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Author Topic: Geoo's VCE Journey  (Read 84371 times)

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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2019, 09:11:26 pm »
What kinda misconceptions, out of interest?

I really thought biology was mainly dissecting animals, and learning about the environment, animals, ecosystems etc. Don't get me wrong, i don't mind learning about the environment, but it was heavily taught every term at my primary school to the point i became really bored. So when i really though about biology, i really didn't like it. Doing VCE bio is really different and has been quite fun. Specifically microbiology. Unit 4 content doesn't interest me tooo much. But yeah that's about it.
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2019, 11:14:27 am »
Term 2 Week 3 13/05/19
Hey everyone! Almost a month into term 2 wow! This week was not very productive and i had to do a cram session on Sunday! I had a chem lab day this week and got a few workouts in. Until i kinda fell down the stairs on Friday :P. I'm ok, but i've got a nice bruise on the knee.

Biology Well, this week was massive. There was so much work that i think could have been summarised into 4 hours instead of 9! Still haven't finished it yet but hoping to today. Its a new topic which has been nice to learn aside from the workload. The immune system is pretty interesting, we mainly focused on the innate system, so first and second lines of defense. Who knew protein (Prions) could cause disease :o

English We mainly just analysed some arguments and the use of persuasive language. Took two quiz's and just did a worksheet. So not bad, pretty easy week.

Chemistry This week is a SAC based on some experiments done in a lab which is why I had a lab day this week. Lab day was pretty great, caught up with a few people and met some new ones too! Slime was made to test polymers which i found very funny for some reason. Tested some hydrocarbons via some combustion and solvent reactions aswell. Just finishing up to SAC which is more like an assignment then a test which is less stressful so been a pretty chill week for chem. Only 2 more weeks until unit 1 is done yay (unless i do week 15 :P but they said it was optional so........) 

Physics It finally get interesting!!! I think because it was more like chem i actually liked this week. Partical theory, standard model and looking at radioactive decay! I remember doing this in year 9 and thought it was chem but huh its physics. Why can't this be in units 3 and 4. Got my SAC back on electronics and managed a B, which i'm happy with. To be honest, it was only a 65%, so i don't know how the equals a B but ill take it.:'(. Anyway, i am officially dropping the subject, sent to confirmation email off so yeah.....

Maths Methods I should get onto that......

Well Thursday, Friday and Saturday was kind of a ride off. I didn't feel well after lab day and slept the entirety of Saturday so that was hella productive. Got to pick up Jay Kirstof and Amie Kaufmans new book Aurora Rising which has been awesome so far! I'm about 40% through it already. Well that's week 3 (12) done, onto week 4! just hanging in for that entire week off
« Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 11:27:17 am by Geoo »
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2019, 11:15:48 am »
Maths Methods I should get onto that......

Basically my entire Methods experience lol. Nice update. :)

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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2019, 10:56:22 pm »
Until i kinda fell down the stairs on Friday :P. I'm ok, but i've got a nice bruise on the knee.

Well Thursday, Friday and Saturday was kind of a ride off. I didn't feel well after lab day and slept the entirety of Saturday so that was hella productive.

Oh no! Hope you're feeling better. That has happened to me on many embarrassing occasions so I always stare down at the stairs now because of my great fear of falling again. 

I never knew proteins could cause disease! Your lab day sounds like a lot of fun! What are you changing Physics to? Your subjects sound fun in general I think. That book sounds interesting! Will have to check it out! And that’s totally me in Methods right now too. I’ve just left it until it’s accumulated to so much it’s not funny.

Enjoyed this lil update and looking forward for more. ✨

Lol also that one vote that you should post everyday was definitely not me. I’m just very obsessed with reading journals and would’ve chosen every couple of days (since that’s what I’m doing) but a month is too long sooo yeah hahah feel free to post whenever you can and I’ll be on it!


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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2019, 03:24:05 pm »
I always stare down at the stairs now because of my great fear of falling again. 
Yeah I now also look down at my stairs in fear as well, it's happened a few times now and i try to be more careful but my feet are still just so clumsy i guess xD.

I'm changing physics to food studies, which is a real shame, since i really like physics, but the course/teacher i have it with isn't that great and will really bring down my scores next year so I thought i should just change. I am looking forward to food studies though as i have always loved to cook (more so baking as i can't cook savory even if my life depended on it) and a "lesser" workload which should give me more time to do on maths yay *sarcastic

Yesssss! I feel your methods struggles!!!
Yeah i don't think i'll be posting everyday, but i might post more,  ;) who knows. I'm glad to see your journal is back up and running btw! I only found out about the journals in the last 2 months all so and reading other peoples is quite motivating when VCE is gets too overwhelming.
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2019, 08:34:32 pm »
Yeah I now also look down at my stairs in fear as well, it's happened a few times now and i try to be more careful but my feet are still just so clumsy i guess xD.

