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Author Topic: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)  (Read 21579 times)

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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2020, 05:22:49 pm »
Hey all!

So I've got my ext maths test on Thursday currently prepping for that...
We've also just started Mod B (TS Eliot) in english, and I'm actually excited! (excited for english?!  :o  ;) Ik, crazy)

Not much else going on, but its slowly sinking in just how close we are till HSC - and until yr 12's over.

Here are just some thoughts I've had.

It's already week 5 - trials is next term week 3, and after that is the HSC. It's actually so scary to think that what we've been working towards is so close. I'm not solely talking about the exams/ATAR side, but also the fact that highschool is almost over!

So much pressure is put on to this year, everyone says its gonna be the best year of your life, the most important year, and so on. But I don't just want to finish year 12 with a good ATAR; I want to improve personally and finish high school as a better person. Things like exercise, work ethic, communication skills, learning to deal with stress are all just as important as HSC, or at least I feel they should be.

Because if you finish with a good mark, then what? That will help you get to uni but what are you gonna do once you're there?
I guess these skills, in a sense, are in preparation for the world after school.

Also, I've noticed when I do shift my focus to things like mindfulness and exercise, then studying becomes so much easier because there's less stress and less pressure.

It's all perspective - it's easy to see HSC as the most important thing this year, and yes it is important, but I don't think it should be the absolute priority. It's not the be all end all, and finishing HSC having grown as a person is going to be so much more worthwhile than a good ATAR.

I think it's important to aim for both. So I'm definitely going to be focusing on that more and (trying) to keep perspective.

Also I'm honestly so so excited to go to uni, (I'm hoping to get into ADFA), especially the new challenges and opportunities it will bring! This also really helps with the perspective thing - once I get to uni, I know the HSC won't really matter, but the person you become once you finish will!

Just my meanderings :)

Let me know what yous think!

and here's a reminder:
"Life is simple. We just have to change our perspective."
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2020, 09:26:15 pm »
Hey Viktoriak,

I find this post hella relatable, it's almost unthinkable that in a few months time, we'll all walk out of high school for the last time and into a whole new lifestyle. (Especially if you're moving interstate)

I think your attitude towards the HSC is amazing, this is what school really should be about - becoming a better person, not simply getting a big number at the end of the year. If everyone had that mindset, we wouldn't have cheating and a whole lot of other toxic behavior. I think that the HSC really doesn't encourage this enough and is kinda badly designed for cooperation with rankings and scaling, but that's another thing. It is important to keep things in perspective though, a bad ATAR won't stop you by any means, but it also makes life a whole lot easier.

I have some friends who want to get into ADFA, and from what I've heard, it sounds perfect for you since they combine military training and academics to produce really well rounded officers. But wherever you go, I don't doubt that you'll be fine with that mindset.

Looking forward to hearing more from this journal, it has a lot of potential!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 09:28:19 pm by Justin_L »
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2020, 02:52:47 pm »
Hey Viktoriak,

I find this post hella relatable, it's almost unthinkable that in a few months time, we'll all walk out of high school for the last time and into a whole new lifestyle. (Especially if you're moving interstate)
Yeah crazyyy!

I think your attitude towards the HSC is amazing, this is what school really should be about - becoming a better person, not simply getting a big number at the end of the year. If everyone had that mindset, we wouldn't have cheating and a whole lot of other toxic behavior. I think that the HSC really doesn't encourage this enough and is kinda badly designed for cooperation with rankings and scaling, but that's another thing. It is important to keep things in perspective though, a bad ATAR won't stop you by any means, but it also makes life a whole lot easier.

Thank you! I totally agree - there is a huge focus on ranks and competing when we should really be helping each other learn. I guess that's a fault of the whole education system though, not much we can do about it...
And yeah, saying all that I did, it is still important to work hard + stay focused - like you said, a good ATAR will make things easier, and potentially save a lot of time with getting into the uni course you want.

Thank you again for sharing your view and your kind words :))

Best of luck with your HSC journey!
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2020, 08:48:31 pm »
3/6/20 - Term 2, Week 6
So I haven't updated this for about a week I think. And so much has happened, I'm sorry if this ends up being a mini narrative :-\
I'll chuck my non school stuff in this box:
So this week I finished my physics depth study! Only chem to go now woop.

