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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73080 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #60 on: March 01, 2019, 09:07:52 pm »
Fixed it for you. dw easy mistake to make - you had the opening part of the quote twice in a row so it put the rest of your post in a quote.
Thanks phoenix fire! ohhh ok, DOH!  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #61 on: March 02, 2019, 05:56:18 pm »
Hey guys.
So today I went to tuition in the morning and we learnt about transformations with matrices and I found it fun and interesting. It was nice.
When I came back, I just went on my phone, scrolling through atar notes and then I checked my gmail. Then I checked both of those again. And again. Nothing came up so I watched an episode of Fresh Prince, more like finishing off from like Wednesday or something, the day before the sac. Then I scrolled through netflix for other movies. Nothing.
So, I read a bit of Revenge of Seven online as I didn't think Fall of Five would take such a short time to read. Looks like I'm going to wait until Monday.
Then we ate out at Nandos and the food was so good. Nandos is my fav fast food place. The chips taste amazing and crispy.
Then I watched this thriller movie on netflix which wasn't very good but I was only watching it for the twist to happen, which it did in the end.
Then I finally did some studying today. I didn't to Literature as we are pretty ahead as we only need to edit our video plus it's all on someone else's phone and laptop so can't do much there. I did my chemistry assignment which was set in the first week of term but is due in the last week of term. I looked at the word count and I have more than the limit, which is good. I am not behind. Then I did a bit of psychology revision our teacher gave me but I didn't know how to phrase the answers for some of the questions so I gave up on it. Looks like I am going to do a full day of psychology tomorrow. Then I went upstairs because I was getting fed up with my brother talking really loudly with his friend as he was playing fortnite. It's quiet up here. I did 2 exercises of methods, starting with polynomials and then determining transformations. I actually find transformations really fun as it has a lot of algebra and manipulation. And here I am typing on Atar notes.
Also, I think I see a new leaf sprouting from my plant. There's going to be 12 leaves! About the age of my brother.
Maybe I should do specialist now because we were invited to a family friend's house for dinner.
See you guys and have a good and fun night.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2019, 07:35:12 am »

Then we ate out at Nandos and the food was so good. Nandos is my fav fast food place. The chips taste amazing and crispy.

Agreed! Nandos chips are amazing!

Also, I think I see a new leaf sprouting from my plant. There's going to be 12 leaves! About the age of my brother.

AYEEEEEE! On its way to 16 ma dude!!!! Thats grouse!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2019, 07:51:40 pm »
Agreed! Nandos chips are amazing!

AYEEEEEE! On its way to 16 ma dude!!!! Thats grouse!
Hahaha. Me being me, I literally had to search up the word grouse.  ;D

Today was a weird day. I felt very spiritual for some reason. I guess it's because I'm trying to harness my inner mindfulness.
I did psychology for most of the day because I have my test tomorrow and I am actually excited for it. I did a lot of writing on the whiteboard to consolidate and find out what I should work on, especially with the parts of the brain. I did our revision questions which our teacher gave but I didn't know how to phrase most of them so I had to check on google classroom for the answers and then understand why that was the answer. I also made a mindmap on bubbl.us which was very helpful as it allowed me to link everything together. It was a nice graphic organisation.
I also did the chapter 3 test in the jacaranda book where I got 4 mistakes in the multiple choice but I understand why I got them wrong. Mostly because of misunderstanding information.
The short answer was alright and not that bad. I could answer them pretty okay, there was no question that stumped me particularly. Before I sleep, I need to write down the 5 stages of developmental plasticity though so I can get my head around it.
I also did specialist math today. I finished most of the chapter 1 review. Just need to do the extended response questions. Hahaha. There's a reason why I stopped there.
I also did like two pages in the chemistry workbook. Looks like I'm going to be relying on that for the upcoming test.
Oh and I also did yoga today which I had not done properly in a long time. It was a youtube workout and the yoga teacher was pretty good. Like the flow was challenging but also enlightening. Breathing in and out felt really good at times. However, at the end, when I lay down, my back really hurt because I literally twisted it into a backwards circle which my spine is definitely NOT used to. But it went away in like 1 minute so all good. I need to increase my spine flexibility. Maybe I'll do more of her video workouts. They seem pretty good and they go for like 25 mins as well. Or I can also do another youtube workout after that which will be extra beneficial.
I can't wait to go to the library tomorrow to borrow the fifth book in the series! Tomorrow, I can go early because my biology class got cancelled. We're starting enzymes which is a pretty short chapter. I got to work on competitive and non-competitive inhibition. Apparently, our next sac for biology is in term 2 week 6.
The annoying thing about my D.S is that it keeps going black randomly in the MIDDLE OF THE GAME! ARGH! It's so annoying because I just finished a level like three times and need to keep doing it all over again which is so ARGH! Also, Mario cart is betraying me as it's also freezing! What else am I supposed to play?
I haven't watched Fresh Prince in a while. Maybe I'll watch that now.
Also, not the coming week, but the week after that, I get 3 days off! YAY! I can prioritse my study timetable and it will allow me to catch up with all my work (ahem, specialist, chemistry, looking at you guys.)
See you guys later and have a fantabulous Sunday evening!
 :) :D ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #64 on: March 03, 2019, 08:01:43 pm »
Hahaha. Me being me, I literally had to search up the word grouse.  ;D


