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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73195 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2018, 12:00:21 pm »
I’ve been meaning to read this for ages but still haven’t gotten to it, maybe I’ll have to go search my library haha
This book is actually amazing. It is full of so much creativity and weirdness(me) that I love it. It's pretty dense though.
Literally, in my case - the first thing I did when I got to work was hide in our fridges for a few minutes 😂
;D. I'm on the laptop and there's no laughing emoji. Someone said this fridge quote to me and ever since I've been seeing it everywhere!

I LOVE that book. I read it when I need to get back into reading again. I think I've read it 5+ times... sad. I know.
Don't worry, I read books all over again (ahem, Harry Potter) too to get me back in the habit. What are your thoughts on the book?

Good luck with the coming year!
Thank you!
To be honest, I am excited but it's going to be a dragon ride!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2018, 05:34:09 pm »
Don't worry, I read books all over again (ahem, Harry Potter) too to get me back in the habit. What are your thoughts on the book?
For "I am Number Four", it has a good length (easy to finish) and I don't think the story line is too heavy or complicated. It's quite an easy read. I honestly don't know what else I like about it. It's just stuck with me since I first read it.

As for Harry Potter... I have only read the first book. I know I should read them all but in the last couple of years I just haven't had time. Maybe I should set reading the HP books as a new years resolution? Haha
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
2020 - 2022 B of Design (Architecture) @ UoN My University Journal


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2019, 06:01:04 pm »

As for Harry Potter... I have only read the first book. I know I should read them all but in the last couple of years I just haven't had time. Maybe I should set reading the HP books as a new years resolution? Haha
YES! You should definitely read Harry Potter! It's amazing. Although, my hype for it has gone down over the years.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2019, 01:14:43 pm »
Hello guys.
Where have I been? Somewhere over the rainbow chatting with the fairies.
So, a lot happened since I stopped writing my VCE journal but I will continue to write.
Get read for a long entry.
So my school started on the 31st of January(I can't spell). Basically on the first day we didn't really do anything but get to know each and meet our teachers. It was nice. All my teachers are females except for my Specialist Teacher who is a male. I have two new teachers which are for Chemistry and Psychology. For some subjects like Methods, we got straight into it and I learnt lots. We started at 1F as we did the before exercises for holiday homework. It was sum and products of functions.

My goals:

My two ultimate goals are to get a 50 in biology and a 50 in Methods which are two 3/4's this year as I'm in year 11.
I want to continue to teach anyone or anything about what I have been learning in class so that I retain the information more and understand more better. Also, you will be able to know where the gaps are in your knowledge. I will stray away from focusing on writing notes and perhaps do more practise questions so I can familiarise myself with the topic.

I just got back from my Methods tuition which goes from 9:00-11:30. Technically it goes for two hours and the 30 minutes are for any questions you have. It's four minutes away from my house so isn't that awfully convenient? My teacher is soooooo enthusiastic that it makes everyone enthusiastic as well! His face lights up when we discover a mathematical breakthrough and our faces light up too! I'm glad I have a teacher like him who is truly passionate about the subject.
I also so far have trialled two biology tutors. I went to one on Wednesday as my school finishes early on that day and we basically went through the plasma membrane and half of biomolecules. I learnt new stuff. The tutor is a medical student so perhaps she can guide me on my way to Monash. I also trialled another tutor yesterday which was with my two friends. She gave us a handout and she talked and asked questions and we also answered questions on the handout. Then she checked them and told us what we should write instead and what wasn't necessary. She is a past student from my school.


I have a methods test on Thursday and wooooooo it's going to be a good, big one. I can feel it from doing millions o questions across the week. It's going to be on Inverse functions, composite functions and simultaneous equations (with equating the gradients and stuff, not the matrices stuff), we'll learn that later. My first sac for methods is on May 20 something I believe. A long away but the time will soon dwindle down into nothing. My first test was on the second week about the summer homework and I butchered it. There's no doubt about that. When I got it back, I was sort of expecting it deep inside but I was still hoping for an amazing mark like I don't know a 100% but nope. That mark slapped me hard on my face and I still have a battle scar. It's OK. I went through my mistakes and perhaps I'll write the questions again and work it out again.


