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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73301 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #210 on: February 01, 2020, 08:06:51 pm »
I'm so stressed right now I can't even. I can't think straight, everything seems boring and I'm always asking 'what am I doing with my life?'
I've just realised that I forgot all the important stuff from Chemistry that I spent so much time learning on the holidays because when I opened the Atar Notes topic tests, I could only do one question. The rest were calculation questions which I did not understand at all and I looked at the solutions and then understood but after a while, the questions got extremely difficult and I collapsed into tears, frustration, annoyance, anger, shouting, screaming and swearing. And whenever I looked at the time, it made me so frustrated because I always spend so much time on my studies and doing questions but I constantly ask myself, is it even worth it? Like, is it? I really don't think so because I always feel that no matter what work I do, it will never be enough. Never be enough for answering any question.
It was the same with psychology but to a lesser extent, thankfully. This whole day was focussed on Psychology where I wrote out a fact sheet for the Stress concepts and then I did the Short Answer questions from Checkpoints and finished them. Thankfully, I achieved one thing today. So, I'm in a really good position for SAC 1. But I have a feeling, I haven't understood everything quite clearly yet.
I need to do the fact sheet thing for chemistry tomorrow because it worked for psychology. I hope it works for Chemistry. Obviously, I won't be going over everything. Just the things I don't get.
And to top it all off, I have been neglecting Medify when I should be doing it everyday for a minimum of 1 hour but nope. I woke up early at 5:30 yesterday to do it and I did for like 30 mins. But today, nothing. And tomorrow, I have so much to do with chemistry that I don't know if I'll be able to do it.
ARGHHHHH! I hate feeling so helpless. It's going to be extremely difficult in getting an ATAR above 99 at this rate. I've only had two days of school and I'm already collapsing. And I just remembered, that I haven't done Specialist for a long time. I need to start and finish the Vectors Chapter Review by next week and clarify those 10 questions and understand how to do proofs. All this for one measly chapter out of a total of 4 chapters for the SAC which is in Term 2 week 1 which is not faraway because it's Specialist.
- Finish AN Topic Test 1 Chemistry
- Start and FINISH Topic Test 2 Chemistry
- Finish Tech-Free portion of Vectors Review
- Do some SJ in Medify. 30 qns after I get a really good grasp of the concepts and rules
- Take analysis notes on the Sexton poem for Lit
If I finish all this stuff tomorrow, I will be so happy. Maybe even the happiest in my life. But I don't think it's gonna happen but we'll see.
My head is throbbing and I've drank like a bottle of water today. I never drink water when studying because I always forget. I'm not even exercising. Also, in the last two school days, I did NOTHING in my valuable frees and right now, I'm hating that we have free periods. I want classes instead of free periods. My whole mind's a blur and ARGH!
  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #211 on: February 01, 2020, 08:36:46 pm »
And whenever I looked at the time, it made me so frustrated because I always spend so much time on my studies and doing questions but I constantly ask myself, is it even worth it? Like, is it? I really don't think so because I always feel that no matter what work I do, it will never be enough. Never be enough for answering any question.

Hey Evolio, don't worry, you are not the only one that feels exactly like this. I also have the same thought process here and no matter how much effort I put in, the rewards never seem to come in the right form. (Gets close to goal but never really makes it).

First off, take a nice deep breath. We have time, time to learn and fully understand. No one is expected to become an expert in a day and so long as you learn from your mistakes, you will continue to improve. Take a break for a bit and look after yourself, in the end, the more you look after yourself, the better you will be.
We are all in this together and we are all struggling together. You have time to evolve and become better, small steps at a time.

On the other hand, good on you and the work you accomplished for Psych! You have done an amazing job so far and keep the spirit up! Taking the time to fully understand something is the best thing you can do for yourself ;D
(Also, I think you absolutely can finish your list of stuff for tomorrow! (Definitely most of it))


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #212 on: February 01, 2020, 08:39:41 pm »
Hi Evolio,
It's perfectly okay to feel stressed! We all feel like that sometimes, and feel horrible and useless if we haven't achieved the things we wanted to. However, it's only been a few days since school has started. You have a long time to get these things done and it may take some time to get used to doing schoolwork at the same pace you are used to. I know I certainly feel the same way - I've barely been studying, and anything I have done has just been homework. Don't feel like you can't meet your aims! It will be hard at the start but in the end, it will all pay off ;D And I haven't touched the UCAT for two weeks - you are miles ahead of me! Just plough through and get your UCAT habits established, then it won't be difficult for you to practice for x amount a day. The start is the hardest part!

