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Jimmy's VCE Journal
« on: January 27, 2019, 12:22:39 am »
Hey All!

I'm relatively new to these forums, so I figured I'd start one of these! I'm going into Year 12 this year (only four days away  :o), and am doing Mathematical Methods, English Language, Philosophy, Legal Studies & German this year, having done Business Management in Year 11.

A little bit about me; I'm a big sports player/fan, and try to get involved in any sport at any opportunity. I'm afraid school has/will continue to negatively affect that this year, but that's just a part of life I guess. I do try to get involved in other extra-curriculars to keep my mind away from the daily grind though. Alongside School Sports, I've been involved in Debating since Year 7, been involved in Chess Club and done some volunteer and fundraising work for various causes over my 'high school life', but particular the past few years. I got involved in Leadership in Year 10 and will be heavily involved again this year, and alongside that participation I've also contributed with my peers in implementing/running some Student Voice programs around the school. Public Speaking and such is definitely something I enjoy, so anything that allows me to talk/interact with others is something I'm usually enthusiastic about!

Outside of the school arena, I do Pilates  :D sorta links in with my love/need for sports in my life, and I briefly considering doing physiotherapy at Uni, but once I'd locked my subjects in I realised that wasn't gonna happen.  :P I was actually quite keen on theater in my primary school years, so much that I ended up scoring the lead role in our school production...and it's on video, so even though I can't sing now I do have evidence that there was once a time where I could  ;D I'm also pretty big on fantasy sports, although that'll take a back seat this year. AFL SuperCoach, Fantasy Premier League etc. is always good fun.

Why am I starting up a journal?
I'm doing this for a few reasons, but it mostly revolves around my desire to keep a record of things. Since the end of 2016 (Year 9), life has gotten pretty hectic and heaps of stuff has happened in my sporting/school/leadership/personal life, so much that a massive chunk of this summer was devoted to trying to organise pictures/dates/"memories" of the last few years, a bit obsessive I know, and something I need to chill out about and do less of. I'm only new, but it feels like we've got such an amazing community here, so I also want to share my experiences to help others if I can. I want this journal to keep me accountable throughout the year, but also to serve as a record of how I tracked, alongside the memories that come with the next year.

Firstly, and most importantly, I want to go with the flow. I mentioned my tendency to over organise earlier, but I really just want to reassure myself throughout the year that not 'everything' needs to be kept in a folder, recorded and written down   :-X That way, I can enjoy the year a bit more and maybe even perform better. So I want to organise things (pictures, meetings etc.) when necessary, but if it's not and is time consuming, I'll leave it and have faith I'll finish Year 12 and still have a memory of the good moments.  :) Simplifying things and being more efficient, the amount of time I spent trying to find pictures of events last year was ridiculous.  ;D

In terms of my subjects, I will put a few numbers together but I really have no idea how this year, with five subjects to worry about, will go;
Methods: I would love a 40 Raw, that's my goal. I'm expecting high 30s, because I did pretty well in 1&2, but aiming high!

EngLang: I want to make BusMan my 5th subject, so a 42-43 Raw would be great. I did pretty well on the SACs applicable to Year 12 in 1&2, so I'm hoping I can hit that mark. Definitely the subject I worked the least on in Year 11 due to my 3&4, so I think this is where the biggest scale of improvement can come.

Philosophy: It's the subject where I still have a tiny bit of holiday homework to complete  :-X I think a 40 is definitely possible, the only issue is we have a small cohort, so it'll be interesting to see if that affects anything. a 40 is definitely the aim.

Legal Studies: My best subject, the subject I finished my holiday homework the earliest and my favourite subject out of the ones I'm doing this year, and the one I'm gonna need to ace if I am to achieve an outstanding ATAR. 45+ is my aim, and I'm hoping it just comes down to having a good exam day, as to whether I can exceed even that.

Global Politics: I entered it at the last possible moment, with minor background knowledge and a keen interest but not much more. Anything over a 35 raw will mean I'm content with the switch, as I wasn't going to do much better scaled-wise in the other option. However, after looking over the Exam and textbook in general, I reckon this could be one of my better subjects. 40 raw is probably my optimist score.

