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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #315 on: November 23, 2020, 07:44:53 pm »

Oh my god. 13 years of schooling are officially over. OVER. I never have to do a stupid SAC or VCE exam ever again in my life. I have a few months of absolute bliss before uni starts. This is crazy, and it feels like a dream. I’ve literally been waiting for this moment since 2 years ago haha!! That feeling when the supervisor said ‘pens down!’ at the end of the chem exam, my last exam, was indescribable.

Anyways, I’ve got a whole list of things I’m going to do, no longer burdened by any need to sit down and study.

Here is a (not comprehensive) list of those things.
1. Cry. And rip off all the study posters from my wall and watch those practice exams burn. Sell those textbooks asap. I want my house to be VCE free. Maybe I’ll keep a few things for the memories.
2. Play loads of video games.
3. Help renovate the backyard.
4. Watch movies.
5. READ. I have an extremely long list of books that would be impossible to finish even if I read 2 books a day, but I’m going to read as much as possible - I’ve missed it so much!!
6. Go out. Get out of the house with my family, as well as with my friends. My friends and I have an entire list of stuff we want to do together. Realistically, let’s hope we get to do at least half of them!! ;D
7. Prepare gifts for my teachers, which I’ve procrastinated doing.
8. Prepare gifts for my friends!! I have so many things I want to make them, so it’s time to get crafty and relive all our memories together!
9. I want to spend way more time with my family.
10. Eat a lot, cook a lot, bake a lot.
11. I’ve absolutely got to clean everything. How could I forget this one?! There’s so much to clean out.
12. Shopping. Although, this does go under going out with friends and family.
13. Sleep. And not just sleep - sleep in. I love sleeping in.

Interview prep is a thing. I’m going to try do it often. Even though I’ve no hope of getting in after my horrible performance on all the exams, it’s still not an opportunity to waste, especially since it’s good practice for non-standard/post-grad interviews when I try out for med in the future. I’ve got 2 interviews coming up in the near future (too close for comfort) so I’m excited to do them. Interviews really are quite fun - I enjoy them a lot, especially the ethical scenarios they give us.

So this is the juicy part. Since I’ve done all my exams I’m really keen to predict my scores (well, not keen, but I do want to). I don’t want to overestimate, and I want to see how close I can get to my actual scores. Here goes nothing!!
English - 38
Bio - 43
Methods - 39
Chem - 40

Chem feels like an overestimation but I felt the exam was extremely standard. VCAA didn’t deviate from their normal level of difficulty, but it was quite time consuming, and I finished pretty late. Considering chem is my worst subject, I was surprised by how I (think) I did on the exam. There were some hiccups, obviously (it isn’t my worst subject for nothing) so I think I did as expected. Methods was a whole other story. I did decently in tech free, losing around 3 marks when I compared answers. I don’t know what it was. Was I in the wrong mindset? Do I just suck at maths? But for some reason, I did terrible in tech able. As in I literally left stuff blank. And I’ve never left questions blank for anything in my entire life. I felt horrible. I felt like I guessed all of mcq as well, and apparently tech able wasn’t even too difficult. I don’t know why, but again, all my hard work - down the drain. I can’t believe I ruined my entire methods study score with that one exam, it really feels sucky, especially since I’ve always been above average at maths and it’s a subject I’ve come to appreciate over time. Oh well. At this point I’m just glad I’m done with school, especially because I feel so burnt out. I think if I had to study or do more exams after today, I literally would not be able to.

So tired, but it’s a happy sort of tired. So glad exams are over, but I will very dearly miss going to school.

Sometimes I still can’t believe it’s over.