I'm currently in the middle of my ADFA application (started it in Feb). I have mild asthma, and they had to test me for it because it's a requirement of Defence. Note that I've never had a problem w asthma - never had an asthma attack in my life, never really needed to use my puffer, except in Winter when it's cold or I'm sick.

I did a spirometry for it a while ago (you basically blow into a tube and they measure your lung capacity), and I passed. I also had to do a BPT yesterday which is a (really uncomfortable) asthma test. Basically, they make you inhale increasingly higher dosages of a drug called Mannitol which mimics asthma symptoms. Then you do a bunch of spirometries to see how reactive your airways are. Ngl, it was pretty hard to breathe after like the 3rd/4th dose, and I got wheezy. Also this was the WORST I've ever experienced my asthma, but then again that's what the drug's meant to do I suppose.

The nurse said I have moderate asthma. I got pretty freaked after that because she was all like, "idk if this is the end of the road for you, or if defence has changed their policies...". I would be gutted if after all this I can't get into ADFA because of my lungs. Which don't even affect me much. Anyway, nothing I can do about it, will just have to wait for defence to get back to me. Likely, they will put me on a puffer for 3 months, then I have to do the test again. Fingers crossed...

Yeah so I was pretty upset about that but it also kinda woke me up - I really really need to shift my focus to exercise. Especially if I'm planning to go to the military. I'm gonna start being more strict w my routine - especially with running + swimming (I haven't gone swimming in soooo long, but it would be fun to start again :D) because that's supposed to help with asthma! Yeah, basically I don't have much control over my asthma (and no control over what the adf decides), but I'm gonna try my best in what I can control. Obviously continuing to work hard at school as well ;D Not giving up! Sorry for the rant btw, had to get that out...

And here's the specific subjects:
I had my maths ext test last week, it was actually pretty good! I definitely could have done more practice, but content-wise it was fine, I just ran out of time towards the end and couldn't finish the projectile motion question. Which is kinda annoying because I knew how to do it haha. Overall pretty happy tho. Now we're just learning the content for trials!

Physics... I finished my depth study on Monday, worked on it all weekend, stayed up till 2 am on Sunday, and still handed it in 3 minutes before it was due on Monday morning :o. I think I did ok, but it the instructions + marking criteria were vague, so it depends how the teachers decide to mark it. Now we're doing mod 7, and I'm basically teaching myself again aha. My teacher isn't good at teaching the topic initially, I usually have to teach myself. But once you have a basic understanding, she's really good at answering questions + giving detailed responses.

Currently doing a depth study, it's a group task. My group is good, everyone knows what their doing so we'll get through it. We have to research a heap of stuff then make a presentation which gets a group mark. We each present one slide + our own individual research, and get an individual mark based on communication skills. Hopefully we'll do good - that's the thing I don't like about assignments, you never fully know what the teacher's want. With tests it's easy if you prepare well because it's all content + everything is in the syllabus. It's a lot less vague (unless it's english ahah)

We're basically just continuing with T.S. Eliot, not anything too interesting but I'm actually enjoying the poems! :)

Aaand that's all I have for today! Thank you to anyone who got through my post  ;D

Quote of the post! "One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change."
HSC '19: IPT
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2020, 08:43:46 pm »
Sounds like you've had a busy few weeks! It must feel good to keep ticking off assignments and exams - each one you complete is one step closer to being finished all together!

Definitely get your frustration about the asthma testing for the ADF! I applied for their gap year program a few years ago and had similar concerns with childhood asthma and other little picky things. From memory, I think asthma was only an issue if you were applying for a "flying" position (e.g. pilot, flight attendant), so if that's not you, hopefully it will turn out just fine!  :)
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2020, 07:16:13 pm »
Sounds like you've had a busy few weeks! It must feel good to keep ticking off assignments and exams - each one you complete is one step closer to being finished all together!
Yep, it's definitely very rewarding to be getting through assessments, actually just handed in my chem depth study too ;D

Definitely get your frustration about the asthma testing for the ADF! I applied for their gap year program a few years ago and had similar concerns with childhood asthma and other little picky things. From memory, I think asthma was only an issue if you were applying for a "flying" position (e.g. pilot, flight attendant), so if that's not you, hopefully it will turn out just fine!  :)

That's so cool you did the gap year program! I'm curious, what did you go for, and how did you find it?
I'm applying for civil engineering (so not a flying position), hopefully they aren't too strict about the asthma...
HSC '19: IPT
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2020, 08:04:16 pm »
That's so cool you did the gap year program! I'm curious, what did you go for, and how did you find it?
I'm applying for civil engineering (so not a flying position), hopefully they aren't too strict about the asthma...


