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Author Topic: Building a resilient headspace!  (Read 23139 times)

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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2019, 09:24:15 pm »
19/5/19 - The apathy is real

Is this Year 12?  ???

I've given up on undergrad med. No UCAT for me this year. I'll focus on psychology, I guess. Why? Well the UCAT just doesn't appeal to me, and neither does Med. The stressful life doesn't seem worth it. And let's talk about the future, shall we? Actually, no let's not. Too daunting. Why does every little menial task seem so overwhelming? I'm even struggling to get to school on time. And I've also got a cold (but in reality it's like a perpetual viral infection that just reveals itself in the colder months). I really should have picked some more humanities subjects, shouldn't I? Science gets stale after a while. I'm waiting for the day when I actually am interested in doing schoolwork. May that day be before my final exams.

Not giving up. Thank the government for compulsory education.  :)

Srsly, words cannot describe my apathy and desire to do nothing but browse YouTube at the moment.

Dear friend, you should never feel bad for feeling how you're feeling right now. This is completely normal to feel this way. So many students are in the same boat as you (including me :) ) and there's no doubt that at least half of the entire state is feeling the same. I also have similar moments where just feel so unmotivated, like I've lost my drive, my passion, my vision for my end goals, so much up to the point where school no longer seemed fun for me. People tell you to enjoy Year 12 as much as you can because it's the last year of, well, everything. But in reality, its almost impossible to feel so happy and optimistic all through the entire year, especially when we all know that the HSC is looming just at the end of the corner. Take some time off. Maybe the whole trying to 'study consistently so as to convince yourself you're doing valuable work' is actually causing you damage. I know this was the case for me. I spent long evenings procrastinating to the max (YT and all) but after taking some time to rest and actually sleep (so important!) it only took a day or two to get back on track and finally, FINALLY, get back to where I wanted to be. Talk to your friends and voice your concerns. Or just vent it all out on the internet. We in the ATARNOTES community all have each other's backs, so don't feel like you're ever in this alone :))
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2019, 09:58:33 pm »
Hi there,
I wish I had some amazing foolproof advice for you for overcoming apathy and procrastination and a lack of motivation but unfortunately I'm yet to find the solution :P
I don't spend heaps of time on AN anymore but I wanted to pop in and wish you all the best. Undergrad med was high on my list last year and in retrospect, I'm quite glad I didn't go down that route. (In saying that, if I ever do want to pursue med, it's still totally available to me, and the same goes for you :) ) It seems you're putting yourself through quite a tough cycle of studying and guilt for not studying, and if it's all for admission into a course that you aren't 100% passionate about (and one that will likely involve a whole lot more studying), then maybe it's not worth the stress. For now. The unis offering med aren't closing shop any time soon (:
Maybe I'd advise having a good think about what you really want to do next year... what you'd ideally like for yourself and what would realistically fulfil you (and this doesn't need to have ANYTHING to do with uni or further study!!) Unless the only thing that you can picture for yourself as a source of satisfaction is a (highly strenuous and competitive, yet still potentially very interesting) university course, then you don't need to feel so terrible about not studying so much. Yes, one of the ways to rid yourself of guilt for procrastinating is to stop procrastinating, but we all know that isn't so simple. Another way is to (try to) lower your expectations a little and disassociate procrastination with guilt. It's actually a really normal thing and the fact you're struggling with it simply makes you a normal human being!
Anyway, I've literally rambled on with no clear direction or cause but I really wish you all the best and hope that maybe I've offered you a sense of assurance... maybe... ? Just know what you're feeling is normal and things will work themselves out! The world is a lot bigger than VCE and having goals outside of studies is really important (:
Best of luck!!!
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2019, 09:48:32 pm »

"Learning never exhausts the mind". - Leonardo da Vinci   
WTF are u on about m8? I'm feeling study fatigue to the max right now. And yet I'm still on AN, thinking I can still salvage something. Studying is boring. Get me out of hereeeee.  :-[ :'(

There's nothing worse than the feeling of regret midway through your final year of secondary school when you realise that 3 of your 5 subjects that you chose to study are infuriating to lay your eyes upon. In descending order of infuriating-ness (so I can get these abominations that can also be known as school subjects out of the way). I say to myself, 5 more months. Just 5 more, and it'll all be over.

