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Author Topic: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )  (Read 4526 times)

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mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« on: April 23, 2020, 11:55:13 am »
Ayo AN peeps,

Some of you may know me, but I'm mi-xao-14, but you can call me Tofu as well, and I'm in yr 12 this year. A friend of mine has just started their VCE journal on AN (you might know who it is), so why not do it too haha (and I'll also repeat what I've said in my friend's first journal entry, sorry for the repetition haha). I did psych 3 & 4 last year, but I cooked it unfortunately. I'm still disappointed about my study score, but it's alright cuz I have my other subjects to boost my ATAR. I'm doing chem, bio, methods, spesh, and mainstream English. I'm striving to get at least 98+ just for my own satisfaction, but I'd be thrilled if I get 99+. Disclaimer: I'm actually not going for med cuz I'm TERRIBLY bad at dealing with gore, so I can't perform dissections and other medical tasks.

I rlly enjoyed it, apart from research methods *cough*. Despite requiring a lot of memory work and ofc understanding them (I'm more of a logic person, not that much of memory), forever since I started doing psych, it has changed my perception of the society, and the contents are so interesting. It has helped me to be more understanding about other people's concerns / problems and be more willing to listen to them whenever they need to talk to me. Also, it has heavily influenced my advocacy for disabilities and mental health since I personally do experience either one of them. As aforementioned, I didn't get a good study score, so that will defs be my 5th or 6th subject. I typed out my psych notes last year, and it didn't turn out to be the best note-taking method tbh, and there had been times when I was behind in my class, which was difficult cuz it's content heavy, and I tend to take my time in learning and understanding new concepts.

One of my favourite subjects in VCE, and it's been my fav area of science since Year 9! I struggled a bit with it last year, and I do find myself being better at it this year somehow. I have a p good chem teacher and the content is interesting as well somehow haha, which would motivate me to do well at it. I now handwrite my notes and draw diagrams in my exercise book, and it helps me to consolidate my knowledge heaps, more helpful than typing. That has made me start handwriting my bio notes after realising that typing them up isn't the best way. Overall, I feel p good about chem, and I understand the topics well.

UPDATE: Just had my chem class, and we went through the trickier part of equilibrium, darn, that's the hardest topic so far.

My least fav subject, aw man, even more content heavy than psych. I'm behind in the class, which is a huge yikesssss. Again, I'm not a memory person, despite having good memory. I used to hate bio, and was gonna drop it to pick up another subject, but I was convinced to continue it, and I was right, 3 & 4 bio seems to be better than 1 & 2. I do enjoy some topics actually, except photosynthesis and cellular respiration, and I'm not the best at genetics stuff. I don't have the best teacher there, so I've fallen asleep in the class a few times eheheh............ The only way for me to keep up with my bio is by self-teaching by referring to my teacher's slides, textbook and Edrolo (aw yeah, Andrew Douche). Overall, my knowledge in bio isn't very good, so ooooft, but oh well, I'll get there. I reckon that it'll be my 5th or 6th subject, but I'll see how I go this year.

Not gonna say much, but it's quite tedious, and I don't ever pay attention in the class at all lol, but I'm still p good, worried about this subject the least.

Another fav subject. Unlike methods, the contents are more challenging, but they are very interesting! I feel sooooo gooood whenever I'm able to figure things out, and I actually like proofs, especially when it comes to the derivation of formulae cuz they help me to remember the formulae. I feel p satisfied whenever I'm able to solve a problem, especially a tricky one, which turns into an equation that I do recognise later in the process. Ngl, but I used to to not like maths at school until Year 10 cuz the work wasn't challenging enough for me, and without spesh, I doubt I'd be that passionate about maths, and it feels as if I'm in another maths world, like wewwwww. A few contents in spesh used to annoy me, but now I finally understand them, especially the inverse trig (finding the domains and ranges). I lowkey feel that I'm a five year old who is intrigued about everything about the world, and that is me in spesh 😂.

