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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73193 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #180 on: December 10, 2019, 06:04:14 pm »
I have pretty much done what you have done over the holidays and I have been off for a month.
Same here, I ordered mine through book depository and I am just waiting for it to arrive at the moment. I thought the first book was quite and enjoyable read, so I am really looking forward to reading the squeal!!!! Do you have any other books aside from lit books to read over the holidays?

Good luck with your results coming out and Thursday, and I hope you get the position at the hospital! That sounds so exciting! Do you know when they announce who gets in?
Hey Geoo!
I mean, I have 5 lit books to read and most of them are pretty thick so I'll be pretty busy in terms of reading. I'll be reading Children of Virtue and Vengeance. Hmm, maybe I should borrow some more young-adult, fantasy books on the day of final assembly at my school library so that I'm not bored on the holidays and I get to read what I choose to read.

Not sure when they'll let me know. Perhaps February.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #181 on: December 12, 2019, 08:54:34 am »
Hey guys!
I am feeling way better than I was earlier in the morning. Generally, I think I get over my sadness really quickly. Which is good because I can focus on the future and what I need to change for next year.
So, after a very dramatic opening of results with my mum watching from the kitchen counter and me squealing like a piglet about how I felt like vomiting ever since I woke up that morning....I got:
Methods: 38. (Not happy with this, very disappointing actually. But, deep inside I was sort of expecting this).
The weird thing, is that I got A+ for my unit 3 sacs and unit 4 sacs for biology and only an A for the exam. So, I did well on my sacs but not my exam.
The complete opposite happened for methods.
I got a B+ for my sacs (WHAT? I thought I would at least get an A) and an A for exam 1 and 2. Surprisingly. So, I did better on my exams than my sacs.
I'm sorry but this does not make sense at all.

My mum wanted to be there with me when I opened my results so she didn't catch the usual train. She went later. And what made me laugh was when my dad strolled into the living room and was like 'did you get a 50?' and we laughed because we all knew that was a LONG LONG way away. Well, I salute my dad for having that much hope for me even after I told him how I knew I was going to get a bad score. Thanks, dad.

Well, to the year 12's, all the best for the coming years!  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #182 on: December 12, 2019, 09:19:07 am »
Hey guys!
I am feeling way better than I was earlier in the morning. Generally, I think I get over my sadness really quickly. Which is good because I can focus on the future and what I need to change for next year.

Congrats on your amazing results! You may be disappointed today but you can use that as a drive and motivation to work harder and smarter for next year :) At least now you have valuable experience and knowledge on what you can change for next year. Keep moving forward, you're amazing!
somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #183 on: December 12, 2019, 10:04:28 am »
Good work on the results Evolio! It's been so good reading all your entries this year :)
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #184 on: December 12, 2019, 11:05:17 am »
Woohoo! Congratulations on your results. You're taking an awesome attitude into year 12, which is really inspiring! Enjoy the break, relax for next year, and I am look forward to the journal entries next year  ;)
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #185 on: December 12, 2019, 04:44:16 pm »
Hey! I've been a longtime lurker of your journal, congratulations on your incredible results! Can't wait to follow your journey next year :D

Snow Leopard

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #186 on: December 12, 2019, 07:36:51 pm »
Well done on the awesome scores, Evolio!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #187 on: December 13, 2019, 11:00:14 am »
Congrats on your amazing results! You may be disappointed today but you can use that as a drive and motivation to work harder and smarter for next year :) At least now you have valuable experience and knowledge on what you can change for next year. Keep moving forward, you're amazing!
Aww, thank you!  ;D I definitely agree with you!

