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Author Topic: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記  (Read 42998 times)

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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #135 on: October 30, 2019, 01:23:47 pm »
2019年10月30日水曜日 - Update

So, my application task was meant to be on Friday. I ended up being absent anyways lol so it was delayed to Tuesday (and then again delayed today).

On Monday, we had a Bio excursion to the Melbourne Zoo! It was heaps of fun, we only had to do compulsory activities for 1.5 hours and the rest was free time, meaning roaming around and taking pics of random animals. It was funny because we got dismissed at 2:20 (10min before when we were supposed to get dismissed) and my friend went around Melbourne Central to buy some food. Within the time she took, I got my eyebrows done, had an eye test and bought two pairs of glasses. Gotta love saving time

Yesterday, I had an interview for the Japanese Exchange (which will happen next year but everything is being prepared early). I didn't think it was particularly important since they didn't give us anything to prepare for until my friend told me all the questions were on Instagram (great because that's the one social media I don't have). She sent it to me and I was like wtf these are so hard to answer in Japanese. Turns out, we were meant to answer in English so it turned out great. The interview was also held by super friendly Year 11 VCE Japanese students who went on the exchange so that's pretty cool

Today, I sat the app task and it was a lot easier than expected. We were allowed to take our pre-task (which had exactly the same styled questions) into the test. Surprisingly, I heard most people didn't finish on time.
I didn't use the pre-task paper because I wanted to see how much I learnt from it. I had one question left (and I had less time than everyone else) whereas most people couldn't finish the whole last page
Tbf, I did skip a few questions because
a) my CAS was being dumb/I was struggling on how to use the stupid thing/typed the wrong equation lol
b) there was one question from the pre-task that I didn't understand so obviously I had to skip it
It doesn't matter much anyways since it's just an S or N task (aka pass if you attempt, fail if you don't)

I'm a bit worried because the busiest week of this term is coming up soon (I think week 6 or 7) where we have to fit all of our assignments. Currently, I have a Bio assessment about adaptations (we have to do it about either the Southern Corroboree Frog, Helmeted Honeyeater, Phillipines Crocodile or the Asian Elephant) and I chose to do the Southern Corroboree Frog. For Japanese, we have a series of weekly tests coming up aka Reading Test, Listening Test and Oral. English easily has the best assignment though. We get to do a persuasive piece on any current issue we are passionate about and can present it as an Opinion Piece, Letter to the Editor, Editorial or even as a cartoon. I decided to do mine on the Hong Kong protests since it's something I feel strongly about and have already researched

Since it's getting closer to the end of the year, I am trying to organize a present for my Methods teacher with my Methods class. She is the best teacher ever! I think I might have mentioned this before but I did Methods tutoring with a very well known tutor and I absolutely hated it. Biggest waste of time. I much preferred my current teacher because she pushes her students but is also super understanding. My tutor never checked our work, never pushed us and was always behind curriculum. I would always work ahead everything he did. I have actually been getting better results after quitting.

Also, I finally told my school Bio teacher and Essential Science teacher I wasn't gonna continue Bio. My Essential Science teacher said I still have time to think about it since the subject change requests will happen in December. My Bio teacher said she was quite surprised and she wasn't expecting it. She asked me if it was because I did so badly on my first test and I was like ehh kinda. I also told one of my friends from Essential Science and she was like "dude, are you sure you're not gonna do Bio? You're so good at it" (she's one of those must protect, too sweet human beings). Even then, I've made up my mind. I know if I continue, I'll neglect this subject and place others above it.

I have also been thinking about doing a seventh subject (if the school even lets) but that's something for later on. I think I've mentioned how previous alumni have graduated with well over 6 subjects. If I do a seventh one, it'll definitely be English

Anyways, that's my update for now. Sorry, it's a whole lot of stuff but just a recount of my latest thoughts

Macrob Fun Fact: On Wednesdays, we finish school at 1:40 every week (used to be 1:35 last year welp)
2020: Mathematical Methods | History: Revolutions
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #136 on: October 30, 2019, 01:30:54 pm »
Wow, are you sure you aren't my clone? I never write notes for maths as well, because I think that the time spent writing notes could be spent doing more questions and doing maths problems is more fun than writing notes. I always put some notes together the night before a test and never use them during the test. I would rather that I do more questions so that I know the content by heart than look at a book during the test. And if I want to look over topics for revision, I will just use the textbook.

