #22: ninwa (February - March 2018)
P.S. Which current or past users do you tip to be inducted into the Hall of Fame in the future? ;)
Um Mr Humble... I think Joseph41 is the major one missing!
Someone told me to grow up yesterday. I immediately banned that person from ever riding my unicorn!
Class of 2020 graduate... if I ever get there! :D
Year 11 - 2019:
English, Math Methods, VET Business 3/4, Legal Studies and Accounting

Year 12 - 2020:
English, VET Accounting 3/4, Math Methods, Legal Studies and VCE Accounting

2021: Chartered Accountant ;)


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Um Mr Humble... I think Joseph41 is the major one missing!

Thanks for the thought, tomatosauce, but I don't think that'll happen any time soon haha.

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Coming soon. Who could it be?

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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RuiAce. The man, the myth, the legend. Let me begin with some sheer statistics.

At time of writing, Rui has invested some 5,500 hours into the ATAR Notes Forums - the third-most of all time. That alone is a truly incredible statistic, but when you add in the countless hours Rui has put into ATAR Notes in an offline capacity - community building, lecturing, tutoring, authoring - it really begins to paint a picture of just how important RuiAce has been for ATAR Notes.

Rui has posted on more than 8,000 occasions (seventh most of all time ATOW), and has accrued more than +2,000 respect (sixth most of all time ATOW). But numbers don't really do Rui justice, which is perhaps mildly humorous given his penchant for mathematics.

Rui came to ATAR Notes at a really crucial time - shortly after we first expanded into New South Wales. Jake, Jamon and Elyse, with Brenden, were leading that push, but Rui otherwise became the first major NSW user, and subsequently provided incredible value to the community. Thankfully for us, he is still providing that value today. Let's hear from Brenden.

Quote from: brenden
Rui was the first major poster in ATAR Notes NSW that wasn’t previously engaged by ATAR Notes, and subsequently, his forum presence has been one of the single biggest drivers in the growth of our HSC community. We literally could not have done it without him. Rui, thanks for giving us so much - I hope you the universe gives you plenty in return.

As Caleb notes below, Rui was doing Rui things from the very start - here is his first post on the forums.

Quote from: Calebark
After Rui's very first post on ATAR Notes, a moderator immediately commented 'RuiAce, looks like you'll be a big name on this community!'. After close to 700 pages of posts on ATAR Notes, this couldn't be more true. RuiAce has consistently sacrificed his own time to put in gargantuan amounts of effort in teaching and enriching a massive portion of the community the past few years, both online and offline, due to his position as a lecturer. It's difficult to pick a word that describes Rui perfectly, but if you need to pick, look no further than the second half of his username.

The moderator that replied at the time was none other than jakesilove, himself a member of the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame and still one of the leaders of our New South Wales team. Jake would know better than most Rui's impact both on and off the forums.

Quote from: jakesilove
Rui is far more than an ATAR Notes user. Rui is an institution of AN. His support of tens of thousands of high school students, both academically and non-academically, is a testament to his generosity, kindness and selflessness. We all think of Rui as our Maths guru, but at the end of the day he permeates our community to the extent that I couldn't imagine it without him. Rui's heavy involvement with the online community is matched only by his dedication to the NSW team, in which he is a vital member and a valued tutor. I can't think of anyone more deserving to be inducted into the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame: wherever Rui goes in life, he can be proud in knowing that this community is imbued with his hard-work, his passion, and his skill.

I think it's testament to Rui that he has so heavily impacted not only (literally) thousands and thousands of students, but also the ATAR Notes team more broadly. jamonwindeyer, elysepopplewell, sudodds, beatroot - these are super familiar names to the ATAR Notes Community, and here is what each of them has said about Rui:

Quote from: jamonwindeyer
Less man and more force of nature, Rui is synonymous with ATAR Notes in almost every possible way. I distinctly remember his first post flashing up back in February 2016, and thinking, "This is a one off, no one could answer questions like this consistently." I sit here three years later, gladly corrected, and in awe of the sheer passion and dedication Rui has injected into this community. Now an integral part of our forum, our products, our lectures and our tutoring, Rui is quite literally a foundation of ATAR Notes HSC. It's been a humbling privilege to work with him for these past years - Even the Hall of Fame feels inadequate to truly encompass the impact he has had, and will continue to be felt on ATAR Notes for years.
Quote from: elysepopplewell
Rui has been a very special addition to ATAR Notes right from the beginning. Rui's eagerness to help on the forums has always been contagious. Rui was so fast at answering questions that one now Economics lecturer, Isaac, made two accounts so he could ask and answer his own questions before Rui got to it, to get his own post count up (rigged).

