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Author Topic: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two  (Read 15707 times)

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getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« on: July 14, 2019, 07:00:22 am »
I noticed towards the end of last term I was lacking motivation and energy to do pretty much everything, especially come exam time.  I was happy with my results but I feel as though I could have worked harder. I just want to feel a bit more energetic and set myself up well for VCE, as well as feeling more positive about life in general and spending time doing things I enjoy. I want to set good habits now.

My goals are:
1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.
3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
4. To stop snacking after dinner.
5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)
6. To wear my retainer every night.
7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.
8. To read a bible passage each day.
9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.
10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
12. To feel more positive and energetic.

I'm starting today... wish me luck!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 03:55:38 pm by laura_ »

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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2019, 11:26:23 am »
Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019, 07:21:51 pm »
Day One

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
I drank almost 2L today. (1.9 I think...)

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.
I did this 6 minute leg workout today. It killed my knees and ankles but felt really good to get back into some fitness stuff!

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: I spent about half an hour playing a game with some kids.
Creativity: I made my biology notes look aesthetic. I also spent time working on a scarf I'm knitting.
Reading: I think I'll do some reading before bed.

4. To stop snacking after dinner.
Nothing tonight!  :D

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)
None today! That's a win!

6. To wear my retainer every night.
Already brushed my teeth and put it in.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.
I took off my makeup today as soon as I got home and did a face scrub and used a new moisturiser. I also did a lip scrub while I was at it.

8. To read a bible passage each day.
I was doing a bible study with some little kids today from the gospels. Read the same story (Jesus Calms The Storm) in two different books of the bible.

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Another tick.

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
I got up early today to work ahead through some biology content. I also spent all afternoon procrastinating instead of watching the hours of Edrolo I need to.

12. To feel more positive and energetic.
Was not particularly feeling either of those things today. Especially not positivity!

Rating: 8/10
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 07:28:46 pm by laura_ »


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2019, 07:43:29 pm »
Keen to see how you go!  :D
Which goal do you think will be the hardest?
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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2019, 07:52:45 pm »
Keen to see how you go!  :D
Which goal do you think will be the hardest?

Probably, in all honesty, maintaining a positive attitude.

(I mean cutting out lollies, wearing my retainer, keeping my room clean and not using my phone in bed are all going to be fairly difficult as well.)

A lot of the goals I set are things that I've done off and on in the past, so I think trying to make so many habits at once and not simply forgetting or reverting back will be hard.


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2019, 05:26:47 pm »
Honestly think the water one alone will make a huge difference. I really notice when I don't drink enough. Good luck!

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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2019, 08:20:38 pm »
Day Two

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
Honestly think the water one alone will make a huge difference. I really notice when I don't drink enough. Good luck!
Hmmm... I probably just hit 1.5 today. Didn't start sipping water till 3pm, but it did wonders for my headache.

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.
Tried an arm workout but got about a minute through before I gave up. Decided on some stretches instead.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: I spent about half-an-hour outside with some kids as part of our school's community service program.
Creativity: I went through this set of vocal warm-ups!
Reading: Read for ten minutes when I woke up and will read for another ten before bed.

4. To stop snacking after dinner.

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)

6. To wear my retainer every night.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.
Took of my makeup. Used my face scrub this morning and a moisturiser in the evening.

8. To read a bible passage each day.
Read Psalm 1 and took notes with my new calligraphy pens and fine liners! ;D

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.
Didn't even think about this. Sat on my laptop in bed today for about an hour or two. But, not while I was meant to be sleeping so that's something!

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Did a bit of work on this as well. Definitely cleaner than when I woke up this morning!

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
I worked really hard when I woke up to get some Edrolo done and worked hard in class so I didn't get much homework. But I came home and procrastinated all evening. I also missed two classes for community service and have not bothered to find out what I missed.

12. To feel more positive and energetic.
Was feeling fairly positive today, but definitely struggled energy-wise. I snoozed my alarm three times. I also felt quite lethargic all day. (probably just the effect of a full day of school)

Rating: 7/10


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2019, 08:46:57 pm »
Day Three

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
Yep! 1.5L

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.
Did an hour of self-defence training through school.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside:  :(
Creativity: Filled in a page of my prompted journal.
Reading: Currently reading Heir of Fire. (A little when I wake up and a little before bed.)

4. To stop snacking after dinner.

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)

6. To wear my retainer every night.
Tick, unfortunately. Still really painful!

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.
Yep! Even used my face scrub and a pore strip. Very satisfying. (And my moisturiser)

8. To read a bible passage each day.
Read Psalm 92 and did some more journaling and calligraphy.

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Fairly tidy at the minute, but could use a bit of work. Didn't feel like I really had time or energy for it today.

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
Studied in the library before school, worked hard during class and did a tiny bit this evening. Overall, would have liked to get a lot more done.

12. To feel more positive and energetic.
Felt fairly good today, albeit very stressed. Was volunteering with some real cuties and they certainly lifted my spirits.

Rating: 5/10


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2019, 08:27:37 pm »
Day Four

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
Yep! (Just under 2L)

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: Stuck in a bus all day, didn't get home until it was dark. Had a bit of a walk in the city, but would have liked to spend time somewhere greener.
Creativity: Went to an art gallery, wrote some poetry.
Reading: Got plenty of reading done on the bus.