"Hey mom, I think I've found my long lost twin"

Honestly, the best part about Maths is that once you start doing questions, you can keep doing them. With English, you need so much time and motivation to write every single essay (and don't get me started on science subjects)

I'm doing year 10 history rn and I feel like the best way to go about history tests/exams is to get really familiar with the sort of questions which they ask on history tests, things like a Source Analysis, to what extent/evaluate questions and the like. It's not enough to just you know your info (dates, events, facts, etc.) you have to know how to apply that knowledge to answer the in-depth questions they ask. (lol just realised I'm not really the best person to be giving advice on this subject but whatever.) Good luck for Revs!/

Noooo, that's awesome advice!
Yeah, I want to first understand and memorize the content and then start getting familiar with the questions
Thank you so much! I completely agree with everything you said

How do you personally find History though (just trying to get some opinions lol)
2020: Mathematical Methods | History: Revolutions
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #137 on: October 30, 2019, 05:45:33 pm »
2019年10月30日水曜日 - Update

Yesterday, I had an interview for the Japanese Exchange (which will happen next year but everything is being prepared early). I didn't think it was particularly important since they didn't give us anything to prepare for until my friend told me all the questions were on Instagram (great because that's the one social media I don't have). She sent it to me and I was like wtf these are so hard to answer in Japanese. Turns out, we were meant to answer in English so it turned out great. The interview was also held by super friendly Year 11 VCE Japanese students who went on the exchange so that's pretty cool
Haha a similar thing happened with me the other day for my Italian exchange. We were sent some outlining questions for the interview which I believe is in a week or so, and I thought we had to answer them in Italian so I was freaking out and trying to prepare answers until the teacher told me it was in English lol. When will you find out if you made it in, or do you already know?

I'm a bit worried because the busiest week of this term is coming up soon (I think week 6 or 7) where we have to fit all of our assignments. Currently, I have a Bio assessment about adaptations (we have to do it about either the Southern Corroboree Frog, Helmeted Honeyeater, Phillipines Crocodile or the Asian Elephant) and I chose to do the Southern Corroboree Frog. For Japanese, we have a series of weekly tests coming up aka Reading Test, Listening Test and Oral. English easily has the best assignment though. We get to do a persuasive piece on any current issue we are passionate about and can present it as an Opinion Piece, Letter to the Editor, Editorial or even as a cartoon. I decided to do mine on the Hong Kong protests since it's something I feel strongly about and have already researched
Your English sound interesting! It was a shame, we did an opinion oral presentation earlier this year and my class was the only one where we all just did the same topic and it was a dull topic because everyone argued from the same point of view. It was boring because I wanted to do something I am really interested in, like drug legalisation and how we should deal with addicts (rehabilitation rather than criminilisation). 

Also, I finally told my school Bio teacher and Essential Science teacher I wasn't gonna continue Bio. My Essential Science teacher said I still have time to think about it since the subject change requests will happen in December. My Bio teacher said she was quite surprised and she wasn't expecting it. She asked me if it was because I did so badly on my first test and I was like ehh kinda. I also told one of my friends from Essential Science and she was like "dude, are you sure you're not gonna do Bio? You're so good at it" (she's one of those must protect, too sweet human beings). Even then, I've made up my mind. I know if I continue, I'll neglect this subject and place others above it.
Yeah, it's good that you're being honest and not trying to convince yourself to do something that you don't want to do. I upset some of my teachers back when I chose my subjects earlier this semester, (because they all wanted me in their class hahaha jk  8)) but I really felt like I was making the best decisions for myself and I chose the subjects that I would enjoy the most.

Macrob Fun Fact: On Wednesdays, we finish school at 1:40 every week (used to be 1:35 last year welp)
Damn, lucky, we finish Wednesdays at 1:45, what a stitch up haha

How do you personally find History though (just trying to get some opinions lol)
I'm personally not the biggest fan, which is interesting because I'm really interested in politics (standard conversation with friends is discussing the latest Democratic presidential debates lol) and bits of history too but I'm not a huge fan of the tests and essays that you have to do for history. What are your reasons for doing the subject?

Sorry for literally invading your journal recently with these all these huge comments, I just find these conversations interesting.  :)


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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #138 on: October 31, 2019, 02:03:56 pm »
Haha a similar thing happened with me the other day for my Italian exchange. We were sent some outlining questions for the interview which I believe is in a week or so, and I thought we had to answer them in Italian so I was freaking out and trying to prepare answers until the teacher told me it was in English lol. When will you find out if you made it in, or do you already know?

HAHAHA God I feel like life tries to spook us for no reason
The exchange is guaranteed, the interview is just to see if you know what to do when you go to Japan and how to ask for help

Your English sound interesting! It was a shame, we did an opinion oral presentation earlier this year and my class was the only one where we all just did the same topic and it was a dull topic because everyone argued from the same point of view. It was boring because I wanted to do something I am really interested in, like drug legalisation and how we should deal with addicts (rehabilitation rather than criminilisation).

You know, I was thinking about my old school and how in English, everyone had to do the same topics. I felt sorry for the teacher initially for having to hear the same damn thing over and over again but then I realized she liked it?