Also don't get those people who walk in the MIDDLE!! But same tho haha.

Ohh that sucks re physics. Especially since you really seem to enjoy it. Are they the only teacher? Idk I know in Year 12 not having a brilliant teacher can be scary but if you both enjoy it and as a bonus you're strong at it, I definitely think you'll be more motivated and put in the yards, is it possible to talk to them? Otherwise re food studies, I've definitely wanted to do that! I love love cooking too (especially baking, omg I love to bake more than anything!! 🍰🍪).

Ughhh methods. Why am I doing it again?

Definitely be up for more posts, don't expect you to do it everyday haha I am just a hugeee fan of reading people's journals and getting a sneak peek into people's lives and it is very motivating too!

And thank you, I'm glad my journal and I are back for good too!! Hope to see you around and I'll be back here!! :)


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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2019, 09:51:37 pm »
Term 2 Week 4 18/05/19

Hello everybody, welcome back to my mediocre existence  :P Soooo, i'm feeling really negative this weekif ya can't tell. There are a few reasons but I won't go into all. So i don't know how many other people go through this with this awesome irrationality, but getting back my SAC results even though it was an amazing score, really put my thoughts on overdrive. Okay, so for my biology SAC I did on cellular signals I got a 19/20 (A+). Now..... that's a great result, i'm still most likely at the top of my cohort, but guess what! My brain went into over drive with logic going completely out the window. All i could think about was, that was such a dumb mark to lose (not mentioning the mitochondria for the intrinsic pathway) and beating myself up over it. For some reason, i had two brief thoughts of going this is going to affect everything yada yada first world problem thinking. So yeah, i think this is just the mind of a perfectionist + worrier, but this kinda brought me down, even though it was a really great score. I've had time to come to my senses, and i know this won't really do anything to my score, so I think i just need to learn that I did the best I can and there isn't anything i can do about it know.
I really hope i don't sound like a pretentious dick with first world problems, but that's just my brain.
So also this week on my self pity party, dealing with my stupid illness. Now i'm not going into what is actually is, but it means i become *extreamly tired. Like all the time. I'm not just talking, "oh, i didn't get enough sleep", or "I could use a nap", i'm talking full on tiredness. Seeing other peoples amount of study can achieve whilst they go to school, do other activities and work on top of that while all i can really do is study 2-6 hours a day with sleeping the rest of it really put me in a mood. I got really annoyed with one my siblings friend, who i told that i had slept 9 hours that day (not over night sleep),  and they said that that would have been nice and they wish they could do that. I know they can't comprehend what it is like to live with something like this, and that they where most likely just thinking that having a nap as a regular person would be nice, but it just got to me. I have been slowly getting better, but getting frustrated on being behind or not keeping up with everyone else just really screwed with my head this week. Anyway, sorry this is kind of a sad post, but this was just how my week went.

Biology Oh my god, the amount of work that was shoved into my brain this week was absolutely horrendous. I think i now HATE the immune system. Don't get me wrong, it is very interesting, but with how much work was given this week was bonkers. I did 16 hours of work on this week, learning all about the third line of defense. I still don't understand how B lymphocyte are activated. Like do the antibodies just match up with an antigen on a pathogen and activate, or does that happen on an APC with a MHC I and a T helper cell. I have never been this confused before. I spent SO many hours on google and I still don't know. I also don't have a textbook and have to get by on Biozone Aside from that got my last SAC back 19/20 (you read my rant above). So yeah that about conclude this week in bio, I am hoping next week is shorter.

Chemistry Honestly bored. I don't mind nanotechnology, but I think i was just flat out zonked from all the stuff in Biology that i had no room in my brain for interest. So I just rushed through it, couldn't be stuffed doing the questions in the textbook, so I was very lazy with this. But I did it non the less.
Next week is the last week on unit 1 for me (unless i do the exam but I think it is optional yay!) so looking forward to that.

Physics Very average week. I got it out of the way quickly with squishing it down to 5 hours! Learnt all about radioactive decay. Very nostalgic, bringing me back to year 8 and 9, so it made for an easier week. Still can't do the calculations though  ;)

English Nothing, nada, zlinch, 零. So I haven't done any English. Not because I didn't want to although that is me most of the time I needed a corrected draft that wasn't given to me on time so this SAC is getting postponed, but it's not my fault.

