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Author Topic: Geoo's VCE Journey  (Read 84370 times)

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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #90 on: August 05, 2019, 07:15:30 am »
I heard so many people went and had an awesome time, at the open days, do I am super jealous. I'm glad you had a good time! Do you know what are of study you are interested in for the uni enrichment program?

Oh yeah, I have done some of Tom Daley's work outs before, and they are really awesome. My favourite is the leg one, but I do like to skip leg days! cause i'm lazy.

Yay (but not really), it's nice to know someone else is falling behind in maths! I didn't end up doing any maths today at all, so I am very frustrated, so it just keeps piling up! I hope circular isn't that bad. I have heard some people find it easy or the worst thing in the world. Go luck with catching up!

I'm interested in Human Biosciences A and B at LaTrobe. They lead to any of LaTrobe's allied health degrees among other things.

Tom Daley's leg workout is my favourite. The one-legged squats kill me though!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #91 on: August 23, 2019, 09:27:40 pm »
Term 3 - 23/08/19

Look i'm posting yay! So these past three weeks have been quite hectic for me, and I have also been in a burnout slump, which isn't very helpful. I have had a SAC every week of august, and I am going to have a few more in September. These have been really time consuming, and have been stressing me out alot. Not much else is going on in my life at the moment, and I have yet again failed to try start exercising again. I really need to put my health first, but I jeep putting school work first. I have had a teacher warn me about overworking myself and to slow down, as i am not doing so great at the moment with my health. But apparently I don't listen, cause I keep doing it.

The good news is, is that the school holidays are only 4 weeks away, which is such a relief. I can't wait to have a small rest, and then get into exam revision. I am also going to one of the biology ATAR notes lecturers which is exciting. It's my first one, so it should be good to check it out, and see if it is a resource I can use for my other subjects next year. I have been feeling a bit weird about my ATAR and future prospects lately. I just kind of feel like this is all pointless, and I am pushing myself way to hard to a point where I am just compromising health. All i need is an atar to at least get into a bachelor of science, and maybe biomed, and that's about it. I am not aiming for high 90's, but low 90's or high 80's. I am just really frustrated, as I have a health condition that is really holding me back, and (i know I shouldn't compare myself to others) compared to others in my year, everyone is doing well in school, whilst having a job and a balanced social life. Unfortunately for me, with being so fatigued, I can only really put my energy into my studies that are the main priority right now. So it is getting me down a little at the moment, and I think I am just really worn out and not in a good mind space at the moment.  :(


So the poster SAC has finally come to an end. I have sent it off today, and boy oh boy is it a relief. I spent so many hours on this, as I had to repeat the experiment after the lab day because of bad results, then record everything in the lab dairy, then finally write the goddamn poster thing. This was so annoying, and took so much time, I am just glad it is over and done with. I feel like I didn't do as great of a job I normally do on these posters. To me, I just struggled with using my words, keeping all the background information in line with the word count, and getting PowerPoint to listen to me. The next four weeks are the last weeks of content for biology which is so exciting! I can't wait to finish up so I can start revising everything.

I am still a bit anxious for the exam as this is my first VCE type exam. I am also scared at how my health will go on the day. I didn't do the GAT, and the exam centre is an hours drive from my place, which means an early morning for me. I just didn't want to do my exam at a school. With being an online student, walking into a highschool with people you don't know, who are in uniforms when your not, and just a new environment, I think that would make my anxiety go through the roof. I don't even have much anxiety, but I think that this would be a bit much with the exam day jitters. So I will just have to drive the 1 hour there.

I also got my first unit 4 SAC back, which was a lovely 29/30. I have pretty happy with this, but a bit annoyed I lost a mark to an ethics question of Bt corn. To me, ethics can be quite opinion based, so I found it hard to separate my opinions from VCAA's. But so far, this unit is off to a good start.

I am about 2 weeks behind in chemistry at the moment. I have just prioritised other subjects so this has just snuck up on me. We have finally moved on from water, and are doing acid and bases, redox reactions, and doing some titrations. I was able to go into the lab 2 weeks ago, and I felt that we did a real chemistry experiment, not just a mentos and coke experiment. I have done so many mole and ion calculations my brain is going to explode soon, so yeah.... My teacher decided that putting all 3 chemistry SACs in 3 weeks was a great idea, so that is coming up in a week, and I am not looking forward to it. Aside from this, I haven't found this unit of chemistry very interesting. I would definitely rate unit 1 a 8/10, but so far, unit 2 is about  a 4/10 for me.