German: My weakest subject by a long way, and one I'm doing because it really lets me think differently and will be a break from the 'smashing my head against books/texts' of the above four. Allows me to talk, which is one of my strengths in the speaking assessment but my writing and listening need heaps of work. A 25 Raw would keep me satisfied.

I completed BusMan last year, and ended up with a 42 Raw. I wasn't entirely satisfied, as I expected better but the exam really didn't favour our cohort and how we revised, so you live and you learn. I have heaps of notes on it though, so if anybody is doing it this year and wants a different perspective, feel free to message me!

That's it from me for the moment, I'm sure there's stuff I missed but you'll definitely see updates, so I'll remember and add stuff as the year progresses.  :) Feel free to ask me any questions that you wonder about.

(BTW I'm only up this late because of the Aus Open, another goal; make sure I'm in bed by 11:30 on school nights  ;D)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 11:54:48 pm by Jimmmy »
2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
2020 - 2024: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce @ Monash University

Yertle the Turtle

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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2019, 01:05:27 am »
Hey, great to see this new journal, and really awesome to see that you've put a lot of thought into how you want this year to turn out. I love the goals that you've put together for yourself, looks great. If you really want to look ahead, a word of advice is to check out a bunch of past exams for all your subjects, as this gives you a really good understanding of where you are heading for the year. For any more advice, check out the link in my signature. Great job on your BusMan score by the way, good luck with your other subjects as well. I look forward to the continuation of this journal! :D
2017-2018: VCE
Methods | Specialist | Physics | Chemistry | English | Texts and Traditions

2019: B. Eng (Hons) | Monash
2019-?: Certificate III  in Bricklaying and Blocklaying

Have counted to 80


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2019, 01:24:02 pm »
Hey, great to see this new journal, and really awesome to see that you've put a lot of thought into how you want this year to turn out. I love the goals that you've put together for yourself, looks great. If you really want to look ahead, a word of advice is to check out a bunch of past exams for all your subjects, as this gives you a really good understanding of where you are heading for the year. For any more advice, check out the link in my signature. Great job on your BusMan score by the way, good luck with your other subjects as well. I look forward to the continuation of this journal! :D
Thanks Yertle! I just had a look at your Year 12 advice, and it looks like we think very alike! The whole 'go with the flow' mantra seemed to be positive for you, so hopefully I can implement it successfully too.

An early update here; I found out today that one of our Philosophy books isn't in print yet, and won't be until mid-March. Around a third of the study design has been changed, so they needed to reprint both our textbooks used for the subject. Interestingly enough, I actually bought the two old textbooks last year, not realising the changes. I accepted it as a loss at the time and just used them for some casual reading in December, but it turns out that chain of events may turn out to be quite serendipitous for the first 6 or so weeks of classes!
2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
2020 - 2024: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce @ Monash University


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2019, 02:04:22 pm »
Awesome first post to your journal. Really hope you can keep it active through the year. :)

P.S. I haven't done it for a few years but always happy to chat SuperCoach. ;)

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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2019, 02:43:08 pm »
Awesome first post to your journal. Really hope you can keep it active through the year. :)

P.S. I haven't done it for a few years but always happy to chat SuperCoach. ;)
Thanks Joseph! (apparently Nick too?)  ;D

What do you think about an ATARNotes SuperCoach league? Do you think we could round up 18 people somewhat interested in footy?
2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
2020 - 2024: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce @ Monash University


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2019, 02:46:35 pm »
Thanks Joseph! (apparently Nick too?)  ;D

What do you think about an ATARNotes SuperCoach league? Do you think we could round up 18 people somewhat interested in footy?

Haha yep, feel free to call me either.

