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Author Topic: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )  (Read 4523 times)

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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2020, 06:08:49 pm »
This is what my school has done and it has (so far) worked out extremely well. Although now that it is open book, you won't get questions like 'what is apoptosis' but rather more application-based questions to show you knowledge and skill. How does your school monitor SAC's though, do you have to have your mic and camera on?

Ahhhhh right ok. I don't know how my SACs will work, but I'm assuming that we'll have our cam and mic on? (Cuz I've heard that some other schools have done that way as well). Also, yeah ofc they wouldn't ask us simple questions, but rather application questions just cuz it's open book and we can look for answers easily.

I love chem but I love psych more, soo GO PSYCH  8)

Ahahah yeah, psych is also a great subject.

Have a good week Tofu.

Thanks and you too!! ^^


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2020, 12:25:27 pm »
Alrighty, weekend is here. I just got myself boba just cuz boba is life heheh, but dw, I'm still safe and well, and I do practise good hygiene. Updates from all my subjects:

Lol fk, I'm still v behind, ugh, I'm beyond dumb at it, massive f. I just wish that I do understand things rlly well, but nope, this doesn't happen in bio. I wish that they would remove some contents in Unit 3 bio, especially photosynthesis and cellular respiration, but realistically, they won't just cuz we're doing that unit rn, ooft. I'm glad that they've removed some contents in evolution just cuz I don't find them fun. My SAC is in Week 6, and it'll be open book since I'm doing it online, but I'm still screwed just cuz of my lack of knowledge in it.

I'm getting there. Taking notes rlly helps me understand this tricky topic. Still not up-to-date, but I'm almost there. Just need to finish the notes and do the textbook work, which will take a while, shet, and then I'm good. I don't rlly know what to say about the modified study design only cuz I've only scanned through it.

Disgusting. I hate sketching trig graphs so much, it's just a tedious task to do, so much working out: period, amplitude, range, x-int., y-int., x values at the min and max points, endpoints, fk man, I'm so done with it (and this is why I used to hate stats SO MUCH back then - too much working out --> can create more mistakes). I just wanna move on..................... I very much prefer solving thanks.............. The teacher has taught us the transformation method without doing that bunch of working out, but I hate it even more just cuz working out the points of the graph from the standard equation, i.e. sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x), to the given equation hurts my head even more. In terms of the modification of the study design, good, they've removed some probability stuff. I'm fine with probability, rlly, but I would get mixed up with the different distributions quite easily, so yeah.

Ultimate confession: my hw was due on Wednesday last week, but I still haven't submitted it, and the teacher's chasing me up about it heheheh......., ceebs taking photos of my work all the time, and I already have to do that for spesh, ughhhh.........

Calculus is great. Quite tricky, but manageable and interesting. I'm a bit behind in terms of class work, but otherwise, I'm alright for now. I'm happy that they've removed probability, which is the WHOLE AOS, DAMNNNNN! Less content means more time to study, so I better be productive this year. I gotta try finishing all my spesh work by tonight, so that I can start revising for my SAC as much as I can (calculus isn't in my SAC this time, so I can p much start revising for it already), which is in Week 8. The good news is that I get to do my SAC at school just cuz there's only 9 of us, so thank God for that, no need to push it back to probs Term 3, like methods, and get it done early!

The only subject that I'm ahead of the class by a bit. I've just finished my first practice essay on 'The Lieutenant' last night, which got me ded cuz it took quite long haha, so I'm just waiting for my teacher's feedback (it's a p long piece tho cuz I did 4 body paragraphs, which I've never done before, so good luck to her lmao). Depending on the time, I'll perhaps start another practice piece, either textual response or argumental analysis, maybe tonight or tmr? Idrk yet. My SAC is also in Week 6, but it'll be open book, so I'm good.

~ ◊ R A N D O M    U P D A T E S ◊ ~
* Still re-watching MHA'S S2 for the fourth time, that's how obsessed I am with that Anime. What Anime are you guys currently watching??
* Been watching a play every week from National Theatre. I've watched 'One Man, Two Guvnors', 'Jane Eyre', 'Treasure Island', and 'The Twelfth Night'. Out of those four, 'Jane Eyre' is my fav just cuz it's so deep and meaningful. I'm still reading the book, but haven't touched it since the week I've started my VCE journal here.
* Rn, drinking Coco rn hahah. I usually have Sharetea and Cha Cha just cuz they're one of the cheapest boba stores in my area, but I do sometimes boba from different stores: Gong Cha, Gotcha, Coco, Cha Cha, Topping Tea. Probs have given you a rough indication of where I'm from lol, but again, I won't be exposing it. What boba drinks do you like to have??
* Been catching up with my friends from youth groups, which is p nice. I don't talk to my school friends, apart from exchanging a few words with a couple of them, just cuz I don't like my school, and I'd rather stay away from it.

Also, a random question for everyone: what does it feel like to turn 18?? Mine is coming up v soon (not gonna say when), and I'm legit nervous about it. I'm nowhere near ready to become one, and I do find myself immature just cuz it's fun to play around like a child. Ik that I'd have more freedom, especially legal rights, but this would be a huge jump for me aaaaaaaaa!!!!

Otherwise, have a lovely week everyone!

mi-xao-14 : )
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 12:28:38 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2020, 05:18:19 pm »
Heyo guys!

Man, it's been pretty long since my last post, been pretty busy with Year 12. I trashed Unit 3 pretty badly, but I'm starting to improve in them and I've learnt my mistakes, so that's ok. Man, coronav. is getting a lot scarier than before, so I hope that everyone has been well and safe.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know who's doing Bachelors of Engineering + Arts OR Bachelors of Engineering + Science at Monash?? I mean I'm kinda leaning towards the first choice, but I am still stuck in this dilemma between those two choices, and VTAC opens in around a week gahhhhh!!!! Much appreciated if you guys are able to help me out with this! I look forward to seeing your replies, whether it's about this predicament, or just for a good chat : ).

From mi-xao-14 ^^
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 05:27:53 pm by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2020, 08:13:23 pm »
Welcome to VCE Journals Tofu. I wonder who inspired you to start hmm.... Anyway, looking forward to seeing your updates.

Very cool ThunderDragon!


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2020, 11:12:26 am »
Very cool ThunderDragon!

Haha yayyyy, I got a reply since ages time ago!!!! Finally gave me some hope to continue this journal after being lonely in AN for so long bahahah. I hope your Yr 12 is going well for you so far. Man, honestly, if the study design hasn't been cut, I'd be super screwed in Yr 12, feels so good about it, despite trashing in Unit 3. Sucks about how we're still in the lockdown in this pandemic of coronav., but it's better to be safe than be sorry.

~ ◊ R A N D O M    U P D A T E S    F O R    T O D A Y ◊ ~
* Imma get myself Gong Cha today, and I'll be at my 11th cup today, so that means I will get another cup for free, and give one to my parents instead of sharing one cup together whenever we have one lmao.
* Working on my bio right now, kinda suck at it, but ig I'm getting better at it. Right now, we're doing fossils stuff, not really my thing sorry. I prefer genetics stuff heaps more.
* Got an English SAC tmr, but it's point of view, so I haven't really prepared that much, except writing up a paragraph or two for my practice piece.
* I probs should go and read 'The Lieutenant' once more time just to consolidate my knowledge of that novel for text response (exam prep).
* Currently watching a Hong Kong drama in English sub on Netflix (using a friend's acc), and it's called "The Defected". A very interesting drama so far, tho one bit is messed up, i.e. it sounds p unrealistic, which is p funny (not supposed to be comical, but I just find it funny in a way), ngl lmao. I grew up watching HK dramas, but only in Viet dub. P hilarious about how I assumed that they were actually talking in Viet for the whole time when I was a kid bahahahah.

Has anyone watched Hamilton btw?? It's sooooo goooood, and I love it!!!!!! I'm still watching it for the second time on Disney+ (using another friend's acc, so nice of them to offer me to share with them, damn), and I play their OSTs almost everyday on my Spotify ahahah.

Have a good day everyone!!!!

From mi-xao-14 ^^
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 11:17:53 am by mi-xao-14 »


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2020, 11:24:40 am »
Hey Tofu!
It's okay for not feeling satisfied with your unit 3 grades, I'm sure you can make it up for Unit 4, plus it's a good learning opportunity! I'm so excited about Hamilton... I am yet to watch it because I am bogged down with SACs atm  :'( But I heard so many good reviews about it I'm so excited!!

All the best for the rest of the year :)
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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2020, 11:56:25 am »
Hey Tofu!
It's okay for not feeling satisfied with your unit 3 grades, I'm sure you can make it up for Unit 4, plus it's a good learning opportunity! I'm so excited about Hamilton... I am yet to watch it because I am bogged down with SACs atm  :'( But I heard so many good reviews about it I'm so excited!!

All the best for the rest of the year :)

Yeah, I definitely agree with you!! Got Unit 4 and exam to make it up, so I better work harder and smarter this time. I almost lost hope until when I got my mark for the third chem SAC, and that has revived me. Thank goodness.

Ah damn, ooooft, rip the SACs, yeah Hamilton is so good man!!!! I hope you'll have a chance to watch it whenever you can.

Good luck with the rest of VCE, and your future endeavours!!!!!!

mi-xao-14 ^^


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2020, 12:08:02 pm »
Good luck with your English tomorrow!


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2020, 12:15:15 am »
Good luck with your English tomorrow!

Ahahaha cheers!!!!

Damn it, I finished drinking Gong Cha at around 8 last night, and some caffeine is still inside me, lost my sleep, which is p great............... Already in bed before 11 (my typical sleeping time, I normally aim to have at least 9 hrs of sleep, but if not, almost 9 hrs, which is usual for me), but here I am, still up. Whoops, time for me to screw up my English SAC tmr, but oh well, it's only worth 10 marks out of 70, so.............

Aw mannnn, stage 4 lockdown, here we go. Instead of studying most of the time last night, I was busy with putting all my practice exams together cuz I wanna print them out tmr at school before leaving school for remote learning. Took me p long cuz I had to delete the blank pages just to reduce the number of pages that I have to print and the cost too. Will be burning so much $$ tmr from printing them out lmao, whoops, v sorry for killing our environment.................... but I can't delay myself from prepping for my exams after 6 weeks, which is almost 2 months, so not worth waiting at all. I mean I can do them electronically, but nahhh, the exams will be on paper, not online (obv), so it'd be a good practice for me. I'm kinda skeptical about online learning cuz I'm not the best at learning through it, but at the same time, I get to have more flexible learning environment. Thank goodness that the exams won't be pushed back, that's the most important thing. I just wanna finish yr 12 asap and yeet out of high school, AND HAVE MY FREEDOM FROM THE END OF NOVEMBER!!!!!!

Alright, I should go back to sleep now, goodnight everyone, and good luck with surviving in this tougher restriction!!!!! It will defs be a lot tougher than ever, but we got this because we're in the same boat!!!!

mi-xao-14 ^^


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2020, 08:17:06 am »
Hey, good luck for your english! I totally feel you about the guilt for destroying the environment haha
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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2020, 12:04:37 pm »
Hey, good luck for your english! I totally feel you about the guilt for destroying the environment haha

Thanks a lot heaps!!!!! And yep yep, I do feel guilty about it hahah, oops.


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2020, 10:39:21 pm »
Hey! I hope English went well!
2020: Biology [43]
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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2020, 06:27:50 pm »
Hey! I hope English went well!

Hello! Ty ty!!!! I p much cruised it lmaoooo. I barely did any planning, only like a line or two, then I just straight away wrote up my piece along with my head, like yeet it hahaha. I reckon that I did well, hopefully, given that I improvised it most of the time lol.

~ ◊ 𝒖 𝒑 𝒅 𝒂 𝒕 𝒆 𝒔 ◊ ~

P meh, doing comparative rn, and I'm still reading the novel, so I am v behind, yikesssss. I also need to read 'The Lieutenant' again, which I have yet to do, and complete one practice essay just to prepare for my exam. Not sure what else to say, honestly.

Still behind, I need to revise the topic of manipulation of DNA and bio application for my upcoming SAC, and also Unit 3 stuff, which I haven't even done, shet. Doing evolution tings rn, no clue about determining the relatedness of species, gotta revise it again.

Nearly done with my assigned textbook work. I haven't rlly revised for Unit 3 stuff, so I better do that too. NMR spec stuff killed me so hard at first, but then after going through it with a friend, I kinda do get it, just need to do some note-taking and textbook work, then I'm good ig.

Already revised my Unit 3 stuff, p much the only subject that I'm ahead of. Will be starting probability next week.

Quite behind, where I'm a chapter behind (working on vectors), oooooft, still doing the textbook work, and the class is like at the end of vector functions gahhhhh. I also need to revise my Unit 3 stuff.

Uh, nothing much rlly, apart from having boba yesterday. I'm SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY that Sharetea isn't closed, my mum went out to do some shopping and got me Sharetea for me thankfully, so idk whether Gong Cha and other boba places are closed or not. Looks like that I'll be stuck in the house for the next 6 weeks, which is great................................... (not). I rlly should reduce even more distractions just to focus on my work, which I have, cuz I'm already behind in almost everything, and luckily I'm not losing that much motivation over the lockdown, tho I am bored at the same time lol.

Aight, good chat. Have fun over the next 5-ish weeks.

mi-xao-14 ^^


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Re: mi-xao-14 AKA Tofu's VCE Journey : )
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2020, 10:10:02 pm »
Oop, and I forgot about a couple of other updates:

* I do follow I-LAND, and am a huge fan of it, tho I've only watched like 2 or 3 eps only cuz I don't want to drag myself into the trap of the heat in the show, and it's already super intense after watching the first few eps, given that I'm in a busy circumstance rn as a yr 12. However, I do find out who remains / enters the I-LAND and who stays / gets sent into the GROUND by looking up articles about them heheh, so yes, I like spoilers, unlike many ppl. I rlly love both of their songs, 'Into the I-LAND' and 'I&credible', such smart titles, and I rlly enjoy all of their performances, and they've grown throughout out the first part of the show. I am also super hypedddddd for BTS' special appearance in the first ep of the second part of the show aaaaaaaa!!!!

Fun fact: one of the contestants is Australian, and his name is Jake! Man, I am sooooooooo nervous about the other 6 ppl who make it to the second part of the show asjeaowejpsgjdapsojdf!!!!

* I can't wait for BTS' English single, which is called 'Dynamite', and it'll be released on 21st August at 11 pm KST, I think, so it would be at 12 am on 22nd August here, just 16 days to goooooo gahhhhhhh!!!!