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Author Topic: ✧ J_Rho's VCE Journey ✧  (Read 60949 times)

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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #120 on: January 25, 2020, 09:33:19 am »
Update RE: Holidays are coming to an end

25 January 2020

Okay well there was a change of plans and I had to go to Melbourne to visit my great grandmother so I didnt get much done at all but today I have nothing on this morning (work at 1 pm - 3 pm), free on Sunday and am deployed on Monday to the RCC and Tuesday should be revising what I've done over the holidays (work 3:45 - 6) and then RELAXINGGGGGG.

HHD - Chapter 1 Questions and Flashcards
HHD - Prerequisites for H&W
Legal - Take notes 27 - 37
Psychology - Exercise 2D
English - Read Station Eleven (8 - 10pm)

English - Transition Booklet Questions (get half of them done)
English - Annotate the Lieutenant pg 1 - 160
Maths - Exercise 2B & 2C
English - Annotate the Lieutenant pg 160 - 302
English - Transition Booklet Questions
Maths - Exercise 2D & 2E (and 2F-1 if I have time)
Legal - Activity 2.3
Psychology - Exercise 2E & Ch 2 Summary
English - Read Station Eleven (8pm - 10pm)

English - Annotate Station Eleven

English - Annotate Station Eleven
Maths - Exercise 2F-1, 2F- 2, 2G, 2H
If I have time:
Create character and theme summaries for the lieutenant and station eleven

I have to get this done like I need to have it done by Tuesday for school on Wednesday
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 06:46:54 pm by J_Rho »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #121 on: January 26, 2020, 08:11:55 pm »
Got a fair, but not big chunk of my work done today. I am hoping to get a maths exercise tonight, and if i get up early enough tomorrow I'd like to try and get two maths tasks done before I leave for the RCC at 8am, and Tuesday is gonna be all about finish it off and preparing for schooool

Current To Do for the rest of today, tomorrow and tuesday
English - Annotate the Lieutenant pg 160 - 302
Maths - Exercise 2B & 2C
Maths - Exercise 2D & 2E
Maths - Exercise 2F-1, 2F- 2, 2G, 2H
If I have time:
Create character and theme summaries for the lieutenant and station eleven
English - Annotate Station Eleven
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 12:05:05 pm by J_Rho »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #122 on: February 01, 2020, 04:32:29 pm »
Year 12 - Week 1

My school week started on Wednesday which began with a 45-minute whole school assembly followed by a 25 minute year 12 assembly, the rest of the week was cruisy but exhausting but worth it because on Friday one of my friends went up the street and bought us all ice cream sandwiches.


English:This week we covered the theme of courage in The Lieutenant and we were given a layout of what we would focus on each lesson and the exact dates for our first two SACs. Overall my productivity was about a 6/10

Further Maths: Need to make sure I'm up to date and remember that we cover an exercise or 2 per session, I wasn't productive and got distracted by my friends due to the the horse shoe seating arrangment. Need to work on this - productivity was 3/10

Legal Studies: Went over task words and the study design for the first two lessons, got a 5/6 for my essay need to ask how I lost 1 mark productivity was good tho 8/10

Psychology: Havent had a Psychology class yet

Health and Human Development: This class sucks, but its easy so I feel like i really shouldn't drop it need to remind myself i gotta be persistent and just DO it. Productivity was 5/10

English - complete book mark task ✔️
            - find quotes on courage
Further Maths - Exercise 2C - 2H ✔️
Legal- Take notes pg 38 - 45
          - Answer questions 1-4 (Activity 2.4 on p.41)
Psychology - Chapter 2 Questions
HHD - Hand in transition booklet

Worked every day except Monday, nothing very interesting happened and was pretty tiring
I attended an awareness session at an SES about an hour away, and to be honest it was useless it was pretty common knowledge but we did a Maccas run afterward so it was worth it. I also missed a community engagement meeting which I was bummed about cause I love CommEd and want to get super involved but I did message the Deputy Controller of CommEd and gave her my ideas so all is well. I've also been asked by the Deputy Controller of Assets to help him with some projects such as vehicle tick sheets, and setting up a "turnout desk" with vehicle keys, things you need for certain jobs, etc.