Good luck!
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #213 on: February 01, 2020, 09:35:35 pm »
Hey Evolio,
Can totally understand! Especially now when I already feel behind specialist and every exercise takes forever, just know that you are not the only one!

Also, so okay to feel stressed but we all believe in you and I’m sure tomorrow you’ll smash through that list of things
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #214 on: February 02, 2020, 11:36:57 am »

Please keep in mind that when people share x hour per day stats or above this is an estimated average; building habits is good and you don't need to be hitting this everyday + their estimation might not even  be accurate.  It's great that you are putting in effort from the start but please remember that when you're building something you're not going to have a finished structure on day 1.

It's great if you can do these things to give yourself a stronger position going forwards but you don't need them and if you're neglecting your mental & physical wellbeing to get there is that really going to get you to a stronger position?

Please spend some time today actively doing something you enjoy (mindless stressed 'I-shouldn't-be-doing-this-procrastination doesn't count, so if you're doing some of that make sure you also do something you enjoy).

Study goals should be there to support and motivate you,  not to crush you.  I'm certainly not saying give up on your goals  but please allow yourself some breathing room - otherwise you'll be less likely to achieve the bigger targets that matter more.

Best of luck!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #215 on: February 02, 2020, 05:35:44 pm »
Hey guys,
Thank you ashmi, whys, Chocolatemilkshake and Bri MT for your encouragement and advice and for being here.  :) I'm grateful to you guys for understanding how I feel and how I can get rid of those negative thoughts.

I feel better now (it's a massive improvement from yesterday) and am getting there. I'm thinking of practising meditation for at least 10 mins every day in the morning to center my thoughts and keep my mind 'still' rather than running all over the place, as I think that's contributing to my stress. I need to keep it under control.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #216 on: February 02, 2020, 07:40:02 pm »
Hey guys,
Thank you ashmi, whys, Chocolatemilkshake and Bri MT for your encouragement and advice and for being here.  :) I'm grateful to you guys for understanding how I feel and how I can get rid of those negative thoughts.

I feel better now (it's a massive improvement from yesterday) and am getting there. I'm thinking of practising meditation for at least 10 mins every day in the morning to center my thoughts and keep my mind 'still' rather than running all over the place, as I think that's contributing to my stress. I need to keep it under control.
Hey Evolio!
Its awesome you are acknowledging your negative thoughts and figuring out how to get rid of them, meditation is such a grounding and relaxing practice and makes you feel alert and focussed so I definitely think it could help.
A video i show people who don't know where to start or a skeptical about meditation is this one - the audio is crappy but its definitely a place to start
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #217 on: February 05, 2020, 06:10:37 pm »
Hey Evolio!
Its awesome you are acknowledging your negative thoughts and figuring out how to get rid of them, meditation is such a grounding and relaxing practice and makes you feel alert and focussed so I definitely think it could help.
A video i show people who don't know where to start or a skeptical about meditation is this one - the audio is crappy but its definitely a place to start
Hey J_Rho! Thanks for the video!
Are you practising meditation currently?

Second week of term! Monday was great and then tiredness took ahold and dwindled my motivation...but hopefully I can get it back!  :D My favourite class is probably Literature because we're looking at Ariel and the poems are just so rich with imagery and meaning!  ;D It's so creative and artistic and I love it! I don't want class to end and when it does, I wish it could go on.

Specialist class is eh. It's ok. But VECTORS IS SO FUN, GUYS! I'm surprisingly good at it! But I don't know if that's just me or I am actually good at it.We're doing Vectors in class which I've already done so I basically listen to the teacher for any new information and then proceed to working on my extended response questions which I can surprisingly do which is an amazing feeling! Because I remember in Methods that I didn't even dare do the extended response questions unless it was absolutely necessary but that's going to change this year. I've nearly finished with Vectors and hopefully I can start on the next chapter earlier. We had a quiz today on the Preliminary topics (Chapter 1) and boy, did I do BAD. I really hope that it's decent enough.  :-\ Oh well...

Psychology class is ok. We've finished Research Methods and will be starting the Nervous System tomorrow. You know, Research Methods wasn't that bad, I found some stuff interesting such as the confounding and extraneous variables. In my own study, I've finished Checkpoints for the first SAC, which is in week 6, and need to do the Atar Notes topic tests and the questions from A+ Notes and I need to redo the questions I got wrong.

