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Author Topic: Geoo's VCE Journey  (Read 84365 times)

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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #150 on: January 03, 2020, 08:14:23 pm »
So I decided to make her a Grinch to embody her new outlook. After months of saying I will, I have FINALLY gotten back into exercise by going for a walk 5 days a week! I have kept this up for almost 4 weeks now, which I am super proud of, and I am making progress in increasing the intensity. I do want to start building some muscle but I can't really rush into things, so the goals at the moment are to stay consistent and something is better than nothing. This may be the dumbest thing you have ever heard, but I am 38 days milo sober! For the entire year, I was having 1-2 of these a day and that really wasn't super healthy so I am trying to reduce/ cut out milo and so far I am doing ok.

Omg I love this!! I relate spiritually to your love of milo. Gosh the glasses of milo really creep up on me.
I love the idea of going walking to slowly ease back into exercise. Definitely something I need to start doing ! (my fitness levels atm are terrible).
Excited to keep reading your journal!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #151 on: January 05, 2020, 11:15:57 pm »
Omg I love this!! I relate spiritually to your love of milo. Gosh the glasses of milo really creep up on me.
I love the idea of going walking to slowly ease back into exercise. Definitely something I need to start doing ! (my fitness levels atm are terrible).
Excited to keep reading your journal!
Sorry for the latish reply! It's great to meet another milo enthusiast as someone who would understands my milo addiction! They do really creep up.....but they are so good!
Aww thanks for reading, and congratulations on becoming the nsw December mod!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #152 on: January 06, 2020, 03:38:40 pm »
New Year, New Update

I thought I'd go for a new heading colour to mark year  12, so purple it is. Well, I still kinda can't believe I am in year 12, and I can now really say it, since it is now 2020. I was thinking back the other day, and I had this memory of me sitting in the playground in primary school in grade 2 (2010) and I was thinking that I would never get out of school, and that highschool was SOOO far away, and now it is finally here. All 13 years of my schooling will be coming to an end this year, and to be honest I am feeling pretty excited for it. I won't go into to much detail, but my experience in education has definitely been weird adventurous journey, with many curve balls thrown at it. I have moved schools 5 times across my 13 years in school, and have ended up in a place I never thought I would be. So for it to finally conclude, I am most certainly excited!

My overall thoughts are that I am definitely excited to work hard for my final year and accomplish getting my VCE, but I am also scared of how I will go this year, and whether or not I can live up to my own expectations. Last year was definitely hard, with alot happening in my personal life and with my own health which had quite an impact on my academic performance, but I feel as this year will be even harder. There's that pressure of knowing that these grades do count towards something, you can't just go, "well i'm not in year 12, so this won't matter." And whilst I know that this year isn't the be all and end all of life, it is my key to unlock the door that is university.

So, enough of the sentimental stuff, what am I doing this year, and what are my goals?

I think one of the things I am most excited about this year, is knowing that it is my final year of english. Over time I have come to an acceptance that it's not that bad, but it's not that great either... I have not once enjoyed english. For a subject rooted in creativity and linguistics, I find it extremely formulaic and standardised. Even as a massive book worm, I cannot, for the life of me, find any interest in this subject. The subjects that we discuss and explore are bland, having to analyse the language and it's use of it is kinda bland, and they don't even keep the creative writing aspects in it anymore, with there only being ONE SAC! I know that this is a bit negative but AHHH, it drives me insane. So, here are my amazingly boring books I have to read this year (there were WAY better books on the list that my school could have chosen from..) Like A House On Fire, Cate Kennedy. Nine Days, Toni Jordan. Tracks, Robyn Davidson. My teacher, and tutor also hate the books, so... it's not just me.
I am aiming for 38+, but would be overjoyed at a 40+. Last year I aimed for a 30, but my skills have improved quite a bit, so I am going to try aim a bit higher.

By far my favourite VCE subject ever. Everyone thinks I am insane, but I love chem and all it has to offer. I am a bit scared of the transition to 3/4 chem, as I have heard it is quite a jump from 1/2, but will see how I go. Also, the teacher kind of worries me. I have had her for year 11 bio, and whilst she is fantastic with her knowledge, I find it very hard to understand her. Over the phone, the volume is very low combined with her quite spoken tone, and in combination to that, she has a very strong accent that makes it hard to work out what she is saying. So I think alot of email communication will be in order. Now, I do hope for a 40+ score in the subject, but I really have no clue as to how I will go. 45+, would be amazing..

