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Author Topic: Evolio's VCE Journey  (Read 73085 times)

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #255 on: April 20, 2020, 09:16:27 pm »
Hi Evolio!! ;D
Sounds like you have gotten through a lot of things recently! (I'm so proud of you :D)
I don't think I've had ever spiritually related to something as much as this🤣.
It's so hard to start doing some Chem work but once you get the ball rolling, it turns out to be super fun.
Woah this sounds super busy! What type of leadership things do you do Evolio?
So glad to see you are doing an amazing job and keep up that effort. (Let's get that sleep schedule back on track). These journey journals, I do agree are super special and will definitely be something to look forward to reading at the end of the journey. ;D
Awww, thanks Ashmi!  ;D YES, definitely! Especially when you haven't done Chemistry for so long but yes it's so fun when you get into the flow!

So, I'm one of the leaders for this club at school where we create projects and execute them to help the community (local, Australia or international!). I'm really glad I'm part of this club and we have so many members right now, it's crazy! But, it's so awesome to see so many people enthusiastic about helping the community!

Yes, if there was a way, I want to download and save this journal so I can read it when I'm super old!  ;D
Have a great week Ashmi and looking forward to an update on your Journal!  ;D


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #256 on: April 21, 2020, 09:33:40 am »
Psychology  ;D
Ahh, my favourite subject right now and the easiest. I don’t need to spend as much time on it (unfortunately) because I’d love to just have one subject for Year 12: Psychology. Honestly, it’s so different to the other subjects and the content just clicks. I always feel confident going into class and answering questions relating to it, which is not the case for my other subjects. I need to finish the short-answer questions in Checkpoints so that I can do the AtarNotes Topic Tests and A+ Notes and other resources so that I’m super super confident with the content. Like, super. Psychology’s the only class where literally all our lessons are synchronous which I LOVE! It’s like being in the classroom and it doesn’t really seem different. It’s reminding me a lot of last year because the teacher we have now was the teacher I had last year.
Im so happy you're really enjoying psych!! Its good you've got a subject you like going into and learning about, it must be a good break from some of your other subjects. Psychology is just really nice because its not really intricate/uber difficult stuff to learn there's just a fair bit, same with Legal Studies

I haven’t done much for this subject, until yesterday where I was like ‘NO! Stop slacking off and do some Chemistry!’ Because I didn’t do any of the set work last week(yeah, really concerning, I know).
Omg this is me with like all my subjects except English and Further  8)
But going online is a bit of an adjustment, its like we're suck in limbo between holiday mode and school mode haha

Other stuff
- Our school signed all the VCE students up for EdUnlimited since we don’t have access to our library (duh) and I literally screamed with joy when I saw the email! I can’t wait to use all the resources because there’s so many and I’m bursting with excitement! You guys probably think I’m weird but it’s okay. Really though, I'm really grateful to the curriculum coordinators at our school for doing this.  :)
OMG THAT'S SO EXCITING!! That's awesome that your school has done that tho!
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #257 on: April 26, 2020, 11:36:20 am »
I'm so happy you're really enjoying psych!! Its good you've got a subject you like going into and learning about, it must be a good break from some of your other subjects. Psychology is just really nice because its not really intricate/uber difficult stuff to learn there's just a fair bit, same with Legal Studies
Omg this is me with like all my subjects except English and Further  8)
But going online is a bit of an adjustment, its like we're suck in limbo between holiday mode and school mode haha
OMG THAT'S SO EXCITING!! That's awesome that your school has done that tho!
YES!! It is a big break from my other subjects because it's so eezy breezy compared to my other subjects that require much more thought and and mental strain haha. Although, around the time of SACs, it gets pretty crazy because I'm always so stressed about whether I can write fast enough to get everything down because boy, the amount of detail our teachers expect is crazy!!  Yes, I'm so thankful to my school! I really should utilise the resources and make it count, in this 'holiday period'. How are you going with online learning J_Rho?

I'm back! From the dark depths of my Literature essay I just finished! I'm so proud of myself and I can finally do my other subjects in peace without worrying about it. Although, I need to make a LOT of improvements which is a different story. Enough about me, how is everyone going? What have you guys been doing to keep yourselves entertained?

Psychology's like a nice vacation I can go on after doing my other subjects. It always makes me feel relaxed for some reason, like I can go on answering questions about Atkinson-Shiffrin's Model of Learning, deep into the night if I had to. Ironically, it still gives me a bit of stress from time to time because I have high goals for this subject and I don't want to ruin this opportunity. We're moving away from Synchronous in this subject (sadly) because our school said to limit screen time. Oh also, some happy news! On Friday, we had a mini quiz and I got 100% which was a small but meaningful victory.

