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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73266 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #225 on: February 22, 2020, 10:11:02 pm »
Yay, an update! It's nice to hear from you again!
I don’t want to ask my teacher everyday because I feel like that’ll be pretty annoying,
This, so much! I feel like I am really annoying, or that I am becoming a bit of a teacher's pet when i'm really just trying to find out where I went wrong with my questions. I kinda hope my teachers don't hate me by the time year 12 finishes... But yeah, hopefully giving your teacher a bit of space before the next bombardment will hopefully help with that.
I also thought that the pain of getting that 38 and 41 would fuel me to just study with so much fire and motivation whenever I sit down to do it but it hasn’t, I thought that would allow me to reach the top, but whenever I study...I have no feeling.

I 100% relate to you on that statement. Too be honest I don't really think it is a great motivation source, but everyone is different so you do what works for you. For me, I feel just looking back on my score makes me feel kinda like a failure, and that I'm not smart enough to achieve anything. So for me, I stopped using it like I must strive harder so that I avoid that, and I now get my motivation from just knowing that I am doing my best and am learning from my mistakes from last year. Whatever you motivation is, i'm sure you will reach you goals :)

BTW, have you checked out NileRed on youtube? I know you said you watch educational chem videos but have you checked out his? They are kinda educational and really fun at the same time. Good luck studying!
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #226 on: February 23, 2020, 12:11:22 pm »
Hey Evolio! ;D

(You have no idea how much I love reading your journal🤣)
You are doing an amazing job and you sound super prepared for all your subjects! (Especially Chem woah). Don't worry we all have our ups and downs and sooner or later, things will get better so don't worry.
Hey Ashmi!  ;D ;D Aww, thanks! That means a lot!  :D Same though, I'm always excited for another update on your journal.  ;D
Yeah, hopefully they will!

the more effective time you spend on understanding at the start reduces the same if not more time when it comes to consolidating at the end. It can be super frustrating, especially when those around you seem to get it more quickly than you do, but trust me, you will get there! (I believe in you!!)
That makes sense, thanks for that! I'll be using that when I'm on the verge of screaming, haha. That actually really helps though because I think that last year, I didn't really understand the concepts, I was just like 'yep, that makes sense, next concept' so having an extremely good understanding now will be way better when we're doing practice questions and stuff.

Ok, I feel like we are living parallel lives😂. (Me too Evolio me too. Can relate to Chem youtube videos)
When you are taking trains/trams/buses to school there is like so much wasted time. I take a train + tram to school every day and I find that having a PDF copy of your textbook and putting it onto your phone allows you to study when you feel like you are in the mood. Totally understand the 'rethinking whether going to this school was a smart choice' bit and just remember that everything happens for a reason ;D.
I'm also having the same problem when it comes to studying too, the lack of feeling because of last year's scores is sort of eating me up. (This "Like, was I that bad?" bit here especially hits home. I admit, I have this problem and you are not alone). It's even worse when there are people around you that seem to have their life together and have a higher chance of succeeding than you do and it can really bring you down sometimes. You can do it Evolio!! Believe in yourself and once you gain some confidence overtime, I'm positive you will make it! ;D
Is it coincidence? I think not.  ;D. Yeah, glad someone understands my pain! I take a car, two trains, a tram and then I walk to school so   :-\. Yeah, I was thinking of reading the textbook but I feel like I learn better when I'm highlighting and annotating (even if it's a little bit) on the physical textbook. Maybe, I should adjust and do that, especially for Chemistry because things are getting interesting! Thanks for the tip! Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Thank you for your confidence in me!  ;D ;D ;D. We'll keep each other going for the whole year!  :)

Yay, an update! It's nice to hear from you again!
Aww, thanks, Geoo! You have no idea how happy that makes me!

I 100% relate to you on that statement. Too be honest I don't really think it is a great motivation source, but everyone is different so you do what works for you. For me, I feel just looking back on my score makes me feel kinda like a failure, and that I'm not smart enough to achieve anything. So for me, I stopped using it like I must strive harder so that I avoid that, and I now get my motivation from just knowing that I am doing my best and am learning from my mistakes from last year. Whatever you motivation is, i'm sure you will reach you goals :)
Like, how bad I did last year hasn't really been giving me motivation but I want it to, if that makes sense. Looking back on my scores makes me feel like a complete failiure as well, I don't think I'll ever stop feeling that, I'll never forget that feeling in my entire life. I feel like I'm someone who,  when I say that I'm doing my best and such, I start to take it easy and lay back. So, that's why I avoid doing that but it works for you so that's great!  ;D Yeah, same! I'm feeling so happy when I try to do things differently and they actually work when I'm studying! It's a great feeling!

