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Author Topic: Trying to get a 90+ Atar  (Read 22396 times)

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #60 on: May 15, 2019, 10:27:36 pm »


started new topic - Income statements - Really easy
The results for the last sac have been great. I got the highest score, 24/25 - stuffed up one question which easily could've got me full marks.


So, considering the fact that Economics is very content heavy - more than ever now with the final area of Study for unit 3 - I will set aside 30-45 minutes each night to revise all of the posters I have written for each key knowledge dot point on the study design. This study will be very helpful when the SAC time comes. I did the same thing during the first month of term 1, but with all of the homework, it get's hard to stay motivated to do that study after having already expended energy on other tasks. HOWEVER, my mind is no longer weak, I am not undisciplined, and I will no longer make excuses.

Nice job on Accounting sac! Sucks about the last question though, can relate. And I really admire your work ethic and discipline. Setting such a specific goal and having that mindset is excellent. I should do that too. All the best for sac preparation and a good rest of the week with the motivation to succeed.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #61 on: May 16, 2019, 09:20:13 pm »
School: (only had one class today)

Accounting - 2.5 hours - every single question in the chapter review for cash-flow statements done and corrected. I will redo one or two of them tomorrow at lunch time on the school computer in preparation for the next SAC, which will be done on the school computers, so that I can improve my speed - Accounting is quite an easy subject so the one thing that they can use to challenge us is to make the time limit very short so that only the best of the best can get them done with a high degree of accuracy.

Hung out with some friends actually for about 40 minutes after class - Needed to just so that I can relieve myself from any stress and get away from thinking about VCE for a bit.

I went and got a HSP afterwards - tasted so good.


Algorithmics - 2 hours (Revision of proofs of correctness of algorithms - got a sac on Tuesday)
Economics - 1 hour (revision of content (memorising all of the key areas of knowledge) and answering questions)
English Language - 3 hours (collected and analysed contemporary language examples and did some planning for the Essay SAC on Friday next week.

Will work out now - legs
10 sets of 10 reps of squats - should take roughly 45 minutes hopefully.
Afterwards, I will do some general revision for all my subjects by looking over the posters I have on my wall containing all of the key knowledge areas.
I will then Pack my bag for tomorrow and then sleep.

Productivity today = 8/10. Need to only check emails at a specific time after I have finished work, not while I'm in the middle of one task.

Tomorrow will be better.


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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #62 on: May 17, 2019, 05:58:46 pm »
Your productivity on average from when you started this journal till this point has improved soooooooooo much!!!! It gives me so much hope. Keep it up dude
Offering tutoring for Economics, Further Maths and Psychology
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My journey through VCE

How I got a Raw 48 in Economics

2018 - Accounting [42] Further Maths [44]
2019 - English [39] Economics [48] Psychology [44] Maths methods [33]
ATAR - 97.5
2020-2023 - Ba Commerce/Science @Monash

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #63 on: May 17, 2019, 10:59:45 pm »
really terrible day
I have come to the realisation that my English language essays are shit and lack any substance at all.
I need to improve.

Had a good run of productivity over the past two weeks, but today I went in the opposite direction.
I didn't make any solid plan for my practice essay and as a result, the time that it took to actually write the essay was much longer than it should have been.
The essay that I did write in my eyes, is not completely terrible - it's probably above average - but it definitely doesn't quality as one that's written by a 37+ SS student.

I have sent it to my teacher for feedback, hopefully I get some relevant and directly actionable advice.

Here is how my time was spent today:

8:45 to 10:00 - reading over the essay prompt - wrote an introduction and a little bit of planning for each paragraph - nowhere near enough though and it was nothing that could act as a framework upon which I could easily build the bulk of my paragraphs off of.
10:00 to 10:30 - Saw economics teacher and she corrected some questions for me - This topic is good, I need to revise hard though so ensure I know everything so I can get an acceptable sac score.
10:30-10:50 Ate food in the school cafeteria
10:50-11:10 Went to economics class early and just engaged in useless small talk and banter with idiots
11:10-12:00 Listened to the teacher go over the factors that affect the value of the AUD - Relative interest rates, Terms of trade, relative rates of inflation, Demand for Exports and Imports, Capital flows.
12:00-1:00 tried to do english - got maybe 10 minutes of work done within the hour - rest of time spent not focusing due to my failure to have an adequate plan and getting easily distracted by people around me.
1:00-1:50 - Wrote some more essay shit - was totally out of it and the resulting paragraph was horrid.
1:50-2:40 - Got advice from teacher, adjusted introduction, fixed the first body paragraph - Good
2:40-3:30 - Got home and did household 'chores'
spent rest of time doing English, had a nap, finished essay. sent it to teacher, wrote another basic plan for another essay that needs to be written.

Gotta be honest with myself, today was a fucking shit day
Productivity = 5/10   

Ionic Doc

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #64 on: May 28, 2019, 10:17:36 pm »

Hows you're week been? Busy?