I feel good about it. I do find my classes quite boring cuz it's full of lecturing, ofc, but it's also helpful. I do enjoy textual response and argumental analysis the most just cuz I'm an analytical person, and I do enjoy writing (not under time pressure tho, which I doubt anyone likes). I do enjoy reading books, and I've just recently picked them up since ages ago, apart from the books that I have to read for school. I've just finished reading 'The Lieutenant' (textual response), and it's actually a p great story, especially cuz I can relate to the main character in many ways, one of my fav books now haha. I'm currently reading 'Jane Eyre', but I can't say much about it yet cuz I'm still reading the introduction. However, I've watched the play, and it's rlly good, so hopefully I'll enjoy the novel too. Oh, and btw, I'm a fan of classic books, and I have a separate collection of them on my shelf at home, have got at least 9 of them (including the ones I had to read for textual responses in the past years). I also like mystery and something that deals with mental health.

My main ambitions are to become an engineer, mainly in the bioengineering background, and a researcher in drugs and mental health. I'm planning to either go for BSc. (bioengineering or pharmacology, but leaning more towards bioengineering just cuz it's more diverse) at UoM OR double degrees of BSc. (pharmacology) and BE. (materials or mechatronics engineering, it'd be great if someone is able to explain the difference between those two majors cuz I'm not too sure about them, but I wanna do a major that relates to bioengineering since Monash doesn't offer it) at Monash (gotta have to underline them just to avoid confusion). I'm also thinking of becoming a writer at some stage in my life, I reckon, and I low key rlly want to do Bachelor of Arts, but darn it, I'm already deciding between two courses, so maybe I'll do BA. in the future.

* No need to use a ruler for social distancing, use me cuz that's literally my height, sad life tho.
* A huge fan of My Hero Academia and BTS (not much of a k-pop fan overall tho, sorry), dun ya diss em, tanks, and I scream about em 24/7.
* Likes to eat, especially tofu, Korean and Jap foods, boba, and spicy tings, but will be dug in a hole in my backyard by the time I finish eating fire noodles.
* Mainly likes to read classic books cuz the language rlly attracts me, and they're so deep, but also likes mystery and something that discusses mental health.
* Plays PUBG (not much of a gamer ig), but I'm more of a passive player cuz I tend to like collecting things first, then hide in a good spot and shoot ppl, yes, I'm a scaredy cat LMAO.
* Watches plays and musicals (recently got influenced by a close friend, so I'm no near of being an expert).
* A lonely kiddo at home, I need friends, especially during this quarantine, so feel free to ask for my social cuz I'm chill, but just don't be an arse cuz I'll be a big meanie if you're that.
* Prolly a massive nerd, but I do procrastinate a bit ofc, and I'm a bit of a slack.
* I make lame jokes, both in English and Viet, so don't mind me.

I might not do the journal entry that often, so I reckon I'll do it out of the blue, but I'll try my best in responding to your replies as quickly as possible. If not, I apologise in advance. I'm not sure what else to say, but thank you for reading this long as intro about myself, and good luck with your future endeavours everyone. Pls stay safe and take care of yourself, especially during this pandemic.

From mi-xao-14, AKA Tofu : )

P.S. If anyone knows my identity, PLS DO NOT EXPOSE ME THANKS!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 03:57:03 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2020, 12:13:05 pm »
Hey mi-xao-14 / Tofu!

Great to see you've joined the journey journal bandwagon! 8)

Here's what I found about mechatronics and mechanical engineering (I just read that back and I felt like Siri haha):
Quote from: Monash Find a Course Page
Materials engineering is all about making things stronger, lighter and more functional, yet sustainable and cost effective. Whether it's a lighter and stronger jet engine, a biodegradable tissue scaffold to grow organs from stem cells or new types of solar cells and batteries, materials are crucial to all aspects of engineering.

Robotics and mechatronics engineering combines mechanical and electrical engineering, computing, electronics and control theory. Engineers in this field work with instrumentation, sensors and real time computer systems to control movement, respond to sensors, optimise processes, monitor systems and detect faults. They may design aircraft avionics for autonomous drones, build robots for industry or medical applications, develop systems based on smartphones, help robots understand human behaviour, or be involved in the development, design and operation of processes and production lines needed to make consumer products.
If you end up going to Monash, you could always do a Diploma of Liberal Arts, where you complete an arts major at the same time as your degree(s).