Biology is going good for me. I've been exposed to the plasma membrane so many times that whenever I look at the fluid mosaic model my stomach literally churns inside. Is that normal? I was a bit stuck on Hypotonic and Hypertonic solutions but I've got it now after going through it numerous times. Apparently, we're going to start with biomolecules on Monday so that should be good. I know a little bit about it from the tutor and watching the Amoeba sister videos. I highly recommend. Their animations are so cute! Maybe I should revise a bit of molecules today or Sunday and maybe a bit of Transcription and translation stuff because I'm a bit shaky on that. Why all this preparing? Well, I have a sac on the 28th so that should be good. It's a report test and it's going to be based off two sacs we'll be doing next week.
So that's my two 3/4's.
Now for my 1/2s. Specialist Mathematics, Chemistry, Psychology, Literature.

I like my teacher for chemistry. I like all my teachers. She's really nice and bubbly whenever you ask a question. She reminds me of my year 9 science teacher who was always so enthusiastic. We finished chapter 1 yesterday according to the Heinmann textbook and we'll be starting chapter 2 next week. Trends in the periodic table. I still need to complete the questions. Also, I know people in my class but I don't really interact as they have their own closer friends so this is the one class I'm sort of by myself but still sitting next to people. It's okay maybe it'll get better. I don't mind. I can focus better.

Specialist Mathematics

We started with chapter 13 which was amazing! hahah. Ha. It was a big punch in the stomach when we are going through the content in class as it was pretty hard to understand and actually do the question. It was all shapes and geometric stuff and the whole time I was sitting there like whaaaaat? But I'm trying to complete the exercises and someone sent me the worked solutions so it's all good. I feel much more...placid...right now. *Smiles widely*. Also, my teacher draws a lot of diagrams which sort of helps me visualise what's happening so that's a plus.


Okay, before I start. Can I just say I love Psychology. It is amazing. I didn't think I would say this but it is my absolute favourite subject out of everything. It is just so interesting as it's so crazy especially at the start. For example, phrenology was about how you judged someone's personality based on the bumps on their head. Weird, right? But it's interesting. Also the content is really interesting as well because the brain is such a complex organ that deserves to be studied. Why do people say it's not a real science? I say that it is. Also, my teacher is really good as she explains things clearly and gives us tips. She already told us how to write exam answers even though we're doing 1/2. But better to get a head start. Also, she gives us homework every. Single. Lesson. It is a lot and I have to keep on top of it so I don't forget anything. She tells us to complete the questions and then annotate them by looking at the suggested answers.  My test is on the 4th of March.


Literature has been good. The poem we were studying is WEIRD. But it's okay. You don't have to talk about that aspect as literature is all about your own interpretation. That's why I chose it because you can be creative and I am a imaginative person. That's why I like aliens. Anyways, we need to write an analysis on that poem and it's due tomorrow so i better get cracking.

Overall thoughts:

I'm thinking of focusing on my 3/4 subjects a lot this year because I am sort of struggling with methods and biology. I'm not struggling but I'm not doing how I want to be doing, especially with that garbage maths score. I want to pour my heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears into my Methods and Biology. They are my top priority.
Also, I've been analysing that Literature is going to be in my top 4 so I better get a good score otherwise it might drag down my ATAR so gotta keep top of that.