With Methods, I know my score might be high, but I still feel your pain- the exact same thing happened to me in tech able! Not to mention I’m in the same boat with not getting into med coz of exams  ::) regardless though, at least for me, I’ve found I might enjoy transferring in later since I’m not even too sure what I wanna do! So definitely don’t worry too much about it (if you are)
2019: Hebrew [31], Mathematical Methods [41]

2020: English [41], Chemistry [41], Specialist Mathematics [39], Tertiary Hebrew [4.5 increment]

ATAR: 98.75


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #316 on: November 23, 2020, 07:52:27 pm »
CONGRATS on finishing whys!! Enjoy your well deserved break ~ its been amazing and lovely to follow your journal posts through this journey  :)


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #317 on: November 23, 2020, 08:26:47 pm »
Congrats on finishing whys! Enjoy your well deserved break!


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #318 on: November 30, 2020, 08:21:11 pm »
Congrats whys! Hope you enjoy your well-deserved break :)
Thank you, and same goes to you!

congrats whys! So inspired by you and look forward to reading every entry.

Hope you have a fun break, you deserve it!

Also the cleaning thing, so relatable lol. I had to play archaeologist to bring my room back into its normal shape.
Good luck with cleaning :)
I hope you also have a wonderful break - remember to rest up before the big year next year!

Haha I'm still not done with cleaning and it's been, what, an entire week since exams?!?! This place is a complete mess, hopefully, I'll finish soon!

Congrats whys - I've been reading your journal since exams started and I wanna say that you are an incredibly intelligent individual, and your insightful posts have helped me cope with exam stress and disappointments where I was able to move on and focus on other exams/tasks. Well done on completing your exams!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I've seen a few of your posts around the forums, you've been a great contributor and this reply made me smile. Congrats for finishing exams to you as well, and enjoy your well-deserved break.

Congrats whys! ;D All the best for your interviews and 30 december!
Thanks Snow Leopard! Your support throughout this journal means a lot. Good luck for next year (although it is quite a while away!) and mainly enjoy your holidays and get some well-deserved rest.

CONGRATS WHYS!! I'm soosososo proud of you, you're so smart and hardworking, you'll definitely do amazing beyond VCE. Your list of things to do sounds positively delightful, I'm looking forward to relaxing as well! Are you planning to have a uni journal?
All the best for interview prep, you've got this <3
THANK YOU POTATO! I haven't really thought of having a uni journal, but it's something I'll definitely consider if I feel I have the time to keep up with one, plus I love AN's supportive community. Rest up these holidays and all the best for year 12 and beyond. <3

With Methods, I know my score might be high, but I still feel your pain- the exact same thing happened to me in tech able! Not to mention I’m in the same boat with not getting into med coz of exams  ::) regardless though, at least for me, I’ve found I might enjoy transferring in later since I’m not even too sure what I wanna do! So definitely don’t worry too much about it (if you are)
Thank you for your reply! It sucks when you really stuff and up and know you could've done better, but I guess it's all over now so you're absolutely right - I shouldn't worry and should try and enjoy my time haha. Exams really ruined my entire plans but I'm like you - thinking of pursuing medicine through the non-standard or graduate pathways. Enjoy the long summer holidays!

CONGRATS on finishing whys!! Enjoy your well deserved break ~ its been amazing and lovely to follow your journal posts through this journey  :)
Thanks so much ArtyDreams! Can definitely say the same about your journal, and all the best with the future. Most importantly, enjoy your break!!

Congrats on finishing whys! Enjoy your well deserved break!
Thank you Ev, and same goes to you as well. Have a wonderful break and get some rest!
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #319 on: January 01, 2021, 05:05:23 pm »
New beginnings
I used to wonder for weeks how I'd begin the (very important) journal entry after VCE results have been released. Well, I'd like to begin by stating that this year was nothing like how I imagined it would be. 2020 was supposed to be the year. A year of growth and success. I thought long and hard about this, and I still think it was a year of growth and success - just in a different way. The problems that have arisen this year aren't going to magically die as soon as the clock ticks to 2021, but I think we all deserve to celebrate what we've achieved in this difficult year. Ladies and gentlemen, we have survived bushfires, online learning, a pandemic (the list is never-ending so I'll stop here) and I'm so proud of everyone for their persistence and determination in a year when it mattered the most. I'm making up the structure of this journal entry as I write, but I think I'm going to talk a bit about how it felt when I opened my ATAR, then reflect on what I think of it (a big mess, I'll tell you now) because I have quite a lot to say. This will be my second last update, the last one focusing on what I'll be doing in 2021 (i.e. tertiary education). This one is going to be quite a lengthy, wordy one - totally understandable if you want to skip most of it!

