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Author Topic: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal  (Read 65062 times)

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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #150 on: December 12, 2018, 10:06:03 pm »
I also have pharmacy as a backup in case I don't get into undergrad med... who knows, maybe we might meet on campus next year? Good luck with your results and seeing as you already have some amazing scores I'm sure your atar will be a pleasant surprise :)


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #151 on: December 13, 2018, 12:36:12 pm »
Hi Sarangiya!
How are you going?
Just wanted to say that my mum and I have really enjoyed reading your VCE Journey over the year.
You have been a real inspiration, especially since I am going for Medicine at Monash as well. So, thank you!
I know you will have many successes in the future!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 12:39:20 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #152 on: December 17, 2018, 03:15:45 am »
Pharmacy is so much fun from what I hear around campus! ^-^
I too read up about drugs/medications all the time, but I personally love that there's an entire medicines handbook containing all sorts of information about medicines/drugs available on the Australian market! Unfortunately pharmsci don't use it much, but I always see the pharmacy kiddos studying it in the cafeteria during lunch! :)

All the best with results though, I reckon you have done amazingly well!!! ^-^
Thanks so much for the reply!
Awesome to get some feedback on the course (even if it's secondhand!). Since it's quite a rash decision, I never had the opportunity to attend the open days or ask about anything. I'm glad to hear that it might be fun!!

Haha wow!! I can definitely imagine myself doing that lol.
Thanks so much!!

Loved reading your journal throughout the past months..bit sad that this journal is coming to an end soon but I wish you the very best of luck for your results :)
Hope to read more entries through your university journal next year!
Thank you so much for the reply :) and I'm so glad you've enjoyed reading. I've enjoyed writing!
With that in mind, you can definitely expect a Uni journal from me next year. That also comes with a strong recommendation to anyone else thinking of starting one!!
Thanks so much and best of luck to you too!!
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #153 on: December 17, 2018, 03:20:39 am »
I also have pharmacy as a backup in case I don't get into undergrad med... who knows, maybe we might meet on campus next year? Good luck with your results and seeing as you already have some amazing scores I'm sure your atar will be a pleasant surprise :)
Wow!! That's awesome. I'm glad we are in the same boat (well, I would be even more glad if we both got into undergrad med - but you know what I mean!). If this seriously ends up happening we definitely have to catch up because we may end up following a very similar path!!
All the best to you also and hope your ATAR was a pleasant surprise for you too!

Hi Sarangiya!
How are you going?
Just wanted to say that my mum and I have really enjoyed reading your VCE Journey over the year.
You have been a real inspiration, especially since I am going for Medicine at Monash as well. So, thank you!
I know you will have many successes in the future!
Hi Evolio! Thank you so much to you and your mum for reading! I'm so, so flattered!
Oh, fantastic!! I'll be rooting for you to get into Monash!! Please let me know how it goes :)
Thanks so much for your lovely message and wishing for much success for you too!! Best of luck!
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #154 on: December 17, 2018, 03:34:53 am »
the ATAR
This might be the toughest thing I've ever had to write, let alone post on ATARNotes. Nonetheless, it's all a part of the experience.

We left Seoul on an overnight flight Wednesday, and spent the day in Singapore on the Thursday. With another overnight flight into Melbourne, we were truly exhausted. I kept my eye on the time nervously as 7am edged closer and closer.
We were on the Skybus when I decided to open the app. I had my mum's phone in one hand recording my reaction (on recommendation of a ATARNotes user!). I had initially decided to keep it to myself, but put it on my story because my reaction was bland enough to not be embarrassing.

A transcript:warning: profanity
It's 4:11. No it's not. It's 7:11, and 4:11 Singaporean time. Let's go.
Oh my God.
That's a bit awkward. Yeet. Fuck.
Oh shit.
Oh… no, no… mmkay.
My ATAR is 97.45. Oh my God.
So… why would that be my scaled fucking aggregate!?* No...
Wait, so I did w– *gasp* what?

