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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73079 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #165 on: November 08, 2019, 09:28:07 am »
Hey Geoo!
I'm doing fantastic now that exams are over! How are you doing?

OMG! I'm so glad someone else feels the same way about Biology! I thought I was the only one!
I think my mind just imploded.
Haha, this was me during the exam, when I saw those weird as questions. Boom.

Yeah, I still feel really down about Biology but I keep reminding myself that it's not the end and that there's still year 12 next year with other subjects we can do well in! We can use what we learnt this year for next year!

Methods exam 1 was not so great but methods exam 2 was way way way better than expected. It was AMAZING! With an extra ZING! And there was this three mark question that I was struggling with. On the first try, I didn’t get a valid value but I tried again after doing some questions and I still didn’t get it! On my third try, I tried a different method and got a valid value! I literally smiled when I saw that value on the CAS! And I kept smiling as I wrote down my answer! And I kept smiling after I had filled in everything for all the questions and the multiple choice and was still smiling after they said pens down. I was so happy with how that went! I mean, I know I didn’t get full marks because there were questions that I was confused about but I did decently and didn’t make any silly mistakes and was able to answer the majority of the questions! On the other hand, methods exam 1 was a disaster. There were some questions which I had never seen before. Okay, maybe not never, but I wasn’t sure how to solve them. So,I looked at the solutions on worm’s math academy afterwards and understood how to do those questions in case it might help me with exam 2.

To be honest, I am expecting a 35 SS for Biology and Methods which is sad but I’ve sort of moved on already and accepted it. I’m just going to use what I learned this year to help me in Specialist and Psychology next year which are Biology and Methods equivalents in my eyes.

GUYS, I have finished all my exams and I feel so free! I watched Spongebob on the train guys and it was amazing. I can do whatever I want now! I can do all the things I have been itching to do but couldn’t because I thought it would be a waste of time because we never get this time back to work hard and smash those exams.

 I haven’t been doing HIIT for like 2 weeks and I think my body and mind has shut down because of that, so I’ve only been doing yoga. I did it for the first time yesterday and it was amazing! It brought some of my sanity back. I shouldn’t have stopped during exam time.

Maybe this weekend, I’m going to do a MEGA workout to really boost my mood and get those endorphins flowing.

I’ve also started thinking about UCAT Preparation and which company I should use. It’s a bit hard to find since it’s a new thing in Australie and I don’t know whether the companies are dodgy or not. I mean, I have been to like,  5 of icanMed workshops and they seemed pretty good. Like, they knew what they were doing and they look like they have a lot to offer. I’ve got a lot of thinking to do because I need to officially start UCAT prep soon.

I’m in school right now, typing away in the library. I only have two periods today. Chemistry and Psychology. I still have lots of work to do for my 4 subjects. Wow. That sounds so weird. I’ve officially finished two of my subjects and only have 4 left! WHAT?!?!?!? Wow!

Actually, though, I’m EXTREMELY excited for next year. Particularly Literature and Psychology! Can’t wait!

Well, I’ll see you guys later!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #166 on: November 08, 2019, 01:55:18 pm »
Congratulations Evolio! So proud of you. ;D
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #167 on: November 08, 2019, 02:39:18 pm »
Congratulations Evolio! So proud of you. ;D
Awww thank you so much!
That means so much to me!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #168 on: November 08, 2019, 02:53:22 pm »
Congrats on finishing your exams! It really is the best feeling haha

Re: UCAT - there are books for the ukcat which is essentially the same thing. Would be very wary of companies that were a umat company one day and a ucat company the next. Can't remember which companies specifically, but earlier in the year I used to get a lot of ads for what were umat companies advertising ucat tutoring by saying that their students had gotten X results on the ucat - which is obviously blatantly false given they had previously taught umat not ucat.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 10:48:53 am by PhoenixxFire »
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #169 on: November 14, 2019, 04:29:41 pm »
Congrats on finishing your exams! It really is the best feeling haha

Re: UCAT - there are books for the ukcat which is essentially the same thing. Would be very wary of companies that were a umat company one day and a ucat company the next. Can't remember which companies specifically, but earlier in the year I used to get a lot of ads for what were umat companies advertising ucat tutoring by saying that their students had gotten X results on the ucat - which is obviously blatantly false given they had previously taught umat not ucat.
Yeah, I'll definitely be keeping that in mind. Thanks!

Hey guys! What's up?
It's my:
Wow, now, that's been a long time and I can still remember that day I wrote my first entry. One year has officially passed and I am so proud to have such a long lasting...thing that will stay with me forever until the end of VCE! Life's going to get a lil' bit more interesting, if I say so myself.