I'd be lying if I said I woke up at 6:15am, because I didn't sleep the whole night in the first place. (Mind you, I actually really wanted to sleep, but ended up pulling an accidental all-nighter as I lay awake in bed). Instead, I'll say I got out of bed at 6:15am. I was super tired, after not sleeping and all, and I'm pretty proud that I woke up that early (for reference, I've been waking up at 11am-2pm on the holidays haha).

I walked out, got my laptop and phone, then went back to my room and shut the door. The time passed, slowly but steadily. I made a cringey decision that moment - to make an ATAR reaction video. Don't get too excited, I'm definitely not keen on revealing my real identity on here. It's a personal video that no one except me has seen, and I plan to keep it that way! It'll just be something I can look at in 10 years and laugh at what a stressed drama queen I was back in year 12. Time passed, and I was nervously messaging my friends. Then, I check my inbox. I knew the email always came out early, but I didn't expect it to come out that early. 6:37am - the email arrived. I held my breath, and resisted clicking on it. I didn't want to open the email first, I wanted to wait until 7am to see the real deal on the website. Anyways, stuff happened, I forgot my password and had to reset it, blah blah, just the usual.

I decided to log into the website at 6:59am just so I could take a minute to compose myself, but the website had other ideas. Straight away, four study scores popped up onto the screen. I was in complete shock (I wasn't expecting it to be that sudden). I was also in a very groggy state being extremely tired and all, which is something I'm glad of because it meant I wasn't overthinking and actually processing my results (I have all the time in the world afterwards to worry about my results anyway). The first thing I said was 'omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg.' The next thing I said was 'wow, that's so bad' while I had this stupid, goofy grin on my face (I mean come on, you can't blame me. The cognitive impairments of having a BAC of 0.10 is equivalent to that of 24 hours of wakefulness, remember that psych kids?). I stayed on the study score page for a short while, then clicked on 'view ATAR'. When my ATAR popped up, big and bold, I started…. well, I don't want to say crying. It really wasn't crying, it was more like some water coming out of my eyes and me wiping the water off my face. I wasn't exactly hysterically sobbing, if you know what I mean. Then, I screamed 'WHAT? IT CAN'T BE????????!!!!!!?!?!??!'

Then, I descended into a texting frenzy where I was trying to read and process all my closest friends' ATARs and study scores, typing out my results, and reading all the information they knew about the study scores/ATARs of other students at my school (news spreads like wildfire, especially if it's good news!). I am very proud and happy to say that all my closest friends got ATARs they were happy with. Of course, disappointment is inevitable - there will always be something you could've done better in, something you wished you did, a study score that was a complete disappointment, but on the whole, they all did amazing. A friend who got 99.95, multiple who got above 99, many more in the high 90s. I think I was dying of happiness for my wonderful friends as much as I was freaking out about my own results (my school did better than it usually does too). I think in the moment we got our scores, we were all pretty satisfied. But not all ATAR stories are rainbows and unicorns - friends who wished they just got a little bit higher to make it into a course, friends who were upset about needing to take a backdoor method rather than getting straight into the course they wanted to get in. And you know what? It's okay. Because no matter what ATAR a student gets, it can never stop themselves from being successful in the future. I think no matter what, finishing year 12 will ALWAYS be a success. It is never a failure unless you make it out to be.

Then, I ran to my parents and told them what I got, and they were happy. My parents being happy makes me happy, and I've always wanted them to be proud of me. Well bois, we did it. My parents were surprisingly alright with my results, making no comments like 'but why didn’t you get higher?' Make no mistake, they ~did~ make those comments, but it was only later on and despite that, they’re still happy.