English just makes me sad at this point. I am so over it. I have so many books I want to read, but I am stuck on reading what s provided. I had to do a comparative essay the other week for the first SAC, and it went quite well. I managed to score a B+ which is a great score for me. I am moving onto doing a final copy of it, then I will send it off and start on the opinion essay SAC coming up next week. I am also about to get in contact with a English tutor. I think it would be great to refine my writing, and try get above 80's on average. So that's about it, for this boring, never ending subject.....

Food Studies
Just had my first food studies SAC last week and it went great. I had to prepare a recipe based on a design brief, that I then had to go an answer many questions about. I had to write up yet another HACCP plan, and I also got to make a dish. It ended up being a healthy snack bar, which looks awful but tastes quite nice. It has every health food trend you can imagine in this recipe, so it definitely ticks those constraints. I managed to get an A, which is fine, but I was hoping for a little bit higher. I wish I got feedback on it too. All I got was a mark and that was it. No rubric marking or anything, which was so annoying. And just a mild rant, MY TEACHER WON"T CONTACT ME. I have tried to call this person 5 times with no response. They have no email address, so I can't contact them be that, and I have tried the built in messaging system on the school website and nothing. I have given up. This has gone on for three weeks. I have tried to call, but if you won't answer, you're not getting the work as I can't do it at this point in time, and since I can't contact you, I can't find another solution to do the work. End of rant.

Maths Methods
I started it. I finally started to catch up. I am up to week two now, which still isn't great, but some progress is better than none.

Thanks for reading, and i hope you all have a great weekend. I will try to post weekly again, but sometimes things come up.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2019, 07:59:35 pm by Geoo »
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #92 on: August 27, 2019, 01:20:45 pm »
Term 3 - 27/08/19

Has anyone seen my motivation? I can't seem to find it, I think it went on vacation. Anyway if you have seen it, please let me know so I can get it back.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2019, 01:55:11 pm by Geoo »
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #93 on: August 27, 2019, 01:43:04 pm »
Term 3 - 27/08/19

Has anyone seen my motivation? I can't seem to find it, I think it went on vacation. Anyway if you have seen it, let me know so I can get it back.

I've seen it in the baking thread a few times,  maybe look there?

More seriously,  it's pretty common for people to be burnt out at this point in the year.  Something I did for my year 12 exams that you might be able to use to help you is bake a bunch of mini muffins and eat one as a reward for finishing an exam.  If you're struggling to get anything done you would want to pick an easy target like maybe 10 minutes of solid work.  Then if that works try gradually upping the target.

Otherwise,  generally doing what you can to take care of your wellbeing is a good idea - try not to be too hard on yourself for imperfections :)

Good luck!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #94 on: August 28, 2019, 03:26:04 pm »
I've seen it in the baking thread a few times,  maybe look there?

More seriously,  it's pretty common for people to be burnt out at this point in the year. Something I did for my year 12 exams that you might be able to use to help you is bake a bunch of mini muffins and eat one as a reward for finishing an exam. If you're struggling to get anything done you would want to pick an easy target like maybe 10 minutes of solid work. Then if that works try gradually upping the target.

Otherwise, generally doing what you can to take care of your wellbeing is a good idea - try not to be too hard on yourself for imperfections :)

Good luck!
Yeah i'll go over and have a look, I hope it's there.

Anyway, I was speaking to a few other people and I do agree that everyone is a bit burnt out at the moment. The muffin idea sounds good, I have been meaning to bake, but the problem, is that everyone in my family will want a muffin too ;).
Thank you for your advice, I'll try out the 10 minute thing and give it a whirl, I am already doing about 15-30 minute block study sessions, so I will see if the decreased time helps.
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #95 on: August 28, 2019, 09:04:16 pm »
Good luck! ;D If you find motivation somewhere, feel free to share!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #96 on: September 04, 2019, 07:58:39 pm »
Term 3 - 03/09/19 - 59 Days To Exams

So there are 58 days until my biology exam and I haven't started studying yet. The stress is on! Anyway, I am still trying to find my motivation, and it really is affecting my productivity. I have been dragging myself to the finish line which is under 2 months away, and it is so slow and tedious. All I want to do is study for the bio exam, but I have other subjects to do, which are just ahhhhh. I feel like time is just slipping away and it is stressing me out! But I am also not stressed at all, because I can't find that motivation, so I end up distracting myself for a few hours so I don't have to think about, and then it all comes back to me.

