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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73192 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #120 on: June 21, 2019, 09:27:30 pm »
Hello guys.
This is going to be a very sad post (on purpose) so just putting that out there. Note that I am usually an optimistic person. Like, I'm the most optimistic person I know. Trust me. But, my life has gone downhill since yesterday.

Damn, just know you are not the only one that goes through this shit. Me for instance. While I am lucky in not having a competitive cohort, I have had my share of disappointing marks. For my maths x1 (I'm from nsw), I got 78%, which while it was top mark was so disappointing. Like you, I've sped through all my practice questions and ended up making a ton of errors (could have gotten high nineties if I actually slowed down!). But it's great that you now know where you need to focus. I'm only starting to realise what you have realised right now, and it's great you are learning this now!

Having an ambition to get a 50 in method is great. In fact, I salute you! Just know you are doing all the right steps. Organising that meeting to figure out what part is stuffing you up is what will help you get there. So many students don't do this, and I have only started to do this in depth. Just don't waste time thinking "oh my god, I'm never gonna get 50 now!" because I used to and still do that. With all you've said so far, you're on track! Don't think too much about marks, and figure out what kept you from getting that 100.

I would highly advise to ignore all the toxicity and competition of your school and just focus on yourself. Whatever happens at the end of the day, whether you get a 50 or a 40, the sun will rise the next day. So while you are still in school focus on constantly improving. Try out the strategies you've listed on your post, and use your tests as a kind of gauge to how effective they are! Your final exams are a long time away, and while SAC's are creeping up, you still have time. Just keep pushing forward despite the doubt, and you'll get there.

You want to know something. I'm scared sometimes of people who get low marks. You know why? Because they work their ass off afterwards to get the best mark possible. It has happened to me, and it has certainly happened to you now (preparing 3 weeks before the SAC, that's bonkers ;D ;D ;D). I feel in a few months, years, you will look back and be thankful for this bad mark. Because now you are on the other side and have experienced how it feels! Your aim now is to identify what is dragging you back, and rectify that. The end is certainly not here, so while you got time, keep pushing!

Hopefully that kind of helped you a bit! It takes a bit of time to get out of this shitty experience, but just know you'll be fine!


EDIT: Realised how long the quote was, cut it down a bit.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 09:33:49 pm by r1ckworthy »
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #121 on: July 03, 2019, 06:46:07 pm »
Hello r1ckworthy!
Thank you for your kind and empowering words! They made me so happy and full of hope for methods!
They have made me realise that this is not the end all be all. I should stand tall and face my next SAC head on.

Haha, actually I didn't start SAC prep after I got back from a holiday travelling thing, so it's 2 weeks before a SAC. I don't want to regret the time wasted in the holidays, especially because there's so much time which allows me to do whatever I want to get done. I love that I have the holidays before the SAC.

I just really hope, no not hope, want to achieve a score that I will be proud of and which will allow me to keep pushing hard and getting the results I want!

Thank you again!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #122 on: August 02, 2019, 04:12:24 pm »
Hello guys! Long time no see! (see what I did there, lol).
But nevertheless, I have been lurking around the forums, especially around the VCE Journal thread hoping for someone to post. Yes, I am desperate!
Seriously though, it has been an extremely long time but not much has happened. Actually, let’s scratch that, a considerable amount has happened.

Let’s start off with Methods, the most demanding subject currently(but not for long):

This is my Methods SAC 2 List of Accomplishments I have achieved so far in terms of preparation:
Neap Exam 1 CAS Active
Neap Exam 2 CAS Free
School Prep CAS Free
School Prep CAS active. Have repeated.
School Set of Questions CAS Active. Have repeated
Tuition Questions

