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Author Topic: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !  (Read 28450 times)

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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #75 on: February 19, 2021, 08:24:26 pm »
Replies 🥰

Chocolatemilkshake 🍫
This is incredible El! Congratulations, I'm sure you'll do just as well in year 12 next year (and no more maths for you!)  8)
Thank you so much CM! Very happy to not do more maths, but I will definitely not do as well in year 12 as YOU 🤩
Homeworkisapotato 🥔
AMAZING results El congratulations I'm so happy for you! I'm so jealous that you don't have any maths anymore but now I've got a math guru ahaha
Special congrats with methods, I heard that the exam was super tough so I'm SO proud of you that you got an amazing score.
Have a festive holiday  ;D
OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS EL!!! Such spicy numbers! I'm so proud and happy for you!!!!! I'm really looking forward to spending this year on this journey with you! It would be AMAZING if you wrote guides for Further and Methods because getting 40+ study scores in TWO MATH 3/4's in Year ELEVEN is nooooo easy feat!!! So happy for you and have an amazing break <3
Thank you SO MUCH POTATO 🥰🥰🥰 Endless love for uuuu. Also congratulations on your biology score and thanks for replying twice (so so dedicated 😆😆). Hopefully I will get around to doing guides for both subjects, we will see if time permits!
Hey El,
Congratulations on your awesome scores, you maths queen! Firstly, having the courage and confidence to take 2 maths subjects early is unbelievable, and to also achieve those scores in this tumultuous year is something I'm so proud of. You did amazingly this year, and here's to hoping next year is just as good (I know you'll do well)! Enjoy the rest of these holidays - they're the calm before the storm in year 12 haha.

Have a wonderful new year!
Thank you so much beautiful whys <3. Your constant support does not go unnoticed. FYI, I did enjoy the calm before this very storm I am in rn hahahah
Congrats on your incredible scores! You should be proud of what you've achieved. All the best for next year and beyond :)
Thanks biscuit! Good luck for your future studies 😆

those are both fantastic scores and should put you in a really good position for year 12  ;D
Thank you sine for everything you did to help me last year, I appreciate it!
Hey Eloise!
WOWOWOOW your scores are amazing!!!! I'm so happy it all worked out in the end! I have no doubt that you will do so well in year 12! Congratulations and good luck for next year! I'm rooting for you!!!!
Thank you so much Marylen! I wish you endless luck for next this year !!
Hey Eloise ;D

I've sort of been silently reading your journal for a while, so I'm happy to finally be commenting (I may or may not have done so before as I can't remember). As I read a couple of your most recent journal entries I found myself getting nervous for you, and was over the moon for you when I saw your results (pleaseee teach me your ways). Congrats on your incredible scores!! All the best for year 12. I hope you have an amazing rest of your holidays :)
Thank you so much Doogie! I'm glad you read my journal and I KNOW you will do even better than me this year 😆😆
Hey El!

I just wanted to say: a big congrats on your results!  ;D They are AMAZING! You've worked so hard this year and I'm really happy for you! It's great that you surpassed your expectations too - that's always very nice! All the best for Year 12 and I know you're going to smash it like you did last year!
Hey Evolio, thank you so much for your support and congrats! Good luck at monash this year 😊

Hello there everyone! Long time no see, a pretty recurring theme on my journal ahaha

There is a lot to get through today (wow I sound like a teacher when your class is so behind LMAO) so I hope you enjoy this rendition of my slightly chaotic journey through year 12 (yes, I did change my name, its pretty fitting to how Year 12 is treating me thus far)

3/4 Results
I was very happy with my 3/4 results, and I thought they reflected the hard work I put in throughout the year. But, me being curious me decided to get a statemark of marks cos why tf not and its free ahahhah.

My marks are as follows
Further GA1 - 77/80 -> 80/80 GA2 78/80 GA3 114/120 which equalled a SS of 45
Methods GA1 69/75 -> 73/75 GA2 70/80 GA3 131/160 which equalled a SS of 42

My further marks honestly didn't make sense to me, but that is that. 4 marks lost equals a 45? It's not that big of a deal but has pondered my mind for a bit (I was gunning for that raw 50 and if I had the 2019 or 2018 exam I would have cries).
Also, thank god for SAC scaling, thanks school with hard SACs and a strong cohort (although weaker this year, we will get to that in a bit).