Chemistry is ok. We're just doing revision questions on basic skills from last year so we haven't started 3 4 content yet, surprisingly. We have a revision test on Friday.

UCAT is eh. I mean, I read through the 'Professional Behaviour' category of Situational Judgement on the train going to school on Monday but didn't do any questions regretfully and didn't continue UCAT after that. I really don't want to de-prioritise the UCAT because it's just as important as the ATAR and I really need to get a score in the 90s to be considered otherwise it's bye bye med at monash.

To be completely honest with you, I feel a bit drained. I don't know if that's because of the 3 hours of travel each day or the amount of Specialist I've been doing or because my sleep is getting interrupted but I just feel so dead. Already. And only one week of school has passed. I need to get stronger and have the capability to do more work because this IS the last year and I don't want to mess it up.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #218 on: February 11, 2020, 06:12:59 pm »
Update time!
Random thought:  I think my bag it TOO heavy to be lugged to and from school everyday lol. My back is always hurting and I literally have bag strap marks on my shoulders. By the end of every year, I'm pretty sure I have severe nerve damage in my spine and the pain is only gone when it's holidays. Another reason why I miss holidays.  :-\ I think I need to walk straight and not hunch over.

Anyways, my first SAC is not until week 6 but I have been feeling the stress with the stuff I need to do before my SACs but other than that, it's pretty relaxing and I like coming home to study relaxingly, if you know what I mean,without the horror that I have a SAC next week or something.

Specialist Mathematics
It's going ok, I've basically finished Vectors. Finally! After like 3 weeks which is way too long, seeing I have 3 more chapters to do for my SAC. I'm probably going to start the Trig chapter tomorrow or so. Also, since I'm ahead of the class, I feel really unproductive during class, so for the next few chapters I'm thinking of doing the chapter review during class and just finish off the exercises and checkpoints in my own time. I got this idea from my tutor. Also, the checkpoints questions aren't as bad as I'd thought they'd be which gives me some hope because you know, it's SPECIALIST!!! I feel like I'm spending most of my doing Specialist and not much of my other subjects, which is concerning but normal I heard, so that's good. I'm not the only one. Although, I feel really guilty abandoning Lit.

I'm a bit confused about what we talk about in class to be honest. We were going through the critique of another author in regards to Daddy, a poem from Ariel, and the language was so sophisticated that I did not understand anything. But, I'm getting there. I think I need to expose myself to more of that kind of stuff.

We've started Fuels! Yay! I think we're behind compared to the other classes but that's ok. I don't think I'll be writing much notes for chemistry in general, because a lot of it is application based and not really as much info, compared to Psychology for example. Also, I'm really grateful for my teacher because she explains things really easily and I'll be meeting with her on Thursday to ask her some checkpoints questions! You have no idea how happy I am for that, because it's going to be extremely helpful with the difficulties I've been having!  ;D

We're really ahead compared to the other classes. This has been taking a lot of time, next to Specialist because of all the note-taking and I'm starting to think that I shouldn't be writing that much notes. I'm doing it on paper as well so it's taking a really long time. Next task to do is to repeat the Checkpoints questions and clarify some. SAC is in 2 weeks!  :-[ Hopefully, it goes better than my first SAC for biology last year.

It's ok. Not amazing, but mediocre. I'm trying to do it in the mornings but I feel like I'm getting nowhere because there's like a million questions to do and a million things to learn on Medify so I've really got to have a day a week where I'm doing mostly UCAT.

St John
Yesterday, we did CPR and defib on dummies and that was fun. We had a contest as well, on who could get the closest to 100 compressions in a minute! My birthday is in May, so I won't be able to go when I turn 18 as it's the youth division, so I'll probably stop then because of VCE and such. So far, I've been on 2 duties and I'm thinking of doing one more before I stop because it's pathetic how many hours I've done. Not good at all.  :(
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 07:10:31 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #219 on: February 11, 2020, 06:36:14 pm »
Random thought:  I think my bag it TOO heavy to be lugged to and from school everyday lol. My back is always hurting and I literally have bag strap marks on my shoulders. By the end of every year, I'm pretty sure I have severe nerve damage in my spine and the pain is only gone when it's holidays. Another reason why I miss holidays.  :-\ I think I need to walk straight and not hunch over.
I don't think I have ever related to something so much in my life🤣. What do you keep in your school bag on a normal day?