I know you all probably want to see what my results were. I'd like to delay that a little more and instead briefly touch on my goals. All throughout year 10, 11 and the start of year 12, a 99.70+ had been my dream. I won't lie - it had always been my dream even throughout year 12, the only difference being an acceptance that I'd never get that high realistically. Don't ask me why it was that specific number and above, it was arbitrarily decided and I thought it was quite a nice number.

People always thought I got above 90% on every single SAC, but that couldn't be far from the truth. Take English, for example. 67% on my first SAC, 80s for the rest of my SACs, then 95% on my last SAC with a bit of help from the god of luck. So, there was this kind of hype around me, even though as the year passed, my failures dug myself into a hole that was labelled 'below my dream ATAR' until it was too deep to climb out of. I know what every single reader is thinking. 99.70? You wanted THAT?!?! An ATAR that high? But I have been surrounded by high achievers my whole life. And, I'd like to clarify that 99.70 was my dream, not my expectations! A girl can dream, right? My expectations were much lower. At the start of year 12, I was thinking I could maybe achieve 98-99 and was quite happy with this range, but that dropped to around 96-97 by the end of year 12 and after exams (and after being sick for the entire exam period, BLEH).

From my dumb ATAR reaction video, my predictions just before opening my study scores were as listed below:
English: 38
Biology: 40
Chemistry: 38
Methods: 38 (but then I changed to 39 when I realised that my SACs might be able to bump up my score a little more)
I also said in my video that I hoped for higher, even though I knew it wasn't possible. Also, my predictions seem to have an affinity for the number 38, it was my prediction for psych last year too. I think it's just the magic number!!

my vce results
My actual (raw) scores
Biology: 50 (??!**#$*&#^$*#!UI!#!?!??!?!@??@!$$&U#@)
Methods: 40 (aka I'm a complete disappointment to myself and my family)
Chemistry: 41 (my most-hated subject, but I'm way better at maths but I got a better study score in chem than methods? VCAA what?)
Psychology: 50 (2019)
Food studies: 42 (2019)
So, I got higher than I thought I’d get, especially because of not being able to write my exams to my best ability, but in the end I did okay! Maths was the only disappointment. I'm no prodigy, but I am above average at maths and even though I didn't expect high, before my exams, I was secretly hoping for 43-45. I was around that level for my SACs and for exam 1, but oh boy. Exam 2 was a complete disaster for me. I think I went into that exam with the wrong mindset, and completely stuffed it up. I deserve nothing higher than what I got, but it doesn't stop me from wishing I did better in exam 2. I just realised I should have put a disclaimer at the start of this update, but I'll say it now: when I say I did 'bad', or I'm 'disappointed' in what I got, it doesn't mean my score is objectively bad. All I mean is that I got below what I aimed for and what I expected, and I got less than I know I'm capable of. For each person, a disappointing score will be different, and I think it's important to remember that no matter what the score is (high or low), people are allowed to feel disappointed if they didn't meet their expectations. That was the case for me for methods. Chem, I honestly couldn't care. Sure, it would've been nice to score higher, but I don't deserve any higher for learning unit 3 the week before the exam and not paying attention in class… (and instead frantically cramming and leeching off my friends for their knowledge of the subject - they saved me!).

I don’t even know what to say about bio and English (thank you god of luck and thank you to the kind-hearted VCAA assessors who were on drugs when marking my exams). I feel like writing an inspirational guide on how I went from 67% on my first SAC in year 12 to a 45 at the end of the year haha! I think everyone on here knows how much I struggled with English and my English teacher, but in the end, I worked hard and I did it!!! It also feels super nice to see my hard work and passion for bio has paid off. I had always been aiming for a 50 throughout the year, and I did it. Even though I thought I'd get 40, I got what I originally dreamed of and it felt real good to have 50s in the subjects I'm most passionate about (psych and bio). Food studies scaled down to a 37 as expected, but it's in my bottom 2 anyway. My bottom 2 was exactly as predicted - chem and food studies. Thank the lords for methods scaling up though, otherwise I think I'd be dead. I was especially glad I could make my bio teacher, who had always believed in me from the start, proud. I was really worried I'd have to tell her some bad news and use sickness on exam day as an excuse, but thankfully not.