BTW, have you checked out NileRed on youtube? I know you said you watch educational chem videos but have you checked out his? They are kinda educational and really fun at the same time. Good luck studying!
Ooo, will check that out asap!  ;D Thank you!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #227 on: March 01, 2020, 05:33:38 pm »
Hey! I’ve recently been struck by the thought that there are only 4 weeks left until term ends! *face screaming in fear emoji* I am eternally frightened because time is slipping away and I only have more or less two terms left. How is term 1 already ending? Like, how?

Specialist Mathematics
Um, ok, this has been a bit weird. So basically, I was trying to finish Chapter 3: Trigonometry but I sort of gave up with the last half of the last exercise and skipped to Chapter 4: Complex Numbers. I wanted a change, they’re way easier and I wanted to be ahead of the class. But yeah, I really should finish Chapter 3. Hopefully, I will finish it by this weekend so that I can fully focus on Chapter 4. I also haven’t been doing checkpoints or any other questions which is terrible because the SAC is so soon! It’s in week 2, term 2 which may seem far away but it’s Specialist, so everything seems so close. I really need to do those Checkpoints questions. This subject also takes up so much of my time because I need to spend so much time understanding the concepts, rather than just memorising the mere facts. Otherwise, I won’t be able to apply my knowledge to the even harder application questions.

The SAC date has been moved to my Psychology SAC date. I thought this would be bad but it’s fine. I’m so scared though because I was comforting myself that there’s 3 weeks left, don’t worry but there’s LESS than 2 weeks left and I am honestly so scared for it. The good news is we get to bring two sides of notes, we get the topic a few days before AND we get to choose which 2 poems of Ariel we’ll be writing about and which Sexton poem. I really need to finish my analyses and submit them to my teacher to give me feedback because my writing is very simplistic and I’ve found that I don’t tease out the points, according to my tutor. I just keep talking about quotes, one by one, without extending them. I think. So, I really need to fix that if I’m going to do alright on this sac. Otherwise, I failed before I even completed the SAC.

Aah, my favourite subject right now! I thought I’d hate it, like really hate it and that I’d have to force myself to do it but nope! I really love redox and it’s a shame that VCE Chemistry doesn’t go that deep into it because it’s really cool. I still haven’t finished the SAC 1 questions as I need to do the MC Fuel Questions (like, 70 of them, too much) BUT I’ve clarified all my doubts with my teacher about the redox stuff which is great. I’m very grateful to my teacher for giving me so much help! I feel so safe in Chemistry because I know that I’ll find the answer to my questions. I have a feeling that the SAC’s going to be centred around fuels, because it’s an evaluation. So, they may ask about which fuel is best to use and such. So, I’ve really got to consolidate my knowledge on Fuels because it’s not as strong as my redox skills. I’ve also been really slow at learning content which is really bad because I need to keep it going if this method I’m doing is sustainable. I only have 2 more chapters to do and then I’ve finished Unit 3! Which is exciting. All I’ve been doing is Chemistry, neglecting my other more pressing subjects *ahem Specialist* and *ahem Literature*. I think I’m going to stop Chemistry for a while.

I’ve stopped hating this subject! I have a deeper understanding after I did the blurt of all the assessable content on the first SAC. I highly recommend it for content-heavy subjects! But, I still need to do so much. Our teachers provided us with so many questions, many of them the 10 markers, so that’s going to take a while to do and I still need to do the AN Topic Tests. Why is it taking me so long to do everything? I’ve also been slow at learning content for this. I thought Psychology would be like Biology, but nope! I was so wrong. Psychology has so much memorising, especially with the definitions, while Biology was more about understanding the processes and stuff and there were barely any definitions to memorise. Also, I feel like we need to write way more detail than Biology, so my hand is definitely going to suffer. I need to train it lol.