Maths Methods Going to try get around to that tomorrow. Really wanted to start getting it done earlier, but you know, biology took soooooo long this week. I am going to need to cram 7 weeks into 3. **** Looking forward to the S *cough F*

So There Is My Week
In other news, my knee is healing up well, and I think I can start doing exercise again. I also believe I have an ANT infestation in my house. The buggers are all over the place. Lucifer season 4 is back on netflix so have just been chilling watching that. Haven't gotten to read much of my book unfortunately, really tired and other priorities. Baked a banana cake and tried to see the Aurora Australis. Butttttt even after waiting 2 hours, it didn't come so  :'( why couldn't you be stronger CME! Well, no i really don't want that to happen as all of our electrical things would explode and the world would go into chaos Sorry that this post is quite long and a little on the pessimistic side and a bit depressing. Hopefully you guys are having a better week. Till next time 再见.
*If i made any spelling errors or grammar mistakes, sorry!
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2019, 09:42:50 pm »
Term 2 Week 4 18/05/19

Hello everybody, welcome back to my mediocre existence  :P Soooo, i'm feeling really negative this weekif ya can't tell. There are a few reasons but I won't go into all. So i don't know how many other people go through this with this awesome irrationality, but getting back my SAC results even though it was an amazing score, really put my thoughts on overdrive. Okay, so for my biology SAC I did on cellular signals I got a 19/20 (A+). Now..... that's a great result, i'm still most likely at the top of my cohort, but guess what! My brain went into over drive with logic going completely out the window. All i could think about was, that was such a dumb mark to lose (not mentioning the mitochondria for the intrinsic pathway) and beating myself up over it. For some reason, i had two brief thoughts of going this is going to affect everything yada yada first world problem thinking. So yeah, i think this is just the mind of a perfectionist + worrier, but this kinda brought me down, even though it was a really great score. I've had time to come to my senses, and i know this won't really do anything to my score, so I think i just need to learn that I did the best I can and there isn't anything i can do about it know.

This is something I constantly struggle with as well. I tend to always pine over the marks I lost instead of being content with the score I got (that I should realistically be happy with). One thing that has reaaaaaaaaally helped me out is setting a mark that you'll be happy with either before you do the sac or after you do it. If you tell yourself you'll be happy with a result of x or over, and you get a mark over x, just force yourself to be happy with what you got, because you exceeded/hit your goal!!!! (Also congrats on your bio sac score)
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2019, 10:46:58 pm »
This is something I constantly struggle with as well. I tend to always pine over the marks I lost instead of being content with the score I got (that I should realistically be happy with). One thing that has reaaaaaaaaally helped me out is setting a mark that you'll be happy with either before you do the sac or after you do it. If you tell yourself you'll be happy with a result of x or over, and you get a mark over x, just force yourself to be happy with what you got, because you exceeded/hit your goal!!!! (Also congrats on your bio sac score)

Hey, thanks for reading! It's always nice to know there are other people struggling with this whole scores thing. It's weird, sometimes I set myself a goal that I would be ok with, but have a almost subconscious goal that is higher that may not be achievable. Does that make sense, or do I just sound like a crazy person? But yeah, I try to do that most of the time (so much in maths) and it does work, but I think when I see a stupid mistake, I just keep face palming self.
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2019, 12:53:46 pm »
Hey Geoo!
Just wanted to stop in and say congratulations on your freaking awesome Biology score, and with a big 'ol bucket of empathy.
I really get where you're coming from - it seems like it's never enough for the mind of the overachiever, hahaha! If it makes you feel any better, I also missed a single mark on my last Biology SAC and it may or may not have sent me into a slight crisis myself, but god, you're doing great and I hope you know that somewhere. Please take care of yourself and good luck with these last couple of weeks(?)!
Hehe, thank you! :D It's great that i'm not along in the score struggle! Yeah I've just got to hold in there for a little longer for the sweet whole week off. I'm so looking forward to that, I just hope that I can make. So many SACs ahhhhh
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2019, 10:33:25 pm »
Term 2 Week 5 24/05/19
So this week is feeling a bit more positive than the last, I finally started exercising more again after my stair incident, got to complete most of the unit 1/3 content so close to the end of the units, and got to watch some new shows that have come out. I didn't get to do a whole lot this week, I was able to do a bit of driving to add to my hours and got a whole new tone of books to read when I can find the time. Not going to lie, even though I am glad that I'm pretty much done with all the content (except maths methods :'( ), the amount of SACs next week is scary. Like even though I am fairly confident for a few of them, the one for biology on the immune system is down right terrifying. I only have two exams the week after that I really don't care about. They don't go towards my score so.......  ;)

Biology It's done! I've learnt the immune system. All I need to do is revise for next week’s SAC which I am not that prepared for but hopefully some study will fix that. I basically just continued on with what happens when the immune system goes wrong, something about monoclonal antibodies and other stuff that has left my brain as I crammed too much in.

