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Author Topic: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?  (Read 30923 times)

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2019, 10:47:49 pm »
I just had to reply because you just articulated EXACTLY how i felt last year! I worked my butt off in Psych, and when the time came for awards to be announced, I was really sure it was going to be me...and it wasn't. Of course you are 100% right that it doesn't matter, but I was really crushed and my confidence in the subject lowered a little. So, yeah, it's okay to feel disappointed.

Anyway, I ended up duxing-  so, I guess what I'm trying to say is don't let this UNmotivate you and instead let it make you work even harder! Based on your trial scores, I'm sure you will smash it :))
*high five* :P thanks for your encouraging words, definitely made me feel a lot better <3 It's shocking how your teachers didn't see your potential! It's so hard to feel motivated right now, but I guess I just gotta use this as yet another opportunity to prove my teachers wrong.

All the best to you for this coming month!! xx

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #46 on: October 31, 2019, 04:51:40 pm »
31 / 10 / 2019  -  Thursday

The beginning of the end.

My exams start in LESS THAN 24 HOURS!

But guess what? Your girl is gonna update this journal instead of doing some last minute study. I might regret this tomorrow.

By now I honestly do not think I can possibly cram in any more content. I've read the same things over and over, done past exams one too many times, and I've seen the VCAA logo more than I'd ever wish to. As nervous as I am, I'm also just glad exams are finally here.

For SWOTVAC, it's been rather relaxed (too much 'VAC' and not enough 'SWOT', if you get what I mean). I went to two 18th's, binged HBO Chernobyl, did extra shifts at work, and visited the NGV on Sunday.

Last night, I had a dream of sitting in my further exam, rushing through each page (and was for some reason using one of those ancient brick-like calculators instead of a CAS) when a voice yelled pens down. I then proceeded to engage in a furious tug-of-war over the exam paper with the supervisor, who bore a strange resemblance to Big Mama from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, one of my literature texts last year. VCE has taken a toll on my sanity. Looking at my journal title (which I had made on a whim back in January), I feel a twinge of irony.

     ~ Looking back ~

The past few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster. We had Speech Night, and my house won the house cup for the first time in 12 years! Subject prizes were announced, I sat in the audience and clapped as someone else went up for further. We had our performances, and my band played our hearts out during the final number of Rolling in the Deep.

Then it was muck up celebration day / graduation. My group dressed up as The Matrix characters. When we said our goodbyes, I hid behind those sunglasses, sobbing my eyes out. Everyone was emotional. In our final assembly, we sang the school song and it sounded like a funeral march despite the cheery melody.

In a comedic twist, SWOTVAC soon began, so after all of our tearful farewells, we saw everyone the following day. It felt weird going to school in jeans and runners. My methods teacher, the most wonderful being on this planet, jokingly asked for a uniform pass when she saw me.

This morning I was looking at my AN profile and realised that I made an account exactly one year and one day ago! Scrolling through my early post, it's shocking how times have changed! One of my first posts was me being lowkey terrified of jumping into 3/4 chem without 1/2. One year later, while I'm still hopeless at chem, I'm glad I gave myself that challenge.

     ~ Looking forward ~

For exams, my plan of attack is simple: do the questions in order (because if I don't I WILL miss some), and take everything slow and steady to avoid silly mistakes.

My first exams are tomorrow - bio in the morning, further 1 in the afternoon, then it's further 2, methods 1, methods 2, and chem on 12/11. When freedom finally arrives, I shall head to Ocean Grove with some friends for a few days, followed by a trip to Busan, South Korea, which I am really looking forward to! Oh, and of course find out (dun dun DUNNN) my ATAR.

BTW, I really want to use this space to flex my methods bound ref. It took me a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make it look ~this~ artistic.

can you even call this a BOUND reference
(OK in all seriousness, I think too much info will only confuse me, so I resorted to 1 page. On the top left I have CAS commands, below is kinematics, my worst topic. On the right are reminders of silly errors I tend to make, and honestly I think this is enough.)

