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Author Topic: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?  (Read 30865 times)

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2019, 11:52:11 pm »
I’m not technically behind, but I feel like I might as well be. Help! I’m so, so worried that once I burn out I won’t be able to catch up again! And the year just started! :'(

Please don't let this bother you too much!! Being ahead won't do you any harm of course but it's definitely not essential or the norm and if you're up to date with every subject you really have no reason to worry. It seems you're surrounded by very high achievers; let it motivate you but (speaking from experience here :P) spending time worrying about what others are doing is time wasted. I think you should keep up what you're doing ATM and be proud that you're handling the workload well - if you have time amongst homework or revision to read ahead then take the opportunity, but if you're up to date and at least know what's coming up in each subject (this doesn't mean have work done before its assigned; just having a good awareness of what you're covering and what theory/tasks are approaching) is a really good place to be in. In fact, overworking and stressing trying to get ahead is probably going to increase the chance and degree of burnout!!

As for your subjects; I did both chem and bio and definitely understand your concerns with overwhelming content and frustrating stoic. Just keep chipping away at it (lousy advice, sorry :/). Personally, handwriting and revising (while walking home, on transit etc) cue cards really helped me rote learn definitions/concepts etc for both subjects. Once I had my head around the theory, practice questions were the best way to apply my learning and prepare for SACs, but I'm sure you're very much aware of those. Keep at it; it'll get easier and you'll start to see links between theory/patterns in answering questions - I believe in you!!

Speaking of tutoring, I really want to know how much people normally do in year 12? Currently, the only subject I get tutored in is chemistry, 2hrs per week, which I’m told isn’t enough. I’m wondering whether I should start tutoring for methods and biology as well, but it’s crazy expensive! I feel like I need it, but at the same time I’m afraid that I won’t see much improvement and that it’s not worth the money.
I had some of the same concerns last year. If I can give you any advice, it's (again) - what others are doing in terms of tuition is completely irrelevant so don't worry about it; everyone learns differently and tutoring is NOT essential. I received no tutoring last year - despite thinking I needed it and despite being surrounded by people who were getting tutoring - and I received an ATAR and study scores that completely exceeded my expectations. Of course, tutoring can be really positive and helpful for many but realistically, its expensive and time consuming, and you should NEVER feel guilty/discouraged for not having it. Play it by ear based on your own circumstances; if the chemistry tutoring is making a positive difference, keep it up if you can, and 2hrs is definitely sufficient... as for the other subjects, perhaps give it a bit longer before you seek tutoring, maybe see how you do in your first SACs, and also make the most of your teachers and the AN community!!

Hope some of this helps (sorry if it got ramble)...Best of luck and hope to hear more about your experiences :)
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2019, 10:57:42 pm »
01 / 03 / 2019 – Friday, Week 5 Term 1

Hey everyone!! I’m excited to be back for another update – a much more optimistic one than last time!

Biology is still the bane of my existence (yes I promised an optimistic update, I just wanna get this out of the way first! Pls bear with me). Our SAC has been moved to an earlier date, so at least now I can have a relatively stress-free birthday.
Also idk if this is concerning or not, but I STILL can’t remember the equation for photosynthesis and this is about as basic as you can get in biology!

Chemistry – we had our very first SAC! I feel obligated describe this unforgettable experience:

Obviously it wasn’t my first time doing a SAC, but it WAS my first time doing it with a large cohort. At my school, subjects with large cohorts (English, bio, chem, psych, methods, further, HHD, and legal) do all their SACs together in a professionally conducted exam setting in the gym afterschool, as opposed to smaller cohorts who do SACs in individual classrooms during class time supervised by one teacher. As you can probably imagine, the atmosphere of a large-cohort SAC is a lot more intense.

I had double methods before the SAC, except NO ONE did anything maths related. Our poor teacher spent the entire double confiscating everyone’s chemistry notebooks, textbooks, and eventually laptops and phones as we desperately tried to find new ways to revise. During lunch I couldn’t eat at all. I was just SO nervous. When last period ended and the announcement rang for all 3/4 chemistry students to make our way to the gym and line up in alphabetical order, I just felt nauseous. It was the same feeling last year, walking into my final literature exam, except this was just a SAC!

Looking back now, I was probably being overdramatic. In my defense, EVERYONE was tense. It honestly felt like a real VCAA exam.
Anyway, the SAC wasn’t TOO bad (touch wood!) and I’m sure I passed. Whether or not I passed with a good score is another matter.