Other stuff
We started St. John two weeks ago. First week we played interesting games. Then this week we went through the booklet and learned/revised how to care for an unconscious, breathing patient. I really need to go on more duties this year. Like seriously. It's not good. I only did one duty last year at the end. I need to do more. I have to keep telling myself. I mean you have to put the stuff you learned into practise otherwise how do you consolidate?
Also the volunteering club at our school started again. The conference was today but I could't go because of tutor today, I would've missed the lesson. The teacher said I can't do a makeup class into Friday.
I'm looking forward to the volunteering events coming up at my school such as Red Cross, I think it's March something. And Salvation Army. Also I want to apply for YIP. I applied last year but I didn't get in which was sad and bad. But I asked for feedback and so I can improve and hopefully get in this year. Yay.
Also, I'm reading the third book in the Lorien Legacies series(first book being I am Number Four). It's pretty good. I recommend to anyone.
For my exercise, I've begun to think that I completed most if not all the workouts with the person I usually do it with on the youtube channel. I can't do the equipment workouts because I don't have equipment so I've mostly being doing HIIT and cardio since my start last year in June. I have to start improvising and using random heavy objects that are lying around the house. I am desperate.
Also, I've started taking carrots and cucumbers and egg for lunch to be healthy and I want to continue that throughout the years. If I start now, it will be good later in life. That's what I keep telling myself. Don't quit.
Okay, so I basically dumped all my thoughts onto here and here I am hunching over my laptop, my fingers moving so fast. They've gone numb.
So, I hope you guys enjoyed my ranty rant and enjoy your weekend. Stay cool.
 8) 8) 8)


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #34 on: February 17, 2019, 12:22:35 am »
My two ultimate goals are to get a 50 in biology and a 50 in Methods which are two 3/4's this year as I'm in year 11.
Wow; well done for aiming high. Anything's possible, especially with that attitude :)
Also, just out of curiosity, have you always received tutoring or is it an extra strategy you've brought in for your 3/4s? Do you find its making a difference and are you going to get more tutors next year, do you think (I'm just wondering as I didn't use tuition in year 12 (: )

My first sac for methods is on May 20 something I believe. A long away but the time will soon dwindle down into nothing. My first test was on the second week about the summer homework and I butchered it. There's no doubt about that. When I got it back, I was sort of expecting it deep inside but I was still hoping for an amazing mark like I don't know a 100% but nope. That mark slapped me hard on my face and I still have a battle scar. It's OK. I went through my mistakes and perhaps I'll write the questions again and work it out again.
Don't be too hard on yourself; it was just a test and it'll help you for the SAC. Going through past questions until you can do them independently is a great strategy and questions to look back on from these tests are a great resource for revision !!

I'm thinking of focusing on my 3/4 subjects a lot this year because I am sort of struggling with methods and biology. I'm not struggling but I'm not doing how I want to be doing, especially with that garbage maths score. I want to pour my heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears into my Methods and Biology. They are my top priority.
Once again, kudos for your determination!! Just remember, its only the start of your 3/4 'journey' and its ok to take some time to get the hang of things a bit. Personally, what I found super helpful when studying a 3/4 in year 11 was the learning experience - getting my head around how SACs/scaling/preparation etc worked and what study techniques worked for me. It'll really help you for next year, regardless of your scores (try not to get too caught up in them!!)

I'm glad you're finding your subjects pretty enjoyable!! Can't wait to hear more and I wish you all the best :D
2018 - VCE - ATAR: 99.75 [English, Chemistry, Methods, French, PE, Bio]
2019 - Monash


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #35 on: February 17, 2019, 12:20:55 pm »
Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement!
It makes me smile!  :)

Also, just out of curiosity, have you always received tutoring or is it an extra strategy you've brought in for your 3/4s? Do you find its making a difference and are you going to get more tutors next year, do you think (I'm just wondering as I didn't use tuition in year 12 (: )
It's an extra strategy for my two 3/4's. I stopped tutoring in mid year 8. I think it is actually making a difference as it's allowing me to consolidate what I have learnt at my school and tutoring both. It's great because both my tutors are teaching the same things at the same pace which allows me to be on top of what I am learning!
I might get tutors next year if I'm struggling in my subjects, perhaps specialist as I find it's hard to understand. At least with the topic we are doing currently. :-X