Best of luck with Year 12! :)

P.S. How do you even eat fire noodles? I applaud you.
2021: VCE
2022: Science / Arts @ Monash


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2020, 12:30:56 pm »
Hey mi-xao-14 / Tofu!

Great to see you've joined the journey journal bandwagon! 8)

Here's what I found about mechatronics and mechanical engineering (I just read that back and I felt like Siri haha):If you end up going to Monash, you could always do a Diploma of Liberal Arts, where you complete an arts major at the same time as your degree(s).

Best of luck with Year 12! :)

P.S. How do you even eat fire noodles? I applaud you.

Hello lm21074,

Thanks for providing an info about the difference between mechatronics and material engineering, and informing me that I can do Diploma of Liberal Arts! I didn't know about that diploma until now, so I'll take that into consideration. I think I'm leaning more towards mechatronics engineering since it sounds more similar to bioengineering.

Also, I'm just a person who has high tolerance of spicy things lmao. I remember taking part of a fire noodles challenge with two other people in my team, and at the end of the challenge, I drank 8 small cups of milk 🤣.

Overall, thank you for your wishes, and good luck with your future! ^^


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2020, 12:39:39 pm »
Hi Tofu/mi-xao-14! ;D

Welcome to the Journey Journals! You are going to have an amazing time here and trust me, you won't regret it. :D
Do I see a BNHA fan!!?? woohooo. Let's settle a debate, who is best girl?

* Likes to eat, especially tofu, Korean and Jap foods, boba, and spicy tings, but will be dug in a hole in my backyard by the time I finish eating fire noodles.
* Plays PUBG (not much of a gamer ig), but I'm more of a passive player cuz I tend to like collecting things first, then hide in a good spot and shoot ppl, yes, I'm a scaredy cat LMAO.

BOBAAAAAA. I love Korean food and especially if it's a good Korean BBQ. Any tips for eating super super spicy food? (Spciy Korean always kills me).
Good luck for the rest of the year and I'm looking forward to seeing new updates in the future.


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2020, 01:04:24 pm »
Hi Tofu/mi-xao-14! ;D

Welcome to the Journey Journals! You are going to have an amazing time here and trust me, you won't regret it. :D
Do I see a BNHA fan!!?? woohooo. Let's settle a debate, who is best girl?

BOBAAAAAA. I love Korean food and especially if it's a good Korean BBQ. Any tips for eating super super spicy food? (Spciy Korean always kills me).
Good luck for the rest of the year and I'm looking forward to seeing new updates in the future.

Eyyy cheers ashimi!

Hahahah I think all BNHA girls are amazing in different ways! My fav character is Deku cuz I can relate to him in a lot of ways! How about yours??

Yesssss I love boba and Korean food!!!!!

Tip of eating super super spicy food: drink milk before, while, and after eating it!
Milk contains a lipophilic protein called casein, which helps in "numbing" from consuming spicy foods by coating itself around the tongue. Capsaicin, a molecule with a hydrocarbon tail, hence being non-polar, would mix with casein cuz non-polar dissolves non-polar (like dissolves like) and casein would wash capsaicin out of the mouth, relieving the pain. More info (just found out about it haha): https://www.msn.com/en-in/health/health-news/scientists-confirm-drinking-milk-after-eating-extra-spicy-foods-reduces-the-burning-sensation-in-the-back-of-the-throat-better-than-water-as-they-find-kool-aid-also-works/ar-AADz8Bk

Overall, thanks for your reply and your wishes, and good luck with Yr 12 too!!!! I look forward to updating about myself in the future!

This is completely irrelevant to this topic, but anyone who went to either one or both of these programs, damn, there were so many of you, and I rlly hope to either start conversing with you or catching up with you some time by pming me on ATARNotes!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 01:30:26 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2020, 01:59:32 pm »
Welcome to VCE Journals Tofu. I wonder who inspired you to start hmm.... Anyway, looking forward to seeing your updates.
2019 - Geography [41]
2020 - English, Methods, Chem, Bio and Psych [39]
2021 - 2023 Bachelor of Science at Monash

ThunderDragon's Journey to Med

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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2020, 02:23:41 pm »
Welcome to VCE Journals Tofu. I wonder who inspired you to start hmm.... Anyway, looking forward to seeing your updates.

Lmao cheers ThunderDragon, the same goes to you! ^^


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2020, 05:50:11 pm »
Disclaimer: I'm actually not going for med cuz I'm TERRIBLY bad at dealing with gore, so I can't perform dissections and other medical tasks.

I'm already deciding between two courses, so maybe I'll do BA. in the future.

That's with gore anime too? Doubt that haha. Have you thought of doing a double degree?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 05:53:44 pm by brothanathan »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2020, 08:02:48 pm »
That's with gore anime too? Doubt that haha. Have you thought of doing a double degree?

Yep, that's how bad I'm at handling with gore and anything that involves an organism's body, they scare the sh*t out of me.

Yes, I have, as aforementioned, I'm planning to do Bachelor of Science (pharmacology) and Bachelor of Engineering (probs mechatronics), but idk yet.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 08:17:40 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2020, 09:47:41 am »
Yep, that's how bad I'm at handling with gore and anything that involves an organism's body, they scare the sh*t out of me.

Yes, I have, as aforementioned, I'm planning to do Bachelor of Science (pharmacology) and Bachelor of Engineering (probs mechatronics), but idk yet.

Might be good to give this a browse  ;D  https://www.monash.edu/study/courses/find-a-course/2020/engineering-and-biomedical-science-e3004#min-entry-requirements

Better kickstart the researching, don't need to spend excessive amounts of time doing so, but you never want to realise at the last moment that you haven't met some requirement or could've have done a more suiting course! Hope your journey pans out well!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 10:23:50 am by brothanathan »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2020, 12:43:16 pm »
Might be good to give this a browse  ;D  https://www.monash.edu/study/courses/find-a-course/2020/engineering-and-biomedical-science-e3004#min-entry-requirements

Better kickstart the researching, don't need to spend excessive amounts of time doing so, but you never want to realise at the last moment that you haven't met some requirement or could've have done a more suiting course! Hope your journey pans out well!

Cheers man, but I already decided not to go for biomed cuz it involves a lot of bio, which is v heavy content, and it doesn't suit my career choice too much tbh. Already suffering a lot from bio in Yr 12 rn lmao. I was actually gonna go for biomed a long time ago, like Yr 9 I reckon, but I changed my mind in Yr 10 cuz I'm not a huge fan of bio. I'm doing bio only cuz I feel that I need bio knowledge, and that my science knowledge was already limited back then, apart from chem. Turns out that 3 & 4 bio isn't that bad tho.

What uni preferences do you have in your mind, and what do you wanna become when you graduate from uni?

~ ◊ U P D A T E S ◊ ~
I just finished my English and spesh online classes. No more online classes for the rest of the week, yay! For my school, instead of running the school schedule, we only have 2 tutorials for each subject, and one tutorial for RE (cuz I go to a Catholic school), each going for 1 hr, which is tedious, ooft. Can't imagine schools running their normal school schedules, where students and teachers sit in front of their devices for almost the whole day, darn they'll get a burnout for that, feels p bad : ( .

English was quite boring as usual, full of lecturing about 'The Lieutenant' ofc, but helpful too cuz I've picked up some more minutiae from the lesson that I didn't realise before, which would be incredibly useful for my textual response essays.

Darn, that was a fun class. We did some past VCAA short answer questions on complex numbers and implicit differentiation. I enjoyed the challenge of doing them under timed condition, and they were all tech free. Someone remind me if implicit diff is also in methods, but if it isn't, damn oh damn, nec level of diffing lmao. Feels p good about doing well at those questions overall heheh.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 01:23:05 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2020, 11:36:24 pm »
Cheers man, but I already decided not to go for biomed cuz it involves a lot of bio, which is v heavy content, and it doesn't suit my career choice too much tbh. Already suffering a lot from bio in Yr 12 rn lmao. I was actually gonna go for biomed a long time ago, like Yr 9 I reckon, but I changed my mind in Yr 10 cuz I'm not a huge fan of bio. I'm doing bio only cuz I feel that I need bio knowledge, and that my science knowledge was already limited back then, apart from chem. Turns out that 3 & 4 bio isn't that bad tho.