I am just in a weird mood, I can't imagine what seniouritis is going to be like next year. So aside for the feeling of lost time and impending doom, everything is going very slowly. I am behind in some subjects, and have been thinking alot about what I want to do in life. I have been recently been having thoughts about going into dietetics instead of science. This option is a direct career path, and would be a good fit for my health condition. I would still be working in the medical industry with designing health care of patients, and I could do potential phd research. I have been really found of this idea, and I think I could get into the scholars program at monash in the bachelor of nutrition. The only thing is, is that I feel like I am abandoning my science side.

I have always loved science, and the idea of being on the forefront of disease research, breakthroughs in biomedical engineering, using chemistry to help make sustainable products for the environment and so much more. I feel if I take the dietetics route I would be giving all this up, and I don't know if I am ok with that. It has been a dream of mine to study in one of these areas, and I still like to think that I could. The main thing that is getting to me that has made me think about leaving my science side behind is my health. I know I could improve, but at the rate of how it is now, I don't know if I can do uni full time or sustain that kind of job. I know everyone says do what you love, but for me, I need to think of a career that can provide a stable income for me that is flexible with my condition which I also enjoy, and I think going into nutrition could be that for me. I still haven't made up my mind, and I have plenty of time till next year, but it is just something that has been on my mind.


So, exams are coming up, and I haven't started to study at all for them. I am looking through all the bio threads and guides to motivate me and give some advice. PhoenixFire has some amazing resources that I am currently exploring. Aside from this only 2 more week of content then i'm done. YAY.

 Two weeks behind, and very boring at the moment! I don't want to write that essay!

I think I should start that, I seem to have lost all my motivation for this subject................

I'm up to date, but I have to do an experiment at home that I am dreading, as it requires quite a bit of work. My teacher decided that putting all 3 SACs 3 weeks in a row was a great idea!  :'(

Food Studies
My easiest subject so far! I have not done much work, as there isn't much to do. We did compare homemade and frozen items the other day, you tell me which one is the winner....

On to other things, thank you everyone who voted for August! It is time for a new pole, What is Your Favourite Chocolate Brand!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #97 on: September 05, 2019, 10:56:10 pm »
Hello fellow AN readers! Geoo here.
I really enjoy reading other peoples journals and how it motivates me. So i thought i'd do my own! I know this is a bit late into the year! But i though hey why not. It would be kinda cool to come back and revisit the road i had to graduate, and my VCE.
I'm currently in year 11 doing one 3/4 subject.

Current Subjects
1/2 Chemistry (aiming for a 40+)
1/2 English (aiming for over 30)
1/2 Maths Methods (aiming for 25+)
1/2 Physics (probably going to drop and change to food studies) *Is Now Food Studies Unit 2
3/4 Biology (aiming for a 45+)

I am a huge science nerd! Love chemistry and biology the most, and have a like for some physics fields (Nuclear and Astro). I really have a strong hatred for English! It's weird, because i have a massive love for books, linguistics and other languages, but i can't stand to do write bland essays on bland books. I think i'm also one of those people just just likes the creative side. Which they don't do much on. Can't do much about it though  :o I'm currently doing all my course via DECV (or VSV now?) And have roughly enjoyed it so far.

In the long run I thought i might try get into medicine, but i don't think my health is up to that unfortunately. So I decided to set my sites on a Bach of Science. I might go into research with it, or go into the backside of medicine. Don't know what i want to do with it yet, but i think it is a good start :D! I would hopefully like an ATAR over 90, but i know i have health issues which interfere with study, so it may not actually happen, so i'm prepared for different pathways if need be :).

Aside from all education stuff! A bit about me!
I'm a massive book worm (fantasy and sci -fi though), and am quite the marvel fan. TV and movies watching is a free time of mine, that i do with a cat and a cup of tea! (or coffee, or hot chocolate, depends what mode i'm in). I'm an avid baker and video game player. All so much procrastination material  :P

I will try to post weekly, but you all know VCE, stuff can just get in the way. Anyway hope you stick around :)

Heyo, I just started reading this (it's like 7 pages long now but I'll slowly get through them), but nice journal you got there!
I was just asking out of curioisty, if you dislike English, what motivated you to pick it? I just thought your description of what you love about English in general was more like Englang (apart from the creative)
Nice to know you love science, that's the one kind of subject besides humanities which kills me because I'm so bad at it XD
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #98 on: September 06, 2019, 08:40:03 pm »
Heyo, I just started reading this (it's like 7 pages long now but I'll slowly get through them), but nice journal you got there!
I was just asking out of curioisty, if you dislike English, what motivated you to pick it? I just thought your description of what you love about English in general was more like Englang (apart from the creative)
Nice to know you love science, that's the one kind of subject besides humanities which kills me because I'm so bad at it XD

Hey, thanks for reading! The reason I picked english was because I had to. Since english is compulsory, and part of your top 4, I had to chose it. I would have loved to take englang. I really wanted to do it, but by the time I got to year 11, my school dropped the class due to lack of enrollments. So, I just have to live out my englang dreams from the internet. Even though I am a massive book reader, I didn't want to do literature. I had a look at the book list, and I am interested in none of those books, which would make the subject hard to study for. Don't kill me, but I don't like classics at all, and since the course is filled with mostly those, i'm out.