We're starting enzymes which is a pretty short chapter. I got to work on competitive and non-competitive inhibition. Apparently, our next sac for biology is in term 2 week 6.

also just started enzymes!

as for the yoga I am glad you have found something to relax you (well after the back pain ;))


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #65 on: March 08, 2019, 05:04:25 pm »
Hey AtarNotes.
How is everyone doing?
Long time, no see.
I just finished a yoga practice and I must say that I feel very cleansed. Like, my soul feels very whole. I feel rejuvenated and reborn.
I used to do those hard core YouTube workouts going on for like 8 months but I realised that my mind was still not clear when I was doing those. My ultimate goal was to focus. I felt that HIIT wasn't doing it for me but yoga will. Well, duh, I used it for a past situation. So, I am going to focus on yoga to help me focus and recenter myself. Although, I am thinking of alternating between yoga and cardio each day so that I have a balance.
I've been getting a lot of stuff sorted in terms of my study behaviour. Like, I've decided to do at least something from each of my 6 subjects each day or at least subjects I have had that day to make sure that I am re consolidating instead of rocking up to class and starting all over again.
We submitted our assignment. It's really chill at the moment. It will be chill next week as well. We'll just be watching a movie which is going to be the topic of our in-class essay. Should be exciting.


I had my test on Thursday. Not satisfied with it. I definitely should have studied more but with my new study organisation, let's see how this goes for my next test and assignment. I did a reflection in class and it helped me understand what I had to do.


We are upto 9K in Differentiation and our teacher dumped all of the exercises on us over a course of two days since we only have one class next week, which is Wednesday. However, I really like this topic and I am excited to continue on with the work soon. Can't wait. For some reason, when I have a lot of work, it really energises me, especially if it's math. I was always that math kid.

Okay. I am not going to lie. I got really bad on my specialist test. Like very very low. I got 33%. It may be my lowest score in my entire life out of all the tests I did. The practice tests I did for the selective school test, I did get some 30's % but...I feel this is different. Way different because it's school stuff. I didn't do like three of the exercises because I was focusing on my Biology sac and neglecting all my other subjects but now I have definitely learned my lesson. I will get better. You know what? I am going to make Specialist Math my TOPPEST subject. We have a test in two weeks on the Tuesday and I will ace that and smash it, You know why? Because I would have actually studied for this one.


We have started AOS2 and I thought it would be really interesting but now I am doubting it. I can't wait for the atypical development because we look at mental disorders like personality disorder and schizophrenia. I find that stuff really interesting. I am thinking of doing the Learning Activity review questions in the jacaranda book so that I am on top of my work and I really understand what is going on.


Apparently, it will be a loooooooong time until we get our sacs back. We are doing enzymes now and I feel like we are finishing it soon because it's a really small chapter and pretty straightforward. We have a homework sheet to complete that I should probably get onto. I should also watch Edrolo and do the questions to be ahead.