As you might have realised, it came as quite a shock.
The first point of interest I have is “my scaled fucking aggregate”. If you're confused, so am I. What I actually was referring to was the fact that somehow my VET study ended up contributing to my 6 subjects. For those not familiar, an unscored VET creates a study score equivalent by taking your average study score as a 10% increment.
The second point of interest was how “I did w–”orse in psychology this year than what I did two years ago! Mad. In 2016 I got A+, A, A+ and a 43. This year I got A+, A+, A+ and a 41! I was mortified.
So, two study scores revealed: 41 for psychology, and 43 (4.3) for VET.
The next thing to catch my attention was philosophy. That is, the fact that it was in my top 4. English Language, Japanese, Psychology, Philosophy, UMEP, VET. I was stunned! My chemistry and methods scores were kicked to the curb. A 31 for chemistry
… and, as I had feared…
a 24 for methods.
I cannot begin to express the feeling. It wasn't panic, nor disappointment, nor, well, anything. I just sat back and wondered to myself: what am I going to do?

My study score for chemistry was meh. I barely even gave it a second glance, then or now. I thought it was good enough and since it wasn't in my six – who cares?
On the other hand, my 41 in English Language was a source of frustration. I had honestly thought I would, dare I say, ‘easily’ score over 45.

Overall, most of my thoughts were left unrecorded:
This isn't enough for medicine!
I can't believe I didn't score higher
I shouldn't have underestimated this
The previous dux got 97 as well, right?

I text my friends. The digits flow in. 91, 88, 90, 79…
Some are happy. Some are disappointed. Some immediately assess their likely offers. Some slept in.
It was only that morning that I truly thought the ATAR was a cruel thing. “I really wanted a 90,” one of my friends says to me. I knew she did. It sucks that “top 10%” is such a big deal. “My expectations of myself were too high,” says another. It sucks that the score had to be so entwined with ideas of the self. I try my best to console and congratulate.
My friends did the same for me. On Snapchat one messages me, “congrats my little dux!”
Another jokes, “dux for sure. Can't wait to hear your phony speech. “Study hard” when in reality “what homework did we have due today for Lang?””.
I say to them,
“Haha dunno about that.”
A bit later I ask,
“do you knew anyone who got higher?”
“Nope you're the highest.”
“Idk. It's anxiety but meh,” I reply. “Time will tell.”
Later again,
“I’m beginning to think it's not me. I haven't heard anything from the school.”
“Nah, maybe they'll send it later,” she replies.

We return home on the train. Standing under shelter from the rain and waiting for a taxi, my mum's phone happens to ring. It's the school reception. My mum talks to them briefly and hands over the phone. I don't even know who is on the other end of the line.
“How are you feeling?” they ask. I reply that I'm fine. It's obvious in my tone that it wasn't entirely true. “If you can in this weather, could you come to school briefly for a photo?”
Of course I agree, despite being desperate to sleep and having a knot slowly forming in my stomach.
We stand at the taxi rank, waiting and waiting. My mother suddenly remembers we don't have keys. I begin to panic.
I had always dreamed of this moment. Dux of my school, in the newspaper, and done up so nicely. It was slowly becoming obvious that “getting done up” was going to be taxiing to my cousin's place to have a shower and wearing clothes out of my suitcase.
I truly wanted to cry.
We get there, I shower, and put on creased, baggy clothes stinking of oil. There's no time for makeup, so I put on some lipstick in the hope it brings some colour to my face. We rush to school.

As we come through front reception, my Japanese teacher happens to be standing at the door, poised to leave for the day. I almost lose the strength in my knees. This woman is like a mother to me. Maybe someone I want to impress more than my own mother - a mentor, an inspiration.
She says congratulations to me. I'm on the verge of tears, and vaguely thank her.
“So, did you hear who got dux?”
“Oh, no, I haven't yet…” I reply. I have to look at the ceiling and pretend to laugh as my mum explains that I'm trying not to cry.
“She did all humanities subjects. It was the subject scores. You did well in Japanese, but she did well in everything,” she tells me. I can't even bother to try and think of who it is.
I try my best to finish our conversation.
I search for I'm meant to be. I just make it to where the newspaper photographers are. On my way, I pass the head of math (who barely acknowledged me lmfao) and my favourite teacher, my chemistry teacher. “Congrats on your big score,” he says. I want to kick myself.
As I line up with the other girls who got over ninety, I see one person is positioned in the foreground. With her back to me, I realise it is the dux. I couldn't recognise her but when we disbanded, I finally saw who it was.
I couldn't have been more pleased.
One of the nicest people I know, and a really hard worker in all aspects of life. I love her artwork, and the way she would spot me waiting outside her gym for the bus and chat with me. I felt so ashamed and upset having to find out I wasn't dux from one of the most important people in my life, but I felt a weight lift because I genuinely thought that she truly deserved it.