And as a reminder to myself and others...
Your hard work determines your place  - Don't wait for motivation, persistence will always win.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 08:50:37 am by J_Rho »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #123 on: February 05, 2020, 03:13:21 pm »
Year 12 - Week 2

My school week basically ends today as we have our swimming carnival tomorrow, as Friday is a chill day because teachers don't expect students to either A. be at school the day after carnival or B. Be performing at their best. This week dragged but somehow went fast at the same time.

English: This week we covered the theme of loyalty in The Lieutenant. Overall my productivity was about a 8/10

Further Maths: Ahead of the class - productivity was 6/10

Legal Studies: Was given our first 4 sac dates and some homework 7/10

Psychology: Not bad, watched edrolo videos, had class discussions, not bad - 6/10

Health and Human Development: This class sucks, i hate it so so so so much but i have to push through and get that 40+ ss Productivity was 4/10

English - find quotes on courage & loyalty
Further Maths - 2I Assignment
Legal- Take notes pg 38 - 45
Psychology - Watch 3A & 3B
HHD - Complete homework & hand in transition booklet

I've be super super busy and I'm keen for Friday as it'll be my first day off from work in like 11 days which is ages for me as I usually only work 3 days a week but hey! money! I also had an SES swim test yesterday, were we had to wear all our gear and swim 100m and tread water for 2 min, E A S Y! Rant: But no none of the blokes i swum with could swim so I was stuck behind all these blokes struggling and here I am treading water when i could have been swimming because one of my strokes is equivalent to about 4 of their strokes, I was embarresed to swim with them like I understand people aren't strong swimers (hell im not a strong swimmer) but these blokes where like at a 60 degree angle to the water surface (almost upright) with freestyle arms. Bloody rediculous considering these guys want to be swift water technicals so working in flash flood and swift river conditions. Rant over.
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #124 on: February 05, 2020, 06:57:20 pm »
All I gotta say is I hope you ace year 12... well I think I’m not

Also got a sac for plasma membranes have you done this sac for bio what you do ? To study 
English:( )
Methods( )
Biology ( )
P.E ( )
Lab skills( )


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #125 on: February 09, 2020, 08:35:58 am »
All I gotta say is I hope you ace year 12... well I think I’m not

Also, got a sac for plasma membranes have you done this sac for bio what you do? To study
Thank you, I'm sure you will be rewarded for the effort you put in - make sure you don't fall down the same path I did last year, study more than trying to find the best way to study or the best resources (as last year I overplanned and never got anything done) your teacher should give you all the content you need for your sac so make sure you study what they've taught but also get other peoples perspectives and if you can definitely do practice questions on plasma membranes
My SAC on plasma membranes we did 2 pracs during the week and then when we did the sac we were given a list of words and we had to write an essay using these words and explaining how it related to the prac's we had done. ie. 'cholesterol' and then I described how cholesterol functions in a plasma membrane and how it helps amoeba function
The revision I did for this sac was revising the prac making sure I knew everything and revising my plasma membrane notes - we weren't told what the sac would be (we all thought it would be multiple choice and extended response) so I just revised everything relating to the sac
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #126 on: February 15, 2020, 07:59:35 pm »

Year 12 Week 3 - Entry #1

I dont know why but this week has be exhausing, like everyday, especially tuesday, felt like a friday in October!
I have a mega headache after working 8am - 5pm and only getting about 4 and a bit hours sleep last night so this will probably be short.