Yeah, it's good that you're being honest and not trying to convince yourself to do something that you don't want to do. I upset some of my teachers back when I chose my subjects earlier this semester, (because they all wanted me in their class hahaha jk  8)) but I really felt like I was making the best decisions for myself and I chose the subjects that I would enjoy the most.

That's awesome! Always trust ur own decisions first
My teachers weren't upset, they just wanted me to re-evaluate my life decisions

Damn, lucky, we finish Wednesdays at 1:45, what a stitch up haha

Really? I thought every other high school finishes at normal time 3:25 Wednesdays (except mhs, it differs for them since they have to do after school sport lol)

I'm personally not the biggest fan, which is interesting because I'm really interested in politics (standard conversation with friends is discussing the latest Democratic presidential debates lol) and bits of history too but I'm not a huge fan of the tests and essays that you have to do for history. What are your reasons for doing the subject?

I like the essay part of it. Rather not get tested via questions and do my own analysis. It's kinda like Lit in that way
I also love talking about politics and I was never interested in History until I actually looked through the SACs, talked to some Year 11's and the history teacher

Sorry for literally invading your journal recently with these all these huge comments, I just find these conversations interesting.  :)

Nooooo, don't feel sorry at all
Spam spam spam away, I love talking to other peops as well (I'm just slow at responding because notifications are off lol)
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #139 on: November 01, 2019, 09:59:04 am »
On Monday, we had a Bio excursion to the Melbourne Zoo! It was heaps of fun, we only had to do compulsory activities for 1.5 hours and the rest was free time, meaning roaming around and taking pics of random animals. It was funny because we got dismissed at 2:20 (10min before when we were supposed to get dismissed) and my friend went around Melbourne Central to buy some food. Within the time she took, I got my eyebrows done, had an eye test and bought two pairs of glasses. Gotta love saving time
oh my goodness- that sounds like the most fun excursion ever!! Were you meant to be learning about evolution?

« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 10:31:04 am by laura_ »


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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #140 on: November 01, 2019, 08:44:34 pm »
oh my goodness- that sounds like the most fun excursion ever!! Were you meant to be learning about evolution?

No, evolution is mostly unit 3/4
We're doing biodiversity and adaptations
But yes it was fun haha, have you ever had zoo excursions and how was it?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2019, 04:24:58 pm by chopsticks »
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #141 on: November 03, 2019, 05:36:02 pm »
No, evolution is mostly unit 3/4
We're doing biodiversity and adaptations
But yes it was fun haha, have you ever had zoo excursions and how was it?
No, unfortunately. We do go to GTAC for excursions a lot though.


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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #142 on: November 03, 2019, 05:53:03 pm »
No, unfortunately. We do go to GTAC for excursions a lot though.

that's really cool tho. how's it like?
taking a break.


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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #143 on: November 03, 2019, 10:09:42 pm »
No, unfortunately. We do go to GTAC for excursions a lot though.

Yeah I've never been there either lol
2020: Mathematical Methods | History: Revolutions
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #144 on: November 05, 2019, 09:29:23 pm »
2019年10月30日水曜日 - Update

I have also been thinking about doing a seventh subject (if the school even lets) but that's something for later on. I think I've mentioned how previous alumni have graduated with well over 6 subjects. If I do a seventh one, it'll definitely be English

I'm pretty sure we were told that we could only do six vce subjects at MacRob and the alumni which you're talking about have probably all had a pretty good reason to do 7 and have had it approved by the school as well.
And yes, its me, a fellow macrobbian heuheuheu


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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #145 on: November 05, 2019, 11:18:34 pm »
I'm pretty sure we were told that we could only do six vce subjects at MacRob and the alumni which you're talking about have probably all had a pretty good reason to do 7 and have had it approved by the school as well.
And yes, its me, a fellow macrobbian heuheuheu

Yo yo yo glad to see u finally got on here, are u thinkin bout making a journal

Nah she did 9 and I was talking to another year 12, they said u can do more than 6 but u just need to talk about it lol
I think senior school is more negotiable when it comes to this but I’ll talk to u more about it in person (being safe online)
2020: Mathematical Methods | History: Revolutions
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #146 on: November 06, 2019, 05:45:38 pm »
Yo yo yo glad to see u finally got on here, are u thinkin bout making a journal

Nah she did 9 and I was talking to another year 12, they said u can do more than 6 but u just need to talk about it lol
I think senior school is more negotiable when it comes to this but I’ll talk to u more about it in person (being safe online)

Nope, a journal seems like way too much effort and I think my life is pretty uneventful at the moment. Your one absolutely rocks though, and I'll be sure to be here to hype it up!!
And about senior school, I totally get where you're coming from. One of our friend's tutors claimed to have changed out of her bio class into another one without an actual reason and I was like :0


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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #147 on: November 07, 2019, 07:38:12 pm »
Nope, a journal seems like way too much effort and I think my life is pretty uneventful at the moment. Your one absolutely rocks though, and I'll be sure to be here to hype it up!!

