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Author Topic: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !  (Read 28508 times)

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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2020, 06:31:16 am »
Bonjour El!
Congrats on first rank in methods, that's amazing! Sounds like your 3/4 SACs have gone pretty well and I'm loving your positivity  8)

It's a really good idea to drop accounting U1 considering you don't like it and pick up PE. I had two friends that picked up PE this year (for 3/4) and they have said it isn't too hard so I'd say go for it! Although like ThunderDragon said you could always consider Bio, but I have heard it is a little trickier compared to PE.

I love the goals and getting a job is a great idea! Honestly, it is so much easier to be productive when you have a lot on (with your rehearsals it sounds like you do  ;)) good luck for applying.

Have an awesome week!
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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2020, 05:12:43 pm »
Hey hey El! ;D

Love the new journal update! (Woah there is so much going on).
Great to see that you have been taking time to have fun outside the academic life (netball is awesome btw). Also, yes to getting a job (gotta get that $$$ and experience~)

I just want to say how extremely proud I am of you and keep up the amazing work El! (A total inspiration🥺). If Accounting isn't your cup of tea and you find it unengaging maybe switching to P.E might be good? (You have plenty of time to think about it don't worry. Pick what you think you will enjoy the most!). Good luck for your upcoming SACs and I'm pretty positive you will be smashing them 8)

Hope you have an amazing and wonderful week El🥰
Thanks so much ash🥺🥺. Your kind words and positivity mean so much! Thanks for the advice and I hope you smash your SACs too! Remember we are half way there (more for me, 8 SACs done and 2 more to go) and you are such an inspiration to me to🥰🥰🥰

Dang 2 maths subjects as your 3/4s. I can't imagine doing more than 1 maths subject.
Yes, 2 maths 3/4s haha. Not how I thought it would end up but I do not regret it at all. If you had told me last year I would be doing two maths subjects I would have just laughed

In terms of your last subject, you've still got quite a bit of time to decide. Since it seems like you're enjoying Chem, you might also want to consider Biology, Psychology and possibly HHD on top of PE. Bio is probs the hardest out of the bunch but it's an interesting subject. Psych is great because it's mostly sciency related with bits of ethics and humanity mixed in and it's fairly simple and very interesting. Heard HHD is pretty easy however scaling isn't too great so maybe that may or may not turn you away.
Thanks a lot and I will definitely take this into consideration 8) Our subject selections are actually due on the 24th of July (so close ??? so I need to make somewhat of a decision!)

Bonjour El!
Congrats on first rank in methods, that's amazing! Sounds like your 3/4 SACs have gone pretty well and I'm loving your positivity  8)

It's a really good idea to drop accounting U1 considering you don't like it and pick up PE. I had two friends that picked up PE this year (for 3/4) and they have said it isn't too hard so I'd say go for it! Although like ThunderDragon said you could always consider Bio, but I have heard it is a little trickier compared to PE.
OMG a reply from chocolatemilkshake🥺. Thanks so much! I was hoping for a slightly "easier" fourth subject as it is most likely be in my bottom 2. Would love to try out PE Unit 2 but my school only offers 3/4 unfortunately :(. I would love to love bio like you (50 and prems woowwwww) but I don't think I do sadly.

I love the goals and getting a job is a great idea! Honestly, it is so much easier to be productive when you have a lot on (with your rehearsals it sounds like you do  ;)) good luck for applying.
I feel so much more productive when I have things on. I think next term I will have something every day which will be tough but will help my time management so much!

Thanks for all you good wishes and I hope for the best for you too!🥰
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
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ATAR - 98.75
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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2020, 09:24:57 pm »

Hello everyone! How are y'all? Welcome to this chaotic journal haha! Another pretty good week, I'm very excited to tell you all about it.

