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Author Topic: Geoo's VCE Journey  (Read 84326 times)

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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #270 on: September 04, 2020, 06:12:17 pm »
Are you sure there isn't some hole in your car? Or food? My brother spilled chips in my room once and my floor was full of ants (I know it's gross). I had to clean it for an hour!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #271 on: September 05, 2020, 03:33:11 pm »
I finally caught up, thank god! SAME! Salted caramel is kinda nice but in chocolate you kind of get sick of it quickly.
BAHAHAHA is there a name for this war? All the best, I know you can defeat them. But seriously, I think it would be a good idea if you take some insect repellent or something with you in the car. I can't imagine what I would do if I was driving and a large Huntsman climbed up my arm!
I'm not sure, but I think i'm going to call it the great war of the arachnids and Ornithurae.... I don't know it sounds fancy. Yeah huntsmans can be quite scary when they want to be! Especially when driving, I'd hate to see one crawl over me.
Mostly when parked, or when you've been driving?
A mix of both. I've had about 3 instances when the car was moving, and 7 when sitting outside my driveway, so it's a combo attack from the region of birds. It's very well organised!
OMG i would probably light it on fire if i found more than 2 spiders in it! thats crazy!
IKR it's quite terrifying! Love my car to light it on fire though, however I would consider putting it in a cement box, then they wouldn't be able to get in :) Although i'm still a bit scared as I have seen a few redbacks around my car.....
Are you sure there isn't some hole in your car? Or food? My brother spilled chips in my room once and my floor was full of ants (I know it's gross). I had to clean it for an hour!
I have looked and I don't believe there is a hole, there are some easy spots to squeeze into but that's just the nature of the car. I have strick rules on food in my car to avoid smelling it out, so i'm pretty sure there isn't. But that would be so gross, I can just imagine a herd of ants on the floor ewwww! I had them on my kitchen floor once when I spilled honey on the ground, and whilst I thought I cleaned most of it up, I clearly didn't as the next morning they were EVERYWHERE!   
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #272 on: September 10, 2020, 04:48:28 pm »
Update - 10/09/2020 - 77 Days Till I Can Nap Without Guilt

I feel like I update this way to frequently? Not sure? I guess it's just a great way to express the all the lovely feelings and thought's I have as I ride the Rollarcoster of VCE. Anyway, just to follow up on last weeks update, I have already had 2 more birds decide my car is a toilet, and I was out and about just minding my business. Honestly it's unbelievable! So i'll try keep this update a bit on the shorter side and hopefully on the positive side, even though i'm feeling like negative Nancy on steroids right now :)

VTAC Preferences
Now I haven't submitted them off yet as I haven't had the time to stare at my computer screen for 45 minutes, but I now have a decent idea of what I want to put down. It was helpful to go to both the monash and Melbourne open days even though they were online, and I think I have finally made some decisions. If I hate them later, I can always do a switchero.
1) BSci Unimelb.
2) BSci Monash
3) PharmSci Monash
4) Nutrition Science Monash.
5) BArts Uni Melb
6) BArts Monash
7) RMIT Food Nutrition and Technology.
8 ) BDesign Monash
I might change around a few after three, but I know that I really want to do food science at Melb uni, and if that doesn't happen, i'd still be happy to do a Bsci at monash :)

26% through the book...... I feel like it's a word vomit all the time, and I really dislike Robyn as a character, to me she  comes across as a bit of a hypocrite. For example, she goes on, and on, about how she feels bad for the camels, weather it's been trained for riding, or has a peg put through it's nose, but then she goes ahead and does it anyway! I feel bad saying that as she is a real life person instead of a character. Lets hope it improves but wow I need to push through this book.

I'm still 2 weeks behind, which isn't a place i'm happy to be in, but I hope I get up to date by next week, and that I can finish content on the holidays. I have my last SAC the first week back on food science which is kind of scary, as I have 2 other SACs and a GAT. I'm going to be sooooo exhasted that week. The school will finish content on the second week of term 4, but once again i'm hoping to to that on the holidays!

Food Studies
I have one more week of content left!!!!!! Yay! Then I have finished unit 4 except for the last SAC which is also on the first week back in term 4. I'm actually in contact with my teacher at the moment to see if I can do it over the holidays to so that I won't be to worn out by that week. There won't be a practical portion this time round thanks to the adjusted study design, so it will only be a 100 minute test. But, I just finished my last SAC for this term, which was the food studies SAC! Thank goodness that's out of the way. I made a lentil soup which honestly had too many lentils in it. On a side note, I wasn't very happy with my answers, but I have said that before and got good marks before, so i'm sure it will be okay.

