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June 07, 2024, 09:52:00 am

Author Topic: Trying to get a 90+ Atar  (Read 22431 times)

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Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2019, 12:10:32 am »
shit day.

Algo - 3 hours - made good progress on part 2 of my assignment
English - 1.5 hour - practice sac - think I did alright, gotta get some clarification from teacher tomorrow at lunch time
English - 2 hours - collected contemporary language examples - got an extra 3 - will get 2 more throughout this week

should've got at least 3 hours more work in (accounting and economics).
Wasted so much time cos I didn't prioritise well

Producitivty 5/10.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2019, 09:39:36 pm »

Morning: Economics Notes 40 minutes
English Language Class: Practice SAC - Wasted too much time talking
Economics: Very productive - Wrote notes
Free: Economics Notes then Questions- 90 minutes
Accounting: Revision of Chapter 10 prereading that I did - Things seem like they are getting a little more 'complex' - hopefully this will weed out the dumb kids that have been managing A's and A+'s due to our ridiculously easy sacs.


Algorithmics: Writing recursive algo - 90 minutes (Stuck - need help from tutor ASAP)
Algorithmics: Course Material - Recursion again - 120 minutes (Need to go over it more tomorrow and get through it - if I get stuck I'll have to see my tutor soon)
Algorithmics: Writing up report for Assignment - 45 minutes

Will spend tomorrow morning doing Accounting (2 hours), Economics Questions (1 hour) English Practice SAC (1.5 hour), Algorithmics (1 hour, 1 hour, 1 hour), Economics Reading (1 hour), Accounting Prereading (1 hour).

Productivity today:
8.75/10 - Would've been much higher if I got that goddam algorithm to work and if I had focused better in English class.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2019, 10:20:21 pm »
No school today

What I did

Accounting - 2.5 hours qns
Economics 3 hours - questions + Posters + Revision
Algorithmics - 1 hour A friend helped me identify what I did wrong with my algorithm - really silly mistake that literally waster over 2 hours of my time - finally fixed and ready - got a little bit more left on the assignment and then I'll be done -

I really wish I could've done some English Language today and more accounting and economics, but I got stuck with some accounting question and economics questions, and the time I spent thinking and stressing really ate into my motivation and time.
- I have learnt that I MUST be revising all my notes regularly so that when I do get to answering questions, I can easily answer them without trying to remember things and second guessing myself - this is what I did in term 1 and that's why I did well.

Productivity = 7.5/10
I did learn a good lesson though today which I'm grateful for.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 10:44:59 pm by Seamus Wong »


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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #48 on: May 08, 2019, 04:23:26 pm »
What are you studying in EngLang atm? What was the practice SAC on?

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #49 on: May 08, 2019, 09:26:45 pm »
What are you studying in EngLang atm? What was the practice SAC on?

Formal Language - very interesting topic - quite a lot of metalanguage - have a sac Monday (SAQs)

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #50 on: May 09, 2019, 12:22:13 am »
Good day at school - productively used my time - no time-wasting at all
- 23/25 on Practice SAC - eh, okay, but I was nowhere near fast enough - took me a long time to get it done
- Did a lot for accounting today
- Did a lot of economics - shit's getting harder so I am spending more time on this subject
- Algo - nothing - will do tomorrow

Productivity = 9/10

Didn't really get as much as I wanted done, but I guess that's because my expectations regarding how much time everything would take was not realistic.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #51 on: May 09, 2019, 11:24:03 pm »
Stayed home today
Went to bed late last night after studying till 1am (I don't like not completing things that I've started)
Woke up late and cbf going to school - only have 1 class in the morning - 2 hours of accounting - already done all the work anyway

What I did at home

- Accounting Prereading + Writing up posters - The Income Statement - Really liking this chapter, because the income statement provides us with valuable information that we can use to assess the performance of a business - (2.5 hours)

- Ordered pizza (Meat-lovers from Dominos - Tasted good but it's too small) cos I hate having to cook and then clean; it just takes too much time)

- Economics Notes - Feeling relatively good about this topic so far - need to keep on revising content regularly and doing questions (2 hours)

- English Practice SAC - probs took like 1 hour and a bit - need to get faster - didn't answer one question cos idk what it was asking - have arranged to meet with my teacher tomorrow to get help and to mark all the other questions - Will do another practice SAC tomorrow morning in my double free

- Algorithmics - went through a lot of course-work - did lots of questions and I could answer them very well, which is good because this topic (recursion) is one that I initially found relatively difficult to understand. I spent a whole day studying it though a couple of weeks ago so now I am fully confident in it. Wrote a recursive DFS algorithm and debugged it for an hour with another class-mate. Felt really good to get the algorithm to work properly.
(3.5 hours)

Time well spent today - slowly creeping back into the habit of watching YouTube, need to KILL it now.

Didn't get to workout though, which is annoying. I'll train extra hard tomorrow.

Productivity = 9/10

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #52 on: May 10, 2019, 10:04:54 pm »

- English Language Practice SAC - 1 hour - Wasted another hour afterwards - Shouldn't have happened - WONT let it happen again

- Economics - good - I focused well and understand everything

- English language - asked for help - I need to just get to the point with my answers and also improve the speed at which I answer them. I will redo one of the sacs tomorrow morning

Went to gym for hour and a half - very good workout


- Algorithmics assignment planning - Will easily be able to finish the whole report tomorrow morning after I do the English Language sac. The implementation of the other algorithms that I had planned to create today may be difficult.

Going to bed early cos I'm really tired from working out.