I feel way more motivated for this subject after finishing that essay and I can't wait to start improving! I'm ready to actually *TRY* and do well. When you delve deep into it and really explore all the different theories and ideas, it's really interesting and makes me want to write.

Specialist Mathematics
Hmmmm, yeah, I haven't done as much as I wanted to. I'm ahead of class but I'm not ahead in terms of SAC Preparation which I've really got to start crackin' on, despite not knowing when on earth the SAC will be. I'm appreciating how 'mathy' this subject gets and how different it is to Methods. Like, I feel so smart and accomplished when I solve a problem and it makes me want to do more questions.

Last but definitely not least. I haven't done satisfactory work for this subject for a long long time. A long time. But, this coming week, I'll dedicate more time to it. We did a quiz on Friday and I got 90% but I stuffed up on one of the questions and I still don't get it.

Not much progress, unfortunately. I know I shouldn't compare but looking at everyone else's preparation is bogging me down and it's really getting to me. Like, I've done nothing in comparison. This is worth exactly the same as my ATAR so I've really got to work hard on this one. There's no going back, you know? This is my one chance. As I hear all the Youtubers' stories on their UCAT experiences, it's made me realise how hard it actually is. It's CRAZY HARD. I've also been thinking about how I should use my strengths to do well but I don't want to fall into the trap of neglecting my weaknesses.

Other Things
- I made a chocolate cake and it tasted scrumptious
- I stayed up until 12, for the first time in my life, to study. And golly, it was awesome.
- My birthday's in less than 2 weeks and I'm excited. 18?!?!? WHAT??!?!?
- I'm craving summer weather.
- I think my brother's taller than me.

That's all, folks!  8)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 12:32:08 pm by Evolio »


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #258 on: April 26, 2020, 12:59:03 pm »
Hey hey Evolio! ;D


Congrats on the great Psych quiz score!! Super proud of you and you are doing such an amazing job ;D.

I feel way more motivated for this subject after finishing that essay and I can't wait to start improving! I'm ready to actually *TRY* and do well. When you delve deep into it and really explore all the different theories and ideas, it's really interesting and makes me want to write.
Can I just borrow your motivation for writing essays, please?? Starting an essay, let alone finishing one is a nightmare to me and I literally have no determination to write anything bigger than a paragraph.🤣

Other Things
- I made a chocolate cake and it tasted scrumptious
- I stayed up until 12, for the first time in my life, to study. And golly, it was awesome.
- My birthday's in less than 2 weeks and I'm excited. 18?!?!? WHAT??!?!?
- I'm craving summer weather.
- I think my brother's taller than me.
(I really want to try that chocolate cake you made now).
I am absolutely amazed that you can even stay up until 12, and even so still be able to study. I have no self-control and would have just procrastinated till I went to bed. (Ready to face the real world and become an adult Evolio?😂. I'm looking forward to hearing how your virtual birthday will go)

So glad to hear that you are doing so well and give yourself a pat on the back for doing such an amazing job!! ;D Looking forward to the next update in the future.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #259 on: April 26, 2020, 01:11:32 pm »
Another update, yay!
I feel the same way you do about psych, but with food studies. It is such a nice break from the heavy content and strain of the other subjects, so i'm glad that you have found that in psych. Congrats on your great score too, it may be small but it is always a nice little boost of motivation.

I think one of the great things about remote learning is that you have more free time, enough to make a chocolate cake. Kind of unrelated but, chocolate cakes trumps vanilla every time for me!

It's crazy that becoming 18 has finally come around, I thought that it would never happen but here it is. With everything going on, it will be interesting to see how it will all play out this year. What are your birthday plans?
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #260 on: April 26, 2020, 01:30:57 pm »
Hey hey Evolio! ;D
Congrats on the great Psych quiz score!! Super proud of you and you are doing such an amazing job ;D.
Thank you so much, Ashmi!