Uh, i'm in a WTF mode. So I "finished" my last methods SAC of the year yay, which I found to be easy in the maths aspect but it felt more like an english SAC, as the wording was just bizarre. "Find the span from the northern border to the widest part of the river," I had no clue from what point was the widest part of the river, and it was quite subjective, so I just went with the minimum of the function and crossed my fingers. Anyway, I got an email back from my teacher offering me a bit more time to finish two questions I didn't complete as I ran out of time...... I have never seen this happen before. On the one hand this is great, as I get more time to go back and see if I can answer them, but one the other hand I feel like this is dragged out and all I want is for it to be over.... In other news, I have 3 weeks left of content till I finish unit 4, then it's time to start crying as I run out of motivation for exams!

Congratulations! You dear readers, have made it to the end of my shenanigans! I'm currently very unproductive, out of motivation, and have a deep desire to just forget about VCE and start baking again. Honestly I have been so distracted with chocolate tempering videos! Oh and kittens. Lots and lots of kittens.  Just checked out the DUNE trailer, and wow that looks awesome! I have the book on my shelves, and I think I should finally pick it up (after tracks of course :P). Also, i'm now 99.96% sure i'll be taking a GAP year next year, but this update is already longer than I expected, so i'll leave that for next time. Anyway, please send some motivation and energy through the mail, and send wishes for my car's safety against the birds!!!!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #273 on: September 11, 2020, 09:49:25 pm »
I feel like I update this way to frequently? Not sure?
Absolutely not! We love the frequency of your updates!

I have already had 2 more birds decide my car is a toilet, and I was out and about just minding my business. Honestly it's unbelievable!
Looks like the arachnids and Ornithurae are winning! Don't let them!

So i'll try keep this update a bit on the shorter side and hopefully on the positive side, even though i'm feeling like negative Nancy on steroids right now :)
If you ever need to vent feel free to PM me matey!

For example, she goes on, and on, about how she feels bad for the camels, weather it's been trained for riding, or has a peg put through it's nose, but then she goes ahead and does it anyway! I feel bad saying that as she is a real life person instead of a character. Lets hope it improves but wow I need to push through this book.
It doesn't really get better but it does get less unbearable. I hope I am not going too far but PM me if you want some handy notes as we've just finished Tracks at school. I've got some handy dandy quotes you might like!

On a side note, I wasn't very happy with my answers, but I have said that before and got good marks before, so i'm sure it will be okay.
Congrats on finishing all of your sacs! Dude, I always get this gut feeling regarding how I answer questions and it always messes with my mental health until I get it back so do your best to ignore it. Your mindset is so good though!

Anyway, please send some motivation and energy through the mail, and send wishes for my car's safety against the birds!!!!
Sending some motivation: Pew Pew!
I shall pray to the gods for your car's safety but the rest is up to you to defend your castle. Right now it's an easy win for the arachnids and the Ornithurae are winning: 2 to 0. If I wanted to be mean I'd add like another 10 points for the number of spiders and birds that pooed on your car hahahahha.

Keep pushing through, you've got this! 77 days until you can take a nap without guilt remember!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #274 on: September 18, 2020, 09:09:23 pm »
Update - 18/09/2020 - Holidays!

I think it is crazy how fast this year has gone... There were certainly some moments which went by slowly, but overall it's gone at break neck speed and I am only now just coming to terms with the fact that my final year of my highschool education is finally coming to an end. Wow. I'm really looking forward to finally having the freedom after school (come on Vic Roads, please open up soon), and just having the chance to do something that isn't study!

Let's jump right in to the subject rap ups:

I am almost done with the book now, thank goodness! I've read 85%, and I plan on finishing the rest tomorrow so I can finally start planning on doing my practice comparative SAC which is the first week of term 4! Super excited to be getting english out of the way, I only have one more week of compulsory content to do and then it's the SAC and goodbye unit 4! Overall the book was just.... meh. I give it a solid 3/10, and that's mainly because there were way to many monologues that filled in the "what's happening" parts of the book. Alot on camels, alot on the dessert, stuff on what she's thinking, it went on, and on, and on. I also wished she had more paragraphs in her work, it felt like one big chunk of text. Also, I wish for the english exam I could write and essay called "Why Robyn should have bought a Toyota instead of camels to the desert," I felt so sorry for the camels....