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2019, 06:16:18 pm »
Hey AtarNotes!
How's it going?
So basically I just finished eating rice my other lunch and here I am typing away listening to the satisfying sounds of my laptop. I love my laptop.
Anyways, today was an okay day. In biology we did our pracs which are what the sac is going to be based off so yay. I need to think about thr prac and have some time to consolidate everything I learnt.
I haven't had methods class for a long time because of all the disruptions and my teacher being away which is sad. But I did all the exercises and stuff. I am trying to focus on biology because my sac is next week. I really should. No, i am going to be a to do list soon so that I know what all I have to do and I can keep track of all of my questions.
I am thinking of trying out for a leadership position and I thought why not? Because the meeting run during lunchtimes so it's an effective use of time. Even though I do try to study in the library, my food takes so long to eat that I just can't as I feel if I finally find a place to sit, the bell would ring. It's ok. I have my frees.
In chemistry we learnt about core charge which is the pull of the valence electrons and the nucleus. Our teacher said not to get it confused with electronegativity.
In literature, we started our assignment and our group is doing a pretty good poem full of feminist themes and quotes so that should be interesting. The narrator sounds like a warrior.
In specialist, we learnt about modulus which was okay and it's pretty cool. With one of the graphs we drew, it's so cool that the modulus equalled the answer no matter what value you put in. Okay, that sounded vague.
Yesterday, in St John we learnt about the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack. A cardiac arrest is usually caused because of shock or stress on the heart while a heart attack is caused by blockage which doesn't let the blood flow. No blood, no heart. We also revised how to use a defib and we did CPR on the dummy. Also, we got to play with a curly-haired dog and it was so cute. Ahhh. It was amazing. It was literally running and jumping everywhere and bouncing. It was pretty funny.
Tomorrow we have a swimming carnival so I can take a later train. I'll probably be cheering on my house from the sidelines. I am not even kidding. Our house hadn't won since 1998 or something and the first time it won was two years ago.2017. That's when I was there. I was cheering so loud my voice cracked. I gave it all. Same as last year. And every single time we do that, we win. Isn't that amazing? I feel like I am a part of something big. I'l probably force my friend to do it with me because in the past years I was just a loner doing it all by myself. I felt awkward at the start and at other times. But hey, who cares what people think? At least I'm encouraging! Am i right or am i right?
I am so excited! My plant is growing a new leaf. It might seem like some trivial thing but it honestly is not. So far my plant has 11 leaves now and I am waiting for it to reach 16 which is how old I am. It's such a teeny tiny leaf. It looks so innocent and pure. I got it around Christmas time in year 9. It's a croton. I also have another plant which i got for my birthday last year.
Yep. So that's my random as rambling. My entry is all disjointed and all over the place.
Have a good evening and make sure to take care of yourself. See you guys later.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2019, 05:16:31 pm »
I am trying to focus on biology because my sac is next week. I really should. No, i am going to be a to do list soon so that I know what all I have to do and I can keep track of all of my questions.

I am thinking of trying out for a leadership position and I thought why not? Because the meeting run during lunchtimes so it's an effective use of time. Even though I do try to study in the library, my food takes so long to eat that I just can't as I feel if I finally find a place to sit, the bell would ring. It's ok. I have my frees.

In chemistry we learnt about core charge which is the pull of the valence electrons and the nucleus. Our teacher said not to get it confused with electronegativity.
In literature, we started our assignment and our group is doing a pretty good poem full of feminist themes and quotes so that should be interesting. The narrator sounds like a warrior.

Yesterday, in St John we learnt about the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack. A cardiac arrest is usually caused because of shock or stress on the heart while a heart attack is caused by blockage which doesn't let the blood flow. No blood, no heart. We also revised how to use a defib and we did CPR on the dummy. Also, we got to play with a curly-haired dog and it was so cute. Ahhh. It was amazing. It was literally running and jumping everywhere and bouncing. It was pretty funny.

I am so excited! My plant is growing a new leaf. It might seem like some trivial thing but it honestly is not. So far my plant has 11 leaves now and I am waiting for it to reach 16 which is how old I am.

Hey Evolio! Damn reading this sounds so similar to what I have going on atm!

My first ever SAC is tomorrow and its for bio! Good luck to you my friend! You will smash it!

You should defiantly go for that leadership position! I am part of my schools leadership program and I have had so many amazing opportunities come from it!

I to am learning about valence electrons and all that stuff I don't get in chem!