I didn't end up doing the program, because I really wanted to get a flight crew attendant position, but was ruled out for that because of the childhood asthma thing. I thought about continuing as an aircraft technician, but decided that it wasn't really for me.

Civil engineering is cool though! It would be quite cool to be paid to study, and have a guaranteed job at the end!
2018: HSC

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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2020, 08:34:50 pm »

I didn't end up doing the program, because I really wanted to get a flight crew attendant position, but was ruled out for that because of the childhood asthma thing. I thought about continuing as an aircraft technician, but decided that it wasn't really for me.

Civil engineering is cool though! It would be quite cool to be paid to study, and have a guaranteed job at the end!
Ahh ok, that's a shame... everything happens for a reason tho hey

Yeah I'm pretty keen for civil engineering! I actually applied for both airforce and army, but I might not be able to do army anymore. I'm still waiting to hear about the asthma; if they put me on a 3 months trial then that will end around September, but I still have to do the OSB.

The last OSB's for the 2021 intake are in the October holidays. For army, I have to wait until the asthma gets cleared (because there's a physical component in the OSB), meaning it would most likely be too late to apply for 2021 (I would miss the OSB). For airforce, you don't have to wait for the medical. I have airforce as my second preference, but I decided I'm going to try get booked into an airforce OSB as soon as possible, hopefully I can get an offer for airforce 2021. I don't really have a solid back up plan yet (other than applying for USYD/UNSW), because I'm really set on ADFA.

I know I should prepare for the chance I don't get in... Anyway it's important not to give up.
HSC '19: IPT
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2020, 09:29:01 pm »
11/6/20 - Term 2, Week 7
Hey guys, finally got around to updating this journal yay!!

School is alright at the moment - I handed in my chem depth study on Monday, I was pretty happy with it, so we'll see how it goes.
And that's all my term 2 assessments done, now for trials!

To be honest, I'm not super worried about trials (for the moment anyway, this will probably change...), but I've been thinking a lot about my ADFA application. This might be a bit long so I'll chuck it in a box:
So I still haven't heard back about the asthma thing - I called recruiting today, and the nurse said they received the report from the asthma test, so I just have to wait for the doctor's to make a decision... yikes. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but guessing by other people's experiences, they'll put me on a 3 month trial of meds then ask me to redo the test. I didn't really have a problem with this, but last night it occurred to me that 3 months is a LONG time.

Long story short, I still have to do an OSB (a round of interviews in Canberra - these are only held in the school holidays for ADFA so they don't affect your HSC. The last ones for the 2021 intake are in the October holidays, but you have to do a separate one for each service.) I've applied for civil engineering in both the army and the airforce. I had army as my first preference. The army OSB requires the medical things to be cleared - meaning I need to wait until my asthma is cleared. After 3 months, I would miss the last OSB opportunity and it would be too late. However, the air force OSB doesn't require you to have medical cleared prior to sitting it.

Long story short, I'm hoping to get an air force OSB booked asap, so I can secure a spot for ADFA next year. Most likely, I would have to do this OSB during the October holidays (right before HSC ahhhh!!!!). That's ok though.

I guess I'm just worried that what if after all this hard work, time and energy I've put in (and will continue to put in) to my application, what if I don't get accepted. What if they fail my asthma or I don't pass my interviews... I doubt I would fall short of the ATAR (it's only 85), but that's also a possibility.

ahhhh  :'(

SO yeah, idk. I know it's out of my control, and all I can do is try hard at school, keep my fitness up, keep contacting DFR and trying to push my application. I'm also scared of what if I go to USYD or another civilian uni, then regret not going to ADFA. Or what if I go to ADFA thru airforce, then regret not going through army?? I've been thinking soooo much about all this. Bottom line is, I can't regret missing out on something which I tried my best to achieve. If I don't get into ADFA knowing that I couldn't have done anything different, then so be it. Aaand this is so much easier said than done! I KNOW I would be devastated if I don't get in, but for now, I will keep my options open and keep trying really really hard and doing everything I can to increase my chances of getting in.