I ended up duxing methods (I think ahaha). I was so happy when I looked at the honour roll then realised that 42 is quite a low dux? My school was in top 10 for a bit but dropped a lot this year so maybe that is why? Nevertheless, I was happy being the top of a cohort in a subject that caused me a decent amount of pain throughout the year :) I was second dux in further which was pretty nice too, a girl got a 50 ahahah

Ngl, I reckon the last holidays was my favourite to date. I had so much fun, went out a lot and really took advantage of the pre year12 times! I didn't get around to doing a huge amount of work but I had a break which was so important.

My absolute highlight was attending this leadership conference by yLead called ASLC. It was breathtaking, lifechanging and I had the greatest 3 days with my new family. If anyone has the opportunity to take part in this conference, PLEASE pounce on the opportunity, you will not regret it. The days were filled with workshops, games, secret squad missions and the nights were filled with music, dancing, and connecting on a different level with the other participants (possibly the most thought-provoking night of my life).

I also took part in NYSF! Being online, it was very different but it was still pretty insightful! My interest group was awesome (love y'all Nightingales) and even though I didn't make it to every session it gave me a deeper perspective into the world of STEM.

I also just saw heaps of friends and made lifelong memories <3

Gosh, school has hit me luck a truck this year. I feel like I am always running around, studying or in a frantic mess. Being School Captain is more work than I envisioned, and while it is super cool, like running stalls, organising activities and recording a podcast (DM me if you want to listen to it and I'll direct you to it :)), there is a lot of work both in and out side of school that goes into it. I am getting a bit better with balancing it but it is still tough and I find that I have been prioritising it a lot lately (oop).

Now onto a quick subject update (arguably the bit everyone is here for lmao)

English Language - quite interesting! I am really trying to enjoy the subject and I think it's working. I am a lot more engaged than I was in 1/2 and I am actually motivated to do the subject!!

Chemistry - Oh chemistry, what did I do for you to just turn on me! I loved this subject in year 11 and it is right now my least favourite subject. It is also SO HARD OMG. I do not understand fuel cells. Like at all. That's this weekends job oop 🙈

French - French is French, what else can I say. Decent subject, its not the most fun but it's a subject where you don't have to put in a huge amount of work to do like ok yk? I feel like a 30 seems pretty obtainable. It's not a subject you can cram so I need to establish a good solid routine (that is not in place right now oops)

PE - I LOVE PE. The subject is so interesting, I love my teacher and class. This is the subject I want a 50 in. Is that possible? Probably not, but I will sure as hell try.

As for ATARy stuff, I know Eng Lang and Methods will definitely be in my top 4. I hope PE will be as well. I know chem will be in my bottom 2. It depends on how much work I do for French to see how that will go. My further score scales to about 43.5 so I need a 34 in French to beat that.

There has been a lot of stuff going on in my life which explains how I am so all over the place. I turned 18 on the first day of iso (yay Dan Andrews for starting it on the 13th). I know the lockdown was necessary but it was sad to not be able to see many people. My family were going to surprise me and also a small group of friends that I didn't expect were going to surprise me which warmed my heart 🥰. I did get to see friends on a walk and they gave me a super nice card and gift so I really appreciate that (if they are somehow reading, hello my dear friends and thank you again, ily.) Hopefully, I can have my party next week, if we don't go back into lockdown it should happen !! 😆😆

Thank you if made it to the end of this entry, you are so loved 🥰🥰

Eloise 😆
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #76 on: February 19, 2021, 08:53:50 pm »
Hey Eloise!

Congrats your amazing results! I would love to hear what activities you organise as being college captain, im one of the captains of my college as well, hahah and frankly need some inspiration:) A podcast sounds awesome!

Also Happy Birthday!! 🥳
Advice to smash Biology ¾:

2021 VCE - 99.35

Tutoring Bio, Chem, English, Methods 1/2 & 3/4 for 2022. DM if interested

Want some advice for VCE? 👇


The Cat In The Hat

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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #77 on: February 20, 2021, 07:46:28 am »
Happy birthday. Great results too. :)
VCE 20
HHD MM Revs (F/R) Eng T&T
Uni 21-24: BNursing/BMidwifery @ Deakin
HNN122 (double)
I hope I don't fail....
Listens to Amira Willighagen and Alma Deutscher and a little Marjolein Acke
~English - PM for P&P/creatives help~
Creative excerpts
Nur/Mid uni journal

For Narnia and for Aslan!


