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Author Topic: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey  (Read 33857 times)

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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2018, 05:11:28 pm »
I finally got my Enviro results back...only that's not really a good thing.  :-\ I got 39/50 which sucks but I was expecting it. I'm arguing my teacher on 2 of the marks though because we had to give 3 reasons decreased biodiversity is bad and I think mine were valid but he only gave the mark for one of them. One of my reasons was literally one of the examples he used of correct responses, just worded differently (although he might argue it was incorrect because I didn't talk about dominant/recessive genes like he did, but I really don't see why I would need to). Our class is very small. I know two people got around 60% and one person got 47/50. The test was actually pretty easy, the hard part was figuring out what the marks were for and coming up with enough examples that were different enough  ::)

I haven't gotten my results for Outdoor Ed  >:( My teacher went through a few peoples with them on Tuesday but didn't get through many and didn't go through any today. One person who likely did the best or close to got 43/50 and one of my friends got 25/50. The teacher said he had the correct information but his structure and actually answering the questions was bad. I reckon he's going to tell me that i structured it right but didn't actually answer the questions haha.

I have my first math SAC the week after next so that will be *fun*. Should be easy though, I'm not really worried about it. I'm more worried about how my reference book is going to go. If it is hard to use I'll probably end up redoing it so hopefully it works well. (I still need to make my Index...)

I did an English practice SAC yesterday and finished it at lunchtime so I had the same (or close) length of time as I will in the actual SAC. I finished it but the quality definitely deteriorated at the end...and wasn't particularly good to start with. I'm going to write some more over the weekend.

It's my brother's birthday tomorrow but I'm working in the middle of the day so we're going to have dinner when I get home and then on Sunday we're going to an escape room (which will hopefully go better than it did last time...) and then to eat and then we're going to see infinity war that night. I haven't got him a present. I actually thought of an idea a few hours ago of something i could get him (it's food) and I can probably get it on my way home from work tomorrow so yay.

I went to the movies with that brother on Sunday night to see black panther which was really good. Marvel is good at giving their villains enough backstory to make me feel bad for them lol. Seriously my favourite marvel character is Loki (and I suspect he will die in infinity war  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'()

I also went to see ready player one with my youngest brother on Tuesday night. It's awesome. And way too realistic, it feels like something that could actually happen in the future which is kind of creepy.
This feels like English - I need more synonyms for 'good'

This year is going so insanely fast.

Oh and fishies! Haven't done much particularly interesting. Fed fish. Water changes. Fed fish again. We moved some fish to their new tanks and had to empty out the rack of tanks they were in to get to the middle tank which was leaking a while ago and has been empty since. Taking the tanks off the rack was a bit of a logistical challenge and we smashed up the foam which was stuck to the bottom (and that I forgot was there until it started breaking...) but it would have been impossible to get them off without breaking the foam so oh well. We also tried to put the tanks on a trolley and forgot that there was a bit of pipe sticking out the bottom of them so they ended up with bits sticking off the edge but they should be fine...

I have to do a 'passion project' which can be anything. It will be fun but I'm not creative enough to come up with what to do. I kind of want to design the tank that my maingano's and mphanga's are in because its just got some rocks in it at the moment (they like to hide). Or design a tank for my Silver Perch which are going to be moved out of the aquaponics tank that they're in at the moment (we're planning on getting barrumundi which will go in the aquaponics tank). I don't want to do another research type project, there are definitely things I'd like to learn about but I've done so many of them. My teacher suggested printing and laminating pictures from our camps to stick on the wall above the window so maybe I'l do that if I can't design a tank. One of my friends might beat me to it though, she looked very interested.
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2018, 11:56:33 pm »
I'm sorry if this has already been asked or you're written about it before, but what are your aspirations for after school?
Your school experience sounds so damn lit I am actually wondering how on earth you're going to try and better it!
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Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2018, 06:44:45 am »
I'm sorry if this has already been asked or you're written about it before, but what are your aspirations for after school?
Your school experience sounds so damn lit I am actually wondering how on earth you're going to try and better it!
I actually don’t think I’ve said what my plans are in here. I’m going to do a double degree in Enviro science/science at ANU ;D after that hopefully work in some sort of marine bio area for a bit, I don’t know exactly I’ll probably change my mind a few thousand times before then but I love the ocean and fishies so something like that.