Can I just borrow your motivation for writing essays, please?? Starting an essay, let alone finishing one is a nightmare to me and I literally have no determination to write anything bigger than a paragraph.🤣
Haha, this motivation's a very new thing for me so let's hope it lasts! I still don't get how I was able to write an essay that quickly, like WHAT?!
SAME!!! I have a really hard time sitting down, and just forcing myself to type out an essay especially since I'm not an English kid.  😂
(I really want to try that chocolate cake you made now).
Haha, I wish I can share it lol. Imagine if I could shove the chocolate cake through the screen and it miraculously lands in your lap? 🤣
I am absolutely amazed that you can even stay up until 12, and even so still be able to study. I have no self-control and would have just procrastinated till I went to bed. (Ready to face the real world and become an adult Evolio?😂. I'm looking forward to hearing how your virtual birthday will go)
Haha, this was on a weekday (and it probably won't be a regular thing) and don't worry, I procrastinate WAY too much! It's a serious issue. I need to get checked. 😂 I actually thought everyone BUT me was studying late into the night, especially hearing a lot of people at my school saying they did it. So, I wanted to try it out. 😁
Nope, not ready at all. I still feel like a kid, I will probably still be a kid, knowing me. Like 18? What? That's in another realm. 😂

Another update, yay!
I feel the same way you do about psych, but with food studies. It is such a nice break from the heavy content and strain of the other subjects, so i'm glad that you have found that in psych. Congrats on your great score too, it may be small but it is always a nice little boost of motivation.
Yay! ANOTHER REPLY FROM GEOO! 😊 Yes, I'll be using the motivation to pummel through revision. Yeah, isn't it great that we have those subjects? Without Psych, I don't think I'd be able to survive, lol.

I think one of the great things about remote learning is that you have more free time, enough to make a chocolate cake. Kind of unrelated but, chocolate cakes trumps vanilla every time for me!
Yes, definitely! I only bake like 2-3 times a year and that's usually on the weekends but now I have so much time to do anything I want! 😆It's great. I AGREE! I used to like vanilla cake before chocolate but over the years, chocolate's now become my favourite!

It's crazy that becoming 18 has finally come around, I thought that it would never happen but here it is. With everything going on, it will be interesting to see how it will all play out this year. What are your birthday plans?
SO CRAZY! I just realised a few days ago and was like, 'wait this can't be happening? Not now?!' 😆 Oo, I don't have anything specific but it'll probably involve a full day of eating very delicious things and maybe buying a good book to read.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #261 on: April 26, 2020, 01:59:58 pm »
What was that your first time staying up till twelve EVER. Or your first time studying till 12? Either way congrats! And wow 18 I can’t imagine! I’m still 16 :( and UCAT i know it’s so hard! And worth the same as my atar but I’m barely doing an hour a week😫
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2020: English | Methods | Biology | Chemistry |              Psychology | ATAR: 0


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #262 on: April 26, 2020, 03:06:09 pm »
What was that your first time staying up till twelve EVER. Or your first time studying till 12? Either way congrats! And wow 18 I can’t imagine! I’m still 16 :( and UCAT i know it’s so hard! And worth the same as my atar but I’m barely doing an hour a week😫
Haha, both probably, assuming I'm at home. I'll probably only do it when I really need to finish something because that day, I really had to finish Specialist as I was falling behind and I felt so guilty.  😅
I feel so old lol! 😂
Yeah, same. It's okay. Hopefully, over time, it gets better. As we do more questions, we'll become more comfortable with it and hopefully from there, everything will be alright. 😀


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #263 on: April 26, 2020, 03:09:03 pm »
Yes - an update from Evolio! Congrats on finishing the lit essay and 100% on the psych test!!! Looks like your subjects are all going pretty well  8) Also, 18 years old, wow. All the best in adult life  ;D

Haha, I wish I can share it lol. Imagine if I could shove the chocolate cake through the screen and it miraculously lands in your lap? 🤣

pLEAse! You should invent this so I can try some cause it sounds delicious!

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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #264 on: April 26, 2020, 03:15:23 pm »
Yes - an update from Evolio! Congrats on finishing the lit essay and 100% on the psych test!!!
Aww, thank you, Chocolatemilkshake! 😊 Same to you though!
Looks like your subjects are all going pretty well  8)

Yeah, they're going okay at the moment. Hopefully it can stay that way and nothing goes wrong. 😂

Also, 18 years old, wow. All the best in adult life  ;D
Haha, thanks! I'll really need it because I know nothing about it and I'll need all the luck I can get!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #265 on: May 02, 2020, 11:45:46 am »
Hey! What's up?  ;D Life's been pretty quiet right now, except for the looming lit sac I have on Wednesday.