I stayed back and chatted to the girls who had achieved over 90. I felt a little more contented. Eventually, I decide I should leave. Finally, I thought I could get home and sleep.
We get our keys from a friend who had been looking after our dogs while we were away and head home.
We open the door, and our young pup comes rushing in. But, my mum and I walk out to see our other dog lying in her bed. We try to get her attention but she refuses to move. My mum picks her up to bring her inside. As she places her down on her feet, she slides and lies down. She is panting heavily and rapidly. I say to my mum, “I don't think she can stand.” My mum props her up on her legs and bribes her with treats to have her walk. She stumbles around to and fro, looking a shell of what she was when we left.
My disappointment from my ATAR and my shock from being runner up to our dux was not enough to make me cry all morning.
This time, I began to wail.
I sit with my girl, Ruby, at the front door. She seems to recognise me, but her eyes are glassy. She doesn't seem to be in pain, but her laboured breathing doesn't cease. We had a family member come check on her but two days ago only to be told that she seemed fine. I looked at her and I knew I couldn't let her be in this condition overnight. Me, someone who won't even cry at the Notebook and yet was so upset at the Hachiko movie I threw a phone book across the room.
We called and took Ruby to the vet. The receptionist looks at her and says it's best to take her to triage. We wait in a separate room, faces red and eyes swollen. The veterinary surgeon comes in and tells us that Ruby is in a bad way, that we had two options. One, to investigate what was causing her laboured breathing - warning us that it was most likely untreatable. Two, to put Ruby down. We admitted that we both thought the appointment today had one outcome. The vet agreed that it was probably the best thing to do.
And so I said goodbye to my best friend.

I can't begin to explain. The shock of seeing my slowly ageing dog suddenly deteriorate. The guilt of making her suffer for a whole month alone. The emptiness of our house. My younger dog howling at night.
The only things I can say are that I am truly glad we could see her before she had to go, and that she was at a point that we knew what the only choice was.
Most of all, it put everything into perspective.
I was disappointed and upset at my results, but it was nowhere near the devastation and grief I felt after letting Ruby go.
My ATAR day has quite possibly been the (second) worst day of my entire life. Very dramatic but not an exaggeration.
But in the end, I truly realised what everyone has been telling me this whole time.
In the grand scheme of things,
it's just a number.

P.S. my deepest apologies for the extreme emotion lol. I thought about lightening it up a bit, but I wanted to record my true feeling towards what happened.
Please stay tuned for a more optimistic post soon (19th)!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 03:38:27 am by sarangiya »
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #155 on: December 17, 2018, 12:45:33 pm »
I have been following your journal for quiet a time now and loved reading your entries as I have similar aspirations of perusing med school.Thank you for giving all of us on atarnotes an incredible insight to your Vce life!

Extremely sorry for Ruby :-[
Loosing your companion and that toooo a wonderful one like Ruby is a great loss.
Hopefully she rests in peace and you always have happy memories with her.
Do not blame yourself for leaving her alone for a month for your trip to Korea.
Her time had come and maybe not being with her was for the best.Seeing her suffer like this would break your heart every single day.Now you can think happy things, the way she grabbed the ball when you threw it to her, the way she snuggled besides you for comfort, whenever you remember her!And not her whimpering in pain.

The second thing I wanted to say is it is okay to feel sorry for yourself . You do not need to justify why you wanted to become a dux or even bag that 99+ atar.It is perfectly alright to feel disappointed and empty when you do not exceed your expectations.I feel like, going through all these emotions will help you heal much more faster and the quicker you come in terms with it the more content you will feel later on.
You might feel like the dream of getting into medicine might be slipping away and you might find yourself subjected to criticism from certain people about your atar,but all I want to say is right now just block all negativity.Think through your options clearly.What you can do NOW instead what you could have done in the PAST.Your atar does not define your capabilities .You are greater than that.
In many moments of your life you might feel like your hardwork is not reflected in the outcome of the work, it is totally okay because these events will shape your personality later on in life.This hype of who got what atar and ooo 90+ is only temporary.With the heat waves of December this to shall pass.
As Walt Whitman once said and I quote :keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you

I truly wish the very best for your upcoming life and hope you slay all the dragons that come your way!

P.s Congratulations on finishing your VCE! 12 years of schooling is officially completed.You should be proud of yourself! :)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 12:52:39 pm by geek123456 »


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #156 on: December 17, 2018, 04:42:48 pm »
Hey Sarangiya, first I just want to say sorry about Ruby - it must have been extremely difficult, but at least she got to spend her final moments with you. She actually looks a lot like my dogs, think they might be the same breed? I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose one of them. But sadly it’s something we all have to deal with sooner or later. Hope your younger pup is doing okay.