That sounds so interesting, now I finally know the difference! Thanks! The puppy sounds so cute! Who doesn't love a puppy?

Good job on maintaining a plant for so long! I would never be able to do that! I hope it reaches 16 leaves soon!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2019, 07:58:11 pm »
Hey Evolio! Damn reading this sounds so similar to what I have going on atm!

My first ever SAC is tomorrow and its for bio! Good luck to you my friend! You will smash it!

You should defiantly go for that leadership position! I am part of my schools leadership program and I have had so many amazing opportunities come from it!

I to am learning about valence electrons and all that stuff I don't get in chem!

That sounds so interesting, now I finally know the difference! Thanks! The puppy sounds so cute! Who doesn't love a puppy?

Good job on maintaining a plant for so long! I would never be able to do that! I hope it reaches 16 leaves soon!

Hello my friend!
You will do amazing in your biology sac! Good luck for tomorrow! By the way, what's it on?
That's so cool you're a part of your leadership program. It's good to have something other than academics in your life.  :). It keeps everything balanced.
Yeah, I feel like for chemistry, I constantly need to revise because there is a lot of stuff to absorb. I need to have constant exposure to it.
Ahhhh, puppies are so adorable. I melt whenever I see one.
When my plant reaches 16 leaves, it will be the start of something new.
By the way, I loove reading your journal. Can't wait for the next journal entry!

So basically today was an okay day(lol, I feel like I'm saying every day is okay, I need to use different adjectives). I had my math test and I know I lost 2 marks. It was composite functions and you had to sketch the graph. I was plotting random points and I tried to picture the graph, but it just made me even more confused. I kept staring at it when finally I did the 4 mark question. Ah well. What is done is DONE.
I had psychology today and we learnt about the different lobes of the brain. There's the temporal, frontal, parietal and occipital. It's pretty interesting when you get to link everything together. Tomorrow, our teacher is away so she gave us a research project on Parkinson's disease. I can't wait to get started. For some reason, I like researching stuff. It's fun.
I also had chemistry which was alright and it was a reminder that I have to revise at home. Haha, haven't gotten to that lately because of the biology sac on next week.
I also had Literature where we learnt about the Feminist Theory. It was interesting to know the history of it all and learn some cool facts.
Biology was good. We basically looked at protein movement/transport with the nucleus, RER, golgi, vesicles and finally being expelled out of the membrane. It made everything more clear as I was going to study that stuff and I kept getting mixed up. It was good revision too about the structures of the protein.
I had biology tutoring after school today and it was good. We basically went through questions about the plasma membrane including transport, nucleic acids 7 proteins, biomacromolecules. There were also some questions from VCAA which were interesting. I really need to improve my expression when writing my responses, sometimes I'm a bit clunky. Not a good thing. She also helped me analyse the sac which was really useful and then later I got notes from her.
After all that jazz finished, I hiked to my parental's office and waited in the lobby, scanning through VCE journals. That's my go to.  ;D
Oh, gotta go now. We're going to a restaurant. Yay. Haven't been in a long time. oh, I also borrowed the fourth book in the Lorien Legacies series which is the Fall of Five. Can't wait to read it.
See you everyone and have a wonderful rest of the week. Stay safe.  8)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 08:07:51 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2019, 08:06:48 pm »
Hello my friend!
You will do amazing in your biology sac! Good luck for tomorrow! By the way, what's it on?
That's so cool you're a part of your leadership program. It's good to have something other than academics in your life.  :). It keeps everything balanced.
Yeah, I feel like for chemistry, I constantly need to revise because there is a lot of stuff to absorb. I need to have constant exposure to it.
Ahhhh, puppies are so adorable. I melt whenever I see one.
When my plant reaches 16 leaves, it will be the start of something new.
By the way, I loove reading your journal. Can't wait for the next journal entry!

Thankyou! Osmosis, diffusion, cell membranes and the phospholipid bilayer. I know most just anally revising because I am a stress head and my friend in year 11 for his first sac got 90 and he has been helping me study. my goal is to beat his first score! (hehe)
Yeah it is good...plus, you get days off school and frikin good food!
chem is honestly not my best subject but I need it as a prereq (RIP me)

Same! I swear I live for dogs! haha. when I see one its just so therapeutic. I just wish I was as energetic and carefree as a puppy!