Okay, I'm just going to get this out of the way. So...I got my mark back for my first ever lit sac (finally) and I got 37/40. Okay, I was initially relieved in the beginning but now I'm just downright depressed since a lot of people did really well and there were even a few students that got 40/40. Yeah, so that sucks. The SAC that's on Wednesday is a second chance, meaning it's still a part of our first SAC, but out of the one we had done first and the Wednesday one, they'll be taking the highest mark. My mark is decent but I don't want to slack off and not *TRY* so I'm going to try and achieve higher. I'm not really stressed for this SAC which is bad so I'm trying to make myself stressed and actually care about it. I have so much work to do for it though ahhhhh. Can't wait when it's over.

Lol, this is the only subject that's going really well. I'm really up to date with everything and it just clicks. I just realised that the AOS 2 is going to be GIANT. It's on 5 chapters and for reference the first one was on 2. I feel like we've been on AOS for forever. Anyways, our teacher gave us extended response questions to do and I'm excited to see what I got for it! Also, I'm really sad they took out a whole chunk of Mental Health because that's my favourite topic.  :'(

Specialist Mathematics
Yep, bad. This is going horribly. I'm up to date with class work and everything but I'm not 'into it', if you get what I mean. Like, a few weeks ago, I was soooo into Spec and did so many questions but now, I've only done like 2 baby exercises in this whole week.  :( No extended response, at all.  >:( I'm so angry with myself. I need to take things seriously, especially because this is my hardest subject. I'm just spending time doing other subjects, when I should be spending more time on this one. Yeah, I have a lot of work to do. Apparently, the SAC's going to be in week 9 which is far away but I'm pretending it's like next week, so I can do more work for it.

Went downhill after I did the weekly quiz yesterday. 7/10 which is absolutely depressing.  :( Yeah, all my subjects aren't going well except for Psychology. I really need to stay consistent with Chemistry because I have high hopes for it. I haven't been doing any extended response. No nothing!

Eh, it's going alright. Same old, same old. Just doing bucketloads of questions. I haven't done any mocks, S T I L L.  :(

Other things
- I've been very demotivated lately and I really hope I can get out of this pathetic slump soon. I just feel so slow and old and just taking things easy. I need to be hard on myself.
- I've only been drinking like half a cup of water a day because I keep forgetting to drink. Like, I don't think about drinking water?!? I have more important things to do and think about. I think that's why I feel so sluggish and dead.
- Still hurts to know I didn't do well last year.
- Yay! It's May! My favourite month!  ;D

See yas later and have a great week!


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #266 on: May 02, 2020, 01:17:49 pm »
Hi Evolio, Congrats on the lit mark! It's amazing (there's no way I could do that) and try not to compare too much to others. Good luck for the next one, you'll smash it  ;D

Specialist Mathematics
Yep, bad. This is going horribly. I'm up to date with class work and everything but I'm not 'into it', if you get what I mean. Like, a few weeks ago, I was soooo into Spec and did so many questions but now, I've only done like 2 baby exercises in this whole week.  :( No extended response, at all.  >:( I'm so angry with myself. I need to take things seriously, especially because this is my hardest subject. I'm just spending time doing other subjects, when I should be spending more time on this one. Yeah, I have a lot of work to do. Apparently, the SAC's going to be in week 9 which is far away but I'm pretending it's like next week, so I can do more work for it.
Oh I CAN relate! For me, spec gets neglected way too much for such a difficult subject and I find it so hard to motivate myself because everyone else in the class is so smart and ahead of the content already. So you are not alone! Try not to get too angry with yourself because it seems like you've put a tonne of work into this subject already, so it's okay too have a week where you prioritise other subjects. Good luck with it, you can do it  8)
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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #267 on: May 07, 2020, 10:19:48 am »
Eh, it's going alright. Same old, same old. Just doing bucketloads of questions. I haven't done any mocks, S T I L L.  :(
I haven't done any mocks either and its just around the corner aghh!
How many questions you done?