Rui has never let anyone down, has always risen to the occasion, and has put more thought into bringing snacks to lectures than any of us. Rui is quick, clever, and kind. We adore Rui ❤.
Quote from: sudodds
What can be said about Rui that hasn’t already been said? The impact that Rui has had on this community is unparalleled, and I cannot think of someone more deserving of Honorary Moderator. Most will immediately jump to his incredible help on the maths threads, but for me, as a little humanities kid who didn’t study and inkling of maths in year 12, even I felt Rui’s impact. Today, I have had the pleasure to know Rui professionally, but more importantly as an amazing friend. He’s kind, passionate, totally dedicated to his students, and an ace banterer (pun intended) – thousands of students have benefitted from Rui’s wisdom, and I know that thousands more will benefit in the future.
Quote from: beatroot
Think we all know very well that Rui has helped grow and expand the NSW AN community due to his tremendous contributions in the HSC forums (specifically in the Maths sections), lectured thousands of MX2 students and most of all- his presence has certainly has made everyone truly welcome to the AN community. I don't just see Rui as a forum member nor a lecturer- I see him as a leader and a friend. He's always there to support you and to help you reach your goals. I know this for a fact as I constantly get tagged in memes about getting my P's. I know he wants me to reach that goal and that is a valuable trait to find in a friend. Rui always sends good vibes with his funny jokes and his wise insights of the world and I am so glad that his achievements will now be fully recognised in the AN Hall of Fame. I look back and try to figure out the first time that I interacted with Rui. I remember it was back in July 2017 lectures when I couldn't find my room for a lecture. He told me that I was actually in the right place and even scanned my ticket before I entered the room. It's crazy to think that so much has happened ever since then

Without Rui, the AN NSW (or the AN community rather) wouldn't be complete. Thank you Rui :)

And truer words really never have been said. We do adore Rui.

I think personally, there are a few things that stand out for me when I think about Rui and his impact on ATAR Notes. Perhaps most striking to me is this: Rui is determined. Very determined. You can see that everything he does, he wants to do well, whether that be writing a single post on the forums, writing an entire study guide, taking a lecture, or taking a class at TuteSmart.

Quote from: Aaron
Over the past couple of years I have observed Rui’s consistent contributions to pretty much all sections of ATAR Notes. As the main contender with Rui for ‘most online user’, I have absolutely nothing but the greatest respect for Rui and the amount of work he has contributed to this community. An example of his work which I have found truly fantastic is the contributions to the VCE Maths boards. Rui is not Victorian nor has done the VCE, yet takes the time to provide assistance in these boards. To maintain a consistent approach to helping others (which by the way we do for absolutely nothing in return) over a long period of time demonstrates Rui’s character and a willingness for others of all backgrounds to access the same opportunities he has had. I am proud as a teacher to have users like this supporting school students in this wonderful community, and proud to provide my endorsement for Rui. I hope that others strive to contribute in the same ways Rui has over this time and look forward to his further contributions as an Honorary Moderator.
Quote from: literally lauren
Reading Rui's posts has taught me more Maths than any of my high school teachers were able to drill into my poor little humanities head. But more impressively, the books he's authored and contributed to for ATAR Notes have helped thousands of students across NSW truly understand Maths. From the 3U Topic Tests to the 4U Notes... (to some super secret new titles that will be launching this year!) Rui's mathematical wisdom and quite frankly intimidating LaTeX skills have well and truly earned him his fame amongst students, teachers, and the ATAR Notes community far and wide ❤️

There's no hyperbole here in what Aaron and Lauren are saying. THOUSANDS of students helped. Literally thousands - with more on the way. ;)

But the thing is, that determination to be good, and those high standards, are combined with a sheer kindness almost paralleled. Rui really cares about people, which is a huge value of ATAR Notes more broadly. He is generous with his time, he is always willing to learn, and he is humble.

A common theme throughout the contributions above has been that Rui absolutely deserves his place in the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame, and I think this is very true. ATAR Notes has been so fortunate to have Rui's influence and presence over the last several years, and we're luckier still to still have that influence and presence.

Rui is the 24th inductee into the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame, and absolutely belongs. Please join me by saying #ThanksRui. I'm going to leave the final words here to insanipi:

Quote from: insanipi
I remember back in 2016 (my year 12 year!) seeing some of Rui's insane math skills and thinking 'WOW, this person is going to be a legend'. Little did I know that my prediction was right. Over the past nearly three years, he has been such a whirlwind of impact- both on the forum and people he has come into contact with in real life, myself included. He has put a ton of effort into the forum and has often gone above and beyond, and I think that is something truly to be admired. Some people look at his over 8000 posts he has made and think 'what a madman', but I think he has been this: a true ace.


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List of winners:
2018/2019 (inaugural): miniturtle

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Brenden has been an absolute giant of ATAR Notes. Nothing less. He recently moved into an Honorary Moderator position:


Brenden (known by various usernames across his ATAR Notes life) joined the forums on 18 February 2012, and has perhaps been the single most influential member of our community since.

As of today, he is our newest Honorary Moderator.

Practically every single ATAR Notes initiative over the last five years, on and off the forums, Brenden has played a role. And often, a very, very big role.

Thank you Brenden: Honorary Moderator #25

On the forums…
Brenden has been an absolute giant.