So I have a major SAC in less than a week that makes up nearly 1/5 of the total study score. I dread every single class. I've been considering either walking out of class, or not showing up at all, several times over the past few weeks. I looked at the revision sent to us, saw it was all extended-response scenarios, F this S I'm out. Excuse my fixed mindset, but I'm not a maths person at all. I feel like there is next to no hope of me changing that mindset.  :( Look on the bright side, at least I know what not to do with my life after year 12. Advice to future Year 12s, unless you plan on doing Specialist Maths as well, do NOT do Methods. Don't get sucked in by prerequisites like I did. Unless you reeaally like pure maths. Oh, if I had my time again... At least Unit 4 will be friendlier...*sees integration and complicated-ass probability*. I stand corrected. I don't think any school subject I've ever taken has made me so terrified of SACs and so doubtful of my own ability to do stuff than Methods. And where's the real-life applications? Huhhhhh?  ???

It's so boorrinngggg. There's no explosionsss. I r8 1/8. But srsly, I don't think I'm a science person either. Am I just lazy?

It's like Psych, but there's even more content and the content's harder to understand. And it's more of a science. Did I just say I wasn't a science person?Yes.

The content is dry, and I can't really do much about it. The work being tedious is not an excuse for not doing or even being remotely interested in what I'm learning, right? I'm so tired. This whole VCE thing is so inescapable. I can't do it on my own.
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2019, 10:10:06 pm »

"Learning never exhausts the mind". - Leonardo da Vinci   
WTF are u on about m8? I'm feeling study fatigue to the max right now. And yet I'm still on AN, thinking I can still salvage something. Studying is boring. Get me out of hereeeee.  :-[ :'(

There's nothing worse than the feeling of regret midway through your final year of secondary school when you realise that 3 of your 5 subjects that you chose to study are infuriating to lay your eyes upon. In descending order of infuriating-ness (so I can get these abominations that can also be known as school subjects out of the way). I say to myself, 5 more months. Just 5 more, and it'll all be over.

So I have a major SAC in less than a week that makes up nearly 1/5 of the total study score. I dread every single class. I've been considering either walking out of class, or not showing up at all, several times over the past few weeks. I looked at the revision sent to us, saw it was all extended-response scenarios, F this S I'm out. Excuse my fixed mindset, but I'm not a maths person at all. I feel like there is next to no hope of me changing that mindset.  :( Look on the bright side, at least I know what not to do with my life after year 12. Advice to future Year 12s, unless you plan on doing Specialist Maths as well, do NOT do Methods. Don't get sucked in by prerequisites like I did. Unless you reeaally like pure maths. Oh, if I had my time again... At least Unit 4 will be friendlier...*sees integration and complicated-ass probability*. I stand corrected. I don't think any school subject I've ever taken has made me so terrified of SACs and so doubtful of my own ability to do stuff than Methods. And where's the real-life applications? Huhhhhh?  ???

I think everyone has the mid-year blues right now, so I get you, but i really think it'll get better. In terms of methods I can relate with the not even wanting to look at methods and just being temped to dip on class. But the way I think of it, doing methods (to satisfy pre-requisites) may be saving me a year of my life doing AN ENTIRE UNI COURSE that I may not be wanting to do, and then swapping into the one that requires the pre-requisite. The benefits outweigh the negatives (arguably), we just have to push through. Good luck with your sac :)
Offering tutoring for Economics, Further Maths and Psychology
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My journey through VCE

How I got a Raw 48 in Economics

2018 - Accounting [42] Further Maths [44]
2019 - English [39] Economics [48] Psychology [44] Maths methods [33]
ATAR - 97.5
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2019, 09:36:31 pm »

I had a slightly below average day.  :-[

The persistently heavy rain today provided the perfect pathetic fallacy for my mood during the first part of my Methods SAC. Dark, damp and depressing. For most of it, I just wanted to get out of that room and cry in the corner. I know I sound like such a wimp who hates anything outside their comfort zone, but really, when the questions seem like some alien language distorted by Google Translate, what else can you do? After that, I went to the toilets and contemplated for quite a while. I felt quite sorry for myself. How could I stuff up that badly? It's pretty tough when you're your only cheerleader. Classmates don't want to help you outside of reassuring you that it will be alright. I don't know whether to try to muster up the conviction to say 'I can do it!', but right now, after that whipping at the hands of Part 1 of the SAC, it seems way too optimistic. Like, you know when people say you'll do fine? You nod and say yes but deep down you know you're going to do really badly? That was me. I know it's a poor, unhealthy mindset to approach a SAC with, but I'd rather be honest with myself than have fake confidence. Does fake confidence work?