Anyway, I feel like I should probably do the responsible thing and look over my bio notes. I'll see y'all after exams! To the class of 2019, and anyone else doing a 3/4, good luck! I hope we all come out victorious!

Colline xx


As promised in my last update, here's some methods revision questions I've written! If you are doing methods and want some more practice, feel free to download and have a crack! (Also do let me know if I made mistakes). :D

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #47 on: October 31, 2019, 08:57:30 pm »
Hi Colline, your journal is such an amazing read! I have no doubt that you will come out victorious this year. It's great that you have the guts to tackle chem without doing 1/2! Chem is no easy cruise and being willing to take on such a challenge is so admirable.

Great methods reference notes! Don't stress, it's a good sign to not have a lot. In my cohort, I don't think anyone who scored over 45 in methods had more than 2-3 pages. I know someone who didn't bring in notes at all - and got a 50.

Good luck with exams! :D
'17 - '19  Eng lang (38), Methods (46), Spesh (47), Physics (49), Chem (42), Bio (45), UCAT (97%ile)

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2019, 08:59:12 pm »
Wow, doing Chem 3/4 without the 1/2? That's amazing (sorry I'm a bit late on this)

I love your minimalist approach towards Methods. Honestly, I don't want to take Bound Notes, I think they're pretty pointless esp if your confident with ur content

Best of luck with the exams!!!
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2019, 04:42:44 pm »
Hey colline,

I've been following your posts all year and finally thought I should stop lurking. I am also a vet hopeful aiming for DVM at Melbourne so it's great to see someone in the same boat.   Your posts have been super enjoyable to read this year and I wish you all the best with exams.

It's so kind of you to share your practice questions! Would you be okay with posting the answers/solutions to them as well? Thanks.

How was biology and further?
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2019, 05:22:14 pm »
Quote from: porcupine
Hi Colline, your journal is such an amazing read! I have no doubt that you will come out victorious this year. It's great that you have the guts to tackle chem without doing 1/2! Chem is no easy cruise and being willing to take on such a challenge is so admirable.

Great methods reference notes! Don't stress, it's a good sign to not have a lot. In my cohort, I don't think anyone who scored over 45 in methods had more than 2-3 pages. I know someone who didn't bring in notes at all - and got a 50.

Good luck with exams!

Hi Porcupine! Thanks for the encouragement! Chem is definitely no easy cruise haha. And woahhh 50 in methods with no bound ref! That's unbelievable.

I've been reading your journal as well and I'm so happy that you'll be pursuing your dreams instead of something you know you won't be happy with. But damnnn your results are absolutely stellar and I'm sure you'll do great! Good luck with your folios and interviews ^-^

Quote from: chopsticks
Wow, doing Chem 3/4 without the 1/2? That's amazing (sorry I'm a bit late on this)

I love your minimalist approach towards Methods. Honestly, I don't want to take Bound Notes, I think they're pretty pointless esp if your confident with ur content

Best of luck with the exams!!!

Thank you chopsticks!! And yes I agree, the ideal situation would be where you don't need your bound ref at all because everything is in your head. Love your attitude! Methods 3/4 in year 11 sounds so daunting but you seem to have the mindset to take on the challenge. ;D

By the way I really like your mix of STEM/Humanities subjects! Nice choice on doing lit ;)

Quote from: Joyn02
Hey colline,

I've been following your posts all year and finally thought I should stop lurking. I am also a vet hopeful aiming for DVM at Melbourne so it's great to see someone in the same boat.   Your posts have been super enjoyable to read this year and I wish you all the best with exams.

It's so kind of you to share your practice questions! Would you be okay with posting the answers/solutions to them as well? Thanks.

How was biology and further?

Hi Joyn! Nice to see a fellow DVM hopeful! I see you made the smart choice of doing physics! (I have many regrets). Good luck to you too, maybe we'd see each other at Melbourne next year??

Silly me! I completely forgot about answers, thanks so much for the reminder! They're attached to this post.

Thanks for reminding me to update on the exams too!

I messed up. I did MCQ first, which was okay. But I caught myself making many dumb mistakes so when I got to SA, I slowed down considerably to check after each question. Long story short, I was going at HALF my usual pace and completely forgot to check the clock. With only 5 minutes to go I realised in panic that I had just finished Question 8.