Your not alone, most people I have met are always divided on whether they like science or are good at it. No one else in my family aside from my dad is interested/ even likes science! I feel like that with humanities though. I like learning history on my free time, but I am not interested in studying it as a subject. Plus, I find all the information daunting to remember! Classical studies looked interesting to me though, as I LOVE mythology, but I only really liked unit 1, since 3/4 aren't really related to myths :(
« Last Edit: September 06, 2019, 08:42:17 pm by Geoo »
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #99 on: September 11, 2019, 10:56:25 pm »
Term 3 - 11/09/19 - 51 days till exam

So a quickish update today, as my time is like a currency. So I am decently stressed at the moment, still behind in maths, and struggling through boredom in my favorite subjects.

So next week is the last week of content. FINALLY. I have found the last four weeks so hard to get through, due to my lack of interest on evolution and AOS 1. Some areas are interesting, but most are just make me bored and uninterested. I have my last bio SAC on the first week back of term 4, and then it is all over until the exam. I am just so excited to get studying for the exam, and to just finish up the subject. I did manage to get my second unit 4 SAC back, which was a 29/30. I am pretty happy with this, but I am just a tad annoyed at the stupid mark I lost in the methodology section for my poster. Can't go back and change it now though, so I shouldn't think to much about it. 3>4

Chem is supper confusing right now. Not because of the material, but because I have no idea what the teacher wants me to do for the SAC. She put up conflicting information, and I am just utterly confused as to what I am suppose to do, and at this point in time, I don't think I care. I am not going to put to much effort into this SAC, as I have other tasks that are higher in priority on my list of things to do, and it is only year 11, so it doesn't go towards anything.

I have contacted and English tutor for next year! I'm not too bad at english, but my writing does need some work, and since english is a top 4, I need to work on skills and refine my "talents." Which I don't have Aside from that, I am up to date with work, and and have only 2 SACs left until I finish for the year.

Maths i still haven't done, and I know I am just going to have to rush to complete it all in time, but that is on my incompetence, and procrastination. Food studies is going ok, I will have to cook this week, and then I only have one SAC on the second week of term 4, and then I am done.

So that probably didn't make much sense, and that is my brain at the moment, dead braincells. Sorry that this is a bit sloppy but I didn't have a lot of time, and the procrastination is strong with this one!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #100 on: September 18, 2019, 06:04:33 pm »
Term 3 - 18/09/19 - 44 Days Till Exam

LAST WEEK OF TERM. This term has felt like it would never end, and this is kind of a good and bad thing. On the one hand, school holidays are just around the corner, however so are my exams.  I feel stressed, burnt out, tired and ready to not rock and roll. I have been trying to look after myself but that keeps going down the waterside.

Guess who hasn't started studying for exams, ME. I have been so bombarded with just keeping up on the work I have been given, I just haven't had time to do any study or revision which is pissing me off to no end. These holidays are going to be so long and work filled! I am going to the 3/4 bio lecture this weekend, so that is very exciting! It is an hour and half's drive for me though and it is going to be rainy, but aside from that I am looking forward to it.

FINALLY FINISHED all the course work! It has been too long and I am so glad that it is finally over. I still have a SAC left on the first week back of term 4 which is a bummer, but I am finally free. This is such a weight off my shoulders, as we have been rushing through all the last content!
I can't wait to start exam revision and get stuck into it. I am still a but jealous that most people finished the content earlier in the term, but what can you do. I also struggled to get through the all the evolution topic, I just found it so boring to go into that much depth, but that is just me.

So the past 2 weeks have been an absolute mess. This SAC has been so unorganised that it has given me a headache over all the emails I have had to send to just work out what I need to do. I did a presentation on water pollution which was essentially a paraphrasing task, and I now need to make a poster on an experiment I was suppose to do last week. Anyway, there is only a small amount of work left them i'm done for the term.

I haven't done anything for two weeks because I need my teachers feedback to do the work. So yay.......