I feel as though the hype surrounding study scores and ATARs is over now. I also feel that the ATAR is quite an underwhelming thing. Like, I imagined it would be the pinnacle moment of my life when I saw my ATAR, but it literally felt like staring at some number on a screen after the initial excitement and shock. It was a bit like last year - I was like yay, I got my results! Then it was like okay, whatever, I got my results, so what?

I saw an analogy on AN I really, really liked. The ATAR is just a key - a key that opens a door. Once that door is open, you don't need the key anymore. You could try to desperately to give that number the meaning you thought it would have, but frankly, it's an impossible task, because it's not true. An exam score doesn't necessarily define your passion or knowledge for any subject. An ATAR doesn't necessarily define your intelligence - you shouldn't allow it. It's hard for me to let go of something I have cared so much about. One of the things which my entire life revolved around for the past 2 years. But I need to move on and accept that there's better things I can focus my energy on, rather than resent the past and wish I did better.

I say this because despite my initial joy, the more time that passes, the more disappointed I feel with my ATAR. It's not a bad one by any means, but I keep thinking of the what ifs. What if I didn't do bad in exam 2 and got just a bit higher? What if I did well in unit 3 so instead of 45, I'd have gotten 47? What if I tried harder? What if I don't deserve this ATAR and I'm not good enough? What if I got a better ATAR? What if this isn't high enough for medicine?

It sounds stupid but it has been taking over my mind all day, and I wish it would stop. Sometimes I have a bad case of imposter syndrome, because why would I, out of all the smart and hardworking people I know, get these scores? And sometimes, I bash myself up for not doing better, just that little bit better, to reach my dream. It's over, I know, but I can't help it. It's like a wave of sadness that hit me late, after being happy about my ATAR. I know I should be feeling joyful and grateful, but I don't feel like that. It's not that I'm comparing my scores to others - it's more like me being angry at and hating myself for not being able to get higher like others. But the point is I'm trying to push those feelings away and ignore them, so I hope I feel better in a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wallowing in sadness or hate my score or anything - it's just that I wish I did better.

A year of wasting hours and hours on ATAR calculators, of stressing over SACs and exams, of doing 3 practice exams in one day (YES I actually did this once and I completely died no thank you I am sticking to 1 practice exam a day). A year that is finally over. I never have to write a (stupid) text response essay again (although I will admit, my hate for English did turn into love over time. No more a subject I intensely despise, but one with its ups and downs. There are definitely good things in English that I will cherish - things I enjoyed, but it was equally annoying to study for lol).

Congratulations to the classes of 2020 and 2021, we did our exams and got through this year. It’s a new day, and a new year. A blank slate to rewrite another chapter of our lives. The ATAR may be a (pretty bad) souvenir of the end of schooling, but there is a whole new world awaiting us - a new beginning.
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #320 on: January 01, 2021, 05:13:01 pm »
Congratulations whys!! Those scores and that ATAR is simply INCREDIBLE and I hope that you are proud of yourself.

I wish you luck going into the future and have a great 2021 ❤️
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #321 on: January 01, 2021, 05:22:49 pm »
congratulations! everything was very well deserved  :D

Snow Leopard

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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #322 on: January 01, 2021, 05:25:13 pm »
I don’t even know what to say about bio and English (thank you god of luck and thank you to the kind-hearted VCAA assessors who were on drugs when marking my exams). I feel like writing an inspirational guide on how I went from 67% on my first SAC in year 12 to a 45 at the end of the year haha!
Yes please!

Congrats whys, these are amazing scores and you totally deserve it!  :)


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #323 on: January 01, 2021, 05:30:00 pm »
Congratulations whys!