Book currently reading: Revenge of Seven.
I borrowed the next book from the library since we have a public holiday and I don't want to be left hanging off a cliff today like last week. That was pure agony. Can't wait to get started.
Leadership position: We have our planning day on the Wednesday at 8:30 so it should be interesting. I will be able to meet new people and make new friends.
Next week is weird: I only need to go to school for two days next week which is a great opportunity for me to catch up on ALL my work and maybe even get ahead as that's how I used to roll when I was a little kid. Learn everything at home and at school everything was a breeze.
Plant: The newest leaf on my plant is the largest one. It's so big that it looks like the odd one out. I wonder how big my plant will be.
St Johns this week: This Monday, we looked at treating wounds and bleeding. You basically put saline, wrap gauze around the wound and then rest and reassure. This cleared up doubts I had before so that was really good. Also, do OBS which is basically checking their breathing, pulse, temperature and the colour of the skin. Also, you should do SAMPLE and secondary assessment. Also, you need to fill out a  OB12. Don't forget that. It's all important.
I think I'll eat grapes soon. I feel very tired.
This whole week I was so tired, especially when waking up. I literally switched off my alarm and went back to sleep. 40 mins passed and when I checked the time, I jumped out of bed and pestered my brother to wake up because it was 6:20! I was like we are so not going to make the train but we did. So, all is well.
Okay, that's all folks. See you next time.
I will study now and fire up my neurons. :)


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #66 on: March 08, 2019, 05:18:56 pm »
Don't be too disheartend about spesh because its meant to be difficult, and hey at least you're doing units 1/2! Lol I'm jumping straight into units 3/4 since my school doesn't even offer the 1/2!
I also got my test back and it was the worst mark ever, but we will both improve soon hopefully!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #67 on: March 08, 2019, 07:09:06 pm »
Thank you for the encouragement!
Yeah, as long as we keep our heads up, we'll be fine.
We can do it! We just have to push through.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #68 on: March 13, 2019, 05:18:04 pm »
Hello wonderful peeps!
How yall doing?
Today is my last day of school for the week. I have Thursday and Friday off which means I have a four day long weekend! YES! Imma going to be catching up on all my work and preparing for math tests coming up next week. I did a Shakti yoga flow and it felt really good throughout. It was amazing. Why on earth did I ever stop yoga? What was wrong with me?
Anyways, general thoughts are that I am going pretty well in terms of what I wanted myself to study and how to do it after coming back from school as I didn't want to waste my time. I sort of wasted time today as I was reading the last book of the series while eating(not really eating).
Oh! And I had my planning day for my leadership position today which was really amazing. This is my first leadership position so I honestly had no idea of what to expect. But it was good. It went for the whole day and so  I had no classes. We basically collaborated in groups and discussed the upcoming events in the year and we also had to brainstorm what charities we wanted to fundraise for and how we could do it. Also, how we could get out form to be enthusiastic and participate in all the activities we have planned. I also got my badge. I feel that this position will be very rewarding!  ;D

We have been given an extract to read and we need to annotate it over our break. I have to still read it. I haven't even looked at it but I was told that it is really creepy. I will start annotating it today.


I finished all my key questions for each exercise in chapter 3 which is what our teacher wanted us to do. Today I might do the workbook or do the key questions in the exercise ahead. I am actually liking chemistry right now as I actually understand it! Also, I have gotten all my notes (maybe too much) for my report and I need to collate it into a research report which will be due in at the end of term.

I did the review questions on Plasticity yesterday but I felt like some of them were really vague. I might do questions on Parkinson's disease today as I read the textbook content beforehand so it would be good to do after.

I have a test next Wednesday. It's on Polynomials and Transformations. I still need to do two exercises of transformations and correct one exercise. But I also need to do 2 exercises on Differentiation. Maybe I'll do one od each today. I also need to email my teacher and see what I have missed in today's class.

Edrolo! I find it's helping if I want to get ahead but not too ahead so that I am on the same level as what we are learning at the moment. I also haven't gone to tuition for some time because I wanted to get my study organised and not break the flow. However, when I feel comfortable with how I am doing, I will venture out and do biology tuition again.