Next, can I please congratulate you on your absolutely sick ATAR? Like, I know it’s not as high as you expected, but from reading your journal this year (and also from, uh... stalking your previous posts) I can see that you have crazy high expectations for yourself. And that’s okay. I really aspire to be like that. I think all of us can learn a lot from you - your willingness to learn, your humble attitude, and your desire to achieve the best you possibly can. I don’t think any number can accurately reflect your abilities.

Hang in there and know that all of us are rooting for you. All the best!! :)

Ps. Looking forward to your university journal next year ;)
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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #157 on: December 19, 2018, 05:08:46 pm »
I have been following your journal for quiet a time now and loved reading your entries as I have similar aspirations of perusing med school.Thank you for giving all of us on atarnotes an incredible insight to your Vce life!

Extremely sorry for Ruby :-[
Loosing your companion and that toooo a wonderful one like Ruby is a great loss.
Hopefully she rests in peace and you always have happy memories with her.
Do not blame yourself for leaving her alone for a month for your trip to Korea.
Her time had come and maybe not being with her was for the best.Seeing her suffer like this would break your heart every single day.Now you can think happy things, the way she grabbed the ball when you threw it to her, the way she snuggled besides you for comfort, whenever you remember her!And not her whimpering in pain.

The second thing I wanted to say is it is okay to feel sorry for yourself . You do not need to justify why you wanted to become a dux or even bag that 99+ atar.It is perfectly alright to feel disappointed and empty when you do not exceed your expectations.I feel like, going through all these emotions will help you heal much more faster and the quicker you come in terms with it the more content you will feel later on.
You might feel like the dream of getting into medicine might be slipping away and you might find yourself subjected to criticism from certain people about your atar,but all I want to say is right now just block all negativity.Think through your options clearly.What you can do NOW instead what you could have done in the PAST.Your atar does not define your capabilities .You are greater than that.
In many moments of your life you might feel like your hardwork is not reflected in the outcome of the work, it is totally okay because these events will shape your personality later on in life.This hype of who got what atar and ooo 90+ is only temporary.With the heat waves of December this to shall pass.
As Walt Whitman once said and I quote :keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you

I truly wish the very best for your upcoming life and hope you slay all the dragons that come your way!

P.s Congratulations on finishing your VCE! 12 years of schooling is officially completed.You should be proud of yourself! :)
Hey! Thank you so much for your reply :)

Thank you so much for comforting me about Ruby. It was so sweet. I think my best memories of her were when I was little. I would get into bed with my mum at nighttime and use a laptop propped on a pillow to watch a DVD. Ruby would jump on the bed and curl up at our feet :)

You're right. I was sad to not have exceeded my expectations, but as you said, I feel like I recovered from it much more quickly because I had an outlet to explore and validate all of my emotions. Thank you so much for being a part of that process - you are obviously wise beyond your years.
As for criticism, I have been so lucky to have a supportive and safe environment at home and on ATARNotes. I haven't heard anything disheartening yet, but I do feel insecure about it. I can't help but thinking that no medical school would admit me with such an ATAR, or that someone so bad at math should not be a doctor. I was a little disappointed in myself, but moreso I felt embarrassed or ashamed. I felt like everyone expected more of me, and that my non-performance made everything think, wow, I guess she wasn't all that after all!
It's really tough. I can't help but feel a little insecure. But nonetheless, I think in time those feelings will come to pass. And as you said, I can start improving now! There's nothing that can be done to fix what has already happened, but maybe a bridging course or an undergraduate degree can be a way to build upon these lows. I'm so happy that you invite such positive thinking.

Thank you so much again and great quote! Congratulations and best luck to you too :)

Hey Sarangiya, first I just want to say sorry about Ruby - it must have been extremely difficult, but at least she got to spend her final moments with you. She actually looks a lot like my dogs, think they might be the same breed? I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose one of them. But sadly it’s something we all have to deal with sooner or later. Hope your younger pup is doing okay.

Next, can I please congratulate you on your absolutely sick ATAR? Like, I know it’s not as high as you expected, but from reading your journal this year (and also from, uh... stalking your previous posts) I can see that you have crazy high expectations for yourself. And that’s okay. I really aspire to be like that. I think all of us can learn a lot from you - your willingness to learn, your humble attitude, and your desire to achieve the best you possibly can. I don’t think any number can accurately reflect your abilities.