Methods is really starting to grow on me. Maybe it’s cos of my teacher - the only teacher in the entire school who I’m comfortable with.
My biggest problem right now is learning how to use the CAS efficiently. I know there are many shortcuts and functions but I’m so used to doing everything by hand – sadly not an option when questions look like “Sketch 5.829t^2 + 0.084t - 3.51”

Further is still going great! I got a 96% on my most recent practice SAC on data analysis! Mostly marks were lost over silly mistakes like copying numbers in the wrong order.
I’m hoping to tackle a full exam soon!

Final thing – UCAT – registration opened this morning. Of course the actual test is still MONTHS away but I can already feel stress levels rising. I don’t even need the UCAT lmao, since medicine isn’t my aim, but how different is treating animals? Surely my UCAT performance would also be an indicator of whether or not I’d make a good vet.

I haven't done a single UCAT practice paper yet, unless you count the couple of past UMAT questions I've done in my free time. As I don't really need it, I'm planning to not spend that much energy on this test (though I do get stressed whenever somebody brings it up!)

Pretty short update. There'll be more to write on once I get all my SACs done for this term (~shudders~).

Also OMG I was so excited to see my music performance tips post in the post of the months list! Thanks AN so much for such a lovely shout out <3 it really made my day! I honestly didn't think anyone would find it helpful since it's such an unpopular subject! :)

Love you guys!

Colline <3

VCE: Literature [50] Methods [50] Further [48] Chemistry [40] Biology [33]
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2019, 11:03:48 am »
Hi Colline! I don’t really post alot but I’ve been reading your journal and absolutely love it!! You always sound so enthusiastic and optimistic about your subjects :-) based on what you’ve achieved in previous years I have no doubt that you will do great in 2019.

Best of luck for this year, though you probably don’t need it ;) can’t wait to read more!!

VCE: 99.3 ATAR - Methods [47] Spec [50] Chem [50] Physics [42] Music [49]
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2019, 04:48:40 pm »
Further is still going great! I got a 96% on my most recent practice SAC on data analysis! Mostly marks were lost over silly mistakes like copying numbers in the wrong order.

Feels. I lost a mark in Further once for saying 2 x 2 = 8. Haha.

Great update. :)

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2019, 05:25:22 pm »
Hi Colline! I don’t really post alot but I’ve been reading your journal and absolutely love it!! You always sound so enthusiastic and optimistic about your subjects :-) based on what you’ve achieved in previous years I have no doubt that you will do great in 2019.

Best of luck for this year, though you probably don’t need it ;) can’t wait to read more!!
Hey Deliaaa454 :) thanks so much for your words of encouragement <3 I try my best to stay enthusiastic about my subjects haha! And WOW congratulations on your simply incredible scores! Which music did you do, btw?

Feels. I lost a mark in Further once for saying 2 x 2 = 8. Haha.

Great update. :)
Hey Joseph! It's simply tragic when that happens, doesn't it? ;D And it's crazy to think that one mistakes is -1 study score so you can't afford to do that in the final exam!
Thank you so much for reading <3


Labor Day holiday tomorrow! I really need to catch up on some much needed zzzzz but I should also study for biology and further (SACs are both early next week... yikes!).

We're still waiting on our chemistry SAC results. Apparently twelve students FAILED (<40%) this SAC. I had previously been pretty confident about passing but this news is definitely a blow to my optimism. Still, I'm remaining hopeful that I scored around 50% at least.

Hopefully next time I'll bear some positive news! See you all then <3

Colline xx

VCE: Literature [50] Methods [50] Further [48] Chemistry [40] Biology [33]
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2019, 06:06:56 pm »
Looking good Colline! Don't stress too much about your Chem score, as the only relevance is where you still in comparison to your cohort. Obviously, you don't want to fail but if 11 others also did, they'll surely scale it appropriately and your ranking is ultimately all that matters.

2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2019, 01:57:16 pm »
015 / 03 / 2019 – Friday, Week 7 Term 1

As of today, I am officially 17!
Don’t ask me how I feel – I still feel the same lmao.

So….… SACs! Geez, there sure were a lot of them this week. I finally got further and biology out of the way, and also got chemistry back (er… more on that later).

