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Guide to Writing Study Notes
« on: January 17, 2018, 06:31:36 pm »
I know, I'm still in Year 12. What do I know about study notes? But what I can say is that I've been in the studyblr/studygram community for over a year now and I've been refining and trying different systems for my study notes, as well as my judgements from other studyblr accounts (follow me on Instagram/Tumblr/Wordpress @studywithlivia #shamelessplug). Before I begin, let me just say that study notes are NOT COMPULSORY. You can do well without study notes. Personally I make study notes because:
a) Making study notes are therapeutic (I can actively procrastinate whilst making pretty study notes- note the difference between active and passive procrastination)
b) I can organise all the information from my teachers in one place and in a concise manner
c) I can use it as my 'back up textbook' before exams (I'm a paranoid person so I need something to reassure me and textbooks are too heavy to bring to school)

When it comes to study notes, I advocate aesthetic. It sounds very shallow but I find pretty looking notes very motivating. It looks attractive and makes me want to go through it again. Plus, the end result is satisfying. Aesthetic doesn't mean obnoxiously bright colours. It can also be minimalistic. That being said, DO NOT fall down the rabbit hole and start purchasing expensive stationery. You don't need to write in calligraphy for your headers and you don't need to buy expensive 30 pack highlighter sets. Of course, there are cheaper alternatives if you insist on buying a pack of colourful pens. Just don't bother spending $30 on shipping if you're going to buy online.

Note: This is NOT a definitive guide to writing study notes. This guide is a compilation of my experiences, my friends' experiences and observations from the studyblr community. There is no such thing as a definitive guide to study notes. They are supposed to be personalised to your studying technique. This is just a general way of making these notes and can be refined to suit your learning style.

Handwritten vs Typed
Let's begin with the age old question: Handwritten vs Typed

To be honest, there's no correct answer. Both have their pros and cons. I tried both ways and they both work perfectly fine. If you're still struggling to choose which type of format your study notes should be, here's something to think about:

Are you a minimalistic person?
Do you want to spend more time applying the information than rewriting the information?
Are you a perfectionist when it comes to layouts?

Then typed notes are for you. Typing notes are quicker to make and they're great for simple layouts. I found colour coding in typed notes a bit too bothersome since I have to choose the right colour and make sure I can still see it. You are limited to bold, underline and italics but it gets the job done. Plus, I tend to get very caught up perfecting my (faux) calligraphy and selecting the right brush pen for my headers so typing notes can eliminate that stress.

On the other hand:
Are you a visual person?
Are you the type of person who purely enjoys writing?
Are you apathetic towards people's complaints on your handwriting?

Then handwriting notes is for you. Most of the studyblr members are visual people because they love highlighters and coloured pens. The second question may sound a bit weird but I have a friend who just loves writing and sampling different types of pens. The obvious limitation is that your handwriting matters but at the end of the day, they are your notes. I would get self-conscious over my notes because I wanted to please everyone with my notes and try and help people (I'm an overachiever who wants to satisfy the trolls. Sue me).

Here's the part where I go off into sections. I use different systems for different subjects. The only commonality I have with my study notes is that I like to divide them into packets so I won't get each section mixed up. Apart from that, my study notes are different depending on the subject.

These are the easiest to make study notes out of. Sure, there's a crap load of content to sift through but it's easier to make study notes. The way I set out my study notes is to use a syllabus dot point and use the main key terms in my heading. For example, the first section in the Modern History syllabus is 'War on the Western Front'- I use that as my main heading. My sub-headings are my syllabus dot points. If you're writing your study notes, I would suggest highlighting the dot point. With typing, I italicise the dot point to separate it from the information. Underneath the dot point, I would write my information in dot points- this makes it easier to read. DO NOT put ten dot points underneath because it doesn't make your notes concise.  Don't forget to include diagrams and flow charts. Try and mix up the way you convey your information to keep things interesting. Just writing dot points can bore you.

When it comes to key terms, I would either highlight it or write it in a different colour and write a definition near the information so I can put the definition in context. I also use colour coding for important names, events and dates. If there is any information that is extremely important, then I would highlight it. Don't highlight massive paragraphs- it takes away the emphasis of highlighted words/phrases.

So what information do I put? My study notes are a compilation of class notes, worksheets and a bit of textbook information. DO NOT rely on textbooks. They're only good for giving extra information. Plus, there are some textbooks that are notorious for being pure crap (I am a textbook connoisseur. I have over 10 HSC textbooks on my shelf at the moment, both good and bad). You should be only going to your textbook if you want to get some information on a case study or a quote (ONLY if the textbook quoted from an expert. NEVER QUOTE TEXTBOOKS). You should be going to your class notes and worksheets first and clarify any information with your teacher. Textbooks and extra research should be your last resort.

Maybe just pure writing isn't your style. So what should you do? Mind maps and flow charts on A3 sheets of paper are excellent. They're good for showing cause and effect (great for 'explain' questions) and you can make it like a poster so you can stick it up in your room. Flash cards are also great since they make sure you're concise with your information and are portable.

I'm not sure where English belongs so I just separated it from the Humanities section.

Now, before you approach any text, research the context. This is vital for understanding the novel. So I'm doing The Tempest for AOS, so I would research personal, historical and social context and write the information in its respective headings. It doesn't have to be about Shakespeare himself; I also included some main Elizabethan values that may have shaped Shakespeare's works. After I do that, I do the same with my related text and compare the context. This makes it easier to spot similarities and differences and can enhance essays, especially questions that involve 'context and values.'

