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Author Topic: whys' VCE journal  (Read 82979 times)

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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #270 on: August 04, 2020, 04:12:38 pm »
Hey whys! Your vce journal is so damn inspiring and reading it always makes me so motivated to study. Keep up your AMAZING work and I'm sure you'll go above and beyond your expectations. Also about the early mornings not working maybe try sleeping a lot earlier for a few days and you will automatically wake up early. I'm a morning person now (9pm-5am sleep) but I used to sleep at 11pm and wake up at like 10am lol
Keep being incredible and I'm looking forward to more updates  ;D
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #271 on: August 23, 2020, 01:16:32 pm »
kat05 and homeworkisapotato
Wow! I love reading your VCE journal :) I have briefly read it and tbh it's very inspiring, especially the goals you've written down :D
And about the fatigue, I can relate 100% - I feel so tired all the time, but I really want to get work done!! Hope you accomplish your tasks and maybe try breaking them up into little chunks, that could help?
Thank you so much. :) That's how I'm trying to approach it - little steps that will hopefully go a long way!

Hey whys! Your vce journal is so damn inspiring and reading it always makes me so motivated to study. Keep up your AMAZING work and I'm sure you'll go above and beyond your expectations. Also about the early mornings not working maybe try sleeping a lot earlier for a few days and you will automatically wake up early. I'm a morning person now (9pm-5am sleep) but I used to sleep at 11pm and wake up at like 10am lol
Keep being incredible and I'm looking forward to more updates  ;D
Thanks for the reply! I need to get my sleep schedule in check, I usually sleep around 1am which is probably not very good. I'll take your advice and try to apply it to real life, it would be much nicer to wake up earlier!
Just another day
Everyone else is updating their journals and I'm going to join the bandwagon. I don't want to make this too long, and I don't have too many positive things to say anyway because I've gone through a lot of negative things and I don't want that to reflect in my journal. I'll start with the bad stuff and get that out of the way. I have a lot of SACs coming up and I've barely started studying for them. For the last 3-4 weeks, I didn't really do much studying - I just slept and watched TV after school. I couldn't bring myself to do anything, so the work has piled up a lot for me and I'm really behind for all my subjects. I don't think I'll be able to do any practice exams this term because I'm just so over school and over everything, and I need to catch up first as well. My mental health has not been great but I'm starting to try out this meditation thing which has really helped.

Let's move onto the good stuff. I got my English SAC back (comparative argument analysis) and I actually didn't do badly. As someone who sucks at English, I took one look at that score and started celebrating. Obviously I'm going to butcher the comparative SAC coming up but whatever, I'll take the little wins along the way. We had our bio SAC recently and it was pretty easy, so I'm hoping for full marks (or maybe I lost a few because of silly mistakes). I didn't do too well on the methods tech-able SAC but I didn't do too bad either, so I think if I start working harder I'd be on track to a 40+. The chemistry SAC we had recently also wasn't too bad. I know I lost 2 marks though so I'm expecting something like 35+/40. My grades have slowly been dropping, and I don't think I'll make it into my desired course anyway. I say I'm so desperate to get in but I still continue to procrastinate and waste away my time. I'm hoping at least one uni in Australia takes me (I'm applying to all of them that offer med). I'd really prefer to stay in Victoria but I'm not opposed to moving interstate if that's what it takes to study medicine, although it may be hard. Applications are more stressful than I expected because so many unis require all sorts of different forms and separate applications that aren't via the TACs, and keeping track of it all is proving to be quite difficult! My family is very supportive though so they're helping me along the way, especially with deciding which uni I'd prefer over the others in the different states. What's a little more stressful is that interviews are just around the corner, and so are exams. I'll have no rest after exams and will move straight onto full-blown interview prep. I just hope it's enough, because I know what I'm currently doing isn't enough but I can't bring myself to do anymore and I just feel so burnt out.