Okay, surprisingly, my progress has been going good! I’ve been waking up at 5:20 or so everyday(this week) to get some 45 mins or so of UCAT practice in. Hopefully, I can keep it going! Also, I’m getting really good at discovering the Abstract Reasoning patterns,which I’m really proud of! My worst section is probably Situational Judgement and Decision Making. I am improving in SJ but I need to be getting more correct. I was doing timed practice at the first half of the week, but then I stopped because I’m not able to finish all the questions and it’s a waste of questions. So, I’m probably going to do some sections timed (SJ and AR) and then the others untimed for now. I want to be more comfortable at answering and accuracy before I jump into the deep end. Aand, I’m also starting to enjoy doing the UCAT! Especially the AR because the satisfaction you get when you guess the patterns correctly is priceless and it keeps me happy for the whole morning.

St John this week was fun. We were doing our proficiency badge so we were learning about the history of St John and stuff which was interesting! There’s actually a lot of history behind it! I’ve been going every second week because I have so much work to do!
My leadership position has been getting way more busy than last year. There’s a lot to do and it was making me a bit stressed so I sort of neglected some of the tasks I was supposed to do. Oops. I’ll make it up.

We also had the swimming carnival this week and it was alright. I didn’t really watch the swimming, I mostly talked to my friends.

Well, that’s my life right now. See yas later!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #228 on: March 07, 2020, 10:11:51 am »
AHHHHHHH!!!!  :-[ :-[
I have my Psychology and Literature SACs in approximately T-4 days and I...I...I...don't think I'm ready for Lit. Or Psych, for that matter.  :-\ I've constantly been stressed and worried in the days leading up to the SACs and I'm always thinking about the SACs every second. For Psychology, I'm not really stressed about the actual SAC, I'm really stressed about whether I can write fast enough because we have to write so much with the definitions and all. Ahhhh. My goal is to write everything I had to write in the time AND have time to check over my responses.
For literature, I still haven't written my analysis for 'Her Kind', the third poem I'll be using in my comparative, I've only written the main dotpoints and such.
By the end of today, I need to complete the 2019 Psychology SAC, 'Her Kind' analysis (it needs to be polished) and do the UCAT diagnostic test. I haven't really been doing much UCAT unfortunately and the date is slowly creeping towards me like some lion.
I think I need to take a chill pill, that's what I keep telling myself, but I think I'm taking way too many chill pills and being easy on myself. So, NO. I'm going to have to grind through my work and not stop until I finish everything.
Well, the good thing is that since I have to write super-human fast for psychology, that's also preparing me for writing fast in Literature, which is great. But still, I have lots of work to do and not much time.
Also, I feel like I know the content really well for Psychology, like I think I'll be able to answer any question anyone throws at me, which is confident-boosting and nice to know. But we did a quiz yesterday, and I thought too much for one of the questions and got it wrong. Thankfully, there'll be no MC on the SAC. I think I'll end up asking for more paper because I have big handwriting and they don't give much space, despite saying they do.
The week after I have the Chemistry SAC but I'm really not thinking about it now. After this Wednesday, I have a four day weekend because we don't have school on Thursday and Friday! Isn't that amazing?  ;D I can just wallow in depression after my first two SACs, while simultaneously studying for Chemistry! Yay!
This was a very all-over-the-place update but that's all I got for now. And, this is a very good reflection of how crazy my brain is right now.  :)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #229 on: March 07, 2020, 10:34:05 am »
Ayyy Evolio,

Good luck with your Lit and Psych SAC.
You seem really busy this week but lucky u have that 4 day weekend to recover (I'm jealous). Also, Monday is a public holiday, so it seems to be a very short week for you haha.

Anyways have a nice weekend but remember to find space to have a quick break at some point.  :D
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #230 on: March 07, 2020, 12:44:59 pm »
Hey hey Evolio ;D

You can do it!! Good luck with your Psych and Lit SAC! I'm sure you will do amazing. Make sure to take frequent breaks and look after yourself.