I'm really annoyed that I am still three weeks behind on content, it's really dragging me down, but I hope to have it all finished by the end of the holidays so I can start exam revision soon. Other than that, there are no more SACs, and I am still petrified of this subject...

Food Studies
I've finished all the content!!!!!! Woohoo! Such a great feeling, 1 subject down, 3 to go! I do still have one more SAC left that was suppose to be done week one term 4, but I asked my teacher if I can do it in the holidays and she gave me the go ahead. Since this is my last exam, this subject will go on the back burner for a little bit as a prioritise english, methods and chem. I did get back my last SAC with I ended up with a 40/40, super happy with this, and it's really the only subject I feel comfortable with at the moment.

Like methods I still have a good chunk of content to get through! I haven't started AOS 2 so I need to get cracking! Like the other subjects, i'm aiming to get all the content out of the way by the time to holidays end so that I can start practice exams and revision! I still do have one more SAC also in week 1 of term 4. My class is doing one more week of content after the SAC, but to me that's to late so i'll speed ahead and do it. Also.... I skipped over electrolysis back in unit 3, so I need to go back to that chapter... woops.

Final VTAC Preferences
1) UniMelb - BSci
2) Monash- BSci
3) Monash- PharmaSci
4) Monash - Arts
5) RMIT - PharmSci
6) Monash - Nutrition science.
7) RMIT - Food Technology and Buisman
8 )RMIT- Food Technology and Nutrition -

Just Some General Feelings
To be frank, i'm very overwhelmed at the amount of work that needs to be done, and to be quite honest I don't think i'll reach my goals. Something i've hinted at in this journal is that I suffer from a few health conditions, and I worked myself way to hard in the first half of the year that it has messed with my performance and energy with the second half. I keep telling my self I just need to push myself for a bit longer, and then I can take time to recuperate, but i'm scared that I have just affected my health too much. I currently have an eczema flare up on my writing hand at the moment, that is making it very hard to do any form of hand writing, and I have bought so much moistening cream it's not funny (shoutout to cerave tubs...). I'll seriously be bringing hand cream into my exam room lol. I also got notified that because i'm high risk with our friend covid, I have been given access to have my own separate room for the exams and the GAT, which has given me some sense of security. My health isn't as bad as it was in the first half of year 11, but it's certainly taking a toll. My brains like, hey, it's just a bit more to go, and then it will be time to rest, but my body is on full vcay it's time to chill out mode so ahh, pretty annoyed! But hey, at least I've got the mental motivation, I just have to convince the rest of myself to get on board!

Overall i'm just a bit scared my health will get in the way of me achieving my goals, and affecting whether or not i'll get into the course I want. For now all I can do is give it my best shot and hope for the best.  I can't be to hard on myself as I know that this isn't something I can control, and I just need to do the best that I can, not matter how hard I tell myself otherwise. I just have to keep thinking that there are many pathways if I don't get the score that I need, and it's not the be all and end all. Anyway, that was a bit personal so moving on...

Thanks everyone for all the support you've given me, and please go enjoy the holidays, even if we're all trapped inside!

Homeworkisapotato  :)
Absolutely not! We love the frequency of your updates!
Looks like the arachnids and Ornithurae are winning! Don't let them!
If you ever need to vent feel free to PM me matey!
It doesn't really get better but it does get less unbearable. I hope I am not going too far but PM me if you want some handy notes as we've just finished Tracks at school. I've got some handy dandy quotes you might like!
Congrats on finishing all of your sacs! Dude, I always get this gut feeling regarding how I answer questions and it always messes with my mental health until I get it back so do your best to ignore it. Your mindset is so good though!
Sending some motivation: Pew Pew!
I shall pray to the gods for your car's safety but the rest is up to you to defend your castle. Right now it's an easy win for the arachnids and the Ornithurae are winning: 2 to 0. If I wanted to be mean I'd add like another 10 points for the number of spiders and birds that pooed on your car hahahahha.