SuperCoach - I reckon we'll potentially struggle for the numbers, but feel free to give it a crack! And I hope to see you over on the sport boards. ;)

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2019, 03:39:11 pm »
Hey there,

From what I've read, I am really excited to keep up with your journey this year! It sounds like you're one of those amazing 'all-rounders' and I think it's fantastic you're planning to keep up with sport/debating/chess/volunteering, as we generally think study is the sole part of our final year, when in reality whilst working hard is obviously the most important, continuing to partake in all the activities you've enjoyed all these years is crucial, otherwise you'll just burn out quickly when you need all the energy to last you for the next ten months. It's kinda like long distance running I think, if you careen through right at the start you'll have no energy left, whereas if you maintain a steady pace, you'll conserve energy and motivation to sprint at the end and emerge triumphant. And Pilates and theatre, I also love and would definitely encourage you to get back into theatre productions! What do you love most about debating/public speaking? I definitely get what you mean about capturing memories, I'm like that too, and that's one of the reasons I decided to start my journal!

not 'everything' needs to be kept in a folder, recorded and written down
Nothing has resonated with me more!  And I have decided to adopt your ‘go with the flow’ mantra as I am never living in the present moment.

I love the sound of your subjects, Legal Studies and Philosophy almost made it onto my own subjects. I’m actually currently pondering why I didn’t choose Philosophy?? And German I’m planning to learn after I finish school because of how much I’ve loved learning about the culture so far. Congrats on a fantastic score for BusMan last year!

Oh and the Aus Open has meant absurd bedtimes for us too, definitely need to get back into the habit of going to bed at a reasonable time!

I have no doubt you’ll smash 2019!


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2019, 03:47:42 pm »
Hey Jimmmy, it's really nice to see a new user already contributing a bunch. I'm also very much into sports, especially footy, who do you support?

Good luck with this year and I'm looking forward to reading future entries  :)

SuperCoach - I reckon we'll potentially struggle for the numbers, but feel free to give it a crack! And I hope to see you over on the sport boards. ;)
If it's anything like tipping last year, a few will join but stop tipping after a while me  :P
2015-16: VCE
2017-: BSci UoM - Maths & Psych


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2019, 12:06:01 am »
Haha yep, feel free to call me either.

SuperCoach - I reckon we'll potentially struggle for the numbers, but feel free to give it a crack! And I hope to see you over on the sport boards. ;)
I've definitely spotted it, and it'll only be a matter of time before I *attempt* to get some SuperCoach interest drumming.

Hey there,

From what I've read, I am really excited to keep up with your journey this year! It sounds like you're one of those amazing 'all-rounders' and I think it's fantastic you're planning to keep up with sport/debating/chess/volunteering, as we generally think study is the sole part of our final year, when in reality whilst working hard is obviously the most important, continuing to partake in all the activities you've enjoyed all these years is crucial, otherwise you'll just burn out quickly when you need all the energy to last you for the next ten months. It's kinda like long distance running I think, if you careen through right at the start you'll have no energy left, whereas if you maintain a steady pace, you'll conserve energy and motivation to sprint at the end and emerge triumphant. And Pilates and theatre, I also love and would definitely encourage you to get back into theatre productions! What do you love most about debating/public speaking? I definitely get what you mean about capturing memories, I'm like that too, and that's one of the reasons I decided to start my journal!
Nothing has resonated with me more!  And I have decided to adopt your ‘go with the flow’ mantra as I am never living in the present moment.
Hi Mango! Thanks so much! I've read through your journey thus far also and I must say, it's super unique and I love it. I'm trying to stay upbeat, hopefully I can last the next 10 months  :D I really enjoy interacting with other people, so that pretty much sums up why I enjoy public speaking/debating. It's my main outlet with friends and such, which I guess is both a positive and a negative in different ways.

I love the sound of your subjects, Legal Studies and Philosophy almost made it onto my own subjects. I’m actually currently pondering why I didn’t choose Philosophy?? And German I’m planning to learn after I finish school because of how much I’ve loved learning about the culture so far. Congrats on a fantastic score for BusMan last year!

Oh and the Aus Open has meant absurd bedtimes for us too, definitely need to get back into the habit of going to bed at a reasonable time!