I won’t have to write creatives or text responses in Uni so that will definitely help ;)
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2018, 05:13:21 pm »
I still haven't got my Outdoor Ed results back ::)

I had my English Media analysis SAC on Wednesday afternoon which went absolutely terribly :'( The piece we got to analyse was way longer than all the ones we were given as practices and we got a piece with an image embedded and 2 comments which is fine, but all the ones we were given as practice throughout the year were a piece, a comment, and a separate picture so that was a bit annoying. I didn't analyse the picture much and all my analyses was pretty bad. I wasn't expecting to do well, but I think I did really badly. It was hard to actually identify what the arguments were for the first piece and my teacher really emphasised that we had to do that well. It was also after school (2-4:15) when we normally finish at 1:30 on Wednesdays and it was all the classes in together where we normally hold exams which was kind of annoying.

I've had a cold all week, so with the SAC finally over I didn't go to school on Thursday. On Friday I was supposed to have Private study, Outdoor Ed, SSDP, Fish, and then finish early, like we do on Wednesdays. I was halfway to school (which is an arduous journey consisting of a tram and 3 busses) when we got the daily bulletin emailed out...and my fish teacher wasn't at school because he was sick (I don't know if I gave it to him or he gave it to me, I'll blame him anyway :P) I almost went home then but I didn't feel too shitty so I went to school. It was a mistake. I was going to do my maths practice SAC first period, but my brain was so darn fuzzy that I just kept rereading the first line so I gave up on that. 2nd period we didn't do much and then I left after that that and didn't stay for SSDP or fish. I still haven't actually started my project that I'm supposed to do for SSDP, and my teacher said that he was  going to base our next WASHI (our version of GPA) on how well we'd worked on our project so RIP lol.

I actually felt a bit better on Saturday (although it was probably just a result of having 2 types of colds medicine and neurofen...). I went to the VCE and careers expo with my friend. I met Nick (again) and avoided talking to people and went to seminars which were a bit boring. Especially because 2 of the english ones were at least half the same stuff, I almost walked out of the second one. My friend is in year 10 and he hasn't decided what uni he wants to go to and whilst I was in seminars he had managed to talk to just about every uni there. Seriously. He had a massive pile of course booklets because he doesn't know how to say no and keep walking. I got another stress ball from Access education (I'm sure I still have the one I got 2 years ago lying around somewhere) but I somehow missed seeing Douchy :'(. It was very entertaining seeing all of the people posting selfies with him on facebook though. I left a bit early and met up with another friend in the city. We grabbed food and watched this guy trying to flip over audience people which was okay but they weren't that good (way better than me though lol).

Today I was supposed to work 1-8 but I had to call in sick because this stupid cold used to be making my head blocked up but it's moved and I've been coughing all day instead. And I work with food. I haven't actually worked all week now though because I was supposed to work Wednesday night but I couldn't because of the SAC and my boss asked me to work Thursday night, but I hadn't even gone to school so like no. I get paid more on Sundays too and I'm casual so no sick pay :'(

I've spent the day sleeping, coughing and catching up on new episodes of designated survivor on netflix which was a very....productive use of my time. I still haven't done my practice SAC for math and the first lesson for it is tomorrow, then tuesday, then thursday, then next monday. It's a 4 part sac on the first 4 chapters of our textbook, but it's not separated into chapters. Also I really hate my reference book and I'll probably end up redoing it at some point because it's too long but I need to memorise the unimportant stuff first. It's period 4 tomorrow which is annoying because I can't just go home early and I really don't want to go but if I don't then i have to go get a medical certificate :(

I'm so behind on work because I haven't done much whilst I've been sick, but I really enjoyed doing absolutely nothing on Thursday (and today).
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2018, 06:04:46 pm »
Did you go to my seminar?!