VTAC preferences:

6/8 are at Monash, unsurprisingly
1. Medicine - School Leaver Entry (Monash University, Clayton)          
2. Medicine - CSP Extended Rural Cohort School Leaver Entry (Monash University, Clayton)         
3. Medicine - CSP Bonded School Leaver Entry (Monash University, Clayton)         
4. Biomedical Science (Monash University, Clayton)         
5. Science (Monash University, Clayton)         
6. Psychology (Honours) (Monash University, Clayton)         
7. Dental Science (Honours) (La Trobe University, Bendigo)         
8. Science/Veterinary Medicine (University Of Melbourne (The), Parkville)
A lot of my friends put down degrees to do with radiography, medical imaging and physio, but to be completely honest I don't think those courses interest me as much as the ones above. I know I'll probably still move around the order of some of my lower preferences, or maybe even add and remove a few, but for now, I'm happy with the above. I know if I don't get into med in Vic or any other state I'll definitely get into biomed or science, so my backup plans are a pretty solid foundation for non-standard entry into medicine or graduate entry into medicine later down the road. Honestly, my preferences lower down are just fillers for my own peace of mind since I wouldn't want to leave any spots empty.

I saw this on sarangiya's journal, and am deciding to steal it for myself. :P An order of things I wanted to pursue as a career:

A definitive list of everyone I have wanted to be
4 years old - A dragon trainer. I vehemently believed they still existed somewhere and that I'd secretly raise my own dragons.
7 years old - A vet, an astronaut and a pilot for helicopters. How do I know? My mum showed me videos when I was younger talking about my dreams to open up my own vet clinic where I'd have a helicopter landing pad to transport sick animals from far away. I think lots of kids wanted to be an astronaut because the idea of exploring outer space seems super fun at that age. I very distinctly remember wanting to be a vet for the longest period of time when I was younger (due do my love for animals).
10 years old - Marine biologist AND the person that would cure cancer and win a Nobel Prize for it. I wish I still had some of that fiery ambition today!
12 years old - An animator for Disney, an author and a vet. I really love drawing - in my early high school years you'd never find maths in my maths books. Only pages and pages of drawings and characters and stories. I'd tried my hand at animating too.
15 years old - When I seriously started considering medicine as a potential option. I was still really stuck between having a career to do with animals or with humans. I still held on to the belief that I'd grow up to be an author too.
Now - I know I want to do medicine after school, and if I don't get in, perhaps I'll have the choice to explore other career options while still trying for med. I want to publish some writing too, so I guess the part of me that wanted to be an author hadn't died out at least. I've wanted to start an art account on Instagram but have procrastinating making it too.

The more I think about this, the more I realise it's true. When I look back at previous highschool years, I never remember the times when I got the highest score in the cohort, or got 90% on that exam, or got this study score or that study score. These are all obviously very important things to me and I'd be lying if I was saying that doing well in school wasn't my primary focus this year. But I never remember these memories very fondly. What I do remember is the times we picked up rubbish on the beach for the whole day, played frisbee on the beach and ate ice cream afterwards, and the time we volunteered at The Salvation Army on that sweltering, burning day and were reminded of the good people in the world. I remember the times when we dissected that rat together and had so much fun doing it, and when we were shivering in our tents playing cards in the Northern Territory. Because it's these memories you take with you, and the friends you make along the way that make it all worth it. You can worry about grades all you want, but if that's the only thing you do then you aren't going to look back over highschool and remember a lot of good things. It's the times you spent doing fun things and silly things, not the time you spent studying for that SAC or exam or test. Grades do matter, but they aren't the only thing that does matter. To anyone reading this journal, I know it's been tough with everything going on this year. Take a break - go on a walk, call your friends, watch a movie or play a board game with your family. I've been doing all these things and it doesn't feel like I've been staring at my computer screen all day anymore. We're social creatures and no matter how much you enjoy being alone, you should reach out and keep in touch with the people you love.