- Got an A+ on my last accounting sac which was good - The two other smart kids gots A's. Another got an A+. Hopefully the next sac will be difficult so the dumb kids can truly be destroyed, leaving only the hard-working and diligent students at the top.

productivity = 7/10

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #53 on: May 12, 2019, 12:30:57 am »
Finished algorithmics assignment - Wrote up a 1700 word report explaining the details of each algorithm and the purpose behind them. Also wrote two more algorithms to finalise the project - An adjusted version of Dijkstra's (increased efficiency) and a simple relationship finding algorithm - took like 3 minutes to write.
The whole process of finalising the assignment took much longer than expected - 5 hours.

English Language - Did a practice SAC in the morning - took me longer than the time allowed so I wrote up a word document containing all of the metalanguage, but more importantly, all of the potential effects that the strategic employment of the formal language features may have on the reader - and how this fulfils the function of the text.
I got my brother to test me on all of the knowledge after I wrote everything up
Then I tested myself later without looking at the document, explaining the features and effects perfectly, which I am very happy about.
I will do another practice SAC tomorrow and hopefully I can get it done within the 50 minutes.

Gonna go to bed now - I want to study for economics but it's a bit too late.

Productivity = 7.5/10 ---> Have blocked YouTube so that I cannot go on that addictive disease of a website anymore

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #54 on: May 12, 2019, 05:34:54 pm »
Honestly just writing rn to motivate myself to continue giving my work 150%.

I feel happy today because I managed to get an Englang Practice SAC done 6 minutes faster than the time limit.

I feel really unmotivated though, probably because of the satisfaction I felt yesterday after completing my Algorithmics assignment and getting the A+ on the accounting sac.

But It's nearly semester 2, so I just gotta keep giving this year all I've got so that I can get that 95 ATAR.
I'm honestly really counting on Economics and Accounting to get me through, I need a 42+ for both of them to be satisfied with myself (hopefully algorithmics scales as much as last year (+7) so that I can get a scaled 40 SS.
English Language is kinda difficult. I'll have to see how I go on the next sac - tomorrow morning - to determine how well I'm actually going and how well I could potentially go for the rest of the year.
Currently I'm thinking that a 37 study score is a reasonable goal, but I don't want it, I want a 40+.

So yeah, I'm just gonna continue giving it my all and continue to keep my eyes on the prize so that I have absolutely no regrets at the end of the year and most importantly, so that I can get into Melbourne Uni.

It's literally less that 7 months until it's all over, so that's exciting, but it also means that I have got no time to waste.
I guess everyone else is probably also feeling a little overwhelmed or unmotivated or they at least will at some stage this year, and our response to this demotivation is going to be the deciding factor that determines who's going to maximise their results and not waste time and who's gonna waste time and get shitty grades. This is also an opportunity for me to get ahead of the pack and absolutely obliterate my cohort for Accounting, Economics (i'm very competitive lol).

I'll given an update tomorrow regarding the English Language sac. I'll be satisfied with a 23/25...

Ionic Doc

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #55 on: May 12, 2019, 06:46:08 pm »
(i'm very competitive lol).

no kiddin  :)
2019/2020 - Psychology | Biology | Chemistry | Methods | Further | English
2021 - Science @ Melbourne University

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #56 on: May 13, 2019, 04:29:23 pm »
English Language SAC:

I finished with 10 minutes to go. I am relatively confident in my answers.
I Looked over everything
I cannot be certain as to how I went
I am thinking that I'll realistically get a 22/25 taking into consideration any small fuck-ups that I might have made.
The best case scenario is a 25/25, which is achievable. But I'm more inclined to go with 24/25 because I think I may have stuffed up one question.
Oh well, I'll just have to wait 2-3 weeks until I find out...


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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #57 on: May 13, 2019, 04:30:10 pm »
English Language SAC:

I finished with 10 minutes to go. I am relatively confident in my answers.
I Looked over everything
I cannot be certain as to how I went
I am thinking that I'll realistically get a 22/25 taking into consideration any small fuck-ups that I might have made.
The best case scenario is a 25/25, which is achievable. But I'm more inclined to go with 24/25 because I think I may have stuffed up one question.
Oh well, I'll just have to wait 2-3 weeks until I find out...

Nice work - another one done and out of the way. 💪

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2019, 03:43:17 pm »
Got a lot of SACs coming up

- Got another small algorithmics project due next week Tuesday
- Got an algorithm that I want to solve which will probably take me an hour and a half
- Got an algorithmics SAC next Tuesday - The Correctness and Evaluation of Algorithms
- Starting Stage 3 of the big assignment next week Friday

English Language
- Must write a practice essay in preparation for the sac next friday and Get feedback
- Must compile 3 more contemporary language examples and memorise quotes from the 10 collected items
- Must review my notes


I'm finding this topic relatively simple, but there is just a lot of theory to remember.
I've got my next sac in 3 weeks
I need to continue doing the prereading, doing questions, getting feedback and asking lots of questions to my teacher


started new topic - Income statements - Really easy
The results for the last sac have been great. A lot of the cohort performed poorly, with the average score probably being a C. Compared to the previous sac average of 80-90%, its a favourable improvement, in that the cohort now has been separated.
I got the highest score, 24/25 - stuffed up one question which easily could've got me full marks.


So, considering the fact that Economics is very content heavy - more than ever now with the final area of Study for unit 3 - I will set aside 30-45 minutes each night to revise all of the posters I have written for each key knowledge dot point on the study design. This study will be very helpful when the SAC time comes. I did the same thing during the first month of term 1, but with all of the homework, it get's hard to stay motivated to do that study after having already expended energy on other tasks. HOWEVER, my mind is no longer weak, I am not undisciplined, and I will no longer make excuses.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #59 on: May 14, 2019, 11:00:12 pm »
Productivity = 9/10