I can't explain the reasons for my plight. It may be self-imposed (i.e. I just don't work hard enough in Methods), it may be because of my teacher, it may be due to the inherent difficulty of the subject. On the brighter side, there's still 3 periods left of this, so I guess I can still redeem myself. However, I'm not exaggerating when I say Methods keeps me awake at night. It's THAT subject.
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2019, 03:18:13 pm »
Sorry to hear about your mid-year blues. I hope you will find solace in the fact that hundreds, if not thousands of year 12s are going through the same thing. We all have our regrets. For you, it may be your subject choices and career goals. For others, it could be neglecting others during their final year, or not making the most of their opportunities.
From reading your journal, I can see that you have the passion and drive for learning, but the VCE system and subjects are not how you envisioned them. I have read every single thread you have posted about methods, VCE life and more. This clearly shows you are determined to achieve, yet you have a subconscious belief that giving up will make you a failure. We are all guilty of this. It is okay to give on methods and sciences, you have clearly tried your best and the amount of stress is no longer worth it. I have also finished my methods SAC and I wanted to do nothing more than cry. (this is coming from someone who likes maths, and does spesh). Not everyone can be a maths person! The world needs people who are good at art, communications and more! I'm sure you have something unique to contribute.
As for med, it is okay to change your mind if you are not 100% sure. It is better to back out now than to waste years studying something you are hesitant about, or worse being an incompetent doctor.

Sorry if this is badly worded, really hope it helps somewhat.


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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2019, 04:58:06 pm »
7/6/19 - How is Methods, you ask?

I might as well rename this to how Methods triggers me. I am quite frankly terrified at the mark I will get for this SAC and what my teacher will say to me. It was spectacular how badly I failed to understand the main ideas in the SAC. At least I've learnt the importance of adequate SAC/Exam preparation. This Methods SAC which I have just completed has instilled fear within me. And it's not the kind of fear that motivates me to do better. It's the kind of fear that makes me want to run away and seclude myself from the world. I am not specifically 'aiming high' in Methods. I just want to be able to cope with my growing anxiety towards Maths.

I know that my teacher wants us to do well. But their criticism does not help us improve. We feel worse and even more discouraged.

I can't control what's in the study design. I can't control what is in the textbook. I can't really control the way they teach the class. But I can control my attitude towards Methods assessments. And, quite frankly they are NOT helping me in that regard. Suggestion: make us FEEL that we are capable, instead of criticising us when we can't get the correct answer/method. Not everyone can differentiate a function and find all the stationary points in 5 seconds. We get it, you teach maths.

I'm not completely blaming my teacher. I am the student who sat the SAC after all. However, despite my increased effort in the past few weeks to seek help, I still floundered in the SAC.

And I'm a little frustrated that I can't book a suitable time with the other Methods teacher to discuss these matters. So I've decided to dump all these thoughts here instead.

So yeah, this subject will continue to haunt my dreams until November (at least). I suppose I need to build up the courage to ask the brighter students in my class for help. But they are as busy and have hectic schedules too!  :(

This week has been pretty much all about Methods, but I do have two SACs next week. Health needs some work, both in understanding the content and applying that knowledge through practice questions. English also needs work, in terms of being able to focus for over an hour to write that Argument Analysis. Chemistry has just been about naming organic compounds, no big deal. Except my head hurt trying to understand the nomenclature rules. Bio is also cruising finely.

Trying to escape from all this madness is one of the hardest parts of this year. Hopefully this long weekend can help to support me in that endeavour!

Thx 4 reading (if your attention span is better than mine  ;) )

- JR
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2019, 05:07:11 pm »
Science gets stale after a while.

:O   what???

On a more serious note, it's good that you're figuring this out now rather than 2 years through a degree. Good luck figuring out a new direction you're more interested in - you don't have to see it straight away or even during this year but exploring your options migh help you find more motivation :)

Snow Leopard

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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2019, 05:19:32 pm »

 Advice to future Year 12s, unless you plan on doing Specialist Maths as well, do NOT do Methods. Don't get sucked in by prerequisites like I did. Unless you reeaally like pure maths.

Wait so Methods and Spesh should be done together? Wouldn't that be too much in terms of workload etc.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 07:48:37 pm by Snow Leopard »


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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2019, 05:24:06 pm »
@Snow Leopard

At my school, if you choose to do Specialist Maths, you must do Methods as well. But you can choose to take Methods by itself, which I have done. Not sure how your school does it.