I hope everyone stays safe and has a great week. :)
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #272 on: August 23, 2020, 01:31:59 pm »
Hey whys,
I love to read your journals. It just sparks joy within me and the way you write is just so... touching and sentimental. Your journals inspire me to also reflect upon my own self and how far I've come as a student.
Yeah, I agree with what you've said as well - school isn't just about academia, but also cherishing the memories you hold with your friends. Looking back, I honestly wished I had been a bit more brave and made some more memories during year 7.
Congratulations on your English SAC score! I'm sure you've worked so hard on it and irrespective of your percentage, you should be proud of your results.
Touching on what homeworkisapotato wrote, I also read your journals to gain motivation to study. You're truly an icon for myself and for many others. And I cannot thank you enough for your contributions on the psych forum and taking your time to assist others for their studies.

I can't wait for another journal update soon! Best of luck for your end of year exams.
Marylen's VCE journal

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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #273 on: August 23, 2020, 03:02:15 pm »
Hi whys,
Everyone will feel demotivated at some point in the year and it's totally normal (especially with the online schooling and lack of face to face interactions). I know this won't help (and this is very hypocritical of me) but please don't beat yourself up about it! I promise that you are probably doing more than you think you are and sometimes, giving yourself a rest will help you academically in the long run. It's good to have a bit of a slow period now so that you don't burn out when exams come along. Of course, good work on the chem, bio and especially english SACs!

Also, continue to stay positive for med because you have an incredibly high chance of getting in given your passion and not to mention that awesome UCAT score (a BIG congratulations by the way  8)) I totally believe and am gunning for you to get a place in med, you've got this! At the end of the day you will get where you are meant to be in the medical field and I can't wait to see where your uni course will take you.

Finally, that last paragraph really made my day. You are totally right, as much as we all want to focus on our academics this year it is ultimately our memories and the beautiful people that have made us laugh that actually mean everything. I think we all need to be reminded of this more especially during confinement.
8) - Choco
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #274 on: August 23, 2020, 03:33:26 pm »
Hey whys!

My grades have slowly been dropping, and I don't think I'll make it into my desired course anyway.
Please don't say this. You've proven your dedication and determination countless times, such as achieving an amazing UCAT score with so much hard work. You have a very very high chance of getting in so keep going, until you get there. It's really tough but if you just push through, I believe you can make it in the end. Your hard work WILL be paid off. You're so strong and I know that you've got this!
It's normal to be feeling this way. I'm feeling it as well. But, it's good to just have this time to rejuvenate as Choco said so that you have enough energy to make it through to exams and the interview. YOU CAN DO IT!!

It's great meditation is working for you! I really should try it sometime soon as well as my stress levels are peaking.

Amazing job on your english mark and on completing your sacs! Super proud of you!  ;D

Now that I think about it, that last part is true save for the one mark or two.  :P In 10 years time, I'll be cherishing those jubilant memories of hanging out with my family and friends. I mean, sacs and exams are just there to get us to where we want in life, they themselves aren't that important (in my opinion anyway). That last part hit home because I'm not an extremely extroverted person but I'm always bugging my family to talk.  :P

Thank you for the update whys and have an awesome week!


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #275 on: August 23, 2020, 03:43:42 pm »
Haiii whys! I really truly love your reading your updates, they are so enjoyable to read!

First off, congrats on your english mark! It is definetely something you should be proud of!
It is so normal to feel demotivated! Year 12 is such a tough year and I think its important to take a break too.

I'm positive that you will achieve your goals, just keep at it! You've got this.

Also, that last paragraph really really made me smile! I think we all forget this, but the memories made are so much more important in the long run than the numbers we always get so caught up in. Lets hope that we will be back at school soon and able to create even more memories to look back on!

Have an awesome week whys!  :D


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #276 on: September 03, 2020, 07:22:56 am »
Hey whys! Really late reply but I just wanted to say that you're so resilient and dedicated to your goals and I know it seems like there's no time for rest but you can do it! It's completely normal to feel demotivated in these times but there's only a few more weeks until school hopefully reopens again.

