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Author Topic: Zappi's Year 12 Journey  (Read 17009 times)

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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2019, 01:10:04 am »
Hey! Don't feel discouraged if you're feeling overwhelmed already! Don't think of it as "I'm already behind.. it's only going to get worse as the year goes on...", instead think, "it's normal to be thrown by this new, high-pressure environment, but I have plenty of time to get the hang of it so I'll be a pro by the end :D". There will definitely be tasks that take you longer than expected; just try to catch up where you can - bit by bit, if possible. I know that advice isn't all that helpful, but I promise these more stressful periods will pass and you'll find your feet; just hang in there and stay on top of your SAC calendar... being well prepared for the week ahead really helped me last year, even though it can be annoying when your plans don't turn out the way you expected :/
Best of luck!! 
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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2019, 11:43:42 am »
4th of March 2019

Hello! It's definitely been a good while since I've posted here!

Lot's been going on recently. Lots of school stuff, lots of personal stuff, just been overwhelming overall to be honest. Had my first BusMan SAC the other day and I'll find out how badly I did later today  :-*

First English Language SAC's next week (four-day weekend woohoo!) and first part of my first SofDev SAC's tomorrow (not worried about SofDev so far  ;D)

Still reaaally behind in everything and it feels impossible to catch up and stay organised. Bullet journaling with the GTD method has helped but it's still hard to keep everything perfect.

Signed up for English Language tutoring @ TuteSmart last night. Really really expensive but it's the cheapest we can find  :( And EL's the subject that I'll need extra guidance for. Wanted to do FM / BusMan there as well but even $54 a week's pushing it. Might drop by the La Trobe building after school today. Plan was originally to fly to Canberra for my birthday so I could take the JLPT N2 but I convinced my parents to give me tutoring instead as my 18th birthday present.

Like I promised like two months ago I've finally scanned the Polaroids from the meetup! Scans don't look too great but Polaroids never look as good scanned. https://imgur.com/a/xIGfzvm

Joined the school leadership as Leader for Environment  ;D Seems fun to do
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 11:52:50 am by Zappi »
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #32 on: March 04, 2019, 01:36:40 pm »
Just got my BusMan results, I got 19/20!! Thank God. Only mark I lost was because I forgot / didn't know how to link my answer to the case study  :'(
She said it was the highest mark!!
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2019, 02:06:45 pm »
That's awesome! Congrats - stellar work. :)

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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2019, 06:30:42 pm »
14th of March 2019

Feeling a lot more disorganised but also more organised at the same time... haven't kept up to date with actual paper organisation but I feel more on top of everything? Hard to explain but it's a better feeling than before  ;D

Thankfully got the first part of my BusMan AOS2 SAC rescheduled from tomorrow to next Tuesday! Have a Japanese SL seminar in the city tomorrow so it's considered a school approved absence. Don't really need the seminar but if it gives me the advantage of having more time to study I'd be stupid not to take it ay ;D

Sat my English Language U3 AOS1 SAC yesterday... really not sure about how I did. I feel like I did at least okay. Don't think anyone in my small class of around 8~9 did well either.
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/

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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2019, 09:10:06 pm »
I'm glad you're finding things better now despite not keeping up with it on paper :)

I hope the seminar is surprising useful! 


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2019, 02:59:30 pm »
4th April 2019

God I've kept forgetting to post on here. Been meaning to but kept getting sidetracked  :-\

Stressed for the giant Data Analysis FM SAC tomorrow from 9.00 to 13.30... just did a practice SAC from my school and I made lots of stupid mistakes that pushed the score down to a C+  :'( Just need to keep an eye on that tomorrow.

Got 18/20 on the first part of my AOS2 BusMan SAC and sat part 2 today! Will get the combined results after the holidays  ;D
Also got 100% on my LOTE (JP) Oral SAC which was a nice surprise  ;D

Just really neurotic about not screwing up on my Further SAC tomorrow...
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2019, 11:20:22 am »
19th April 2019

Been up and down these holidays! Been doing renos on my new room with my parents and just put in the new furniture and flooring. Still have to clear out my old room before Monday or Tuesday which will take a while :-[ That and the tutoring sessions and ATARNotes lectures have made it really hard to relax. Have to pick between having some time off or doing work now :'(
Japanese SL writing SAC's on Wednesday next week after school. Not overly worried about it but my teacher recommended that I do some worksets I'm still behind on as the content in them's really important for the SAC. Hard to juggle everything :'(