2019/2020 - Psychology | Biology | Chemistry | Methods | Further | English
2021 - Science @ Melbourne University


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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2019, 11:16:24 pm »
Keep inspiring us to learn from our mistakes  8)  Hope your doing great

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #66 on: June 11, 2019, 02:55:57 pm »
Relatively Busy.
I haven't posted just because I don't find it motivating anymore.
Update on my scores:

- Algo SAC outcome 3 (11% unit 3) -> A
- Algo assignment (33% of unit 3) -> A+ (quite happy with this, since I spent a VERY long time working on it)

Did some revision of unit 3 - started exam questions - need to keep doing exam questions throughout the rest of this semester.

- Accounting
Did a sac for the last outcome of unit 3 - I have to wait and see how I go. think i can get 100%, but who knows
Started unit 4 work.

- Economics
Had last sac for unit 3. Hopefully I get top of class. I found the content fairly easy and quite repetitive actually...
Am doing reading for unit 4 and trying to do as many questions as possible.

Also, I've signed up for the Eco TSSM lecture. Hopefully its good.

- English Language
Not really happy with the result from the last sac. I thought I was gonna ace it. At worst, I would've expected an A, but a high A. But..... Apparently not.
I got a B. I am interested to see where I went wrong. Apparently I failed to correctly identify the situational context (not entirely my own fault since it wasn't really clear), which means that whenever I referenced it in any of the questions, I probs got a mark taken off me. oh well, I just gotta learn from it and forget about it.
I do hope my Essay will be good enough to get me at least an A.


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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #67 on: June 13, 2019, 08:25:48 pm »
Relatively Busy.
I haven't posted just because I don't find it motivating anymore.

Hey. I hope you are doing well. I really hope, as I would think many others would as well, you will continue posting, because you are really, really inspiring and motivating for me. For all of us. To learn from mistakes, and work extremely hard, constantly pushing ourselves to do better. Like the way you rated your productivity made me wake up and realise how I needed to change.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #68 on: June 16, 2019, 11:22:30 pm »
Got Eco SAC back - 29/30. Pretty good score, but I should've aced it. I made a really silly mistake that I could've easily avoided if I read the question carefully. At least now I know I won't make the same mistake in the exam.

Accounting SAC - 38/40. Again, it's not bad, but that score could've easily been 40/40. At least I have learnt a valuable lesson though that will result in me not making the same error in the exam. 4 other people got higher than me - what a disaster.

English Language Essay - 24/25. Great, I topped the cohort. My study technique worked very well and I shall do the exact same thing for the next sac.
The Short Answer Question SAC honestly could've easily been at A+. I looked at where I went wrong and ALL of the questions I got wrong were because of my failure to identify the situational context, which is disappointing since I literally knew all the theory inside out.


Accounting - 2 hours
Algorithmics - 2 hours
Economics - 2.5 Hours

Productivity today == 7/10

What I can do to improve:

- Stop being a lazy fuck.
- Set goals for the day - e.g. Finish Notes for chapter X, Do Y exam questions, and try to finish it before Z o'clock.
    - It is probs good to structure a weekend like a school day, so that I am not inclined to procrastinate.
- If I get stuck on something, dont just sit there feeling helpless AND don't just run away from the problem by opening YouTube and watching random shit for 5 minutes) -- Tackle the goddamn problem.

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #69 on: September 30, 2019, 06:32:53 pm »
1 week into holidays

It has been good, but it could be better (this week will make up for the unproductive days I had last week)

What I've done so far for each subject:

- Economics:
Fully memorised every dot point on the study design for unit 3
Completed practice SACs (with questions from past exams) for each of the three outcomes under timed conditions
Gonna do some more revision tonight

Kind want to get a 45, but I know that will be really hard. Anything above 40 will be good.

- Accounting:
Done 3 practice exams
idk how to feel tho about accounting. A lot of the questions are fairly easy, it's just that there is so much room for making retarded mistakes - e.g. Accidentally adding an extra zero to each figure and losing 5 marks.
Tonight I'm gonna do some questions that I collected from the textbook and try to do them quickly as if I was in the actual exam.

I really hope I can get above 40.

- English Language:
I've done roughly 3 exams I think as well for this
I'm concerned about the essay section. I know that my essays have only been really good throughout the year since I sorta knew roughly what the topic would be and hence I just wrote the essay over a week and then memorised it before the sac.

I was thinking that I couldn't do it for the exam cos the prompts could be on anything throughout the year

So I did some research and found trends in the prompts over the past 10 years - I figured out that if I memorised two of my high scoring essays (Individual Identity // Australian identity), then I would have an 80% chance of getting prompts that related to those topics and I would ace essay section. If, however, I am unlucky, then I will likely get a shit score for the essay section.

I think i'll just have to practice a couple of essays for random prompts that could potentially be given just so I have a backup.

I wanna get a raw 40 for englang, but if I get anything above 38 I'll be relatively happy.