That 4-day week sounds so nice right now and I'm sure it will be a great time to destress from past SACs. 8)
You will be fine, don't worry! You are doing an amazing job right now and sounds like you are quite productive :D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #231 on: March 09, 2020, 02:32:50 pm »
Thank you Ionic Doc and Ashmi!  ;D ;D

Mini update:
I'm dying inside right now. I think I dream about the Lit poems in my sleep as well, lol. As soon as I woke up, I was thinking about what comparisons I could make between the poems. This SAC is eating me alive!!! At 3:10 on Wednesday, I'm going to be the happiest girl in the world, and as soon as I go home, I'm going to binge watch a Netflix series, and not do any work for the whole day.  :D That's going to be my treat, before I need to focus on CHEMISTRY. Can't wait for 3:10 on a Wednesday. Mainly with Lit, I have so much analyses and I can't include all of them in my essay because that's way too much, so I'm trying to cut down the words and choosing the strongest ideas, but that's proving to be extremely difficult.  :P I really hope I can finish structuring/cutting it down by today and also write up my notes because tomorrow, I don't want to be doing last minute things.
About writing fast, I finished the 2019 Psychology SAC, I finished approximately 2 seconds after the timer went off, which isn't as bad as I thought. Also, my handwriting was the messiest I had ever seen because I was writing so fast! Haha, LOL. But, it's readable, at least I think so.
Well, see yas later and hope everyone is going well with their VCE LIFE! We have 3 weeks left and then the holidays hit! Can't wait!  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #232 on: March 09, 2020, 02:49:32 pm »
GOOD LUCK with your LIT SAC!! I'm sure you'll SMASH it!!

And also in regards to the sleep thing - I FEEL you!! I have an English SAC this week too, and I've literally been dreaming about the characters and breaking up essay prompts in my sleep  ::)

Have a great week!!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #233 on: March 13, 2020, 09:29:16 am »
GOOD LUCK with your LIT SAC!! I'm sure you'll SMASH it!!

And also in regards to the sleep thing - I FEEL you!! I have an English SAC this week too, and I've literally been dreaming about the characters and breaking up essay prompts in my sleep  ::)

Have a great week!!
Thank you so much! I hope I did!
Glad I'm not the only one!

Hey guys.
Yeah, this is a bit late but I didn't feel like writing at the time after my SACs so here it goes...
I'm going to get straight to the point.

Psychology was bad. I messed up the last question because I ran out of time. The teacher was like 'pens down' and she was right in front of me and I kept writing, but the wrong thing! Because I think my brain crashed and was like 'Evolio, just write something down even if it IS wrong'. Yeah, I can't trust my brain anymore. So, I messed that up and then she said 'finish off the sentence', but I had already put my pen down and for the rest of the day, leading upto the lit SAC, I was feeling so terrible. I was just replaying the whole scene in my head. What if I just crossed out that last sentence and quickly wrote the right answer? I wouldn't be feeling like this now. Just an extra 5 seconds and I would've come out of that SAC feeling like a legend but nope. I wrote as fast as I could, as my eyes flitted to the timer on the board and back to my paper, 10,9,8 seconds. I was writing as fast as I could but it wasn't enough and I failed. And I knew the content really well as well, which makes it a bazillion times worse. I really hope I can still achieve that 45+ study score. It's going to be painfully hard.
I was disappointed, especially because I knew the answer but my brain crashed. Ahhhh. Why?!?!?!? I really hope I get above average but what made me feel better was that other people said that they didn't find it fine, so that washed away my fears. But still...  :'( I can't...
Then my lit SAC came! LOL, I think that was the chillest SAC in the entire world because I had literally written down the sentences I was going to write in my essay in my notes so I had the whole essay already planned out, literally sentence by sentence so that was a breeze! Although, for a split second, I thought I would run out of time, thinking about my horrible psychology SAC experience, but I didn't! I wasn't going to feel double the loss today, no no no!  >:( So, I finished and yeah that was that.
Also, it's tradition for me after I finish my SACs on that day to go to my mum's office and go with her home!  ;D So, that's exactly what I did. I always love going home with my mum.   ;D I just loved the thought of how I was ALLOWED to waste time because I finished my SACs.  :) Because I'm always frantic about 'oh no, I won't have time to study!' 'No, I can't go downstairs and eat because that's going to waste time'.

Yesterday, was a COMPLETE, I repeat, COMPLETE waste of time but I don't feel guilt at all because I deserved it and I need fun in my life. I woke up horrendously late, that was not the plan, and literally just watched netflix and youtube for the whole day UNTIL I went on a beautiful walk outside. I walked for a really long time, and I finally decided to see the horses so I walked all the way to the end of my neighbourhood and saw them. I wore slippers so now my feet hurt really bad and I have like 5 blisters.  :P Oops. I also ran a bit near the end of my walk and it was so REFRESHING because I hadn't done proper exercise for like 4 months. I know, it's really bad. Especially because I had kept it up for a year and a half.