This is also my 100th post on AN so yay for that! I love this community and I can safely say I am addicted to the forums oops ahah

Methods 3/4
Wow I actually started doing revision for my exam on Wednesday! I have done 5 practice exams and have been doing decently (around 80%) so I hope to get a couple more in and some more specific revision on things I struggle with (I am looking at you general solutions, trig graphs with translations and differential applications).

I have started to enjoy this subject again so YAY! I really enjoy doing practice exams (I know... weird) and my aim for term 3 is to do at least 1 a week (maybe even more if I don't have many assessments). I am getting more and more optimistic about the chance of getting a 40 so wish me luck please :)

Further 3/4
Me no happy. We got our SACs back on Thursday and I am not happy to say the least. We got our void SAC back (which doesn't count to anything) and guess what. I got 100. This is the first time since year 9 (and probably on the second time in my life) that I have gotten 100 on a maths test. So I was actually a bit optimistic about the second one. And I get it back and realise I lost 3 marks. 37/40 or 92.5%. Now if this was any other subject I would be very happy, but not for a further SAC. I am hoping my ranking isn't too effected (thank god for the A+ on Data Analysis). I am also really annoyed because they were all silly mistakes ahhhh. Well anyway, it is done now and all I can do it revise for the end of year exam which matters WAY more!

Also, I have a practice exam 1 + 2 this week which I have not done a whole lot for. I am done some checkpoints but I have been focusing on methods because I am decently confident I can get a decent score without too much study and since it isn't a SAC and isn't going on my report who really cares hahaha. I think I can get 80+ easily tho so yay.

English Language
Ok, so the SAT wasn't great. I know I messed up a 4-marker because it was on AOS1 hahaha and I think I defs lost some marks from the last page (only 3 but still) but I am hoping I can pull a 70+. I want an 80+ but I am being optimistic hahaha. I am glad to move onto unit 2 because that is 1 step closer to not doing English ever again!!

Chemistry 1/2
AOS 2 test wasn't too bad, a couple of the questions were weird (drawing skeletal formulas which we have never done, only read them), but overall I reckon I can get an A+. For the Unit 1 exam, I have done all of my schools practice exams and 2 company ones, but the company ones differ a lot so I may just revise the incorrect questions because its only a Unit 1 exam and I am decently confident in my chem abilites.

We also started on Unit 2 which has graced me with thermodynamics AKA the last thing I did before physics. Luckily this part isn't too bad and is only a small part so I can persevere.

French 1/2
Writing Outcome was good. A weirdish text type (a written presentation to year 7 french speaking students) but I feel like my writing was good. We could even draw some pictures so that was fun hahaha. I'm 99% sure I went way over the word limit but I don't think my teacher will mind. We all finished like 45mins early so our whole class went outside and just talked. This reminded me about how much I love my French class bahahaha. Definitely my favourite class.

Accounting isn't too bad! I have joined my school's class and it seems pretty interactive and cool. I don't particularly enjoy the content and I am more leaning towards PE for next year but we will see how it goes!

Other stuff
I'm still trying to figure out my commitments for next term (I haven't done too much this year due to corona and my shoulder) but I am excited to get back into things in term 3.

I also got an email saying I am getting my house colours which I am really happy about. I have committed a lot to my house especially in the last year and a half and getting recognised for it is super cool! At my school, house colours get a coloured strip across the top of the blazer pocket so I am super excited because it looks really good so my blazer is ready for a glow up!

I JUST REMEMBERED I have forgotten to put this in here for three weeks but I got glasses hahaha. I only kinda need them but they have helped get rid of my headaches and I like the way they look so yay!

Ok so I know I am only year 11 but I want to kinda update you all on university stuff for me. At the start of this year, I was considering either science or business courses but now I am pretty set on a STEM course. However, I don't really know what.
Right now, I have two main ideas/career paths in mind. Physio and Pharmacy.
Physio - I love sports and science (especially chemistry) so I feel like this career could work well for me. I would love to specialise in sports injuries and my dream would be to be the physiotherapist of the Australia Diving or Netball team. In terms of courses, this one actually provides me with more flexibility as there is a graduate program at Melbourne Uni, where I would do a general course first. For this, I would aim for a 98!+ to get guaranteed entry and get to the Doctor of Physio through a Bachelor of Science at Melbourne Uni. If I didn't get 98, I could also try out after I finish my course. Additionally, if I decide I don't want to become a physio I can just finish the undergrad course and move onto another career path.
Pharmacy - I LOVE chemistry and have a few family members in the industry. I feel like the undergraduate course would be interesting (Pharmacy or pharmaceutical science, I don't know the difference haha) and I feel like I can see myself in the career. However, there is no post-graduate options that I can find (if there are any that have a bachelor of science of similar as a requirement PLEASE let me know! This means that I have to decide what I want to do straight after year 12 which isn't what I want because I am so indecisive.

I am looking also at other courses that are STEM, such as nutrition and chiro and other courses. LaTrobe has some great health courses and I really don't know what I want to do.

If anyone has any suggestions for someone who enjoys science (particularly chemistry) maths, french (random ahah) and sport, please let me know!

Thanks all for reading!
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university


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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2020, 11:12:29 am »
Congratulations on 100 posts, that's awesome! I know what you mean by wanting flexibility when it comes to picking what you want to do. I think that's why I lean towards the BSci so much... Although i'm looking more at pharmsci, Monash does offer post grad pharmacy. However, I believe you have to come in from a monash undergrad degree, but i'm not quite sure.

Have a look at their webinar that they did for 2020 entry where they talk about the options to getting in:

You can also check out the course guild which also goes into a lot of depth on post grad pharmacy:

But i'm the same, I generally want a career heavy in chem, but I love food as well, so i've personally been looking a Dietetics, food technology, but also biochem since I love some microbio. Good luck with the search, and enjoy the last week of term!
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2020, 11:18:55 am »
Hey El!🥰🥰

Congrats for your 100th post El! Massive achievement alone and we absolutely love having you in this beautiful AN community.

Well done on the amazing scores for your Further SAC and I love your determination for Methods. (I'm so inspired every time I read your journal). I 100% believe in you that you will achieve your goals in these subjects and I am so proud of you. (Also great to hear you are enjoying French so much!! ;D)

I also got an email saying I am getting my house colours which I am really happy about. I have committed a lot to my house especially in the last year and a half and getting recognised for it is super cool! At my school, house colours get a coloured strip across the top of the blazer pocket so I am super excited because it looks really good so my blazer is ready for a glow up!
Get that glow-up for your blazer!!🤣I must say a good pinch of colour here and there can make your blazer look top-notch.

Whoop Whoop it's a future life update! I love reading about other people's inspiration and especially your passions El. It's great to see you are exploring your options and taking the time to really look at each area of interest that you may go into in the future. (I must say, hearing you talk about Physio/Pharmacy/Health sciences is very inspiring on its own and I'm positive as time goes on you will become more certain of what you want to pursue). It's totally ok to not know what you want to do, but as your interests grow, you most certainly will find something that appeals to you!
Thank you for the lovely update El and have a great week!

Edit: Geoo has some super good websites linked that would be very beneficial to look into :D

Bri MT

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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2020, 11:21:15 am »
Hey :)

For pharmsci you might want to check out insanipi's uni journey journal and for physio k888.

Re: chem. chem & physics having different constants for thermo was the most confusing thing for me there so watch out for that.

Good luck for your assessments and congrats on house colours!


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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2020, 08:49:23 pm »

Thanks so much Geoo! The information you have linked is very useful, so thanks for that! What are you planning to do next year? I hope you have a great week!

Hey El!🥰🥰

Congrats for your 100th post El! Massive achievement alone and we absolutely love having you in this beautiful AN community.

Well done on the amazing scores for your Further SAC and I love your determination for Methods. (I'm so inspired every time I read your journal). I 100% believe in you that you will achieve your goals in these subjects and I am so proud of you. (Also great to hear you are enjoying French so much!! ;D)
Thanks so much, Ashmi! I love this community so much. I hope that my scores for further can get me anywhere near your amazing score! French is the best class ever, its so chill and nice and not competitive. I am defs not rank 1 but who cares when you are having fun!

Get that glow-up for your blazer!!🤣I must say a good pinch of colour here and there can make your blazer look top-notch.
I never called it this til my friend who already has her colours said it and I was like yes, a glow up for your blazer! Will definitely be posting a photo when I get it done!

Also thanks so much for the future help, I hope you have an amazing week!

Hey :)

For pharmsci you might want to check out insanipi's uni journey journal and for physio k888.

Re: chem. chem & physics having different constants for thermo was the most confusing thing for me there so watch out for that.

Good luck for your assessments and congrats on house colours!

Thanks so much Bri MT! I am legit honoured that you replied haha. I have checked out these amazing resources and I will make use of them. And thanks for the chem help, will definitely use it ahah.


This week is so packed but has felt so slow! I swear it is already Fridayyyyyy.

I got some results back which I am very happy with :) I got my French writing back and I got a 13/15 which is good. My teacher is pretty harsh but I have been consistently in the A zone which is where I want to be. My scores for my three French outcomes have been 85%, 86.7% and another 86.7% so nice and consistent. Considering I don't put too much work into this subject (will regret next year ahah) I have been doing remarkably well. I am definitely not rank 1 in my class but I am not last but I have such a STRONG class so I am happy sitting in the middle. I think 1 person might be dropping it next year (also the BEST person in our class so I don't know why she is ahah) but our class is so littt. We are watching the most hilarious movie so yay for that!

I got a 90 on my chem which is v exciting and fun! The average was 77 but my teacher said the usual average for other years is 60 so my class is doing pretty well lol. I have my exam on Thursday which I haven't done a whole lot for but I think I will be good.

Now just stressing about my 4 exams this week aha

Another fun thing that happened today was that I got an email saying I have been selected for the Olympic Changemaker Award which basically is a prestigious sports award. It was open to 10-12 and I am very surprised that I (alongside the sweetest year12) got the award!
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university


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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2020, 09:18:16 pm »
Loving the updates El! Congrats on the incredible marks and the sports award! That's an awesome achievement (I hope your injury is getting better and that you can get training again (remind me what sport/s you do??))
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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2020, 10:06:35 pm »
Loving the updates El! Congrats on the incredible marks and the sports award! That's an awesome achievement (I hope your injury is getting better and that you can get training again (remind me what sport/s you do??))

Hi Choco (sorry for the late reply lmao)! I do netball and diving as my main sports but I am also hoping to possibly do volleyball and athletics next term!
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university


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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2020, 07:05:10 pm »
Thanks so much Geoo! The information you have linked is very useful, so thanks for that! What are you planning to do next year? I hope you have a great week!
All good! They really are great for a base line in info in what pharmsci or pharmacy could lead to, and how to get in, so i'm glad you found them as useful as I did. I'm not quite sure what i'm going to do next year, but I have narrowed it down to a BSci or PharmSci, I guess I just need to do a bit more research into what each can lead. In terms of BSci though, I would probably major in chem and a bio science, but I have always wanted to study a language (mandarin, russian or spanish), so that will also be a factor. Good luck on exploring what you want to do, it can be tough to choose!
Also, congratulations on those scores! A 90% for chem is amazing, you should be so proud of yourself!
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2020, 09:36:48 pm »
Term 2 + Semester 1 Wrap ✰

Sorry for the little wait but I am back with an update! My first semester of VCE has been nothing but crazy, and this term has been quite the journey, navigating remote learning, going back to school, SAC's and everything else to do with school.

Methods 3/4
Methods has arguably been the biggest rollercoaster of this year. Remote learning was tough, the content is really hard, but I have gotten through it pretty well. I actually like the subject at the moment but probability will be the bane of my existence. My friend and I watched the ATARNotes lecture and I did NOT understand anything hahaha.

Semester Score Recap:
SAC 1 (Unit 3) - A+ (I don't know my actual score as my school gives out standardised scores because our SAC's are very difficult but I think it was around 85%)
Progress Reviews - Ranged from 70% (NEAP Circular Functions) to 100%
Unit 3 Exam 1 - 87%
Rank - I don't know ranks (my school doesn't give them out) but I am pretty sure I am in the top 5 (of about 50 in a strong cohort)

We have our Unit 3 Exam 2 next term and SAC 2 in week 3 then it is finishing content and exams !

I am aiming for a 40 in this subject which may be a stretch but I hope it's possible :)

Further 3/4
Considering I picked up this subject in week 3 term 1, I have really enjoyed further this year. I find the content really easy but actually interesting. This subject went well throughout remote learning and I have been pretty consistent with my scores. We are in the middle of the networks module but I really don't like it so after out SAC (in week 4) I am planning on learning the graphs and relations module (I've looked at most of it on edrolo and it seems pretty easy and weirdly fun lol).

Semester Score Recap:
SAC 1 (Data Analysis) - A+ (I don't know my actual score as my school doesn't give them out but I think it was around 95%)
SAC 2 (Recursion and Finance) - 93% (so sad because I could have gotten 100%)
Unit 3 Exam 1 - 87% (didn’t study hahaha so those 3 marks were probably stupid mistakes)
Rank - I don't know ranks (my school doesn't give them out) but I am pretty sure I am in the top 5 (of about 50 in a very strong cohort)

I am aiming for a 45+ in this subject but I really want a 50, not sure if it's possible with my SAC scores but I don't know my rank so I don't know.

English Language 1/2
Oh English Language, how I can NOT wait until the exam next year! It’s a lot better than normal English however I still don’t like it hahaha. I like my teacher, but not the subject. I want to start actually working for this subject because it has to be in my top 4 and proving myself that I can do English.

Semester Score Recap:
AOS1 Grammar Test - 97%
AOS1 Text Analysis - 80%
AOS2 Creative Task - A+
AOS2 Short Answer and Text Analysis - A

Chemistry 1/2
My favourite subject! I was not expecting to like this subject so much when starting this year but I do. I was originally doing it just for pre-reqs but now it is a bit of a passion subject. Unit 1 was so interesting and I cannot wait to move forward. We also have such a good chemistry department at my school which is great for 3/4 :)

Semester Score Recap:
AOS1 Elements and Bonding - A+
AOS2 Covalent and Organic - A+
AOS3 Research Task - A+
Unit 1 Exam - A+

French 1/2
My chillest subject. I feel like I am one of the minority saying that my LOTE subject is actually my easiest subject hahaha. I love my class and the subject is very fun and interesting.

Semester Score Recap:
Writing - A
Listening - A
Reading - A
Speaking - A

Oh gosh this subject is a lil bit of a mess. I really don’t like it and have pretty much decided to drop it (as you can see by my bio). VSV was not great and I find the subject really boring and unengaging.

Semester Score Recap:
The thing is, I didn’t get any actual results. My VSV report didn’t have grades on it even though it was supposed to and legit had the space for it. I emailed my teacher and they haven’t resolved the problem but they did get back to me which is nice!

Other stuff
Sport and Rehab
I started rehab for my shoulder and I am glad to say that I am officially cleared from physio and can play sport. Unfortunately, COVID has basically stopped all sports so that’s great. The only sport that I have done this year is diving, which I coached my school’s diving team and was School Diving Captain :)

Also, as House Sports Captain this year we have had a few things. House Aths was in February and we came second and won the spirit stick :). We also had Remote House Cross Country which went pretty well and we also came second and won the spirit stick again.

House Stuff
Apart from House Aths and Cross Country, the only other house event was Debating. I participated for the lols but it was actually quite fun. My house won the inter and senior finals and I won best speaker for both debates which is fun! I also got House Colours which is fun hahaha

Holiday Update
These holidays have been pretty chill, which was my aim. I have caught up with friends a couple times, with a highlight being going to St Kilda Beach when it was 12 degrees and we stayed in the water for a grand total of 6 minutes. I only had 1 small accounting task for holiday homework and I have been doing some Unit 3 revision for methods and further. I have also done a little bit of preparation for my last 2 SACs in week 3 and 4. I am pretty sad about lockdown but at least the 11s and 12s can go to school which would be nice, and the school will be quiet.

I also got a new double bed which makes my room feel so much bigger (I used to have a king single) and got fun LED lights haha. I have also somehow re-bingewatched pretty much the entire 7 seasons of Brooklyn 99, my fav show ;)

After reading Ashmi's Journal and some other things, as well as Instagram ads hahaha, I have decided that I want to at least apply for the NYSF program for 2021. I think it will be fun and maybe "replace" my French exchange as a holiday before year 12. Any quick tips for a good application (it's due in 8 days whoop), please let me know)

Sorry for the long update but I hope you enjoyed my little recap!

Eloise  ;D
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 09:40:39 pm by eloisegrace »
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2020, 09:48:52 pm »
Hey Eloise! It's great to see you chilled on the holidays - we all need a break from studying. Also, looking at your scores, you've done extremely well so far - keep it up! It's great you can finally play sport again too, I guess opportunities are restricted because of COVID but at least you're all clear. :) Also yesss - B99 is one of my fave shows too! It's one of the og's.

All the best for term 3 and beyond!
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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2020, 09:16:39 pm »

Back to school! The first 3 days back were arguably the weirdest school days I have ever experienced. Half of my year level wearing masks, super fancy robot temperature scanners, singular desks. I cannot wait until COVID dies down and we can FINALLY go back to some sense of normality. I am not looking forward to the following weeks having to continue to distance and wear masks. I have absolutely no clue how I am going to do house music rehearsals where I legit have to sInG with a mask? We will find out..

Work wise this week has been pretty chill, let's get onto specific subjects!

Methods 3/4
We had our Unit 3 Exam 2 on Friday and it was a complete mess. There were 4 mistakes in the paper and one of them was found with 10 minutes to go and it could have costed us like 13 marks which is ridiculous. The questions were so hard and not really VCAA style so I am not very happy. At least the MCQ were ok...

Our SAC 2 is next Wednesday so I need to get a wriggle on with studying!

Further 3/4
I officially hate Networks so much. I wish I didn't have to do a SAC on it but once the SAC is done in week 5 I am never doing a Networks question again! I have decided that I will do the graphs module as I have looked at the whole edrolo and I find it fun and interesting. I also got my Unit 3 Exam 2 back and I got an A which is ok for no study but I want to improve for the end of the year!

I applied for NYSF which is fun!

Sorry that this update is so short but I hope you enjoy!
Eloise  ;)
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university

Bri MT

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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2020, 09:36:07 pm »
Interesting to hear about the temperature scanners, do they stop people from coming in if it's too high?

Singing with a mask on sounds interesting... hopefully there's not too much change from it

Good luck for your SAC and NYSF!


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Re: el's vce journey :)
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2020, 09:56:43 pm »
Interesting to hear about the temperature scanners, do they stop people from coming in if it's too high?

Yes, if you continuously scan over a certain temperature you have to sit in the health centre and be taken home I think. The remote temperature scanners are very high tech although they are often quite inaccurate, especially if you have been sitting outside in the sun! We get our temperatures done at the start of the day and wear a sticker to indicate if we were under the required temperature. It is a pretty good system and doesn't take too much time (at least at the time I go to school) and hopefully these measures along with masks and social distancing help us control the spread of COVID
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university