Your paragraph about treasuring your friends was so inspiring (honestly just become a motivational speaker fam you've got it in you) and you're absolutely right that it's about the memories you make with your loved ones, not all about the marks.

I hope you're doing well now and I was wondering how's your sleep schedule going?
Have a great week!

Edit: DUDE I read your language journal and we're both Tamil!
« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 07:24:58 am by homeworkisapotato »
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #277 on: September 11, 2020, 11:26:18 pm »
I'm so sorry everyone! I've forgotten to reply to these so I'm doing it now. I just want to say, I read over all of your replies multiple times and they've made me so much more happy on the inside. Your replies mean a lot and I value your support and kindness. Thank you for taking the time, all of you, to comment on my journal - they've been very uplifting and inspiring to read, and it's something I appreciate a lot.

Hey whys,
I love to read your journals. It just sparks joy within me and the way you write is just so... touching and sentimental. Your journals inspire me to also reflect upon my own self and how far I've come as a student.
Yeah, I agree with what you've said as well - school isn't just about academia, but also cherishing the memories you hold with your friends. Looking back, I honestly wished I had been a bit more brave and made some more memories during year 7.
Congratulations on your English SAC score! I'm sure you've worked so hard on it and irrespective of your percentage, you should be proud of your results.
Touching on what homeworkisapotato wrote, I also read your journals to gain motivation to study. You're truly an icon for myself and for many others. And I cannot thank you enough for your contributions on the psych forum and taking your time to assist others for their studies.

I can't wait for another journal update soon! Best of luck for your end of year exams.
Hi Marylen, this means so much to me! Thank you for your kind words - THEY sparked joy in me! ;D I'm so, so glad I could be of help and that you enjoy reading my updates, but more importantly, that they're a source of motivation. That's okay - you can definitely make more memories and have fun no matter when in your life you're at. I hope you have a wonderful week and all the best for upcoming exam preparation!

Hi whys,
Everyone will feel demotivated at some point in the year and it's totally normal (especially with the online schooling and lack of face to face interactions). I know this won't help (and this is very hypocritical of me) but please don't beat yourself up about it! I promise that you are probably doing more than you think you are and sometimes, giving yourself a rest will help you academically in the long run. It's good to have a bit of a slow period now so that you don't burn out when exams come along. Of course, good work on the chem, bio and especially english SACs!

Also, continue to stay positive for med because you have an incredibly high chance of getting in given your passion and not to mention that awesome UCAT score (a BIG congratulations by the way  8)) I totally believe and am gunning for you to get a place in med, you've got this! At the end of the day you will get where you are meant to be in the medical field and I can't wait to see where your uni course will take you.

Finally, that last paragraph really made my day. You are totally right, as much as we all want to focus on our academics this year it is ultimately our memories and the beautiful people that have made us laugh that actually mean everything. I think we all need to be reminded of this more especially during confinement.
8) - Choco
Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement Choco, it means a lot. :D Haha, I guess we both need to stop worrying about demotivation and not meeting expectations. Thanks for believing in me (some random girl on the internet!) - you put a smile on my face. I can't wait to see where uni takes you as well, you are honestly so hardworking and determined and I know you'll go places. I hope you had a great day today and have a great day every day after this one.

Hey whys!
Please don't say this. You've proven your dedication and determination countless times, such as achieving an amazing UCAT score with so much hard work. You have a very very high chance of getting in so keep going, until you get there. It's really tough but if you just push through, I believe you can make it in the end. Your hard work WILL be paid off. You're so strong and I know that you've got this!
It's normal to be feeling this way. I'm feeling it as well. But, it's good to just have this time to rejuvenate as Choco said so that you have enough energy to make it through to exams and the interview. YOU CAN DO IT!!

It's great meditation is working for you! I really should try it sometime soon as well as my stress levels are peaking.