Food Studies
Had to compare a recipe of a textbook version and a modified version. I had to adjust a this orange cake recipe to fit an egg allergy, I tried to do so with a chia seed egg, but it didn't really work....

That's it for me this week, hope you all are looking for to the holidays, and hope to see you guys at the lectures!
-Sorry for errors, I can't be bothered to correct anything.
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #101 on: September 19, 2019, 07:09:52 am »
Food Studies
Had to compare a recipe of a textbook version and a modified version. I had to adjust a this orange cake recipe to fit an egg allergy, I tried to do so with a chia seed egg, but it didn't really work....
Have you tried any other types of "eggs"?

Good luck for the busy holidays ahead!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #102 on: September 19, 2019, 10:42:23 pm »
Have you tried any other types of "eggs"?

Good luck for the busy holidays ahead!
Sort of, I have tried to substitute eggs with flax eggs, apple sauce, bananas and I have heard of commercial egg substitute as well. I just decided to try out chia with the textbook recipe we where given and I don't think it was quite the right choice. The chia seeds ended up feeling like soggy poppy seeds.

Haha, you too they are finally here!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #103 on: September 25, 2019, 06:12:12 pm »
School Holidays - 25/09/19 - 37 Days To Exams

Hello and welcome to my personal freakout! I am beyond overwhelmed at the shear size of biology content I need to know, and it is only know that I am going over that I am seeing everything I need to do. I haven't even started revision, since I only finished all the content last week. I also don't know where to start. I have gone back and fourth on whether to just look at note and then done exams, or go over the study design and then do exams. I haven't actually done anything these school holidays....

On Saturday I went to the ATAR notes 3/4 bio lecture, which was fantastic by the way, and boy was it also a nightmare. So I had to drive about and an hour and 45 minutes just to get into the city, then discover all the road work and that Swanston street was blocked off, and then find the lecture hall. Then once I got there, my health took a nose dive and I could barely right any notes down as I sat there tired an dizzy. So not off to a great start. Even though I couldn't take any notes, just sitting in and listing was really valuable. And the question where everyone thought it was D but it was really B.....

Anyway, I got back at about 8, and became a potato. Sunday was also kinda bad, and due to me being an idiot I ended up in pain for the whole day, so it was a bit of a rid off. On Monday I decided to treat myself and bought Stardew Vally on Steam, which I very much regret. I am addicted, and now I don't want to do my work.... I just can't find the motivation as I am incredibly overwhelmed at how much work I need to do, and the fact that there is so little time. I am trying to justify the game by listening to Douchy's podcast.

That sums up my holidays so far, I wish everyone luck on their study's, and if you see my motivation floating around let me know where it is!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2019, 06:34:57 pm by Geoo »
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #104 on: September 25, 2019, 07:33:02 pm »
School Holidays - 25/09/19 - 37 Days To Exams

Hello and welcome to my personal freakout! I am beyond overwhelmed at the shear size of biology content I need to know, and it is only know that I am going over that I am seeing everything I need to do. I haven't even started revision, since I only finished all the content last week. I also don't know where to start. I have gone back and fourth on whether to just look at note and then done exams, or go over the study design and then do exams. I haven't actually done anything these school holidays....

On Saturday I went to the ATAR notes 3/4 bio lecture, which was fantastic by the way, and boy was it also a nightmare. So I had to drive about and an hour and 45 minutes just to get into the city, then discover all the road work and that Swanston street was blocked off, and then find the lecture hall. Then once I got there, my health took a nose dive and I could barely right any notes down as I sat there tired an dizzy. So not off to a great start. Even though I couldn't take any notes, just sitting in and listing was really valuable. And the question where everyone thought it was D but it was really B.....

Anyway, I got back at about 8, and became a potato. Sunday was also kinda bad, and due to me being an idiot I ended up in pain for the whole day, so it was a bit of a rid off. On Monday I decided to treat myself and bought Stardew Vally on Steam, which I very much regret. I am addicted, and now I don't want to do my work.... I just can't find the motivation as I am incredibly overwhelmed at how much work I need to do, and the fact that there is so little time. I am trying to justify the game by listening to Douchy's podcast.

That sums up my holidays so far, I wish everyone luck on their study's, and if you see my motivation floating around let me know where it is!

Ooo the Bio 3/4 lecture
I might've gone to the same one but I didn't like it as much (partially because I'm doing Unit 1 at school and this is a 3/4 revision lecture) but I found it a bit rushed since it's done in only 3 hours
Glad to know you liked it though!
2020: Mathematical Methods | History: Revolutions
2021: Specialist Mathematics | Literature | English | Chemistry | Japanese SL