This goes out to anyone else also applying for uni, especially if you have a fixed goal in mind - it's so easy to get set on that one goal (I know I certainly am...), and let it consume your mind. Literally I don't even want to consider other options (I know I will have to, better to plan and be prepared) because it means I have to consider the unwanted possibility of me not getting in to where I want to go. And that's painful, who wants to look at the negative! We just gotta be smart and plan for the worst...

So even though this application process is stressful and uncertain and scary, I'm gonna keep pushing through. Don't give up guys! Feels good to write + reflect on all this :) Just gotta keep pushing on.

And for the rest of my subjects! We also got our rankings so Imma include those.

Rank - 9th (how did this happen!! :o)
Still continuing with T.S. Eliot. The poems are pretty good, I'm enjoying them. I will need to read more perspectives though, I feel my understanding is still too basic and superficial - definitely not enough for an the in-depth analysis required in essays. I haven't been putting enough time into english, that's for sure. I know I need to do my homework, but my teacher doesn't give great feedback, and often I end up working on chemistry or physics. I think tomorrow and over the weekend I'm gonna put more time into english - this rank is definitely motivating me (at no point in my life did I expect to be coming 9th in english lol, I know it's not 1st but considering I'm more a science/maths student...). Not keen for the back-to-back paper 1 and paper 2 tho  :-\

Advanced - 14th. Extension - 17th.
In advanced, we've just started statistics. Got heaps to learn. In extension, we've just finished differential equations and will be moving on to extension statistics once the advanced stuff is covered. I know I have to work really hard for both extension and advanced to pull my ranks up - trials are gonna be really important!!

Rank - 4th (my last test really pulled it up!)
Really enjoying chem at the moment! We're continuing with Mod 7, definitely still heaps of stuff to get through (no way we will finish the syllabus before trials...). I'm hoping to come 1st eventually in chem. My depth study task wasn't actually included in the ranks, so hopefully that pulled it up a bit. Of course, I've got trials to pull the rank up even more.

Rank - 4th
Physics is also really cool atm because we're learning similar stuff to chem! The chem depth study was about the spectroscopy stuff in Mod 8. The physics mod 7 has a lot of similar concepts, so it's really cool to be able to learn the same thing from two perspectives. Considering I want to be an engineer, I think I should really focus on physics. Hopefully my physics depth study will pull my rank up, but I wasn't super confident with what I handed in, so we'll see I guess. The trial is a good opportunity to boost my rank tho. I don't mind if its physics or chemistry but I want to rank 1st in at least one of them after trials are over  ;D
So yeah that's what's going on atm... I feel this is really relevant:

"Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success." - Arianna Huffington.

It's really important to learn from your mistakes and use them to motivate you - keep trying again and don't give up :)
Best of luck to anyone reading this!
HSC '19: IPT
HSC '20: chem, phys, maths 3U, eng adv.


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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2020, 10:20:26 am »
Hey Viktoriak_ , it sounds like you're really enjoying school atm, and your ranks are great! Good luck for your AFDA application - I really hope you get the opportunity to go there!
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2020, 03:31:36 pm »
Thank you! :)
HSC '19: IPT
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2020, 08:07:26 pm »
Hey everyone!
This is gonna be a super quick update...
School has been REALLY busy atm (as expected).

We're really behind in our chem syllabus, so my teacher has been moving at a lightning pace - extra morning classes/lunch classes, we did esterification in TWO lessons ahh. So I've been frantically trying to catch up on chemistry homework haha

We're getting our maths extension test back tomorrow - i get the impression (from the teachers) that it was really poorly done. Expecting a low mark - especially since I didn't finish the test  :-\

Haven't been doing nearly as much english as i should. I think last week i only did 1 hour of english outside of school. Ah well. I guess this is why prioritising is important lol

Physics, like chem, (although not to the same extent), is going really fast. We're still doing mod 7. I've been writing notes for trials though, almost finished my mod 6 notes so that's pretty good!

So yeah - trials are coming up and there's heaps of study to do yikes!