Amazing job on your english mark and on completing your sacs! Super proud of you!  ;D

Now that I think about it, that last part is true save for the one mark or two.  :P In 10 years time, I'll be cherishing those jubilant memories of hanging out with my family and friends. I mean, sacs and exams are just there to get us to where we want in life, they themselves aren't that important (in my opinion anyway). That last part hit home because I'm not an extremely extroverted person but I'm always bugging my family to talk.  :P

Thank you for the update whys and have an awesome week!
Thank you so much Evolio! That was especially motivating to read for me, just hearing that someone believes in me can go a long way. I know we share that same passion for medicine and I believe in you too - I know you can make it to wherever you want to and I believe in you too. Yes - definitely try out meditation! It's much more helpful than I expected and gets me into the mood to do some focused study too. I share that opinion. :P You can't get back these times so might as well spend most of it having fun (while of course spending time studying haha!) and no matter who you are interaction can be really rejuvenating.

Haiii whys! I really truly love your reading your updates, they are so enjoyable to read!

First off, congrats on your english mark! It is definetely something you should be proud of!
It is so normal to feel demotivated! Year 12 is such a tough year and I think its important to take a break too.

I'm positive that you will achieve your goals, just keep at it! You've got this.

Also, that last paragraph really really made me smile! I think we all forget this, but the memories made are so much more important in the long run than the numbers we always get so caught up in. Lets hope that we will be back at school soon and able to create even more memories to look back on!

Have an awesome week whys!  :D
Thanks ArtyDreams! I love reading your journal too. You all are so very kind for believing in me, gives me that warm fuzzy feeling on the inside even though I don't even know you. Yep - hopefully we can go back to school in term 4 and cases don't surge up again. I know you'll reach your goals too, so keep at it Arty! I hope you have a wonderful week and remember to take breaks as well.

Hey whys! Really late reply but I just wanted to say that you're so resilient and dedicated to your goals and I know it seems like there's no time for rest but you can do it! It's completely normal to feel demotivated in these times but there's only a few more weeks until school hopefully reopens again.

Your paragraph about treasuring your friends was so inspiring (honestly just become a motivational speaker fam you've got it in you) and you're absolutely right that it's about the memories you make with your loved ones, not all about the marks.

I hope you're doing well now and I was wondering how's your sleep schedule going?
Have a great week!

Edit: DUDE I read your language journal and we're both Tamil!
Thanks for the reply homeworkisapotato. I don't think I'm very resilient but I like to believe I am sometimes, haha. :P A motivational speaker, I don't know about that, but why not give it a try now that I think about it? Marks matter but memories and people matter more. My sleep schedule is better now because it's consistent! I don't exactly sleep more but it's much better since I'm not fluctuating even if I still sleep relatively late. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to try and sleep earlier so I can wake up earlier. Small steps, right? ;)
And wow, we share more in common than I thought! Have a wonderful week fellow Tamilian.

Once again, thank you for your replies! I can't thank you guys enough, they were really something to read when I was feeling extremely down and every time after that when I've felt similarly.
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #278 on: September 18, 2020, 01:08:47 pm »
Quick update
Hey everyone! I just wanted to make a short journal entry because I don't know/don't think I'll make one over the holidays. I've done my English trial exam and I have 2 more SACs to go for the year, which will both be next term. Not really thinking of studying for the GAT, I think I'll just walk into the exam hall and hope for the best. :P Something I've definitely noticed is the workload of having multiple 3/4 subjects compared to only 2 last year. I felt like I had so much more time to do stuff and I could take my time in revising, but this year it feels like there's no time at all! I really need to get a start on practice exams. I think I'll do my first few when holidays officially start on Monday, and take this weekend to revise the content and chill out a bit. I still can't believe exams are coming up already! This year honestly went by in the blink of an eye. With regards to exam preparation, I don't really have a set number of practice exams I want to do for each subject. I think I'm just going to do at least 10 for each (except English, God knows I won't be sitting through a 3 hour 15 minute exam 10 times). I feel a bit disorganised with everything but I think I'm just going to roll with it. I made myself a checklist of everything I want to get done, but looking at it is daunting because there's just so much stuff on it and I really don't think I'll be able to finish everything. Not to mention I have to start looking at interview preparation… which I haven't started and have been neglecting. Oh, reminds me, I still have to do uni applications, which is looming over me too. I think that's what I'll do over the weekend so I can get all those pesky forms done and won't have to worry about them later on.