4. To stop snacking after dinner.

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)

6. To wear my retainer every night.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.
Tick. Moisturiser and makeup remover.

8. To read a bible passage each day.
Psalm 139 ;D

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Tidied it a little bit, but still quite messy.

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
I worked fairly hard tonight!

12. To feel more positive and energetic.
Actually feeling surprisingly good today, if a teensy bit tired from the long bus ride.

Rating: 9/10
« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 02:09:01 pm by laura_ »


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2019, 09:43:00 pm »
Day Five

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
Almost two whole litres!

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.
The same dance workout as yesterday. Was very fun.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: Read a book outside and went on a short walk.
Creativity: Filled in some journal pages and knitted a whole ball of a scarf.
Reading: Read for ages today. (Love finishing at 12:30)

4. To stop snacking after dinner.

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)

6. To wear my retainer every night.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.

8. To read a bible passage each day.
Psalm 94. (and did some journalling about it)

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.
Tick. (Forgot for about 30 seconds, but still did fairly well.)

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Tidied up a tiny bit, but a lot more needs to be done.

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
Tick. Went to parent-teacher interviews today and did heaps of catching up on classes missed this term.

12. To feel more positive and energetic.

Rating: 9/10


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2019, 10:05:12 pm »
Awesome stuff! Building routines like this can be super beneficial. Just don't be too hard on yourself if you have a few days where you don't get as much stuff done on the list as you'd like to ;)


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2019, 10:17:50 pm »
Day Six

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
I think I just hit 1.5L.

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.
Did this. Was less bad than the first time I did it, but my legs were still a bit sore up the stairs at school today.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: Not really, but I went on a short walk this morning, so I guess that will do. It wasn't really outside kind of weather.
Creativity: Did some drawing today.
Reading: Finished the book I was reading.

4. To stop snacking after dinner.
No...again. But I was with friends.

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)

6. To wear my retainer every night.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.

8. To read a bible passage each day.
Psalm 94 (and a study on Ruth 1 at church).

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Um no, it looks like a bomb went off. Definitely something that needs to change this weekend.

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
I got a lot done today. (And got up early to do it!)

12. To feel more positive and energetic.
Loved spending so much time doing fun things today!

Rating: 8/10
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 05:38:06 am by laura_ »


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2019, 08:28:58 pm »
Day Seven

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.
Two whole litres! ;D

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: Took the child I was looking after on a nice long walk. We also at morning tea and lunch outside.
Creativity: Wrote a poem today and did heaps of playing with little kids.
Reading: Yay 2 hour commute!

4. To stop snacking after dinner.
I am so bad at this one.

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)

6. To wear my retainer every night.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.

8. To read a bible passage each day.
Psalm 95 and 96.

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Did a fair bit of work on this today.

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
Tick. Did some homework when I got home from a long day of work. (But not as much as I would have liked.)

12. To feel more positive and energetic.
Really enjoyed today.

Rating: 9/10

Week 1
I think that I am enjoying this and getting more use to the routine. I think that in the upcoming week I am going to focus on not snacking after dinner. I had a weird week and it involved eating meals at random times.

Overall I feel pretty productive, and I am really happy with the things that I am getting done in the morning.

As these things became like habits and regular parts of my day it was easier to stay consistent.

Rating: 8/10


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2019, 06:38:51 am »
Day Eight

1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: Watched the sunset ;D
Creativity: Some knitting!
Reading:  :)

4. To stop snacking after dinner.

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)


6. To wear my retainer every night.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.

8. To read a bible passage each day.
Psalm 97 and some passages from Luke!

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
Lots of procrastinating!

12. To feel more positive and energetic.

Rating: 8/10
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 07:55:51 pm by laura_ »


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Re: getting healthy and feeling better in semester two
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2019, 08:12:23 pm »
Day Nine
1. To drink 1.5-2L of water a day.

2. To exercise daily: bike-rides, stretching, core workouts ect.

3.  To spend a little more time outside, being creative and reading.
Outside: Went on a nice long walk and played with some kids outside for community service.
Creativity: Procrastinated with heaps of doodling.
Reading: Yep!

4. To stop snacking after dinner.
I just get so hungry all day, and I never take enough food to school. Then I get home starving and eat all evening. It's really terrible!

5. To cut out all lollies. (My go-to comfort food.)
Still going strong, but was a bit tempted today...

6. To wear my retainer every night.

7. To take off my makeup more and take better care of my skin.

8. To read a bible passage each day.

9. To stop going on my phone or any other technology in my bed.
I completely forgot, but it was only half an hour or so in the afternoon!

10. To keep my room clean (and tidy it every Sunday).
Surprisingly, it is still somewhat clean.

11. To create and maintain positive study habits.
So much procrastination, so little actually accomplished.

12. To feel more positive and energetic.

Rating: 6/10

Also: I plotted my daily ratings from the first week on a graph, and there was a slightly positive trajectory. Let's hope it continues that way!

I also put whether or not I completed each goal into a spreadsheet for each day, and there seems to be a pretty direct correlation between my productivity and my mood. I'm not sure which affects which, but I'm starting to wonder if how productive I affects how I feel and not the other way around.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 08:16:38 pm by laura_ »