Okay, this was probably way too detailed for your interest but I wanted to write it down.

I didn't go to ST Johns this week because of the public holiday and probably won't go next week because I have my chemistry SAC on FRIDAY. That's my last SAC of the term and so I've got to start grinding. I don't want to screw it up.

Hope you guys have a good week!  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #234 on: March 13, 2020, 11:49:19 am »
Hey Evolio! I totally understand what it feels like when you know the content/skills but can't reproduce it on a SAC. If you only messed up one question, and everyone else found it more difficult, I believe you have a very high chance of 45+ if you keep going the way you do. I believe in you! And, if it's any consolation, I had the same problem (running out of time) on my psych exam. The supervisor told us we had one minute left, and I realised I forgot to include something on the 10 marker. So I flipped through the exam booklet and began furiously writing. I think it was the fastest I have ever written. When they said pens down, I had written a pretty long paragraph, but I also didn't have enough time to actually finish fully what I was going to say. I was devastated, because I knew what I needed to write but totally forgot about it until the last minute in the exam that mattered most. But it's okay! If you put in the effort throughout the year, I am sure you will be fine.

It's really good that you did well on the lit SAC! I'm so proud :D. And yes, everyone deserves a break from study and some fun in life! Life isn't all about studying! It's the best feeling when you go home after a SAC and relax.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 12:39:31 pm by whys »
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #235 on: March 21, 2020, 11:06:56 am »
Thank you whys!  ;D

Hey! So, it's been a while, a while for me anyway.

I had my Chemistry SAC yesterday and it was AH-MAZ-ING! It was so easy! I was extremely worried before because people who had already done it on Thursday said that they left whole pages blank ( people smarter than me) and that it was very time-pressured! However, people said it was do-able. I was so scared, waiting at lunchtime, walking around the school, rereading over my notes for the bazzilionth time while I waited for my teacher. As soon as writing time started, I ripped open to the first page and started writing furiously, I knew I had to write really fast because I didn't want the same thing to happen with Psychology  :'(. So, I was doing everything so fast until I finished the whole paper and had a whole 15 mins left! I think that was the first SAC I'd ever completed that early! 15 whole minutes! Then, obviously, I checked over my answers and tried to make them better especially the short-answer. I also fixed up some calculations thankfully. I really hope I didn't make any silly mistakes because that would be really disappointing. I think that was the easiest SAC I'd ever done! Our teacher congratulated us after finishing and our whole class cheered for joyous celebration with some whoops! That's the best, when you finish a SAC that you've been studying so long for, on a Friday! Overall, my first chemistry SAC experience was spectacular and I'm aiming for 32/35. I probably won't get it because they'll be marking harshly, I figured but there's no harm in hoping. Also, the more I think about it, the more I think about how many marks they're going to take off. My satisfaction immediately after the SAC is already dwindling down into disappointment. For instance, I know I lost at least one mark because I said 'better oxidant' rather than 'strongest oxidant'. I want to bang my head against the wall until I stop making silly mistakes. I mean, really? That was such a dumb mistake, the dumbest mistake EVER! ARGH!  >:( I'm so angry with myself. Actually, now I'm feeling less confident about this SAC. It's ok, I'm trying not to dwell on this. The other SACs will redeem me.

Psychology's meh. I really miss Stress and the Nervous System because Classical Conditioning is a bit boring. Maybe it's because I'm bad at it lol. Yeah, I've just been writing up the notes on my laptop but I haven't been doing any questions to consolidate my learning and I still need to tie up some loose ends in the Learning and Memory section because it all seems a bit airy-fairy and all over the place.

Specialist Mathematics
I haven't done this subject for basically 4 weeks. All our classes this week were cancelled which made it even worse. This is the subject I've been neglecting, even though it's probably my hardest. I really need to finish all my exercises ASAP because my SAC is in 4 weeks, Term 2 week 2. AHHH! That is not enough time to do all the checkpoints questions and other resources! I am so screwed.

This has been going eh. I'm not really doing much for it because our SAC was last week but I just realised we have Part B on Week 1 Term 1.  :-[ This is bad because I'll mostly be doing Specialist...

This has been very messy. I've moslt been doing Abstract Reasoning, Verbal reasoning sprinkled with a bit of Decision Making. So, I'm not really focusing on Quantitative and Situational and Decision Making which is really bad. I'm not even doing it timed and I've been getting a lot of questions wrong which is terrible. I've really got to step up my game with UCAT.