- sara
- sara ✧:・゚


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #268 on: May 07, 2020, 10:31:52 am »
Hi Evolio, Congrats on the lit mark! It's amazing (there's no way I could do that) and try not to compare too much to others. Good luck for the next one, you'll smash it  ;D
Hey Chocolatemilkshake!
Aww, thank you so much!  ;D Yeah, I feel a bit better about my lit mark right now. You're right that I shouldn't compare myself to others but I can't resist especially because our sac marks are ranked. Hopefully, I can veer away from marks and focus more on improving myself which is way more important in the long run.
Oh I CAN relate! For me, spec gets neglected way too much for such a difficult subject and I find it so hard to motivate myself because everyone else in the class is so smart and ahead of the content already. So you are not alone! Try not to get too angry with yourself because it seems like you've put a tonne of work into this subject already, so it's okay too have a week where you prioritise other subjects. Good luck with it, you can do it  8)
I'm glad someone feels the same way and I'm not alone in this ! I feel so behind compared to everyone else because they're probably doing heaps of exam questions and other things, which I'm not doing. That's true about the prioritising but the thing is I haven't been doing sufficient work for this subject for like 3 weeks, I've just been doing the bare minimum. Thank you for your encouragement though!  ;D I'm planning to start tomorrow and get on top of my game to prepare for the upcoming SAC!

I haven't done any mocks either and its just around the corner aghh!
How many questions you done?
- sara
Hey sara!
I haven't completed many questions compared to other people but I'm trying to do a sufficient amount of questions every day so that things don't fall out of my brain lol and so that I maintain the time limits for each of the sections because that's a big issue I'm struggling with.


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Re: Evolio's VCE Journey
« Reply #269 on: May 09, 2020, 09:24:35 am »
Hey. I just wanted to do an update.  :)
Lately, I really have not been feeling it. As soon as I go to sleep, I tell myself 'you're going to be so productive tomorrow. It's going to be a good study day'. But so far, that hasn't happened. As soon as I wake up, studying is so unappealing to me. So, throughout the day, I just sit at my desk doing random stuff, procrastinating, trying to avoid studying. In fact, I'm doing that right now, but I need to write this down so I'm aware of it. I think I'm using this *situation* as an excuse not to study, when I shouldn't. I should be more productive now, since I have so much time. I should be as productive as I was on the holidays. Right now, all I feel is emptiness, no emotion and numbness. I don't really care about anything right now. Nothing seems worth caring about. All the days are blurring into one, into nothingness. I don't feel awake and ready to learn any of my subjects, I just want to sit and do nothing, so I do. This has been going on for 2 weeks or so. No study. At all. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. I really hope I can get out of this slump soon. I don't know why it's making me like this. But, it hurts. It hurts so bad knowing that it's already halfway through the year and I'm not doing anything to achieve my goals. I'm going backwards, not forwards. Everything seems so bleak.
Anyways, that's basically my mind right now. I hope that writing this is a wake up call for me to go and do some work. To stay off AN, Gmail, Facebook and every other website that's distracting me.

Plot twist: I actually got 38/40. My heart was beating so fast when I heard this. I smiled so big and it was the greatest achievement ever. Literature is the subject that's most appealing to me now, probably because of that score. Our next SAC is creative which I'm super excited for. I've always been stronger at creative writing. We have like 4 weeks to write it so it's really chill and I'm just looking forward to going to class, without stressing about a SAC. I also need to read 'A Room of One's Own', which I thought would be boring but it's pretty interesting since it's sort of a stream of consciousness (well, my opinion anyway).

Haven't done anything. I'm finding it really hard to memorise the areas of the brain that are responsible for the different types of LTM memories. It's not clicking. It's going very badly. I have my SAC in 19 days and it's a 10 marker. When we get back to school, we'll be doing the second part of the SAC. I need to start spamming 10 markers and asking my teacher to mark them but she's already given us 2 10-markers which is great. Oh, also I got my Research Methods- Stress 10-marker back and I got 5/10, which was absolutely devastating lol. I mean, it was my first one, and looking at her feedback, I can't believe I missed so many things. She said it was pleasing for a first attempt but I was like nope. Also, apparently the SAC average for the last SAC was 65% which I'm really surprised with, but that made me feel better because I thought everyone got in the 90s because it wasn't that hard. It was pretty easy, in my opinion. Just time-limited.  :-\

No work for this either.

No work for this either. I haven't even gone through the quiz we did like 2 weeks ago. I've done the least work for this subject.

I thought it was going good. But, it's going bad. Very bad. I did 2 mini-mocks recently (finally) and it was so bad. It was like I hadn't even done any preparation for it (when I had). I've really got to work hard if I want anything even in the 90s.  :-\

St John
We had a meeting this week and we looked at Patient Assessment which was basically revision. We've gone through it so many times but it was good to go over everything because it's really important. Also, we played this hospital simulation game thingy and it was super cool!! You needed to assess the patient in ICU and there was all this medical jargon which made it even more fascinating!  :D

Okay, that's it. I'm going to go now and read a book and hopefully get my study sanity back.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 09:28:30 am by Evolio »