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Author Topic: Geoo's VCE Journey  (Read 84449 times)

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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #210 on: April 27, 2020, 09:16:33 pm »
First of all,

I hope you have had a beautiful day and filled with lots of CAKE!

Give yourself a massive pat on the back for that AMAZING Food Studies score! You have deserved it and make sure you celebrate.
In regards to your English SAC, don't worry, the VCE systems allow you to bounce back (and stronger than before). As everyone else has said above, one bad SAC won't ruin everything, it's how you take the feedback that will.

Enjoy the rest of your week and thanks for the journal update! ;D


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #211 on: April 29, 2020, 05:48:09 pm »
Wow guys thank you so much for your kind responses, it has made me so happy to read over them.
Happy Birhday Geo! Woah 18! I can’t imagine (literally I’m still 16 lol).
How does it feel Don’t worry about the English SAC you’ve put in effort which means when the exam comes around (7 whole months at least) you’ll be ready!!! Anyway forget about that it’s your birthday  🎈 🥳
I remember being sixteen, it feels so long ago now that's it's crazy! You'll get to my old granny age in no time! I certainly hope that I can get better by then, I think it's just time that I move on and focus on it later! Thank you so much for your kinda words and i'll definitly enjoy my birthday!
First of all... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like you had a pretty good day, enjoy the adult life  8)
Just wanted to say, your journal was the first one I ever stumbled across and started reading regularly, and I have loved all your updates over the last year. In fact, it was your journal that really inspired me with mine, so I can't wait to stick with you till the end of the year and maybe even beyond  ;D
YES GEOO! This is SO good, and I'm so proud and happy for you. You put in the work and deserved it!
Sucks about the english sac but I know you'll persist through it
Anyways, enjoy the rest of this special day
That's so sweet of you to say, i'm glad you have enjoyed my posts as I have loved writing them. Supper happy that you made your own journal as it is such a blast to read,  and it will be so cool to read about your year 12 journey as well! Thank you for the birthday wishes, I had an awesome day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEOO!!! Its so awesome to see that you've had a great day despite the situation! You're amazing!
And super congrats on your food studies mark! So good!  :D
Have an awesome rest of your birthday and party hard!
And also about the English SAC - dont let it get to you - I'm sure itll just be improvment from here - you've got this! I believe in you!  :D
Haha, thank you Arty! Yes I had a great birthday, it was so much fun considering the circumstances. I'll try try to improve throughout the year with english, it will be hard but i'll get there. Thanks for believing in me!!!!!
First and Foremost....HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEOO!! WOW, 18! 🥳
Another special occasion! I've really loved reading your journal from the beginning, and I really like how detailed they are as well! You should see me...my eyes light up every time I see there's a new Journal Entry! 😁
Aww, this is so sweet! Yes, go plants! Sounds like you had a fantastic and fun-filled day and I'm so happy for you!
OMG, A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS! You really need to teach me your ways to get full marks, you're amazing at food studies! 😆
Hey, don't worry about the English SAC. There are still plenty more SACs left (as cliche as that sounds, I know) and I know you can improve! You can do it! The good thing is you've gotten feedback and you can use it to improve for next time. Although, it is especially hard, when you don't like the subject. I hate Lit as well sometimes but I found that if I take little baby steps and ease myself into it, it's not bad.

