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Author Topic: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)  (Read 5397 times)

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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2018, 11:07:32 am »
Oh my god, I haven't updated this in FOREVER
So, I had my Music HSC, it went pretty well. My accompaniment screwed up for two of my songs, but I kept going and made the best of my situation, so I think it shouldn't affect me negatively.
I maybe kinda definitely have a boyfriend who I spent all day with yesterday and we baked and watched some Brooklyn 99 together
And I graduated on Thursday, which was kinda surreal. Got my report and everything, and some awards.
So here's my haul:
1st in English Advanced
1st in English Extension 1
1st in CAFS
1st in Drama
1st in Modern History
1st in Music 1
The Gavin McManus Award for Enduring Commitment to the Study of English Literature
The Performing Arts Award
The Principal's Award
So I am flipping stoked about all that and feeling pretty good going into the exams
I'm bummed because I have the last exam so everyone else will be free and happy and I'll still be HSC's bitch
Anyway, that's all from me, I'm sorry for neglecting this oopsies
Thanks for tuning in to Holky's School Conclusion

English Advanced  English Extension 1 Modern History CAFS Music 1 Drama

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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2018, 11:37:26 am »
Congrats on all your awards!

I feel you on the exam timetable haha. My last exam isn’t until Nov 16th. The only exams later than that are languages, VET, and like 3 or 4 small subjects (like Algorithmics which I didn’t even know was a thing ???)
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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2018, 03:31:05 pm »
Amazing work! Congrats on your awards and progress. This made me laugh:

I maybe kinda definitely have a boyfriend


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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2018, 02:22:18 pm »
Congrats on all your awards!

I feel you on the exam timetable haha. My last exam isn’t until Nov 16th. The only exams later than that are languages, VET, and like 3 or 4 small subjects (like Algorithmics which I didn’t even know was a thing ???)

Thank you!
Jeez, November 16? That sucks balls omg
And I thought I had it rough with November 9
Can confirm I have never heard of Algorithmics, it's probably the of the rhythm of algos (most definitely, algos is definitely a word and I am definitely not bullshitting rn)

Amazing work! Congrats on your awards and progress. This made me laugh:


Bahaha, I aim to provide the laughs
If I don't laugh, I may fall apart at any minute
Tbh actually, I'm not that stressed, which is weird. Although, my ranks and early entry are probably the reason for that. Even though I only need an ATAR of 90 to get into my course, and I actually don't need an ATAR because I have early entry, I really want like a solid 97+, just because I can (I think - the ATAR calculators all say I can so I swear this isn't me being arrogant)

I have a friend who has the WORST timetable - he has English and Japanese on day 1 and English and Music on Day 2
Then, my boyfriend has Biology and German one day and then Maths the next - HELL

Mine kinda sucks because I'm not free until the end, but my exams are all pretty spread out (except for Music the bastard) so I'm not mad about it

I restarted my creative on Friday woohoo
I was doing poems but then a senior marker my brother works with was like maybe don't so I was like aw shit and stopped (Also, is swearing allowed on the forums? I'm not sure - I can refrain from el swearing if it's illegal)
So, I wrote a story, which my brother got another senior marker he works with to take a look at yesterday - he was mighty pleased, just said to explore discovery a bit more, but besides that I'm in the top box, so I am feeling mucho confidento (I don't know why I'm trying (and failing, I'm sure) to speak Spanish today, I guess I'm in denial that English is in two days)
I'm doing Modules work today because I completely forgot about paper two in the last two weeks so I gotta get on that.
Yeats is such a whiney asshole I hate him so much
Who tf writes a poem about swan rape?? Like, what sort of sicko do you have to be to think that's great content for a poem?

I have done no study whatsoever for music at this point because my focus has been English woops

That's pretty much it, I don't think there's anything exciting happening in my life besides studying discoveries and swan rape so Holky out
This has been Holky's School Conclusion.

English Advanced  English Extension 1 Modern History CAFS Music 1 Drama

Mathematics 84


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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2018, 03:01:06 pm »
Oh my god, I haven't updated this in FOREVER
So, I had my Music HSC, it went pretty well. My accompaniment screwed up for two of my songs, but I kept going and made the best of my situation, so I think it shouldn't affect me negatively.
I maybe kinda definitely have a boyfriend who I spent all day with yesterday and we baked and watched some Brooklyn 99 together
And I graduated on Thursday, which was kinda surreal. Got my report and everything, and some awards.
So here's my haul:
1st in English Advanced
1st in English Extension 1
1st in CAFS
1st in Drama
1st in Modern History
1st in Music 1
The Gavin McManus Award for Enduring Commitment to the Study of English Literature
The Performing Arts Award
The Principal's Award
So I am flipping stoked about all that and feeling pretty good going into the exams
I'm bummed because I have the last exam so everyone else will be free and happy and I'll still be HSC's bitch
Anyway, that's all from me, I'm sorry for neglecting this oopsies
Thanks for tuning in to Holky's School Conclusion
Heyy!!! Congrats....
I finish on the 9th too... See ya there 😀
So close to the end!!!!
18th - English P1
19th - English P2
25th - Mathematics
29th - Modern History
30th - Mathematics extension one
2nd - Business Studies
7th - Economics
9th - D&T
10th - DONE!!!
14th - Turn 18!!
15th - green P's!