Good work on the results Evolio! It's been so good reading all your entries this year :)
Thank you! Yay, people like my journal! Also, a massive congratulations for obtaining that raw 50 in Biology!  ;D

Woohoo! Congratulations on your results. You're taking an awesome attitude into year 12, which is really inspiring! Enjoy the break, relax for next year, and I am look forward to the journal entries next year  ;)
Haha, thank you, Geoo! Looking forward to your journal entries too! ;D

Hey! I've been a longtime lurker of your journal, congratulations on your incredible results! Can't wait to follow your journey next year :D
Thank you! I appreciate you being here for a long time! Next year, it's going to be hard, but let's do it!  ;D

Well done on the awesome scores, Evolio!
Thank you so much, Snow Leopard!  ;D  ;D ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #188 on: December 14, 2019, 06:34:46 pm »
Evolio, Congrats on the amazing scores! You should be really proud, but being disappointed can be a good thing - lucky enough completing 3/4 subjects a Year early is a great insight into just how hard you have to work to get to where you wanna be! I can't wait to keep reading your journal - keep up the outstanding work!
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #189 on: December 16, 2019, 11:40:19 am »
Evolio, Congrats on the amazing scores! You should be really proud, but being disappointed can be a good thing - lucky enough completing 3/4 subjects a Year early is a great insight into just how hard you have to work to get to where you wanna be! I can't wait to keep reading your journal - keep up the outstanding work!
Thank you!
Yeah, I feel like I need to change the way I study for next year because obviously what I have been doing this year hasn't worked.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #190 on: January 01, 2020, 05:41:33 pm »
First and foremost, Happy New Years everyone!  ;D  ;D

Okay, so if you’ve seen my first post, you’d know that I made a very awkward and vague entrance into this journal, so let me start over and tell you guys a bit about me (even if I already told you before):

Fun facts about me:
  • I'm a pretty optimistic person but since last year (YES, I can finally say that), that’s gone downhill.
  • My last school was my first school. I was at that school for 10 years of my life before I moved to my current school.
  • I like going on hikes and getting sweaty but that definitely does not mean that I go on them often which is something I really should change.
  • My house is literally next to a park so I always hear yells and screams of happy kids while I work away at a monstrous mechanics specialist maths problem which makes me want to tear out my hair. Pure agony.
  • Following on, my optimal study environment is complete silence.
  • My favourite TV shows ever are probably Merlin and The 100. Watch them!
  • I’m extremely interested in aliens and alien worlds and the possibilities.
Extracurriculars and other stuff:
I like to read fantasy and young adult books but I haven’t been reading at all recently even though I have heaps of time. I’m a member of St John Ambulance Australia where we volunteer at events in first aid. I’ve gone on two duties and I am continuing next year even though I will be faced with the harsh realities YEAR 12! I’m the Director of a club at school that creates and executes projects that help the local, national and international community. Also, after a stressful selection process, I have recently received a tutoring job which I am excited and scared about.

Self realisations (after 2019 and my horrendous study scores):
I’ve had a realisation that I actually do not put effort into anything I do. Okay, I don’t mean I’m an extremely lazy kid who watched youtube all day last year. I was pretty disciplined by my standards last year and I DID work hard. Pretty hard. But, obviously something was very wrong. I realised that I don’t mindfully do stuff and don’t think deeply about whatever I do. For studying, I feel like I understood the concepts but didn’t dive in deep enough to really understand it so that I could apply that knowledge to questions on the Biology exam. I need to work on this for this year because hopefully, it’ll be the game changer. I really hope this is the problem because if it’s not, I am D E A D.
Also, I’ve realised that I have a very high ego. I mean, I don’t boast about my scores but inside my mind, I’m always like ‘Oh, I’m definitely going to get the highest study score. I’m the best student. I’m definitely going to get that award.’ I feel like this is also hindering my progress because it’s blinding me from the truth that in reality, I suck.

My Goals:
1)Above 45 study scores for Literature, Specialist Mathematics (yes, I have to say the whole name), Chemistry & Psychology.
Okay, this might not happen or it might. We don’t know the powers of the universe but it doesn’t hurt to have high goals, right?
Anyways, I would love to get a RAW 50 in Literature. It’s probably not going to happen but we’ll see. That’s the subject that i want to get a 50 most for. In 2019, I did pretty amazing in literature. Like, really good, according to my report. But, I don't really know what to think, to be honest. In the in-class essay (SAC-style), I got an A+ (I thought I failed that). Altogether, last year, I got 3 A+, 1 A and a B (there were some technical difficulties because we had to make a video). But, like, I really don’t think that’s enough for this year. I need to be way more complex and sophisticated in my expression and explore themes and theories and lots of stuff. I need to please VCAA and I have to improve a lot.