When I was doing the school SAC preparation questions, I said that I would do 5 pages each day for the CAS Active and 10 pages each day for the CAS Free. For the CAS Active, when I was doing the questions, I purposely took a long time to do them so I really sunk into the depths of the question and really tried to understand the question itself but also what the questions were asking. Sure, it took an extremely long time. But what I need to focus on right now is how to actually understand the question and then implement the correct working out steps that will get me the solution. I took it real slow but it was really worth it sometimes. I got questions right that I maybe wouldn't have gotten right if I hadn’t taken it real slow and steady. I want to know if this strategy is working or if I’m just wasting my time and not going hard core with understanding the question AND doing it with time restraint. I will never now until I get the result of my SAC 2 or when I am actually doing SAC 2. I want to document the strategies I am using so that I can look back and see if it worked or not and it can also hopefully help people when they are struggling.
There were questions I wrote down on sticky notes that I didn’t understand but over time I either looked at the solutions and understood it or I emailed friends and they showed me how to do it. I am just glad that I got those trouble questions out of the way. But then new questions popped up today but it’s okay. I’ll give it some time and come back to them and repeat and hopefully I will think of the solution.

FUN Adventures(not studying)
So, let’s run away from methods for a second and actually talk about something I did on the holidays not a part of studying. So on the day after the holidays, my family and a couple of other families packed up our suitcases, ready to head to the Mornington Peninsula for some hot springs and other cool stuff. But first, my family went to Mcdonalds (we were the last ones) and we quickly ate our breakfast and then we journeyed to the unknown. Personally, eating at McDonalds wouldn’t be a first choice for me (Nandos, I’m looking at you)but breakfast is good Well, at least, it was the unknown to me. It was an hour and a 56 minute ride. I think. It actually didn’t feel that long though. But after I felt like vomiting. It wasn’t a great feeling.
We went to the hot springs that day after having lunch and it was an amazing and extremely cold place but that was okay. No pain no gain. The hot springs were quite hot at first but when you got used to it, it was so calming. I felt like sleeping but I closed my eyes and just sighed.  It grew dark quite quickly but there were these magical light everywhere and I felt like I was in Fairyland or something. It was magical. But every time I got out of the water, it was pure pain. I felt the chills.
That night, me any my family friend buddies, watched a movie but I fell asleep like halfway through onto my brother. He didn’t mind.
The next day was a lot of walking. But nothing I couldn’t handle. We saw some forts that were used in World War II and it was pretty surreal. We also looked at some prisons and the bars were still there! If only I could time travel back into the past and see the prisons for what they really were and how the prisoners lived and such. We saw the beach also. We also went into this really big rock with really awesome designs engraved onto it by nature and it was awesome. We took plenty of photos, no doubt sucking up all the storage space.
That night, I watched The Nun. Have I mentioned that I love horror movies? They’re amazing and full of twists and backstories and scares and scary things and more scary things. It’s great. It wasn’t as good as I expected though. But I watched it. Then we watched another movie which was the complete opposite. It was a comedy.
The next day we ventured out of good ol’ Mornington and headed home. That was a nice trip and we hadn’t had those in a long time where you stay in a house altogether with everyone, enjoying a good break. I mean, who knows when we’ll get to do it next time?

Hello guys!
I’ve been gone for more than a month which I did not expect at all but it happened obviously.
It’s pretty chill at the moment, since I have no SACS looming. However, I do have bucket loads of homework and I have a psychology test on Monday which I have not studied for at all. I am dead. I’m going to go through as much revision as I need to by paying close attention to the key ideas. We just finished looking at the visual illusion with the two lines. One is a feathertail and the other is an arrowhead.
Specialist has been going ok until I go my test back today. I got 24/27.89%. Not that great. I could have done better and of course it’s because of my biggest enemy: silly mistakes. They’ll always be there but I shall conquer them.
In Literature, we have moved onto Post Colonialism and I am very excited for this topic since we’ll be looking at a range of media to connect ideas together. For example, we’ll be looking at music videos, studying Disney films and reading other books which relate to the idea of Post Colonialism and the Hamilton Case which is the book we are studying for this unit. A few weeks ago, we went to the Much Ado About Nothing play at the Arts Centre and it was nothing I had ever seen before. It. Was. Amazing. Pure bliss. That was the first play I had watched and boy, are my expectations high for whichever one I’m going to watch next. The play was modernised which made it even more interesting.
In chemistry, we’ve been looking at water. The whole of unit 2 is literally just water. We’re looking at concentration and dilution and stuff. Lots of formulas that I need to imprint in my mind.
In methods, we’re doing probability. We’re upto Continuous Random Variables since we’ve finished Discrete Random Variables. We only have 3 chapters left until we finish the whole methods course! It’s exciting but sad at the same time. After this year, I’ll never ever do methods again ever. Probability is very CAS heavy so I’m being extra careful when typing in the values and the commands.
Biology is pretty chill and I really need to write my notes for the content we’ve gone through in class in my own words instead of mindlessly copying it from the textbook which is what I used to do.
I’m also applying for school captain which is cool. We need to submit an application with 4 references and then do a speech in front of the whole school and also on the same day or the day after have an interview with the board of selectors. I just want to try because I know I’m going to regret it if I don’t. It’s still an achievement if I try and don’t get in. Even if I do get in, I might reject the position. It’s all a learning experience and that’s all I’m looking for. I need to finish my letter in a week, it;s due next Friday.Eek!