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #324 on: January 01, 2021, 05:45:58 pm »
Congratulations whys!

I'm very happy to see you achieve those incredible scores! I've been reading your journals from a long time, and I'm glad that all of your hard work really paid off! Also, massive congrats on Bio and English! I remember reading how you were disappointed with your Bio exam performance and the difficulties you had with English this year, but deep down, I knew you'd 100% smashed them! I've always believed in you - I knew ever since when you started your journal you'd get a decent 99+ ATAR and an impressive UCAT score! You definitely deserved it - hard work never goes unrewarded! As you once wisely said, 'Difficult does not mean impossible', and this is definitely true!

I wish you the best of luck for 2021, uni and the future (and I'm excited to see the many awesome things you achieve) :)!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 05:50:45 pm by waterangel82 »
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #325 on: January 01, 2021, 06:16:35 pm »
I HAVE been waiting so impatiently for your update because you've been my role model this whole year. I've actually subscribed to this thread and as soon as I got an email that you've posted my fingers literally somersaulted to your journal and clicked respect.

I know we don't know each other but I am SO proud of your results! Look at that Biology score! Of course, the more the merrier but all your scores reflect how hard you've worked and the effort you've put in. I hope you can rest well after this long, meticulous journey and wish you luck to segue smoothly into your tertiary education.

I said this before but I keep coming back to this journal to inspire myself because of how much I look up to you. Anyway I'll keep repeating myself if I keep typing.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 06:18:58 pm by dedformed »
Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota
VCE 2021 - ATAR 98.85
my vce journal!

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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #326 on: January 01, 2021, 06:17:47 pm »
Congratulations whys!!!💕

I am so proud of everything you were able to accomplish in 2020 and all the work you have done this year paid off! Give yourself a massive pat on the back for everything that you have done and you are such a big inspiration to many people on the forums. You are someone that doesn't give up and because of your sheer determination, you were able to accomplish many things.

Also, can I just say your meme incorporation in this journal update was seriously the cherry on top? (I was laughing hysterically from the first pic). I absolutely love reading your journal throughout the year and being able to follow your journey both physically and emotionally. You did it mamma bean!!! Go treat yourself to some good old chocolate and make sure to catch up on some sleep Shortie!

I'm very excited to see what the future holds for you and good luck for 2021!💕


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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #327 on: January 01, 2021, 06:34:41 pm »
Massive congrats, so well deserved! Your scores are nothing short of amazing ;D

You did it!!! You bet English (our shared enemy). Nothing brought me more joy than seeing your bio ss knowing how much you love the subject (and how much you stressed about it before!)

PS: truly loved the ATLA memes  ;D
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #328 on: January 01, 2021, 06:34:59 pm »
CONGRATS! Just a repeat of all the above but I'm so proud! Thanks for letting us follow you on your journal I know you will do amazing things in the future!!

Also a RAW 50 IN BIO, this was DEFINITELY well deserved!!! I'm so proud  8) 8)
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Re: whys' VCE journal
« Reply #329 on: January 03, 2021, 12:05:05 pm »
Congratulations whys!! Those scores and that ATAR is simply INCREDIBLE and I hope that you are proud of yourself.

I wish you luck going into the future and have a great 2021 ❤️
Thanks El, and back at you!  All the best for your year 12 journey, I know you'll do great. ♥

congratulations! everything was very well deserved  :D
Thank you Sine!!!! ♥

Yes please!

Congrats whys, these are amazing scores and you totally deserve it!  :)
(If I can even remember anything about VCE English, that is. 🤣
Thank you Snow Leopard, and all the best for year 12. :)

Congratulations whys!
Thank you Chocolatepistachio! All the best next year and for bio - I always see you on the bio threads. :)

Congratulations whys!