Psychology Disaster
Anyways, onto life. Some exciting and important things have passed and gone down in Evolio's history this past week!
Well, I just had my psychology test and it went BADLY. During reading time, I was looking through the questions and they seemed doable and there was nothing strangely weird(thankfully). But after writing furiously fast for the last questions (I started the back pages last) and did some questions and parts of questions here and there, I realised that I HAD NO TIME left. So, my heart started beating fast and the weirdest thing happened. For this question on factors influencing reluctance to help, I remembered the acronym for three factors but only one factor was popping into my mind and I hadn't exactly understood the definition that well yet so I randomly scribbled that down and wracked my brains trying to hunt the other two factors in the dark depths of my brain but to no avail. They weren't coming to me. And, I literally just studied them in my free period before. That blanking out has NEVER HAPPENED TO ME in the history of my entire life so obviously I was so confused. Yep, that was a bad test experience. My hand was hurting so much and now I understand the psychology 3 4 kids' pain when doing their SACs. So much writing but too little time! I new the stuff but I ran out of time. ARGH!

Biology Excitement, and later sadness
So, after that, UNFORTUNATE episode, I walked upstairs and searched for the certificates I was hoping to collect because we hadn't had form assembly for a long time because of singing and stuff so it wasn't handed out. And to my great amazement and happiness, sort of happiness anyway, I GOT HIGH DISTINCTION IN THE BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD!!!! WOOHOO! But that slowly wallowed into great depression because I knew I was still going to get a 35 SS for Biology and that didn't change anything and it didn't mean anything important. But, walking down the stairs, I realised that yeah so what? It doesn't mean anything in VCE. BUT, WHO CARES? Vce is vce and life doesn't revolve around VCE. I can be happy about other things as wellI still did pretty well in this olympiad and improved from last year (Distinction). I should be happy. That shows I'm improving and that's all I care about. So, I was basically forcing myself to be happy. Like, I even messaged my mum to see her reaction. LOL.

Minor chemistry success
I also got Credit in the Chemistry Olympiad which was an improvement from my participation last year lol. Yeah, so that was ergh. Don't really know how to feel about that.

So, I have two weeks and one day until I finish school. And the next week is VCE Orientation apparently. It's sort of going to be like the end of last year but I'll be doing things differently.
Upcoming assignments include Psychology task due on Monday, two pieces for my Literature portfolio due next Friday and that's it for now.

We've been doing redox reactions and they seem okay. I just need more practice with them because nothing sticks for too long in my brain without practice and constantly being exposed to those questions.

St John
So, I went to St Johns this week for like the first time in 10 Weeks. It's been an extremely long time. Right now, we're earning our proficiency badge for caring for animals. I don't think I'll get it though because I wasn't really there for the previous training. Anyways, we were pleasantly surprised by two dogs during halfway of the meeting! One golden retriever and one shi tzu! They were so cute and adorable! Whenever someone patted the golden retriever, it genuinely looked so happy with its tongue hanging out and a smile on its lips! And the shi tzu's face and tongue and lips were so tiny, it was adorable! We learnt about guide dogs and I learnt that if a guide dog sits in front of you, it means that it needs help for its owner so you should follow it. That's so cool.

Olympic Games Fangirling
Have I told you guys that I love love LOVE the Olympics? That's my greatest sport competition to watch and I am so psyched up for next year! The athletes are so powerful and strong and amazing! I love watching the running events, the steeplechase, gymnastics, diving, swimming, synchronised swimming, weightlifting, boxing, AND MORE. During Year 12 as well so there's the good and the bad. The good thing is that it'll be sort of a side motivation for me and my studies but the bad thing is that I won't be able to fully enjoy it because of VCE and I'm always thinking about VCE. Always. Every second of my life. Oh well. There's still the Commonwealth games soon!