I found that tables are excellent for organising your quotes. I would usually make a column for the following (in order): Idea, technique, quote, analysis. Don't forget page numbers in your quotes. But how do you know which quotes to use? I'm not sure how all English teachers teach their content, but what my teacher would do is have his lessons lecture style, where he does a lot of talking and analysing and it's up to us to interrupt him whenever. Most of his lessons is going through the main sections (if it's a novel or film) and analyse it. When it comes to plays and poems, he analyses everything. Throughout his lessons, I would write supplementary information and page numbers on paper and technique and explanation on a sticky note, next to the quote. Sometimes it's not a technique so I use a different colour sticky note to represent 'ideas/themes.' By the time I finish the text, my books tend to flare up (sometimes there are creases on the cover of the book from the overwhelming number of sticky notes). With all these sticky notes, I would go through every sticky note and transfer it to my table. Of course, I would have the basic analysis/idea of the quote so I would try and analyse the quotes myself. If I found myself unsure or if I feel like I'm misinterpreting the quote, I would consult with my teacher personally and we would discuss it together.

I found this useful for a handful of text types so this style can be refined a bit.

I found it difficult to pin point how I should study for math. Maths are about skills and application, so is it worth making study notes? Personally, I wouldn't call them study notes, but more like formula sheets. I usually handwrite these formula sheets because I find it very fiddly to type up formulas. With these formula sheets, I would separate them by topics. I would write down a formula (usually in red) and then draw a box around it with a highlighter to make it stand out. Below that, I would write what each variable meant and sometimes a quick explanation if needed. I would also include two examples: a skills based question and an application question. By skills based, I mean your simple textbook question with some working out. This gives you a foundation so you can expand on this skill when you apply. When it comes to application questions, I would go through my school's past papers to find an exam-style question and get used to how it's set out in exams.

Like I said, it's difficult to make study notes for math. I went by a year without making study notes. Sure you have a reference sheet in the exam but what's the point of having a reference sheet when you don't understand what it means? Plus, most of my math study sessions are just practising question after question. If you have any other ideas as to how to study for math, please let me know!

Science notes are a combination of Humanities and Math. I usually set it out the same way as my Humanities notes (syllabus dot point then information underneath) but I would also include sample math-based questions. In Physics, I would have the syllabus dot point, information underneath and then a formula near the information that relates to the formula. I would box it and write the meaning of the variables underneath it and include one or two questions using that formula.

Of course, diagrams are important in science. I suck at drawing so I would either attempt it (which becomes a big mistake) or print it out. When I type my notes, I would find a diagram online and copy it in my notes. There's nothing new here because like I said, it's a combination of Math and Humanities.

Anyways, this is my guide for writing study notes. Like I said, NOT COMPULSORY and this is NOT a definitive guide. There are probably tons of flaws here but it's just a guide. Also, you should NOT be making study notes at every study session. Writing study notes are good for collating information into one place. I always remembered this fact that my school librarian told me: 90% of what you learn is by teaching someone. In fact, a great way to memorise information is by using the Feynman Technique. So yeah, I'm still in Year 12 but I invest too much time on Instagram and Tumblr for study inspiration.

But I hope this helps!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 12:33:01 am by owidjaja »
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2018, 07:25:58 pm »

2016 HSC: Modern History (18th in NSW) | History Extension (2nd place in the HTA Extension History Essay Prize) | Ancient History | Drama | English Advanced | Studies of Religion I | Economics

ATAR: 97.80

Studying a Bachelor of Communications: Media Arts and Production at UTS 😊

Looking for a history tutor? I'm ya girl! Feel free to send me a PM if you're interested!


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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2018, 07:49:48 pm »
Ahaha I think this post just reveals that I'm a stationery addict xD (but seriously though I can write a whole post dedicated to different types of pens and recommended tip size). Looking back, I think I got to carried away lol.
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2018, 09:31:22 pm »
Love this guide, awesome stuff! And have loved your 'grams from the lectures ;)


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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2018, 10:02:40 pm »
Love this guide, awesome stuff! And have loved your 'grams from the lectures ;)
Oh wow, senpai has noticed me. I feel validated now lol. Look out for me this Friday in physics :) (not a huge fan of motors and generators so I'm expecting your best physics puns xD)

2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2018, 10:05:54 pm »
Oh wow, senpai has noticed me. I feel validated now lol. Look out for me this Friday in physics :) (not a huge fan of motors and generators so I'm expecting your best physics puns xD)

- The atmosphere will be electric
- We'll generate some good vibes
- I'll transform your perceptions

etc, etc ;)


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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2018, 10:01:33 am »
thanks for this! handwriting is good becasue it helps you to remember...also u need the practice for the exam!! thats my opinion :D


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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2018, 11:22:39 am »
Thanks for writing this!
I found the maths section super helpful as I have been struggling to work out whether study notes are necessary for it, and how go about making them. Formula sheet + examples is a great idea and I think this will work well as a quick reference when I am revising. Thanks again.  ;D
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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2018, 08:45:42 pm »
For me I studied mathematics by having small 48 page booklets for each major topic.
In these booklets the first page would be formula and important notes, and the rest would be hard examples I found, and/or HSC questions pertaining to the topic.
But then again, I do this because I have a horrid memory and am (was?) mad suckish at math.
That's my two-cents! :)
HSC2018 ~ Adv. English // Ext I English // Ext II English // Adv. Mathematics // Biology // Chemistry // Hospitality


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Re: Guide to Writing Study Notes
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2018, 09:57:15 pm »
For me I studied mathematics by having small 48 page booklets for each major topic.
In these booklets the first page would be formula and important notes, and the rest would be hard examples I found, and/or HSC questions pertaining to the topic.
But then again, I do this because I have a horrid memory and am (was?) mad suckish at math.
That's my two-cents! :)

Really like this booklet idea, I did something similar myself! Welcome to the forums ;D