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June 15, 2024, 04:45:10 pm

Author Topic: I only just started studying for trials + q about disability provisions  (Read 935 times)

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Ok, so i know i majorly messed up by waiting this late to start. I'm trying to not freak out and just wallow in regret, but i'm kinda stumped on where to start? Trials start next friday, and i feel like i have to relearn most of the course for my subjects. I'm really behind on notes, but i'm wondering if i should even bother writing them since they're so time consuming. I do feel like they help me understand + memorise content though...

i would be incredibly grateful for any advice. My subjects are:
- General maths
- Eng adv
- Eng ex
- Modern his
- History ex
- Legal studies

For eng adv and ex, i usually memorise my essays (almost word for word). I know this method is pretty contentious, but it's worked quite well for me so far. Thing is, it takes AGES to memory 1 essay, and i'll have 5 essays i'll have to memorise, not to mention 2 creatives.

I really don't know what to do :(

Also, anyone know what the procedure is for extensions? My school is aware that i have moderate to severe mental health issues and they've been in contact with my psychiatrist however i haven't been told whether my trial exams will be pushed back a few days. One of my teachers alluded to them being pushed back but i have no idea what's going on (i know i should just ask but i kinda hate talking to the principal). My school has been taking my condition pretty seriously but idk if this might be out of their control? Does NESA have policies about this, especially since it's trials? I had a look on their website and it wasn't particularly informative/ very clear.

Also a question about disability provisions. I had rest breaks and small group examinations approved by NESA, which are the only 2 i applied for. However, i recently started seeing a new psychologist and she said that i could qualify for extra time. Is it too late to apply again? I also really do need breaks to take medication, which is another thing my school didn't apply for previously :/



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Welcome to the forums!! ;D

Ok, so i know i majorly messed up by waiting this late to start. I'm trying to not freak out and just wallow in regret, but i'm kinda stumped on where to start? Trials start next friday, and i feel like i have to relearn most of the course for my subjects. I'm really behind on notes, but i'm wondering if i should even bother writing them since they're so time consuming. I do feel like they help me understand + memorise content though...

I wouldn't be writing notes. I'd grab some from our Notes section then do stuff like brainstorms, palm cards, summaries (etc) to help it stick. Add that to as many practice papers as you have time for ;D

For eng adv and ex, i usually memorise my essays (almost word for word). I know this method is pretty contentious, but it's worked quite well for me so far. Thing is, it takes AGES to memory 1 essay, and i'll have 5 essays i'll have to memorise, not to mention 2 creatives.

If it is working for you, keep doing it! Perhaps just memorise the key bits of every sentence though? So like, the quote, the technique, and the effect? This could reduce the amount of time you need to memorise (and it is a lot, don't worry, you aren't alone there!). Come up with ways to synthesise things - Attach multiple techniques/ideas to one quote, for example.

Also, anyone know what the procedure is for extensions? My school is aware that i have moderate to severe mental health issues and they've been in contact with my psychiatrist however i haven't been told whether my trial exams will be pushed back a few days. One of my teachers alluded to them being pushed back but i have no idea what's going on (i know i should just ask but i kinda hate talking to the principal). My school has been taking my condition pretty seriously but idk if this might be out of their control? Does NESA have policies about this, especially since it's trials? I had a look on their website and it wasn't particularly informative/ very clear.

Trials are an internal assessment, so totally within your schools control (especially if they write their own exams so aren't subject to timetabling restraints from examination groups like the CSSA, but even then, eh). NESA has no say on extensions for internal tasks. I'd be chasing this up with some urgency, an extra few days might totally change your plans! Fingers crossed you get them, and please keep looking after yourself! :)

Also a question about disability provisions. I had rest breaks and small group examinations approved by NESA, which are the only 2 i applied for. However, i recently started seeing a new psychologist and she said that i could qualify for extra time. Is it too late to apply again? I also really do need breaks to take medication, which is another thing my school didn't apply for previously :/

Again, I'd say your best bet here is an urgent chat with relevant reps at school. I know you mentioned you don't enjoy chatting to the Principal (I can imagine these chats aren't exactly the best way to spend an hour), but super important that you are communicating. You need to be in the loop, and they need to be aware of issues so they can act on them.

Remember, Trials are just that - A trial. Practice. Do the best you can, but do your best not to worry too much about them. It honestly isn't worth it, Trials are super super tough and don't necessarily indicate how well you'll do in the real thing. Take it day by day, look after yourself! Sending lots of positive vibes your way :)