Hang in there and know that all of us are rooting for you. All the best!! :)

Ps. Looking forward to your university journal next year ;)
Hi Kade (if I can call you that) - thank you so much for your kind words.
Ruby is a papillon cross! i wonder if they are a same or similar breed? Losing her was tough. But you're right - it was time and what can we do about that? Our younger dog is doing okay but we think he is grieving too. He is very quiet and howls when we go to bed or leave the house. I think he's lonely, but hopefully we can entertain him and get him in high spirits again! Nonetheless, I hope you have many more wonderful years with your dogs.

Thank you so much! Congratulations on your amazing ATAR! You should be so proud. I agree that we are more than this number!
I really appreciate what you said. I hope next year I can set some more achievable goals for myself. I'm sure you'll see many more successes next year and beyond! Great work and my warmest congratulations to you!

Thank you! Best of luck to you too.
P.S. Also looking forward to yours ;)
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #158 on: December 19, 2018, 07:05:28 pm »
I promised a more optimistic entry, so here it is!
Today was the deadline for change of preferences. And with that, I'm going to lay out for you my plan. I'm moving forward!

Top Picks
In order (kind of), and why:

1. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Tasmania
Unfortunately, this is probably the least likely. I did not receive a rural offer (guaranteed spot for 95+ ATAR), so my getting into this course relies solely on other people declining their offers in favour of non-rural places or places from other universities. Even though the declination rate is quite high among UTas applicants, it sure isn't very hope-inspiring. Nonetheless, it could happen! I'm just going to keep my fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes crossed. I love the idea of being a little bit closer to home, being in a regional area (but still a bit more 'city' than home), only needing to do 5 years and being around people with similar backgrounds! Plus, a have an offer for accommodation in Hobart. Everything's perfect except... the offer (or lack thereof!)

2. Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine at the University of New South Wales
I technically still have a chance at UNSW, which is as amazing. I would definitely cry if I was lucky enough to get an offer. On another forum (if you know, you know) there were a couple of people who reported these offers!: 69th %ile, 97.10, rural, CSP, Kensington, and 64th %ile, 97.45, rural, gap year, BMP, Port Mac. I'd be so happy to go to either Port Mac or Kensington, bonded or not. The problem is, of course, the interview. Fingers and toes crossed.
I love that this course is so prestigious and yet so wholesome. It has options to study overseas, respects the humanities, and has great technology and staff involvement. The problem would be money... Kensington is not a cheap place to live or study. Port Macquarie, though, would be much more reasonable. If it Sydney, I'm sure I'll be able to get some support. If it's Port Mac, maybe I'll be able to have some tiny amount of spare cash! (lol)

3. MD Provisional Entry for School Leavers at the University of Queensland
This is also really unlikely. I would need enough adjustment factors to lift my ATAR to a 99 (it's nice they even allow this!). Considering I have a 97.45, the amount I'd need is... hm. Since I am going through the rural access scheme, I can only have a maximum of 5 adjustment factors. I think I'd probably meet the maximum (two for regionality, two for a second language, and one for UMEP). But on Monash's calculator, apparently 5 points only brings me up to a 98-something at max. Not fun. But who knows? Maybe I'm just high enough on the list to be considered! Whatever the case, I'd love to go to UQ because Brisbane is a beautiful city. My cousin also attends QUT which is just across the road(river), so I'd have family there. Plus, I could choose an undergraduate program I liked (probably pharmacy, or health sciences is I don't meet their math prereq lol). UQ have also been in the news recently on award of their research, which is really awesome. Unlikely, but who knows!

4. Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Medical) at La Trobe University
I recently got an invitation to be interviewed by La Trobe! I'm so stoked. This course is probably the most likely on my list, and it's also great because it is in Victoria. I really loved Albury when I went there this year for an interview at UNSW, so I am sure I'd enjoy studying there! I went to Bendigo last year as well, so I could check out Monash's Rural Clinic School. La Trobe's is literally next to it - I should have been looking at that instead. Bendigo is a lovely place and the hospital has had some great renovations. I'd love it there, too! La Trobe is also my mother's alma mater and my correspondence with them so far has been so personal and pleasant. I really think it is a nice university. My only qualm is the fact that the program is in its first year. It might be innovative and fun, but in the end it is experimental. I have no senior students to turn to, no past resources, and nothing to expect or anticipate. It's a little daunting, but look, I think it'd be a great course nonetheless and I'd be extremely grateful to get a chance at La Trobe. For those who aren't aware, it is supposedly a guaranteed pathway into a Doctor of Medicine (Rural) run by the University of Melbourne.