Food Studies
I am really looking forward to studying this! It is a nice change from all the sciency stuff and english mumbojumbo, and I had a great time in unit 2, so I can't wait to continue on with it. I changed over to food studies after dropping out of physics in year 11, due to reasons explained in other posts, and I haven't regretted it. I love to cook (more so bake), and being able to have a subject that supports that is great. 80% of the theory looks relatively interesting, and to be honest a lot of it is just common sense... Which is why VCAA has decided to give the lovely present of a fuck you and scale it down by 7. Really, 7 whole points. Even a 40 won't save you, and that scales down to a 35.
So, that's why my goal is a 45+. It will still scale to a 42, but I think that is what I am capable of. I am secretly aiming for a 50 though, that would be an absolute dream!

Maths Methods
I can't be bothered. Due to my poor managements of my health last year, I scraped a pass for both units 1 and 2 ,and by doing so I have absolutely no clue about anything in the subject. And that's terrifying. I am extremely worried for this subject and I hope and I can get through it. I am looking for a tutor, as this is way to hard for me to relearn everything all on my own, especially at VSV, so I am currently on the hunt for one. (tute smart is too far away, so I couldn't go there). This may be way to high of an expectation, but I am aiming for a 30. A 35+, would be great, but highly unattainable for me..

I have already completed bio last year, so in total I will be doing five subjects. I really want to do 5 subjects this year, as it would not only help me get a better score, but also not put as much pressure on me doing well in methods... However, last year I did five subjects and I couldn't handle it at all. The workload was to high with my medical condition, and it caused me to almost fail a subject. So I will only be doing four this year :(. I am trying to keep the logic of if I do only four subjects, then I will have alot more time to study them then doing five.
My ATAR goal, is just a 90+. That's all I really want. It will allow me to get into most of the courses I am interested in, and is the number that I have wanted when I first learned about what the ATAR was, in my heart though, I think I will end up with an atar in the high 80's. A 95 would be awesome, but I know that I am just not capable enough to get that high. I will say, that if I get a 89.95, I will be a bit pissed off...

In terms of the future, I am still set at doing either biomedicine, pharmaceutical science, or a bachelor of science along side a diploma of langauge. I haven't chosen a uni yet, as I haven't seen any of the campuses. I will say that I am the most interested in monash and melbourne. The closest campus near me, is actually monash's peninsula campus, but that is only for nursing and paramedicine, the clayton campus being about 1.25 hours away, and Melbourne being 2 hours away. So I will say that distance is definitely an issue, and will most likely make my decision for me...

Personal Goals
) Keep up consistency with daily exercise, and slowly adding on intensity.
) Limit the milos..... (not have them every day)
) Reading goal is 35 books
) Fit in more of my hobbies
) Get my P's by doing 10 hours a month (I already have 73 hours)

On the holidays I have not done any prep work for this year. I have no holiday homework which is great, but I really need to start working ahead a little bit. Whats been stopping me is just my lack of motivation due to still being burnt out, and my disappointment over my study score from bio. I think I'll illiterate more another time, but in short, the reason why is that during the exam, my health condition ruined my chances, which has led to me seriously rethinking if I am capable of getting a good score, if all my efforts are screwed up by exams. I am going to take the time this year to apply for a lot of special considerations for the exam period to hopefully better my odds.

Oh, I am also getting my wisdom teeth out next Tuesday, so that should be fun.... I am going to become a professional chipmunk for a week. So that shall be it for a while, but I thought I would give a decent update to start off 2020. Sorry for the long post, I hope everyone had an awesome chirstmas (or any holiday), and a great new year. Just quickly, 2020 is the best year to graduate in! So yay, class 2020.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 12:03:47 am by Geoo »
2020: VCE 93.2
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Ionic Doc

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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #153 on: January 06, 2020, 04:06:27 pm »
Hey Geoo!
I feel the exact same way as you, I remember back in grade 2 thinking about how school lasts for everr and now I'm already in year 12. Time really does fly.