So, I’ll go now.
See you!
P.S Happy to be back


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #123 on: August 14, 2019, 02:07:43 pm »
Hey everyone!
How's it going?

I'm on the train, just casually typing this as people walk by wondering what on earth I'm doing.
Right now, I feel dead internally. Like we're moving and I was allowed to not go to school today but I did because I didn't want to miss anything and while I was at school, I just did the work and listened to the teacher without the drive I usually have. Especially for methods, I feel blank. I don't know what to think about it anymore. BUT, the biology SAC is coming up in one week and five days which is soon! and I haven't even made notes on all the topics that are going to be on it. It's fine though. I still have time. Also, making notes in your own words is actually really helpful and is sort of revision because I learnt the stuff in class.
I got the first part of my methods SAC back and I got 37/50 so 92.5%. I was happy at first as I clapped my hand to my mouth but I'm not so sure anymore after hearing that someone I know got 100%. I haven't gotten the second part back though. I'll be getting it tomorrow and I'm just going to accept anything I get because I'm so tired of calculating marks and figuring out which mark is enough. I am also soo tired of trying over and over and over again and not getting the results I want.
In psychology, we're looking at attitudes and it is extremely interesting. We looked at the Halo effect which is basically the impression you form about someone in other qualities based on one quality (eg physical attractiveness). For eg, if you are conventionally 'attractive' in society, then people will have good judgements about you. It's sad but that's what we are learning.
I had a chemistry test yesterday and let's just say that I did all I could and I really am hoping that I didn't make any silly mistakes.
Specialist is getting really hard now. Probably the hardest topic in the whole year. We're doing triangle of forces and it's so much physics which does NOT appeal to me. There's a reason why I didn't pick physics and now here we are, back it again. Sigh.
We looked at Beyonce's Flawless music video and analysed it in literature. It was cool even though I'd never heard the song before.
Well, I'm also thinking of finally using my physical diary which I am really excited for!.
St Johns was cool this week. We revised the doses of medicine we are allowed to give and also looked at what they are used for. Eg, St John is allowed to give aspirin only if it's chest pain.

Snow Leopard

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #124 on: August 14, 2019, 04:47:50 pm »
I am also soo tired of trying over and over and over again and not getting the results I want.
Same! It's so frustrating, but I guess we just have to persevere.
Just wondering, how hard is Literature?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 10:37:49 pm by Snow Leopard »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #125 on: August 17, 2019, 08:59:39 am »
Same! It's so frustrating, but I guess we just have to persevere.
Just wondering, how hard is Literature?
For me, personally, I don't find it hard.
I find it hard to express myself sometimes when I'm writing but I think that 'problem ' is there in the other English subjects as well.

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #126 on: August 17, 2019, 10:49:51 am »
Hey Evolio!

Yeah I also found unit 2 of psych to be interesting but somewhat disheartening - it can be difficult to learn how unfair & cruel people can be.  On the other hand it's good to learn more so you can be more aware of your own actions and attitudes that may be not so great. Kind of like learning about conservation.

Good luck for methods! If you can resist the temptation I think staying away from calculating marks is a great idea

Snow Leopard

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #127 on: August 22, 2019, 05:39:22 pm »

I’m also applying for school captain which is cool. We need to submit an application with 4 references and then do a speech in front of the whole school and also on the same day or the day after have an interview with the board of selectors. I just want to try because I know I’m going to regret it if I don’t. It’s still an achievement if I try and don’t get in. Even if I do get in, I might reject the position. It’s all a learning experience and that’s all I’m looking for. I need to finish my letter in a week, it;s due next Friday.Eek!