Basically inactive now. May change. Have a nice day.


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #78 on: February 28, 2021, 10:07:43 pm »
OMG IT'S ELOISE AGAIN AHHHHHH!!!! super stoked to see you again!
HAPPY BELATED BDAYYYYY!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 And also, congrats on becoming school captain! Please hit me with the events your school is hosting so I can pass it onto the SRC crew at my school! Unfortunately, I didn't get shortlisted for school captaincy but I ended up becoming the digital tech captain. Oh well!

I'm going to say this once and for all but if you're not getting a 50 in phys ed (VCAA im watching you) I'm throwing a riot. You deserve that 50 and I have no doubt that you will get there! And omg nysf sounds so fun!

With regards to chem, dwdw! I'm finding it challenging as well! (I had a bit of a sook over chem the other day but I pretty much just told myself to keep on keeping on, which ended up with me writing the chemical equation in tears  :'( :'( :-[) Hopefully we can get through the arduous trek through the bizarre yet fascinating world of chem this year!

Can't wait to read more updates!
Marylen's VCE journal

Psych: 40
Further Maths: 39

Methods, Accounting, English & Chemistry


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #79 on: June 14, 2021, 09:46:51 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm not dead dw! Wow, what a year it has been so far. Pretty hectic and crazy. I said in my last post that year 12 had hit me with a truck and little did Eloise know that it would continue to hit her with about 500 more trucks going 200km an hour. I don't even know where to start this update so I'm just going to do sub-headings and hopefully you guys can follow.

English Language
The subject I dread seeing on my timetable. This subject is arguably making year 12 even worse. While the content is slightly interesting, it is not taught well at my school. At all. We are the first cohort to do 3/4 and I am worried. There are 2 small classes with 12-14 students each. We all (especially the other class) struggle to get feedback on practice tasks and the teaching is not very direct. I feel as though we have skipped over important aspects while paying more attention to smaller aspects. Heck, I didn't even know what double-speak was until today. I feel that this is the subject that will 'ruin' my ATAR. It was a risk taking a new subject and I am lowkey regretting it. I would have hated english but maybe at least would get a better score.

For AOS1, I got 80% which i was pretty happy with considering I had a huge breakdown right before it. I know I am above average and that is all that matters. I want a 40 but anything above 35 will do.

You used to be so good to me chem what happened. My worst subject besides Englang. I didn't really enjoy the content for Unit 3 and felt a bit all over the place with the amount of self-learning we did for certain topics (i taught myself fuels, thermochem, faradays laws and equilibrium pretty much). My results haven't been awful, not incredible either. The averages have been high af this year which doesn't make me feel any better. I got 87% for AOS1 and 84% for AOS2. Definitely a bottom 2 subject and has made me question if I actually like science (more on this later).

French is french. My teacher is super organised, even if the classes are a bit boring they are structured and we can still have fun. I have done pretty well - my score for the unit is 42/50 (84%) and with sac and subject scaling I reckon french will actually reach my top 4. I wish I could have gone on exchange but #corona

My one love. This subject is interesting, is taught well by a lit teacher, has my bsf in it and is just overall great. I f'ed up the first SAC but I think my ranking is in the top 2 and I feel I could dux this subject! I am so glad I came into this class.

Look, I don't want to lie, I know my ATAR will be enough to get me into most courses. Even with 30 ss's in all my subjects along with my 3/4 scores I will get 95. I feel as though I'm gonna get in the 97s and I hope I get in the 98s. Who knows tho and the ATAR is only for uni entrance so who really cares.

Maybe the biggest change this year. I don't think I want to do science. I dont see myself doing it as a career, the passion isn't there. If I had to put in preferences right now, here is what they would probably look like.
Commerce @ Melbourne
Actuarial Studies/Commerce @ Monash
Commerce/Science @ Monash
Science/Physio @ Melbourne
Science @ Melbourne
Physio @ LaTrobe
Physio @ Monash
Science @ Monash

But I don't want any of these courses. I want to go to ANU. I had never even considered this until this year and I have fallen in love with the idea of going and studying in Canberra. Also, the flexible double degree structure is so good for me. Right now, I want to study Actuarial Studies and PPE and I applied for early entry with year 11 results and co-curricular which I will hopefully get!