I cannot, for the life of me, find any interest in this subject
this is exactly me. Except for this year I have a good set of texts and have (so far) enjoyed reading them. Sucks that you have boring books, but like you said before. Final Year of English Ever (hopefully)

By far my favourite VCE subject ever
Chemistry is also my favourite subject to :D
So far from what I've been studying over the holidays,  chem is definitely going to be an interesting subject this year.

I scraped a pass for both units 1 and 2, and by doing so I have absolutely no clue about anything in the subject.
I scraped a pass as well. I think this year I'm going to have to change my attitude in methods to do well, not run away from it but actually practise. Hopefully, we can both achieve our goals in methods this year.

Lastly, I hope you're health stays in good condition throughout the year. I can barely survive school with hayfever so I can only imagine what you go through. I think it's a smart move by taking 4 subjects because the best way to succeed in VCE is having a balance in everything, with an important emphasis on studying and an individuals health.

Oh, I am also getting my wisdom teeth out next Tuesday, so that should be fun.... I am going to become a professional chipmunk for a week. So that shall be it for a while, but I thought I would give a decent update to start off 2020. Sorry for the long post, I hope everyone had an awesome chirstmas (or any holiday), and a great new year. Just quickly, 2020 is the best year to graduate in! So yay, class 2020.
Having fun getting your wisdom teeth pulled out ( soo not fun) and I agree for sure that 2020 is the best year to graduate.  8)
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #154 on: January 06, 2020, 04:53:01 pm »
Hi Geoo!! Loved reading through your thoughts on each of your subjects!! I seriously cannot imagine that Year 12 is here and our schooling is nearly done!! Its crazy to think we are finally at the year that everyone dreads and we grow up thinking it will never come..

Literally....same with me and English. I used to love to read, but english and I just do not click  :(
Our school is doing 9 Days as well.....most people like it but it just seems so dull to me.....I'm hoping I'll change my mind after I read it.

Also, I love Chem too! Most people think its a crazy subject to have as a favorite, but I do enjoy it, particularly because it has the right mix of content/maths.

I'm sure you will be fine in Methods, you've got this!!

Good luck next year!! I cant wait to follow where the year takes you  :D


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #155 on: January 06, 2020, 05:01:53 pm »
Hey Geoo! Super cool entry into 2020!

As Ionic Doc said, I think it’s really smart of you sticking to four subjects. I have honestly know idea how you do it, it’s super inspiring to hear all about your goals and I really hope that your health stays good this year!

Really excited to follow this year as we face the final year  ;D

Also I’ll join the Chem fam, as how great is that subject  ;)
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #156 on: January 06, 2020, 07:25:42 pm »
Hey Geoo!
It's awesome that you already have goals both personally and academically set for the new year! Just remember that your health (physically and mentally) always comes first... the ATAR and the studies can wait!

Even as a massive book worm, I cannot, for the life of me, find any interest in this subject.
Me too! It is the most dry and boring subject... I think I would've loved school if it wasn't for english.
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #157 on: January 06, 2020, 11:55:25 pm »
Hey Geoo!
this is exactly me. Except for this year I have a good set of texts and have (so far) enjoyed reading them. Sucks that you have boring books, but like you said before. Final Year of English Ever (hopefully)
Chemistry is also my favourite subject to :D
So far from what I've been studying over the holidays,  chem is definitely going to be an interesting subject this year.
I scraped a pass as well. I think this year I'm going to have to change my attitude in methods to do well, not run away from it but actually practise. Hopefully, we can both achieve our goals in methods this year.

Lastly, I hope you're health stays in good condition throughout the year. I can barely survive school with hayfever so I can only imagine what you go through. I think it's a smart move by taking 4 subjects because the best way to succeed in VCE is having a balance in everything, with an important emphasis on studying and an individuals health.
Having fun getting your wisdom teeth pulled out ( soo not fun) and I agree for sure that 2020 is the best year to graduate.  8)

Having good books definitely makes a difference! If I could do an essay on one of my favourite books, it would make such a difference. Although no matter what the source material, I still find essays to be so bland to do, as it is just a formula at this point.
Yay, another chem lover, I don't feel alone any more! I think that's what i'll have to do as well to actually do decently in methods, but I guess we shall be in the adventure together! Yeah, hayfever sucks! I use to have it before I moved to another area, but I think people underestimate it. My eyes were always teery, so I couldn't see what was on paper.. But yes, I hope my health is good to me this year. Good luck with your own year 12 studies, you have alot on your plate!