How did you end up doing? Was it nerve-racking?


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #128 on: August 23, 2019, 08:03:58 pm »
How did you end up doing? Was it nerve-racking?
Sorry, I think i wasn't clear enough in my entry.
So basically the first round is where you write the application.
If you get shortlisted, then you make the speech and have the interview.
Alas, I was not shortlisted.
 :( :-[ :'(


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #129 on: August 23, 2019, 08:22:58 pm »
Hey guys!
It's me! From the other side!

This week has been pretty busy like bees in their hive. I was rushing from place to place and it seemed like a horror story where I was always trying to run away from something.
So, you know that volunteering club I'm the director of? Well, this week was our big week. We started selling the origami keychains and starbottles which people could buy(duh, obviously, Evolio). You could also attach a cut lil message to one of the origami cranes, addressed to someone and we could deliver it personally. Isn't that cool?We'll probably be extending the selling next week because we still have loads of origami.
Also, about the school captain thing. I was called in at the end of school. I knocked at the door of the leadership coordinator. I sat down. She asked me why I wanted to be school captain, for some reason, I mean it wasn't even the interview. Then, she said there were nice things in my letter. But, my letter was not up to the standard they wanted. I was not shortlisted. I had a smiling face the whole time, without even changing my emotion, like my mum told me to do. I would've done it anyway. She gave me valuable feedback though. She said that i was just writing what the school wanted but not exactly what I wanted to see in the school, and my VISION. It made sense. I mean, now that I look back at my letter, it does seem a bit vague and schooly, catering it to their wishes. I was too selfless and wasn't selfish enough. Well, that feedback is good. Surprisingly, I did feel sad. Yes, I did. When I heard the news, I felt my face go red with shame, going even redder when realising that she must be seeing my face turn crimson. I was nodding and smiling all the while. But, after some time, I shook it off. I wasn't so passionate about the position in the first place. As I said before, I only applied because I felt like I would've been a coward and why wouldn't you apply? You're trying to make your school a better place!

Well, veering away from that stuff.
Psychology has been going pretty well. I missed school last Thursday so I had so much catching up to do. The whole of Friday, I was copying notes and understanding the content that was taught. I also did the learning activities which weren't so bad. We have a student teacher teaching us at the moment on Thursdays and Fridays.

Chemistry was not going well but now it's going well. Since I missed my class on Thursday, I was so lost. I was lost in the forest of logs and pH and acids and bases and pH and pOH and equations. Who would've thought I would miss so much? But, after a week in pain and confusion from not understanding, I finally understood today! It was truly a magical moment when i could do all those questions on that worksheet. My teacher explained to me the content and it made much more sense even though it's just plugging numbers into an equation. She connected the dots for me.

Specialist Mathematics is a big joke right now. I am so, no extremely, behind in my exercises. We're doing force, dynamics, statics of a particle and all that jazz. It's really hard for me. I'm not good at this spatial movement sort of stuff. My strong side is the algebraic side of things. I really need to catch up. I want to dedicate a whole day just to Specialist Mathematics, nothing else. Just Specialist. We have Tuesday off next week.

Literature is pretty calm and peaceful. No assignments or in class essays at the moment. We did have another literature teacher come and talk to us about a book and what the best way to teach Aboriginal History was. It was very interesting. I hope to hear more from her.

Methods is going ok. I am behind in my exercises. I really need to catch up. Maybe I should have a maths day and do methods and specialist with limited breaks. Just powering through all those questions and getting it DONE.

Biology is calm right now. I have a SAC on Monday, after school. I finished the last year's SAC today and marked it. I also corrected and did some more checkpoints today on the topic. It's a Data Analysis Task so that will be interesting. I want to have the least amount of mistakes as possible. Yep, 0 mistakes.

In St John this week, we focused on CPR and Defib. We also had a competition about who could do 100-120 compressions in 1 minute. I won for the children! I got 132! I still need to go way slower though, to be in that range.
I think I'll go and do some more biology checkpoints.

See yas later! Have a nice and mindful week!