How am I going to achieve this goal?

‘Understanding’ math concepts truly. Not just ‘copying out’ what they did and trying to understand by blindlessly imprinting it in my memory.
SAC scores HAVE to be in the 90s (no matter what). Probably not going to achieve this but let’s write it down.
INTENSE, BURNING concentration and focus during study sessions, in classes, at tutoring and when the tutor is talking to me.
Avoid procrastination. I did pretty good on this one last year, but it wasn’t enough.

2) 100 UCAT score. Yes, it’s an extremely hard goal but why not.

How am I going to achieve this?

First understand how to do the different question types in each of the 5 sections and then do practice questions diligently.
Read ethics and morals in medicine for situational judgement part. Medical students said this was helpful.
Remember that accuracy is more important than doing all the questions BUT obviously finish all questions. DUH.

Painful thoughts I’ve had since I’ve received my study scores:
No matter how hard I try and no matter how much effort I put in, I will NEVER receive a study score above 45. The whole world is against me.
I didn’t deserve to enjoy the time after study scores came out. I am a failure and so didn’t deserve to ‘celebrate’ because there’s nothing to ‘celebrate’ about.
People I know have gotten way higher study scores than me. Especially this specific person who did methods and biology in year 11 as well (like me), got a 49 in Biology and 46 in Methods. My study scores pale in comparison to their beautiful ones. They are a step closer to getting into medicine and not me.
I have a very high possibility of not getting into medicine if the problem I found was the wrong problem. There are many people who are way smarter than me and are way ahead.

I wanted to write these down because I want to be aware of them. Awareness is good. It’s not about ignoring these negative thoughts because sometimes these are a motivation to just try harder so that you can climb the highest mountain and bare your teeth in the face of your hardest challenge.
There was a time when I literally burst out crying in front of my mum when we were having a conversation about my life. I haven’t done that again so it means I’m getting better. Obviously, when I’m watching a random youtube video, the thoughts of those people getting higher study scores than me is pure agony. But hey, that’s okay. I know I have the strength to push through this but not leave it behind because that’s what keeps me going. Until the end.

Well, that was a massive introduction and start to the new year, if you ask me.

Laters, my friends.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 06:27:54 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #191 on: January 01, 2020, 07:36:35 pm »
People I know have gotten way higher study scores than me. Especially this specific person who did methods and biology in year 11 as well (like me), got a 49 in Biology and 46 in Methods. My study scores pale in comparison to their beautiful ones. They are a step closer to getting into medicine and not me.
I have a very high possibility of not getting into medicine if the problem I found was the wrong problem. There are many people who are way smarter than me and are way ahead.
I wanted to write these down because I want to be aware of them. Awareness is good. It’s not about ignoring these negative thoughts because sometimes these are a motivation to just try harder so that you can climb the highest mountain and bare your teeth in the face of your hardest challenge.
There was a time when I literally burst out crying in front of my mum when we were having a conversation about my life. I haven’t done that again so it means I’m getting better. Obviously, when I’m watching a random youtube video, the thoughts of those people getting higher study scores than me is pure agony. But hey, that’s okay. I know I have the strength to push through this but not leave it behind because that’s what keeps me going. Until the end.

I really relate to this!! There is this person in my cohort who I believe is just way smarter etc. I personally have found motivation and persistence in this - I simply want to prove people wrong especially after a teacher not allowing me to apply for a uni extension program and this person getting school captain over me and I've been working since year 7 to get which i, unfortunately, did not.

I toatally understand how you feel the study scores you recived were bad, but I'm gonna chip in and say they are amazing. they may not be the highest, but theyre DAMN HIGH ITS BLOODY AWESOME AND IM PROUD OF YOU

I think these 'negative' thought pattens can definitely be turned into our springboard! Or perhaps something more steady and linear like a....backward slide? anyways point is we need to make sure we maintain persistence because we can we anything we want to be and we can be better...and if we aren't, that's okay too because we are doing the very best we can :)
I can't wait to follow you on this scary and awesome journey! Can't wait for your next update!
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #192 on: January 01, 2020, 08:32:14 pm »
Hi Evolio!