Sadly, I have a sac in the first week of next term and I also have an assignment that is due at the end of these holidays, which has slightly compromised my ability to focus solely on exam revision for this subject.
I have memorised all of unit 3 I think.
I also did a practice exam and I did okay. I need to put more time into this subject tho. I will do another practice exam tomorrow.
My exam is on the 19th of November for this tho, so that means it has taken less priority these holidays.
I will still aim to put in a lot of work into it over the next week of these holidays since I want to get a scaled 40.

probs will update this on the 19th of November and then again when ATARs are released (if I get above 92)

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #70 on: October 25, 2019, 03:19:16 pm »
I did say I wouldn't update this until after my algo exam, but I feel like making a post to record what I've done over the past 2-3 weeks and what I am planning to do through this exam period.


- Done 4 practice exams - scored okay on them, but there are definitely areas that I need to revise. I also need to get faster, cos I find that I am really strapped for time
- Got my scores back for assignment and sac that I did this term:
            >> Assignment: 60/60 (very happy, cos I spent a shit load of time on it)
            >> SAC: 39/42 (pretty happy cos it i felt like it was a hard sac)
- Will do a practice exam every second day or something like that

English Language
- Done like 10 practice exams probably. Feel confident. Got A+ for all of them except for 2, which were mid 80s.
- Got 100% on the essay from last term (so happy cos I neglected all my other subjects for that weekend before the sac to study for it)
- Will probs do like 2 more ACs and 2 more SAQs and just continue memorising my essay examples

- Got top of the class for the last sac - Analysis and Interpretation, so that's good
- Practice exams I am getting low 80%, and that is depressing.
- I am doing questions from the checkpoints exam book thingo, and they are really good. I've gone through every question on Balance Day Adjustments, and now I am going through the NCA part.
- Am doing, and will continue to do, 2 hours of questions per night for accounting.

- Got 36/40 for last sac, which pissed me off because I lost 3 easy marks on the last 8 mark question for stupidly forgetting to write important. Doesn't matter though, cos I am still top of class. (my cohort isn't smart though so it's not really that big of an accomplishment)
- Have done like 5 practice exams. + 4 practice sacs with exam questions from each specific outcome. Teacher takes forever to mark them which is kinda annoying. But I got one exam back and that was a ~90%. I also did one just then, marked it myself cos my teacher would probs take like 2 weeks to get it back to me. I gave myself a 90 but I'll give it to her to check to get a proper unbiased score.
- Will continue to do practice exams from the previous study design - probs like 1 every second day



I feel kinda stressed for English, cos I could either do really well or really bad. I am also anxious to do more practice exams cos I don't want to get lower scores than what I have been getting (which are really high).
I guess my logic is kinda stupid. If I do more and get worse scores then I will just find more areas for improvement.

I also feel stressed for Algorithmics, because so far the practice exams that I have done have been easy, and this years exam is likely to be a lot harder


my thoughts on this part of the year

I guess this part of the year is where it all comes down to hard work.

Throughout the year, you gotta be working smart and hard, cos you need to spend a lot of time thinking to try and understand all the content.
But now, all we really have to do is apply that knowledge with questions, so our ability to do well in terms of exam study is mainly dependent on how well we can persist and just get through a shitload of practice exams and questions 

As the famous and wise man Shia LaBeouf once said, JUST DO IT!!!!"

It would probably be a good idea to get my parents to hide my phone from me so that I don't waste time on it throughout the next month.
It would also be a good idea to stop sleeping in till 10 and watching spongebob (that show is sooo funny)
Gotta get back some of that good old discipline from the start of the year


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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #71 on: October 29, 2019, 06:02:19 pm »
Hey Seamus! How are you feeling about the english language exam on Thursday?

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #72 on: October 29, 2019, 11:16:26 pm »
Hey Seamus! How are you feeling about the english language exam on Thursday?


Teacher told me not to memorise essay.
I listened to her
Nec minut, I realise that my essay is going to be shit if I just make it up on the spot
So now I am trying to memorise two essays two days before the exam.

Other than that, I feel pretty good. Kinda just want to get English out of the way so I can really focus on my other subjects


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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #73 on: October 30, 2019, 05:14:47 pm »
So now I am trying to memorise two essays two days before the exam.
Good luck!!

Seamus Wong

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Re: Trying to get a 90+ Atar
« Reply #74 on: October 31, 2019, 06:36:38 pm »

English Language done

I honestly don't know how to feel.
After every practice exam that I did, I thought that I did poorly, but then I ended up going really well
I kinda feel the same rn with the actual exam
I could go really good
But I could get a mediocre score
so Idk
Sucks that I will have to wait an entire month and a half to find out how I went
Best case scenario is a 44. Worst case is like 37-38. Worst Worst worst case (assuming I entirely screwed up the SAQs by not reading the questions properly - which, although highly unlikely, is still possible) is around 35.
Now time to focus on everything else. Just watched some Spongebob and got rid of all my english shit (kinda sad tbh, cos I was starting to like english)