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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2018, 07:58:22 pm »
Wow, paper one
So first of all, that reading section was a pile of poo
Like I'm angry. I'm mad.
I made up a lot of bull, so I'm hoping it works
The order was weird, the texts were weird, the entire thing was weird.
I did my essay second because that creative spun me out so I was like I'll think about this while I write my essay.
Okay, so two syllabus dot points worded weirdly? NESA can suck crap
Tho tbh, my thesis was alright It was something along the lines of
Discoveries are nuanced, and thus can be experienced in many forms and incite many reactions. Indeed, this nuance can also lead to discoveries blurring these lines and being an experience of old and new, joyful and confronting. (Something like that)
And I talked about the complexity of discoveries and how they can be first-time or rediscoveries simultaneously (may have rambled a bit oopsy)
But then my related only dealt with first-time discoveries so I was like, but the vexed nature of discoveries is also seen in their impact and talked about how the impact can happen right away or in the future, and then how one discovery can catalyse a second discovery (tiny bit of a mess but also kinda worked?)
Then I talked about how iscoveries are often joyful and confronting simultaneously, and this can confuse us and our reaction the the discovery.
Overall, I think my essay was pretty good, a bit waffle, but I'm sure the markers will forgive that
The creative holy moly
So I was like right, I will split my ending so that I have two of them
So I had one ending where the character affirmed the beliefs she had held throughout the build up to the discovery and then wrote "The stage was terrifying and utterly alien"
Then I did the ending I had planned where her beliefs are changed and she learns ab out herslef and all is wel and wrote "The stage was magnificent and familiar" Then underneath that I went "It was terrifying, magnificent, familiar and utterly alien"
I'm split about it, a marker might really love the conceptual nature of it, or they'll think it's wanky and was too much of an effort to include the quote

Either way, that's one exam down, six to go and I'm feeling confident (That may be partly due to the fact that I formally received my WSU offer yesterday into the Deans Scholar's version of my course, so these exams don't entirely matter (I've already enrolled yeet) Plus, because I'm first in all of these, I have my year to fall back on if I mess something up

Overall, feeling pretty good and calm about everything.

I have English 2 and Music tomorrow, and then I'm seeing a play, so very busy day. I should be back on the weekend to update on my next two exams!

English Advanced  English Extension 1 Modern History CAFS Music 1 Drama

Mathematics 84


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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2018, 10:03:40 am »
Oh my god, I said I was gonna update on the weekend, oopsies
Paper 2 was good - Mod A was a bull question but I think I did well in it
All my modules were a bit rambly but I think they were good otherwise
Music was
A mess
I don't feel good about that exam at all, I got overwhelmed and the music was a LOT and I'm just glad it's over
Whatever, my performances should pull me up (bc they were bomb) and I am ranked 1st internally, so if I did screw it up, that should help me still hopefully get that band 6 yeety yeet
I have modern on Monday and Extension on Wednesday next week, which I'm kinda prepared for, I've been doing a bit of study this week (though nowhere near enough yet oops)
The thing is though, my brother is a teacher, so I can send him drafts of my stuff and either he'll look at it, or he gets a senior marker who he works with to look at my stuff so I am #blessed
His senior marker friends saved my discovery creative sooo I am eternal grateful
At this point I should send him something else because otherwise he'll think I haven't been studying and he and my mum will judge me, which I do NOT need (jks I love them both, they won't judge they'll just be disappointed which I CANNOT deal with)
So, I'm gonna go write my extension creative I guess, bai
Oh wait, my boyfriend went on holiday on Saturday morning and came back on Tuesday (He had two exams on Wednesday and one today, his family hates him lmao) so I was MISSING him, but he came over between his exams yesterday and we're going to the night markets on tomorrow, so I'm feeling happy because no need to miss any longer he back
Oh I also have some auditions booked so I can get back into theatre after a hiatus this year (Thanks HSC) I am verye xcited to get back into things yay
Thanks for tuning in to my inconsistent updates of Holky's School Conclusion (p.s. I'm not gonna go back and fix my spelling/grammar errors, I'm in a rish and my fingers are fat so I get a lot of typos) OH MY GOD my neighbour's kids are screaming (like always they're little ratbags who just scream all day long - I'm getting sidetracked, this is really the end of my post this time I swear

English Advanced  English Extension 1 Modern History CAFS Music 1 Drama

Mathematics 84


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Re: HSC (Holky's School Conclusion)
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2018, 10:22:53 am »
Yo, so I am two exams closer to the end since my last update!
I had Modern on Monday, which I'm happy with.
Some of the questions were a bit odd, but I'm happy with what I did with them.
Yesterday I had Extension; it was just me and the other girl in my class in the hall alone with the supervisors, which was kind of weird, but when we'd both finished, they let us go early even though it was only a two-hour exam.
We were both very happy with the exam. I was basically able to rewrite my trial essay, which was great. The creative question was actually really nice, so I was very happy with that.
So now, I'm heading into the land of CAFS study, which is on Monday, and after that I have Drama.
I'm also operating lights for a show at Castle Hill and I'm doing an internship with Sport for Jove which starts next week.
So overall, I'm going pretty well.
I'm gonna try my darndest to get that CAFS state rank I want - I'l let you know how that goes but fingers crossed ya'll
OMg, my exam supervisors - during Modern, one of them was just crocheting, so she didn't notice my hand up for like a full three minutes, I was like please just give me an extra writing booklet
Then, during Extension, she kept falling asleep, I was like oh what
At first I wasn't sure if she was, so I put my water bottle down loudly and saw her jerk awake, so I was like, yep she was sleeping - it was weird
But, the other exam supervisor filled up my water bottle for me when I finished it, which was super sweet
I believe that is it for this episode of Holky's School Conclusion
I'll see you next week after CAFS and Drama

English Advanced  English Extension 1 Modern History CAFS Music 1 Drama

Mathematics 84