I want to start by saying I love the effort you've put into your journal. It's a great place to put all your thoughts.

I do want to try and just put your mind at ease a little. You've mentioned how you really want to go into Medicine, and then in your recent post mentioned your 'painful thoughts' to do with not getting a study score above 45. I can't speak for too many other universities, but I do know plenty of people at Monash who didn't get the 99+ ATAR, or the 95+ UCAT, but still managed to get into Monash Med with a great interview. Some people look at this as an obstacle, but I'd suggest trying to see it as more of an opportunity. With your choice of subjects, 40s across the board alone should be enough to get you to 98+.

My advice would be to have a rethink of exactly what you want to get out of Year 12. Obviously, it sounds like you want to ace your studies. That's a great goal to have! Keep in mind what the effects might be on other aspects of your life, such as your health, and ensure that it stays in tip top condition also. The ATAR stresses a lot of people out, and if you care about your studies greatly, it's pretty much an unavoidable aspect of Year 12 to worry about it. However, if you moderate your goal into getting into Med, then whilst you still need very good scores, I think your thoughts will be a bit more optimistic. It no longer becomes a primary thought to 'get good scores' and 'beat others', but to get into that dream course, where the scores are simply a part of the process. I know this part helped me, albeit the course you're targeting is even more difficult to get into than mine! Irrespective of that though, Medicine isn't purely about the academics either, so keep that holistic approach in mind.

I love your 'how' thoughts! It's important to think about that, especially in January pre-Year 12. You'll have a better perspective of how you learn best, therefore having high goals without smashing yourself purely in the pursuit of them. The most difficult part of Year 12 for me was trying to 'not burn out' by exams. Work hard, be disciplined, but in my eyes, maintaining as balanced an approach as you can is paramount to success, whatever that means to you.

2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
2020 - 2024: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce @ Monash University

Snow Leopard

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #193 on: January 03, 2020, 08:43:29 pm »
Anyways, I would love to get a RAW 50 in Literature. It’s probably not going to happen but we’ll see. That’s the subject that i want to get a 50 most for. In 2019, I did pretty amazing in literature. Like, really good, according to my report. But, I don't really know what to think, to be honest. In the in-class essay (SAC-style), I got an A+ (I thought I failed that). Altogether, last year, I got 3 A+, 1 A and a B (there were some technical difficulties because we had to make a video). But, like, I really don’t think that’s enough for this year. I need to be way more complex and sophisticated in my expression and explore themes and theories and lots of stuff. I need to please VCAA and I have to improve a lot.
Teach me your ways!!! I'll be doing Lit 1/2 next year and feel like it'll be difficult to score highly. Any tips/advice?

Also, I’ve realised that I have a very high ego. I mean, I don’t boast about my scores but inside my mind, I’m always like ‘Oh, I’m definitely going to get the highest study score. I’m the best student. I’m definitely going to get that award.’ .
Obviously, overconfidence can hinder your performance but I think that you just need to find that balance of being calm enough to face your Sacs/exams with a level head.

I am a failure and so didn’t deserve to ‘celebrate’ because there’s nothing to ‘celebrate’ about.
Hey, you are not a failure nor do you suck. Honestly, I can relate to not feeling satisfied with my marks (in your case study scores) but I remember my 1/2 LOTE teacher telling me something along the lines of: "It's great that you're looking to get better marks but at the same time you have to stop and say, well actually I've done quite decently and I should acknowledge that."


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #194 on: January 05, 2020, 05:33:45 pm »
I really relate to this!! There is this person in my cohort who I believe is just way smarter etc. I personally have found motivation and persistence in this - I simply want to prove people wrong especially after a teacher not allowing me to apply for a uni extension program and this person getting school captain over me and I've been working since year 7 to get which i, unfortunately, did not.