In the end, I didn't have time to even attempt Question 10 or 11, and also left a good chunk of Q9 empty. Don't know how many marks were lost in total, but I am so freaking angry at myself for making such a rookie mistake.

I don't think I have much hope of getting above 30 now, not when I left almost THREE ENTIRE QUESTIONS blank.

(Also evolution and natural selection were my best topics and they weren't on the exam!)

I'm so mad at myself. While bio isn't my strong subject, a 35+ had been highly realistic. My bio teacher said I could get 40. I thought I could get 40. But all it takes is ONE mistake to completely ruin everything. 2 years of bio and in the end everything was in vain, because it's bound to be my 7th subject now.

Further 1
Disappointing too. This year I wanted, more than anything else, to get a 50 in further, which I knew was a realistic goal. But just like bio, all it takes is one mistake to ruin everything. I made an insanely stupid mistake of copying numbers in the wrong order in a matrix. And bye-bye 50.

Overall, I'm pretty disappointed with my performance on my first two exams. But there's still further 2, and hopefully I could redeem myself through methods (though that seems unlikely).

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2019, 02:57:31 pm »
12 / 11 / 2019  -  Tuesday

I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED ALL MY EXAMS!!! OH MY GAWD I thought this day would never come!

Before I let myself get carried away I thought I'd better talk about exams.

This was a tragic episode. I was so worried about making silly mistakes that I took about double the time with SA. In the end I ran out of time and blindly threw away 3 entire questions.
I talked to my teacher afterwards, who said that as my SAC scores were decent, I may still have a chance at a 30+ SS if I did REALLY well on the MCQ and the first half of SA. But I think that is pushing it a little. A 30 is impossible.
I still can't believe I made such a horrible mistake. To make matters worse, I was sitting right under the clock too.

SS Prediction: Doesn't even matter anymore. Below 30 that's for sure.

The first exam went okay. Even though I felt close to tears after the horrific bio exam only a few hours prior, I managed to keep myself together and sit through without letting my emotions get the better of me. I did still make a stupid mistake due to sheer carelessness of not reading the question properly. I made a mistake on exam 2 as well, so I guess the highest SS I can possibly get is 48, 49 if I am lucky. I am pretty upset about that, since further was the only subject I had a chance of getting that 50 in, and I blew it.

SS Prediction: 47 - 49

I think the Methods Tech-Free exam was the best I have ever done! From comparing my answers to the solutions, I think I got... dare I say it... 40/40?!? It sounds too good to be true!!
I'm not too sure what I got for exam 2, since I cannot remember my MCQ answers. BUT, I know I got all answers from SA right as well!! My only worry is that I could lose marks for having some dodgy working out.

SS Prediction: 43 - 45, maybe even higher?? I don't want to be too hopeful though.

Chem was today, and it went SO MUCH BETTER than I imagined! Of course, as your girl has been barely scraping a pass all year, expectations are low. I thought the exam felt pretty long (maybe as it was my last exam I was just counting down the minutes till freedom) but I'm pretty sure I got over half correct on the exam, which by my standards is insanely good. All in all, I'm glad exams finished on a good note despite the rocky start!

SS Prediction: 33 - 35

Overall ATAR prediction
Worst case scenario: 99.05
Best case scenario: 99.55

Thoughts: Not too sure. First, my predictions could be way off. Second, each ATAR Calculator gives me a different number. Finally, it feels almost too good to be true that even my worst case scenario is above what I need for DVM, especially when I know I stuffed up bio and further. Maybe I had overestimated my exam performance in methods.

I think my biggest disappointment is biology. As I have 7 subjects, one would not count towards my ATAR, and all this time I expected it to be DANCE (scaled 29). But I guess now I've got to face the facts that I probably worked my ass off in bio for nothing. I'm really upset in that aspect.