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2018, 06:09:20 pm »
Nope :( I intended to but then my friend called me to say she was in the city and she wanted to meet up so then I left early. I'm sure yours wouldn't have been boring :P
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2018, 04:07:12 pm »
I still haven't go my outdoor ed results Should I just put that in my signature so I don't have to keep saying it?

In outdoor ed today we went for a walk down to the creek and spent most of the time doing a risk assessment on using the drain as a waterslide. Almost half the boys and one girl said they'd go through it if they had shoes, helmet, pfd, wetsuit, and people upstream and downstream looking for hazards. I wouldn't do it but it seemed safe enough.

My library is closed because they got water damage from all this rain. They'll probably be closed tomorrow as well  :'(

I only went to school for p4 on monday because I had the first lesson of my math SAC then. I know I messed up one of the questions because I was supposed to draw a graph but I had 10 minutes left so I did it on my CAS so I could answer the 2 questions about the graph, but I didn't have time to do the actual graph. The second lesson went a bit better but I still only just finished on time. The third lesson was the same, but there was one question where I had no idea what it wanted me to say. All the parts of the SAC are based on data about cardiovascular disease and the question was asking us to talk about the organisation's claim in relation to the data we had analysed. The data was completely irrelevant though ??? It was about height & bmi, the claim was about the amount of disease that is attributable to bmi so I wrote how many of the sample people would have the disease according to their research because I had no idea what they wanted.

My Enviro attendance is below 90% which is really annoying. There's been 23 classes this year, I've missed 3. 2 were because I was sick and one was because my teacher was away for the week and both of the other classes got taken off compass so I assumed that one would too, but it wasn't. We only have 2 classes a week at the moment because my teacher broke his finger badly and he has to have a day off to get it checked each week. He's also going to miss some days because of grad camp (which I'm not going on) so those classes will probably be cancelled. We need to have 30 classes before the 1st of June, otherwise I have to go to catch up after school so I don't fail.

I haven't been to SSDP all week. Monday I was sick, Tuesday I had a cyber safety presentation, Wednesday I went to see the play Medea for English, Thursday he was sick and today I had a meeting with the other fish leader and out teacher.I'm expecting a WASHI of between 0-1 from him LOL my maths should be way better than it was last time though now that I have a teacher who doesn't hate me, so my overall WASHI probably won't change.

We're organising an excursion in fish to Melbourne polytechnic to look at their aquaculture stuff and to aquarium industries (Australia's largest importer of aquarium fish). We're also going to get a bunch of new fishies from AI whilst we're there, they sell them to us for wholesale price which is cool. We recently got our first 2 fighter fish, and we're getting 10 more as well as a bunch of native fish.

I had work last night and they fed us lots. The store manager has worked for woolies for 30 years. There was way too much food. Was very good though. The state manager came to visit, so her day was just stressful even though it wasn't supposed to be haha
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2018, 05:55:44 pm »
Ran out of time in the last part of my math SAC today. I didn't do the last 3 questions which were drawing a graph, describing it, and interpreting it in relation to data we were given. I talked to 4 people in my class, they were all up to the same point so hopefully that was consistent across all the classes. :-\ The other 3 parts of the SAC were close but we had enough time. This one was a time series and we had to graph it, do a few other questions then work out season indexes, deseasonalise it, and graph it again. There just wasn't enough time. Especially given we had to put one of the tables into our CAS ourselves (the rest of the data was uploaded).
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2018, 05:58:41 pm »
I still haven't go my outdoor ed results
and I'm so not game to ask for them. I mean I assume he would have told me by now if I failed it?

Had a fairly standard week, I've got so much work to do at the moment. I have my next Enviro SAC on Thursday, and I barely know what I'm doing. We got given articles which we need for the SAC somehow? I really have no clue what I'm doing lol. I've got all of this extracurricular stuff going on at the moment as well. I have two EAG excursions to clean up rubbish from a creek & a beach on the 21st and 28th and an outdoor ed excursion on the 31st and a fish excursion (which is gonna be awesome!) on the 1st. It's all really great and I want to do it, I just have no time.