By institution, in no order whatsoever (which is a problem lol).

University of Tasmania
Bachelor of Medical Research

This degree is the only course from which UTas will be accepting non-standard applications. It's possible to receive a guaranteed offer into medicine after finishing the BMedRes, as well as to attempt to transfer each year into the MBBS through 'competitive entry'. This makes this course really tempting. I meet the prerequisites and the ATAR by miles, and I have accommodation waiting for me. The problem is the actual likelihood of transferring or being accepting into med during/following the degree. I also don't have much information on it. I do kind of like the idea of medical research, but only insofar as a discipline at university, not really a profession. That's purely because I don't think there is much job security. If it was on the side (of example, practicing medicine lol) I would definitely love to try it out. It may tick prerequisites for graduate medicine at other institutions, which is a plus. The minus is that if I just cannot make it in anywhere - what the hell would I do for money? I don't think this degree boasts wide career opportunities, which is one of my "course prerequisites". In any case, if I got a guaranteed entry offer, this is a real possibility.

RMIT University
Bachelor of Medical Radiations (Nuclear Medicine)

I am so grateful to RMIT for setting their prerequisite scores at 20+ instead of 25+. Bless. I am still interested in this pathway. I think the job market for medical imaging (nuclear medicine/radiation therapy/imaging) is better than pharmacy and some other allied health professions. The course also seems pretty interesting, and I've heard good things from current students. Travelling to Bundoora until I found accommodation wouldn't be bad, either. My issues lie with whether I would be able to get into medicine after (I know maybe my thoughts will change, but I don't want to close any doors). I must contact RMIT to see whether it would be a suitable pre-medical degree. It's actually quite a good option, but I'm not sure if I have the same passion for it as I do pharmacy (or a guaranteed entry pathway).

Monash University
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Master of Pharmacy

I have been quite fascinated by the prospect of pharmacy recently. I think it would be really fun and well-suited to me. Not to mention that Monash is pretty prestigious when it comes to pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. Moreover, it would open up 25 spots for Monash's MD course. The competition would be fierce, which makes that drawcard... less of a 'draw' and more just a 'card'. Being in Parkville, commuting would not be out of the question. Moreover, it provides a reasonable job market to enter into after having graduated if I choose not to do medicine. The drawback is probably that I will have to undergo Monash's 16-day mathematics course. It is the [link=Monash Maths Bridging]https://www.monashcollege.edu.au/courses/maths-bridging#tabs__757087-06[/link]. It is quite the commitment because it's not easy nor cheap to go to Melbourne for 16 days (~$250 in travel costs at least). There is also the tuition fee of $1,200... but I may be able to have it waived due to financial difficulty. I would be really excited to try pharmacy... it's hard to know which is the best 'backup'. For now I've ordered pharmacy higher than medical imaging, but I'll be only be eligible for pharmacy second round. Maybe I can accept both and then decide.
Bachelor of Biomedicine
Opens 50 places for Monash MD but so competitive... there are also below average career opportunities and I'd only be average for round two after completing the bridging course (would I even get an offer!?). I listed this above RMIT but now I'm not so sure. I did have an offer for accommodation at Clayton but I had to let it lapse because they wanted a non-refundable $500 rental deposit. That's totally morally comprehensible considering first round offers aren't even out! Plus the rental agreement begins but two days after they are actually out! That makes sooo much sense...!
Bachelor of Arts
Allows me to transfer into another degree, I guess. I also enjoy studying the humanities (obviously). But see above ^

University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Science is basically a no-go because UniMelb have no feasible bridging programs. Well, they do, but they take a semester at least. Plus, it would just be another degree with average-ish career outcomes and average-ish chances at graduate med places. I would be able to commute though. I did always love Melbourne Uni, too...

Not easy, right!? I have a lot of options - which is a great thing. It just matters how many of these are actually offered to me!
At first I was so devastated by my ATAR and by my methods study score. Now, it is really making me think about what I want out of university. A Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts is a great option for some people because its broad, can be extended into further education, and allows you explore your interests. But for me, these things come second to finding a job. It seems kind of cynical, but I'm a realist, and my background is thus. Something in common though, between all courses and all people, is that these courses are yet again stepping stones. Just like your ATAR, they are just keys to various locks that will open doors for you. I'm excited to walk down any of these paths - whether it be medicine, medical imaging, pharmacy, science or arts - because I know each in their own way will be a fantastic journey.