Class Summary
English: This week we covered the theme of duty & obedience and choice an freedom in The Lieutenant. Overall my productivity was about a 4/10

Further Maths: Didnt have a teacher this week and I've done jack shit hahaha 0/10

Legal Studies: Done some sac revison but not much 3/10

Psychology: Again didn't have a teacher and didn't do anything

Health and Human Development: Moved out of this class! YESS

Biology: IM MAD. my school wont let me do the first sac cause 'the sac date has passed and itll be too stressful on the teacher to mark your sac too' even tho the class only did their sac last week AND the teacher hasnt even started marking them

  • Write a paragraph on duty/obedience
  • Write a paragraph on choice/freedom

Further Maths:
  • Ch3 Questions
  • Edrolo chapter check 2
Legal Studies:
  • Chapter 2 & 3 Notes
  • Flashcards
  • Edrolo notes
  • Study Chapter 2 & 3 for SAC
  • Make Flash cards
  • Make notes
  • Do Practice questions
  • Study Chapter 3
  • Make Flash cards
  • Do Practice questions

Work / Social
Again been very very busy working a total of 26 hours this week, had SES training on Wednesday and am feeling very run down and exhausted. Like i live in constant tiredness but like its worse than usual which shouldn't be surprising given I now permanently work 5 days a week with one job and doesn't account for my other jobs which I get rostered on differently each week. y a y. I really need to decrease my workload
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 09:23:49 am by J_Rho »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #127 on: February 19, 2020, 08:05:15 pm »

Year 12 Week 4 - Entry #1

B r u h. I can't even. I don't know why I'm behind or why it feels like I've missed a week of class but like wow can I go back to Year 7.
One (stressful) positive is that I've bugged my senior school coordinator enough that she is letting me do the Bio SAC (at least that's what my teacher said)! Yay.
I have a list of shit to get done by the end of the week and I am NOT going to log in until I've done it and I'll treat myself to some skittles
If not then I will wear a virtual cone of shame.

To Do
- Edrolo Ch 1 & 2 Check
- 2I

Legal Revision
- Checkpoints
- Edrolo notes
- flash cards

Biology Revision
- Checkpoints
- Edrolo notes
- flashcards
- poster notes
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #128 on: February 19, 2020, 11:49:09 pm »
B r u h. I can't even. I don't know why I'm behind or why it feels like I've missed a week of class but like wow can I go back to Year 7.
One (stressful) positive is that I've bugged my senior school coordinator enough that she is letting me do the Bio SAC (at least that's what my teacher said)! Yay.
I have a list of shit to get done by the end of the week and I am NOT going to log in until I've done it and I'll treat myself to some skittles
If not then I will wear a virtual cone of shame.
That's awesome that you are able to do the bio SAC, i'm so happy for you! You're not the only one who wants to go back to year 7, I am so overwhelmed with the workload that seems to be never ending.
Enjoy you skittles!
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey
« Reply #129 on: February 20, 2020, 08:01:15 pm »
That's awesome that you are able to do the bio SAC, i'm so happy for you! You're not the only one who wants to go back to year 7, I am so overwhelmed with the workload that seems to be never ending.
Enjoy you skittles!

Hey Geoo, thanks for the relpy!!
Yeah im really happy im now just waiting on the teacher to give me the details of when it will be and the practical reference materials
So much for staying logged off, i had to ask a question and now im being sucked into a hole of procrastination so this will be short!!

To Do
- Edrolo Ch 1 & 2 Check
- 2I

Legal Revision
- Checkpoints
- Edrolo notes
- flash cards

Biology Revision
- Checkpoints
- Edrolo notes
- flashcards
- poster notes

hopefully ill be done by tomorrow and ill have a NEW to do list!
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey | 90+ ATAR
« Reply #130 on: February 29, 2020, 05:33:11 pm »
I'm back - Only 9 days late

29 February 2020

Well alas, I am back! and I have completed what I was trying to complete and I shall ashamedly admit that yes it took me 9 days to be bothered enough to complete the Chapter checks on Edrolo. I went and spoke to the assistant principal about not being allowed to sit the Biology SAC and I'm now allowed to do it as the coordinator was not allowed to use my score from last year or stop me from sitting the SAC - was a little bit weird why she said 'No' but that's in the past and I'm just going to assume she was misinformed about how it worked or something. I've also completed a Legal SAC and a Psychology SAC in which I am yet to receive results for but it is estimated ill know by Friday for Legal and the week after for Psych. I also have an English practice SAC this Thursday! Also to those who come from an underrepresented school are eligible for a tutoring network called 'RESN' you can register here and they will get back to you within 24 hours and the help I have gotten is SO GOOD, you "ask a question" and a tutor has to get back to you in 24 hours but it's usually less than that! I asked a question the other day around 10 pm and someone got back to me in 20 minutes with a detailed and helpful reply - think ATARNotes but you questions HAVE to be answered. I've attached a spoiler with an example of the help I have received

Hopefully, some of you are able to make use of that awesome resource :)

How has everyone else been going at school/outside of school??