So now that exams are DONE, I can't wait to get some much needed rest! Next week, a couple of friends and I are going to Ocean Grove to celebrate, but doing ~wholesome~ stuff instead of partying and getting drunk. After that, I want to take on extra shifts at work, and do a HECK TON of driving to get 120 hours so I can get RED P'S when I turn 18 next year! Oh and did I mention I'm going to South Korea during December? I'M SO KEEN.

Good luck to everyone who still has exams left, and if you have finished, I hope you all have a restful and well deserved break! :) :)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 03:01:18 pm by colline »

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #52 on: November 12, 2019, 03:38:18 pm »
Whereabouts are you going in South Korea? I went to both Incheon and Seoul last year which, must I say, are two very beautiful cities :)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 03:42:43 pm by zuijinde »


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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2019, 03:45:18 pm »
Congratulations on finishing VCE, that is an amazing accomplishment! The fact that you have done quite well in chem considering you went into 3/4 without 1/2, is awesome, super proud of you as a chem nerd. Enjoy your time off and I hope the weather gets better for ocean grove!
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2019, 07:24:34 pm »
Congrats for completing VCE! Glad to see Methods seemed to have gone well for you

Also, have fun at South Korea! I've always wanted to go there, seems like a beautiful place
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2019, 07:39:32 pm »
Congrats!!!! It must have been the biggest relief ever - and congrars on methods!!!


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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2019, 10:26:35 pm »
Whereabouts are you going in South Korea? I went to both Incheon and Seoul last year which, must I say, are two very beautiful cities :)
Thank you zuijinde! I'm going to Busan for a week - not doing much sightseeing though, but maybe in the future I'll visit some more places! Seoul in particular sounds amazing!!

Congratulations on finishing VCE, that is an amazing accomplishment! The fact that you have done quite well in chem considering you went into 3/4 without 1/2, is awesome, super proud of you as a chem nerd. Enjoy your time off and I hope the weather gets better for ocean grove!
Hey Geoo! Thanks so much, (and yay chem nerds unite!) And thanks I sure hope the weather will get better soon lol. Hope you're enjoying your break too and all the best for VCE next year!!

Congrats for completing VCE! Glad to see Methods seemed to have gone well for you

Also, have fun at South Korea! I've always wanted to go there, seems like a beautiful place
Thanks so much chopsticks!! Good luck for VCE and I hope you'll be able to visit South Korea one day too! :)

Congrats!!!! It must have been the biggest relief ever - and congrars on methods!!!
Thank you rr28!! And best of luck with your journey along the yellow brick road - I'll be sure to follow along! ^-^


I just finished watching Spiderman Far From Home with my brothers and it FEELS SO WEIRD that I've now got all this free time to do stuff!!

Now I've got all these piles of practice exams and worksheets lying around my room - I really want to burn them lol but I think I'll keep them for now so if I'm doing tutoring next year I won't have to start from scratch.

Recently I've been working on writing another Literature guide with fellow AN user hums_student (actually, he's been doing everything so far, but I promised to help once my exams are done). We'll hopefully have it ready in a week or so. And I've been thinking of perhaps writing my own guides for further and methods, but I'm going to wait for results come out first hahaha.

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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #57 on: November 13, 2019, 05:12:00 pm »
I'm going to Busan for a week - not doing much sightseeing though, but maybe in the future I'll visit some more places! Seoul in particular sounds amazing!!
That sounds awesome! What are you going to be doing if not sightseeing? ;D Oh, and enjoy Ocean Grove and all the other awesome things you can do with your freedom!


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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #58 on: November 14, 2019, 10:17:04 am »
WELL DONE ON FINISHING! Sorry to hear that bio didn’t go as planned, but congrats on smashing methods! 40/40 is no easy feat!
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Re: COLLINE VS VCAA | Who will come out victorious?
« Reply #59 on: November 27, 2019, 02:41:16 pm »
27 / 11 / 2019  -  Wednesday

With December just around the corner I thought I'd do one last update before results drop. Since memories of exams, revision, SACs, and just about everything is still somewhat fresh in my mind, here's just some things I've learnt from my subjects, and some tips to future students:

Music Industry / Dance
I'm grouping these two together as they're quite similar. My best advice with any performance subject is to do them early as they are so time consuming. Try not to leave them to year 12, when you've got other 3/4s to worry about. My next best advice is to decide on your repertoire early so that you can start as early as possible. Finally, for dance: devote a lot of time to studying theory. One of my biggest mistakes was focusing too much on my performance exam, to the point where I completely neglected the written component. (Flashbacks to 2018: opening the first page of the exam and thinking to myself "what the heck is *unified composition*??")