I toatally understand how you feel the study scores you recived were bad, but I'm gonna chip in and say they are amazing. they may not be the highest, but theyre DAMN HIGH ITS BLOODY AWESOME AND IM PROUD OF YOU

I think these 'negative' thought pattens can definitely be turned into our springboard! Or perhaps something more steady and linear like a....backward slide? anyways point is we need to make sure we maintain persistence because we can we anything we want to be and we can be better...and if we aren't, that's okay too because we are doing the very best we can :)
I can't wait to follow you on this scary and awesome journey! Can't wait for your next update!
Oh, that sucks about the school captaincy but hey, you tried and I'm proud of you! That's what counts.
Aww, thank you, J_Rho! This made me smile!  :)
Yeah, that's all that matters. Doing our best! I mean, that's all we can really do.

Hi Evolio!

I want to start by saying I love the effort you've put into your journal. It's a great place to put all your thoughts.

I do want to try and just put your mind at ease a little. You've mentioned how you really want to go into Medicine, and then in your recent post mentioned your 'painful thoughts' to do with not getting a study score above 45. I can't speak for too many other universities, but I do know plenty of people at Monash who didn't get the 99+ ATAR, or the 95+ UCAT, but still managed to get into Monash Med with a great interview. Some people look at this as an obstacle, but I'd suggest trying to see it as more of an opportunity. With your choice of subjects, 40s across the board alone should be enough to get you to 98+.

My advice would be to have a rethink of exactly what you want to get out of Year 12. Obviously, it sounds like you want to ace your studies. That's a great goal to have! Keep in mind what the effects might be on other aspects of your life, such as your health, and ensure that it stays in tip top condition also. The ATAR stresses a lot of people out, and if you care about your studies greatly, it's pretty much an unavoidable aspect of Year 12 to worry about it. However, if you moderate your goal into getting into Med, then whilst you still need very good scores, I think your thoughts will be a bit more optimistic. It no longer becomes a primary thought to 'get good scores' and 'beat others', but to get into that dream course, where the scores are simply a part of the process. I know this part helped me, albeit the course you're targeting is even more difficult to get into than mine! Irrespective of that though, Medicine isn't purely about the academics either, so keep that holistic approach in mind.

I love your 'how' thoughts! It's important to think about that, especially in January pre-Year 12. You'll have a better perspective of how you learn best, therefore having high goals without smashing yourself purely in the pursuit of them. The most difficult part of Year 12 for me was trying to 'not burn out' by exams. Work hard, be disciplined, but in my eyes, maintaining as balanced an approach as you can is paramount to success, whatever that means to you.
Hey Jimmmy!
Yeah, that seems like a good idea. That's the reason why I wanted to achieve those scores because it will make my chance of getting into Medicine even higher. Medicine is so much more than academics. It's a field where patient-doctor relationship is so important among other skills and attributes you need to have to be a good doctor such as empathy and good problem-solving skills.
To be honest with you, I think I had a lot of balance last year. I mean I was juggling two leadership positions, St John and academics and for me, that was a lot. I've never experienced that before! Hopefully, this year I'm able to implement balance as well so that I can mindfully do everything I want to do without burning myself out. I need to get back into exercising for one thing.

Teach me your ways!!! I'll be doing Lit 1/2 next year and feel like it'll be difficult to score highly. Any tips/advice?
Obviously, overconfidence can hinder your performance but I think that you just need to find that balance of being calm enough to face your Sacs/exams with a level head.
Hey, you are not a failure nor do you suck. Honestly, I can relate to not feeling satisfied with my marks (in your case study scores) but I remember my 1/2 LOTE teacher telling me something along the lines of: "It's great that you're looking to get better marks but at the same time you have to stop and say, well actually I've done quite decently and I should acknowledge that."
Thank you Snow Leopard!  ;D I should step back and admire my progress but I find that really hard to do especially because I don't want to be complacent. It's just something I need to work on.
Yay, another lit student! Haha, I'm not the Master of Literature or anything but really understanding the text is what helped me. Try to understand all the aspects related to that specific text and participating in class discussions really helps with this too! For example: understanding the themes, film techniques, character development etc. Also, another BIG thing is not randomly inset fancy, flowery words into your essay to make it more 'complicated and sophisticated and refined' because from personal experience, that's not going to work. Write in a way that speaks to you and allows you to write whatever you want in a concise and meaningful way.
Which texts are you studying next year?