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Study Techniques For Methods
« on: April 12, 2019, 05:39:25 pm »
Hey everyone,
So maths is one of the subjects I find harder to manage, it feels every time I think I understand a topic well the outcome from that area is really low. Does anyone have any study techniques or advice on what I can do to improve? I always do a lot of practice questions and do the chapter review before an assessment, but I'm clearly still missing something.
Thank you


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Re: Study Techniques For Methods
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2019, 06:44:14 pm »
Hey everyone,
So maths is one of the subjects I find harder to manage, it feels every time I think I understand a topic well the outcome from that area is really low. Does anyone have any study techniques or advice on what I can do to improve? I always do a lot of practice questions and do the chapter review before an assessment, but I'm clearly still missing something.
Thank you
Doing a lot of practice questions are a great start! To give useful responses it would probably be better if we knew a little bit more about your circumstances.

What other methods are you using to learn the content? How much do you focus on the theory?

Also what sort of questions do you get wrong during assessments? What are the differences between those questions and the practice questions?


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Re: Study Techniques For Methods
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2019, 06:52:33 pm »
Hello tahlea2209!
How are you doing?
Are you doing methods 1 2 or methods 3 4?
- It is a good idea to focus on your mistakes and see how where you went wrong and why you went wrong. It's really important to analyse your mistakes as you can make sure that you really understand the concept so that you don't make the same mistake again!
- Another tip is to redo the questions you have gotten wrong. This may be the questions from the chapter review, questions from your exercises or questions from other resources such as checkpoints for example. Redoing them will allow you to consolidate your learning from that mistake!
- Ask questions! Ask your tutor, friend, teacher anyone that can help! If you don't understand something, clarify your understanding.

Just a question, by outcome of the area is really low, do you mean test/sac scores?
If so, here are some general tips for tests/application tasks/assessments for maths:
- Do practice tests in test conditions. This will mimic the environment you will be in when you take the test which is completely different to the environment you are in when you are completing questions from exercises. This will train you to think quick and effectively when solving a problem.
- Breathe. During or before the test, you may feel really stressed that 'if i don't get the mark I want, I will fail and all my hard work has gone to waste'. But, if you breathe you will clear your mind and relax and you will be able to attempt the questions with a clear head which will be so much better.
- Check your test for any silly mistakes. It's really sad when you get a question wrong and it's because of something you missed but you knew. So, don't forget to check your answer and your working out thoroughly!
- I suggest you highlight/underline key words in the question. This will make sure you are answering every component and doing everything they want you to do.

I hope this helped!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


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Re: Study Techniques For Methods
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2019, 07:37:41 pm »
Thank you all very much for your help. I was referring to SAC scores, but it's improved as of late. I believe this is due largely from me doing more questions and getting help on them until I have a really good understanding. I do need to practice looking for silly mistakes because most of my mistakes aren't technique based but rather just some numerical errors. I'm only doing 1/2 at the moment too.

Thanks everyone