Lol ur life ain't uneventful but I get what you mean, I also feel like sharing a lot of stuff or putting a lot of amazing events but can't because they're too private to share to something accessible by practically anyone lol
And thank u, if u made a journal, I still think it would be great <333

And about senior school, I totally get where you're coming from. One of our friend's tutors claimed to have changed out of her bio class into another one without an actual reason and I was like :0

Really? I heard somethn like that happened in Middle School as well but idk, best for me not to spread potentially misleading info lol
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #148 on: November 12, 2019, 07:06:19 pm »
2019年11月12日火曜日 - Update

Long story short, no, I didn't die and no, drowning in homework didn't make me slow down my update speed. I was actually going to update on Saturday but I didn't really have much to say since I forgot everything that happened that week.

I was stressing out on Sunday because I was writing notes for all of Bio Unit 1 and everything I know from Unit 2 (lol not much) for a friend who wants to do 3/4 next year without tutoring and is aiming for a pretty high raw score. Most of my notes are from memory but I have this weird perfectionist thing that makes me double check everything so I check some notes, the textbook, my previous very ugly, pencil-drawn notes and google. I have written 22 pages exactly so far and I haven't even covered all of AOS1 (probs because my notes have more detail than the textbook lmao I had to chuck in everything I knew + stuff that they didn't teach us in school). I guess the main issue was, my Methods probability test is supposedly this week, my Japanese listening test is tomorrow and I have an English essay due this Friday and a Bio assessment due yesterday but I only finished 50%.

In the end, I finished the rest of the 50% during other classes yesterday and managed to print everything out since writing an opinion piece for Bio is less work than it sounds. My English essay is actually due next week Tuesday (I misinterpreted it as being due on Tuesday instead of Friday) and my Maths PRACTICE TEST is this week but the legit one is next week. Not to mention, I finished the English essay today so all I gotta do is practice for Maths, finish off them Bio notes (it will also serve as my revision for the exam), study for the Japanese listening test & role play oral and memorize content for History: Revs.

Yesterday, I asked my other Bio teacher (stick around for the Macrob fun fact at the end so you get what I mean) what the bare minimum mark is for the Bio exam for me to pass the subject. She was like 50% (wow no wayy) and then I told her I'm dropping Bio so I don't wanna study for it. She completely understood everything and wished my the best of luck for my other subject :' )

I feel like I am extremely lazy. Maybe I should become one of those VCE authors and write a book "Ultimate Guide to bullshitting through High School, VCE and Life".

Now onto some non-study related things

One of my friends told me to go to sleep yesterday night. Apparently, 4 hours a night isn't enough. Screw 9.25 hours, how can I manage that alongside studies and musical commitments in such a short time frame

My good ol' friend is willing to give me some gorgeous exercise books that she bought. She is so precious (if you're reading this, give yourself a shout out, you deserve it)

I also got a lot of advice from this Revs girl who's been acing the subject. Apparently, the combination of Methods and Revs in Year 11 isn't as uncommon as I initially thought

Today, two weird things happened. When I was walking downstairs towards Health, one of the teachers was walking in the opposite direction and he wasn't even looking at me. Somehow, he saw the forms I was holding and he just took it from me right there. My friend and I were like whaaat because I can assure you, nobody can see that from that angle. The second weird thing was in Health (well I was being weird this time). I finished my assessment a week early so I was just chillin on my laptop. One of my weeby-otaku mhs friends told me to watch RWBY (even though I am anything but a weeb) so I watched it without sound AND subtitles (the Crunchyroll Eng subs weren't working). Basically, I had no idea what was going on but the animation was absolutely phenomenal, I couldn't stop laughing that whole period.

Macrob Fun Fact: Some subjects have dual teachers (depending on your luck and timetabling). For example, in Bio, one teacher might teach you on Monday and Wednesday whilst the other Bio teacher might teach you on Tuesday and Friday. Although this can happen for practically any subject, the chances of you having one teacher for a particular subject is higher than dual teachers. Whether it's good or bad, you be the judge of that.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 07:17:34 pm by chopsticks »
2020: Mathematical Methods | History: Revolutions
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Re: Gonna get that flat 30 ATAR | 箸の日記
« Reply #149 on: November 13, 2019, 05:13:43 pm »
Yeah I've never been there either lol

that's really cool tho. how's it like?

GTAC is cool. It's a centre that specialises in DNA. It's attached to Uni High and near Melbourne Uni. They have heaps of really cool equipment and you spend the day in small groups working with a scientist who specialises in genetics. I really enjoyed it! ;D