Biology: I ended up doing the SAC a little bit later than everyone else as I fell horribly sick on the day. Here’s a piece of advice lads or rather, common sense – do NOT pull all-nighters! I was going through pages and pages of questions, drilling definitions and diagrams into my brain until half past 3 in the morning when I went to get some water and my room was legit SPINNING when I stood up.
My brother, who’s in year 10 but is also doing 3/4, told me all the questions on the SAC. The teachers had enough foresight to give me a different paper.
Rant- can anyone relate to having a much smarter younger sibling, cos my brother will probably end up with an SS twice as high as mine.
Also also also, I’m actually so sick of words than ends in -sis right now.

Prediction: I honestly don’t even think I passed, tbh. Last year I would always do well on SACs I thought I did badly in – but then again last year I did two of the world’s most arbitrary subjects. Science is different and I KNOW I got less than half the questions right.

Further: This was the data analysis SAC and it was AMAAAAZING. If only all my SACs could be like this. A couple of questions in there seemed to be straight up copy-and-pasted from past VCAA exams but with different numbers and people’s names. I guess that’s a good thing? More practice of exam style questions can’t be bad.
Prediction: >90%

Methods: Nothing too update-worthy. My music methods teacher is still the most lovely person on this planet and she’s really making me love everything about this subject. She has also given me an endless supply of worksheets which I’m incredibly thankful for. I’m now ahead in content!

And that’s it for this update! Thank you for reading :)

Wait what? What about my chemistry SAC? Oh right, sorry, I totally forgot.

Chemistry: I passed. Just. 45% to be exact. E+. I had a feeling I did badly before I even saw my score. You can just see it coming if the teacher hands it back faced down when everyone else got theirs facing up.
I’ve never scored so low. And to think this goes towards my ATAR! I know what others say, that there’s still hope, that one SAC means nothing, that it’s only 8% of my SS… but at the end of the day it’s still a lousy score.
To be honest, 45% is generous - I got lucky. A question had calculations involving natural gas, so I used the values for natural gas from the data book. However, the rest of the cohort used the value for methane, as it makes up 90% of natural gas. Turns out you weren’t supposed to use methane, so I got it right. But here’s the kicker – the only reason I used natural gas was because I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT CONTAINED METHANE. +1 mark for sheer dumb luck.
The average mark was in the high 60s. YIKES!

And we’ve finally reached the end of this update. If you’re still reading, thanks for sticking through my ~long~ rants. Love you all! :)

Colline <3

VCE: Literature [50] Methods [50] Further [48] Chemistry [40] Biology [33]
2022: Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Economics) @ ANU


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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2019, 02:11:47 pm »
Happy birthday! ;D ;D ;D

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2019, 09:12:21 pm »
hi colline! i absolutely love reading your vce journal! are you planning on updating soon?  :)
hope you don't mind but i have a question - why did you choose vet for music but not vet for dance? for performance subjects, are there significant differences between vce and vet? i have a friend who's thinking of doing music performance for vce but doesnt know whether or not she should do  the vet version.
sorry for hijacking your journal. thanks!!!
congrats on all your amazing scores by the way, you'll smash it this year!  ;D
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2019, 02:48:19 pm »
29 / 03 / 2019  -  Friday  Week 9, Term 1

AND THAT'S A WRAP ON TERM ONE! Can you believe it? We're now 1/4 of the way through!! Should I be getting nervous?

We had an early finish today which is definitely welcomed!

Further: We just got our SAC back last period – and I got a 96%. Not a bad score IMO, but I definitely could’ve done better – all my marks were lost over silly mistakes like forgetting a negative sign in one question and accidentally swapping the numerator and denominator in another.
~facepalm~What worries me is that for all my silly mistakes, the teacher took 0.5 marks off. But VCAA doesn’t do half marks do they? So in reality, my score should’ve been around a 90%.
I got the highest mark in my class, and rank 2 in my year level (someone got full marks haha). Ngl, I’m aiming for rank one in further. I really have to work on not making silly mistakes from now on.

Biology: Well I guess I better talk about the SAC too. I did better than expected, which doesn’t say much considering my prediction was 40. I ended up getting a 58%, which isn’t GREAT but honestly I’m just thankful I didn’t fail. Now swap those two digits around and you get my brother’s SAC score LOL.
As for rankings - I don't know exactly where I rank but it's not too hard to estimate. The average was nearly 70%, which isn't good news for me.