To Do
Further Maths:
* Height and Arm Span Assignment ( Due Friday )

Legal Studies:
*Pg 111 - 6 practice questions ( Due Wednesday )
*Pg 107 - Questiosns 1 - 5 ( Due Wednesday )
*Texbook Summary - Ch2 & 3

*Edrolo Notes: Ch1, 2 & 3

*Edrolo Ch3, Ch4, Ch5
*A3 Revision Posters

*Paragraph on courage
* Essay ( Practice for Pracice SAC on Thursday )
*Rooke key moment analysis
*Quote document

— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey | 90+ ATAR
« Reply #131 on: March 05, 2020, 08:20:19 pm »
Uh Oh - 3 weeks of Term 1 left

05 March 2020

Wow wow Wubbzy! I cannot fathom the idea that we have 3 weeks left of Term 1! I knew this year would go fast but I'm truly understanding it now! I also think that working 4 permanent shifts with the chance of working 7 in a week is a bit much with the goals I'm trying to achieve this year - once a few new swim teachers are trained I'll be asking to see if they want any of my shifts.
I got my results back for Part A of the Legal SAC for Area of Study 1.... 21/25 and rank 2  (rank 1 got 22/25 and I am so peeved that ONE mark cost me equal rank 1 but I WILL BE COMING BACK STRONG FOR PART B!)

Reminding myself of my goals, because I am an unmotivated potato with no personal accountability. Y A Y

Mini Goal #1: Maintain physical and Mental Health
Mini Goal #1:
Maintain physical and mental health

Follow an exercise routine
Meditate for 15 minutes each day
Read for an hour before bed
Drink 2L of water a day
Go to bed at 10 pm and wake at 6 am

Mini Goal #2: 97% Grade Average for Further Maths, Biology, Psychology and Legal
Mini Goal #2:
97% Grade average in Further Maths, Biology, Psychology and Legal

Complete checkpoints and topic tests after every topic/AOS
Complete a practise exam a week (starting July)
Revise all notes every Sunday
Stay ahead and ask for extra work
Document mistakes made

Mini Goal #3: 95% Grade Average in English
Mini Goal #3:
95% Grade Average in English

Write an essay a week and get it marked
Complete a practise exam a week (starting July)
Read texts 4-5 times: 1st Reading - Basic Understanding; 2nd reading - Annotate; 3rd and 4th Reading - Deep Understanding; 5th reading - Refresh Memory
Ask questions and get regular feedback form teacher
Document mistakes and weaknesses

To Do
📗Further Maths:
* Height and Arm Span Assignment ( Due Tomorrow)

📒Legal Studies:
*Texbook Summary - Ch2 & 3

*Edrolo Notes: Ch1, 2 & 3

*Edrolo Ch3, Ch4, Ch5
*A3 Revision Posters

*Rooke key moment analysis
*Quote document

« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 01:32:39 pm by J_Rho »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey | 90+ ATAR
« Reply #132 on: March 20, 2020, 05:52:55 pm »
Will this be the last week of Term 1 or the second last - the question on everyone's lips