Parent teacher interviews went well though ;D Mum had all of them while I was sitting my Further SAC (which went better than expected, except our room not being told of a pretty severe typo on a question) except for BusMan which I went to with her. BusMan teacher seems to like me and thinks I'm working hard for it (lol). SofDev teacher started raving about my work and how she's "learning from me" with regards to programming (seems weird hearing a teacher say that...)
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2019, 04:24:09 pm »
23rd April 2019

Luckily I got my Japanese SL Writing SAC rescheduled from tomorrow after school to next Thursday during a spare ;D And I cleared up some confusion around what the SAC was going to be like, etc...

Worried about SoftDev as the first Observation (I think it's called? Not familiar enough with folio subjects) is due tomorrow and I couldn't work on it over the holidays :'( Hit a roadblock and I couldn't get my problem answered until today. Will probably have to cut sleep back a little bit for some extra time. I refuse to get less than 6 (although 7~8 is my average) :'(
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #39 on: May 21, 2019, 09:14:58 am »
21st May 2019

Wew it's been a while since I've updated this :'(
It's been very up-and-down the past month (!) or so.
Got 83% (Rank 11) in my Further Maths Core: DA SAC which was a bit disappointing to be honest. 64% in my English Language AC SAC (2nd SAC so far, next one's an essay this Friday) which was even more disappointing :-[
BusMan was good though, turned out I got 37/40 for U3 AOS2 putting me around rank 1 ~ 3 ;D AOS3's next Thursday so I have a bit of time to prepare.
Japanese was good but I wasn't too surprised, 17-20 range for my writing SAC :D Might get my listening results in about 20 minutes when I call my teacher

Stress has also been all over the place... last week I freaked out about how behind I was and make a crazy block schedule for study that made me do 4 hours (I planned to do 5) of study apart from classes last Tuesday... burnt out on Wednesday and did essentially nothing. Still unsure how to manage everything but I've just been taking things a day at a time to clear up my backlog first which has been going okay. I think I just have the tendency to overestimate how much I can do / am willing to do and end up making a system that I don't follow so I've just been trying to let things naturally set in place a bit to see how I naturally work. Been going well so far, been getting SOMETHING done which is more important than making a perfect organisational system but never actually getting anything done :-[

Dealing with personal issues recently as well just to through more into the mix. Really hitting the term 2 blues, not feeling nearly as motivated as I was this time last term. Not feeling as confident either :'(

So it's good that I'm slowly recovering from my burnout. I really think I needed to experience that panic and burnout through, it's really put things into more perspective and it's let me kinda "reset" myself and the way I've been approaching work. Feel a lot more refreshed now after letting most of my stress out, but I'm still stressed about organisation. Hopefully I'll resist the temptation to overanalyse it all and I'll just start by making a to-do list and getting things done. Knowing me though I'll end up worrying too much about it again :'( Nothing seems to really work for me
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #40 on: May 23, 2019, 07:31:08 pm »
21st May 2019

Wew it's been a while since I've updated this

Hey Zappi!! So glad to see you back! I remember commenting ages ago but congrats on your busman score!! And nothing seems to work for me either so I feel ya on that. Tried so many things but nothing fits as such. Oh well. Not long to go!!


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #41 on: June 25, 2019, 06:54:33 am »
25th June 2019

Ugh I keep forgetting to update this... been focusing too much on my website :'( I even got the "Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 30 days" warning lol

Still been a bit up and down I think. Disappointed but also happy with myself. I've gotten into a routine of doing two hours' work in the morning Sunday through Friday pretty consistently (except today :P) which has really helped me feel less stressed. I've finally (nearly) hit the sweet spot with organisation - I've found how to organise myself naturally so I'm not planning everything to the second and burning out when I inevitably screw up.

Exams coming up soon! Kinda worried about them like everyone but a part of me's also just excited for this to be over. But at the same time I'm still scared of leaving school as it's what I've known since I was five :'( Also worried about losing touch with everyone I know here as we all go our separate ways.