I honestly can't wait till lockdown is over. I just want to see all my friends again, it's never the same over call. Once the vaccine for COVID is out and everyone is vaccinated I'm literally going to go on holiday and never come back haha, I just want to get out somewhere away from the house, meet my friends, and be able to go outside without the fear of catching the virus. Once exams are over I think I'll just curl up in a massive ball on the couch and read. I absolutely love reading but I haven't gotten to do much of it, and reading for a certain amount every day is never as fun as finishing an entire book/series in one sitting. I think there's a lot of stuff I'm going to do once exams are over, and thinking about has got me all excited, but I still need to survive exams first. I've got my fingers crossed that uni next year won't be online and we won't miss out on all the fun stuff at the start of the year.

I hope everyone stays safe over the holidays and gets some much-needed rest and rejuvenation.
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #279 on: September 18, 2020, 03:01:19 pm »
An update yayyyy!

I hope you enjoy your holidays Whys. Your right revsion feels so tight! My bio teacher set an exam every day (except 2 days) of the holidays as a guide since most people doing bio are year 11s  :P it’d be bliss to have all that time. I honestly wish I could sit around and continue doing Chem and bio exams but psych, methods and English (which I haven’t even touched) will come back to bite me :(

But your a pro so I’m sure you’ll do amazing even if you only did one exam  ;) unlike me who will fail with 50 lol
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 03:03:03 pm by Coolgalbornin03Lo »
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #280 on: September 18, 2020, 05:11:50 pm »
Hi whys!!
I think I'll do my first few when holidays officially start on Monday, and take this weekend to revise the content and chill out a bit. I still can't believe exams are coming up already! This year honestly went by in the blink of an eye. With regards to exam preparation, I don't really have a set number of practice exams I want to do for each subject. I think I'm just going to do at least 10 for each (except English, God knows I won't be sitting through a 3 hour 15 minute exam 10 times). I feel a bit disorganised with everything but I think I'm just going to roll with it. I made myself a checklist of everything I want to get done, but looking at it is daunting because there's just so much stuff on it and I really don't think I'll be able to finish everything. Not to mention I have to start looking at interview preparation… which I haven't started and have been neglecting. Oh, reminds me, I still have to do uni applications, which is looming over me too. I think that's what I'll do over the weekend so I can get all those pesky forms done and won't have to worry about them later on.
That's a great plan! I understand that you're feeling disorganised but I think it's great that you're not a paranoid planner like me and you just start instead of just planning all the time. I also think it's great that you're taking the weekend mostly off to rejuvenate! All the best with uni applications and all them practice exams, I know you'll do great!!

I absolutely love reading but I haven't gotten to do much of it, and reading for a certain amount every day is never as fun as finishing an entire book/series in one sitting.
Same!! What are your favourite books?

I hope you have an amazing holiday and come back to Term 4 all fresh and happy <3
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #281 on: October 01, 2020, 05:01:10 pm »
An update yayyyy!

I hope you enjoy your holidays Whys. Your right revsion feels so tight! My bio teacher set an exam every day (except 2 days) of the holidays as a guide since most people doing bio are year 11s  :P it’d be bliss to have all that time. I honestly wish I could sit around and continue doing Chem and bio exams but psych, methods and English (which I haven’t even touched) will come back to bite me :(

But your a pro so I’m sure you’ll do amazing even if you only did one exam  ;) unlike me who will fail with 50 lol
Thank you! And wowie, an exam every day, definitely for the year 11s! I wish I had the time for that! And please don't say that - you're a hardworking person and with all the revision you're doing, I'm sure you'll be fine. Keep at it Elle. :)

Hi whys!!That's a great plan! I understand that you're feeling disorganised but I think it's great that you're not a paranoid planner like me and you just start instead of just planning all the time. I also think it's great that you're taking the weekend mostly off to rejuvenate! All the best with uni applications and all them practice exams, I know you'll do great!!
Same!! What are your favourite books?

