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Hamilton: An American Musical
« on: October 23, 2018, 03:01:02 pm »
So in the midst of listening to Hamilton and browsing AN in my study break, I was wondering if there were any other Hamilton fans on here. My friends introduced me to it probably 6 months ago and I am obsessed. I am not usually a fan of rap but I love all the songs in Hamilton, Lin is an absolute legend and so many of the songs are lyrically and musically genius.

If you are in need of a Hamilton themed study break, this article is hilarious: https://www.laughcrythink.com/blog/2018/3/3/the-definitive-ranking-of-the-top-12-hamilton-songs. I disagree with their top ranking but its interesting to see what other people think.

So I have a couple of questions:
1. What is your favourite song and why?
2. What do you think is the most underrated song?
3. Can you rap Guns and Ships?
4. Hamilton's sassiest moment?

This is mine:
1. So hard to choose, but probably Wait For It. Burr is such an interesting character and this song really captures his thoughts and struggles, plus the song is super catchy. Also special mention to Non-Stop, it's so satisfying when all the themes come together at once.
2. The Election of 1800 - it is so important for understanding the ending, and I love the chorus' part in this song ("ohh!")
3. Sadly no, I always get tongue tied
4. In Your Obedient Servant, "here's an itemised list of 30 years of disagreements", like damn Hamilton are you trying to get yourself killed??!

(As I write this I just listened to the part in "We Know" which goes "as you can see I kept a record of every cheque in my checkered history check it again against your list and see consistency" which just flows to smoothly and rhymes so well and ahh I just love it so much! Haha sorry)

Really hope there's some other fans on here, keen to hear other's thoughts!
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Re: Hamilton: An American Musical
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2018, 03:04:48 pm »
I personally have no idea about Hamilton, but my boyfriend absolutely loves it! The soundtrack is the playlist he listens to to help him fall asleep


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Re: Hamilton: An American Musical
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2019, 11:57:52 pm »
I am incredibly disappointed that I did not find this thread earlier. I am the EPITOME of Hamilton trash.

Musical theatre has always been a huge part of my life and an interest that has remained consistent despite my fluctuating tastes in music. You could imagine how sceptical I was about a hip hop musical but boy, was I proven wrong.

During my HSC, I would pump Hamiltracks in the Visual Arts area after school because I felt so empowered and motivated by the music to get my BOW done (it was also good crying music too for when times got tough). I ended up getting my closest friend into it and she can rap the whole of My Shot effortlessly. It has been to this day my greatest achievement.

My answers to these questions  ;D

1. I love every single song on this soundtrack but if I had to pick a favourite, I think Satisfied is a show stopper by far. When I first heard it, I immediately said to my sister "I need to learn how to sing and rap this now." Angelica's character is highly fascinating and I think this song is just a fine example of Lin's ability to use motifs and to storytell.
2. I agree with The Election of 1800 being the most underrated. I used to skip it when I first listened to the soundtrack but now it's one of my most anticipated tracks.
3. Yes! It took me a VERY long time to master but it has been done  :D
4. Literally all of them but my favourite line in any song is in Burn when Elizabeth roasts Hamilton with the "You Have Married An Icarus. He Has Flown Too Close To The Sun." That will forever be iconic.

I got so excited writing this up, you have no idea. Keen to see if there are any other Hamilton fans out there!

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Re: Hamilton: An American Musical
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2019, 04:43:20 pm »
I can't believe I didn't find this thread earlier as well. But to be honest I only listened to the soundtrack for the first time in October 2018.

Some time mid last year I decided I would see what the hype is about, listened to "Alexander Hamilton" and bits and pieces of other songs and decided I hated it.

However when I was meant to be studying for my year 12 Exams in October I for some reason decided to listen to the soundtrack again. I started it at around midnight and was up to close to 3am finishing the soundtrack. I fell in love with it and have listened to the soundtrack in its entirety probably at least 50 times since then. (that is no exaggeration).
I have no idea why I loved it so much after trying it again a few months later.

In regards to your questions:
1. What is your favourite song and why?
My favourite song in it seems to constantly change depending on what mood I'm in. But if I had to pick one I would choose "Wait For It". I guess even though it is kinda depressing talking about death it gives me hope for my future and where I am heading.

2. What do you think is the most underrated song?
I don't know if it is underrated but I rarely see Non-Stop mentioned and I absolutely love it because it is pretty much a medley of the first Act and I just love how it's all compiled together.
3. Can you rap Guns and Ships?
I have not tried it. But I would say I would never be able to.
4. Hamilton's sassiest moment?
Honestly no idea

Did anyone else see that the other day a Sydney Theatre posted a picture of Lin and said something along the lines of "do you know this guy? check back for an announcement" and got super excited thinking Hamilton was finally going to debut down under but then it turned out to be something else Lin co-wrote.

It can't be too long before we finally get it right?
Years ago it was announced they had plans for australia. And the domain name (hamiltonmusical.com.au) is owned by someone with a Michael Cassel Group email address. The Michael Cassel group brought Cursed Child, Kinky Boots, Singing in the Rain, Les Miserables, Beautiful and Priscilla to Australia.
That hamilton website also used to be an empty template, now it says a website is coming soon. We can't be too far off of an announcement.
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