Renovations on my new room are all done ;D Got a really nice and open corner office desk so it's really nice to have the space to work. Filing cabinet's also been handy with filing work and resources ;D

In terms of school, it's been a bit up and down. Still disappointed with my EngLang results... so far my average's 73% (we've only gotten results for three out of four Unit 3 SACs so far, a short-answer, AC and an essay. Waiting on another AC) :'(

Other subjects are going better. Japanese SL has all been in the top score range (VSL don't give exact scores) ;D Just found out yesterday that my overall Business Management Unit 3 result was 93/100 (19/20 + 37/40 + 37/40) ;D Missed three marks on the AOS3 SAC due to stupid mistakes like not reading the question properly so I'm still kinda mad at myself :-[

Software's been good too - got 8/10 in the first four observations for our SAT (still waiting on the U3 AOS1 SAC results...). Further's honestly disappointing, we sat our Financial Core SAC the other day and it doesn't sound like I did too well on it. Teacher hasn't released the scores yet but he's hinted to me that I got a percentage or two below how I did on my Data Analysis SAC (83%) :'( He still seems kinda satisfied with it though which is confusing, he's not afraid to be honest about how he feels about our performance. When I got that 83% he (really nicely and encouragingly, not harshly) said that he was disappointed as he thought I'd do better. Maybe it's in comparison to the general mark? Apparently the highest anyone got in another FM class at our school was something like 53% :'( Three-quarters failed this SAC last year.

Things are just starting to hit me hard, like becoming an adult and finishing high school. I'm not too good with dealing with change so I'm honestly kinda afraid of leaving such a familiar environment. Exams are coming up too, which is really worrying too. But I also feel like I've gotten a more mature mindset about school from the beginning of the year when I worried about raw scores and ATARs and such a bit too much.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 06:56:39 am by Zappi »
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #42 on: June 25, 2019, 08:15:35 am »
25th June 2019

Still been a bit up and down I think. Disappointed but also happy with myself. I've gotten into a routine of doing two hours' work in the morning Sunday through Friday pretty consistently (except today :P)

Wow. Seems like you're an early riser. What time to you get up every morning? I used to wake up earlyish every morning to get an hour of study in, but I kinda fell out of it and have since tried to get back into the swing of it but with little sucsess.

Renovations on my new room are all done ;D Got a really nice and open corner office desk so it's really nice to have the space to work. Filing cabinet's also been handy with filing work and resources ;D

Corner desks are really cool! I've tried to see if I could fit one I my room, but alas I've got too much other junk in it so I'm stuck with a normal linear desk.

Things are just starting to hit me hard, like becoming an adult and finishing high school. I'm not too good with dealing with change so I'm honestly kinda afraid of leaving such a familiar environment. Exams are coming up too, which is really worrying too. But I also feel like I've gotten a more mature mindset about school from the beginning of the year when I worried about raw scores and ATARs and such a bit too much.
Maturing in your approach to school is great. I've certainly tried to for this year (and the future of my schooling) and it really does make it a lot less stressful.
Leaving school can certainly be daunting, but I don't think going to uni will be that big of a leap (you still want to go to uni right?). I'm sure there are plenty of uni students who can offer better insight into this though.

Well done on your SAC results and for those that you didn't go perfectly in, it's good that you have in mind where you went wrong so you can improve.
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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #43 on: June 25, 2019, 09:55:21 am »

Wow. Seems like you're an early riser. What time to you get up every morning? I used to wake up earlyish every morning to get an hour of study in, but I kinda fell out of it and have since tried to get back into the swing of it but with little sucsess.

I usually sleep from 20.15 to 04.00, then start work at around 05.00 until 07.00 ;D

Leaving school can certainly be daunting, but I don't think going to uni will be that big of a leap (you still want to go to uni right?). I'm sure there are plenty of uni students who can offer better insight into this though.

Well done on your SAC results and for those that you didn't go perfectly in, it's good that you have in mind where you went wrong so you can improve.

I'm hoping to go to Melbourne Uni still ;D
Thank you!! I've been trying to think about my marks in a healthy way but it is still hard sometimes.
2018: English Language | General Maths | Business Management | Japanese SL | Computing
2019: English Language [29] | Further Maths [39] | Business Management [36] | Japanese SL [37] | Software Dev [42] | ATAR: 90.10

JLPT N3 Certified, aiming for N2 in December 2018. Hit me up with any Japanese-related questions!

My website: https://zappi.xyz/


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Re: Zappi's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #44 on: June 25, 2019, 11:43:09 am »
4am is pretty hectic! Have you always been an early riser?

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