Other stuff
Look, my mental health hasn't been too flash this year. Being school captain is so much work and the expectations are crazy and there are times where I feel I can't go on with it. I have had some problems with my school as well and it is not the best atm. My friendship group basically fell apart and I am stuck in the middle. Lots of shit has gone on in my personal life as well, not for this journal. I just want to basically start a new life in Canberra and be truly happy again. Not to say there isn't stuff to be grateful for, I have a couple of incredible friends and teachers and ofc my family. I could have my bday party, I get to be here in Australia and not have to face so many horrible injustices in the world.

Sorry for the long long awaited update. I thank every single one of you for your support, it doesn't go unnoticed.

I hope to update this again but no promises.

Signing out,

Eloise xxx
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #80 on: June 15, 2021, 05:57:27 pm »
Getting hit by a truck is a pretty bang-on analogy for Year 12. Hope you're holding up alright and finding ways to make time for yourself even when you're really busy!

Commerce and physiotherapy seem like quite different career paths; what interests you about each? Good luck thinking more about which direction you might go. I've also had a bit of a mid-year panic about careers. I was so such I'd do an allied health course at LaTrobe (or ACU), but really enjoying lit and being desperate to move out has made me reconsider a bit. At least we've got a while to decide. When do you find out about your early offer?


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #81 on: September 11, 2021, 03:58:54 pm »
I was wondering how you got a 45 in further? Do you have any advice? Also how many marks did you drop from both exams tog get 45?

Thank youuu


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #82 on: October 17, 2021, 10:18:49 pm »
"Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 30 days. Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic."
- yes yes I know AN, I'm about as consistent on here as with my VCE subjects so that sets a nice tone for this journal entry.

Hey fam bam !!!

Wow, we are here. As I am writing this, on 17/10, I am done with high school. Only 4 more exams to go until I am free. Extremely bittersweet, but I will get to that in a bit. Boy, has this year been a journey. With 4 lockdowns, so many events shifted and changed and cancelled, I can't say this is what I would think my year 12 experience would be like. I haven't updated this since June so I want to give a little term 3 wrap p before I get into Term 4, my subjects, exam prep etc. etc.

Term 3
This term started off with me getting my P's! From being the person with like no hours, to somehow getting 100 hours in 6 months (my poor father who did every single one of those hours, thank you). I was shitting bricks during the exam but I passed, and I can confidently say I have grown as a driver since then. Really have not driven heaps though, furthest I have been was maybe 30 minutes to get my vaccine AHAHA. We also just squeezed in a very jumbled House Music, which I thought we did amazing in but we only came 3rd (robbed lol). We did a musical theatre number to 'Good Morning Baltimore' from High School Musical and looking back it was a great event to finish my house "career" at my school. Then, remote learning #5, for 2 weeks, then a solid 7 days at school until remote learning #6. Did almost all of my Unit 4 SACs at home, and was so bloody unmotivated. School captain stuff again was busy, we filmed 4 podcast episodes, did initiatives every week etc. The feel of these lockdowns was a lot different to the first couple, like how are we back here, and missing out on what is year 12 really f'ing sucks. No formal (yr 11 or 12), no sleepover, no netball match, no movie night, nothing. But oh boy eloise was not ready for what came next.

Term 4
Started with the GAT, pretty fun! I found writing task 2 and the MCQ pretty normal, I lowkey struggled on writing task 1 but knowing my writing proficiency (thank you somewhat natural talent), I should be fine. The arts/humanities questions were wack and I guessed a lot of them, which is slightly scary considering they pertain to 3/4 of my subjects (Eng Lang, PE, French), but whatever. Its fine. Then, we finally got to go back to campus. How good it was, to see everyone, get free canteen lunches, and spend the last 2 weeks with the cohort/family I had grown up with for the past 6 years. My year level, despite the challenges, has grown really close and I am so grateful for the 83 girls that make up the Class of 2021.

The last week was our theme week, to make up for muck-p day being moved to after exams (ik, weird, don't ask lol cos idfk). Monochrome Monday, pigtail tuesday, alternate uniform Wednesday (who knew boys uniforms were so comfy), then what was supposed to be PJ thursday and crazy costume Friday. Lol.