Chemistry So chemistry is pretty much my favourite subject, so i'm kinda happy but sad as I won't be doing any more content for a while but it will be nice to have a break. I did a murder this week which was a really cool way to sign off unit 1. I couldn't take it seriously as the acting in the videos was downright hilarious! But then again it was made in 2002 so it looked like the IT Crowd but with bad writing and acting. All it needed was a Roy to say "have you tried turning it on and off again". - I really hope some of you get that. I swear the I though Vince/Vance killed Nelson as I though he was kind of a douche, but after all the evidence it was Sam. But yeah, fun week. Kind of scared for the exam next week

English Man this subject bores me. Why is it compulsory :( The only thing I like is that the workload isn't as high as all my other subjects. I just annotated a fake article on its use of persuasive language. Not very exciting. I also received a late copy of my essay draft (I haven't written an essay in ages) and managed to get a B on that. It's not a great score, but i'll gladly take it. So, I corrected and made a few adjustments and sent off the final copy of the SAC. Now all I need to do is dread next week’s SAC on writing another essay. I also feel like English has made it harder to enjoy the books I normally read. I don't know, it now feels like a bit of a chore, and I think it's really sad. I could have loved English but it's just done so wrong (IMO)

Physics My care rate for this subject was thrown into a bottomless ocean this week. I really couldn't care. Some parts are still interesting but I am still finding it so dry with watching films and YouTube videos after one another. I shoved all my normal physics workload of 6 hours in 3. I'm going to drop it so I can't be bothered. I know that’s very lazy of me, but I am really just trying to find time to catch up on maths. But yay, last week of content, got a SAC next week and that is it, end of unit 1.

Maths Methods I haven't done any. I set a time and when to do it but end up doing another subject anyway. I'm not even procrastinating i'm just finding excuses to avoid it. I really need to get my act together, but it's SO MUCH WORK. I am really scared I might fail the unit, I was looking at some uni course i am interested in and a large chunk have maths methods as a requirement. Gosh I am an idiot for leaving it this long.

Aside from that, finished watching Lucifer season 4, started Rain season 2 and watched Chernobyl. I'm kind of sad to wait for the next season of Lucifer, it was a much better season then last time, it is not the best show but it is just light to watch. Dear god Chernobyl was freaking terrifying. I love nuclear science and have done a lot of research on it but to see the level of extent the damage and cover up operation by the Soviet Union was just mind blowing. The acting was great and the locations were very actuate of the time. It was so hard to try not get attached to the firemen as I knew they were all going to die and that really hit me hard. The fact the core was just blew up and the lead nuclear officer kept sending person after person to their death ignoring the information given to him half made me really sad but also very angry at the people being forced into ending their lives from threats to their job. That may be boring to a few people but it is an interesting part of history that still has so much impact that was just fascinating to learn about.
On a lighter note, got some new books (Renegades, Vengeful and His Majesty's Dragon) so looking forward to reading those. So yeah not a bad week, hope everyone else was pretty decent to.

Till next time

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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2019, 11:03:00 am »

Maths Methods I haven't done any. I set a time and when to do it but end up doing another subject anyway. I'm not even procrastinating i'm just finding excuses to avoid it. I really need to get my act together, but it's SO MUCH WORK. I am really scared I might fail the unit, I was looking at some uni course i am interested in and a large chunk have maths methods as a requirement. Gosh I am an idiot for leaving it this long.

😬😬😬😬 I kinda fell into this trap last year, and I honestly still can't bring myself to do methods. Most of the content from 1/2 is applicable and presumed knowledge for 3/4, just make sure you pay attention when you're learning circular functions as it is a huge part of methods 3/4. Good luck!!!!!

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My journey through VCE

How I got a Raw 48 in Economics

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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2019, 04:46:10 pm »
😬😬😬😬 I kinda fell into this trap last year, and I honestly still can't bring myself to do methods. Most of the content from 1/2 is applicable and presumed knowledge for 3/4, just make sure you pay attention when you're learning circular functions as it is a huge part of methods 3/4. Good luck!!!!!

Oh really, that makes me scared. I am normally pretty good at maths but since learning it through DECV, I have found it harder without teacher interaction so i'm kind of struggling. I got so behind because I put it off and now I am skipping alot of the content of the unit to scrape a satisfactory. Do you find you use much of unit 1, or how much difficulty would you say they build upon it in unit 3? I think on the summer holidays i am going to try prepare a lot more for next years maths and try fill in my gaps of knowledge (If I can pass this year). Like I have even skipped circular functions and a few other important parts so I am kind of scared.

Anyway thanks for the advice  :D
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2019, 09:19:34 am »
Ah help!!!!! I managed to catch a bad cold in SAC week.
5 SACs and a head cold Yay.  :'(
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Re: Geoo's Hopeful VCE Journey
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2019, 09:24:52 am »
Ah help!!!!! I managed to catch a bad cold in SAC week.
5 SACs and a head cold Yay.  :'(

Never pleasant. Try to take things bit by bit. You'll get there!

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