PF's weird metaphors and nonexistent art skills

Also the three best people that I work with are all taking leave over the next few weeks because of uni exams. We're also hiring some more people, which is good, but this is what happened at the end of last year when I ended up having to train 2 people at once whilst shortstaffed. It was not fun. There are a couple of other people who could teach them, a few people I wouldn't want to teach them (because they're fairly new themselves). The deli manager and assistant manager will be there but only during the day and I doubt the new people will work during the day much. My boss asked if he could give me more shifts whilst they're on leave and stupid me said yes ::) I mean I want the money but byebye free time and sleep. I normally get 2-3 shifts a week so I'll be onto 4 probably, at least 3 of which will be nights and I'll be stuck training the new kids :-\ Sometimes new people are okay, sometimes they're completely hopeless. Mostly dependant on their age and whether they've had a job before. We had this new girl a few months ago who I got to train for 2 weeks and then she called in sick and resigned later that day. And it was a day I was closing and we were short staffed  >:( Yay Also I don't know why they're hiring new people going into winter when we normally have less people working...It's probably because uni people and I are all on leave at the same time and they'll be screwed otherwise.

I had to go get my immunisations for Nepal today, and then send off my application for a Visa (which I probably should have done a while ago). I need to get my visa to fill out my forms for school, which have been sitting on my desk for 2 weeks! It's all feeling very real, and fairly terrifying. Even if they let us bring our phones they've said that they won't let us buy sims over there, and that if we want to contact Australia we have to ask one of them to call which shits me so much. My schools is all one person policy this... one person policy that... but teachers are allowed to get sims and we're not  >:( and one of our teachers doesn't even want us to bring our phones. I found a slightly dodgy but seemingly legit way to buy a sim for Nepal before I go but its $45 for 15 days..... I mean I would happily pay it if that was for 30 days but of course its not. We won't have reception during our main trek anyway, which is towards the end, and we finish that like 3 days before we come back, so I guess I could just get one for the first half. Comes with 4gig data... I dunno whether to get it or not. Like I get that they want us to hang out with each other and not be staring at our phones but I don't particularly like most of the other people going, and I don't like being completely cut off like that. My arm hurts. The flu shot hurt more initially but now the vivaxim is worse :(

I should probably stop procrastinating and actually go back to doing my work now...
Hope you've all had a great week ;D
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2018, 02:06:41 pm »
My arm hurts. The flu shot hurt more initially but now the vivaxim is worse :(
Lol I've heard the fluvacc this year is particularly painful (and doesn't hit till later lol). I don't know whether to get it. I've never been vaccinated against the flu before and I heard it is best to get it every year once you start. Have you had it before?
I've never been that awfully sick from the flu but I don't want to be regretting it lmao.
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2018, 03:56:17 pm »
I hadn’t got it before, my doctor said to because it would be pretty bad if I got the flu whilst overseas. I’d heard it was really painful as well but it only hurt for an hour or so and I can’t feel it at all anymore. I would say you may as well get it, it would really suck to get the flu in the middle of year 12
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2018, 05:00:19 pm »
I hadn’t got it before, my doctor said to because it would be pretty bad if I got the flu whilst overseas. I’d heard it was really painful as well but it only hurt for an hour or so and I can’t feel it at all anymore. I would say you may as well get it, it would really suck to get the flu in the middle of year 12
Fair point and true about overseas.
Thanks for the advice! Hope you're doing well.
Also dw about your envrio results i'm sure they'll be great!! fingers crossed for you :))
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

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Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2018, 01:19:01 pm »
I still haven't go my outdoor ed results
Okay so apparently it's not his fault. He says he tried to upload them but the system isn't working and they haven't fixed it yet. He could just give us our actual SACs back though....I haven't got my English results back either. I'm sure it's going to be terrible though

I'm still sick :( Not very sick, just coughing constantly sort of sick. It's really annoying.