I also managed to get my air force OSB (interviews) booked for ADFA . It's via skype which should be interesting. It's in the first week of the holidays, which is really soon (and there's so much content to know and prepare for!!), but I'm glad it's at the start of the holidays because then after I can focus fully on trials  ;D
The thing with OSB is they put you on a 'national order of merit' meaning they rank you against everyone else who does an OSB (kinda like ATAR haha), and you don't find out if you got in or not until all the OSB's are over, which is in October. But then again, the ATAR comes in December, so I won't really find out if I got offered a position until then... Just gotta try my best and hope it works out woop

Good luck to anyone reading this - have a good Monday night and rest of the week!!
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2020, 07:58:37 am »
Holidays - 5/7/20
Haven't updated in over 2 WEEKS. My apologies... But it's finally the holidays!

About my ADFA application:
I've started the 3 month asthma trial (I'm taking a puffer), then after I'll go on a BPT to test if it's well controlled. so that should be fun :-X. Also have my RAAF OSB on Tuesday (interview), which is kinda scary ngl - but doing heaps of prep atm ;D. I will update on how it goes.

School. TRIALS are coming up :o
I'm not super nervous, but I won't be starting any real study until after my interview for ADFA, so after Tuesday... For some reason, I actually perform better when I have a shorter amount of time to study. I jump straight to the more efficient study techniques i.e. summarising, practicing, and really understanding everything. And somehow it sticks in my head better! So hopefully I can pull that off this time haha

We got some assessment marks back so this is how each of my subjects are going:

Current rank: 5th
Haven't done any trial prep yet. I know this is highly discouraged - but how many of you memorise your essays? I was thinking of memorising my essays for the modules (my school is only testing us on Mod A and B in the trials :)) ), and then practicing 'tweaking' them to multiple exam questions... I don't trust myself to produce a quality, unmemorised essay to an unseen question  :P

Current ADV rank: 14th EXT: 17th
Ahhh maths. My most neglected subject... I just don't practice enough. I used to enjoy maths heaps (all through primary school, up to year 10), but now I enjoy sciences much more. Maybe it's just because I'm not doing as well. I know the content, but can never finish a paper... Will be doing heaps of timed practice

Current rank: 1st
Really motivated to study physics now and keep my rank ;D
The teachers said the trial may also have year 11 content in it, so gonna have to revise that too... We're being tested on Mod 5, 6, 7 (first 3 inquiry questions), and 1st inquiry question of mod 8.
I have to teach myself the last bit of mod 7, which should be fine. We haven't learned Mod 8 yet (I taught myself the 1st inquiry question when we did our depth study), I think the teachers are planning to teach it during the first week when we go back to school - right before trials. Talk about last minute :-\

Current rank: 4th
So I thought I would do better in chemistry ranking wise. But we haven't gotten our depth study marks back yet, so we'll see how that affects it. I actually enjoy physics more, just because there's less content. **This is probably a good thing considering I want to do engineering haha. Gotta do heaps of chemistry work though, I'm behind in the content. Anyone else feel like mod 7 just draaags on? It's so so much content and so much memorising. Got 2 weeks to get it sorted...

So overall I'm pretty keen - I keep telling myself "after my ADFA interview, I will be calm", or "after trials, HSC will be a breeze". Truth is, yes it'll be great having accomplished those things, but there's always gonna be something to stress about. Mental health first!! Out of curiosity - how do you all stay calm and cope with stress?

Also mention that last week was my little sister's birthday (she's 2 :o), and today's her party! For some reason, I procrastinate less when I study while people are over. ;D

Sending good vibes and good luck to you all
--> also congrats to anyone who finished reading this, here's a gold star 🌟                                 
« Last Edit: July 05, 2020, 02:12:28 pm by Viktoriak_ »
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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2020, 11:19:10 am »
Good luck for your interview! I'm sure you'll do great. You seem to be on top of the school game, I wish you the best for Trials! Happy belated birthday to your sister :)
2020 HSC: English Advanced, Modern History, Legal Studies, Japanese Beginners, Society and Culture, History Extension


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Re: Hoping for a HSC Viktory... (hsc '20 journal)
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2020, 02:13:56 pm »
Good luck for your interview! I'm sure you'll do great. You seem to be on top of the school game, I wish you the best for Trials! Happy belated birthday to your sister :)

Thank you so much, good luck with your trials too!
HSC '19: IPT
HSC '20: chem, phys, maths 3U, eng adv.