So I got home from studying at school with a friend on Wednesday, had dinner, and was about to have a shower, and get into some study for the night. Then, I open my outlook, and see this.

"After much consideration and discussion, this afternoon we made the difficult decision to conclude our onsite teaching of all VCE classes effective tomorrow – Thursday 14 October at the conclusion of Period 6. This will allow us to minimise the risk of a COVID positive case entering our Senior School community between now and Wednesday 27 October, the date of the first VCE written examination."
No SWOTVAC, no seeing friends or teachers on-site, no year 12 breakfast, no last day, no leavers service, nothing. Absolutely nothing but a whole lot of tears. The absolute last straw. My school is in an area with relatively low COVID cases, and most if not all of my year level is vaccinated. From them telling us how good SWOTVAC would be, giving us some hope. Nothing.  So or last day was Thrusdya. Rushed, but we did have some good things. Lots of photos, nice memories, watched the incredible year 12 video, opened our year 7 time capsules (my favourite line that made me sob was: When I am in year 12, I want to be the captain of the school. Well Eloise, you did that, I hope you are proud). Anyways, back into remote learning for Friday and now I have no clue how I can meet up with teachers.... fun (not).

Now onto the subjects that I have not updated for a year lmao:

English Language
Um, idek about this subject. I'm pretty decent at it, I much prefer Unit 4 to Unit 3 (especially essays, gimme an identity essay every day of the week and I will marry you). Decent ranking, I think it was around 6 in the cohort (of around 25-30), which isn't too bad considering I am no way an English student, definitely maths/science lol. Online learning was whack, we got the SAC topics a day or two in advance and could bring in plans, hence I basically knew what I was gonna say lol.
SAC Marks - U3 78/100 (A), U4 91/100 (A+)
The trial exam was decent as well, got 56/75 (75%), which I was happy with considering my AC was utter rubbish (got 10/15 oop). That would get be between a 36-40 (with no SAC scaling), which I would definitely be happy with. The exam is way too close, and my teacher hasn't sent me back anything in a week (given her 2 essays and 2 SAQs so that's great), so if anyone has any EL marking services (paid or free, I'm desperate at this point), please lmk!

Bonjour? Sometimes I am like, what is this subject honestly. For our discussion, my class discussed la situation dans les banlieues difficiles parisiennes (situation in the disadvantaged suburbs of France), and my sub-topic was women in the workforce. I really enjoyed researching but left so much of it to the last week lol. My oral skills were pretty atrocious until about 2 weeks before my oral, which was on Friday 15th, the day after my last day, where something just clicked. I actually felt pretty confident for this, although the night before and morning I was so so so scared. It was pretty good! I had two nice assessors, who were fast but understandable, and didn't ask too weird a questions. I am super happy that I can say I can hold a 15-minute conversation in French with two native speakers, that is not easy!
SAC Marks - U3 42/50 (A), U4 42/50 (A)
Trial exam was umm interesting, got 67% overall, which showed I need to work on my listening ASAP. Also, long-form readings are weird but I think a bit of study will help improve the exam result to hopefully about 75%? Who knows but I do enjoy learning a language and despite all the challenges, je ne regrette pas de chosir cette matière (I do not regretting choosing this subject)!

Remind me why I did this subject again. Oh boy, how boring to learn. I ended up zoning out for possible the entirety of U4 online, so learnt everything with VolkScience (what I would do without you). I also f'ed up the AOS3 SAC, lol the one that is supposed to be the easiest, yeah no hahah. Exams are okay for this subject, remind me a bit of methods, which I enjoy (I am truly missing maths in my life cries). Almost guaranteed a bottom 2, so doesn't matter too much
SAC Marks - U3 85/100 (B+) U4 78/90 (A)
Trial Exam - 90/120=75%, nearly an A+ and nothing extremely bad, just working on worded responses and spectroscopy (lol wtf is that AHHAHA)

Oh the subject with the ups and downs. I really enjoy the content, but for some reason everything has just left my head, I lowkey feel so stupid doing this subject. It is supposed to be my easiest, my trip to a raw 50, but no. I was slightly gutted to find out I didn't get the dux for PE, a year 11 did. Cries. Marks arent too bad but needs a lot more work before the exam in 3 weeks, a lot more.
SAC Marks U3 92/100 (A+) U4 92/100 (A+)
Trial Exam - 109/120 (89%) wtf man how um are you sure??? That would get me about a 45???? OKay then sis pop off????