* More than 7,000 posts. Currently the ninth most of all time and, until recently, the sixth most.
* Accrued some 2,500 respect, mostly through a time where a post:respect ratio of 20:1 was incredible. I have no doubt that Brenden would be #1 if we adjusted respect for era, taking into account respect inflation.
* Made 200+ posts in ten individual boards, including almost 800 in Victorian Education Discussion.
* This includes the VCE English Work Submission and Marking Board, where Brenden was massive in marking countless essays and investing countless hours of time.
* Administrator for more than four years since taking over duties from ninwa.
* Sole Administrator for a large chunk of that time, which honestly would not be an easy gig in the slightest.
* And, in my view, one of the most pivotal posters ever in terms of ATAR Notes Culture.

In December 2017, Brenden made a thread – From the bottom of my heart – Thank you ATAR Notes – and I just think it speaks so well for the kind of impact AN can have. And, indeed, the kind of people AN attracts. Brenden could have easily said, “well, thanks for the help, I’m done now, so I’ll see you all later!”, but instead stuck around to be the pillar of the community he was and is for future students.

And ATAR Notes fell in love with you, mate! From that point onward, just look at some of the threads he has made. This is just a tiny snapshot, not even taking into account individual posts.

Lauren says:
Off the forums…
If it weren't for Brenden, things might be very different, including a lot of things we take for granted now in 2019.

Brenden has played a big role in cultivating the free notes section of the site (starting it from scratch in some instances). The same is true for our free articles, many of which Brenden wrote himself. We're now closing in on 4,000 sets of free notes available to download 24/7.

Brenden was huge in developing our first study guides in both Victoria and New South Wales. We now have more than 60 titles across the two states, with more to come.

Honestly, this could be the biggest thing of all. The NSW community we have today on ATAR Notes is awesome, and offers pretty much everything the Victorian community offers (which was established in 2007). Developing NSW was Brenden's baby, and he smashed it out of the ballpark. We know the huge NSW figures: Jamon, Jake, Elyse, Rui, Susie and so on. But literally none of that could have been done without Brenden, and even though ATAR Notes - HSC is a given right now, it didn't used to be the case.

Jamon says:
TuteSmart now runs across two states. Who took care of much of the day-to-day stuff in its original iterations? Brenden did.

See initial thread here.

For context, when I was in Year 12, free lectures didn't exist. They just didn't. If you wanted to go to revision lectures for your subjects a few times per year, you'd be forking out hundreds - even thousands - of dollars. Now, you can do that for free - again, largely thanks to Brenden (for both states). Literally tens of thousands of students have benefitted.

What I love is that the chances are, lecturers today were either trained by Brenden personally, or trained by somebody who was trained by Brenden. His influence has been significant.

See initial thread here.

On a personal level…
I am honestly really thankful to have been able to work with Brenden over the last little while, and to be able to read his posts (which will hopefully be the case in the future, too!). He’s had a big impact on me personally.

We actually joined the forums about ~a month apart, when we were both just starting Year 12, and then, very coincidentally, made our first posts on the very same night, in the very same board. Brenden got actively involved in the forums much earlier than I did and was, in a sense, from a forum generation before me, but that allowed him to be a really fantastic mentor as I gradually became more involved in subsequent years.

Brenden (with Lauren) was, if I’m thinking straight, the first person I ever met from ATAR Notes. He was probably the most welcoming person I’ve ever met. On that day, his enthusiasm for ATAR Notes was very clear to me, and I think that’s something that has rubbed off onto the community more generally over the years. Which is huge.

I am genuinely proud to call Brenden a friend and to be able to make this post denoting his transition into his next ATAR Notes role as he pursues other ways to positively impact students' lives.

Thank you, Brenden, for everything!

Thank you Brenden: Honorary Moderator #25

If anything, there should be a new category for Brenden, such has been his impact. But I'm very pleased to announce his induction into the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame - a Hall of Fame that, without Brenden, simply wouldn't be complete or right.


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heids (previously bangali_lok and various others) is being recognised as our 26th inductee into the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame on the back of their recent transition to an Honorary Moderator position.

Heidi joined ATAR Notes in late 2014, and made a huge impact practically straight away. Seriously, check out their first ever post, and you'll get an indication of the sort of quality we're talking about. From that point onward, Heidi was a huge influence both academically and otherwise. Academically, Heidi has notched up more than 200 posts in the VCE HHD board, more than 150 in VCE English, more than 100 in VCE Biology, and almost that many in VCE English Marking, where they were massively influential and assisted thousands of students. Not known for brevity (;)), almost all of their posts were as detailed as helpful as their first.

Heidi rose through the ranks quickly, and became a National Moderator in early 2016 after a short period as a State Moderator. As a mod, Heidi prioritised community-building and community spirit, and did an incredible job at it. Speaking personally, I'm not sure I've seen a single poster in the history of ATAR Notes as strong as Heidi in building the awesome ATAR Notes vibes we know today.

Heidi has become less active recently, but their impact is recognised each ear through the annual BLAA (bangali_lok Annual Award), designed to recognise the poster best demonstrating the support and inclusivity valued at ATAR Notes; the inaugural winner in 2018 was current National Moderator Bri MT.

Please join me in congratulating our latest inductee into the ATAR Notes Hall of Fame, heids.


Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.