Have a great rest of your birthday and a great rest of the week ! 😊
Yes i'm old now, woohoo! I still can't believe i'm 18, it doesn't feel real yet.  Thank you for reading, I have had a blast reading your reply's and reading your own amazing journal. It may be cliche, but I swear when ever I hear encouragement it really does help, so i'll try my best. I really do despise english, which is weird as I love books, but I think i'll enjoy text response better as Nine Days was a surprisingly decent book. You have a great week too, and enjoy your last few weeks of being 17 yourself :P
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEOO!This is so cute! I'm glad you had a really good bday.  (also agree that you're not an adult until you've had green cordial)
Congrats on your food sac! Thats really great you tried something new and it totally worked!
I can relate about English, I got a C+ on my text analysis sac and I prepared a lot for it sometimes you can just never seem to bump up those marks, I'm proud of you for trying your best and putting in so much effort. I know for a fact that you will ultimately be successful in English, keep persevering :)
I admire the time it took to write the first sentence in all the colours! I had an awesome day, I don't think I mentioned this but I got a hot chocolate as well, had calls with my family, and the day after my new book arrived so it was fantastic.
I was so worried with my food SAC, but I was so relieved that it turned out okay :) I relate with you one english! I'm about to do my text response SAC this week so it is certanly nerve racking, I so hope I can get a better mark for it than the argument analysis! Thank you for your encouragement and the birthday wishes, i'm sure you'll improve in english as well, and you'll get the B+!
I hope you had a great birthday and had lots of fun! I've tried to grow plants but they all end up dying so I just gave up haha.
Congratulations on food studies! You deserve those amazing marks :)
It sucks when you don't do as well as expected on a SAC. This is exactly what happened to me, and I very melodramatically expressed my disappointment in one of my own journal entries. Luckily, the VCE system is designed so that one bad SAC mark won't set us back! You still have the exam to prove yourself - not to mention all the other SACs you have.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day :D
THANK YOU WHYS! I struggled with plants for year, I always killed them off so it is certainly a new thing being able to keep it alive. Who knows, there may be one time in you're life were you go and buy a plant and you succeed in keeping it alive. Yeah I remember when your post on your english SAC, I think I reread after mine and I 100% relate to everything you said. Yes I certainly hope it doesn't set us back, and your right, we have a whole year to improve. We can do it!
First of all,
I hope you have had a beautiful day and filled with lots of CAKE!
Give yourself a massive pat on the back for that AMAZING Food Studies score! You have deserved it and make sure you celebrate.
In regards to your English SAC, don't worry, the VCE systems allow you to bounce back (and stronger than before). As everyone else has said above, one bad SAC won't ruin everything, it's how you take the feedback that will.
Enjoy the rest of your week and thanks for the journal update! ;D
Thanks Ashmi!!!!!! I had an amazing day, however this year it wasn't cake, but meringue's! We have to mix it up every once in a while!
I guess that is an upside to the VCE system, lets just hope I don't mess up the text response SAC as well! Enjoy your week too, and thanks for reading. I will also go pack myself on the back now  ;)
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #212 on: May 01, 2020, 06:42:29 pm »
Update - 01/05/2020 - Screaming On The Inside

Hey, welcome back, i'm stressed, overwhelmed and ready to drive off a cliff (not literally). So I don't mean to be so melodramatic, but I haven't been able to do any work today at all. At the moment, I don't think i'm going to perform well at all anymore, well at least in some subjects. For me i'll do decent on my ATAR, but no where near the goal that I originally intended. I'm not even aiming as high as others on the forum. This has just got me into a sour mood, and it's making it hard to do any work when I feel like it's all for nothing. For now, i'm just going to continue on doing my best, but unfortunately I don't think my best will be enough.

Honestly, after my shitastic result for my first SAC, and the fact that unit 3 is now worth 30%, I feel so hopeless to my score. I think i'll be able to get over 35, but who knows about my OG score of 40+. This is so upsetting to me, especially since unit 4 is only worth 20%, and that the oral is cut. That means the my unit 4 score is essentially coming down to one SAC, the comparative. I don't mind the oral as I have alot more freedom to do what I want, which is why I think I will also do well in the creative. This week I am still practicing for the text response to Nine Days next Thursday. I am rereading Nine Days, which I am so happy I am doing, but I haven't even started like a house on fire, which I start work on next week. Once again, I feel so much pressure to do well on this text response SAC, and i have not idea how I will go. I don't trust my teachers feedback anymore, as he said I would get a good mark for my last SAC, but I think his definition of a good mark and mine are very different. Anyway, I will breakdown another topic tonight and write an essay tomorrow. I plan to write 2-3 more essays before the SAC.