That's all from me for today! I know most people end their journals when ATAR scores are out, but I want to end on a good note. I hope my thoughts can inspire some discussion - what are your preferences? where are you going to live now that you know you'll get x offer? what would you do in my situation (I'd really like to know!)? are there any other pathways I'm sleeping on? what are your "course prerequisites" - what does university mean to you?
Sometime next week for my final post I'd like to cap off by reviewing the year, recapping this journal, imparting my first words of advice as a former VCE student, and wish everyone happy holidays! My offers, and which I accepted, will be announced in my University Journey Journal so make sure you look out for it!!

Congratulations to my lovely class of 2018 and best wishes for everything to come!

And many thanks to geek123456 for this week's very applicable quote:

As Walt Whitman once said and I quote :keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 07:09:32 pm by sarangiya »
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #159 on: December 19, 2018, 07:32:30 pm »
Hey. I haven’t posted in a long time, but recently I’ve been lurking and reading through your journal. First of all, it must have been hard to lose Ruby and I hope you can cherish your memories with her.

I also just wanted to say that your ATAR is just something that can get you into your desired course. It’s nothing more and nothing less. It doesn’t define your self worth or who you are. As a university student, I can say that very few people care about your ATAR once you get to university. I don’t think that I’ve talked about my ATAR since starting university. Of course getting a high ATAR is an amazing achievement and it’s understandable to feel down after not meeting your goals, but don’t let it drag you down. Take it as a learning experience. It’s easy to dwell on the past, but you should try to look at the mistakes you made and try to improve.

Another thing I wanted to say is that I can relate to the feeling of insecurity. I’ve personally obsessed over how other people would see me and how I didn’t meet their expectations. But, over the past year, I’ve began to realise that it doesn’t really matter how other people see you. What matters is how you see yourself. We determine our own sense of satisfaction and we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others or care about how others see us.

Anyway, hopefully that wasn’t too insensitive. Good luck on your course offers. 


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #160 on: December 21, 2018, 10:46:43 pm »
Hey. I haven’t posted in a long time, but recently I’ve been lurking and reading through your journal. First of all, it must have been hard to lose Ruby and I hope you can cherish your memories with her.

I also just wanted to say that your ATAR is just something that can get you into your desired course. It’s nothing more and nothing less. It doesn’t define your self worth or who you are. As a university student, I can say that very few people care about your ATAR once you get to university. I don’t think that I’ve talked about my ATAR since starting university. Of course getting a high ATAR is an amazing achievement and it’s understandable to feel down after not meeting your goals, but don’t let it drag you down. Take it as a learning experience. It’s easy to dwell on the past, but you should try to look at the mistakes you made and try to improve.

Another thing I wanted to say is that I can relate to the feeling of insecurity. I’ve personally obsessed over how other people would see me and how I didn’t meet their expectations. But, over the past year, I’ve began to realise that it doesn’t really matter how other people see you. What matters is how you see yourself. We determine our own sense of satisfaction and we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others or care about how others see us.

Anyway, hopefully that wasn’t too insensitive. Good luck on your course offers. 
Wooow!! I feel so honoured to receive a reply from you!
I read your journal throughout the year and used it often for inspiration. I'm so glad you're back on ATARNotes!

I completely agree. Thank you so much for your advice!!
I'm also glad to empathize with my silly insecure feelings. I'm glad to hear that sometime I'll get over it. You're an inspiration to have changed your opinion around to something so positive.

Not at all! Thank you so, so much! I'm so flattered that you'd reply!
Good luck for your second year out of school, too!
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #161 on: December 21, 2018, 11:56:58 pm »
Hey, congrats on completing VCE!!
I've read your journal every now and then through the year and I just wanted to let you know that I found your relentless commitment to your set goals really awesome to see. I know your ATAR and UMAT were somewhat disappointing (I can relate to your high expectations and how they can be both a blessing and a real burden!!!) but the way you've responded in terms of thoroughly researching your courses and being so open to the range of opportunities available is wonderful (: I'm sure you'll make it to medicine and (apologies for how cliche this sounds) these challenges (this year and in whatever fascinating course you choose to study) will only make you a better doctor.. even if it happens a year or two later than you initially planned.
As a fellow year 12 and potential future med student (not studying it next year but maybe in the future!) I genuinely wish you all the best and hope you achieve everything you're capable of!! There is really no point to this post lmao I just feel everyone can do with some encouragement, especially after all the work you've put in and the seriously great results you've achieved.

