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ATAR will be the death of me :)
« on: September 29, 2019, 09:39:28 pm »
Hey Vsauce! Michael here  :P
Jk, it's yah girl, Katelyn! 

Currently, I am lowkey procrastinating and thought I would make my first post - yay! (it was either this or minecraft - i have an epic house btw)


I hate everything. I miss when life was simple, and I didn’t have assignment, after assignment, after assignment… I just find it really sucky that we didn’t get a break this year… This September holidays is my first break from school, I don’t have a mountain of work to do unlike previous "holidays". I don’t understand why we had to cram all of year 11 into 3 terms. Why didn’t they cram all of grade 9 or 10 into 3 terms so we had a full year for both year 11 and 12? Its just a bit rough thats all.. Everything feels really messy and no one knows what they're doing. Everyone is just stressed our of their minds. The jump between grade 10 and 11 was ridiculous, idk if it was just my school - other schools may have prepared better. But, oh well… there’s only a year left of the hell hole that is high school.


So, I’m currently studying:
- General English
- Study of Religion (religion is compulsory at my school)
- Mathematical Methods
- Biology
- Psychology
- Physics
Everyone told me not to do 3 sciences… did I listen? No. Should I have listened? Yes… Yes I should have. Too bad, its too late now.
I must say, psychology and maths are definitely my favourites. I particularly love anything to do with the nervous system, brain anatomy, and localisation of function in the brain in psychology and calculus in maths.

Some struggles I faced this year (sad reacts only  :'( ) ...
- My English grade dropped from 92% in Unit 1, to 76% in Unit 2 :( (I got a new teacher, and now everyone's grades are dropping)
- I got below an A- in English for the first time since grade 8...
- I got my first Cs since grade 7... (I got a C in biology and physics on the data test...)
- I got no sleep all year (the sleep study we did in psych in Unit 1 exposed my weekly average of 3 hours - whoops!  :o )
- I found the unit 1 & 2 content for bio, SOR, and physics so dry and boring (anyone else?)

Some wins from this year  ;D ...
- Somehow, I managed to claw my way into the A bracket overall for all 6 of my subjects (?!?!?!?... don't ask me how)
- I got 20/20 for both the student experiment and research investigation for psychology
- I got a 20/20 for the biology research investigation
- ok, ok, ok, ok, ok..... ok... this one still BLOWS MY MIND!!! Dr Ian Hunter, the founder of Write that Essay, read my bio investigation and said that I write at uni standard... Like, what???
- I was told that I wrote well above year 11 standard for the psychology investigation (idk what is happening with bio and psych... it's kinda crazy!!)

Anyone have any wins they wanna share?  :) I wanna hear more positives!!

Despite how rough this year has been, I must say that some of the assessment pieces were actually kinda fun??
My three favourites were the research investigations for psychology, biology and physics.
- For psychology, I wrote about about how the diagnosis of ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders) in Western Australia could be improved via the implementation of neuroimaging - in particular fMRIs
- For biology, I wrote about how synthetically designed DNA would prove more effective in venom neutralisation during snakebite envenoming therapy than standard plasma-derived antivenom
- For physics, I wrote about the practicality of superhero landings - three-point landings - compared to biomechanically standard landing technique - bilateral landing - implemented by humans

So that's about all from me for today, I might keep posting here with updates (only time will tell). I wish all of my fellow ATAR guineapigs good luck. Godspeed to you all.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2019, 05:43:48 pm »
Welcome to the forums! :)

I definitely got the impression from talking to students at the lectures that everyone is struggling with the transition - it's not just your school.

I liked studying 4 sciences (bio, psych, chem, physics) but it certainly can be a high workload. As you may have noticed units 1&2 of bio are a far bit different from unit 3 so hopefully you find that more engaging. Otherwise, you could try linking biology and psychology more. E.g. how neural communication works relies on principles of diffusion and active transport you learn in bio. Are you planning on pursuing science after high school?

Congratulations on your achievements!!


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2019, 10:28:30 pm »
Thank you for the kind welcome! :)

I liked studying 4 sciences (bio, psych, chem, physics) but it certainly can be a high workload. As you may have noticed units 1&2 of bio are a far bit different from unit 3 so hopefully you find that more engaging.

Wow, I couldn't imagine studying four sciences! I love science but think I would go insane. And yeah, from looking through the syllabus for each of my subjects Unit 3 & 4 look great! What I am most excited about has to be special relativity and quantum theory in physics - I can't wait! I'm excited, as always, for psychology, and Unit 4 in biology looks super interesting (I love genetics, so I think I will enjoy it). We've also started ethics in religion (woop woop ;D)

Otherwise, you could try linking biology and psychology more. E.g. how neural communication works relies on principles of diffusion and active transport you learn in bio.

I have definitely found overlap between biology and psychology - especially in regard to the nervous system. What was good about it was that psychology went a lot more in depth, so when it came to studying for the Unit 1 & 2 bio exam I didn't have to go over my nervous system notes too much. But wow, I never thought about how neural communication relies on principles of diffusion and active transport - but now that I think of it, that makes sense! That does raise a question however, so if we're talking about signal transmission, when you have neurotransmitters they diffuse across the synapse to the receptors and they may cause ions to be released which travel through the post-synaptic neuron.... It isn't the neurotransmitters themselves that travel through the post-synaptic neuron, its the ions. So what happens when it is an electrical signal? Does that release ions or does it travel through the post-synaptic neuron itself? (If that makes any sense)

Are you planning on pursuing science after high school?

I love astrophysics and theoretical physics, and would love to work on something like string theory. I think it would be amazing to find the unified field theory. I understand that the field of theoretical physics can be very very difficult to get into and there isn't a very high demand for it, so I have decided that it would probably be best if I were to go into a career in secondary education. I would like to teach Mathematics and Science to high school students, that way I get to share my passions with students, help students find their own passions, and do what I love everyday.

Congratulations on your achievements!!

Thank you so much!! :)


Also, I just wanted to say a big thank you for the lectures at QUT. I was fortunate to attend a psychology lecture and I found it so insightful and interesting. I'm definitely feeling very prepared for Unit 3 and I am ready to flaunt my new-found knowledge to my teacher once school starts back  ;D I had some friends who were able to attend the biology lecture Saturday morning (whilst I was wrapped up in the wonders of log laws during the methods lecture) and they loved it. So thanks again for that!
QCE 2020: Physics (92) || Psychology (96) || Biology (93) || Methods (79) || English (98) || SOR (91)
ATAR: 98.40
2021-2024: Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) @ UQ

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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2019, 11:24:39 am »
Thank you for the kind welcome! :)

Abosolutely no worries at all!

Wow, I couldn't imagine studying four sciences! I love science but think I would go insane. And yeah, from looking through the syllabus for each of my subjects Unit 3 & 4 look great! What I am most excited about has to be special relativity and quantum theory in physics - I can't wait! I'm excited, as always, for psychology, and Unit 4 in biology looks super interesting (I love genetics, so I think I will enjoy it). We've also started ethics in religion (woop woop ;D)

It's great to hear that you're excited for units 3&4! Some of the physics content can be a bit difficult to wrap your head around and it's great that you're keen for these topics - I definitely found it rewarding to learn to understand them (well, at least understand to a certain level). In regards to biology, you can definitely also bring in some genetics into Unit 3. Unit 3 & 4 are taught seperately but ecology and evolution are very very very interconnected. For example, when population sizes get too small one of the things that significantly contributes to an extinction vortex is lack of genetic diversity.

I have definitely found overlap between biology and psychology - especially in regard to the nervous system. What was good about it was that psychology went a lot more in depth, so when it came to studying for the Unit 1 & 2 bio exam I didn't have to go over my nervous system notes too much. But wow, I never thought about how neural communication relies on principles of diffusion and active transport - but now that I think of it, that makes sense! That does raise a question however, so if we're talking about signal transmission, when you have neurotransmitters they diffuse across the synapse to the receptors and they may cause ions to be released which travel through the post-synaptic neuron.... It isn't the neurotransmitters themselves that travel through the post-synaptic neuron, its the ions. So what happens when it is an electrical signal? Does that release ions or does it travel through the post-synaptic neuron itself? (If that makes any sense)

To clear things up about how chemical synapses work I've put together a diagram for you below.
Diagram note: I've represented generic ions as triangles
Content note: The movement of ions (by definition, charged particles) is the electrical signal. In an electrical synapse the ions move directly from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron through protein channels. This makes electrical synapses a bit faster but also a bit less adaptable.

A neuron is usually at about -70 mV (resting potential) and when an action potential is generated this goes up to about 40 mV before crashing down again. These changes in potential occur through the movement of ions (namely sodium and potassium) into and out of the axon in a mexican-wave like format that carries the change in potential forwards from the soma to the axon terminals.

click for neural communication diagram

I love astrophysics and theoretical physics, and would love to work on something like string theory. I think it would be amazing to find the unified field theory. I understand that the field of theoretical physics can be very very difficult to get into and there isn't a very high demand for it, so I have decided that it would probably be best if I were to go into a career in secondary education. I would like to teach Mathematics and Science to high school students, that way I get to share my passions with students, help students find their own passions, and do what I love everyday.

Sounds like you've really thought this out - seems like a great plan to me (as long as you stay open to the opportunities that may come up along the way) :). One of our honourary moderators (Aaron) is actually a secondary maths teacher so they might be able to give you some insight into what that field is like.

Thank you so much!! :)

Also, I just wanted to say a big thank you for the lectures at QUT. I was fortunate to attend a psychology lecture and I found it so insightful and interesting. I'm definitely feeling very prepared for Unit 3 and I am ready to flaunt my new-found knowledge to my teacher once school starts back  ;D I had some friends who were able to attend the biology lecture Saturday morning (whilst I was wrapped up in the wonders of log laws during the methods lecture) and they loved it. So thanks again for that!

You're 100% percent welcome :) Thank you for the feedback! It's really nice to hear that people enjoyed my lectures & got value out of them. I definitely enjoyed giving them and being able to be there for you and all the other students :D


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2019, 03:26:44 pm »
In regards to biology, you can definitely also bring in some genetics into Unit 3. Unit 3 & 4 are taught seperately but ecology and evolution are very very very interconnected. For example, when population sizes get too small one of the things that significantly contributes to an extinction vortex is lack of genetic diversity.

True, true! I'll definitely keep that in mind.

To clear things up about how chemical synapses work I've put together a diagram for you below.
Diagram note: I've represented generic ions as triangles
Content note: The movement of ions (by definition, charged particles) is the electrical signal. In an electrical synapse the ions move directly from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron through protein channels. This makes electrical synapses a bit faster but also a bit less adaptable.

A neuron is usually at about -70 mV (resting potential) and when an action potential is generated this goes up to about 40 mV before crashing down again. These changes in potential occur through the movement of ions (namely sodium and potassium) into and out of the axon in a mexican-wave like format that carries the change in potential forwards from the soma to the axon terminals.

Oh wow! Thank you so much! This really clears it all up. I don't know why I didn't make the connection between ions and electric charge - I must be a fake physics student haha  ;D

One of our honourary moderators (Aaron) is actually a secondary maths teacher so they might be able to give you some insight into what that field is like.

I'll definitely send them a PM if any questions come to mind!

Thank you!! :)
QCE 2020: Physics (92) || Psychology (96) || Biology (93) || Methods (79) || English (98) || SOR (91)
ATAR: 98.40
2021-2024: Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) @ UQ

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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2019, 03:34:35 pm »
Awesome to have you here, K.Smithy! So glad you enjoyed the lectures - I did, too! Love the QUT campus.

What's been the roughest part of the Grade 10 > Grade 11 transition, out of interest? You mentioned you had to cram heaps - was it mostly the overwhelming about of content? Or more things like new terminology/processes etc.?

Hope you're having a super day. 🤙

- Nick :)

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.

Bri MT

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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2019, 05:57:49 pm »
True, true! I'll definitely keep that in mind.
Actually before I forget, GenBank is incredibly relevant to this doptpoint in Unit 3: "analyse data from molecular sequences to infer species evolutionary relatedness"
It allows you to compare DNA sequences between different species (you can actually see the code), gives you a percentage similarity, and you can get it to generate phylogenetic trees for you + tell you statistical significance. If you do decide to play around with it, try comparing sequences from the same region. It can be a bit overwhelming at first so lmk if you're interested and would like help with it.
Oh wow! Thank you so much! This really clears it all up. I don't know why I didn't make the connection between ions and electric charge - I must be a fake physics student haha  ;D

haha definitely not :D. My teacher for systems change at uni says that if you look closely enough at any boundary it disappears and I think that's relevant here. When it comes down to it, it can be difficult to draw a line and say "this is the electrical part" as it's very easy to see ions as a chemical thing and group it that way.

Thank you!! :)
No worries at all! :)


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2019, 06:46:04 pm »
Actually before I forget, GenBank is incredibly relevant to this doptpoint in Unit 3: "analyse data from molecular sequences to infer species evolutionary relatedness"
It allows you to compare DNA sequences between different species (you can actually see the code), gives you a percentage similarity, and you can get it to generate phylogenetic trees for you + tell you statistical significance. If you do decide to play around with it, try comparing sequences from the same region. It can be a bit overwhelming at first so lmk if you're interested and would like help with it.

Oml that sounds awesome! I'll have to check it out. That reminds me of the research investigation for Unit 2. When I was looking for data and evidence and all that jazz I found some DNA sequences of the venom glands of snakes - I had no clue what any of it meant but it looked cool ;D
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 08:10:09 pm by K.Smithy »
QCE 2020: Physics (92) || Psychology (96) || Biology (93) || Methods (79) || English (98) || SOR (91)
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2019, 08:07:56 pm »
Awesome to have you here, K.Smithy! So glad you enjoyed the lectures - I did, too! Love the QUT campus.

What's been the roughest part of the Grade 10 > Grade 11 transition, out of interest? You mentioned you had to cram heaps - was it mostly the overwhelming about of content? Or more things like new terminology/processes etc.?

Hope you're having a super day. 🤙

- Nick :)

Hi Nick! :)

Where do I start? haha ;D  The roughest part about the transition between grade 10 and 11 was definitely the rise in anxiety and stress levels. Some teachers from my school really freaked us out and drilled it into us that "Life is a competition now" and that we are no longer just competing with ourselves, we are also competing with friends, peers, and every school in Queensland. And we all knew that already, but to be constantly reminded made school a not so nice learning environment for a while. There's also the stress of not knowing how anything works, and how everything is going to work with scaling. There's also all these cognitive verbs that we have to remember and to get full marks on questions you need to answer in a very specific way. The introduction of new cognitive verbs saw to a change in the way questions were asked. The data tests at the beginning of the year are a prime example of how suddenly changing how questions are asked can affect grades. However, the results from the data test are also due to the fact that we had never completed a data test before so it was all so new to us. (Also some of the questions on the data test were about content we had never seen?? Like, there was one question about a resistor that had 4 coloured bands? We only learnt about 3, so none of us knew what the fourth meant). Additionally, we didn't actually get any textbooks until week 7 of term 1... 1 week before our first exam incursion....

I must mention though that some of the stress just has to do we me as a person. I am a stressor, I stress about everything. So change is a big thing for me, I don't like it. I also have very high standards, anything below an A- for me may as well be a fail - this is something that I am working on.

In regard to the cramming, rather than having the full year to complete year 11, we've had 3 terms. I know that my school are starting to make changes and they are planning to condense grade 9 into 3 terms so that there is a full year dedicated to year 10, 11, and 12. For me and a few other students in my school, we have been rather unfortunate. My biology and physics teacher at the start of the year wasn't the greatest - don't get me wrong, they were a super nice person and they offered me so many opportunities to expand my knowledge and have valuable experiences whilst still at school, but they dropped the ball this year when it came to teaching. They took the whole independent learning thing way way too seriously. My school has been stressing the importance of independent learning, and while I agree that it is important to be able to work independently and sometimes guide your own learning, we still need support and guidance and to be taught during lessons. For Unit 1 in biology and physics I didn't have a single class note. We were just handed a million and one chapters from random textbooks to summarise in our own time. So for the weeks leading up to the Unit 1 & 2 exams, instead of revising content for biology and physics, I was learning it. It was really, really bad in physics in particular. My new physics teacher (who is absolutely awesome might I add :) ) had to hold a 3 hour night session after school to help catch us up on all of the content from Unit 1 that we missed (which was pretty much all of it) and also took out time in period 5 and 6 every Tuesday and Thursday to take our class for extra lessons. So yeah, bio and physics have been hella stressful due to having to cram everything into a short space of time.

I also have a bad English teacher who has literally refused to teach my class. She actually stated that she wasn't going to teach us. And no matter who us students talk to, nothing is being done about it. A petition was started, multiple people have spoken to the head of curriculum, people have spoken to the head of senior years... nothing is being done. Personally, I signed the petition, I spoke to the teacher directly (which did not go down well), I have spoken to the head of curriculum, I have spoken to the assistant principle and head of student wellbeing twice, I have spoken to the head of senior years twice, I have spoken to the principle twice... nothing is being done about this issue. Over half of this teacher's students are failing. A students are getting Cs. So this whole situation is very very stressful. Obviously I am stuck with this teacher for the remainder of the year, so I am very stressed about that considering we are starting Unit 3 which goes towards our ATAR.

Wow, that is one essay. In short, everything is stressful due to the change, but in my case I have also been unfortunate in regard to the teachers I have had.
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2019, 12:41:18 pm »

Wow that's a lot. Not just a lot of words, but a lot to be going through.

There's a few things I want to talk about around some of the stressors mentioned here:
> "we are also competing with friends"  I that's a deceptive and harmful message
(probably not intentionally, they're stressed & confused too and probably want to motivate you)
Yes, the ATAR ranks students but you'll get more benefits than negatives from collaborating. In Victoria it matters if you're the top, 2nd highest, 3rd.. etc. student in your class (I've searched and found absolutely nothing which suggests that this is the case in qld) and even then it's still beneficial to work together rather than being focused on the competition mindset.

> Having gone to an under rep school myself I get that the school you go to makes an impact but based on the info I've read, in terms of the score calculation there is no reason for you to care about how well your school goes compared to other schools. Often the school itself might care because they want to look good by having higher scores than other schools but please don't stress on this yourself.

> Unfortunately I can't say too much about verbs except that you get used to them with practice. I used to struggle with this a bit in year 10 when I was doing units 1&2 for biology but by the time 3&4 exams rolled around I was pretty comfortable.

> Yeah the textbook thing sucks. Had something similar happen to me with the chem textbook when I was in year 11 and they kept telling us "soon" but it took quite a while to arrive. If there are any topics you don't have resources on please let us know as we might be able to make some notes or something.

> I've never heard the term "exam incursion" before. Is this what you call all of your in-school/internal exams?

> Even in states where the system isn't changing people get confused and have misconceptions so I can only imagine how difficult it is when the system is new. If you still don't understand how this system works please feel free to read some of the guides we've put together and ask any questions you may have. videos, article

> Do you think guides on "how to do a data test?" etc. would be useful or not so much?

> "We were just handed a million and one chapters from random textbooks to summarise in our own time" yikes. Such an ineffective use of your time :/

> "She actually stated that she wasn't going to teach us" I don't even know how to respond to that situation :(   Only thing I can think of is getting feedback from us so you can improve your writing but the teacher refusing to teach..... wow that's very rough.

> About stressing - that's pretty relatable. I used to be much more of a perfectionist than I am now and it's definitely helped me to gradually learn to let go. Mostly I want to emphasise that improvement is very much a possibility and the fact that you've already recognised this as an issue and are working on it is a good step in the right direction :)


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2019, 04:27:02 pm »
"we are also competing with friends"  I that's a deceptive and harmful message
(probably not intentionally, they're stressed & confused too and probably want to motivate you)
Yes, the ATAR ranks students but you'll get more benefits than negatives from collaborating. In Victoria it matters if you're the top, 2nd highest, 3rd.. etc. student in your class (I've searched and found absolutely nothing which suggests that this is the case in qld) and even then it's still beneficial to work together rather than being focused on the competition mindset.

Yeah, I definitely agree. Fortunately it is only a couple teachers who share this attitude, but the impact it has had on students is significant. A lot of people have turned on each other in a way. People have become more secretive about any resources they use or tips they have, rather than trying to help each other succeed. I know a lot of students in my school are solely focused on topping subjects and will do whatever it takes to do so, even if it means not helping out a peer.

Unfortunately I can't say too much about verbs except that you get used to them with practice. I used to struggle with this a bit in year 10 when I was doing units 1&2 for biology but by the time 3&4 exams rolled around I was pretty comfortable.

I'm planning to review the cognitive verbs over the Christmas holidays, so hopefully by next year I'll have them down.

I've never heard the term "exam incursion" before. Is this what you call all of your in-school/internal exams?

My school does exam blocks and exam incursions. Both consist of internal assessment, but for exam blocks you only come to school when you have an exam. With exam incursions you come to school everyday and resume normal classes when you aren't in an exam.

Do you think guides on "how to do a data test?" etc. would be useful or not so much?

That would be amazing!

"She actually stated that she wasn't going to teach us" I don't even know how to respond to that situation :(   Only thing I can think of is getting feedback from us so you can improve your writing but the teacher refusing to teach..... wow that's very rough.

I am definitely going to be making the most of the forums throughout Unit 3 & 4, that's for sure.

About stressing - that's pretty relatable. I used to be much more of a perfectionist than I am now and it's definitely helped me to gradually learn to let go. Mostly I want to emphasise that improvement is very much a possibility and the fact that you've already recognised this as an issue and are working on it is a good step in the right direction :)

Probably one of the most important lessons I have learnt form Unit 1 & 2 is the value of making mistakes. I have definitely learnt a lot more from my mistakes than I have from any "perfect" assignments. This has helped me to relax a little bit and I'm hoping next year I won't stress myself out as much :)
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2019, 05:39:21 pm »
I'm planning to review the cognitive verbs over the Christmas holidays, so hopefully by next year I'll have them down.
Good luck!

My school does exam blocks and exam incursions. Both consist of internal assessment, but for exam blocks you only come to school when you have an exam. With exam incursions you come to school everyday and resume normal classes when you aren't in an exam.
At my school we had both too but we just called them all exams. I guess having different terminology might be good so students don't get confused and leave school when they aren't meant to.

That would be amazing!
That's great to know! Can't guarantee when exactly I'll get it done but I'll work on it :)

I am definitely going to be making the most of the forums throughout Unit 3 & 4, that's for sure.
That's great to hear :)

Probably one of the most important lessons I have learnt form Unit 1 & 2 is the value of making mistakes. I have definitely learnt a lot more from my mistakes than I have from any "perfect" assignments. This has helped me to relax a little bit and I'm hoping next year I won't stress myself out as much :)
For some of my year 12 subjects I kept a list of the errors I made when answering questions and it was definitely a useful revision tool. Even if you don't take it that far, learning from mistakes is definitely super important :)


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2019, 06:45:31 pm »
Hey Katelyn! How have things been? ;D


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2019, 06:46:42 pm »
Hey Katelyn! How have things been? ;D

Hi Laura!

Things have been alright. I've recently started doing some preparation for the data tests that I have coming up in 4 weeks - scary stuff! I've also been doing some research for my English assessment, we are doing a persuasive speech and I have chosen climate change as my topic. I am very excited about it! In non-school work related news, my school had our annual Arts Night on Friday, I got to do some performances which was really fun. Also, 2 weeks ago my school had speeches for 2020 school captains - I signed up for the positions of school captain and stewardship committee leader. Fingers crossed! :) All the speeches were so good and it was really interesting to see what people in my grade had to say about the life of our college and their visions for 2020.
QCE 2020: Physics (92) || Psychology (96) || Biology (93) || Methods (79) || English (98) || SOR (91)
ATAR: 98.40
2021-2024: Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) @ UQ

Uni Journal ; U3 Bio ; U3 Psych ; U3 Physics


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2019, 09:20:00 pm »
I've also been doing some research for my English assessment, we are doing a persuasive speech and I have chosen climate change as my topic. I am very excited about it!
Awesome!! What is your contention specifically? ;D

In non-school work related news, my school had our annual Arts Night on Friday, I got to do some performances which was really fun.
That would have been great. Was arts night about visual arts as well or mainly music, drama and dance?

Also, 2 weeks ago my school had speeches for 2020 school captains - I signed up for the positions of school captain and stewardship committee leader. Fingers crossed! :) All the speeches were so good and it was really interesting to see what people in my grade had to say about the life of our college and their visions for 2020.
Good on you!! Best of luck. <3 I find that speeches for that sort of thing always are really interesting.