I hope you have an amazing holiday and come back to Term 4 all fresh and happy <3
Thank you! I love Sarah J Maas' books, not sure if you've heard of her but if you like reading things in the fantasy genre then I recommend reading some of her series. What books do you enjoy?? All the best for exam revision.

Thanks homeworkisapotato and Elle for the replies. ;D

1st Oct
The days are going by really quickly, and it feels like holidays just started yesterday. Some days I sit around for a while and it's already dinnertime, some days I get to squeeze in some study. I don't know how it came to be this way, but I hope going back to school will help motivate me to study more. I honestly can't wait to see my teachers face-to-face, but most importantly I miss my friends and I miss the light-hearted environment at school. Other than that, there's not much to update with; life is just moving along at a snail's pace and I'm going along with it. Feels quite surreal that I'll be graduating this year, I don't think my mind has processed that yet. This is an update but it isn't, I just wanted to jot down some of my thoughts before I left. I hope everyone stays safe, and remember not to study too hard!
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #282 on: October 03, 2020, 06:02:00 pm »
Hey whys!
Thank you! I love Sarah J Maas' books, not sure if you've heard of her but if you like reading things in the fantasy genre then I recommend reading some of her series. What books do you enjoy?? All the best for exam revision.
I love Sarah J Maas' books! We have a lot in common  ;D
I love her Throne of Glass series and ACOTAR series, but I'm kinda meh with her Crescent City book. I also love urban fantasy books (especially the Kate Daniels series it's sooo good). Thank you!! All the best for your exam revision, you're so hardworking you'll succeed in meeting your goals for sure <3
Stay safe!
2020: Biology [43]
2021: Methods, Chemistry, HHD, English, Further
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #283 on: October 16, 2020, 04:45:25 pm »
Hey whys! I love Sarah J Maas' books! We have a lot in common  ;D
I love her Throne of Glass series and ACOTAR series, but I'm kinda meh with her Crescent City book. I also love urban fantasy books (especially the Kate Daniels series it's sooo good). Thank you!! All the best for your exam revision, you're so hardworking you'll succeed in meeting your goals for sure <3
Stay safe!
Throne of Glass is by far my favourite! ACOTAR is alright in my opinion, and I much prefer TOG. I do love Rhysand though. I haven't read Crescent City yet because I want to read it when a few books are out (I hate being left on a cliffhanger). I've never heard of that series before - I'll add that to my to-read list! Thanks potato, and the same can be said about you as well. I have full faith that you'll do amazingly. Thank you for the reply, and stay safe!!

Sunshine she's here, you can take a break

Hi guys! I'm almost 18 so I wanted to make a celebratory update. Of course, I've got a whole lot of depressing news to share, but I want this update to be lighthearted and fun, rather than documenting all my misery (which I've been doing for basically all my past updates). Maybe my next update can talk about how unprepared, unconfident and scared I feel with exams coming up!

We got our English trial exam scores back that we did on the holidays, and I got 52/60. I'm really happy with this because English is my second-worst subject (second-worst to none other than the wonderful chemistry) and it was apparently marked with the same harshness VCAA marks with, as it was marked by the Chief Examiner (or ex-chief examiner, I'm not too sure). I was absolutely shocked when I saw a 10/10 for section A, because it is by far my worst section and I'm very used to the way my teachers mark. I was really disappointed with my performances in section B and C though because I actually thought I was doing decently well in them but apparently not. :-[ Oh wait, I forgot - this is an update of positivity! Well, all I can say is that I'm going to work really hard on all sections so that by exam time I can feel confident in my writing abilities. I also got my comparative SAC back, and I also did well on that (surprisingly). So, I'm really happy to say that I've improved a ton in this subject.

