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Author Topic: How Does This Section Work?  (Read 15867 times)

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How Does This Section Work?
« on: April 28, 2018, 03:52:45 pm »
This section aims to be a one stop shop for feedback on any HSC response, for any subject. Be it a Creative writing piece, a Legal Studies essay, a long response for HSC Physics - You can post it here and get some feedback to help you improve it.

Let's face it - Usually the feedback we get from teachers is, well, not quite helpful. A correction of grammar here, a "More detail" there. Sometimes it is pretty clear they haven't even read the whole thing. Often we come away from the feedback with more questions that we had to begin with! And hey, if your overworked teach has 150+ essays to mark over a weekend, you can't really blame them. This section aims to supplement that feedback with more useful comments and more detailed suggestions.

How Does This Section Work?

Click here to post your response as a new topic in this board.

Use the convention: "[SUBJECT]: [ESSAY TOPIC]", for example, "English Advanced: Mod A Essay" or "English Standard: Great Gatbsy" or "Legal: Crime Essay!", or similar. Just something that makes it easy for people to see what your response is about! Anyone who is able to help out will be able to post as a reply in your thread and give you a hand. Your thread becomes your space for improvement.
After you've posted your piece for a response, scroll through what others have posted and see if there is something you can lend a hand with. Maybe you spot an essay on a text you've studied, or someone needing help with an essay on a topic you've learned. Jump in and lend a hand by clicking on their topic, reading their work, and scrolling down to the Quick Reply window to offer some advice. It might be a quick comment, it might be some detailed feedback, either way it is going to seriously help the person on the other end.

You don't have to be an expert to give feedback. Don't feel like your contributions are valued or wanted any less based on your academic results. If you can be helpful, we want you to contribute. In this way, this section becomes a huge collaborative effort, driving everyone closer to their academic goals. It works best when you give just as much as you receive! Pay it forward, as they say :)

What Happened to the Post Requirement?

If you've been around AN a while, you might remember when you could only get feedback on an essay after you'd made a certain number of posts. This  requirement is gone. Why?

Well, once upon a time our community was still growing, and it's hard to start a collaborative effort like this without the community there in the first place. So, our first batch of moderators (including myself, and other forum legends like brenden, elysepopplewell and jakesilove) offered their time to mark essays in extreme detail, as a way to show people just how helpful online feedback can be. The post limit was a way to prioritise and make sure those moderators could keep up with the demand for the incredible assistance being offered.

The old marking threads have been moved to a read only archive - Feel free to have a browse through a huge part of AN's history right here :)

Those people we helped initially became our next batch of moderators, and then they started helping and we gave feedback to even more people. Then those people became moderators and... Yeah, you get the idea.

The point being, we're at the stage now where we don't need to restrict this anymore. The community is large and amazing enough to propagate this forward on its own. All the post count was doing was discouraging people from asking for help, and more importantly, discouraging people who aren't moderators from helping out.

Don't get us wrong - The moderators are still here. I'm still here to pick on your English essays for excessive retell, sudodds is still here to offer incredible feedback on anything to do with History, elyse is still here to help make your creative shine, and so on. We'll offer feedback as much as we can, and we need everyone to do the same to make this section something truly spectacular for all HSC students.

So please get involved, and genuinely hope everyone benefits greatly from giving and receiving feedback in this board! If you have any questions about how it all works, feel free to pop them below!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2018, 03:54:57 pm by jamonwindeyer »


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Re: How Does This Section Work?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2018, 08:29:07 pm »
So ive written my AOS essay with a prescribed + related, but i didnt realise my related was kinda on the prescribed list for English. Its Kenneth Slessors 'Beach Burial'.. When the teacher marked my essay, she didnt say anything? so im assuming i can continue using it??..

Please give feedback ASAP so i can know if i need to change related (means i have to rewrite whole body)


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Re: How Does This Section Work?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 08:56:51 pm »
So ive written my AOS essay with a prescribed + related, but i didnt realise my related was kinda on the prescribed list for English. Its Kenneth Slessors 'Beach Burial'.. When the teacher marked my essay, she didnt say anything? so im assuming i can continue using it??..

Please give feedback ASAP so i can know if i need to change related (means i have to rewrite whole body)
I've just checked the current prescribed text list for English and it's not in there; maybe you just checked the new prescribed list going into effect next year? The text should be fine in that case - after all, NESA wouldn't select a text for study if it wasn't good or didn't have any value (except for Wrack, which is a garbage text)
HSC 2016
Information Processes and Technology: 90

HSC 2018
Advanced English: 95 | Extension 1 English: 47 | Extension 2 English: 42 | Legal Studies: 95 | Modern History: 94 | French Continuers: 84 | Mathematics Advanced: 89

LAT 2018: 88 (90th Percentile)

ATAR: 98.05


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Re: How Does This Section Work?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2018, 09:03:24 pm »
thanks so much! I got worried because in the 2015 or 2014 paper, I saw it within a set of prescribed Kenneth slessor poems. It shouldn't matter that much does it? or will I get marked down.. so far I have a pretty good analysis of it and don't want to erase it :(