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Author Topic: Night Owl with Morning Classes  (Read 4095 times)

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Night Owl with Morning Classes
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:49:46 pm »
Hey everyone,

I have a bit of a dilemma. So, I've been staying up pretty late recently to finish off schoolwork since I'm most productive at night. Issue is, I have 8AM morning classes most days, which means I either have to go to school tired or lose out on my most productive time. As I start heading into assessments, I'm afraid this is going to become an issue for me.

Does anyone else have a similar issue, or any recommendations about ways I can change up my schedule? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Re: Night Owl with Morning Classes
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2020, 11:23:13 pm »
You are not alone trust me!!!!!
If you bedtime is still in a resonable range, for instance you go to bed at 1/2 in the morning, you can slowly start to push back when you go to sleep and wake up until you get to a time that suits you.
Here is an example:
Day 1
Bedtime: 1:30, Wakeup 9:30
Day Two
Bedtime: 1:15, Wakeup 9:15
Day Three
Bedtime: 1:00, Wakeup 9:00.

You can go as fast or slow as you like, meaning you can do it in 15 minutes like I have in the example, or 10 minutes or half an hour. I wouldn't go to extreme like an entire hour though.
I think the hardest part is just getting to sleep, and this is were it's awesome to set up a night time routine.
For me, 45 minutes before bed is when I turn off all screens and what not and calm down for bed. I don't do anything crazy like make a cup of tea, but I generally just sit in bed doing a relaxing activity that doesn't involve tech. This could be reading, but it can also be just listing to some music.
Find what works for you and stick with it, develop a routine that fits you and continue with it.
I also find that if I wear myself out during the day, e.g a physical activity or just plain working hard can help in getting to sleep easier.

I wish you good luck!
(also my other method if your routine is just soo out of wack, i'm talking bed at 7am in the morning and waking up at 8pm at night, then I would just keep pushing myself by staying up later and later until you push your cycle back to a normal routine).
There are some great articles on getting a good night routine and bring your sleep back into order. Otherwise I hope you like coffee.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 12:11:04 am by Geoo »
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Re: Night Owl with Morning Classes
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2020, 11:18:43 am »
Definitely used to struggle with this. You have to gradually work yourself back to an earlier bed time and just be strict in maintaining that. Like Geoo said, try to limit screen time before you go to bed. Don't drink anything with caffeine after 6-7pm, and try not to eat before going to bed. Find a relaxing activity to do before bedtime - for me this is reading and knitting. Find some calming music to really get you in a chill mood. I sometimes put audio books on to help me fall asleep.

Big thing as well is to not beat yourself up and stress if you can't actually get to sleep. Sometimes you'll struggle to sleep and that's that - sometimes you just have to deal with a bad night's sleep.
Try also adjusting your morning routine - can you do some quick exercise to help wake you up? Splash your face with cold water, etc. etc.

Honestly it's just a matter of practice. I used to be a night owl then had to adjust to starting at 8am because that's when physios start - now I'm used to it and actually like starting at 8 and feel really productive in the mornings! Unsure how old you are but I've also found it to be much easier to get up earlier and actually function as I've gotten older - I definitely couldn't have done it as a teenager lol.


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Re: Night Owl with Morning Classes
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2020, 04:19:42 pm »
Thanks guys! Some great tips, luckily my sleep schedule isn't too messed up so I'll just try and ease back slowly. The main thing is probably gonna be keeping it up during the weekend when I don't have mandatory classes on.
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