Now, to biology. I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but I've been more and more upset with my performance in this subject. I've been dropping so many silly marks in all my SACs, and I could sense the disappointment within the way my teacher spoke to me. I did talk to her about it and she helped me feel a bit better and gave me advice though, so that's a plus! I enjoy biology and I'm going to try my very best to relearn all the content and all the little details in the content in time for the exam. There are just so many details, it feels so overwhelming. Especially plant defence and plant hormone stuff, I can never remember the information about auxins and gibberellins and all the other plant hormones.

Chemistry. Ah, my old friend. Now, I don't particularly enjoy chemistry. I do like unit 4, though. However, I'm going to get through practice exams and questions to identify everything I don't know so I can go and learn it. I need to get a grip on this subject, and I want to actually know what's going on in unit 3. Otherwise, I'm just sitting there, clueless all the time, while everyone else knows what's going on. This is my worst subject so I'm not expecting to do well, especially since I've slacked off during the year, but I want to do my best now so I'm somewhat prepared for the exam.

There really isn't much to say about methods. I've only done a few practice exams, and for maths, it's all about practice. Honestly, the only thing I'm going to be doing for methods is adding to my bound reference and doing practice exams. I keep making silly mistakes in exam 1, which is preventing me from getting the marks I want to, so I definitely need to somehow stop making silly mistakes. There isn't much content to this subject, which is very reassuring, but I know there's still a lot I need to revise for me.

Overall, I think I need to start studying for longer and stop procrastinating (though, I'm not sure I can ever stop procrastinating, which is the problem here). I'm not aiming for any specific ATAR anymore, I just want to try my very best now and give my best performance on the exam. That being said, I still have a specific ATAR and study score goals in my mind, something I don't think I can get rid of, but I'm trying to ignore these expectations so I can focus on quality study. Right now, it feels so overwhelming thinking of everything I don't know, but I'm going to work towards fixing the holes in my knowledge and perfect my exam technique for each subject. I also encourage all of you guys to look at the positives in your life. Sometimes, our pessimistic outlook can preclude us from realising how far we've come - something we should all definitely celebrate!

Predicting study scores is super fun (even if they make me sad), so here are my predictions:
English - 42
Biology - 45
Methods - 43
Chemistry - 37
I still remember last year when my predictions were wayyy off my actual study scores, and I ended up underestimating the score of one subject and overestimating the score of my other subject. Anyways, I want to see how accurate my guesses will be this year. Predicting is fun but I think it's important to always aim for the best study score so that you can do as well as you possibly can, and sometimes predictions prevent you from doing that.

I hope everyone is going well with exam prep, and remember, it's never too late to improve!
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #284 on: October 16, 2020, 05:25:21 pm »
Awww happy birthday! (For soon).

And 52/60 on an English exam?!?! You. Are. Amazing!!!!! That’s like a 45 study score equivalent!!!!! Especially with your amazing SACs throughout the year  ;)

And a 10/10 *jaw drops to ground* Section A is also my worse but mine is EXTREMLEY BAD! But I feel in my trial exam it may have been my best......

Predicting scores makes me sad also but I love it too!!! We differ in that you can DEFINITLEY achieve yours 😊😊 don’t stop believing music 🎶

Good luck why’s! I’m 110% sure you underestimating yourself and we’ll look back on this post and say woah!

Empathising with English Struggles
Also it’s really really good to hear you feel you’ve improved in English! You inspired me to do the same a few months back and although I’m probably nowhere near your 52/60 my teacher said my comparative sac is the best I’ve done all year!!! And that I’ve generally improved a lot! I really wonder how we will do..... 
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“I’m free to be the greatest one alive” ~ Sia
2020: English | Methods | Biology | Chemistry |              Psychology | ATAR: 0