20 March 2020

I'm so sick of school, all anyone can talk about is coronavirus and I get it's scary and imminent and people are excited at the prospect of schools shutting but its all anyone talks about and it's really a bit much. My work has closed and they have no idea when they will reopen wether it be next moth or in 6 months. And it might be selfish to complain but f u c k. I was rostered on for like 15 shifts which would have made me just over $1500 and I could finally justify looking at cars with my 18th 3 months away cause I woulda had enough savings to start looking. Now with no income, my phone bill and other nesscecary expenses will be eating up my savings. I'm looking at applying to Woolworths and Autobarn for customer service roles but I am so upset about work closing. I honestly love what I do and although it is completely understandable why we are closing (with 1 confirmed COVID -19 case in Gippsland) it really really sucks. Like a lot. and it's making me stress even more than I already was about the prospect of my school closing. Part of me doesn't want to apply for another job that I may only need for a few months and despite the idea of no work means I could go ham on schoolwork, it's not feasible when I have necessary expenses such as a phone bill but hey self-quarantine how about I cancel my phone plan haha. I had my English SAC on Thursday and honestly, it was the shittest essay I have ever written! The prompts from last years exam were easier than then ones they gave us! I'll be lucky if I get a C+

This has been a pretty shitty day week. How is everyone else feeling?
Also, I've been told that if your work shuts or you get coronavirus you are entitled to Centrelink payments until your work reopens/you get better? Is this true?

And in light of recent events here's a pun you might must enjoy
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey | 90+ ATAR
« Reply #133 on: March 23, 2020, 09:15:53 pm »
Well f***

23 March 2020

I am feeling a multitude of feelings regarding the school closure, I understand the need but it also sucks A LOT. Apparently NSW isn't closing schools till the end to the term which is like 2 or 3 weeks away and that makes me think why cant we stay open for 3 more days. 3 days to feel normal, whatever that is right now. Like wtf is the point of today all it did was stress everyone out and im feeling very... odd. Monday should be the start of the week but like its not. I just...i just dont know what to feel. Im feeling very claustrophobic in the sense that worst-case scenario I'll be stuck at home for 6 months. I was gonna borrow from the school library at lunchtime but im so distracted right now like WHAT AM I DOING. Like the formal notice that schools would close Tuesday was issued last night at like 11pm THIS ISNT ENOUGH TIME (like the local council giving my workplace 5 HOURS NOTICE FOR CLOSING) im flustered and all over the shop and honestly scared. School is my getaway because i dont have the best relationship with some of my family members and i dont know wtf im supposed to do, im not mentally prepared. Last I heard that we would be finishing the term. This is an unprecedented thing, its scary and we dont know exactly what to expect - we can see what's happening in Italy but like do we fully comprehend it?
I've been trying to write a list of to-do's for the holidays forthe past 3 hours and i just can't - yes we will get through this and i bet in 3 months we'll look back and laugh and say "what were we even worrying about" but i've also realised that if this bullshit gets worse we could be returning to school in term 3 and we will be the lucky ones, im not trying to be pessimistic but the idea that our fellow peers could die is a horrible scary thought but could be true an 18-year-old in the UK died like in the last 24hours. and the thought of body storage and coffin building and grave-digging of the 4 thousand deceased in Italy. its horrible and i cant begin to imagine it.
This is all very very strange and weird and i hope things get better.

Sending my love to all of you 💗
(sorry for the weird rant)

On a different note, I'm a little excited for remote learning and my mindset is "BUCKLE UP BITCHES ITS GONNA BE ONE HELL OF A RIDE" and trying to see the positives i might benefit from it being more in control of my learning a lil more. Its like i can realistically do whatever i want and i SHOULD do my work but like idk i feel like the tiny bit more freedom is going to be constructive and i get to be in my pjs and not wake up as early to get to school on time.

And hey we all have each other's backs, we have this forum to turn to for subject help and we will get through it. this is going to be interesting and fun and albeit scary.

I'll update in the morning with what i want to acheive these coming weeks, my plan for this week and my tasks for the day! Bit boring but hey! It keeps me accountable!

I love you all! Stay safe and check in on each other x
« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 09:37:53 pm by J_Rho »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: J_Rho's VCE Journey | 90+ ATAR
« Reply #134 on: March 23, 2020, 09:45:59 pm »
Re: Centrelink payments you mentioned in your post a few days ago, that is true generally, but also the majority of people in year 12 aren't eligible to get their own centrelink payments and parents instead get payment (comes under family tax benefit i think). Although not sure what'll happen if school closes for the year given that should technically make you eligible in the same way that someone who dropped out of high school would be eligible.
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