I hope your plant reaches 16 very soon!

awwww Thankyou so much, I didn't even realise how many people read it tbh, damnnn.
Same here, cant wait for the next update!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2019, 08:09:45 pm »
 ;D ;D.
You got this sac!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2019, 07:42:28 pm »
I just finished exercise. To be honest with you, I really didn't feel like doing it but I told myself that I had to otherwise it may relay onto the next day and then I will feel that it is harder to get back into exercise and you don't have the same endurance as before.
I had tuition again today for biology. It was good. I also realised that my teacher put up 2017 and 2018 sacs so that will be great for practise. Can't wait to start on those.
Well, I think I am going to go now. I feel very tired and droopy. I think I'll watch The Umbrella Academy on Netflix now. It's amazing and really good. Highly recommend.
Have a good evening and weekend. Don't forget to have fun and be kind to yourselves.  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2019, 01:32:31 pm »
My mind, body and soul are literally saturated with biology. Biology. Biology. Aaand... biology.
Today is a weird day in my opinion. I did a NEAP diagnostic test for the plasma membrane and nucleic acids which someone gave me at like 10 am. Then I just roamed around my house like a ghost and then I ended up talking to my brother, who actually wasn't on his electronics for the first time. He's so addicted to technology, it's very concerning. I worry about him everyday.  :(. And he just started at his new school.
I talked to my brother, who sort of is my unofficial therapist when he is not on his electronics and is actually listening to you, about my sac and biology and how I was abandoning specialist to focus on biology as I have a specialist test on Tuesday.
Then after my therapy session, I jumped upstairs and did the 2018 biology sac.  My initial thoughts were that the questions were vague and weird. Also, for some of the questions, they said to briefly explain something and I didn't know whether to describe the different transport types or not because they said briefly so I just stated what happened without the explanation. I was stressing out near the end, peeking at my phone to see how much time I had left. I eventually ran out of time and used up an extra 5 mins. It's ok. I will work on it. There are still four days left. At least it's not tomorrow because then I would be really stressing about how I am not going to finish the sac!
I still need to correct my prac questions and this sac. Then I need to do the 2017 sac and hopefully I do it in time and I need to do the questions my tutor sent me. I also need to understand the difference in subunits/structure between the different rnas.
I'll have lunch and watch Fresh Prince at the same time(upto season 2), then I'll study more later. I'm holding off Umbrella Academy for some time. The episodes are so long.
Also, I didn't do exercise yesterday because me and my mum were going to go on a walk before she went away but there was a lot of stuff to do and it was 9 pm all of a sudden.  :P. Gotta do it when she comes back. So looks like I am going to do a monster of a workout today if time and biology obligations allows it.
Also apparently this whole week is above 30 degrees or so which is gonna be interesting, given that i have a sac to do. This sac is all short answer. Okay. Okay. This is what I am going to do. I am going to do all the possible prep I can do for it. Then I will look over all my mistakes, redo those questions again by teaching my brother who has allocated 30 mins of his time (grudgingly). I'm trying this teaching thing out to see how it goes. Then I will be fired up, ready to smash that sac out of the park and into Antarctica. That would be a cool ride.
I'll probably update again today later.
See yas.
Have a good arvo.
 8) :)


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2019, 06:14:56 pm »
You've got this SAC dude! xx


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #44 on: February 25, 2019, 05:12:17 pm »
You've got this SAC dude! xx
Thank you!

So today was an okay day. I feel like I always start with this. Ahhh. It's 5:10. Only like 1 hour left until I need to go to St johns. I'm stressing because I have to do like 4 exercises and my  specialist test is tomorrow. In the morning. I am just hoping for at least a 70%. That would be good. Oh also. I got the leadership position I was passionate about! Are you proud of me?
I will details about my life and what's going on tomorrow. But right now time's a wasting. Gotta dash.