I can't wait to hear your future plans (: What's the no. 1 thing you're looking forward to for uni?
2018 - VCE - ATAR: 99.75 [English, Chemistry, Methods, French, PE, Bio]
2019 - Monash


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #162 on: December 22, 2018, 01:15:12 am »
Hey, congrats on completing VCE!!
I've read your journal every now and then through the year and I just wanted to let you know that I found your relentless commitment to your set goals really awesome to see. I know your ATAR and UMAT were somewhat disappointing (I can relate to your high expectations and how they can be both a blessing and a real burden!!!) but the way you've responded in terms of thoroughly researching your courses and being so open to the range of opportunities available is wonderful (: I'm sure you'll make it to medicine and (apologies for how cliche this sounds) these challenges (this year and in whatever fascinating course you choose to study) will only make you a better doctor.. even if it happens a year or two later than you initially planned.
As a fellow year 12 and potential future med student (not studying it next year but maybe in the future!) I genuinely wish you all the best and hope you achieve everything you're capable of!! There is really no point to this post lmao I just feel everyone can do with some encouragement, especially after all the work you've put in and the seriously great results you've achieved.

I can't wait to hear your future plans (: What's the no. 1 thing you're looking forward to for uni?

Hi! Thank you so much for reading and making a reply :D
Congratulations to you too for finishing school and for your phat ATAR!!! Truly amazing! Hope you get tons of scholarships and offers and... wow!!

Yes, it was a tough year and certainly turned out way different to what I had ever imagined. Thank you so much for the encouragement. To be honest, it has been really difficult to try and see my backups in a positive light. I am just so desperate for any of my 'top picks' to work out. But it's okay. As you said, hopefully going through all this will help me grow as an individual.

Thanks again so much! Glad to hear we might be in a similar place somewhere down the track :) Can I ask what you are planning to study next year? Did you always know you wanted to try an undergraduate degree first and then medicine, or what's the story behind that?

Hmmm... at this point I think I'm just looking forward to having something to do! I didn't know finishing school would make me this bored and lonely lmao. What are you most looking forward to?

All the best! :)
Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you.

♡ Subjects ♡
2015: Japanese SL [42]
2016: Psychology [43] Philosophy [36] Japanese SL [50] [Premier's Award]
2017: UMEP Further Advanced Japanese [4.5]
2018: Methods [24] English Language [41] Chemistry [31] Psychology [41] Cert III in Allied Health Assistance [4.3]
ATAR: 97.45
2019-2024: Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine @ UNSW

Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
Is Repeating a VCE Subject Worth It?


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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #163 on: December 22, 2018, 09:02:22 am »
I've actually always had an interest in physio and up until around a year ago didn't really consider myself a chance for med. I looked into it and became interested, so I applied for the UMAT etc (although really didn't take it seriously enough... I definitely underestimated how intensely some people approach med entry.. I had no idea!!!). Anyways, I didn't get the UMAT needed for Monash med which would've been my top preference. This is just a personal choice, but I really didn't think I would be happy studying and then working interstate as I'm quite attached to and happy with the life I have here in Melb. Researching med entry exposed me to plenty of people who were more than happy to move far and wide to study (and then live), which is totally fine, but I realised that wouldn't be the best decision for me, and ultimately med wasn't some lifelong passion.. I was still really interested in physio, and I could study in my home city AND I would be qualified in 4 years.
So for now my plan is to do that, or at least pursue physio for a year and see where I stand. If I'm still wanting to do med I figured a 4 year physio degree before post grad med which will qualify me to work as a physio if I don't make it to med is much more practical, and linked to my interests, than a 3 year science/biomed/health science degree, despite the extra year.

Anyway, enough about me on your journal, it was really lovely to speak to you and I wish you all the best again! Keep us updated (:
2018 - VCE - ATAR: 99.75 [English, Chemistry, Methods, French, PE, Bio]
2019 - Monash

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Re: Sarangiya's 사랑하는 VCE Journal
« Reply #164 on: December 22, 2018, 11:46:13 am »
Thought I'd stop by the winning vic journal to offer you congratulations!!

We're lucky to have you,  and I hope this helps you realise how much we appreciate your contributions :)

Your honesty,  integrity,  capability & work ethic has inspired many; I hope you pause to acknowledge how positively your presence has been felt by the community :)