Snow Leopard

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #130 on: August 23, 2019, 08:37:08 pm »
Sorry, I think i wasn't clear enough in my entry.
So basically the first round is where you write the application.
If you get shortlisted, then you make the speech and have the interview.
Alas, I was not shortlisted.
 :( :-[ :'(
Good job in having the guts to apply for the role :)


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #131 on: September 08, 2019, 06:47:09 pm »
Hello guys!
How is everyone going with their lives?
I haven't updated for a while because not much has happened so far.
This week, I have methods SAC, my last one! It's on probability and I think it will be fine. There are only so much probability questions teachers can throw at you. I've done many practice questions but I need to repeat the ones that made me confused before I understood the question.
I'm going to be so relieved at 4 pm when the SAC finishes! I can finally focus on exam preparation! Looking forward to it!
I'm also juggling doing questions and understanding content for the biology SAC which is one week away. Like 5 days after my methods SAC! That's going to be my last SAC for the year! Exam preparation is what I'll be focusing on after that.
I've been doing quite a bit of chemistry lately because I don't want to leave everything to the last minute for our acids and bases and stoichiometry test on Thursday, the last week of term!
I can't wait for the last day of term! It's going to be full of fun! After that day, I will be so relieved because it's as if I have finished for the whole year! I know that's not the case but it just feels like that to me. Probability because I would have finished all my SACs by then. I'm also not that stressed about exams. I think it's going to be okay. That doesn't mean that I'm going to sit back and chillax! I'm going to be grinding heaps of practice exams! You wait and see! I'm coming to get you, amazing-study-scores-that-I'll-be-happy-with!
I also got back my psychology test which I did like 6 weeks ago! I got 95%! Yay! I've been improving in psychology going from a 75% to an 87% to an 89% and now to a 95%! The growth is so beautiful, unlike my other subjects ahem specialist.
We had a dynamics, kinematics, statics test on Tuesday and boy, did it not go well. I was alright with the kinematics stuff, yes differentiation, saved me. But, I was NOT alright with the pulleys and the forces and the dynamics and the motion. Every time I try to understand, I get a little bit closer to understanding but I did not understand enough when I sat for the test. It's the 36% circle geometry test all over again. I just want to get at least 60%. Then I will work extremely hard to understand the mechanics stuff before the end of this year. This is my vow. I don't want to suffer next year because it's a pretty big part next year.  :-[
In Literature, we're making slam poems and we'll be performing them as well. Yesterday, I was literally just binge watching slam poems to choose the correct one to analyse as our teacher set us a separate assignment. All those slam poems really have woken me up even more and are making me angry toward people who are racist!!!  >:(. It makes me want to stamp my feet and roar and just find those people and make them not be racist! Argh!  >:(
And let me just get this out. I HATE HATE HATE it when people say 'different races of people', because guess what ? We're all a part of the HUMAN RACE. There are no other races! So, the word racist, should definitely be modified!

See you guys later and have an awesome week!

« Last Edit: September 08, 2019, 06:48:47 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #132 on: September 11, 2019, 06:28:18 pm »
Hey guys!
So, I just finished my Probability Methods SAC and it was amazing!
There were no questions I hadn't seen before which matched my expectation!
I finished with 30 mins to spare and so I kept on checking every question, making sure I had the correct working and everything!
So, I can finally start exam prep! Yay!
I need to do work soon though. I have a slam poetry competition in Literature class tomorrow and I haven't finished writing my slam poem. We're doing it in groups and we're performing it in front of our class and also some teachers and year 9 students.
I feel like a weight has been lifted off me! But now I have my biology SAC to focus on and I have no idea what's happening! Gotta start studying!
I have my biology SAC next Monday and a Chemistry test next Tuesday! Side by side. But at the end of Tuesday, I will be so happy with no worries in the world! I can look forward to the last day of term because we have a lipsyching house event which I am always excited for! It's going to be a blast!
« Last Edit: September 11, 2019, 06:29:51 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #133 on: September 11, 2019, 06:30:45 pm »
Fantastic work, Evolio. Good stuff!

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #134 on: September 11, 2019, 10:30:30 pm »
Yay congrats. It's nice that it is all starting to wrap up!

Have you started exam prep for any other subjects?
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