Methods: I'm having such a conflicted relationship with it. On some days it’s all I want to do and on other I just want to chuck Math Quest out the window. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels like this 24/7.
In terms of progress, I recently finished calculus and have moved on to probability. My plan is to finish all the content before the start of term 2, so that I can start powering through exam-style questions earlier. I’m hoping that probability would be a breeze, considering the overlaps with further.

Chemistry: Still a nightmare. Apparently our next SAC (dear god, we’re onto our second SAC already??) will be within the first week of term 2. Wow! How comforting.

Chess: I've kinda given up. Our teacher lets year 12s do whatever we want, so I've just been showing up to roll-call so that I don't fail the '97% attendance' part. Haven't taken part in games at all, instead retreating to the library immediately after marking my off name to work on actual subjects. Not the best mindset lol.

Still haven't taken even a GLANCE at UCAT practice questions at all, and the test is looming closer and closer. I've registered, so I probably SHOULD take this seriously, but there's just so much happening at once! :P

For the holidays, my number one focus is methods, methods, METHODS! The goal is to finish all textbook questions. For further, I'm aiming to complete two company trial exams (don't wanna start VCAA ones just yet). I've got an abundance of worksheets for biology and chemistry which I should also get through, and maybe finally do SOMETHING for the UCAT!

Let's see how long I can keep myself accountable for (lol). My bet is three days. ;D

Thanks for sticking through the first term of year 12 with me <3 I'm so glad I started this journal!!

Love you all,

Colline xx

hi colline! i absolutely love reading your vce journal! are you planning on updating soon?  :)
hope you don't mind but i have a question - why did you choose vet for music but not vet for dance? for performance subjects, are there significant differences between vce and vet? i have a friend who's thinking of doing music performance for vce but doesnt know whether or not she should do  the vet version.
sorry for hijacking your journal. thanks!!!
congrats on all your amazing scores by the way, you'll smash it this year!  ;D
Hey Jean24601! Thanks for reading :) I don't update too often, otherwise I might just spend too much time procrastinating!

Don't mind your question at all! I chose VET music cos that was what my school offered. And VCE dance due to scaling, which was a REALLY dumb decision because in hindsight I would've done much better in VET honestly even with the -6 scaling.

As for the difference between the two: VET is more focused on application while VCE has a lot of theory. That was another reason why I went for VET music - I know nothing about music theory! VCE performance exams all have a practical AND a written component, while VET only has practical.

(Also VET tend to scale down more than VCE but don't focus on this too much!)

I would suggest to ask your friend whether she's better with practical or theory - if practical, go for VET. If theory, VCE. Also, if she's thinking of a career in music, VET might be better as you actually get a qualification at the end that looks quite good on the CV! (But then I might be biased lol!)

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2019, 04:37:30 pm »
23 / 04 / 2019  -  Tuesday  (Term 1 Holidays)

Heyyyy!! Should probably update now that the holidays are (*sniff*) almost over.

Further: Going well. Having finished all the content, I've now started working through all of my school's past SACs and trial exams. For the past week I completed one set of trial exam every two days (paper 1 one day, paper 2 the next), and while it was productive, I'm thoroughly DONE with further (don't overdose yourself on practice questions, lads).

Methods: I've finished all the content! Hurrah! Unfortunately, I didn't quite get through as many past papers as I had hoped. Actually, I didn't get through any at all. Concerning, I know. I literally JUST finished the last of the textbook questions this morning, which was a lot slower than initially planned.

Chemistry: ~whelp~   equilibrium and reaction rates are ridiculously confusing. The PARTIAL opposition thingo keeps messing me up (especially with colour changes. ARGH). With the AOS 2 SAC coming up early next term, my goal is to get a 60%.

Biology: Dear Andrew Douche, God bless you. May you live a long and prosperous life because if I somehow get above 35 in bio all credit goes to you.

During the holidays, I also went to the AN meet-up and had a great time meeting so many of you! Learnt quite a lot, such as how 3-hour exams are the norm in uni (rip) and that a game of One Night Ultimate Werewolf could get ~rather heated~. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to any of the lectures and had to give my tickets to a friend 😢.

Looking ahead, on Thursday and Friday we have parent-teacher interviews, and my dad has booked one with each of my teachers so there's no escaping. The chemistry SAC on rates and equilibrium is in week 2, so I should really start a practice SAC soon.

That's all for today folks. Sorry it took me forever to update. Hope everyone's holidays have been (somewhat) productive, and Happy (late) Easter!