Keep pushing through, you've got this! 77 days until you can take a nap without guilt remember!
Aww thank you! I must say I haven't been attacked by the birds this week, so I have a feeling i'm winning the battle slowly! I may take you up on those notes for tracks, I swear the book has more content on camels that actual story... But that would be amazing thank you! Gotta love those thoughts in SACs and Exams going, "is this really the right answer....", but glad i'm not alone in those thoughts!
Thanks for the extra motivation and I shall keep fighting those annoying birds, but I think I may have gotten ahead with the spiders... I haven't seen them round for a few days, but we shall wait and see. Have a great holdiay!
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #275 on: September 18, 2020, 09:53:49 pm »
Hey Geoo, I'm so happy you updated your journal! Great job in Food Studies, the relief when you finish all the content in a subject is so worth the hard work throughout the year.
I'm very sorry that you have to go through this but I just wanted to let you know that mindset is everything and you have such a positive attitude and an amazing amount of resilience which I think no physical barriers can stomp down on. I know and you know that you can overcome this and achieve your goals!
I'm so bad at understanding social nuances on text so feel free to send a PM if you want my Tracks notes. Have an amazing and productive holiday <3
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #276 on: September 18, 2020, 10:00:48 pm »
First off.....congrats on finishing the term Geoo!! How crazy is it that TERM THREE is finished?!

I am so so positive that you WILL achieve your goals! Just keep at it the best you can, I'm sure you will catch up. Just keep at it, and don't forget to look after yourself. Everything will slowly fall into place. Also, if you ever need methods help, feel free to give a shout!!

And yayyyy......UniMelb gang going strong! Bsci is my first preference too. Would be so awesome if we both get it!!

Enjoy your holidays Geoo!!  You deserve it :D


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #277 on: October 03, 2020, 12:46:00 pm »
Update - 03/20/2020 - Term 4

Homeworkisapotatoe  :D
Hey Geoo, I'm so happy you updated your journal! Great job in Food Studies, the relief when you finish all the content in a subject is so worth the hard work throughout the year.
I'm very sorry that you have to go through this but I just wanted to let you know that mindset is everything and you have such a positive attitude and an amazing amount of resilience which I think no physical barriers can stomp down on. I know and you know that you can overcome this and achieve your goals!
I'm so bad at understanding social nuances on text so feel free to send a PM if you want my Tracks notes. Have an amazing and productive holiday <3
Hey Potato! Getting through the content is always such a good feeling!
Thank you, even though I wasn't the quickest to respond, i've reread this little message many times and it has never failed to put a smile on my face. Thanks for believing in me, and your amazingly kind words![ I hope you can achieve all your goals this year as well, and I have no doubt you will, good luck with all the exam prep for bio and don't forgot to take a break every now and again!
I hope you had a productive yet relaxing holidays, and good luck for term 4!

ArtyDreams  :D
First off.....congrats on finishing the term Geoo!! How crazy is it that TERM THREE is finished?!

I am so so positive that you WILL achieve your goals! Just keep at it the best you can, I'm sure you will catch up. Just keep at it, and don't forget to look after yourself. Everything will slowly fall into place. Also, if you ever need methods help, feel free to give a shout!!

And yayyyy......UniMelb gang going strong! Bsci is my first preference too. Would be so awesome if we both get it!!

Enjoy your holidays Geoo!!  You deserve it :D
Hehe, thanks Arty, I still can't believe we are about to head into term 4, it's absolutely boonkers! Aww, thank you! Your words have really cheered me up, I can sometimes get into this werid head space of where it's like, ahh i'm never going to get there, but it's always nice to be reminded that there's still a chance. Yay for uni melb, yes that would be awesome if we both got in! Good luck for term 4!!!

I still can't believe that this is it, this is the year my education ends (well not literally because uni is just around the corner). It just feels so surreal, and I still haven't really processed that this is it, it's not like will be going into summer holidays we will just be going into normality? Anyway i'll leave my brain to process that later, for now, the holidays have been somewhat crazy, a little unproductive, and overall just very sick of lockdown.

So to keep things rather frank, i've got 153 hours but vicroads is closed, so i'm getting a little jealous of some of my rural friends who are getting theirs, at this rate I think i'll end up getting mine after my exams. Speaking of exams, still terrified that they are approaching. Because even though i'm happy to get the year over with so I can finally relax, at the end of the day i'm not prepared so there is still alot of work to be done before that! I think that like everyone this year, motivation is more like a creek than a river, and it's just not happening when it comes to getting stuff done. I've been getting a bit done, but at the rate of a snail. But I can't really fault myself for that as my health is still deciding if it's going to cooperate with me, so I can't be to harsh on myself, but I do feel really behind, I haven't even done a practice exam. I remember last year for bio that I wished I started earlier..... woops.
In kinda bad news, my dermatitis had gotten so bad that i've now developed a staph infection, great..... So i'm now going to go on some antibiotics before that turns into something worse. In better news, with the GAT being next week, my chosen centre is about an hour a way, so I finally get to leave the 5 km zone! 