Well, that's it for now, folks.
See you later!
 ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #170 on: November 14, 2019, 04:34:42 pm »
Congrats on that sweet HD, I have a mate from my school who got a 46 in physics last year and is ranked third in Asia (includes Australia) for the Olympiad.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #171 on: November 19, 2019, 07:14:18 pm »
Congrats on that sweet HD, I have a mate from my school who got a 46 in physics last year and is ranked third in Asia (includes Australia) for the Olympiad.
Thank you so much!
Wow, that's amazing! Good on your friend!  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #172 on: November 20, 2019, 10:46:35 am »
Hey Evolio, sorry I haven't been on in a while. Just skimmed your latest, hey I am proud of you, you have tried your best and that is all anyone would ask of you. Congrats on finishing year 12 bud! xx


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #173 on: November 21, 2019, 06:46:15 pm »
Hey Evolio, sorry I haven't been on in a while. Just skimmed your latest, hey I am proud of you, you have tried your best and that is all anyone would ask of you. Congrats on finishing year 12 bud! xx
It's okay. I haven't really been on your journal either.
Thank you! Those words mean a lot!
Actually, I'm in year 11. Lol.  :D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #174 on: November 29, 2019, 06:06:01 pm »
Hey guys!
It's been more than two weeks since I last updated.
This week was pretty fun though, at my school anyways.
On Tuesday, we had speech night so it's a very formal evening where we present academic awards and special awards. I didn't get any sadly. I don't really feel it now but on the day and the days leading up to speech night, I felt very sad that I didn't get any. It was a terrible feeling. After the rehearsal, me and my friends watched Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil which was better than I expected and than we roamed around Melbourne Central. The actual night started at 7 and for the song medley, I was in the front row and I looked confident and sounded confident even though I messed up some of the lyrics and forgot some of them. Oopsie.
Wednesday was a day off. The whole day, I basically watched YouTube and Netflix. It was a very lazy day
Thursday was our last day of 1/2 classes which was pretty sad. I will miss those teachers and the classes themselves. Our teachers gave us lots of chocolate.
Friday (today), me and my cohort went rollerskating and rollerblading! It was my first time so as you can guess I was very clumsy on the rink. At the beginning, I was gripping the sides so hard that I scraped some skin off my finger. I kept twisting everywhere. It was so hard! I didn't think it was going to be that hard. I tried the roller skates first and then switched to roller blades. In the end, in the second hour, I did get it eventually. I didn't become a pro or anything but I was able to rollerblade for long enough by myself with short glides with no help. After that, we went to a local park, had lunch, played on the playground (a very cool one) and had some ice cream. And here I am typing after arriving 30 mins ago.

I haven't started preparing for any of my 3 4 work yet and the guilt is slowly creeping on me. I received my Specialist orientation already but I haven't started it. It's basically the first chapter exercises. I haven't even gotten my textbooks for next year yet and I haven't even started UCAT preparation. I really should start contacting companies and starting right away. I don't want to fail in it. I'm thinking of using NIE.
Also, I applied for work experience and hopefully I get it so that I can do it in the Term 1 holidays. It's at a hospital since I missed out in Year 10.
I have orientation for Chemistry and Literature on Monday and orientation for Psychology on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to Tuesday!

These days, I'm basically Netflixing and exercising whenever I'm home(which is most of the time) because I've had very few classes so far. After Tuesday, I'm officially done for the year until final assembly which is like mid December.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #175 on: December 06, 2019, 09:31:45 am »
Hey guys!
It's been more than two weeks since I last updated.
This week was pretty fun though, at my school anyways.
On Tuesday, we had speech night so it's a very formal evening where we present academic awards and special awards. I didn't get any sadly. I don't really feel it now but on the day and the days leading up to speech night, I felt very sad that I didn't get any. It was a terrible feeling. After the rehearsal, me and my friends watched Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil which was better than I expected and than we roamed around Melbourne Central. The actual night started at 7 and for the song medley, I was in the front row and I looked confident and sounded confident even though I messed up some of the lyrics and forgot some of them. Oopsie.
Wednesday was a day off. The whole day, I basically watched YouTube and Netflix. It was a very lazy day
Thursday was our last day of 1/2 classes which was pretty sad. I will miss those teachers and the classes themselves. Our teachers gave us lots of chocolate.
Friday (today), me and my cohort went rollerskating and rollerblading! It was my first time so as you can guess I was very clumsy on the rink. At the beginning, I was gripping the sides so hard that I scraped some skin off my finger. I kept twisting everywhere. It was so hard! I didn't think it was going to be that hard. I tried the roller skates first and then switched to roller blades. In the end, in the second hour, I did get it eventually. I didn't become a pro or anything but I was able to rollerblade for long enough by myself with short glides with no help. After that, we went to a local park, had lunch, played on the playground (a very cool one) and had some ice cream. And here I am typing after arriving 30 mins ago.

I haven't started preparing for any of my 3 4 work yet and the guilt is slowly creeping on me. I received my Specialist orientation already but I haven't started it. It's basically the first chapter exercises. I haven't even gotten my textbooks for next year yet and I haven't even started UCAT preparation. I really should start contacting companies and starting right away. I don't want to fail in it. I'm thinking of using NIE.
Also, I applied for work experience and hopefully I get it so that I can do it in the Term 1 holidays. It's at a hospital since I missed out in Year 10.
I have orientation for Chemistry and Literature on Monday and orientation for Psychology on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to Tuesday!

These days, I'm basically Netflixing and exercising whenever I'm home(which is most of the time) because I've had very few classes so far. After Tuesday, I'm officially done for the year until final assembly which is like mid December.

Hey Evolio!
I love hearing about your journey!
It defenitly sounds like you've had a great end to the year, Thtas super awesome that you've applied for work esperience at a hospital! Have you heard back from them?
Have you got any plans for the summer holidays?
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #176 on: December 06, 2019, 04:45:04 pm »
Hey Evolio!
I love hearing about your journey!
It defenitly sounds like you've had a great end to the year, Thtas super awesome that you've applied for work esperience at a hospital! Have you heard back from them?
Have you got any plans for the summer holidays?
Hey J_Rho!
How are you?
I haven't heard back from them yet. It'll probably be a while before I do
Unfortunately, I don't have any plans which is a shame because I love travelling and going to new places. I hate being at home all day. We'll see. Maybe I can persuade my parents to go somewhere as a family.
Have you got any plans?


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #177 on: December 07, 2019, 06:34:32 am »
Unfortunately, I don't have any plans which is a shame because I love travelling and going to new places. I hate being at home all day. We'll see. Maybe I can persuade my parents to go somewhere as a family.
Hopefully! If not, do you think you could rope mates into doing a daytrip? Even if none of you can drive, there are heaps of trains and trams that go to some pretty wonderful places! ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #178 on: December 10, 2019, 12:13:42 pm »
Hopefully! If not, do you think you could rope mates into doing a daytrip? Even if none of you can drive, there are heaps of trains and trams that go to some pretty wonderful places! ;D
Hmm, maybe. There is a lot of stuff to do in the city though! Definitely! The city's amazing!
On Sunday, my mum, brother and I went to the Design Market at the Royal Exhibition Building which was pretty cool! There was so much creative things on display and things I hadn't even seen before. It was bursting with creativity.We're thinking of going to other places as well in the city!  :)

Since I finished school last week, I've basically been binge watching movies, tv shows and random youtube videos. Endless scrolling and scrolling. I don't feel productive. At all. Like, at all. I haven't done anything useful so far except for today where I learned some human anatomy for one hour which is good. Yesterday, I also read one of the stories from a book we're studying for lit next year.

Well, I've received all my textbooks and lit books for next year all except for the psychology research methods workbook and Sylvia Plath's Ariel. I've started a bit of my holiday homework but there's so much to do! I don't know if I should go ahead with Chemistry, Psychology and Specialist in addition to the holiday homework because I don't know if that's actually useful to be honest. But on the other hand, it will give me an idea about the general gist of what we're going to learn.

I have also been waiting patiently to buy Children of Virtue and Vengeance which apparently came out so it should be in the Dymocks store. I got a gift card for Christmas last year and I haven't used all the money yet. I'm excited to read it because the first book was so good! It was so interesting and full of adventure. I was so sad that the book ended! I'll probably borrow it after Final Assembly next week.

Also, yes. Results. I am definitely looking forward to receiving them so it's all done with and I can finally be at peace that I have completed two subjects. I can clear them from my mind after Thursday. I'm getting increasingly worried as the seconds drown away into nothingness and I keep doubting everything. My heart races whenever I think about study scores nowadays. It's so scary. I keep reassuring myself that I always have next year. But, who knows what's going to happen next year? What if I get like a low ATAR which will not help me get into medicine? So much to achieve but it's all so big. I mean, it's medicine.

Also, the hospital I wanted to apply for work experience opened today and I want to quickly finish my application in max 2 days and hand it in. I really hope I get a placement in the term 1 holidays for the hospitals! It would really help me and brighten up my day!
« Last Edit: December 10, 2019, 12:18:24 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #179 on: December 10, 2019, 12:41:21 pm »
I have pretty much done what you have done over the holidays and I have been off for a month.
I have also been waiting patiently to buy Children of Virtue and Vengeance

Same here, I ordered mine through book depository and I am just waiting for it to arrive at the moment. I thought the first book was quite and enjoyable read, so I am really looking forward to reading the squeal!!!! Do you have any other books aside from lit books to read over the holidays?

Good luck with your results coming out and Thursday, and I hope you get the position at the hospital! That sounds so exciting! Do you know when they announce who gets in?
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash