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2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« on: November 19, 2019, 03:47:42 pm »
I started a similar thread last year (see here) and found the responses super interesting, so let's do it again!

With the year academic coming toward a close, let's take some time to reflect. I've posted some questions below - you can just copy the code and then post your responses underneath. :) It would be great to get heaps of different perspectives here, because I'm sure we can all learn a lot from each other!

Code: [Select]
[b]How would you rate 2019 out of 10?[/b]

[b]What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?[/b]

[b]If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?[/b]

[b]If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?[/b]

[b]What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?[/b]

[b]Were your exams as expected?[/b]

[b]What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?[/b]

[b]Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?[/b]

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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2019, 04:41:08 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Possibly completing a group systematic review (albeit a bit condensed from an official one that would be published) for one of my units - was not really a big fan of the whole process but I think it will be a really useful experience for the future.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
I don't think I have any major regrets - If I had to say something it would be something every university student says every semester which is is that they should've started studying properly for exams earlier in the semester but it is always tough when they give you heaps of assignments throughout the semester.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
Ahhh can't think of anything specific - probably something related to the pharmacology oral presentation debates that we had.

Were your exams as expected?
Yes, for the most part, the exams were expected. I think for my stats subject they tried to cram in all the "difficult" concepts in but the coordinator did notify of the possibility of those coming up (indirectly) during the revision lectures so I think most people were prepared.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Maybe not my "best advice" but something I think might be useful for AN users. It is probably a cliche and possibly not useful for me to say through text but definitely try not to stress so much. Obviously do the best that you can with the time/resources that you have available but beyond that, there is not much else you can do. If you do badly in something - it's definitely ok to have those emotions but once you are ready try to make sure to identify what went wrong in the past so you can improve for the future.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best: Maintaining friendships that I have made throughout my degree and also from high school. Also making new friends.


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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2019, 05:08:59 pm »
First off, this year was perhaps the most exciting and fruitful year of my life since!

How would you rate 2019 out of 10?
A positive 9.5/10 :)

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Let me preface this by saying I'm still only in Year 10, I'm sure there's a lot more to come.

Although it came as a surprise, getting into the National Summer Camp for a science subject (putting me in the top 24 students in the country).

However, this year was a blast for me academically. I think I participated in 7+ maths and science competitions and achieved a high distinction for most of them. I also got the chance to participate in a 12 week student innovation challenge where we could develop anything we wanted under the guidance of a mentor.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
The biggest regret for me this whole year was not getting into a selective school I desperately wanted to go to last year, so I remained at my old school. The biggest impact this had on me was my quality of learning in certain subjects, particularly methods and science. Some teachers were unable to challenge me, some preferred to completely ignore me, and some even verbally insulted me during class. Despite everything, I think I pulled through pretty well and did end up with a late invitation to the school I wanted to get into last year.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
Although beforehand I would have definitely preferred to get into that selective school, after all the achievements I managed to get without external help, I'm not too sure now if that chance would have been the best for me. That goes to show that even if life doesn't go the way you wanted, with enough perseverance you can get yourself to an even better point.

I would have liked to change small things here and there: getting the chance to do physics 1/2 (my school didn't allow this), having a better methods teacher that didn't bully me, getting a better result in this and this... ultimately I don't think it matters that much.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
Actually, not much sticks out to me. Most funny events are kind of inside jokes within my small group of friends. Kind of a boring answer, but sometimes things are just better in the moment.

Were your exams as expected?
I still haven't finished all my exams, but I think they went relatively as expected, no big surprises. Plus I think I did really well on my methods exams, despite the bad teacher haha.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Any year level younger than me really doesn't have to worry about the ins and outs of final exams in Year 12. Just try out as much as you can and are comfortable to, and start to identify what areas you are most interested in. Try get involved in all those clubs, things you think sound cool, etc. Really don't feel scared of making mistakes, because now is the time to make the most of them, and learn from them.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
A few positive things that stood out for me were:

1. Flying back overseas and meeting with relatives of both sides of my family. Now that I'm older I'm really able to talk with especially the older generations and learn from them.
2. A ton of wildlife enters my backyard. Seriously. Just the other day I found this beautiful fluffy white north that had just emerged from its cocoon (fun fact: moths have a cocoon, butterflies have a chrysalis) and I got to see it's first moments drying out it's wings and taking flight. Before that, we found a tawny frogmouth that was lethargic and probably sick with something, and cared for it until bringing it to a rescue centre. Even before that we caught a blue tongue that was stuck in our shed. Sometimes I make a trip down to the local bush just to catch dragonflies and skinks. It's a beauty.

Luckily I haven't had any major negative events in my life yet, and hopefully it won't happen for a while. The biggest disaster for me recently was being rejected from the selective school I wanted to enter last year, haha.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 05:11:21 pm by turtlesforeveryone »


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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2019, 05:58:49 pm »
Graduated year 12 just this year ;D

How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Pushed myself to commit all-nighters and got decent marks for my assessments.

Strictly speaking in terms of academic stuff, I won third place for Working Mathematically category in the STANSW Young Scientist awards for a project I did this year.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Honestly, a few regrets but I feel as though they are not regrets; simply lessons that I should carry on to university. For one, it would be to finish assignments and stuff as quickly as possible, and just try to dedicate each day to a specific amount of work, so I'll keep on refreshing the concepts I have learned and solidify my understanding to avoid cramming. I think this would create stress due to the assignment load in uni, but I feel it will be ultimately rewarding if I keep at it.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
Again, just work consistently instead of short bursts of high intensity. I would try to complete assignments as fast as possible, and then make sure to study and review my understanding every day.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
Probably doing nothing for my ancient history presentation and component essay for a couple of days leading up to the deadline because I had "no sense of direction on what to do", realising that direction the night before the deadline and working on my presentation from 2 AM to the afternoon when I was to present, and then cramming and typing as fast as possible on my essay to submit it at 9:00 PM. Was an eventful night :P

Were your exams as expected?
Honestly, some were but others were not. English, ancient history, maths 2U and chemistry were just as I had predicted, even better. Physics and 3U maths, on the other hand, really freaked me out. Especially physics, I made the brutal mistake of trying to memorise everything instead of reviewing my understanding, really hurt my exam performance.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Study a little bit each day. It is no use studying heavily on one concept and then leaving it for like one month. Make sure you prioritise recalling information instead of just reading it over and over again, and make sure you have a system where you track your progress. The only way to make sure you review concepts is to have an effective system in place where you track everything like a psychopath ;D. Seriously though, in order to gain good marks, you just need to make sure to have an effective system in place and just following it through every day consistently. Make productivity a parabola, not a sine curve ;D.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best: I don't really know :P. Probably discovering AN!
Worst: Not prioritising exercise and mental health over study. Does more bad than good.
HSC 2019: English Advanced || Mathematics || Mathematics Extension 1 || Physics || Chemistry || Science Extension || Ancient History ||

Bachelor of Physiotherapy @ ACU

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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2019, 12:00:42 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Passing chemistry in semester 1 was pretty cool - I genuinely was not expecting to pass it.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Failing both of my classes in semester 2 was shit. I should have dropped bio before the deadline to withdraw without failure given I already knew that I was going to fail it, but I didn't.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
I would have started off with 3 classes in semester 1 rather than 4, might have avoided withdrawing from 2 of them that way (but then again, maybe not). Should have gone to more of the voluntary tutorials/peer mentoring sessions, by the time I realised that I should probably be going, I was already quite behind on everything.
Also would have been far more convenient to change my name and sort all that mess out during the mid year break rather than trying to do it during semester, but I wasn't really ready for it so I don't think it's something I'd actually change.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
My chemistry labs were quite amusing. My lab partner for second semester and I were having a bit of a debate (not a serious one, we were just being very exaggerated with our opinions for fun) about whether we should add more water to our distillation and we kinda made it overflow (which we were warned a lot to not do at the start of our lab) so oops (but it was my partners fault - she said there wasn't enough water, I said there was too much, so she said if it all dried up it was my fault so I said if it overflowed it was her fault).

Were your exams as expected?
Mostly. The semester 1 chem HPO exam was unexpectedly easy and short - It was all multiple choice and I'd finished it before we were allowed to leave the room.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Be proactive, ask for help as soon as you need it rather than trying to figure it out on your own and ending up in a worse situation.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best - coming out & changing my name was pretty cool. So was moving interstate (although I miss my little brothers and my pets not necessarily in that order)
Worst - Fire alarms on average every 5ish days during semester 1 (including a day with 3 fire alarms) - although I did enjoy making memes about them (and Fenner - my res hall - gave me a meme lord award for it haha). And the fenner floods. Also people insisting on using my deadname regardless of how many times I tell them I changed it.
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
2020: Just Vibing
2021: B. Paramedicine/B. Nursing @ ACU Canberra


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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2019, 01:27:42 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Getting dux of my school; this opens me up to a lot of opportunities for the degrees I want to apply for.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
I should have dropped chemistry, because I was failing 2 of my assessment tasks for my preliminary course; I wasn't sure if I was going to improve, so I kept it, but the grades did not get any better; I'm counting on Business studies to save my ATAR :(

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
I would have set tougher restrictions on myself to dedicate to my HSC; I was sometimes distracted from my phone, which hindered me from maximum productivity. Also, I should have chosen the subjects I love, not what other students are doing (e.g. I picked Chemistry because all the selective schools were doing it, so I followed the trend).

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
Not much distinct funny stories, though I had a kid in my physics class who was really loud and joked in Mandarin out loud in my class; I could never forget those moments when I smiled at him because I understood what he was saying, and the fact that I found it funny.

Were your exams as expected?
English Advanced: Did last year, was pretty standard.
Business studies: I thought I did alright, although I did not expect the essay question; as a result,my final mark did not go down well.
2 unit maths: accelerated last year, but the final exam wrecked me, partly because I did not revise enough of the content and did not expect nor do the damn series question at the end; as a result, I got 85.
Extension 1 maths: Was expecting most of the questions that popped up in this year's exam; I think I will do pretty well.
Extension 2 maths: So many questions threw me off, I did not expect the circle geo question; not gonna do too well I think.
Physics: Was alright, though I did not expect the fan question, the last question of MC, and the 9 marker.
Chemistry: I think I screwed up; was expecting a 9 marker on Module 8 as NESA hinted at, but no. Although I attempted every question.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Love the subjects you do. Listen to other people's suggestions, but do what you like and what you know you are confident at. I wasn't If you screw up the first assessment task, do not let your head drop; instead, keep going, and do more practice questions from trial papers and NESA papers. Ask for help if you are stuck on questions, but give it a try first.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best- getting to know more people from tutoring centres and socialising with them; unlike the insipid nature of most of the students in my cohort, the students from tutoring were lively and were willing to engage in conversations with me.
Worst- the bushfire season. I have never seen that much dust storms and smoke for a long time, if not in my life. We seriously need to take action on climate change.
Selection rank: 95.25

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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2019, 02:49:57 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?
8.5-9 - definitely the best year of uni so far by a long shot

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Don't really have any big ones, but I got my highest mark yet for a unit and I think getting through placement is what I'm most proud of. I feel like I really developed my skills and can definitely see myself beginning to fit the form of a clinician!

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Not being more consistent with study. I've always struggled with getting the balance right and being consistent throughout the semester

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
As above, I'd be more consistent with study. And outside of academics, I think I'd devote more time to maintaining relationships with friends and such.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
So many stories of patients saying inappropriate things that I can't repeat lol

Were your exams as expected?
Didn't have exams this semester because I only had placement and it was all assessed. Exams in first semester went pretty well and I got marks I was very pleased with.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Take time to look after your mental health - school/uni is not everything, and taking time out of study to look after your health will be so much better for you than just ignoring your problems and trying to keep on studying
Don't be afraid to have a go at answering a question, even if you don't know the answer - the worst thing that can happen is that you're wrong and you then learn something :)

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best: moved to a new apartment, have been with my boyfriend for over 18 months, feeling a lot more self-assured, and mental health has been heaps better!
Worst: had some very sad events happen to family/family friends, have grown a bit more distant with my friends from high school as a result of busy lives and not dedicating time to working on the friendships, had to apply for new places to live while I was on placement which was stressful


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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2019, 03:54:18 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?
2019 was a fantastic year. I would rate 8 out of 10!

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Producing a decent reality dating show for a whole semester and people loving it and giving positive feedback! It's nice to work on a passion project for so long and get good comments about it. I'm glad that I got the role of Series Producer (was up against 10 other people) and was able to take on a big role and crew this semester.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
I wished I attended more of my screen studies classes in Semester 1. I literally skipped out on most of them which has added a huge dent to my knowledge on documentaries (which is bad because I would like to work in documentary in the future ahhhh)

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
Actually take semester one seriously and not get caught up in the cohort's drama.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
I think it was just screening our reality dating show in front of the year and our tutors and laughing so much during the screening. But I also think there has been funny moments as a Series Producer throughout semester two.

Were your exams as expected?
No exams since I go to film school!

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Have fun goddamit! Learning is so fun!!! Stay out of drama and you should be good.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best part has to be getting new jobs (thanks AN!)
I think not talking to my high school friends that much is probably the worst part of 2019.
Which will hold greater rule over you? Your fear or your curiosity?

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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2019, 04:15:10 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
I finally understand language analysis! Outside of that, all of my debating stuff lead me to win a Swannie award, which I think has been my biggest academic accomplishment to date. I also completed two VCE 1/2 subjects which is exciting!

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Wearing myself out by working way too hard way too early in the year.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
I think that I would probably take on a little less in terms of extra commitments so that then I could focus more on my schoolwork and spend more time relaxing and doing things I enjoy. I would go on a lot more walks and get less frustrated about maths.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
To be honest, our teacher farting really loudly in the middle of an assessment when the entire room was silent was hilarious.

Were your exams as expected?
I could tell that I was s l i g h t l y less prepared this semester, but I actually found the exams surprisingly alright. I don't think I totally failed any of them and all of the questions on every exam (except two super obscure bio questions) made sense and I was confident to answer them.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Don't take Year 10 too seriously. Make sure you have fun with what you're doing. (And pick subjects you'll genuinely enjoy for Year 11/12).

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
The highlight of my year has by far been my amazing new job as a Support Worker and all of the disability volunteering I've had the opportunity to be involved in. Seeing the way that rEcess and Very Special Kids do things was super informative and super fun.
Also, all the parties have been great. My friends have had a lot of great campouts and sleepovers!

The worst bit was probably just feeling really awful for term two/three. I'm so glad I'm out of the other side. ;D

Bri MT

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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2019, 06:04:31 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?
8.5  Bit of a rocky start but should set me up well for my future
What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Got 100% on a major assignment in bio
If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Losing marks for silly reasons like getting time deadlines wrong
If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
How long do we have??

I think the main thing would be being more prepared to ask for help and I should've organised to get access to Monash's free counselling

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
A lecturer asked me "Are you yeet?"

[context: there was a kahoot and the person who came in 1st place was yeet]

Were your exams as expected?
Roughly. I over prepared for evo eco and under prepared for math stats but they were both fair exams

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Be willing to look foolish so you can become less foolish

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best: getting more involved in AN, finally being able to move out, going overseas for the first time (thanks Global Leaders Experience)
Worst: family issues


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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2019, 06:12:01 pm »
My last class of second year will be on Friday!

How would you rate 2019 out of 10?
Academically, 6/10

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Getting a HD on one of my German assessments - I haven't done this well in the subject since Semester 1 first year!

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Poor time management in Term 1 - I had never worked so much and trimesters were a huge shock so my WAM took a big hit :-(

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
I should've worked less in Term 1 so I could have more time to study.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
There are so many it would take too long to list them all but German is the source of a lot of joy for me at uni and we laugh all the time - it's always a happy place :-)

Were your exams as expected?
I only had 1 (yay) but yes!

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
If you have a job and are living at home, earning money shouldn't be your first priority - uni is. I was giving everything equal effort in Term 1 and that did not work out because while my bank account was growing, my grades were not.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best: Making new friends at work who I've become really close with
Worst: Stuff I'd rather not mention publicly but other than that there hasn't been anything overly negative :-)
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2019, 07:20:40 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
That I not only completed an entire school year for the first time in five years, but that I also completed my first 3/4 subject (bio). That was just such an awesome moment, and I was so happy to complete my first VCAA exam.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Not giving maths enough attention. I ended just barely passing for both units 1 and 2, so I feel really unprepared for next year.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
A few things, 1) Paid attention to methods to fully understand the content. 2) Focused more on my health. 3) I wish I didn't do physics so that I could have done food studies 3/4 this year instead of next year.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
I didn't really have any funny moments that really stand out to me, although, I remember doing a lab prac in physics where we needed to take our lab coats off but instead of saying that I said lets take our clothes off..... So yeah that was kind of awkward but people still laughed it off anyway.
Were your exams as expected?
A bit of a let down to be honest. I was expecting a very different exam for bio, but I found it to be easy yet totally random. Half of the study design wasn't even on there and the experimental design was alot easier than previous years.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Education is everything and you should always put your health whether it is mental or physical first/ as the top priority.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best: I got my L's and currently have 46 hours under my belt.
Worst: I unfortunately had two deaths in my family which made this year quite difficult.
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash


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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2019, 06:54:11 pm »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Finally cracking the top 10 ranks wise for Maths, after spending all of high school in the top 30.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
I think it's the same as a lot of other people; I didn't go as hard as I should've, despite it being my final year. Mostly this was due to a lack of motivation due to not having a specific goal to aim at, or just being down mentally.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
Look for something to work towards. Having something to work towards would've made study purposeful and more rewarding if the goal was achieved. This would've motivated me to work harder and perhaps pick me up out of any slumps throughout the year.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
Anything in the last three weeks of school, especially English. Pure banterous fun. If I had to pick a specific moment, probably when one of my mates got caught headlocking another mate, then a teacher passing by just raises eyebrows, then keeps walking.

Were your exams as expected?
I feel as though with all the spare time we use procrastinating, we always feel there's something extra we could've done. Basically, we feel like we deserve our terrible marks given the effort, but always feel inadequate; I think this will remain a constant every year.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Back yourselves: you know what's best, and what works for you, and make your next exam your best one yet: you can always pick yourself up and better yourself; ultimately it's not about beating other people to an ATAR, it's about getting the best ATAR you personally can

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best part: last football match, 100%
Worst part: not sure if there was a worst part outside of school, because my worst moments were probably in school
HSC 2018: Mod Hist [88] | 2U Maths [98]
HSC 2019: Physics [92] | Chemistry [93] | English Adv [87] | 3U Maths [98] | 4U Maths [97]
ATAR: 99.05

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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2019, 01:33:13 am »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Getting in the top 6 of my maths class! This has been something I have been working my butt off throughout year 12, as my prelim ranks were unfortunate (was in the bottom half of the class, barely passing), and I was motivated to do even better.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
This goes way back to year 10 subject selection, but I wish I didn't care so much what people thought of my own selection of subjects. In year 10, I wanted to do mainly maths and science subjects because I wanted people to believe I was one of the "smart" people (I just want to point out that your subjects do not dictate or is relative to your intelligence, this was a stupid mentality I had back in year 10), when in actuality, my strengths lay in the humanities side. As a result, I wish I could've gone back and chosen the subjects that I wanted to do (modern, legal, english ext, history ext), so not only would I play my strengths to my advantage but I would always enjoy my HSC workload, and thus be more motivated.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
Better time-management skills whilst juggling the HSC. I wish I was able to balance all these activities and work whilst doing HSC, I believe it would've helped me study smart, and not too hard to the point where my mental and physical health is at stake. I like to have a 'busy' schedule so I could not only maximise productivity but also help me prioritise what needed to be done rather than just procrastinate, and then go in work mode when I intentionally cram.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
I have about 3 that I cant decide which was funnier tbh

In one of my prelim classes, we were talking about different blood types and discussing what out blood type was. One of the students asked my teacher "What's your blood type?" and he replied "O negative". However, there was this kid that wasn't listening and when he looked up, he looked confused, and said, with confidence "WAIT WHAT THERE'S MORE THAN ONE BLOOD TYPE? I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST RED". I swear, if you were in that classroom, you could hear everyone's palm slapping their forehead in disappointment.

Someone in year 9, actually put a fart bomb during a Romeo and Juliet play. Yup, you read that right. Basically, a few years ago, the easter show would have these fart bombs and someone actually brought it to the school. In the scene where Romeo is calling out to Juliet's balcony, someone put a fart bomb. And everyone from the right side of the hall (where the play was commenced), basically gagged and got out of their seats. It was a chain reaction, and watching it from the left side of the view, made it hilarious. The smell was so bad that we all had to be evacuated.   

This was actually during this year! During the first hour of paper 2 English, we were all in the hall. All of a sudden, a song plays and it is the worst song to play during a HSC exam. What was the song you ask? "Under Pressure"! I remember looking up and seeing about 5 students aside me trying to hide their snickers and the HSC Examiner hiding theirs as well. And it was in the middle when I forgot one of my quotes and as I was trying so hard to recall it, the background has "PRESSURE!! PRESSING DOWN ON ME PRESSING DOWN ON YOU!!"

Were your exams as expected?
English Advanced: Paper 1 short answers.... I felt so disappointed with myself, especially with that 'boomerang' question (ngl, the hsc memes made me feel instantly better). The essay was doable, I did like the question. Paper 2 was alright, my themes were able to suit to the question. Overall, I'm hoping I did well, since this was the subject I maintained a high rank in
Investigating Science: lol. that was an extremely random exam I have to say. Honestly, I feel like I failed it, and I have not one positive thought going through that makes me believe I did well in it. i hope I did though.
PDHPE: Was happy with to be honest, it was everything I predicted, and I felt semi confident walking out of that exam. Hopefully my results reflect my study 
Mathematics: I was extremely disappointed with myself in this. Despite everything I studied for, and was the most consistent studying I did out of all my subjects, I never felt more ashamed of my performance. I walked in and in reading time, I had a panic attack so bad I had to be escorted out of the hall. Even though I was in a different room, doing the questions, I never felt more stupid in my life. I almost felt like crying after that exam, because I couldn't do question 16 and probably misinterpreted some of the questions. At this point, I'm praying for a pass.
Studies of Religion: Now, after that horrendous ordeal of maths, I was determined to do better in this exam. I wanted this unit to count to compensate for my experience with maths. This exam was everything I expected and I felt confident walking out of that exam, knowing I knew how to effectively answer the questions given
Chemistry: I was happy with this exam, and hopefully I can get a good mark in my exam. I was mainly happy that this exam was mainly skills based, since I preferred it over content. However, I felt that there were of course some last questions that I felt like I didn't get full marks in, which is what I'm extremely disappointed in. Overall, it was decent
What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Do subjects that you know are good at and love, this was my biggest regret going into Year 11 and 12. Keep questioning and don't afraid to go beyond the classroom. Work hard, but don't sacrifice your mental and physical health over it. Most importantly, love and support your friends. In these coming up years, they are vital and can be emotionally damaging to you, so always have time for your friends, and show your appreciation for them. This is, inevitably a hard time, but if you have someone who hears your ups and downs, your proud moments and your disheartening failures, and still believes in you and your goals, in the end, everything will be much more easier and will be ok :)

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best- socialising more, doing more things for leisure without the academic pressure
Worst- lack of routine and structure. For 13 years, we have taken for granted how much school consumes our times and actually dictates how out day will be planned out. Can't go out. Why? School work, homework, studying for upcoming exams etc. Now, just graduated, it feels....weird, I almost feel guilty for having so much free time
2020: Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Law @ Macquarie University


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Re: 2019 Academic Reflections Thread
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2019, 08:18:44 am »
How would you rate 2019 out of 10?

What was your biggest academic accomplishment in 2019?
Finishing Methods! It was honestly such a relief when it was over - and I was generally proud of how far I've come in maths, on my own.

If any, what's your biggest academic regret for 2019?
Not studying enough for Unit 2 exams (mainly because I was studying for my 3/4) but I really shouldve started studying for these earlier.

If you had your time again, what would you change from 2019?
Re-do the Methods TF exam because I did sme silly things during that exam that I really shouldve not.

What's your funniest story/moment from school/uni in 2019?
I really cant thing of anything from the top of my head - othing eally funny happens around me...

Oh, the only thing that comes to mind is my Physics teacher making me do a boxing demonstration in a class full of athletic boys - we can alll guess how that went.

Were your exams as expected?
Yeah, generally. Was expecting the Chem & Spec end of year exams to be a bit easier, as they were a lottttt harder than our SACs.

The rest were fair though.

What's your best advice for younger year levels studying in 2020?
Work hard, dont doubt yourself and dont give up. You will only ever sit that SAC or exam once in your life, so its worth it to just give it your best shot.

Outside of school/uni, what were the best and worst parts of 2019?
Best: Probably that I continued to grow my art hobby a long the side, and managed to do a lot of commissions & work on lots of projects with other cmpanies.
Worst: Most of my worst parts were in school ha ha, but to say that, probably not socialising as much and not going out to many places and exploring the outisde world around me - def something I need to work on for the future :)