I'm very happy to see you achieve those incredible scores! I've been reading your journals from a long time, and I'm glad that all of your hard work really paid off! Also, massive congrats on Bio and English! I remember reading how you were disappointed with your Bio exam performance and the difficulties you had with English this year, but deep down, I knew you'd 100% smashed them! I've always believed in you - I knew ever since when you started your journal you'd get a decent 99+ ATAR and an impressive UCAT score! You definitely deserved it - hard work never goes unrewarded! As you once wisely said, 'Difficult does not mean impossible', and this is definitely true!

I wish you the best of luck for 2021, uni and the future (and I'm excited to see the many awesome things you achieve) :)!
Hey waterangel! After a year of strife, I finally got through VCE English! It's an honour to hear you've been reading my journal, it means a lot. It also means a lot to hear you believed in me - thank you for the kind words. ♥ Oh yes, I can never forget that quote - it is the forefront of my entire journal after all. Once again, thank you for all your support and advice earlier in the year. I wish you all the best for uni in 2021 and beyond as well!

I HAVE been waiting so impatiently for your update because you've been my role model this whole year. I've actually subscribed to this thread and as soon as I got an email that you've posted my fingers literally somersaulted to your journal and clicked respect.

I know we don't know each other but I am SO proud of your results! Look at that Biology score! Of course, the more the merrier but all your scores reflect how hard you've worked and the effort you've put in. I hope you can rest well after this long, meticulous journey and wish you luck to segue smoothly into your tertiary education.

I said this before but I keep coming back to this journal to inspire myself because of how much I look up to you. Anyway I'll keep repeating myself if I keep typing.

Hey Penelope! It means a lot to hear you've subscribed to this thread - email notifications are something I find hella annoying so you must be pretty invested to voluntarily be annoyed with emails for this journal! It honestly brightened my day a whole lot and put a massive smile on my face when I read how much you liked the journal, thank you. ♥ I'm glad my procrastinating, unorganised self could inspire you in some way. You are a determined student and 2021 has good things in store for you. Good luck for year 12, and remember to rest up these holidays!

Congratulations whys!!!💕

I am so proud of everything you were able to accomplish in 2020 and all the work you have done this year paid off! Give yourself a massive pat on the back for everything that you have done and you are such a big inspiration to many people on the forums. You are someone that doesn't give up and because of your sheer determination, you were able to accomplish many things.

Also, can I just say your meme incorporation in this journal update was seriously the cherry on top? (I was laughing hysterically from the first pic). I absolutely love reading your journal throughout the year and being able to follow your journey both physically and emotionally. You did it mamma bean!!! Go treat yourself to some good old chocolate and make sure to catch up on some sleep Shortie!

I'm very excited to see what the future holds for you and good luck for 2021!💕
HELLO DAUGHTER. I am just as proud and happy for you, we did it!!! We finally got through the year! Oh, and thanks. 😎 I honestly couldn't resist adding some ATLA memes since I was recently watching the show!

Back at you - your journal was super fun to read and I looked forward to every update. I think you'll be surprised to hear I've been getting 10-12 hours of sleep every night because I wake up so late everyday. 🤣
i regret telling you my height 😡 i'm not even thaaaaaat shorter than you anyway 😭

All the best for uni this year!

Massive congrats, so well deserved! Your scores are nothing short of amazing ;D

You did it!!! You bet English (our shared enemy). Nothing brought me more joy than seeing your bio ss knowing how much you love the subject (and how much you stressed about it before!)

PS: truly loved the ATLA memes  ;D

Hey angrybiscuit! Back at you - I was so happy for you when I read your journal update! I can't believe we did it - we got through English, and we did well too. 😎 So glad the wait is over and we have nothing more to stress about. VCE is over!!

(Hehe thanks, makes me happy to hear you liked the memes!)

CONGRATS! Just a repeat of all the above but I'm so proud! Thanks for letting us follow you on your journal I know you will do amazing things in the future!!

Also a RAW 50 IN BIO, this was DEFINITELY well deserved!!! I'm so proud  8) 8)
Heya Choco! I'm so proud of you too - you did amazing! 2021 sure has some wonderful things in store for you.

psych [50] bio [50]
2021-2025: BMedSci/MD @ Monash