If you want a lighter bag, there are these really cool folders called the Lihit Lab 'Easy Change Clearbook' where you just put the paper in and you can take the paper out (it has 30 holes on the side and it is super slim! Great for maths/science subjects). It's great when you want to take notes/do work and then when you are done you can remove it and store it at home so you don't have to bring it around with you :D.

So good to hear that you are having a good time with your subjects! Even better that your first SAC is quite a few weeks away ;D (I know you are definitely going to smash it!)
Really looking forward to another update in the future. ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #220 on: February 11, 2020, 06:43:45 pm »
Hi Evolio!

Honestly I seriously can relate to the bag thing SO MUCH. My bags been SO full and heavy lately, its nearly impossible to carry!! Do you usually bring everything home for a night or do you keep stuff in your locker? I find that when I don't have much work due for a subject I try leave its contents in my locker, it even helps me focus on whats more important at home (and I also stop doing chem so much, forces me to do spec lol)

Its great that you're having fun with your subjects - and its great that you're first SACs in week 6!! I love studying leasurely too, I totally understand what you mean!

Good luck for the upcoming weeks, looking forward to another update!!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #221 on: February 11, 2020, 07:21:31 pm »
I don't think I have ever related to something so much in my life🤣. What do you keep in your school bag on a normal day?

If you want a lighter bag, there are these really cool folders called the Lihit Lab 'Easy Change Clearbook' where you just put the paper in and you can take the paper out (it has 30 holes on the side and it is super slim! Great for maths/science subjects). It's great when you want to take notes/do work and then when you are done you can remove it and store it at home so you don't have to bring it around with you :D.

So good to hear that you are having a good time with your subjects! Even better that your first SAC is quite a few weeks away ;D (I know you are definitely going to smash it!)
Really looking forward to another update in the future. ;D
Glad I'm not the only one. I complain to my friends about it and it doesn't look they relate!  ??? I usually take my lunchbox( with snacks and stuff) and my other lunchbox for lunch because we get to microwave our food!, a bottle, all my the books for the subjects I have that day, CAS, scientific calculator, Ariel book, pencilcase and usually a take one of the subject Checkpoints with me. What do you usually put in your bag, ashmi?
Thank you for the suggestion about the folders, maybe I should get one of those...
Haha, thank you!

Hi Evolio!

Honestly I seriously can relate to the bag thing SO MUCH. My bags been SO full and heavy lately, its nearly impossible to carry!! Do you usually bring everything home for a night or do you keep stuff in your locker? I find that when I don't have much work due for a subject I try leave its contents in my locker, it even helps me focus on whats more important at home (and I also stop doing chem so much, forces me to do spec lol)

Its great that you're having fun with your subjects - and its great that you're first SACs in week 6!! I love studying leasurely too, I totally understand what you mean!

Good luck for the upcoming weeks, looking forward to another update!!
Hey! Glad I'm not the only one, feels nice to be understood!  ;D I usually bring everything home due to getting homework for the subject and I'm a very indecisive person, so I take all my subject stuff home so I can decide to study when I get home.
Good luck to you too, ArtyDreams!  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #222 on: February 11, 2020, 09:18:55 pm »
Glad I'm not the only one. I complain to my friends about it and it doesn't look they relate!  ??? I usually take my lunchbox( with snacks and stuff) and my other lunchbox for lunch because we get to microwave our food!, a bottle, all my the books for the subjects I have that day, CAS, scientific calculator, Ariel book, pencilcase and usually a take one of the subject Checkpoints with me. What do you usually put in your bag, ashmi?
Thank you for the suggestion about the folders, maybe I should get one of those...
Haha, thank you!

Pretty similar to you! I have a pencil case which has all my stuff (CAS and CAS Charger), laptop and my folder notebooks for each subject (unless I don't need all my folder-notebooks I will put a bit of extra paper into another folder and then just bring that). Today I was studying for Physics so I brought my Physics Checkpoint and a bundle of practise questions. I will also have a small bento box and a water bottle! (I keep food in my locker which I bring in every Monday to avoid bringing extra food).
Here is what I brought today! (Tuesdays are my full days and on a normal day, it would have the right side of the picture or less)