Also, my leadership position and club has been all over the place with Covid-19 so we're thinking of cancelling the meetings this week.

Also, Covid-19. I've been trying to ignore that it's real because I figured that it wouldn't help me at all with my studies and I DO NOT want to get distracted with this really crazy, random thing. This is my year and I MOST CERTAINLY won't let it distract me or stop me from achieving what I want to achieve. However, everyone please look after yourselves! My mum's always like 'Don't touch anything! Don't touch the escalators, don't touch the trams, don't touch the trains, hand-sanitise frequently, wash your hands as soon as you come home'. It's driving me crazy.

This is a stressful time for everyone but I feel we should do our part and minimise the spread to the elderly and other vulnerable people because they have the highest risk.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 11:31:16 am by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #236 on: March 23, 2020, 07:28:58 pm »
YESSSSSSSSSSS! Guys, I got my Psychology SAC mark back today and I am honestly so happy! 91.4%! I thought I messed it up real bad because I didn't even finish the SAC. The whole ride home, I was just repeating the number over and over and kept checking to see if it was a dream. Well, it isn't! The first time I got above 90! This is a dream come true. So, naturally, I celebrated for the rest of the day by flitting between watching a netflix series, going on youtube, going on AN, going on gmail and going on facebook! The euphoria of my mark quickly dwindled though after realising maybe many people got high marks.  :-\ so it feels sort of meaningless but I'm trying to keep the sweet sense of achievement alive by ignoring people who are saying my marks aren't good enough because this just gives me the motivation to study for psychology even though I'm finding the topics a bit boring right now. I want to know the average so that I know how well I went but our school doesn't give our average or our ranking so that's that. :'( I really thought those people would be proud but apparently it's not enough.  :'( Yeah, they mean well and they're prompting me to do better to reach that sweet sweet 100 but c'mon 90+ is pretty good. In the entire history of Evolio, that's never happened.  I need to ask my teacher how I can write more concise and short responses because I feel like a lot of the stuff I write is unnecessary and that just wastes heaps of time. I was writing super human crazy fast during that SAC but that still wasn't enough so I need to change up my SA answer.

Also, this Covid-19 is really making me angry. Why did it decide to pop out of nowhere and reign terror on the Class of 2020? We're suffering so much and no other year 12 cohort had to suffer that. It's so unfair!  >:( >:( >:( >:( I HATE THIS. I really hope they keep everything normal with Sacs and the Exam because I don't want a chaotic and hazardous year full of new developments that we have to endure. I've already been thinking about and preparing myself for SACs and the Exam. No, siree, this isn't going to change. Coronavirus can do whatever it wants but I really hope VCE doesn't change. I'm just going by the saying that 'this will make us stronger, blah blah blah' but it's not really keeping me afloat especially with all this uncertainty about what's going to happen with VCE.  :-[
I'm going to make the most of it with self-study and try to knock out as much content as I can for my subjects. Ahem, Specialist, looking at you and also UCAT where my progress has been deteriorating at a rapid rate. I feel like I'm just doing random questions and not really deeply thinking about why I got the question wrong and such.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #237 on: March 23, 2020, 08:05:44 pm »
YESSSSSSSSSSS! Guys, I got my Psychology SAC mark back today and I am honestly so happy! 91.4%! I thought I messed it up real bad because I didn't even finish the SAC. The whole ride home, I was just repeating the number over and over and kept checking to see if it was a dream. Well, it isn't! The first time I got above 90! This is a dream come true.
YAYYYYYYYYYYY CONGRATS I'm super proud of you! It's great you've got some good news amongst what seems like endless bad news