Hi Geoo!! Loved reading through your thoughts on each of your subjects!! I seriously cannot imagine that Year 12 is here and our schooling is nearly done!! Its crazy to think we are finally at the year that everyone dreads and we grow up thinking it will never come..

Literally....same with me and English. I used to love to read, but english and I just do not click  :(
Our school is doing 9 Days as well.....most people like it but it just seems so dull to me.....I'm hoping I'll change my mind after I read it.
Also, I love Chem too! Most people think its a crazy subject to have as a favorite, but I do enjoy it, particularly because it has the right mix of content/maths.
I'm sure you will be fine in Methods, you've got this!!
Good luck next year!! I cant wait to follow where the year takes you  :D
It's weird as I don't find many others like me when it comes to loving books but hating english. I think it is a massive stereotype as well, that if you love books you must also LOVE english, which just really isn't the case for quite a few. I read the blurb for nine days, and I just can't. It seems so boring. I really hate reading historical anything, so having 2 books set back in time is made my motivation to read them 10 times worse. The plot also seems just very bland, and uninteresting. I haven't read it yet either, so who knows, my opinion could change, or we may just suffer together. I will say, it's nice to know another person doing the same text that I am, as I rarely see others with my texts!
Great to see another chem lover! I swear I get picked on for loving the subject. Everyone I have met hates it, and are like "physics is better," and while I like physics as well, I love how chem connects the dots between all the sciences. The theory is also just so interesting. I don't mind the maths in it, as it is pretty simple, although I do need to work on my stoichiometry! Thanks for the methods wish's, I hope i'll be fine to ;). Your guide by the way was an awesome read, and really inspiration.

Hey Geoo! Super cool entry into 2020!
As Ionic Doc said, I think it’s really smart of you sticking to four subjects. I have honestly know idea how you do it, it’s super inspiring to hear all about your goals and I really hope that your health stays good this year!
Really excited to follow this year as we face the final year  ;D
Also I’ll join the Chem fam, as how great is that subject  ;)

I feel like that now I have come out as a chem lover, I have met others who also love the subject. It's really just so rare these day, so it's awesome to see another in the chem fam, I am so tired of how much hate it gets. I honestly don't know how I do it either, it was extremely tough doing five with my health conditions, so I am glad I am going to do four, but my little overachieving heart is not hearing it. Thank you for your kind words, it will be awesome to see what we experience in our final year. It's great to see that you have also made a journal, which I look forward to following throughout the year.

Hey Geoo!
It's awesome that you already have goals both personally and academically set for the new year! Just remember that your health (physically and mentally) always comes first... the ATAR and the studies can wait!
That is a lesson that I have most certainly learn't when it comes to my health. I have always viewed it as, "you can't do anything without your health," so that is most certainly true. I think it can be a tad difficult when you have your own goals that you know you can't meet, or just seeing others doing what you want to do but can't, and so you end up kinda ruining your health by ignoring it to achieve things. I have seen many people put their ATAR before their health, and it is never worth it!
Me too! It is the most dry and boring subject... I think I would've loved school if it wasn't for english.
Same, I think that is one of the most relateable sentences I have ever heard. If I could have just stuck in my science/creative subject bubble I would have been way happier. But english has to exist...
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #158 on: January 13, 2020, 08:15:01 pm »
Mini Irrelevant Update....
So, i'm really scared at the moment and absolutely over worrying about getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
Lets hope I make it out  :'(

sorry for being a bit over dramatic, but this is really hard for me
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #159 on: January 13, 2020, 08:30:13 pm »
Mini Irrelevant Update....
So, i'm really scared at the moment and absolutely over worrying about getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
Lets hope I make it out  :'(

sorry for being a bit over dramatic, but this is really hard for me

GOOD LUCK! You will make it out, don't worry!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #160 on: January 13, 2020, 08:46:20 pm »
Mini Irrelevant Update....
So, i'm really scared at the moment and absolutely over worrying about getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
Lets hope I make it out  :'(