The students that do take Spesh at my school seem to be travelling quite nicely, as far as I'm aware.  :)
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2019, 05:42:31 pm »
Do you reckon lots of the information overlaps between Methods and Spesh.
Um, I don't do Spesh!  :P But I have a few links that may help you!  :)

VCE Maths Study Design: https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Documents/vce/mathematics/MathematicsSD-2016.pdf
VCE Subject Reviews and Ratings (from AN users, just look up the subject you want!): https://atarnotes.com/forum/index.php?topic=175611.0
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #56 on: June 08, 2019, 01:09:31 pm »
@Snow Leopard

At my school, if you choose to do Specialist Maths, you must do Methods as well. But you can choose to take Methods by itself, which I have done. Not sure how your school does it.

The students that do take Spesh at my school seem to be travelling quite nicely, as far as I'm aware.  :)

Just wanted to say that methods is a prerequisite or co-requisite for Spesh. E.g you must have done or are currently doing methods 3/4 to enrol in specialist maths. This is not on a school-by-school basis, it is a requirement from VCAA. That being said, your school may have a certain grade you must achieve in methods to be eligible for spesh (like mine).

PS can I just say that I'm a spesh kid (although not a very good one) and I still wanted to cry after my methods SAC

@Snow Leopard
The spesh course extends on the concepts taught in methods, so yes there is an overlap in the sense of "there's calculus in methods and in spesh" but obviously the calculus in spesh is much harder, more painful :'( and time-consuming than in methods. It is important to note that methods is treated as assumed knowledge in the spesh course. For instance, you will not learn how to sketch sin, cos and tan graphs in spesh as you would have already done that. Instead, we extend this concept and sketch the inverse and reciprocal functions.
Hope this helps
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 01:17:14 pm by Macrophagee »


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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #57 on: June 08, 2019, 03:18:44 pm »

What's the worst that can possibly happen when I get my mark back for Methods? I get roasted by my teacher in front of my entire class? (I haven't got my SAC back for Methods, in fact we probably won't get our marks back for another week and a half). Even the library is becoming quite a crap place to study, the irony. Home is comfy, but not a great place to study either. Not understanding circular functions doesn't make me stupid. It makes me bad at circular functions.

a letter to my Methods teacher, whom I am trying my hardest to show respect for
I don't completely blame you for my terrible failure in the SAC. But you should take some responsibility for it. You ARE my teacher, and undoubtedly the way in which you have taught the class has had an influence on my learning. You tell us what we need to do, but do you actually encourage us or make us believe that we can do well? Not really, in my opinion. I've tried persistently to seek help from you, but it genuinely baffles me that you can only help me with 'Maths-related questions'. Do you even know what it feels like to be a failure in Maths? You're good at Maths, we get it. But you have considered how that makes us feel? You show us the method, and that's it.

Look, I'm not even aiming for a 40+ study score in Methods. i just want to be able to walk in before Methods Exam 1 and 2 and say to myself, 'I am ready to withstand whatever VCAA has to throw at me'.

There are more important things in life. However, I just can't seem to get this one off my mind.

I know I can't be good at everything, but why have I floundered and suffered this severely in Methods, for 1 and a 1/2 years?

Hope you don't misinterpret my tone - dropping Methods is the last thing I want to do.
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Re: I'll get there eventually
« Reply #58 on: June 08, 2019, 03:23:41 pm »
I suppose I need to build up the courage to ask the brighter students in my class for help. But they are as busy and have hectic schedules too!  :(

One thing you might find helpful remembering is that for many people explaining things to others helps them to understand better.  Still doesn't make it easy to actually find the time in a busy schedule, but you wouldn't be completely wasting their time.
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Re: Building a resilient headspace!
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2019, 08:31:32 am »
25/6/19 - I've got a virus

The world goes too fast. Shouldn't we take the time to slow down at least every week or so? I'm starting to lose interest in not only school, but life in general. Well, at least two subjects aren't ruining my day (English and Health). It's just the other three that I've tried really hard through gritted teeth and determination to try and gain an interest in so I can actually try and learn, but nothing seems to be working. It's these three subjects that are the reason that I want this year to be over so I can forget I ever studied them. I came in with the best of intentions, but have I really gotten anything out of Methods, Bio or Chem? No, not really. And I can't even be bothered to check the study designs of these subjects to see if there's anything mildly interesting to come. All I'm getting out of it is that I have a greater idea of what I won't be doing with my life after Year 12. Any positive is a good one, I suppose.

Sorry for the depressing tone. I'd rather be as genuine as possible than pretend life is rosy as in reality, it's a mess and starting to fall apart.
Listens to K-Pop (Twice, Red Velvet, MAMAMOO) and Christmas music all year round.