I finished reading tracks about 1/4 into the holidays which is a relief, but I can't really recall much about it... I still haven't turned in my practice comparative which I was suppose to turn in two week ago before the SAC that is next week, but i'm still struggling to hand write at the moment so it's been slow going. It's 38 days till the english exam and i'm excited to get it over with yet scared to do it. I really need to work on getting my essays done in under 60 mins though.... it takes me a while.

I set out to get three weeks of work done, but I only managed to get 2 weeks done, which i'm okay with but a little grumpy about it. I have my final chem SAC this week which is super exciting to get out of the way and completed. As soon as the SAC is done and I get through chapter 17, it's off to exam revision... which still feels super late.... Oh and I managed to get a 33/40 for the organic chem SAC from hell, not a great score, but it's okay. It's over 80% which is the main thing and I should feel pretty good about it since I was quick sick that day, but i'd rather it be in the 90's to be comfortable.

There are moments in life when i'm like..... you're an idiot. I set out to get that last 3 weeks done which is all probability, and guess what, I didn't even touch methods. Out of all the subjects, methods is the hardest to do when tired, my brain is like why problem solve just tell me the answer.... I don't know it's weird. In good news, I ended up with an 80% for my last methods SAC, I still don't know how that happens, it's bizare to me, but I think most of my scores come from that I get the method right.... not the actual question. So i'm so nervous for that exam!

Food Studies
This is the only subject that has been done and dusted! I finished my last SAC during the holidays instead of next week as there was no way I was getting 3 SACs and a GAT done and i'm really glad my teacher allowed this.  So now I have done everything, and it's an incredible feeling! This subject is now going on the back burning for a while, as I focus on my other 3 subjects, especially since this is my last exam which is on the 26th of November.

Anyway, i'm feeling a bit better going into term 4. I'm still kinda scared of exams and the outcomes it can bring, but at the same time it's nice to know that this is it! I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday at least, and lets try not to beat ourselves up for not getting much done.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 10:31:28 pm by Geoo »
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #278 on: October 03, 2020, 07:41:39 pm »
Aww I'm happy that I could put a smile to your face <3 and thank you! Productive it was, relaxing ehh not so much ahaha
AMAZING job on your sacs, getting above 80% is no easy feat (ESPECIALLY if you're sick) and congrats on finishing food studies. It feels so good to just finish a subject and put it in a box to revisit later without feeling guilty. Also, with methods, I'm sure that you got 80% from your strong content knowledge, believe in yourself! I'm so proud that you've finished Tracks, do you still hate it?
With all my heart I know that with the positive mindset that you have, your health WILL improve! There's a dam about to break and flood in Torquay which sucks and seems like as if nature just wants to shove the middle finger at humanity this year but hopefully some of the water will flood into your creek so your river of motivation overflows (hopefully that wasn't cringe). All the best with your English and Chem sacs, you'll smash it as usual  ;D

Looking forward to the next update <3
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #279 on: October 03, 2020, 08:22:49 pm »
Hey hey Geoo!!

You know when you see a Geoo journal update there is definitely going to be some spicy Food Studies comments🤩

Every time I visit this journal, I always go straight to the Food Studies comment and YES BRO!! Congrats for finishing all of your SACs! That is a big achievement on its own and I hope you celebrated it with more food 🍲🍲🍲.

English, oh man I can't believe that the exam is so close😭. Also, amazing job in Chemistry! Doing a SAC when you are sick is pretty tough just like Potato has mentioned, and even with that, you were still able to pull off an amazing score. [You have some superpowers there]

Either way, you are doing a beautiful job Geoo and keep up the great work! Everything will pay off in the end and we all believe in you. Make sure you rest up before getting back into the action💪 [I couldn't find a better emoji but you get what I mean🤣]. Thanks for the journal update and you GO GEOO!!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #280 on: October 04, 2020, 07:28:12 am »
Hi Geoo!
YESS an update  8) A massive congrats on methods, I know how hard this subject has been for you with your health issues (and also let's be honest, it's methods  :() but you did amazing despite the challenges and that's very inspiring ;D

Also, voluntarily doing a SAC early was a great idea for food studies and also shows how confident you are in this subject. I'm with Ash I'm always super excited to see a food studies update because there are not too many people around the forums that do this subject.