I got into ANU! My first preference is a flexible double degree which I will be undertaking, in what idk yet HAHHAH. I, unfortunately, cannot start in Actuarial Studies (need spesh lol), but will aim to transfer into this as I am pretty sure that is what I want for my career. I will combine this with either commerce, PPE, science but who knows honestly.

I also submitted VTAC, with my first 3 preferences (and only ones I really need considering I am pretty much guaranteed a 94 ATAR with my two past scores of 42 and 45 plus my SAC results) being Commerce/PPE at Monash, Commerce/Science at Monash, and Commerce at Melbourne. Still may change these though, who cares.

A message to all of the Class of 2021, you all rock. Seriously, we have done the hardest years of schooling in a pandemic and did year 12 with no exam changes or SD cuts. You are all so resilient, kind, and persistent. I truly believe you can do what you set your mind too and I wish you nothing but the best for your future. And to my past self (or present, or future, idk), Eloise, you are so strong. You have done these years with little support, with so much shit going on, and you have come out with so much invaluable experience and hey have been recognised for some of it too. Full colours in house, sport, service, 4 academic awards, 2 citizenship awards, 3 major sport awards, duke of ed, NYSF, PYOE, 2040. You are so strong, so worth it, and you deserve everything you have. Don't settle for anything but the best, continue to be your generous, kind, gentle, loving self.

Signing off,
Eloise 💙
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #83 on: October 18, 2021, 12:51:01 pm »
Good luck on all your exams! I know you'll do fantastic. Sad to hear about your school canceling all of the year 12 events, but i'm glad to hear you were able to get the most of the last day you had. You've been working so hard this year despite everything, are you going to relax a bit after your exams or do you have other plans?

Once again, good luck, I know you're going to smash it!
2020: VCE 93.2
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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #84 on: October 18, 2021, 03:50:51 pm »
Congrats on finishing such a challenging year Eloise and getting an ANU offer! I hope that you also get to celebrate with your friends after exams. Good luck, I know you'll do amazing!
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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #85 on: December 16, 2021, 08:46:51 am »
Hey fam!

Gonna keep it short and sweet with the results!

English Language - 45 (WTF !!!!!!!!) > 46.85
Chemistry - 36 > 40.04
French - 33 > 43.59
PE - 44 > 43.03 (only slightly disappointed with this one but still good !!!)
ATAR - 98.75 :)

Thank you AN for being so kind and supportive over the past 2 years, I appreciate you all <3
« Last Edit: December 16, 2021, 08:54:49 am by eloisegrace »
2020 - mathematical methods [42] | further mathematics [45]
2021 - english language [45] | chemistry [36] | french [33] | physical education [44]
ATAR - 98.75
my vce journey !
2022 - bachelor of commerce and bachelor of politics, philosophy and economics @ the australian national university


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #86 on: December 16, 2021, 08:54:12 am »
Hey fam!

Gonna keep it short and sweet with the results!

English Language - 45 (WTF !!!!!!!!) > 46.85
Chemistry - 36 > 40.04
French - 33 > 43.59
PE 44 > 43.03 (only slightly disappointed with this one but still good !!!)
ATAR - 98.75 :)

Thank you AN for being so kind and supportive over the past 2 years, I appreciate you all <3

Well done!

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #87 on: December 16, 2021, 08:54:33 am »


congratulations!!!! Be proud 🥳!!
Nelopepee (yes, pepee)
Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota
VCE 2021 - ATAR 98.85
my vce journal!

offering tutoring for English Language 3&4;)


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #88 on: December 16, 2021, 08:56:05 am »
AMAZING Eloise, massive congrats  8) Enjoy that relief and the rest of the holidays!
2021-2025: BMedSci/M.D @ Monash


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Re: Eloise's slightly cHaOTic journey through VCE !
« Reply #89 on: December 16, 2021, 09:47:19 am »
Congratulations Eloise, an incredible result! Wishing you all the best with your ventures next year :)
VCE '17-'18
2017: Biology, Psychology
2018: English, HHD, Chemistry, Methods
2019-22: Bachelor of Biomedicine (Honours) @ UoM
My guides:
A quick guide to language and argument analysis
HHD sample questions
HHD 2019 Comprehensive examiner report analysis