Also here is a picture of the folders I'm talking about! You can get them from Officeworks for about $5 each and they come with a few plastic pockets inside (I think 10-15ish?). I mainly buy the paper from Daiso or Muji (grid is my fav). The binder thing opens up (really quietly and easily too) and it is super handy if you need to use both grid or lined paper. I mainly use grid for maths just because it gives me more space to write equations close together if that makes sense. Plus it is super slim! (My one is about 0.5cm thick). Once I'm done and about to start a new topic, I remove all the paper and put it into a massive binder at home and refill with new paper for school (to avoid carrying unnecessary weight). It is also amazing for English because you can write in what seems to be a notebook but can remove it as loose-leaf. ;D

(Featuring my beautiful Physics binder-notebook with a formula sheet ;D)
Edit: They are called Aqua Drops Refillable Display Books! Comes in a range of colours too and also has a bigger thickness (binder) range if you don't like the slim idea :)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 09:43:24 pm by ashmi »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #223 on: February 22, 2020, 08:54:14 am »
Hello! Time for another update. Let's go.  8)

I’m actually starting to hate the subject now, and I thought I never would because you know...psychology! I’ve also been struggling with the GAS model which is really getting on my nerves, so I’ve basically been ignoring it for that reason. Also, I feel like I’m not understanding stuff, so I’ve been putting off doing my notes(I’ve switched to electronic now because it saves way more time). It’s bringing back horrible flashbacks of getting back my Biology SACs and seeing how HARSHLY the teachers mark, like if you don’t have a single keyword, they’re like ‘nope, wrong!’. I have a feeling it’s going to be worse with psychology because we need to memorise definitions and such, which we didn’t really have to do for Biology. Forget I said that Biology was like Psychology, Psychology’s worse. Also, I haven’t done the Checkpoints SA, which I really need to do. Oh, also good news! Our SAC got pushed back one week so it’s in like 2 weeks and 4 days (Week 7), on a Wednesday which gives me more time to revise and understand what on earth the content is about, because I get it but not deep enough.

Specialist Mathematics
Terrible. We had a Vectors test on Thursday(last period, why?), and it went ok. It was a pretty short test but for one of the questions, I got this too complex value for a 2 marker, so I’m worried that I got that wrong. Also, I’m still on Chapter 3 which I should’ve finished by now but it’s so hard to understand and I don’t really get how to draw sec graphs and the inverse trigonometric graphs so I’ve skipped those graphing questions in the exercises and done the easy ones. Call me lazy because I am. Of course, I’ll get back to those. Also, watching Youtube videos to understand concepts have actually been helpful, which is really nice! First SAC is in Term 2, week 1, which yes, does seem far away, but it’s Specialist, so it seems so close because there’s so much to do! I’m really behind in my own study...

Going pretty good, actually! Got to ask my teacher many many many questions from Checkpoints which was great and I’m hoping to do it soon. I don’t want to ask my teacher everyday because I feel like that’ll be pretty annoying, so I’m just waiting a bit and trying to find the answer myself to those redox questions (which are surprisingly fun to do!). Also, by researching and finding those answers, I feel like I learn more about the why behind the concepts which is a big goal I’m aiming for this year! We will be starting Redox the coming week (Chapter 4 I believe). Currently, I’m on Chapter 7 (nearly finished!) and I’m liking the content! It’s supplementing my knowledge about chemical reactions and activation energy which is pretty cool! I haven’t learnt ANY new content since the start of the year so I’ve really got to get going and finish some chapters. First SAC is in Week 8, Thursday or Friday, and it’s one of those ‘responding to a stimulus material’ SACs which really sucks because I have no idea how to do that. I’ve been doing Checkpoints (for like 4 weeks, too long!) and I’m actually starting to get the hang of it! I feel smart! Which is a good feeling! Also, my friends and I started a study group so I’m looking forward to all the new things I’m going to learn!

I handed in my comparative essay yesterday (between Daddy and Tulips from Ariel) and I’m pretty sure it’s trash. The main goal I need to be working on is refining my sentences to make them more *dense*, if that makes sense. Like, I need to make them meaningful, concise and rich. I think that’s what I need to do to get at least a 40 in this subject, because this subject is actually pretty hard! First SAC is on March 15, I believe, which is not long at all to refine my skills…

Motivational Pep Talk
Also, I’ve had a very emotional/argumentative/enlightening talk with my mum on the train the other day and I think for the past few weeks, ever since I started school, I have not been doing enough. I think my fear and nervousness got the better of me, which made me less confident in tackling those HARD Checkpoint questions, especially in Chemistry. I need to fake that confidence and JUST DO IT. I usually get so frustrated and irritated when I don’t understand something because I’d dedicated so much time and it’s just been wasted which leads to a cycle of leaving the tasks to the last minute ‘until my mind clears when I can try again’, which I keep telling myself (even when it’s not true). I need to be studying everywhere, especially since so much time is wasted on public transport. I’m starting to rethink whether going to this school was a smart choice. So, I’m trying to make an effort to do anything (even if it’s just watching chemistry youtube videos for consolidation), anywhere. I will do anything to do well. Whatever it takes. Anyways, as you spend more time with the subject, you understand the concepts more (like in Chemistry for me) and I find that when I understand something, I enjoy it.