I didn't go to school on Monday, which meant I didn't go on my excursion. It also meant my Enviro attendance dropped to 85% so I had to go to catch up classes afterschool :(

I've been working a ton. 9 hours yesterday which was just great. I managed to freak my mum out because I forgot to tell her that my shift got changed last minute. I was supposed to be working 10-7 but it got changed to 12-9. She called my work because I wasn't home lol oops. We're very, very short staffed. As in, today is my department manager's 14th day of work in a row. There's a couple more people taking leave soon as well so it's just going to get worse. I'm pretty sure they'll be back either just before or just after I take leave though. Also I sort of accidentally got my brother a job. My department manager was like 'do you know anyone who wants a job?' and I was like 'my brother but I don't wanna work with him' and now he's maybe got a job in produce (I work in deli) haha.

I had my enviro SAC on Thursday. It went about as expected. AKA badly. I really hate the way my teacher assigns marks. It's always really unclear what exactly he wants, and he doesn't give us practice sacs or anything. The whole SAC was about the effect of light pollution on baby sea turtles and there was this table that we had to fill out. It was about beneficial and harmful effects of light pollution on biosphere/hydrophere/lithosphere/atmosphere. There's literally no information in our textbook about it - (paraphrased quote) 'Everything has an impact. Spheres & their definitions. EMS's help ensure that there is minimal impact'. That's it. Seriously?? He didn't give us any more information on it either. How tf am I supposed to know how light pollution harms the ground??? *Screams*

I'm a bit behind again in maths. I have SACs over the next few weeks for all of my subjects so that's going to be great fun.

Oh also we got our latest WASHI (GPA) and my SSDP teacher gave me 2.7 even though I haven't done any work the entire term He said that he'd give us a bad washi if we hadn't worked on our project. I was expecting like a 1 lol. Also I got a 4 from my new math teacher, my old teacher gave me 1.4 so my WASHI average is the highest I've ever got at my current school (3.5/4) so yay i guess? (not like it actually matters though)

World Ocean Day is June 8th so my fish class is organising a fashion day type thing. Basically you have to make an outfit out of plastic rubbish from your home. Dressing up so isn't my thing so I'm judging. We got a donation for the prize, it's a ticket for a swim with dolphins thing in Sorrento (I think?) worth $150 which is awesome. Unfortunately it's only one ticket, we were hoping for two but I'm surprised they gave us one that easily (also we're going to go on an excursion there and they're giving us tickets for $90 each ;D)

I really need to start going for walks with my pack on given i'm going on a 12 day hike in Nepal ::) I really don't have the time for it though. I've got so much homework I should be doing, and I also need to get ahead so I'm not really behind when I get back. Everyone else is bringing diamox to help with the altitude but my doctor wouldn't give me any so rip me lol
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2018, 08:11:49 pm »
Congrats on your WASHI!

I can definitely relate to marks and teachers and all that, but don't worry too much. They'll come eventually. Also, my fingers are crossed for the SACs you didn't think went well. Try to keep positive (easier said than done, right?) but you never know, so better to keep a good mood until then. If they really are not what you hoped, then you can curse them out hahaha. Doing it beforehand is too much energy, in my opinion.

Also just scab the diamox from your friends if they have enough. Or better yet, find another doctor :P

Good luck and have a great week!!
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

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Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2018, 08:36:05 pm »
Just a quick update on SAC results...

So the average English mark for the media analysis was 16/40 LMAO I'm screwed Some people are getting them back at the end of this week but i'll get mine next week because the SACs were distributed amongst all of the English teachers and my teacher says she's going to mark all of ours herself as well and fight the teacher who marked it if she thinks we should have gotten higher than we did.

My maths teacher has only marked the first 2 parts of the SAC, but he said we had areas to improve on and that it's a good learning opportunity so that means it was bad lol. It's going to be a while before we get them back.

Heard nothing on outdoor ed ::)
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
2020: Just Vibing
2021: B. Paramedicine/B. Nursing @ ACU Canberra