I have no doubt you’ll smash 2019!
My subjects were a massive headache for a while. As I'm sure you've spotted, I'm not doing a single science  :-[ I enjoyed it, but I just couldn't see myself in a science based job, probably regretting that now when I'm attempting analysis of texts in Philosophy and extended response questions in Legal  :-X Tonight made me a little sad though, I would've loved to see Rafa complete the double career Slam.  :'(

Thanks for the interest, and I'll be sure to pop by your journey journal regularly also  :) We've got a great community here that will hopefully enable all of us to do well.

Hey Jimmmy, it's really nice to see a new user already contributing a bunch. I'm also very much into sports, especially footy, who do you support?

Good luck with this year and I'm looking forward to reading future entries  :)
If it's anything like tipping last year, a few will join but stop tipping after a while me  :P
Don't worry MB, I'll rope you in with some sneaky tips on how to win the 50k. I haven't got super close myself, but I have a mate who finished top 5 a few years ago.  :o
« Last Edit: January 28, 2019, 12:09:28 am by Jimmmy »
2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
2020 - 2024: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce @ Monash University


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2019, 07:10:49 am »
^Top five would be infuriating.

I finished 215th a few years ago and worked out that picking Judd over Murphy at the start of the year (or the other way around - I can't remember) would have made the difference.

Top five would just be painful haha.

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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2019, 08:20:49 am »
^Top five would be infuriating.

I finished 215th a few years ago and worked out that picking Judd over Murphy at the start of the year (or the other way around - I can't remember) would have made the difference.

Top five would just be painful haha.
Don't worry MB, I'll rope you in with some sneaky tips on how to win the 50k. I haven't got super close myself, but I have a mate who finished top 5 a few years ago.  :o
I don't think I've finished that well overall but I did once come fourth overall in a round (which is one off a prize), I think I peaked there.
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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2019, 09:02:09 pm »

We had Camp last week, it was short and sweet but pretty enjoyable. Team building activities were really fun and we had it near the beach which was nice.  :)

Day one of classes is done today, and they were all really chill about holiday homework which is slightly concerning  :-X I hope my Philosophy teacher is as chill about it when he sees my rubbish pile of analyses and essays tomorrow. I'm also panicking about a Methods pre-test, since I smashed out all of my Methods homework relatively early in the holidays and other than looking/answering on the VCE Methods Question thread on here, I haven't done much else.
2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
2020 - 2024: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce @ Monash University


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2019, 09:12:50 pm »

We had Camp last week, it was short and sweet but pretty enjoyable. Team building activities were really fun and we had it near the beach which was nice.  :)

Day one of classes is done today, and they were all really chill about holiday homework which is slightly concerning  :-X I hope my Philosophy teacher is as chill about it when he sees my rubbish pile of analyses and essays tomorrow. I'm also panicking about a Methods pre-test, since I smashed out all of my Methods homework relatively early in the holidays and other than looking/answering on the VCE Methods Question thread on here, I haven't done much else.
What was the highlights of the camp, aside from the beach and the team building activities? :)

Best of luck for the methods pre-test tomorrow, I'm sure you've got this in the bag! :) Hopefully your philosophy teacher is also nice about the essays and anaylses- that being said, you may have done better on them than you thought as well! ^-^
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
2020: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Honours) Read my uni journey here!


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2019, 10:09:31 pm »
What was the highlights of the camp, aside from the beach and the team building activities? :)

Best of luck for the methods pre-test tomorrow, I'm sure you've got this in the bag! :) Hopefully your philosophy teacher is also nice about the essays and anaylses- that being said, you may have done better on them than you thought as well! ^-^
Well, we did mountain bike riding and it's probably the most extreme sport I've ever done  :P We spent most of the time on the beach, played beach soccer, cricket and classic, octopus on sand.  :o
2018 - 2019 (VCE): English Language, Maths Methods, Legal Studies, Global Politics, Business Management (2018), Philosophy
2020 - 2024: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce @ Monash University


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Re: Jimmy's VCE Journal
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2019, 03:17:37 pm »
octopus on sand

I feel for your knees haha.

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.