Specialist Maths

Can I just say, I love the topic we are doing right now? We are doing variation and I really like the process. Also, with this we get to find the answers to problems that I thought were once complex 2 years ago. It feels so good to be able to do them without thinking about it. It makes me really happy.

I will go now. See yas.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #69 on: March 21, 2019, 06:43:53 pm »
It's been 8 days since I last posted. I am sorry. I guess I have been putting it off.

Just finished eating my strawberries.
I had my methods test today and it went as expected, like it went ok but I am unsure about a graph question and this other one where I don't know if I actually answered the question or not. Answer the question, kids.
We're having an extremely weird situation at school and it is not pretty. At all. It's wreaking havoc everywhere and it is chaos. No more comments about that.

In Literature we are discussing the male gaze which is the concept of a male looking at a female body(creepy and ew I know). We had to read an analysis by Lauren Mulvey and annotate it which was fun and you guessed it, disgusting. But her perspective was really interesting as she used psychoanalysis to really dive into the deep and explore the depths of cinema. We started watching Vertigo which I watched on the holidays. It's a strange but an epic movie which has a humongous twist at the end. My heart leapt into my throat when I got to the end and then I spent quiet a few moments staring at the empty wall, thinking 'what just happened!?'

In chemistry, we have started Chapter 4 which is Ionic Bonding. It is pretty similar to Metallic bonding in that they both have a lattice structure. However some of their properties are different. For example, metals are malleable and ductile while ionic compounds are generally brittle and hard. I am going to do my chapter 4 review questions soon. Can't wait to get excited! Chemistry is really interesting and I am really getting into the groove of it.

We finally had our first psychology class today in 14 days because we missed out on so much school and there was so much happening. We are really behind the other classes so we gotta run to catch up. Also, we will be getting our tests back tomorrow and going through them. Oh, I am so sure I messed up the neuron diagram question because I labelled the nodes of ranvier wrong. Oopsie. Also, I basically revised all my stuff the day before the test which is not good. I should have started two weeks earlier. But the biology sac, hehehe.  :-\

The test for Specialist was moved from this Tuesday to next Tuesday because of the unfortunate circumstances. I was a bit annoyed because I wanted to do it. But... I can do more revision and ask more questions so that will be good. It's no cas and notes. We started Sequence and Series the other day. Some of it was a bit confusing to be honest but I got through it. I glued my eyes to the whiteboard and absorbed all that juicy info.

Finally, biology is going a bit weird now. I thought I would be thinking about biology 24/7 since it's my 3/4 but nope. I probably think about it the least or something. I finished all the enzyme questions in checkpoints last Friday which was a good achievement. But... I haven't corrected it and that is going to take WAY longer. psh.

I finished the whole 'I am Number Four Series'. I have no more books to read so right now I'm reading this book on the brain.
In St Johns this week, we learnt how about shock and the symptoms and signs associated with it. I also learnt that you could die from shock.  :-[ which is definitely not nice.
We also did a couple of scenarios where we treated shock victims.

Yoga Update: I am still doing it and I feel the benefits of it gradually coming into play in my life. For example now, my mind is so empty you could fill it with water (bad joke, you can ignore that).

I hope you guys have a wonderful Thursday full of fun!
See yas until next time.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2019, 06:47:26 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #70 on: March 21, 2019, 07:14:24 pm »
Great to hear from you Evolio!

needed to know that chemistry stuff for my upcoming test so thanks for that!

I hope the school drama is ok and will be soon.

Yeah, I have found with Literature we go into really sensitive and controversial topics which makes me nervous but we need to know about the real world I guess.

glad you are doing well!

- lex x


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #71 on: March 21, 2019, 07:43:08 pm »
Great to hear from you too! ;D
I hope you are doing good!

Good luck for your chemistry test. You'll smash it.
By the way, what's the test on?