Anyway you've got this and we are SO close to finishing, just the final hurdles to go and we'll be free  ;)   
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #281 on: October 13, 2020, 03:53:02 pm »
Super sorry for the late replies, I have enjoyed reading all of them  :)

Aww I'm happy that I could put a smile to your face <3 and thank you! Productive it was, relaxing ehh not so much ahaha
AMAZING job on your sacs, getting above 80% is no easy feat (ESPECIALLY if you're sick) and congrats on finishing food studies. It feels so good to just finish a subject and put it in a box to revisit later without feeling guilty. Also, with methods, I'm sure that you got 80% from your strong content knowledge, believe in yourself! I'm so proud that you've finished Tracks, do you still hate it?
With all my heart I know that with the positive mindset that you have, your health WILL improve! There's a dam about to break and flood in Torquay which sucks and seems like as if nature just wants to shove the middle finger at humanity this year but hopefully some of the water will flood into your creek so your river of motivation overflows (hopefully that wasn't cringe). All the best with your English and Chem sacs, you'll smash it as usual  ;D

Looking forward to the next update <3
Well i'm super glad your holidays were productive and that you can hopefully get a little rest in despite the crazy up and coming weeks. Haha thank you, yeah i'm still in a little shock I was able to pull an 80% but i'll take it, and the feeling of finishing a subject never gets old! I'm sure you felt the same with bio finally being over! I'm still not the biggest fan of Tracks, I do agree with you that it did get better, but I had a really hard time with just getting into the story. I felt alot of it could have been condensed alot more, and I found Robyn grated on my nerves of few times. Overall, I enjoyed the writing style and some of the storytelling elements, but i'd give this book a 4/10. Especially when I compare it to Nine Days, which for an english book was alot more enjoyable. What was your overall rating of the book?
Aww thank you, I do hope my help will improve, but it's supper supportive people like yourself that really help me push through it, so thank you. Yeah I still can't believe what happened at Torquay, but nice way to continue the analogy! I laughed out loud with that one. I hope you enjoyed your first week back, and good luck with exam revision!

Hey hey Geoo!!
You know when you see a Geoo journal update there is definitely going to be some spicy Food Studies comments🤩
Every time I visit this journal, I always go straight to the Food Studies comment and YES BRO!! Congrats for finishing all of your SACs! That is a big achievement on its own and I hope you celebrated it with more food 🍲🍲🍲.
English, oh man I can't believe that the exam is so close😭. Also, amazing job in Chemistry! Doing a SAC when you are sick is pretty tough just like Potato has mentioned, and even with that, you were still able to pull off an amazing score. [You have some superpowers there]
Either way, you are doing a beautiful job Geoo and keep up the great work! Everything will pay off in the end and we all believe in you. Make sure you rest up before getting back into the action💪 [I couldn't find a better emoji but you get what I mean🤣]. Thanks for the journal update and you GO GEOO!!
Ahhh! A wonderful comment by Ashmi! I could say the same when I read through your own amazing journal, I love reading about the things you get up to in PD, it's great to see some of the technology subjects coming back in style! And thank you, it was amazing getting all the FS SACs out of the way, it's such an amazing feeling!

Wouldn't it be amazing to have superpowers..... I always thought i'd be someone who would either control the elements, or create wormholes.... what would yours be.... woops tangent, but yes it's always crazy with what can happen when life throughs you under the weather, even with SACs!
Thanks for the cheer and the amazing words. Good luck with all your exam revision too, I know you can do it, and don't forget to rest up yourself! (The arm emoji works perfectly!)

Hi Geoo!
YESS an update  8) A massive congrats on methods, I know how hard this subject has been for you with your health issues (and also let's be honest, it's methods  :() but you did amazing despite the challenges and that's very inspiring ;D

Also, voluntarily doing a SAC early was a great idea for food studies and also shows how confident you are in this subject. I'm with Ash I'm always super excited to see a food studies update because there are not too many people around the forums that do this subject.