I also thought that the pain of getting tha 38 and 41 would fuel me to just study with so much fire and motivation whenever I sit down to do it but it hasn’t, I thought that would allow me to reach the top, but whenever I study...I have no feeling. I need to channel that pain, that’s my motivation. That’s going to help me get that >99 ATAR and >90th UCAT percentile. And, it still mindboggles me ‘how did I get those terrible scores?’ Like, was I that bad? Like, what did I even do the whole year? I didn’t even get a 40 for Methods. I’ve set myself up real bad to get into Medicine and I need to pay for it this year. This year is going to be like climbing Mt Everest. I can’t even describe how hard it’s going to be with words. Some people in my school are way closer to getting into Med than I am, which is debilitating but I will do everything in my power to get there.

‘To be in the top 1%, you have to be willing to do what the other 99% aren’t’.
This quote describes my thinking really well.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #224 on: February 22, 2020, 08:11:30 pm »
Hey Evolio! ;D

(You have no idea how much I love reading your journal🤣)
You are doing an amazing job and you sound super prepared for all your subjects! (Especially Chem woah). Don't worry we all have our ups and downs and sooner or later, things will get better so don't worry.

Motivational Pep Talk
I usually get so frustrated and irritated when I don’t understand something because I’d dedicated so much time and it’s just been wasted which leads to a cycle of leaving the tasks to the last minute ‘until my mind clears when I can try again’, which I keep telling myself (even when it’s not true).

I can spiritually relate to you with this so much. I get so annoyed too when my minds does not understand something and it chews up a lot of time. This sort of worked for me and might work for you, but think of it like this; the more effective time you spend on understanding at the start reduces the same if not more time when it comes to consolidating at the end. It can be super frustrating, especially when those around you seem to get it more quickly than you do, but trust me, you will get there! (I believe in you!!)
Just make sure that whatever you do, you do not force yourself to work when there is no inspiration (It's like trying to draw, when you have no drawing inspiration, you won't produce any quality)

I need to be studying everywhere, especially since so much time is wasted on public transport. I’m starting to rethink whether going to this school was a smart choice. So, I’m trying to make an effort to do anything (even if it’s just watching chemistry youtube videos for consolidation), anywhere. I will do anything to do well.

I also thought that the pain of getting tha 38 and 41 would fuel me to just study with so much fire and motivation whenever I sit down to do it but it hasn’t, I thought that would allow me to reach the top, but whenever I study...I have no feeling. I need to channel that pain, that’s my motivation. That’s going to help me get that >99 ATAR and >90th UCAT percentile. And, it still mindboggles me ‘how did I get those terrible scores?’ Like, was I that bad? Like, what did I even do the whole year? I didn’t even get a 40 for Methods. I’ve set myself up real bad to get into Medicine and I need to pay for it this year. This year is going to be like climbing Mt Everest. I can’t even describe how hard it’s going to be with words. Some people in my school are way closer to getting into Med than I am, which is debilitating but I will do everything in my power to get there.
Ok, I feel like we are living parallel lives😂. (Me too Evolio me too. Can relate to Chem youtube videos)
When you are taking trains/trams/buses to school there is like so much wasted time. I take a train + tram to school every day and I find that having a PDF copy of your textbook and putting it onto your phone allows you to study when you feel like you are in the mood. Totally understand the 'rethinking whether going to this school was a smart choice' bit and just remember that everything happens for a reason ;D.
I'm also having the same problem when it comes to studying too, the lack of feeling because of last year's scores is sort of eating me up. (This "Like, was I that bad?" bit here especially hits home. I admit, I have this problem and you are not alone). It's even worse when there are people around you that seem to have their life together and have a higher chance of succeeding than you do and it can really bring you down sometimes. You can do it Evolio!! Believe in yourself and once you gain some confidence overtime, I'm positive you will make it! ;D