Yeah, that's the thing with Literature, it centres around what's going on today. It's cool to make connections.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #72 on: March 27, 2019, 04:29:21 pm »
I had my specialist test yesterday and it went really really really well. Like I basically finished with 20 mins remaining and I only had a last question to do. So I checked over all my answers doing the questions again and when I came back to that modulus q at the end of the test, I was stumped. I had no idea how to answer it. So I just drew random lines, thinking hey, maybe I got this correct. But...
I also got my biology sac back yesterday without the marks. They're going to give us our marks in week 2 of term 2. Looking at my sac, I expected how I went. I knew I was going to get that turgidity question wrong. BUT.. I did not get wrong about polymer synthesis which is great. I thought I had to mention the carboxylic and amine group but nup. So all good. Although, I now realise the extreme depth our teachers want us to go in when answering questions. You really have to understand what exactly the question is asking and then answer accordingly, instead of answering with a concept you know what the question is asking. YOU HAVE TO ANSWER THE QUESTION!
This whole week, I have been feeling out of it! My nose is always itching and my whole face feels dry. It's not a great feeling. This hayfever is going to ruin me. At least, I technically have no school tomorrow.
I got my psychology test back last Friday and we went through it. I lost a mark for not saying complementary molecular shaped receptors on the synapse. I lost 3 whole marks for swapping around Broca's aphasia and Wernicke's aphasia! It was terrible. I would have gotten like 84 % but nope I ended up with a 75%. But for the scenario questions, I did generally well and I'm proud of myself for that. I wrote enough detail for marks to not be deducted.
We are still watching Vertigo and taking notes in Literature which is nice and calming.
In chemistry, we have moved onto covalent bonding.
We have started Logs and Exponentials in Methods which is fun! I have like 12 exercises to complete. We are going so fast everything feels a blur. Like I feel like differentiation was a while ago but it was only last week.
We learnt about sprains and strains at St John and choking. So basically we learnt about the action plan for choking which is encouraging the patient to cough, if that doesn't work, back thrust. If that doesn't work, chest thrust. Oh and make sure they are sitting upright when you do these thrusts. For sprains and strains, use the acronym RICE. R is for rest and reassure. I is for Ice. C is for compression and E is for Elevation to reduce the swelling by not letting blood flow go to your ankle, for example.
I thought I'd say 'fun' facts about me:
- I am mad about human evolution. I'm so interested in it.That's why I learnt about the Human Change Over Time in biology unit 4 pretty early.
- My last school was my first school. I went there for 10 years including prep and kindergarden. Yep. Lots of memories there. 
-  I'm older than most kids in my cohort. I'm the oldest in my class.

Other fun facts that I found online:
- Banging your head against a wall for one whole hour actually burns 150 calories! How crazy is that?
- In 2017, more people were killed from injuries that occurred while taking a selfie than killed by shark attacks


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #73 on: March 27, 2019, 05:44:02 pm »
Somewhat irrelevant, but how old are you?


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #74 on: April 04, 2019, 07:00:13 pm »

Hey guys!
I was so happy when I ran to school today! Our library opened up for like the first time in weeks! YES! I was bursting with excitement. I screamed and jumped for joy. I could finally borrow the Atar Notes Topic Tests for Biology and Methods my 3/4's. I also borrowed like 4 young adult story books (love em) and a Neap biology practice exams booj. Now, I feel that I am prepared and ready to jump into my holiday work!  ;D. Can't wait.


I got my test back on Monday, I think?  ??? and I got 80%. Okay, it is not a phenomenal result but it was still my highest this year due to *cough* silly mistakes. But I made less silly mistakes on this test which made it so much better! Sill mistakes meaning wrong calculations and stuff. It's a start. Apparently, the cohort's test average lowered by 10% after this sac but mine increased. LOL. Talk about being the unique one, eh? We also got our sac info today. There will be 4 parts and one of them is a homework task which will contribute 2 marks out of like 90 something marks. Yep. Lots of marks. This sac is worth 50% of all SACs and 1/6 of the study score. That's really surreal. We also received our holiday homework today which is to basically revise stuff about differentiation and complete like 6 exercises on circular functions. Gotta get to it. I just realised how FANTASTIC my teacher is! Each class she gives us these handouts which have EXAMPLES of how to do each question step by step in an orderly manner. And we do more questions than listening to the teacher which I LOOVE because practising more questions is really important, especially for identifying gaps in your knowledge. That's how you fix your mistakes! I'm also going to an ATAR NOTES LECTURE! YAY! Can't wait. I went to one last year as well. I think it's next week or the week after that.