sorry for being a bit over dramatic, but this is really hard for me

Ahh Geo good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine (and it's totally okay to be dramatic I'd be freaking out too) (at least it gives you an excuse to eat lots of ice-cream)
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #161 on: January 14, 2020, 06:49:04 am »
New Year, New Update
Personal Goals
) Keep up consistency with daily exercise, and slowly adding on intensity.
) Limit the milos..... (not have them every day)
) Reading goal is 35 books
) Fit in more of my hobbies
) Get my P's by doing 10 hours a month (I already have 73 hours)


Oh, I am also getting my wisdom teeth out next Tuesday, so that should be fun.... I am going to become a professional chipmunk for a week. So that shall be it for a while, but I thought I would give a decent update to start off 2020. Sorry for the long post, I hope everyone had an awesome chirstmas (or any holiday), and a great new year. Just quickly, 2020 is the best year to graduate in! So yay, class 2020.

What are you hoping to read this year? ;D What kind of genre do you like?

Best of luck getting your wisdom teeth out! Enjoy the icecream, jelly and milkshakes!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #162 on: January 14, 2020, 06:26:49 pm »
Mini Irrelevant Update....
So, i'm really scared at the moment and absolutely over worrying about getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
Lets hope I make it out  :'(

sorry for being a bit over dramatic, but this is really hard for me

Aw good luck Geoo!! You've got this!!

How did it go?


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #163 on: January 14, 2020, 06:30:53 pm »
Mini Irrelevant Update....
So, i'm really scared at the moment and absolutely over worrying about getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
Lets hope I make it out  :'(

sorry for being a bit over dramatic, but this is really hard for me
I hope you made it out a-okay fam! ^-^

Remember, this is your journey journal and nothing is irrelevant! :)
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #164 on: January 14, 2020, 10:46:04 pm »
GOOD LUCK! You will make it out, don't worry!
Thank you  :)
Ahh Geo good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine (and it's totally okay to be dramatic I'd be freaking out too) (at least it gives you an excuse to eat lots of ice-cream)
Yeah it can be a bit hard for quite a few people, and yess, all the ice cream!
What are you hoping to read this year? ;D What kind of genre do you like?

Best of luck getting your wisdom teeth out! Enjoy the icecream, jelly and milkshakes!
Well, I have quite a list. I want to finish of the Saga, volumes, I'm up too 7 out of 9, the night circus + the starless sea by erin morganstern, the mortal instruments series (plus other trilogies following), the lies of locke lamora (Gentleman bastards) by Scott Lynch, way of kings by Brandon Sandersan, and foundryside by Robert Jackson Becket and many many more! I watch way to much booktube and have kind set up my own good reads :).
But I mainly read alot of fantasy and sci fic, but I have also read contemporary on non fiction. E.g. I really loved eliza and her monsters and heart stopper, and I really broke out of my comfort zone and read educated by Tara Westover, which is definitely a hard read as everything that happen was real.

Yes, Port Wine and grape jelly here I come!!!!
Aw good luck Geoo!! You've got this!!

How did it go?
Aww thanks so much!
As someone who has alot of PTSD from really bad medical procedures, this went extremely well. The oral surgeon, nurses and anesthesiologist were really kind an understanding, as they gave me a pre anxiety med + nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to relax me. And were over all really understanding of helping me through my trauma to get the best experience. There were some few hiccups, aka the admission staff gave us the wrong info for an ol lady, and we had to run around the hospital until someone realised I wasn't a 62 year old. So right not I have a massive bandage around my head with two small icepacks that keep preventing my from eating, and my tongue is so numb it fells like I have been bit by a bee! But I am feel ok and have some strong pain meds near by.
I hope you made it out a-okay fam! ^-^

Remember, this is your journey journal and nothing is irrelevant! :)
Thank you, it's so nice to get alot of support, so thanks for the well wishes. I sometimes feel like since this is more of an education journal stuff like this doesn't fit, but I guess I need to just get out of the head space.

I am still recovering from anesthetic and am finding it a bit hard to type and read, so sorry for any errors!
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash