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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2020, 06:57:32 pm »
Today we had our first whole college assembly, I was one of the MCs (along side the other school captain). It went pretty well, I choked up on a few words as I get a little nervous public speaking (even though I enjoy it), but other than that it went swimmingly. At the end of every assembly we play our college song and people get up and sing and do the dance moves that go along with the lyrics - most people join in. Once we get to middle years participation starts to decline, by the time you get to senior years, almost no one is singing or dancing. So, this time, the staff member who organises assemblies pulled the other MC aside and told him to stand in the middle of the stage and get people to participate.... This is where it went a little down hill... He didn't know the words or dances moves, but honestly, good on him for getting up there and trying his best! It was so admirable to see him get out of his comfort zone, in front of ~1400 students and god knows how many staff members...
But it got to the point where I just couldn't see him suffer any longer, so I ran out to the middle of the stage, put on a brave face and tried to do the best I could at being energetic. I didn't know all of the moves, so I just watched the teachers who were teaching the new students (but I pretended I knew what I was doing of course ;D). By the end, we had almost every single student dancing! It was crazy! All of the teachers were laughing at us but that's ok ;D
But administration loved it so now it might be a permanent thing.

Also, I got my English results today.. 25/25!!! FINALLY!!! I DID IT!!! ;D ;D ;D

Sounds like you had a fantastic start to school! Good on you for putting yourself out there and working hard to get that fantastic English score! 💙
What are you most excited about this year?
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2020, 10:18:45 pm »
Wow Katelyn! Good on you for putting yourself out there. I hope that being school captain brings lots more opportunities for fun and laughter this year. Congratulations on a fantastic English score! Hope you really enjoyed your last first week back! ;D

Thank you so much Laura! :D
I'm pretty excited for this year - this year will definitely provide a lot of opportunities. I guess that's one of the things that I love about my school; you don't need to be a leader to have all these wonderful opportunities (e.g. volunteering, camps, retreats, performances, fetes, sporting competitions...). But yeah, as leaders we get to come up with ideas and goals for the school - its awesome seeing our visions come alive :)

Sounds like you had a fantastic start to school! Good on you for putting yourself out there and working hard to get that fantastic English score! 💙
What are you most excited about this year?

Thanks J_Rho! :)
I have definitely had a great start to the year - aside from some dramas with my new maths teachers ofc  ::)
Hmmm... what am I most excited about this year? So. Many. Things... ;D
Leadership opportunities is definitely something I'm pretty excited about. I'm rather reserved in person and tend to keep to myself, so I am excited to grow as a person and be forced out of my comfort zones. Last year I had to meet some heads from the organisation that runs my school (and ~160 catholic schools in SE QLD) - that was definitely a nerve wrecking but worthwhile experience :) My fellow leaders (there's 20 of us) have so many awesome ideas, some of which we are already making the steps to put in place (which is very exciting!!!) - I'll definitely have to keep this thread updated with everything that will be happening leadership-wise this year ;D
Aside from school captain stuff, I'm also helping to lead the middle and senior years choir (I'll be focusing on the first and second sopranos - as I am definitely not an alto) and I am also planning to get back into sport this year (I have already signed up for futsal and will hopefully be participating in touch, rugby 7s, and cross-country). I'm also hoping to get some lecture-styled support going for the new year 11s - my aim is to have current year 12s, who performed well in a particular subject, holding little tutorials for the year 11s to help them understand content or explore new study techniques.
As there year goes on I'll find out about more opportunities, so I'm definitely keen to see what will come my way :)
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2020, 08:52:55 am »
It's fantastic that you've been able to push outside you comfort zone for your personal development :D

Really great to see that you aren't focusing just on your studies and really great work to have some things already in progress!

Looking forward to seeing how this develops & it's great to see you've had a (mostly) great start so far!

Also - your marks so far are incredible & I hope you're really proud of the progress you've made


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2020, 08:11:54 pm »
It's fantastic that you've been able to push outside you comfort zone for your personal development :D

Really great to see that you aren't focusing just on your studies and really great work to have some things already in progress!

Looking forward to seeing how this develops & it's great to see you've had a (mostly) great start so far!

Also - your marks so far are incredible & I hope you're really proud of the progress you've made

Thanks Bri! :)
Yeah its so nice to just let myself relax for a bit and not get so caught up with school work (like, I went to dreamworld on the weekend instead of doing school work... like what?!?! ;D)
I know there are going to be times where I will have to spend a little more time studying - and that's ok, but its nice to have a break every once in a while :)
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2020, 07:08:05 pm »
Oh man... its only been 5 days since school started back but there's already drama. I seriously need some guidance, if anyone has any advice, please help me out!!!  :'(

I had a double period of methods this morning and my teacher wrote up a question on the board for us to answer. My friend and I did the same working out and got the question correct. My teacher looked at my friends working out and said it was good (so naturally, I assumed mine was fine).

But then she started to write her working out on the board - and it was completely different to what we had done (and she wrote it out differently to how our teacher taught us last year). So, out of confusion, I raised my hand and said "Sorry miss, but I'm just confused as to how we are getting the same answer. My working out is completely different to yours. I have 1/4 in front of cos instead of 1. I'm confused as to how you are working it out..." Now... I don't think this was rude. I didn't think it was unfair for me to ask, or that I was attacking her. But boy, she did not take it well. My friend also agreed with me and said that he was confused about how we were getting the same answer but doing completely different working out. My teacher lost it. In front of the whole class she shouted at us, "I'm right and you're wrong. Differentiate this then, huh? Can you? Can you differentiate this!? No! Ok, well how about this then, huh? Can you differentiate this?! No! So, are will willing to admit that I am right and you are wrong?!?!" ... I was shocked to say the least... never in my schooling life have I ever been yelled at by a teacher like that, and in front of the whole class??? I personally thought that was uncalled for and unnecessary... My friend and I looked at our working out and we realised where we went wrong, but she didn't give us a chance to say that we had found our mistake.. she just shouted and shouted and shouted.... I'm quite shaken up and honestly, I'm too scared to ask her any more questions... My friend and I weren't the only people to get shouted at that lesson. She shouted at a group of students at the back of the room who were trying to help each other with a question, but they were apparently being "rude and disrespectful!"....

I honestly don't want to go to another maths lesson because she makes me feel uncomfortable. As someone who has anxiety this really messes with my brain. I already struggle enough thinking that all my teachers secretly hate me (which I know isn't true, as I have wonderful relationships with many of my teachers), and being shouted at doesn't help. I also get a lot of anxiety asking questions, so being shouted at for asking a question doesn't help my anxiety.

My parents are not happy, at all, with how my friend and I were treated. It was uncalled for and unprofessional on my teachers part. They want me to talk to the head of mathematics at my school and tell them what has happened. But I am a little nervous about the potential that she will find out that I am the one who spoke to the head of maths about her... I have organised a time next week to ask him some questions I have about maths (because I'm too scared to talk to my own teacher) and my parents are urging me to talk to him then...

What should I do guys??? Its really messing with my mind and I don't want to go to my classes because she stresses me out and scares me... I've worked so hard to get where I am in methods, but now I'm too scared to ask questions, so I fear my grades will drop....

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

(I will say that for the most part this year has been wonderful so far! This is just one little issue that I'm sure will be sorted. I am still hopeful that this year will end as wonderfully as it began :))
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2020, 07:43:06 pm »
Hey K.Smithy!

My parents are not happy, at all, with how my friend and I were treated. It was uncalled for and unprofessional on my teachers part. They want me to talk to the head of mathematics at my school and tell them what has happened. But I am a little nervous about the potential that she will find out that I am the one who spoke to the head of maths about her... I have organised a time next week to ask him some questions I have about maths (because I'm too scared to talk to my own teacher) and my parents are urging me to talk to him then...
I hope you are alright! I absolutely agree with your parents here and highly urge that you do talk to the head of maths. This is definitely not the right way to treat students and it's better to get the problem sorted at the start of the year rather than leaving it too late. It probably would be best to go with a friend and talk it out calmly with the head (explain the situation and see what you can do to fix it. Say that you are very uncomfortable and are very worried about your future performance because of it. You could even try going with your parents for support ;D)

If that doesn't work out the next best thing you could do is to request a class change. If in the end, nothing can be done, the one thing you can do is to find another Methods teacher that is willing to help you in your situation.
That whole scenario is seriously not a good way to start the year. The main thing you should feel at school is the comfort of being safe and you should always feel comfortable asking questions. Everyone makes mistakes but no one should have to face a scenario like that as it's just unfair and rude.

If you need any help, AN is here to look after you ;D


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2020, 11:11:07 pm »
Hey Ashmi!
Thank you for such a thoughtful reply :) Yeah, I think I'll have to gather up some courage over the next couple of days in preparation for my meeting with the head of maths. Unfortunately, my school doesn't take situations like this very well (from past experience), so I'm hoping that the head of maths is compassionate and can see that my concerns do not stem from a place of hatred towards my teacher...

If that doesn't work out the next best thing you could do is to request a class change. If in the end, nothing can be done, the one thing you can do is to find another Methods teacher that is willing to help you in your situation.

I would love to move class but there is only one methods class and we don't have any teachers qualified to teach it  :'(

Thanks again for your reply! Fingers crossed everything sorts itself out!
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2020, 11:30:11 pm »
I'm so sorry that happened you that sounds absolutely awful. What she did was extremely uncalled for and quite unprofessional. I agree with what Ashimi has already said, and she has already given you some wonderful advice which I second. A class change sounds like the best option in this scenario. Anxiety is never fun, and it doesn't always help when you have people making you feel worse, so try not to feel to bad for giving a complaint. I know its a tough and anxiety inducing itself going to talk about an experience, especially with a head teacher, so I wish you all the best. All I can say is that when you do talk to the head of maths, try and express that you want to stay anonymous, and hopefully since she yelled at other students she won't know where the complaint came from.

So good luck, and I hope you have a better week!
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2020, 11:43:36 pm »
Thank you for your reply Geoo! :)

All I can say is that when you do talk to the head of maths, try and express that you want to stay anonymous, and hopefully since she yelled at other students she won't know where the complaint came from.

I will definitely ask to remain anonymous! The last thing I want is for my teacher to think I wanna throw hands, haha ;D I have a feeling that after I talk to the head of maths nothing will be done straight away, rather, he will keep in touch with me to see if any problems keep reoccurring with my teacher, or if this was just a one time incident (which I'm hoping is the case).

So good luck, and I hope you have a better week!

Thank you so much! You guidance is greatly appreciated :)
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2020, 09:03:21 am »
It sounds to me like there are things happening outside of the class that have resulted in your teacher being highly stressed and more easily interpreting your comment in a mocking tone or as criticism rather than as a genuine question. You shouldn't have been the recipient of that and if you're now finding it hard to engage in your class this is something that absolutely should be addressed. Not only do I think that action should be taken on this for the sake of your learning but also for your wellbeing so it's not something you are continually ruminating on whenever maths comes up.

If you frame your discussion around trying to resolve the difficulty you're now facing in your learning, then it seems very highly unlikely to me that it would be interpreted as being about hatred towards your teacher.

Best of luck!


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2020, 03:34:05 pm »
Hi Katelyn,

I had a similar sort of issue with my Methods teacher last year also, at almost an identical time. Just before our first Methods SAC (around first week of March), I got very ill, and missed a whole week of classes as well as a few SACs (including Methods). The day I got back (Friday) was two days after the Methods SAC was run, and that morning in Period 0 my Methods teacher approached me and told me I was going to do it Period 1 & 2 in the back of the room during our Methods class while she was teaching so she could keep a watch on me. Knowing our standard protocol at school (as of last year) was to do it the following Tuesday, I was puzzled, but additionally so considering I had already gone to our VCE coordinator about my SAC buildup and had already organised a time on the Tuesday morning before school. When I told my teacher this, she wasn't rapt, to say the least, but she begrudgingly accepted it.

I later found out I actually ended up doing the same SAC as everyone else, so even though I didn't go to my peers asking about the SAC (I got pretty bad marks for that first SAC...), I can understand her concern. However, at the time I even went to our coordinator and asked if there was a chance to swap Methods classes....no such luck.

However, I'm glad I didn't because that teacher and I patched things up and it ended up being one of the more enjoyable classes I had come Semester 2! I would suggest talking to that teacher, even if you don't feel comfortable doing it alone. Maybe find them at a lunchtime or even at the end of a class. Nobody wants to be the one to call out irregular practice (I did cop some flak whenever a delay in marking SACs due to an absentee came up...), but ultimately everyone respects you for campaigning for consistency for all your peers. If you talk it through with your teacher and show that it was a misunderstanding, I'm sure she'll be sympathetic. If not, I'd definitely recommend going to the higher power.

Like Bri said, it's highly likely this was the bubbling over of something else she's stressed about. Of course, not your job to cop it, but potentially something you could try sort out informally first.
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2020, 10:04:06 pm »
It sounds to me like there are things happening outside of the class that have resulted in your teacher being highly stressed and more easily interpreting your comment in a mocking tone or as criticism rather than as a genuine question. You shouldn't have been the recipient of that and if you're now finding it hard to engage in your class this is something that absolutely should be addressed. Not only do I think that action should be taken on this for the sake of your learning but also for your wellbeing so it's not something you are continually ruminating on whenever maths comes up.

Yeah, I was talking to another friend about it (who is also in methods) and she thinks that our teacher may just be stressed and unsure about how to go about teaching us, considering she is a TAFE teacher and hasn't taught minors in a long time.
Apparently she has been shouting at kids in other classes too, so my class isn't the only one to have experienced it.

If you frame your discussion around trying to resolve the difficulty you're now facing in your learning, then it seems very highly unlikely to me that it would be interpreted as being about hatred towards your teacher.

Best of luck!

Yeah definitely. The only thing im worried about is how the school is going to handle it. Last year when we shared some of our concerns regarding an English teacher, we all got pulled aside and were given a lecture on how our behaviour (speaking up about our concerns) was unacceptable - but finger crossed this one is handled better!

Thanks Bri!

I had a similar sort of issue with my Methods teacher last year also, at almost an identical time. Just before our first Methods SAC (around first week of March), I got very ill, and missed a whole week of classes as well as a few SACs (including Methods). The day I got back (Friday) was two days after the Methods SAC was run, and that morning in Period 0 my Methods teacher approached me and told me I was going to do it Period 1 & 2 in the back of the room during our Methods class while she was teaching so she could keep a watch on me. Knowing our standard protocol at school (as of last year) was to do it the following Tuesday, I was puzzled, but additionally so considering I had already gone to our VCE coordinator about my SAC buildup and had already organised a time on the Tuesday morning before school. When I told my teacher this, she wasn't rapt, to say the least, but she begrudgingly accepted it.

The exact same thing happened to my friend! He was sick for a week and missed three exams and the day he got back - without warning - they forced him to sit 2/3 of the exams he missed... Because he was so sick he hadn't studied for them, so he requested an extension and they denied him one... It was rather unfortunate...

However, I'm glad I didn't because that teacher and I patched things up and it ended up being one of the more enjoyable classes I had come Semester 2! I would suggest talking to that teacher, even if you don't feel comfortable doing it alone. Maybe find them at a lunchtime or even at the end of a class. Nobody wants to be the one to call out irregular practice (I did cop some flak whenever a delay in marking SACs due to an absentee came up...), but ultimately everyone respects you for campaigning for consistency for all your peers. If you talk it through with your teacher and show that it was a misunderstanding, I'm sure she'll be sympathetic. If not, I'd definitely recommend going to the higher power.

Ohh man, I don't think my teacher and I will be patching things up very soon... If this is how she reacted when asked a question, I really don't want to know how she would react if I expressed my concerns. I've overheard some conversations she has had with other teachers and omg she comes across as being so so arrogant, and after our whole debacle, I don't believe she will think too highly of my peers concerns... But its worth a shot, I guess....

Thank you for the reply :)
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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #42 on: February 13, 2020, 04:01:42 pm »

Hope things have gone better for you over this week :)


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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #43 on: February 13, 2020, 06:58:08 pm »

Hope things have gone better for you over this week :)

Heya :)

Things have been pretty good :) I spoke to the head of mathematics on Monday and omg, he is one of the nicest human beings on the planet! He really took the time to listen to my concerns, and said that he had already planned a meeting with my two math teachers that day (so I think other students may have spoke to him already). But he said he is aiming to build our rapport with the teacher and if we are still having troubles with her and if she isn't conducting herself well, we have to go straight to him and let him know asap. Unfortunately, he isn't confident with methods content so my support network at school for maths is pretty much non-existent (but at least I always have AN to turn to ;D). But I can say the head of maths is the biggest psychology nerd! Which is awesome because I haven't found anyone at school who is as interested in psych as I am, so I was nerding out to him the other day :)

I also found out that my bio teacher is still in contact with my old bio/physics teacher, and my old methods teacher (!!!). He asked my old maths teacher if he was teaching methods at his new school and if so, if he was able to send us the link to his one note so we aren't completely lost through the year... Unfortunately, he no longer teaches methods, he is a specialist teacher now (good on him though, I know how keen he was to teach spesh)

Ive only had a couple math lessons this week (due to interruptions), so its hard to judge if anything has improved. But fingers crossed :)

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Re: ATAR will be the death of me :)
« Reply #44 on: February 18, 2020, 09:02:03 pm »
So I have some sort of exciting news. I recently discovered the Peter Doherty Award for Excellence in STEM Education and I am contemplating whether or not I should apply.
In order to apply, you need to have achieved an A standard of achievement for at least 2 STEM subjects in year 11 (I received an A standard for 4).

You also need to show your commitment to STEM education beyond the curriculum. I have::
- Participated in STEM holiday experience days at Griffith University
- Participated in ICAS science competitions
- Completed extension work at school for science
- Explored STEM fields at university open days and STEM career exploration days
- Participated in the University of Southern Queensland's Mathematics Enrichment Program
- Been a founding member of my schools STEAM club
- Competed in the Australian Brain Bee and progressed through to state finals
- Attended a public forum on stem cell research

I also have to include any academic awards I have received, and in the past two years I have received:
- A gold academic award for achieving an A standard for 7/8 of my subjects in grade 10
- A silver academic award for achieving an A standard for 5/6 of my subjects in unit 2
- Award for Top of Subject for Psychology

Annnnndddddd, I also have to talk about my future university STEM pathway...

I kinda wanna apply but then part of me doesn't want to as there is good chance I won't be a recipient. But I also have to remember that there is no harm in just trying. So, yeah. I'm gonna talk to some teachers and see if they would be willing to be references for my application.
Fingers crossed all goes well! :)
QCE 2020: Physics (92) || Psychology (96) || Biology (93) || Methods (79) || English (98) || SOR (91)
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