I think the biggest thing to understand about literature is that it is NOT English. Literature isn't just a 'harder/more competitive' version of mainstream English specifically designed for students that always achieve A's and A+'s. It is assessed on a completely different criteria. Once you realise this, literature is quite straightforward. The second advice is to avoid deliberately trying to sound sophisticated. Seriously, I cannot stress this enough. You're not assessed on how well you can swallow a thesaurus.

Further / Methods
First off, do the textbook questions and make sure you have a solid foundation before moving on to harder application-style questions. With maths, the best way to study is just to grind through practice question after practice question, there's no magical shortcut. Also, know your CAS well, but also make sure you can quickly differentiate between questions that are better solved with technology, and those that are better solved by hand. Finally, creating your own questions is a great revision tool in the lead up to the exam.

Biology / Chemistry
Both bio and chem are heavy in content so make sure you know your theory before jumping into any practice questions. I personally found creating chapter summaries of key points to be very helpful. Regarding practice questions, I think my best tip is to do them consistently throughout the year, not just in the days leading up to a SAC or the final exam. In particular you should aim to constantly revise over unit 3 throughout unit 4, because otherwise if you leave it all till SWOTVAC, you will be overwhelmed with content.

General VCE tips
My top tip for VCE is in regards to subject selections - choose subjects you enjoy, but also be mindful of prerequisites. In year 10 I chose literature, further, psychology, dance, drama, and music, but at the suggestion of a teacher, switched from drama to methods after transition (or Head-start as some schools call it). Back then I was reluctant but now I am so grateful for it, as methods is a prerequisite for every single one of my 8 VTAC preferences!

Also, don't be afraid to do subjects that seem difficult or daunting. Do a subject outside of your comfort zone. For me, doing lit 3/4 in year 11 without 1/2 seemed scary, but it worked out! And TBH none of my subjects this year are exactly within my comfort zone (I'm no STEM kid, in case you couldn't tell by my year 10 subject choices) but this year didn't turn out completely catastrophic either (not yet, anyway. We'll know for sure on the 12th of December).

My next piece of advice is unorthodox, but do a 3/4 in year 10. Why? First off, when you're in year 10 you don't have the stress of juggling other VCE subjects. Next, it's good to get a general idea of exactly what VCE involves early on. Finally, if you do well - great! That's one 3/4 out of the way. But if you don't - no stress! You can treat it as a learning opportunity and do 6 other subjects in year 11 and 12.


The past couple of days have been super productive! Ocean Grove was fantastic. I got about 6 hours on my L's from driving to and from there. I was also tasked with driving my youngest brother to school (with dad in the passenger seat, of course) which really bumped up my logbook. After a year of sitting on 35 minutes, I've gotten almost 50 hours since exams ended! At this rate, I'm well on track to getting P's when I turn 18 in March.

Since getting back from Ocean Grove, I've sorted out all my resources from this year. As I handwrote most of my notes for bio and chem (and ALL for further and methods) there's not much I can sell lol. BUT if anybody is after a heck ton of methods trial exams, I'm selling my entire collection for a $35 donation to my bank account. ;D

Finally, I did a blood test and found out I am allergic to cats... Well that's convenient isn't it? Imagine a vet who is allergic to cats, that's like a sailor who can't swim! I've been around plenty of cats before and have never realised I have an allergy, so it's probably really mild. Hopefully, if I do get into DVM and become a vet, it won't be too much of a problem.

See you all on December 12th! Good luck to everyone :)
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 02:01:34 pm by colline »

VCE: Literature [50] Methods [50] Further [48] Chemistry [40] Biology [33]
2022: Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Economics) @ ANU