Was just testing you man. Nice to know you have the patience to reiterate to someone your ideas if they remembered it wrong and won't be easily influenced by some random's recommendations. It's good that your straight-thinking Tofu and have already starting envisioning what you want to do. Funny thing that the Monash double degree doesn't require Bio as a prereq but Chem as one.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 11:42:05 pm by brothanathan »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2020, 10:50:39 am »
Was just testing you man. Nice to know you have the patience to reiterate to someone your ideas if they remembered it wrong and won't be easily influenced by some random's recommendations. It's good that your straight-thinking Tofu and have already starting envisioning what you want to do. Funny thing that the Monash double degree doesn't require Bio as a prereq but Chem as one.

Ohh hahah, ig I am normally patient in repeating what I've said before, and yeah I do try to make careful judgements about something before I get influenced, so I reckon I don't get swayed that easily, but I got influenced by a close friend of mine to watch plays lmao. Also, I think it's good to develop a vision of what you wanna do in the future early, so you can worry less about your decisions in future.

Yeah, it is funny about how bio isn't a prereq, especially in biomed, but chem is. Ig that bio's easier to learn later in life than chem is, but I personally find bio harder than chem.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 02:12:35 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2020, 03:41:11 pm »
Here we go, rolling into Week 2 of online classes. I just had my online chem class 30 min ago, and I'm in the middle of my bio class, but I don't ever pay attention lol.

Oh boy, the equilibrium topic is even harder, and I'm quite confused about what's even happening in the theory, but it should be manageable once I finish jotting my notes.

Worst nightmare man. Out of all my online bio classes, I've NEVER EVER paid attention to any of them just cuz I'd rather go along with my own pace in terms of understanding the concepts, especially in note-taking. I am already behind in bio, and it is my worst subject, so I better work on it gahhhhhh. I like learning about immunity, which we're learning rn, but if you ask me anything about it, I absolutely have ZERO knowledge about it lmao. I'm struggling with bio overall, massive ooooft, but hopefully I'll get there some day............................... (Maybe I shoulda dropped bio hahahah). My class is doing Chapter 7 rn, but I'm still writing notes for Chapter 6, and I skipped my notes for Chapter 3 and 5, so I am THAT screwed.................. I can't even wait for the lesson to end, I just wanna get outta there and do my own thing without any distractions heheh. 

I've just found out that all my online SACs will be open book, which is v fair cuz if we aren't allowed notes, then there's a possibility that at least one of us will cheat. Also, they'll be in Week 6 and 11, so they would be 4 weeks from today. 

Oh yeah, btw, for BOTVCE2020, I'm rooting for either chem or psych, but I'm cheering for chem more : )

Have fun with the rest of the week y'all! ^^
« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 03:55:05 pm by mi-xao-14 »

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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2020, 05:15:06 pm »

I've just found out that all my online SACs will be open book, which is v fair cuz if we aren't allowed notes, then there's a possibility that at least one of us will cheat. Also, they'll be in Week 6 and 11, so they would be 4 weeks from today. 

Have fun with the rest of the week y'all! ^^

This is what my school has done and it has (so far) worked out extremely well. Although now that it is open book, you won't get questions like 'what is apoptosis' but rather more application-based questions to show you knowledge and skill. How does your school monitor SAC's though, do you have to have your mic and camera on?

Oh yeah, btw, for BOTVCE2020, I'm rooting for either chem or psych, but I'm cheering for chem more : )
I love chem but I love psych more, soo GO PSYCH  8)

Have a good week Tofu.
2019/2020 - Psychology | Biology | Chemistry | Methods | Further | English
2021 - Science @ Melbourne University