Specialist Mathematics

I got my test back on Tuesday and i got 86%! YES! It's a big jump from my 36%(which I didn't even study for) to my 86% which I actually studied for. Also, I'm also happy because I got questions right that not many people got right! Makes me feel like I actually do know how to do stuff. Now, we're doing circle geometry which is fine, I guess. Not better than variation. But fine. Alright.


I feel like we are going all over the place for chemistry. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Anyways we looked at intermoleculr forces today and the different types of them. Dipole-dipole, hydrogen bonding and something else.... Apparently, we will be betting holiday homework for this tomorrow. Also, we are getting our test back tomorrow which we did like 6 weeks ago. NOT looking forward to it. At least, the damage done to my subjects due to the biology sac(after neglecting them) will be over after I receive this test. Also, I'll be able to see where I went wrong and work on them on the holidays. We're having a class picnic tomorrow. 29 degrees, here I come.


Biology class is really weird for me. I feel like we're doing stuff but not in that much detail. I guess we also need to look at the bigger picture but knowing the details are important too sometimes, especially when you write responses. I had tuition yesterday and we went through my sac. The tutor gave me feedback on what I should have written to make sure I received full marks. It was somewhat helpful. I also basically interviewed her on how she studied for biology, how she studied for sacs, how she went about everything for biology. It was good. I am going to do the ATAR NOTES topic tests, checkpoints and the Unit 3 exams on the VCAA exams back when they had unit 3 and 4 separate. Maybe, biology next term will be more interesting. Cellular Signals. Going to an Atar notes lecture on Saturday after methods tuition. Can't wait! SO PUMPED.


Psychology is going alright. I have an assignment due in week two fo term 2. And it's a group assignment. Generally, I hate hate hate doing group assignments with anyone, doesn't matter who it's with,  because I prefer to work individually. That way, you can go at your own pace, do your own thing and everything. But oh well. It's fine. At the moment. Today, we looked at cognitive development and Piaget which was interesting. We haven't looked at the 2,3,4 the stage though. I need to write notes on the previous slides.


We finished watching Vertigo, the Hitchcock film. So I have watched it 2 times totally. Today, I worked on my scene analysis and it went well. I actually stayed on track for the whole period and didn't procrastinate by going on atarnotes. hahah. Our holiday homework is to write a practice essay so that our teacher can give us feedback for after we come back as in our second week, we will be writing an i class essay based on comparing two scenes from Vertigo. Got a lot happening that week. Got a lot of work and practice to do for literature.


St Johns this week was nice and comforting. We watched Toy Story 3 which I have watched a bazillion times but it reminded me of the good old days where I just completed math and english workbooks and there was no such think as Chemistry, literature, specialist, methods, psychology and biology. I also sort of got my uniform but not really which is upsetting as I didn't get my set.  :-\
We had our last social service meeting for the term on Tuesday and we basically planned for Live Below the Line and Social Service Week. I worked on questions about poverty.

Other Stuff

We had a class party today and it was funny watching everyone walk by, with their eyes widening and chatting to their friends. We literally had a huge stash in the middle and everyone circled around the food as if we were huddled like penguins and saving up for the winter as if we were going to go into hibernation. Ah, nice analogy there.
Had to take a bus today. Again. From the city. Wasn't too bad though. I got home earlier than I was expecting.
Also, I started exercising today again as opposed to just doing yoga. I am thinking of doing yoga too. At night, just before I sleep. Hopefully I will be able to sleep better.

Ah, fun facts. I haven't forgotten about them.
1. The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn
2. It's impossible to hum when you hold your nose (try it)
3. Termites can live up to 100 years. They are the longest living insect.
4. Bees can detect bombs.

Fun(not really) facts about me:
1. I like pineapples. I can eat them forever.
2. I used to cry a lot as a baby.
3. I don't drink much water. (But I really should, I know)
4. I HATE Macdonalds with a passion.

See yas.
And have a great holiday break. Take rest and don't overstudy.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 07:04:48 pm by Evolio »