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What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« on: February 25, 2020, 04:50:15 pm »
Hey everybody. We're now a little way into 2020, so I thought it might be interesting to set up a thread where we can talk about our goals and ambitions for the year, irrespective of what we're studying or doing (HSC/QCE/VCE/uni/something else entirely).

I've posted some general questions below to get us started, but feel free to move away from those questions if you think something else will be more relevant.

What are you studying/doing this year?
At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?

If you want to copy these questions into your post to use as a bit of a template, you can do so using the code below:

Code: [Select]
[b][color=#f56e2b]→[/color] What are you studying/doing this year?[/b]
[b][color=#f56e2b]→[/color] At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?[/b]
[b][color=#f56e2b]→[/color] Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?[/b]
[b][color=#f56e2b]→[/color] Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?[/b]
[b][color=#f56e2b]→[/color] What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?[/b]

I'll start us off. Feel free to be as detailed or as concise as you like.

What are you studying/doing this year?
I'm working, plus doing the second and final semester of a Grad Cert in Careers Education and Development part-time. I started the Grad Cert mid last year, and will finish it off by the middle of this year if all goes to plan.

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
I think pretty positive. I was a bit apprehensive at the start of last semester because I had never really worked significant hours and studied at the same time, but I managed it okay. There are some new aspects to my course this semester, including a three-day workshop and placement. These are a bit out of my comfort zone, so bad in one respect and good in another.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
That I consistently gave my all. That I received my qualification mid year with no major issues. That I did my job well throughout.

I guess more broadly than that, that I a) enjoyed it all, and b) stayed healthy.

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
No, I don't. Usually I probably would, because I tend to get a bit distracted by numbers (in conflict with pretty much all advice I've ever given, haha), but this particular course to my knowledge is pass/fail, so no grades as such are assigned.

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Last semester was a bit of a learning experience. I want to smash out as much of the course material as earlier as I can to give myself more of a buffer period at the back end of the semester. Starting things early has practically never come back to bite me, so that's the aim - whether or not it will happen in practice I guess is a whole different story!

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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2020, 05:39:07 pm »
Oh, this is a cool idea!
What are you studying/doing this year?
I'm doing my final year of high school, aka year 12 which is so exciting. I completed bio last year and this year I am doing methods, english, food studies and chemistry.
At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
To be honest I am feeling positive about the year ahead, but there is still a heavy does terror when I think of the year ahead. Don't get me wrong, I am really happy to be completing my VCE, but I think having this pressure of doing well combined with getting through the year unscathed health wise is a bit scary for me. There is also this feeling of everything being a bit unpredictable, which is a good and bad thing.
Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
I'd like to say that it was a good year, where I completed my goals and come out with decent health. Even though this is my last year and I need to work hard, I don't want to go overboard to a point where I have exhausted myself to a point of massive burnout. I also want to be able to look back on 2020 as a year of exploration. Have a look into more hobbies, maybe try out some new genres in books and music, cook more variety, etc.
Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
Yes! I do hope for an ATAR over 90, and preferably over 94+ would be a dream and would give me better access to a variety of uni courses. In terms of study scores, I really am hoping to score the highest in food studies to negate scaling so for me that is a 45-47 plus. Methods I just want to survive, not thrive by aiming for a 25+, but would love a 30. Chemistry is one of my favourite subjects, and I would love over 42. English is like methods except I am a bit better at it, hoping for a 40.
What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Balancing life and study, and putting health first. I really put my health second in 2019, and I barely did anything for myself aside from studying, so this year, I would really like get back into the stuff I enjoy, and try not to focus on too much study. Although this is really difficult because of the basic workload to pass.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 05:56:30 pm by Geoo »
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2020, 06:01:54 pm »

What are you studying/doing this year?
I'm in my final year of VCE/highschool, and I'm undertaking art, spec, english, physics and chemistry. [/b]

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
Mixed feelings! I'm super excited to see what the year holds, as being in Year 12 comes with exciting events, opportunites and a lot of fun. On the other hand, I'm nervous about the year because I want to do the very best that I can, and I'm scared about school getting too hard to cope with. Overall, 2020 seems like a year with lots of oppurtunity, so I'm staying positive!

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
I want to say that I finished the year with no regrets. I want to look back and think 'I did the best that I can.' Whilst this mainly applies to academics, I want to have lived the year to the fullest, and savoured every moment of my last year of school.

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
Somewhat - I'm trying to keep things realistic. An atar above 90, Eng/Physics/Chem being above 38 but preferably above 40, Art 47, and Spec 34.

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
- Having routine and being productive - def want to stop the laziness and procrastinating
- Doing consistent study so I dont have to get worked up in the last minute
- Enjoying everything and being happy :)

Bri MT

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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2020, 06:08:34 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
I'm studying Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (honours) in my 3rd year - last year before honours! After this year, I could graduate if I wanted with Bachelor of Science but I'll definitely stick around for honours :)

Also pretty involved with ATAR Notes

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
Very keen. Last year was very hectic and full of great things, this year will also be full of great things but should be less hectic. I've finished all of my math minor units and will be taking my two selectives (non-science units from a list) + bio which should be pretty chill. In particular, I'm really looking forward to BIO3011 (research methods in biology) and the skills I'll gain from that. I'm also really looking forward to SCI3501 (internship unit) but thinking about that is a little stressful.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
That I've set myself up for a great 2021 and had the right balance of extending myself + avoiding burnout.

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
I need to keep a 70 average to not get kicked out of my course which is my main priority there but it'd be nice to HD all my 3rd year units. We'll see. If I had the choice between having a great internship (one of my units) and a HD for that unit I'd choose a great internship.

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Managing stress better


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2020, 06:35:22 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
Doing Computer Science/Advanced Maths at UNSW.

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
I'm always a touch pessimistic even in the best-case scenario, but everything ahead feels like a dark cloud - don't know what to expect or what's coming. Just going to take each day as it comes, and wait and see what happens!

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
Honestly would just be happy to be alive at the end of the year. Zero expectations - uni seems so much more open than high school, and making actual choices instead of the bs 'choices' in high school is quite odd. Hoping I don't do anything stupid, since hoping for no regrets is impossible :)

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
Not really. Just want to work hard but chill at the same time - I think scores that look nice would be cool though.

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
I feel as though not a lot of 2019 is applicable anymore because I can maintain last year's work ethic and still do alright, extra involvement on top of uni and still gain a lot of experience. I'd say the chances of this happening are close to zero, but here's hoping I can improve on taking care of myself.
HSC 2018: Mod Hist [88] | 2U Maths [98]
HSC 2019: Physics [92] | Chemistry [93] | English Adv [87] | 3U Maths [98] | 4U Maths [97]
ATAR: 99.05

UCAT: 3310 - VR [740] | DM [890] | QR [880] | AR [800]
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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2020, 07:04:00 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
Just started my second* year of B. environment and sustainability/B. science.

*If I pass all my courses this year I'll have done one standard year over two years.

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?

Also a teensy bit optimistic which is a strange and unfamiliar feeling.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
Just want to have made some progress, not sure what towards exactly, getting my shit together I guess? Being a functional human?

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
Nah, I'd be fkn thrilled if I pass all my courses this year (but also secretly want to actually do well in them cos I have to save my gpa somehow).

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Paying attention to myself, noticing when things are getting bad, and actually doing something/anything to deal with that rather than just letting my life fall apart.
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
2020: Just Vibing
2021: B. Paramedicine/B. Nursing @ ACU Canberra


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2020, 07:08:21 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
I'm a VCE student doing Year 11 and two 3/4 subjects this year!
At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
I'm feeling a bit terrified about the year because I've never a) done any VCAA exams and b) had such a heavy workload (I think I'll look back on this when doing tertiary studies / in the future and laugh). At the same time, I'm confident that this year will be a year of growth for me as I'll be getting out of my comfort zone.
Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
That I enjoyed it, made myself proud, took care of my mental and physical health, and have no major regrets about my approach to VCE.
Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
In previous years, I did have specific scores I wanted to hit. Even though those scores would be nice, I don't wish to obsess over my SAC and exam scores - it will drive me crazy. It will be hard, but I'll just have to try my best and see what happens.
What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Hoping to become more disciplined and consistent in studying. Similar to J41, I'm going to (attempt to) start work earlier to get on top of things, giving me more time to revise for SACs. :)
2021: VCE
2022: Science / Arts @ Monash


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2020, 08:11:09 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
I'm a VCE student in year 12, doing mainstream English, biology, chemistry and methods.

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
I'm feeling terribly worried that I won't be able to score as highly as I want to, and especially because I'm pretty ~average~ at chemistry. Hopefully this can change! Despite this, I'm also excited for making the most out of my final year of schooling and finishing the year with no regrets.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
That I don't regret the decisions I've made and the opportunities I've taken, and can safely say I did the best I possibly could have in everything that I did.

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
Oh yes, for sure. I'm aiming for a 99+ ATAR. Hopefully so that I can get into med. Fingers crossed.

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
I don't want to be known as the procrastinator anymore. I want to change my bad time management skills and improve my study methods so they are much more effective than they are now. I want to prioritise my mental health and wellbeing. I want to be a happier person. Most of all, I want to turn my failures into success without moping about what has already occurred and what cannot change.
psych [50] bio [50]
2021-2025: BMedSci/MD @ Monash


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2020, 08:12:35 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
The final year of VCE and in year 12! (Woohoo!!). Studying English, PDT, Methods, Chem and Physics this year. ;D

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
Happy and terrified that everything is going to end in a blink of an eye. Not having the best start to the year but hopefully, things get better! I'm not feeling very confident in myself but I'm hoping this will improve overtime ;D.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
I want to be able to say that I did my very best. I'm hoping that with my best I can get into my dream course and not flop as bad as 2019 ::).

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
Really anything that gets me into the course I want to do. The minimum ATAR is 96 which would be a miracle to get and hoping to go on exchange! ;D  *cough* maybe a 47-50 study score in PDT too *cough*

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Drinking more water, staying positive (especially in Physics), and taking some more time out for myself when I need it. I would also like to do my hobbies more often and just look after myself if possible.

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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2020, 08:42:35 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
I'm in year 12 doing my final year of VCE. The subjects I'm doing are chem, methods, further, English (mainstream) and bio

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
Feeling fresh and ready for the challenges ahead. I wanna only have a positive outlook and attitude on the year ahead. ( Anything negative can just (beep) off)  8)

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
That it was used to it's fullest potential and every moment was worth living. No regrets 🤘

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
I wanna get something in the 85-90+ range, just for personal satisfaction, even though the required atar for my course is lower.
I was initially planning to go for medicine (and still am at some point in the future), but right now I don't think I'm at that mature level yet. Still getting into a course such as  Science or Biomed will show me a variety of other disciplines and that I may have overlooked.

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
- My study habits (organisation) in terms of being prepared for SAC'S and exams. Especially during peak periods.
- Making sure I use my time wisely.
- Just be a more positive person in general.
- Asking questions when I'm stuck
- Sleep schedule
2019/2020 - Psychology | Biology | Chemistry | Methods | Further | English
2021 - Science @ Melbourne University


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2020, 08:48:50 pm »
-> What are you doing/studying this year?

It will be my first year of a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy.

-> At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?

Optimistically pessimistic.
Concerned about the workload, but I'm really ready to give it a good shot. Honestly, I've had a tough couple of years, so even though it's my first year of uni, I kind of feel like I just want to take it easy this year.

-> Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?

That I gave it everything I had, and that I didn't compromise on my wellbeing to do that.

-> Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?

Yes and no.
I have a scholarship, so I have to maintain "satisfactory academic progression" which I assume means I have to pass all my units at a reasonable/standard pace. So if I were to fail a unit because I didn't score well enough it could impact that, which I do want to avoid. I also generally want to avoid failing a unit regardless though so...
I do want to pursue post-grad medicine, which means I need a high GPA (which is measured across my last three years of my degree). Because my degree is a four year degree, that means I get this year to get a better idea of how hard I'll need to work to score enough or if I need to change how I study to reach the scores that I will need to aim for next year and beyond. At the same time though, I still want to do my best and will likely try to calculate my GPA at the end of the year to see how it would measure up to what I need, so that I can see where I can improve.
At the same time, I'm not putting any pressure on myself. If I can maintain an average mark and not fail any units, I'll take that as a win.

-> What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?

Balance. The beginning of last year I took on too much and my health suffered. Then I reduced my workload too much, focussed on my health and my grades suffered.
I'd also really like to improve my memory. Often, it's not concepts that I struggle with, I just don't remember anything that I learned. This year, I'm committing to trying to try out different ways to study to see if I can improve on this. When uni starts, I plan to use visual cues and revising a lot more frequently to start with.


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2020, 08:53:14 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
I am a Year 12 student, studying Chemistry, Literature, Psychology and Specialist Mathematics! Yay!

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
I'm feeling a bit scared, to be honest. Like, this is the most important year of my entire life and I'm going to have to work really hard to achieve my goals. If I don't, then that's not going to go well. However, I am also excited! I'm going to be turning 18 soon, and later become a uni student! I still can't imagine having that much independence! I'm also really excited to learn and have fun with my subjects! I've tried to trick myself into enjoying my subjects *ahem* Specialist so that it's not a chore and it's working so far, surprisingly! Sometimes, anyway.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
I would like to say that I've achieved my goals and have no regrets. I want to be proud of myself and my efforts.

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
A 99+ ATAR and a 90+ UCAT score. It's going to be really hard especially because I messed up really bad last year but I'm going to try my hardest and hopefully achieve those goals!  ;D

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
I would like to re-establish my healthy habits and make news ones. I would like to practise meditation every day because I think it will be really good for my mental health, especially for clearing my mind. I would also like to improve on my social skills because sometimes I'm a bit socially awkward, especially around people I don't know really well. I want to become a people person!  ;D


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2020, 08:55:57 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
English, Further Maths, Biology, Psychology and Legal Studies
At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
Its daunting but hella exciting! I'm a little worried about how I'll juggle working 4 days a week and doing very well in Year 12
Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
It's been a lot of fun, made many memories and I can't wait to start the next chapter of my life
Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
Overall I'd like to get a 94+ ATAR but I'd love love love to get:
English - 40
Further - 45
Bio - 50
Legal - 50
Psych - 45
Like this is my D R E A M
What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
I'd like to improve on my time management and more specifically my essay writing
I want to be remembered as a hardworking and conscientious student, not a slacker or procrastinator or one with wasted potential
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2020, 09:54:58 pm »
What are you studying/doing this year?
Currently studying a Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production- this is my graduating year ahhh !!

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
I feel super nervous that it is my graduating year. For the last two years, I've always had this safety net because I knew there was a next year to improve on my skills. Knowing that it is my last year adds a lot of pressure on me because after this year, I'm going to be out in the real world with (hopefully) a job. I just hope I am able to learn as many things as I can before I graduate.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
Third year managed to beat second year and I have learnt so much in the year. I am so grateful for all the opportunities, the people I've worked with and for everything that I have learnt.

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
I just hope to get more HDs (85 or above) in my subjects. But I wouldn't mind settling for distinctions (it is so hard to get HDs in my course argh)

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Be a better person
Which will hold greater rule over you? Your fear or your curiosity?

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Re: What do you want to achieve in 2020?
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2020, 10:13:51 pm »
May as well join in :D
What are you studying/doing this year?
Academically- doing my honours year for the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (honours) (if you haven't seen me internally screaming because this is a whole new kettle of fish compared to undergrad yet :'))

Otherwise reading books (and reviewing for my own blog/bookstagram and a blog I've started contributing too recently!) and posting here, obviously!

At the moment, how are you feeling about the year ahead?
T E R R I F I E D.
Very terrified.

Fast forward to December, 2020. What would you like to be able to say about the year?
That I've found a balance in life and that I (hopefully) will know what the heck I'm doing going forward? ^-^

Do you have specific scores or results that you're aiming for?
I mean at least getting through the year is a result, right? :D (Honestly though- would be stoked to sneak in a H2A to keep my options open haha!)

What's something you would like to improve on from 2019?
Feeling less stressed :D I suck at not stressing, but I had a relaxed(ish) break, but starting something outside my comfort zone will probably put the stress back into me in no time lol. Hopefully I can improve on that!
2017-2019: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Formulation Science)
2020: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Honours) Read my uni journey here!