Fuckkkkkkk. So, I still haven't got my other SAC results back, but i'm sure it's not going to be over 85%, and since unit three is now worth 20%, I am pissed and scared. My next SAC is 2 weeks away, and it has been moved online. I am terrified of this! How the hell am I suppose to write out chemical equations, stoichometry, and general chem stuff ONLINE! Also my internet drops out every 5 seconds, so yay for me I guess. I am also quite angry over what they cut from unit 4. They could have just cut the practical stuff all together, but noooo, they cut out so much food chem! That was what I was looking forward to the most. It just makes me disappointed and lost. I feel like my 40+ dreams are gone, and I can only hope that I go well on my next SACs and exam. In other news, unit four will technically start early but it won't. I don't know what's going on there.

........ Guess who's terrified! Me! So, my ONLY unit 3 SAC, which is next week is now worth 22% of my study score. That's an exam. I haven't even studied for it, I think the course is crap, the teacher is very lazy, and this all makes me want to curl into a ball and cry. AHHH. Good news though, is that i'm pretty happy about the cuts to unit 4. All of that stuff is what I hated and wasn't amazing at, so that is certainly going to make my future self's life easier. small wins!
I'm going to try do a bit of most of the chapters everyday, then move onto the application parts of the textbook.
In case you don't believe me on how bad the course is:
- we haven't used our textbook once.
- Every other subject of mine has a weekly online lesson, methods has one every 3 months.
- We skip over important stuff
-There is more, but just some of the things that have kinda gone wrong.
I completely understand why so many get tutoring for this subject, when it feels like you aren;t been taught at all :(

Food Studies
The only subject going well that isn't all dome and gloom. So to end on a positive note, i'm happy to over what they have cut from food. A little down about removing food labeling, but what can you do. Food studies unit 3 is now worth 35% and unit 4 25%. Since I have full marks for food, i'm not as worried as I am for the other subjects. In how it's going, i'm not going to lie this is a bit of a change for me. Normally I have always been a science person and have known how to study for this, but the later half of unit three, and unit 4 are all a mix of psych, business, marketing, humanities and english, it's weird. I don't really know how to study for this subject, but it looks like i'll try stick to using quizlet, as there are really no questions that I can use for practice, so it is a bit hard to study for.... I can't really use the textbook outside of knowledge on the course, as it has questions with no answers.... hmmmm.

In other news, my new plants are doing well! I have one in the corner, and one on top of my bookshelf. I treated myself to reading a book! I'm currently reading Aurora Burning by Jay Kristof and Amie something.. I now have 101 hours, and will continue to keep building that up so when restrictions are lifted i can get my P's. It has been announced unit three will end on the 26th of June... But i'll likely finish early, e.g by early June, so i'll start unit 4 for my other subjects, and solidifying unit 3 of methods, as I have so much catch up work to do with the textbook!
To end on a high note with this pretty depressing post, I have had an amazing birthday! Once again thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, and I enjoyed my first week of being an official old person!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2021, 12:37:18 am by Geoo »
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #213 on: May 01, 2020, 08:44:46 pm »
Hey don't worry about English and Chem marks too much. I stuffed up my Chem Sac (probs 60% hasn't been cross marked yet so don't know actual score) and as much as that sucks, I still am aiming for a 40 and I'm going to start trying harder for my next Sac.
2019 - Geography [41]
2020 - English, Methods, Chem, Bio and Psych [39]
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #214 on: May 01, 2020, 10:52:12 pm »
Hey don't worry about English and Chem marks too much. I stuffed up my Chem Sac (probs 60% hasn't been cross marked yet so don't know actual score) and as much as that sucks, I still am aiming for a 40 and I'm going to start trying harder for my next Sac.

I'm trying to have the mindset at the moment, but it is quite tough to keep thinking like that! I am still aiming for a 40 for both, I just have to cross my fingers that I can nail the exam to boost my SAC scores.

I hope your chem marks come back and they are better than you expect!
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #215 on: May 02, 2020, 12:37:44 pm »
Congrats on those great guns in Food Studies Geoo!! 😎

Don't ever let it slip away from you. You just never know what might happen nowadays.

Keeping hanging in there! I know some VSV teachers make themselves available during lunch hours, an hour or two after lunch or an hour after their final class of the day. If for some reason your Methods teacher isn't that type, and isn't dedicated... I'd suggest the unfortunate naggg + your concerns if they're still unconvinced
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 12:50:25 pm by brothanathan »


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #216 on: May 02, 2020, 12:42:35 pm »
Update - 27/04/2020 - OMG I'm Legal

This update marks the one year anniversary + a day, since I started this journal. I normally never stick to something for this long, so I am really proud that I have continuously updated this journal for an entire year. Thank you to everyone who has replied and read this journal, your support has meant so much to me. I'll try keep this update not too long.

The biggest thing this week, is that today I turn 18. I can't believe i'm legal now, and I find it funny that yesterday I don't have the new rights I do today. Also, when is that grown up button going to switch on, I have been waiting all day for it. It was a bit of a different birthday this year with covid and what not, but I got to celebrate with my family. I woke up to some ballons and confetti on the floor, and my mum got me some plants for my room. I think she saw that I keep one alive for so long, that she trusts me with a bigger plant. I then got surprised to go to my local bakery, where they made me some of my favourite macaroons, which was awesome. I then got to go and test drive two cars i'm interested in (once they open driving tests again...) , and went to bunnings to get a watering can for the new plants. I got some lovely messages from my family wishing me a happy birthday, and it really made my day. It may be a different type of 18th, but it was amazing. I'm going to be facetiming a friend tonight, and my neighbor brought over my first alcoholic drink which she described as "adult cordial," if this doesn't say i'm 18 I don't know what does.

To school based news, I got my part two food studies SAC results back and my english SAC (finally it took 2 months...). I was really worried for my food studies SAC, as I approached it a different way, but it ended up getting full marks! I was over the moon, and I really think this solidifies that this subject is going to be my highest scorer! Now, today I got my long awaited english results for my language analysis SAC, and I fucked it. 28/40. 70%. I cried. I worked so hard to try and do well, I sent in 4 extra essays, talked with the teacher and everything and ended up with this! For fucks sake. I tried to not let it get to me, as it is my birthday, but it made me so frustrated. It's not a great motivator, as I have the text response SAC this week, which I have only sent in one essay for, but ahhhhh.
I hate english, I don't see a point to it. I wonder, the teachers go on and on about the authors intent, with themes and characters, but what if THEY HAD NO INTENT. What if they just wanted to write a story for the enjoyment of reading, all for it to be torn apart for an essay. I love reading, it's an escape or an educational experience, but English just destroys it...

To finish off, we have moved onto area of study two for both chem and FS. FS is different for me, as it has become more of a business/marketing type of subject which i'm not use too. And chem is going alright, I think the equilibrium stuff is the hardest topic to grasp concept wise, but I believe that it is the VSV course that is making learning so difficult, especially when you get an error like this.
(Image removed from quote.)
Till next time!

Sorry for the late wish, but happy late birthday Geo!!!! Damn, sucks to spend your birthday during quarantine, but dw, cuz it'll happen to me as well, so we're in this together hahah. I gotta admit that I haven't read much of your journal entry, but I wish you good luck with Yr 12 this year, and I'm confident that you'll get through this tough year!!!! I am aware that you were devastated about your SAC score/s, but I hope that you've moved on, and you'll be able to compensate them with your other SACs.

From mi-xao-14

EDIT: Grats to you for your amazing FS SAC score!!!!!! Good luck with your other SAC scores, and I hope that you've done better than you've anticipated. Ik it's terrifying, but at the end of the day, what matters the most is your effort. If you tried your best, there's no need to be sorry about it, even to your silly mistakes (ig you can feel sorry about your silly errors a bit, but hey, you can use that experience to prepare for your next SACs).
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 12:49:19 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #217 on: May 03, 2020, 07:06:33 pm »
Congrats on those great guns in Food Studies Geoo!! 😎
Don't ever let it slip away from you. You just never know what might happen nowadays.
Keeping hanging in there! I know some VSV teachers make themselves available during lunch hours, an hour or two after lunch or an hour after their final class of the day. If for some reason your Methods teacher isn't that type, and isn't dedicated... I'd suggest the unfortunate naggg + your concerns if they're still unconvinced
Thank you!! Who knows what will happen with food but as you said ill hope for the best!
It's really hard with my teacher. She's really disinterested (she kind of scares me not going to lie) and when I do ask for help, it's not helpful. I think that it is really hard to answer maths questions via email, or even on a phone call, as I can't see any workings out or anything. I'll keep trying to email her, but with the current situation we can't really call our teachers at the moment!
I will keep trying to nagg, but I really need face to face help.. I'm just so frustrated! But thanks for your advice, I may even try contact the schools higher ups.

Sorry for the late wish, but happy late birthday Geo!!!! Damn, sucks to spend your birthday during quarantine, but dw, cuz it'll happen to me as well, so we're in this together hahah. I gotta admit that I haven't read much of your journal entry, but I wish you good luck with Yr 12 this year, and I'm confident that you'll get through this tough year!!!! I am aware that you were devastated about your SAC score/s, but I hope that you've moved on, and you'll be able to compensate them with your other SACs.
From mi-xao-14
EDIT: Grats to you for your amazing FS SAC score!!!!!! Good luck with your other SAC scores, and I hope that you've done better than you've anticipated. Ik it's terrifying, but at the end of the day, what matters the most is your effort. If you tried your best, there's no need to be sorry about it, even to your silly mistakes (ig you can feel sorry about your silly errors a bit, but hey, you can use that experience to prepare for your next SACs).
Aww thanks for the belated birthday wish, it will certainly be an interesting year for 18th birthdays, do you have any idea what you are going to do for yours whilst stuck in this quarantine? Not going to lie, it was tough to move on, but there really is no point wasting my time thinking about the SAC marks, I just have to improve for me next SACs! I also hope that you have a great year 12 too! I have had a bit of a read of your journal, and it's awesome to hear how your year 12 journey is going. I noticed your avatar is from my hero academia, I haven't watch that show after the third season since I have been so busy  but it really was an awesome show. Do you find yourself still watching anime alot?
Thank you for your kind words, it has really cheered me up to read them after a tough weekend (methods i'm looking at you).
Enjoy your week!
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #218 on: May 08, 2020, 08:45:59 pm »
Update - 08/05/2020

Hey guys! I'm feeling alot better this week which has been great. It hasn't been super productive but I have been doing things. There have been alot of changes going on with school that make me a little concerned, but i'm trying not to think about them too much. I feel a little more tired this week then normal, but I think that is due to going on a few more walks this week. I have to say, the whether has not be fantastic for walking, but I have tried to find the warmest coat I own, and just go for it. Although I really need to find my beanie again, otherwise my ears may fall off, and I need those... Also I have decided that VCE isn't safe anymore, I got a papercut, and I will personally hold VCAA responsible, is there a work safe equivalent for school?

The thing I look forward to most this year, is walking out of the exam never having to do another essay again. I am so tired of english, I despise this subject with all of my being. I will say though that I did enjoy one of my texts which is a rare thing, but i'm not looking forward to reading the next book. This week means that I don't have to do another text response for a while! Woohoo! I think it went pretty decent, I regret not making my contention a bit stronger, but I can't change it now. I'm hoping for a 75+, which would be an improvement from my last SAC, but i'm not aiming too high to get my hopes up. I found out from my teacher that my cohort really struggled in the last SAC, so that makes me a little more relieved. Anyway, it is now time for the creative! I am normally pretty happy with doing a creative as I like creative writing, but the book so far is really boring, so will see how we go.

If you have been on the forums, i'm sure you would have seen my chemistry answers fiasco, which has been the most annoying part of my week. How does my teacher expect me to study if I don't have correct answers to work with?? Well the practice online SAC is next week for rates of reaction and equilibrium. I"m feeling decently confident, but my teacher is going to make 1/4 of the SAC experimental design, which I really struggle with. I don't know if it is just me, but I have found the experimental design in chem a little different from bio, but then again it may just be how my teacher marks it. I have been enjoying AOS 2, and I can't wait to get this SAC out of the way which is in two weeks time. I'm going to try do some checkpoints, and the AOS review chapter questions in the textbook, as well as go over experimental design, if any one has any tips or resources on this, please feel free to comment.

Food Studies
A little behind in this subject. I wasn't able to complete my notes on chapter 8 this week, so i'll try catch up soon. However, this subject is so light at the moment that it provides a nice break. The one things that has been a bit startling, is how english/ business/ marketing/ psychology this subject has become. It really has a bit of everything. I have just two more weeks before the SAC, and since unit 3 will end early if I keep up to date, then I get a five week break, as the teachers need to reorganise unit 4!

.......  I'll try not to be as negative as I was in my last post, but I have kind of accepted defeat. I am still studying for the SAC (although not as much as I like), and have even changed textbooks. I found that jacaranda just jumped straight into the hard stuff without enough background, so I tried Cambridge and I found they had alot more lead up which is great! I really have alot to catch up on in terms of skills, and my SAC is technically over two weeks (including this week), but I am going to ask for an extension. It will be hard, but I hope I can just scrape a pass, so i'm aiming for 50 -60%.

That's about it for the time being. My journal will be filled with ups and downs, but for now i'm going through a bit of an up. I am still reading Aurora Burning which has been great so far, and I will start reading like a house on fire for english. Catching up with friends via  skype and zoom has been cool, and I think I may find my motivation soon, I think my neighbour stole it.
Two things before I stop, I think in the future I want a bernese mountain dog, OMG they are so big and adorable!!! Also I am so ready for uni, I can't wait to study what I actually want. Going through uni courses and having a look at what they offer just makes me want to start now. Also, I miss bio.... Come back unit 3!!!
That's it for now, till next time!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 04:11:42 pm by Geoo »
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #219 on: May 08, 2020, 10:35:51 pm »
Hey Geoo!

Just wanted pop in with this doggo:
open me
A Bernese Mountain Dog!

Awesome job for going on walks (especially with the cold weather we've been having brrr) :)

I hope that you find the equivalent of WorkSafe for VCE and that they can put a stop to papercuts due to unsafe working conditions! ;D

P.S. I was thinking of switching to the Cambridge book for Methods too! Could you please let me know how it goes? :)

P.P.S. Revision, SACs and exams are temporary. Thank goodness VCE doesn't last forever. Not too long until you start uni! You've got this, Geoo! :)

« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 11:23:18 pm by lm21074 »
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #220 on: May 09, 2020, 06:37:23 am »
Hi Geoo!
Yes, thanks for the update! It's so good that you're feeling positive right now and hopefully the paper cut isn't too painful! Congratulations on finishing another english sac (massive achievement, you should be proud!)

Good luck for methods and your other subjects. It's great that you are finding the Cambridge textbook easier to work with.

Food Studies
A little behind in this subject. I wasn't able to complete my notes on chapter 8 this week, so i'll try catch up soon. However, this subject is so light at the moment that it provides a nice break. The one things that has been a bit startling, is how english/ business/ marketing/ psychology this subject has become. It really has a bit of everything. I have just two more weeks before the SAC, and since unit 3 will end early if I keep up to date, then I get a five week break, as the teachers need to reorganise unit 4!
This is fantastic! (5 week break wow!) Do you do a lot of cooking for food studies (and do you have a favourite dish to cook?)
Have an awesome weekend!  8)
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #221 on: May 09, 2020, 06:06:56 pm »
Hey Geoo!
Just wanted pop in with this doggo:
Awesome job for going on walks (especially with the cold weather we've been having brrr) :)
I hope that you find the equivalent of WorkSafe for VCE and that they can put a stop to papercuts due to unsafe working conditions! ;D
P.S. I was thinking of switching to the Cambridge book for Methods too! Could you please let me know how it goes? :)
P.P.S. Revision, SACs and exams are temporary. Thank goodness VCE doesn't last forever. Not too long until you start uni! You've got this, Geoo! :)
Aren't they cute!!!!! I have only just starting using the cambridge so I will definitely tell you later once I have used it a bit more. However, so far I have found it to be alot better than the Jac one. It provides more examples, and (depending on your maths skills if you like this aspect or not) it provides some easier "lead up" sums that can help alot when preparing to move on to the harder stuff. For example, my basic differentiation skills are very lacking, and I found that the Jac jumped straight into the product rule, and since I didn't have those basics I couldn't do anything. Where as the Cambridge had so much more lead up questions and info that hopefully by the time I get to the product rule stuff i'll be okay :)

I can cheer to that, thank goodness VCE doesn't last forever, I think everyone one would go crazy if they did! Thanks for your encouragement!!
Hi Geoo!
Yes, thanks for the update! It's so good that you're feeling positive right now and hopefully the paper cut isn't too painful! Congratulations on finishing another english sac (massive achievement, you should be proud!)

Good luck for methods and your other subjects. It's great that you are finding the Cambridge textbook easier to work with.
This is fantastic! (5 week break wow!) Do you do a lot of cooking for food studies (and do you have a favourite dish to cook?)
Have an awesome weekend!  8)
Hey Choco! The papercut wasn't too bad, and I got it from my english book nine days, maybe the universe it trying to tell me english is dangerous? I'm so happy that another english SAC is out of the way, and I amd quite proud of it so hopefully it goes okay. 2 english SACs down, only 3 more to go for the year yay!
Thanks for the good luck, I need everything I can take at the moment! When I heard that we will get a five week break, I was over the moon,  and I couldn't believe it to be honest! Hmmm, I cook for food studies every second week roughly. Sometimes it is more, other times it's less. It's not always cooking either, it may be taste tests, science experiments or actually cooking a dish. Some of the stuff that I have done for food can be found on the food studies showcase thread here if you want to check it out.
I think my favourite dish to cook would have to be either chocolate chip biscuits, doughnuts, special fried rice and cake (banana or chocolate) I can't really decide,  :D. What about you, do you cook often? Have a great week too!
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #222 on: May 09, 2020, 07:11:09 pm »
Hmmm, I cook for food studies every second week roughly. Sometimes it is more, other times it's less. It's not always cooking either, it may be taste tests, science experiments or actually cooking a dish. Some of the stuff that I have done for food can be found on the food studies showcase thread here if you want to check it out.
I think my favourite dish to cook would have to be either chocolate chip biscuits, doughnuts, special fried rice and cake (banana or chocolate) I can't really decide,  :D. What about you, do you cook often? Have a great week too!
Wow, I had a look at the thread and the donuts look incredibly delicious! Unfortunately my cooking skills are pretty non-existant and I can't really do more than follow a simple recipe. Although, we love watching Masterchef at my house!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #223 on: May 15, 2020, 01:06:23 pm »
Update - 15/05/2020

This week on what does Geoo have to complain about now, online SACs! Woohooo.
So, there isn't too much to update on this week, aside from that i'm going a little insane at the moment with the amount of work that needs to be done. I feel like there is so much to do, but nothing at all. It's weird. What I mean by this, is that there is alot of prep work I need to do, but no actual submission work, so the workload is self inflicted, which doesn't make it feel as "important." I don't know if I explained that right, but I think you'll get the jist of it. Before I get into what actually happened this week, I though i'd tell you guys about my procrastination adventures!

So, I got thinking during the week on how when my parents got their year twelve education, it was called the HSC. This was in victoria in the 1980's. This lead me down a rabbit whole of trying to find old exams from the 1980's, but I ended up finding ones from the 1930's in what year 12 was called: Matriculation. That was interesting! But, did you guys know it has only been VCE since 1991, it has had many names before that so go figure. Okay, I also went down a soap making hole. I have no interest in making soap, but I got trapped in the chemistry stuff first (lye scares me), then I got into all the amazing soap designs. Finally in my procrastination adventures, I got heavily invested on learning about the american revolution. Very interesting (i mean Australian history is kinda boring compared to countries that have been around longer) compared to Australian history, which I have only studied the emu war. After that it was onto the american civil war, and that was even more fascinating to dive into. So yeah, you can see why I didn't get much done this week.

Good news first, I am now all caught up to date, which is such an awesome feeling. It was just some questions on Like a House on Fire in preparation for the creative SAC in two weeks. Now, I despise like a house on fire. I'm not even reading the whole thing as the creative is only on one short story of our choosing. I got up to around 120 pages and called it quits. Look, I can recognise the great literary devices and what not, her story telling techniques are great, but what in the world was VCAA thinking giving this book to year 12 students? I mean, I'm going to have to write in the perspective of a depressed and abused housewife who is over the age of 45. This book contains content that is so depressing and hopeless. I just felt really sad reading every story, and it just never ended. It's like Kennedy doesn't know what happiness is. 100% choosing Nine Days for the text response in the exam, I hate this book with a passion. AnYwAy, I am looking forward to the creative, I think it will be my highest scorer for english. I have always loved creative writing, so at least I will enjoy it.

I have done one question of the SAC. I'm not going to lie, it is quite hard. I can recognise some things, but it is really difficult for me. I have an extra week as I was granted an extension, so I have till the 29th of May. I am really just hoping for over 50%, but I really am quite terrified. The good news though, is that I can still get an S for the unit even if I screw up the SAC  ;) dying on the inside
Also, in dumb errors this week, I managed to forget, that if you are given points on a graph, that X value in that point doesn't have to be the same as the X intercept. Gosh i'm dumb.

Food Studies
I have no clue how to study for the upcoming SAC in a week. Earlier this week I spoke to my teacher on giving me some past questions from last years SACs which she gave me, and I will use them quite a bit. FS is weird to study for, as there is practically no external resources outside your textbook and teacher. Checkpoints is weird for this subject compared to others, the answers are just so vague, and they can contradict what my teacher and textbook say, so thats fun to work with. The content has been interesting, but it has become a humanities subject now, and as a science kid I don't know how to study for it. I am having to learn new techniques and am rote learning for the first time. I have normally always understood what I was doing, then applied it through questions and it just stuck, since there are no questions, and i'm not really learning concepts, I have to bring out the flash cards again.

Okay, this subject feels like if someone stuffed a bunch of gas in a container, and didn't realise the pressure was already to high, and everything just ended up exploding because a person with a match stick came along. I'll jump to the point, my chem SAC is next week, and it's online...... I did the practice online SAC, which I only lost three marks for (they were really dumb. I didn't put a unit after Qc, I placed the wrong unit after one K value, and I also didn't say Significantly when describing the intensity of the red colour going down after dilution) which was great. However, I really don't like the online format, this may just be me, but I have always liked to highlight important information and key words as it makes it easier for me to understand what I need to do. I am an awful speller when it comes to online. There is no spell check in the SAC, so I don't even know if that is going to be readable. I really don't like it being online, but what am I going to do :(. Anyway, I will probably do a little more practice, as I need to get my wording a little better (oh, I have been spelling equilibrium wrong this whole time as equailibrium) and just feel more confident in some experimental design parts because why do I have to write a hypothesis in a test that isn't based on and experiment ahhhh. So yeah, on top of rate of reaction and equilibrium  and I need to study up on errors, accuracy..... you science nerds get the point.
On top of this, we are doing chapter 9, just going through electrolysis, and after next week if we are all up to date, we get a week off before we start the month long poster SAC in June.

Thanks for reading that word vomit, and enjoy the weekend guys!
(also, my mini plant isn't doing to well, I believe that since I have had the heater on too much, it has dried out the soil. I need to water it a bit more to revive it.)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 03:53:14 pm by Geoo »
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #224 on: May 15, 2020, 03:23:18 pm »
Haha I love your procrastination, it's a lot more interesting than mine. Some interesting Australian history you could listen to is the podcast "The Eleventh" which I found kinda interesting.

Update - 15/05/2020
Now, I despise like a house on fire. I'm not even reading the whole thing as the creative is only on one short story of our choosing. I got up to around 120 pages and called it quits. Look, I can recognise the great literary devices and what not, her story telling techniques are great, but what in the world was VCAA thinking giving this book to year 12 students? I mean, I'm going to have to write in the perspective of a depressed and abused housewife who is over the age of 45. This book contains content that is so depressing and hopeless. I just felt really sad reading every story, and it just never ended. It's like Kennedy doesn't know what happiness is.
Wow if this isn't relatable, I totally agree! The stories are so depressing and whilst I can understand the cleverness and the skill required to the stories, they have no link to my life whatsoever. At least once you do your creative you can leave it in the dust.

Good luck for all your SACs (and to your mini-plant). It sucks about the chemistry being online but losing only three marks is fantastic!

Thanks for the update  ;D
2021-2025: BMedSci/M.D @ Monash