Anyway you've got this and we are SO close to finishing, just the final hurdles to go and we'll be free  ;)   
Yes it's not long now till we are free of the VCE, it's insane how fast it's approaching! Even though it's a few weeks later, i'm still in shock over that methods score to this day, but unfortunately i'm still struggling with it quite a bit still, which is scary as there is only 5 weeks till the exam.....
let's be honest, it's methods

I have never agreed so much with a quote all my life! I love food studies so much, and it's a really nice break from my heavier subjects, so i'm super glad you enjoy reading the little tib bids of my adventures. It would be nice to see more people undertake food studies, but I know some people get scared to that nasty scaling!  Thank you for your lovely kind words, and we should eventually take our freedom soon!!

Anyway, always happy to hear from you, and good luck with all your exam prep!

I've been absolutely exhausted this past week, so I may give an update later in the week! Thanks for being patient with the replies!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2020, 04:20:45 pm by Geoo »
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash

Bri MT

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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #282 on: October 14, 2020, 02:02:22 pm »
Super sorry for the late replies, I have enjoyed reading all of them  :)

Well i'm super glad your holidays were productive and that you can hopefully get a little rest in despite the crazy up and coming weeks. Haha thank you, yeah i'm still in a little shock I was able to pull an 80% but i'll take it, and the feeling of finishing a subject never gets old! I'm sure you felt the same with bio finally being over! I'm still not the biggest fan of Tracks, I do agree with you that it did get better, but I had a really hard time with just getting into the story. I felt alot of it could have been condensed alot more, and I found Robyn grated on my nerves of few times. Overall, I enjoyed the writing style and some of the storytelling elements, but i'd give this book a 4/10. Especially when I compare it to Nine Days, which for an english book was alot more enjoyable. What was your overall rating of the book?
Aww thank you, I do hope my help will improve, but it's supper supportive people like yourself that really help me push through it, so thank you. Yeah I still can't believe what happened at Torquay, but nice way to continue the analogy! I laughed out loud with that one. I hope you enjoyed your first week back, and good luck with exam revision!

Ahhh! A wonderful comment by Ashmi! I could say the same when I read through your own amazing journal, I love reading about the things you get up to in PD, it's great to see some of the technology subjects coming back in style! And thank you, it was amazing getting all the FS SACs out of the way, it's such an amazing feeling!

Wouldn't it be amazing to have superpowers..... I always thought i'd be someone who would either control the elements, or create wormholes.... what would yours be.... woops tangent, but yes it's always crazy with what can happen when life throughs you under the weather, even with SACs!
Thanks for the cheer and the amazing words. Good luck with all your exam revision too, I know you can do it, and don't forget to rest up yourself! (The arm emoji works perfectly!)

Yes it's not long now till we are free of the VCE, it's insane how fast it's approaching! Even though it's a few weeks later, i'm still in shock over that methods score to this day, but unfortunately i'm still struggling with it quite a bit still, which is scary as there is only 5 weeks till the exam.....
I have never agreed so much with a quote all my life! I love food studies so much, and it's a really nice break from my heavier subjects, so i'm super glad you enjoy reading the little tib bids of my adventures. It would be nice to see more people undertake food studies, but I know some people get scared to that nasty scaling!  Thank you for your lovely kind words, and we should eventually take our freedom soon!!

Anyway, always happy to hear from you, and good luck with all your exam prep!

I've been absolutely exhausted this past week, so I may give an update later in the week! Thanks for being patient with the replies!

This is your journal - the timing of when you update is about what works best for you :)

I hope that the exhaustion hasn't been too challenging!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #283 on: October 14, 2020, 03:42:57 pm »
What was your overall rating of the book?
I found it quite meh to be honest, but like you I also found the writing style a bit enjoyable but there are definitely better memoirs around!

Aww thank you, I do hope my help will improve, but it's supper supportive people like yourself that really help me push through it, so thank you. Yeah I still can't believe what happened at Torquay, but nice way to continue the analogy! I laughed out loud with that one.
I'm happy it made you laugh ahaha I'm so bad at poetry and all that analogy stuff!

I hope you enjoyed your first week back, and good luck with exam revision!
I hope you've had a great face-to-face week and enjoyed seeing your friends again. Thank you so much and all the best for your exam revision and exams <3
Looking forward to the next update  ;D
2020: Biology [43]
2021: Methods, Chemistry, HHD, English, Further
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #284 on: October 15, 2020, 07:07:12 pm »
Update - 15/10/2020 - It's Time To Panic!

So, where to begin... Does anyone have this odd feeling where you feel there is so much to do but nothing at all? I think that with most of the deadlines gone my mind is ready to go into holiday mode and i'm like wait, wait, wait, there is still exams to go, hold out a little longer. I ended up taking about 6 days off after last week as I was just exhausted from everything. I feel like i'm wasting alot of time, and I keep try to justify it as you'll get there in the end, even if it's only 6 practice exams and not 20..... so because i've wasted so much time, I really need to focus on the quality study, and try not to blame myself and guilt trip into thinking I need to do more.

Not going to spend too long on this but it went okay. I found the arts questions quite hard and a bit to abstract to really be confident in my answers. I felt myself losing time as I was quite behind when trying to get through the MC, I ended up half guessing a few answers. As in, eliminate 2, and look at the best possible option left. Honestly the maths section didn't go to well, and I got overwhelmed at all the information presented in front of me, and what I had to do in the short span of time. Although weird thing, I used my food studies knowledge more in that weird rice question than actual maths..... yay gelatinisation!

Other than that, I liked the second writing task alot, so that was enjoyable! Couldn't care less about the cars one though. Also I completely blanked on how to spell believe and intrigue..... thanks brain. Oh and even though I brought a dictionary, none of the fancy art words were in there.....

I have now finished everything in this subject, so it's time to move onto the painful task of exam prep. If there is one thing i'm worried about, it's how fast I can write, and the amount I can get down without my hand hurting. Other than that, I think my comparative went okay, I wasn't supper proud of it, but it was decent. I might do a quick reread of Nine Days, even Tracks (maybe only some parts of it) and do a rewatch of Charlies Country. Making a quote to themes chart is a high thing on my list of stuff to do. But if there is anything I can say, is that finishing english and never having to do it again will be a highlight of my VCE!

Finally finished everything for this subject, thank goodness! I really need to get a move on with the revision, and then start some practice exams asap. My SAC went pretty well, and for the first time i'm feeling decently confident. It was a food science SAC so that was straight up my alley, and it was the first SAC since term 1 THAT WAS ON PAPER! That made me so happy. If there is one thing i've learnt this year, is that I hate chemistry questions online, I need to highlight stuff and annotate it, so it doesn't help when it's online.... Anyway it's time for me to crack open the textbook....

Don't really want to talk about it. Still 2 weeks behind....

Food studies
Nothing new, but my teacher handed out some amazing revision booklets to do since there are barely any food studies resources to do any revision (yay for tech subjects...). So she made these awesome summery booklets based on the AOS's, so i might do AOS 1 tonight. I must say, doing AOS 2 of unit 4 chem was also a semi revision in itself! But it will be back to online revision classes next week.

Okay so that's pretty much it. There is still a long way to finish line in terms of work, but not alot of time left to do. I really need to get a move on.....  But yay i've finished all the SACs, I never have to do one again, it's feels really surreal!

=Bri MT
This is your journal - the timing of when you update is about what works best for you :)

I hope that the exhaustion hasn't been too challenging!
I guess for me, leaving responses unanswered feels like leaving the text message you really need to get back to but it's been a week. But yes, i'll take it easy, it can just be hard to get out of the habit, thank you :)
It's been a bit hard to get things done with the exhaustion unfortunately, and i've fallen a bit behind with the exam prep, but i'm hopefully about to get back on the horse after a decent amount of rest. Thank you for the kind words!

I found it quite meh to be honest, but like you I also found the writing style a bit enjoyable but there are definitely better memoirs around!
I'm happy it made you laugh ahaha I'm so bad at poetry and all that analogy stuff!
I hope you've had a great face-to-face week and enjoyed seeing your friends again. Thank you so much and all the best for your exam revision and exams <3
Looking forward to the next update  ;D
100% agree there are so many better memoirs compared to Tracks! I really loved educated by Tara Westover, and it's just interesting when you start to compare these autobiographies, and you look at Tracks and go, meh.

It's interesting actually, because VSV doesn't really allow people to chat or interact with one another, so not many people are friends there. It's only the people who know each other outside of the school, like I know alot of Royal Melbourne ballet dancers who may all be in the same group. And since the cohort at VSV is so large, I think around 400 students when to a university for the GAT and because I had a private room, I took it normally at the school. So everyone was quite separated. It's certainly an interesting set up. But I hope you got to enjoy seeing your friends again after so long, it's crazy when you realise just how long it has been.
Aww thank you, and I hope all the bio prep is going well!  :D
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash