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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #105 on: November 13, 2019, 05:16:57 pm »
AHHHH YES i just went home and played video games after my exam before going to St. john haha. I
That sounds like a great way to unwind!

I hate how our chem exam and methods exam 1 is on the same day, like everyone does chem and methods so couldn’t they have had the exams on different days!!! We all damn mad about that. Monday will be a very long day with both those exams, especially because I think we have a 2 hour gap in the middle so it’s like alright, i’ll chill out for a while and try to not to stress about the next exam for 2 hours. I think the same thing happened last year with 2 different exams, can’t remember which ones. It’s a pretty sad life for those who did bio and further 3/4 though, imagine having both on the same day!
That's frustrating but it's good you have a break in the middle.

i’m NOT looking forward to december the 12th. Probably the day when my parents will skin me alive and hang my organs from the ceiling when they see my study scores, oh boy. But that’s still a while off and I like to think that day will never come :)

P.S. i really like your profile picture, cake is great
What's your favourite kind of cake? ;D


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #106 on: November 13, 2019, 05:46:14 pm »
What's your favourite kind of cake? ;D
Hmm... that's an extremely hard question because I love almost all cake. I would say I love caramel mud cake but I've had that so many times recently I don't think I could have anymore. The classic chocolate cake is always great, but not my favourite. OH I almost forgot to mention I love cheesecake! Black forest is another classic I can eat any day. I like my mum's banana or carrot cake on days I'm feeling healthy (I know technically it's not healthy, but it makes me feel healthier than eating other types of cake). And the quick cake mixes you use when you don't have much time but you're craving cake - they're pretty good considering they aren't homemade. Honestly, anything from the cheesecake shop is great. I remember when I was younger I would have the cakes with pictures of My Little Pony and other stuff printed onto it (this was like when I was 3). I don't think I could ever choose a favourite cake!

I KNOW I posted 2 days ago, but I'd like to post again. Hope everyone's day has been good so far!

We have a double tomorrow, but our teacher is going to be away. Plus, I think English is a subject where you can basically make up your essay and still get, at the bare minimum, 5/10. I just need to memorise some quotes, then I can make up whatever in the exam. I don't think I'm really going to practice for this exam, I just want to pass all my exams (at least 70%) except chem, which I reckon I'll likely fail if I don't start studying. The English exam is this Friday, so in two days, and I haven't actually started doing anything for the exam, or any of my exams, for that matter. Oops. Maybe I'll stop procrastinating and start some revision today. I also forgot the plot of the book we're doing for text response, so SparkNotes is coming to the rescue!

We had our last lesson today, and I can't say I'm sad, but I'm not that happy either. I'm a little nervous for next year, I hope the maths doesn't get too difficult. Our teacher gave us the 3/4 methods exam 1 paper to look through. From my perspective, it certainly looked doable and there were some questions on there that our class could have done (1/2 methods stuff). Apparently, the answer to the last question was 1 and my teacher was complaining because there was complex maths involved with getting to the answer but people could have just guessed 1 and got a/the mark. I'm worried since this year's methods exam wasn't that hard, next year's exam will be hard. Big yikes!

We had our last chem lesson yesterday, finally! Chem has been such a drag and I'm glad it's finally over. Phew! I really don't like 1/2 chem and a lot of the content is really bland, besides organic chem, which is quite fun. I'm actually convinced I'll fail the chem exam (I mean fail fail, <50%) because of my lack of interest and consequent lack of paying attention in class. Our teacher set questions from the textbook for homework each lesson, but no one really does them because he never really checks anyway and no one can be bothered. I'm aiming for 50% on the chem exam (me being hopeful) and I can't wait for next year where the content is better. Of course, apart from the first area of study, where you have to learn about all the fuel stuff, which seems like the only bland part of the chem course in 3/4.

Today we went over our tests for gene stuff/pedigrees (I don't know the name of the AOS whoops). It wasn't bad - I wasn't really expecting anything because at the time I did the test it was a week before the psychology exam so I didn't really care about my other subjects. It had a group part to it and an independent test. We also got back our body systems assignments (I think I did cystic fibrosis? I have bad memory and I can't be bothered finding the assignment and checking what disease I did it on). It was a really fun task - we got to draw the body systems and I coloured mine in. Labelling wasn't as fun, since they were supposed to be super detailed and took up like 1 and a half pages, but it was fun to learn about it. Although I can't remember much of what I learnt ;D

Honestly, I feel so tired right now and I want to sleep. I think I might just do that after I memorise some quotes for English. Plus, my head hurts :'(. The legal 3/4 teacher at our school brought in her dog on the day of the legal exam, so we all got to pat her! Dogs are precious and deserve the world. Today, one of the physics teachers brought in his dog. He was massive, literally a bear. An Irish Wolfhound, if I recall correctly. I patted him too. Such a docile dog. The legal teacher's dog was more lively in that she wanted to sniff everyone and everything. The legal kids even bought her a costume and took photos and videos of the dog in it. It was adorable! Honestly, teachers bringing in their dogs for the whole day on the day of their subject's exam should be a rule - it's so therapeutic and plus everyone gets to play with them in the end. I wish my psych teacher had brought in one of her three dogs on the day of the psych exam. All three is always preferred, though :D.

Shower thought #1
I've been thinking, does VCAA not proofread the exams? To all methods students, they were lucky they found that mistake before the exam started, but if they hadn't, that would have wasted precious time during the exam, right? I don't understand how they can make such obvious mistakes in exam questions. I thought they'd proofread questions like at least twice, as well as going through answers for each question together so there aren't any multiple choice questions with 2 or more answers. I know the chief assessor/whoever does the exam while we do the exam, but it doesn't hurt to get some other people to go through the exam before the exam is sat by students. I mean, it wastes precious time in the exam if there's 2 correct answers for mcqs and you've been sitting there for 5 minutes trying to come up with which one is the right answer when both were right anyway. I'm just curious as to how exams are proofread if such mistakes occur almost every year for so many subjects haha.
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #107 on: November 13, 2019, 05:53:59 pm »
Doggos and caramel mudcake. You're my kind of person whys. ;D

Also, all your bio stuff sounds so interesting. Such a shame that none of the good content (cough cough genetics) is in 3/4.

Good luck memorising your English quotes!


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #108 on: November 24, 2019, 12:47:56 pm »
Doggos and caramel mudcake. You're my kind of person whys. ;D
Who doesn't like dogs and caramel mudcake? :D

How'd the Yr 11 exams go, Whys?
Just putting this out there, I didn't study for my bio and methods tech able exams at all - I was too lazy and watching Grey's Anatomy. I studied for the others, meaning I did 1 practice exam and read my notes the day before the exam. So, as you can tell, I really didn't care. However, I finished all my exams at least 45 minutes early. Our english exam, which is 3 essays in 3 hours, I finished an hour early! I was really confused because I expected to be pushed for time. I was so bored I started highlighting my page. The chem and bio exams were sort of hard, and I'm glad a lot of the stuff doesn't carry over to 3/4. The methods exams were easy (for me). There's not much to say about them, but I'll be curiously waiting until exam feedback time for my scores because I genuinely don't know an estimate for my scores for bio and chem. I know in methods tech free I only lost 1 mark, and it was a silly mistake too :(. I was so frustrated after the exam when I realised what I had done, so rip me. Hopefully, I don't do the same thing next year! I'm just really glad everything is over and I'm excited for the break before year 12.

I'm super excited for next year because I love all my subjects a lot, and I definitely will try hard next year and WILL study more haha. The only reason I neglected my subjects so much this year was because they were 1/2s and I didn't care about them (hence I played crossy road in all my chem classes oops, can't blame me because chem 1/2 was so dry). I know it's not an excuse but it's a good enough excuse for me!
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #109 on: December 14, 2019, 09:56:01 pm »
Hi friends, long time no see! I wanted to get an update in before christmas. I went to the iCanMed free session today and honestly I zoned out a lot and and was super bored at times. Overall it was ehh, and nothing they said was new to me and it was just general stuff about the UCAT.

I was super tired when I got home, around 7, but I still ended up playing video games for 2 hours haha. Feels bad because I didn’t study the last few days, but to be fair results did come out and my grandma came to Australia from overseas.

I hope everyone has a merry christmas and a great new year!!!
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #110 on: December 14, 2019, 11:09:11 pm »
Congrats on your 50 in Psych!!!