Also, this Covid-19 is really making me angry. Why did it decide to pop out of nowhere and reign terror on the Class of 2020? We're suffering so much and no other year 12 cohort had to suffer that. It's so unfair!  >:( >:( >:( >:( I HATE THIS. I really hope they keep everything normal with Sacs and the Exam because I don't want a chaotic and hazardous year full of new developments that we have to endure. I've already been thinking about and preparing myself for SACs and the Exam. No, siree, this isn't going to change. Coronavirus can do whatever it wants but I really hope VCE doesn't change. I'm just going by the saying that 'this will make us stronger, blah blah blah' but it's not really keeping me afloat especially with all this uncertainty about what's going to happen with VCE.  :-[
I'm going to make the most of it with self-study and try to knock out as much content as I can for my subjects. Ahem, Specialist, looking at you and also UCAT where my progress has been deteriorating at a rapid rate. I feel like I'm just doing random questions and not really deeply thinking about why I got the question wrong and such.
I feel this. Like my parents have said it's selfish to think like this but that totally wrong in the sense that we are allowed to think this is hard and that it sucks and why this year, just because others have it worse doesn't mean our feelings in such a tumultuous time are invalid. It is really hard and we need to stick together and really really help each other out :)
And idk if itll brighten your spirits a lil but my friends were all joking about when we have grandkids and theyre like "grandchild: *riding hoverboard* hey grandma/pa, how did you survive the cOroNAviRuS?  :o" And honestly i remember seeing memes like end of last year about the fact all major plagues happened in the 20's and now here we are...Its probably bad to try and joke about it considering its impact on communities and countries :/
I hope you find the motivation you need to really succeed!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 08:16:12 pm by J_Rho »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Ionic Doc

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #238 on: March 23, 2020, 08:07:26 pm »
YESSSSSSSSSSS! Guys, I got my Psychology SAC mark back today and I am honestly so happy! 91.4%! I thought I messed it up real bad because I didn't even finish the SAC. The whole ride home, I was just repeating the number over and over and kept checking to see if it was a dream. Well, it isn't! The first time I got above 90! This is a dream come true. So, naturally, I celebrated for the rest of the day by flitting between watching a netflix series, going on youtube, going on AN, going on gmail and going on facebook! The euphoria of my mark quickly dwindled though after realising maybe many people got high marks.  :-\ so it feels sort of meaningless but I'm trying to keep the sweet sense of achievement alive by ignoring people who are saying my marks aren't good enough because this just gives me the motivation to study for psychology even though I'm finding the topics a bit boring right now. I want to know the average so that I know how well I went but our school doesn't give our average or our ranking so that's that. :'( I really thought those people would be proud but apparently it's not enough.  :'( Yeah, they mean well and they're prompting me to do better to reach that sweet sweet 100 but c'mon 90+ is pretty good. In the entire history of Evolio, that's never happened.  I need to ask my teacher how I can write more concise and short responses because I feel like a lot of the stuff I write is unnecessary and that just wastes heaps of time. I was writing super human crazy fast during that SAC but that still wasn't enough so I need to change up my SA answer.

Also, this Covid-19 is really making me angry. Why did it decide to pop out of nowhere and reign terror on the Class of 2020? We're suffering so much and no other year 12 cohort had to suffer that. It's so unfair!  >:( >:( >:( >:( I HATE THIS. I really hope they keep everything normal with Sacs and the Exam because I don't want a chaotic and hazardous year full of new developments that we have to endure. I've already been thinking about and preparing myself for SACs and the Exam. No, siree, this isn't going to change. Coronavirus can do whatever it wants but I really hope VCE doesn't change. I'm just going by the saying that 'this will make us stronger, blah blah blah' but it's not really keeping me afloat especially with all this uncertainty about what's going to happen with VCE.  :-[
I'm going to make the most of it with self-study and try to knock out as much content as I can for my subjects. Ahem, Specialist, looking at you and also UCAT where my progress has been deteriorating at a rapid rate. I feel like I'm just doing random questions and not really deeply thinking about why I got the question wrong and such.

Congrats on your psych mark!! You should be happy, no need to care about what others think, as long as you're satisfied! I'm sure you did great compared to others anyways.

And I completely feel how frustrating it is not knowing what's to come, but at the same time, it's also a great opportunity to catch up  ;) , revise, and even get ahead. Bit of a stitch-up for the class of 2020, but our lives are still great compared to others around the world.
Other than that, enjoy your holidays 😭
2019/2020 - Psychology | Biology | Chemistry | Methods | Further | English
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #239 on: March 23, 2020, 10:17:32 pm »
Good job on your sac evolio! I got an 88% on a psych sac but then was crushed that many people could’ve got higher. But it’s so important to be proud of your individual achievements because they are so big :)
Do you think you’ll spend time mostly going over previous content of moving ahead? And to your school is this week “holidays” or learning online? My school has provided no work this week even though we asked for some :( I suppose it’s only three days but still. Maybe I’ll just revise this terms content.
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2020: English | Methods | Biology | Chemistry |              Psychology | ATAR: 0