Colline xx

On a completely unrelated note, how many people woke up this morning to texts saying "What was the holiday homework again?"

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2019, 08:55:10 pm »
29 / 05 / 2019  -  Wednesday

""Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 30 days. Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.""
Oooh look at me being such a rebel

Hello hello hello!!! I’ve deserted this journal for over a month, but with the release of exam timetable today, I guess I better get back into it!

So first things first: EXAM TIMETABLE! My schedule is as follows:

Friday 1st
Biology (morning)
Further 1 (afternoon)

Monday 4th
Further 2

Wednesday 6th
Methods 1

Thursday 7th
Methods 2

Tuesday 12th

It absolutely boggles my mind why VCAA would consistently put biology and further on the same day, considering what a common combination it is! The fact that there’s gotta be at least 1000 other students in the same boat as me provides little comfort. Who’s bright idea was this anyway? ::)

Moving onto SACs yikes  chemistry, biology, and METHODS are FINALLY DONE! Chem and bio sucked. Especially chem, but boy am I glad that I'll never have to lay my eyes on another equilibrium graph ever again at least until I have to revise for exams but hey let's not think about that shall we.

I haven't gotten biology back yet, but chemistry scores came out yesterday, and I GOT A 73%!! I know it probably sounds ridiculously low to many of y'all but considering I got a 45% last SAC, I'm over the moon. Shout-out to a certain AN user (you know who you are ;)) for all the help, without it I would've failed for sure. <3

Methods went much better! We only JUST finished this SAC, which quite honestly felt like it went on for FOREVER. I don't know how other schools did it, but my school had the entire SAC split into 3 different parts, each taking up a double period. Two parts were collaborative (tech free and tech active), and finally there's an individual tech-active SAC.

I was majorly dreading the collab parts: if we were allowed to collude, then surely they must be INSANELY difficult papers! During part 1, my hands were honestly SHAKING when I flipped open the page. To my surprise (and great relief), the questions weren't hard, BUT there were so many of them and no one could finish it in time. We learnt from our mistake for part 2, efficiently splitting up work equally between members of the class. Part 3, the individual SAC, was on a whole another level.

I'm fairly certain that I got around 70% for part 1, and close to 100% for part 2. Anything close to a 60% for part 3 would be nothing short of a miracle, so pray for me guys, cos I need it!

So what's coming up? Well, there's the financial SAC for further, which I'm feeling kinda confident with. We've also started on our chem practical investigation posters, which I'm actually kind of looking forward to. What I am NOT looking forward to is bio, though thank goodness the research poster is still ages away.

Fight me 8)

That's all for today folks! I promise I won't wait another month for the next update!

Byeeee! <3

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2019, 09:11:30 pm »

Hello hello hello!!! I’ve deserted this journal for over a month, but with the release of exam timetable today, I guess I better get back into it!

Heck yeah, the queen colline is backkk!!!! Whos bright idea was it to create atars?? My tutor says they'll be abolishing it in the next few years dang....

Chem is actually fun right now!! Congrats on smashing out your sacs, many many more to go but we can do it!!


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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2019, 02:47:32 pm »
Heck yeah, the queen colline is backkk!!!! Whos bright idea was it to create atars?? My tutor says they'll be abolishing it in the next few years dang....

Chem is actually fun right now!! Congrats on smashing out your sacs, many many more to go but we can do it!!

Awwww mango you're the sweetest <3 <3 thanks for the (much needed!!) encouragement! Good luck with your studies too (and keep us posted on your journal!), we're halfway there!!! xx

Ok this really isn't an "update" (no updates actually, still waiting on bio and methods scores... Why do teachers have to be so SLOW) but I only had ONE class today in the morning, the rest of the day being either free periods or cancelled classes. So after class I went to the city to meet up with a friend who goes to Melbourne Uni. He was giving me a tour around the campus and LOOK WHAT I SAW!!



ALSO ALSO ALSO there was a random barbecue going on, and on the other side of the campus, there was a club handing out free hot chocolate?? I'm sorry but university sounds like my idea of paradise!

Maybe by this time next year I'll read back on this and laugh my head off but tertiary education seems pretty damn good to me!

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2019, 09:52:47 pm »
Conservation biology <3

& yes there's lots of free food at uni.  Whether it's free for you often depends on if you're part of a particular club or society but there's also some food that's free for everyone :)