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #111 on: December 15, 2019, 12:31:57 am »
Is spamming practice exams the only way to study for exams? Especially for psych. I have no idea how people get 50's in this subject. I can never get above 90% on a practice exam and this doesn't feel great. At all. I feel like my hard work throughout the year has amounted to nothing and I have no idea how people write such perfect responses on the exam. What magic potion are you using? Can I have some?
Call me a creep or whatever but I love looking back at other people's journal entries and seeing how far they've come. I just wanted to remind you of this post. Guess what! You're now one of those people! Please teach us your ways! You've come so far and you should be sooooooooooo proud. Thank you for being real in your journal, it's very motivating :)


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #112 on: December 15, 2019, 01:48:57 pm »
Congrats on your 50 in Psych!!!
Thank you! :D

Call me a creep or whatever but I love looking back at other people's journal entries and seeing how far they've come. I just wanted to remind you of this post. Guess what! You're now one of those people! Please teach us your ways! You've come so far and you should be sooooooooooo proud. Thank you for being real in your journal, it's very motivating :)
Oh yes - I remember making that post and feeling hopeless - still can’t believe I’m one of those people! I can definitely say you don’t need to take any magic potion and don’t need to get 100% in practice exams to ace the real thing. I’m glad you enjoy my journal!!! ;D
p.s. you aren’t a creep hahaha
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #113 on: December 16, 2019, 04:51:05 pm »
Goddamn. Congrats on ur 50, you worked hard for it and 100% deserved it. Well done and good luck for yr 12
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #114 on: December 16, 2019, 05:30:53 pm »
Goddamn. Congrats on ur 50, you worked hard for it and 100% deserved it. Well done and good luck for yr 12
Thank you so much! Gratz on your 44 in psych and 48 in eco - they are amazing scores!! And congrats on your atar!  Good luck for uni!

P.S. does anyone feel over possessive of past sacs, notes, practice exams and more of subjects they have completed and don’t want to throw them out but at the same time they don’t really serve much of a purpose anymore anyway?
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #115 on: December 16, 2019, 06:13:14 pm »
P.S. does anyone feel over possessive of past sacs, notes, practice exams and more of subjects they have completed and don’t want to throw them out but at the same time they don’t really serve much of a purpose anymore anyway?

Yes! I still have 20 completed bio practise exams sitting under my bed, but I don't have the heart to throw them out. I will eventually but I think I will keep my SACS  :) :)
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #116 on: December 16, 2019, 06:15:57 pm »

P.S. does anyone feel over possessive of past sacs, notes, practice exams and more of subjects they have completed and don’t want to throw them out but at the same time they don’t really serve much of a purpose anymore anyway?

I was dyinggggg to throw out my methods practise exams after my exams, I had SO many! I just had to get rid of them!
But in terms of SACs and notes, I keep them all  :D

And congrats on your amazing psych score! Good luck for next year  ;D
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 06:18:27 pm by ArtyDreams »


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #117 on: December 17, 2019, 09:05:39 pm »
Do you have any tips for completing bio 3/4 in yr 11


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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #118 on: December 18, 2019, 11:24:05 am »
Yes! I still have 20 completed bio practise exams sitting under my bed, but I don't have the heart to throw them out. I will eventually but I think I will keep my SACS  :) :)
I juuust threw away my practice exams, and it was hard. Goodbye old pals :(. And yeah I’m definitely keeping my SACs, even though I have no use for them!!

I was dyinggggg to throw out my methods practise exams after my exams, I had SO many! I just had to get rid of them!
But in terms of SACs and notes, I keep them all  :D

And congrats on your amazing psych score! Good luck for next year  ;D
Omg really?? I found it super hard throw away basically anything related to my 3/4s. Good on you for being able to throw away practice exams as soon as the exam was over haha. Thank you! Good luck to you too :)

Do you have any tips for completing bio 3/4 in yr 11
Hey! I didn’t do bio 3/4 in year 11, but I did do psych. Make sure you know the content inside out and do tons of practice questions! You can never go wrong with them. Also try to make your own notes - it’s a great way to consolidate knowledge. Some people don’t and they do fine - whatever works for you! I think it’s also a good idea to create a study group with a few people who you work well with and study together in the lead up to SACs and exams. I did this for both my 3/4s and it worked really well!! Ask your teacher or peers if you have any doubts as it’s important to get them cleared up early. Sometimes I’d go ahead of the class - just a bit - so I could use class time to consolidate and work more productively. I wasn’t ahead all the time, just sometimes when I could be bothered doing more work. Remember to keep a balance too. Eat healthy, exercise (neither of which I did and I should have done this whoops), and do other things aside from studying. I go to dance classes and participated in dance events, went to St John and I was a member of quite a few clubs at my school. Not everything in VCE is about studying! Good luck for year 11, I hope you smash the ball out the park.
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Re: The Adventures of VCE | whys' journal
« Reply #119 on: December 18, 2019, 11:26:46 am »
P.S. does anyone feel over possessive of past sacs, notes, practice exams and more of subjects they have completed and don’t want to throw them out but at the same time they don’t really serve much of a purpose anymore anyway?

I've kept mine so I can use them as inspiration for making resources for students